The Goderich Star, 1930-06-26, Page 2PAU TWO - `_-n . poundpounds increase in • n alone 19.st- Nye weeks !!SA TEA 'Fresh from the Gens*. M 4. Vatican Strikes at Premier. I41,d Strickland, premier of Mal- ta, upon whores lite an attempt was tirade recently, has been t charged in, • w; aVatican 'white paper with the, CMS of all religious difficulties in the inland of Malta. The white payer which was made public last. :Saturdays, indicates to the llritish Government that it must deal with Lord Striekland if it would solve the problems Con- cerning which Britain recently issued a "blue book." Lord Strickland, who arrived in London on June ld foe a conference on the Malta political si- tuation, is charged with -taking "the attitude of a good Catholic . before the people.„ do:raring himself persona pita at t,;e Moly .See, while at (ie TILS GODEI UG I STAR p,.lrek of Si "Pial, Mlle a,.3 ij �il7,n.: Every longing wee in nee. Ti ey Eakie ;swim ll of Ste eiache, :Yore,, -tie tie :axle lesion -tee ee trete gee - young judges. I. a teeepe =mew eoutlr>irerd All, three are winners freer -might- from ;luglea, bl eeeteetsiree nambeeing abut f,,ett i Indian lieiela a Vaehed flat' in .all puTvince3 of rho B©irtiniou fi1nd Rem asststeri the 13rithei rat,tl.eri= were• oelectc i last Winter at the Rey- ties nn molest y;re.cntieg the boldoeg cf: al (Toronto) Winter Fair fgora pants a neeeeeeeei• eissnned -4 the Router 9 of vane a sent by the various -Oahe sProvincial Cengrese in se-reeatby with 1.7 menioexs of the loth ,t"arinsal En- tice, who were impezeened for rdieebey- ing eiders in sa rest at Peshawar io eentinuone was the &Ionzape ar that • fvolenteera were sent out to beat drures and annouuoo that tate lardcea- Elea weillci be hc1<e, some other ,Darr. ' Elaborate police erraegenteute had from coast to cee9t, Spain. Rite Back It was xelilalsl:, repertcd foram Me. larger Liners for Canada Amplifying iiia otic., arlei a the lad "cams o£ the Lilapreee of Pt,riteiaa Lent weer„ 'teem he intimated haat there would be more Canadian Paeifue been -,lade. flip &lilt on the Clyde, E. W. Beat ty, chairman and lireaadent af' 'the Canadian iodic Ilailwey tend Steam - oleo Lire;., ctAted that "Super Du:li- essee" end me:neer "Erapreae" of the Anne typoae tho Munroetee Breein were lioaciiiiilitice of the net too ezar diet -u t future. Mr. Beatty arrived borne from Eatglaiel on the new stea- mer EmprLeee of japan. Egypt's Parliamentary Trouble;; 'Scinali Sidly Pala, member of the "Ittelaudi&t" or King's party, under- tarring to salvo Egypt's grave nen 'cabinet oriole, lion completed con- struction of a new ministry to replace that of the resigned Mustapha Naltne Pas]iti, The new ministry has: yet to face the overwhelming Wa£dist mayority in Parliament. Without Wei'dist support no government could consti- tutionally live for a single day, end according to party alignment the Weld is strictly opposed to the Itte- bedists. U.fi. Envoy Approved NEW CABINET MINISTER Imo United. States Senate has sip• proved the nomination ofr Hanford W F.. Kay, w'ho leas been appointed 1 acNidor, sof 'Iowa, former Assistant . M1n sten without I' itt£olio in the ie • Secretary of War to be Minister to eral Cabinet. . f S B lch Re ' Iowa et Boost for inpira ade 11/ Vtow'ilacie deagetroa l., Weary mane seem .Boit sued tyre deg is,brightened whet you twee Wrigley's with vote Its sugar peps you up. Its: 4licious «avec ecida to say Canada over the personal abje;:tionee -'- - o w nwr . roe ai , Pn , ► and the charge that MacNider lead "1 predict a great inerease in the. led "drunken rabbles" et .American volume of trade between the -different Legion conventions. . parts of the : Empire in the near fut- seine time continuing his work of The nomination was genera -led tire, said the Hon. J. M. Fenton, Au oppoititistn to the bishops and clergy." without a record vote, and with only, tratian Federal Minister of Trade and arid that as a result of the Ameri- Ilrookhart casting his vote in the a Customs, on .his return home from e can tariff, the Spsniah tobteeeo iron- negative, overthrowing the tradition . trig to England. ''Iovee trade within opoly held decided to ean;el its colt- that senatorial 'courtesy will prevent the Empire, however, is a long way t • r ti traets with the United Stoles cam the confirmation of anyone who is op panics for importation of .:t'Anieriean 'Posed .by the senator • from his state. talbeee►i into Spain. 1t welts oleo •en. Coranumists Rise in Argentine derxtaod the cabinet committee ay- Train service into Bolivia across 'pointed to study, the new American the Argentine border et Lit Quiweh toff intended to propose changes of was ;interrupted by the uprising in the Present trade arrangements be. southern. Bolivia. Tho rebel cam - ahead," declared Mr. Fenton. `"My investiugationa1 have led ins to believe that such a policy is impracticable, and this view was confirmed by many persons whom 1 meet abroad." British Corrissio.iers Confer British truce ronxriiissioners . to 'ween Sporn and the United States. runlet 'band, led by Roberto Hina- Canada will meet in conference in lora: laomixed bxidfies and raFilawaY pertaining o e a Minastra n, Three Canadian lads.have sailed for Villazon, reports from Tupixa said. with Particular reference to the sew England to -represent their ountry at '1 United States•.correspondent, ate British li ferentiat tariffs brought Canadian Youth,ii Honored Toronto this wee th discuss fixable trucks north of the border town of the international cattle judging colt .diving at La Quiace on ache interna - test to be held in Britain. Clifford tional trainen route for Bolivia, Daldwiek of Barrie, Ont., Cedric Kirk- found the town frilled with refugees. • t S fOI TY .W0:fin ., Right Fielder - 114e Built of the Club MIGIiGAN' INURED BALL TEAM VS. COLURED CHAMPIONS The Whiskers are Set to win . of the $I000OO Prize Bat the oIoreLI Boys say come and see them try ..and do it. Stands erected to seat 2,000 pi 1 ii 11 u First Game Starts 2 p.rn. ADMISSION Adults, $Oc Children, 25c �e Big End RLIAltIN S Speedy leltottetele in by the. Dunning budget. The new tariffs are already making a differ- ence in British trade with the Domin- ion,:aseordfng.to A. M Wiseman, commissioner .for •pronto. lie had figures whieh showed that there were a larger number of Britishmanufac- turere visiting Canada this year then ever.before, all of whom were an- xitariouslyffsseeking advice on the new . a Segrave's 'Record Stands The International Motor Union has officially, ,confirmed the speed attain ed by the late Major Sir Henry Se - grave at Lake Windermeree just be - tore a Patel accident cost his life,' as the world's ,unlimited water record. The speed confirmed was 85.7 naut- ical Miles an hour,' or 98..7 miles an hour. Cuba -Canada New, . Treaty After three years of negotiation Cuba and Canada have arrived at an agreement upon a. parcel post treaty,. and, the document will be signed in a short time, .according'to an anounce- meat akroni. the 'tate• iieepartment. no principal point. ;, of difference which delayed the two governments in a parcel post treaty has been the insistence of Cuba that manufactured tobacco shall be admitted for ship - !twat into ,Canada. 'Are Dpniinion yielded this point, the Cuban State Department said. King's Unclo Favors Canada "There have probably. been no greater openings at any time in the world for y'oun',s men prepared to work than.tuose. presented by Canada 'WNW' declared the: Duke of Conn neaugrht, former Governor-General .o3` Canada, in his address at Wellington College, C"rowthorne, England. Tee Duke ~suggested that parents as well as boys might do well -to con• eider the opportunities of the Bonin. hue Those who went to Canada were able to feel that they were not going to a foreign country, but to a halti imbued With the same, ideas of loyal. ty as, the Mother *Country. ' King Alfonso, Receives Advice King Alfonso dis'eussed the political situation in SIAM in detail with San. lingo Alba, former, Liberal Premier, exiled to France at the beginning of the Primo do Rivera dictatorship. fin an interview with the press in Paris later, the Liberal statesman said he felt it was his• patriotie duty to dig• ells with the Xing present conditions in Spain "in order to renovate peace- fully but radically in its diifcront "`..••RMMMW w... s'iti'RsDA�, ,IIyN! " ilr, 198* The Men's Store Worth While High-class Haberdashery and Hand Tailoring Phone 2 I 9 CHAS. BLACK THE SQUARE, GODERICU • Yore ego. warelicd to , third term in Administration of. the Peov.in e. • last week. Followers aai Premier J. E. Brownlee, who Heid 43 of 60 seats is the het Aosembly, were sextain al eral Cabinet. A New Commissionership The closer anion o£ Britain'" three Bast Afrecan territories --Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika—is envis- aged by a White paper issued by the British Government. The enbjeet of union has been in the air sipee the war, when Britain, accepted the League of IvTetions" mandato for Tan- ganyika, anyika, the former German East Africa. The Government proposes' eventually to appoint a liligh Core. missioner to supervise the three ter. ritories. Ile would be assisted by a Legislative Council composed of an equal number of representatives cf all three. He would else be perman• • ent Chairman of the 'Conference of Governors, and would be empowered to vote or initiate any legislative mea sure, .subject to the approval or eon- �^ sent of the Secretary of State for Colonial affairs, New Brunswick Election Results The Conservative Government led by. Ron. J. B. M. Baxter was victor- ious .in the Provincial general election held in New Brunswick last week„ Complete results gave the Govern--- ment 31 seats, es against 17 won by. the . Liberal Opposition, headed by Wendell P Jones, who went down to defeat in his own constituency of Carleton. The Speaker of the House: Non. J. L O'Brien, and the lion. Lewis Smith Minister of Agriculture. contributed to the six sante gained by the Oppo- sition, the former losing in North- unrberland and the latter in Albert. The only Indetiendentcandidate nom- inated lost his deposit in Moncton, City, as did the two ;Apposition, Bali, didates running in Saint Sohn Coun- ty. Albertan Verniers Victor- United Partners of Alberta, who strode ii+tn no'iaet• in Alberta nine aspects the Spanish regime in ae. cordanee with the wishes of the ma- jority. Ile said hes had annested to King Alfonao that the Spanish mon- archy should be, ►modelled after the dem4eratic fnrtitutions built around the .British and the Belgian Royal Wallies. Kt told his Majesty that `universal suffrage must be +consulted and find its eortstitutional expression in the cer./ttrt to. Parliament. Chittti • Situation, Dta While Nationalist Goverinitterst ar- rnit s locked with rebel Shanshi and Koumitttli'pn troops in Ronan 1'ro- vinee in o new Nationaiist general offensive, conflicting clan's of im- poitant victories on, three fronts were Made by both bi>atitiehlihts and res boss. Government fortis, beleaguer. ed by rebels fr5nr the north, south MA north-east, fssifed statements claiming' vi. toriee cin all fronts. , Thiir debris, however, were not sub. stahtiated by missionaries . and other observers, who reported the Nation. rousts were not actually defeated. New, t "ahiaet Minister Captain fart Maekcnziie.. Liberal tandidate in 'Vancouver Centre, has been anivc.fnte I Minister of Turnip*. Hon, Celanizatien, Soldiers' Settle• mole met Indian .eiftaire in this Fed. 1,11rww0000.004001000,000.:, .,000,-,.. -S40000400.04140101 ZAM BUK $ kIK Y* s TIUIOt1ILESMIyuiiMM Pil' $ a e Mark of Genuine Aspirin Bayer Aspirin is like eu old friend, tried and true. There is no satisfac- tot r substitute for either .one. Gen- uine Bayer Aspirin is . the accepted antidote for pain: Its relief may al- ways be relied on for aft,.,oecasional headache, to . head»off . a -cold, or for more serious vain from neuralgia, nett rids and rheumatism. Bayer Aspirin bears the word "genuine" in red, and the name ,Bayer, on the box. SPIRIN ,,thin to ttris esd.'rsttk el )t.',tre l tesel Yohaeertcatidett,t ut tlauailawta Special Clearance. —OP Brim' Men's Fine Straw Hats in the newest shapes and shies. clearing for 85c to $L95 Men's Sailor Strawy nit sizes 85 cents Men's Fancy Straws with snap brims, all sizes. Special $L25 to $L9$ M. ROBINS ASrrrU matin Tams s's 3114 ..IlU.1,iI,111,111 0 re elcetian, with ce .nt ,till irtoeeed- h g in many eexistitaicn«ie . At seem- ed probable, however, that the Farm- er Party inejority would be eiiehtiy reduced. - Far the past al ;rte MAMW'ACTelatieD Olfl.Y-isY rig Y, MIL*UINN +CO. i butted Taranto, Out, Troubled with e11s on Face .and Neck. Miers E. Shorthouso,Tirnro, writes. "I was troubled with boils on my Ace and neck due to the t`a_GL that Y had impure blood in my oyii- tem. I tried several kinds of remit- ciao eodiciao which had no eifeet on them. Pinally a friend recommended Bur. - dock • Blood Bitters, which she had taken for a similar blood trouble. ,After taking two bottles my blood" as completely cleared, the boils disappeared and T have never been troubled with them since.I know of nothingss splendid, or so aYOrtz• dorinl for a blood purifier 111!ti[,h�i11191 1[h i. ► .,jr 10- R LEAVING:1EPIVN ori . HOLIDAY . . so, carry ' no more canal cash than you must. Vic ca: 'su you with rav, supply... eller? ` Cheques, accepted ' by banks, hotels, railway companies and others; or, if 'required, with a Latter of Credii+. There are othek- ways also in which we can assist you in your, away-fi tn4lome financing, no matter whether the amourit involved - be large at small. : MNKOF- NTREAL Established ISO - Total Assets in Kates of $960,000,000 R. C. 'WIIATELE , • - Manager Gedericll Brandi - - • ,•'_ , •.f ..;ere. dell si 'w..i new r1 . 1.111 1 111.. M.I l.t.i.it.s 1111.4!.• - • TRAVEL . VIA LAKE ,RIE between Buffalo, N.Y. or PortStan1.y, Can. and +Cz000lan4 Ohio TFTHS C do B LIM bre your holt fora detighefiii night's trip. +r lkiieyeurauraonbooed and avoid rants end miles ofconrited toadirar Rest While you notion itCdeBLine storm%aforthnggod the coal'orts.ndteartesyofamodernhotel. Commodious sleeping credos. Excclleatdining tom service. Spacious cabins sad decks. Cirrrsia*d «- riar!>Niias ItrMtiert mrsl$s 1001 100,1 Mt. f if* dill* Cieva melt Pori *lacy, >CastltiMiw ylltrYirrt fi :ZeX tikillirteOlOpan , ivh* rK. raw sr 1° sxrrhMw sntt11r,�, 1e►tr, 00..1 fir. .1s�aw zf.r t oStyr.7 fp* mit riitr�Gr ir. ,roodAsorli*. B,rtCods war 41t'Ifs, 11 EVN itf. r, Tom, ab,r!!aCM* k lata, u inti &Watt Moot.CostrAra 1110114104 &mom sena" ar,estre Aper sloes rie.. tans.