HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-06-19, Page 4PAGE FcOUR • DOLL iR DAYS at CORNFIELD'S Friday and Saturday Wonderful Values in all Lines.._ See the special Dollar Day Issue which you have received. for someof the maanybargains ave are offering for this big sale. Onhtfa- "0=0".;OT.'1tC1 OT to.�'"`". "Cleni0. A. CORNFIELD WEST SIDE SQUARE PHONE 418 "SHOP WHERE YOU ARS INVITED TO SHOP" AUBURN 0 THE GODERICH STAR with si.:tecn in atf.endanee. Duringt• . _ _ . fN:1 t c,a she nediee quitted a CD THURSDAY. JUNE lath, 11930 tile a ,c (aunt ter the iiaale, •The drrvaasta at (..()DRRtCH FOLKS I exercises were taken jty buss Ether! , 'Kc rlw...n . e memoir -i v by singing "Gal loved the world at siu, encu ioct"L The scripture IeIwn wee • F:'r-reethittri , 13th chapter. The. sayer from the "Messenger" was seen by the leader. The reel sail was respeetdc;l to with the text word "Love." 'Me Ec ctar-y rend the dinners of the May meeting. flame ne acre of business were discussed. Tee treasurer was iustt a ted to for natio 8200 the ee.ond quarter of the aileeation, The o'. ezhg was received. size tin. creed reeeated. The hymn, "Ono is kin3 above all others,," was meg. Tito ,meeting dozed by repeat-• hag the Lord's Praeex. Two new menthere enrolled, bringing the Wren- berohip up to. eighteen. A dainty lunch way served by the hostess. The Sunday Scheel of tnikii ehu. ah intend holding a picnic on June 4ptlr at Camp Eitchiganu. Mies Margaret Davidson, R.N., di Tletroit. visited the vast week at the ; • home of Mr. Land Mrs. Austin Fuller., `There passed away on Saturday morning last a highly respected Citi women's Institute •'wits held in the ;drew's -United church, Port .Albert, Air. and Mrs. Wm. Paterson, of the Foresters' b*U fn the village last still by held on the church grounds r. a who' have been vlswm Tuesday,. It was one oft hest meet- Tuesday' evening, June 24th.. Supper in a ever held, Mrs Hoot d7rtvtdson will be served from G o'clock to 8. A friends in Detroit, returned bonne the the president, residing, who gave splendid program will be given by the iornnur part of the week,good address. Addresses were also Lambeth Concert Party of nine enter. Miss Anna $i$bie, who attended given by Mn. J, W. Stone, president tainers, and will eonsiat of •choruses, Stratford Normal school,, has secured of the IV'onten's Institute, and Mrs, non's quartettes, ladies' quartettes,' a school for next year, near Brusseln. Wardlow, of Ethel', Federation repre- mixed quartettes. solos, duets, tea Mr. David Brown, of 1lonkton, sentative. The various committees Ings, humorous, secular, j, paer . event a short time visiting friends in rte very eneoura g in g reports of the IPbese Lambeth Entertainers Cann t tai- locality, gave of the no ty. '°i he old obi- be beaten' for the variety .a�}td exrcl- Bev. W. R. Alp, of Ottawa, titin eers, were re-eiected. lenee of the program they invent -it - ;preach anniversary services in Dont- The annual meeting of the Thiele Uro not miss'this big event/. i •b J. nybrook church the 13th of July in Society will he . held in the Baptist A big union picnic is being planned „the afternoon .and will erreach in the ehur, Auburn, on Friday evening, bY Nile, Port Albert and Leeburn • United church here in the h e morning, dune 27th. Rei.: R. J. Rowen, Fe R. Sunday schools and the day schools,in • Mr. and lairs. Nelson McLarty and G. Se of London; who was in the Yue the several districts for Saturday, Mr. end Mrs. Sandford Lawlor sleet kon during the years of the gold rush, June 28th, at PortAlbert. Commit- Sunday visiting .friends in W'ini pain. and has singe been working all tees weree appointed at a ,meeting of Miss Zella Dyer, of Toronto, is through'CCanada in the interests of superintendents and teachers beldalast spending .her holidays in the village the Bible Societe, work, will speak on Monday nightand It is hoped thatall renewing aCquaintanees of former the work. A wood attendance at this !boys and .girls; young People, pare days. e meeting_ will encourage.tha workers enta,, trustees everybody, will. unite The`Presbyterran congregation was in.this hood cause. to make this the best gicnlc ever. divided, some attended anniversary, Mr. H. Long, of Goderieb, adores- Air; Ben Draper hits been spending aces in Dungannon, The . Rov, sed the young people of Knox United. a few days with his brother, Mr. Win. Mr. 31°11°11",of Godertsh, vacs the church on Tuesday evening of.this:Draper, and family. ' - speaker Some went to Whitechurch weeken the subject, "World Friend- Mr. and Mrs. Neal Schram and Mr. where Dr. d'atnes Wilson. of /tramp- 1 ship.}_ Clarence Hoy, of Goderich, spent the ton. held rnnriversary services. i Mr. and Mrs'. We l3, Patterson,' who week -end with the latter'S Parents, Mr. Wm. Craig is building.n Cetn- spent sorri+s dos itt Detroit last week, Mr. and Mrs. Robert ley. rpt hen house' for Mr. Elwin Cal- 'returned home onr.Sunday. Mr;' Mc- Mr. Bert Crawford, of Flesherton, inugh. i Iot ndnenn r aeries Wilson cal- I •Sunday herred them home and spent withis spending a few weeks holidays led en friends. #m the' village on his his parents, Dir, and btrs.. V4ran. Next Sunday* June, 22nd Hnoit line Crawford, here. r way ho�a eto Heampton. He wits ace iced ebeeen gt ti seeopened Imo ' The, many •friends • of Mr. Hattie By MAC Many aids to help you keep the bloom cif youth. Standard drugs, Toilet articles of charm. Come in and try the store of courtesy and service, 11. C. DUNLOP THE REXAU. DR .0 .STORE , ONTARIO ' GODERZCH zen of this community in tits person LVCKNOW LANES of the late Mrs, John Porter. De- Mr. Wilmer biacn►ouald of Montreal, Mrs. David Hackett ata daughter, ceased had beenin failing health for .is hum on account ox the illness at some menthe. She was of a bright t his mother, Mrs. Fred Madllionaid, Mary, spent a few days re, eptly* with and eheertul disposition always will Miss Flora Andrew, of London ' friends here. ling to help in time of neer'.. The spent the week -end at her home here: The Webster picnic is to be held in, funeral, which wes largely attended,1 Miss Margaret Thom, of Guelph," Bayfield next Saturday, June 21st. A was held on Monday afternoonto nurse•in-training, spent the weekeenu big time is expected. Maitland cemetery. The service was at her home near here. Don't forget the Ashfield garden eondueted by Rev. R. C. MeDerntid,1 .A baneuct was given last Monday arty to be held on Zion church lawn rompanfed. y� rather, William. being-re-decorattetl'by Mr, -Hays cif. -Hawkins are tleased to gee he is able Mr. and rs. Vallam of Edmon- .Clinton. ,Services will be' hold at to be out and around again. ton, called ,on friends in thio locality .1'0.84 e'.m . and /A pan. when Rev.. life, and Mrs. Lorne Cook.and fam- durina the past week. J. T,. Small, of St. George, who was ily, of Stratford, spent the week -end Several. from the village attended l pastor of the church at the time of at their eettade here the funeral of the late Mr. Drydone tits erection in 1206, `will be the speak -Mr. and, Mrs George Adamu and of Clinton 'lest -Tuesday, er. 'Special music will bo rendered family spent Monday evening with ltiirs. Habkwk,, of Nepawa, is .visit- by the choir.,. friends in Goderich,' returning: home fag in this focality at present, and - the next morning. • rcealling scenes of ,former years. "O T A ER Rtr..M .Gibbs; big Dungannon, vis - The' annual district meeting of the ' `the' annual gardefa: piety` sof St. An- iced in the neighborhood . this week i'__...... . � and the latter part :of last.weeltee Mr. and Mrs A. E. Sylvesterland family, of Stratford, spent Sunday at their eettsge here. - . Mr, and Mrs. Oliver. Cook and tam. ily visited with ,Mr„ and :1 Mrs, Roy •Fritaley en Sunda." afternoon.l Mr. and Mri. John Petrie and' air. and Mrs; Case Black, of Dunon. viseited the' fornner',s son, � and �]Mrs. Roy Petrie and family on. Snn- deavf GOODRICH TOWNSiOP W. M.. S. of Union church met ,at the Let" alai giwar you lrit 1a on Yost* 'work ,, , home of M'rs. • R. Mcriwain, Bayfield Road, en the afternoon of June 4th, TALBOT CORNIS1. H .; : ... .,- Phelan al West EE�i/ CT .. WCR: BELL WORKNOOSE WIRING MOTORS AND OTHER ELECTRICAL APPARATUS l isrA . ,-• AND RE KINDS of ELECTRICAL IPMENT TUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. , OUR WORK GUARANTEED The regular .monthly meeting Qf'the " T GODERICH JULY lst, 1930 House ofDavidBall lab Miehigaa's Greatest tolored Ball Team Doubleheader For a Purse of $1000.00 YOU WANT JUST !LIGHTBREAKFAST :Youwant•just a light breakfast '"so you can do some real work"— and then you yield to the allurements of heavy foods until you are loaded down for the day, unable to do any clear thinking or planning. A. breakfast of Shredded Wheat and ,milk is even. more Savory and will give mental pep and physicalalertness. it's ready. cooked and ready'to«eat -delicious for any meal. SHREDDED 'I HEAT t_ 4 WITH ALL. THE OEAN OF THE WHOLE WHEW mom)teltilalRPub* 001•4e t BUSTIN XZNNT First Bare Kenny, the clown, plays first bane tor the Beatified Beauties of the House of David, and he 1 + qualifies as an athlete, *Ukiah add comedian. !tell sing for p.m, betweentime* and:, he'll make tatehee' en first that will remir_d you of Hal Chase. Heil tickle you as well as thrill you and when you're net laughing You will be taking note of a real bast game. Fretting Shands is teat 2,I0I4% First game Calle at *AS plea,. ADMISSION t Adults title. €Mifdren lar. oar Friday, Juno 20th• A large number from hero attend- ed the street dance held in Lugknew on i`'riday, June nein and are looking forward to another on June 20th.O r, . ` itdre h FOR FLETCHER'S of Goderich. The heartfelt sympathy. night by Mr. J. MacNab, in honor of - ---"^�"' of the community is extended to the his Lucknow .employees, the Cargill bereaved husband and family. manager And his employees, and the The servfee will he held as usual head officials from London. The ban - next Sunday in Union ebur. b at 3 cruet was served in the Carnegie Hall - pen, .Sunday school at 2 p.m. Lie;, by the ladies. of the Women's Dish - G. Butt will occupy" the pulpit. tute. The room was daintily, deeorat ed in the Silverwoods colors, yellow CARLOW and blue. Last Sunday was anniversary Sun The Smith's Hill and Benmtller day of the Lueknow United church Sunday schools held their annual mice Sunday school. IThe Rev. E. W. Jews'_ nig at Menesetung Park on Saturday, itt, of Kincardine, addressed the chile and a most enjoyable day was spent dren very ably. The Sunday zehool with games, races, bathing and social orchestra took the place of the choir time generally: land the service was much • enjoyed by :. .Miss Margaret Lawson, Halifax, all. N.S.,'.visited her cousin, Mr. E. V. Iii' �i' S1iN Lawson, and Mrs. Lawson, last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Fisher, Leamington A big union picnic is being planned visited the former's sister, Mrs. .Ino. by Nile, Port Albert" and Leeburn. Sunday schools and the day schools int the several districts for. Saturday, June 28th, at Port Albert. 'Commit- tees were appointed at a meeting of . superintendents and teachers held last Monday night and it is hoped' thatall —boys and girls, young people, par- ents, trustees—everybody will unite to make thisthe best picnic ever. NILE A big union picnic is being planned by Nile, Port Albert and Teeeburn Sunday schools and the day schools in: the several districts for Saturday, June 28th, at Port Albert. 'Commit- tees were appointed at a' meeting of superintendents and teachers held last Monday night and it is hoped that all boys and girls, young people, pat- ents, trustees --everybody will unite to make this the best, picnic evert Young, Loyal, the first of the week. Miss Mary Redmond, nurse -in- training, St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Win. F. Young, Loyal. M'rs. Raymond and Shirley returned home last week from Toronto, leave ing her mother, we are sorry to say, still quite ill. A prayer meeting was'held at the home of Mr. R. M. Young on Tuesday evening. There was a good attend- ance. The paster, Rev. R. Cumming, took charge.. Mr. Geo. GantWeil met with a pain- ful accident 'en' Saturday " while ploughing. He was riding and strik- ing a stone, hewas thrown off and broke. his .collere1aatte,ee_Wer.hope he. tnay make a good and quick recovery. Miss Helen ,M. Clerk was a guest at the Fulford-WWr'ation' wedding. .ellikeeFeee :" SiijAA jNI)IACItrIn.' ryeVVIKIKS Win! IMO JUNE 20th an We will.hald a ean_SineIair. Ltdrd's Seventh Annual All Expense Tour Lca, s" MONTREAL. - - JULY 20-22 Days ;Leaves TORONTO - jULY 21-21.Days All Expense Rate. From MONTREAL - - $371.00 From TORONTO $340.00 Oilier poises geek I on appticauion - You' will cravet by rail, steamer and mnoror through Cane da La industrial and. agriculturat regime. through the Rookies • with teen crowning Jewett, Banff, Lake;Louise and Emerald Lake ..to Vancouver and Victoria west by one highwgy .east by another'... ' Over. Canada's Scenic Route pllostieteet booklet on.op lieration so ' 0 s ir-L !! btotelOkektc.,kg e P.0,; • • :d', M BEATrIE, ` • C. P. it. 'Town Agent, erieh, Ont. • riidaire ec1 ?E:.Zlsi: stration Timialsess "Frigidaire i aldColore' Open until 10 p. m. fate days of the demoltstrs- Hon our Showroom -rill be o n until 10 p.m. Come early. us hive area fall intormation, -. neluding our easy payment Wan. r., ..*4 deserts and Salads will he served. New recipe Books will be Riven away. Be sure to attend. DIE'S your opportunity* *` to find out all about the marvellous new Frigidaire Hydrator and: Frigidaire Cold Control. . On Friday, ;one 20th, and ,Saturday,, June not, we will hold a' special 2 -day deneonatra. tion -one of the roost iaterest- ing ever held in our showroom. We will share the Hydrator irr amus! use -Aust as you would use . it in your home. You will see how lettuce is Made, tender and brittle by the Hydrator's moist reviving cold. ,is: . You _will '•see how celery and radishes take on added Crisp- ness -how tomatoes are im- proved in texture and flavor. And that is not .a11 you wilt see. 'The latest household Cabinets ;n Porcelain-on.steet will boon display. The famous Frigidaire Cold .Controp will be demonstrated. You -rill be Owen how this de- eice freezes' ice cubes faster`-� how it permits you to make cores of unusual deee rte that require -extreme told Will you be our guest ° OTTO JOHANN, Wroxeter, Ont. ,. .