The Goderich Star, 1930-06-12, Page 8PAGE EiGIls ;Nee ear ahead, in some way leg ren. :: trot of her can It twit throe conn- 1 Ipieta terns over and lauded war the fence, lone of the caccailaamta. were inerret3 but the cat' vans , badly dams raged.• Air. Elliott Miller, geliie Into, a friend's lipase laR t, niliereney night, = left has ear sitting rear the telt of the halo glean which is on the read seeing nerd: Easier Latif mere In i few 1 tainutea he returned i to find his ear gone. It had in some stammer gone down the gtaer', k ai,i.;, flout tercet and napless a into the plate -glare win. dew of the R=anker mere. It wee a tree lie that it dict pct crash into '.'ran cur or ••1 —• hurt seineone. A r ntleraan I1. v$, east of Luca. raw, wizen going for his Caws early •I:natae rimming, foii'i'l t'a iiia st - erise a hannsarae twit and clop, graz- ire .peace;abfly with them, They diel aet:t raeaai to he sererieed by his ap- = peorence and i;ept can einem: until he t,a9 lt,et a few feet irony thecal Then they°jumped the fence into the neigh- bor'a field and started eating tlit° ten- der 'eats. He then sheeted at tkaam 'and they Boon disappeared into a ' swap nearby. 'This was a quiet re mender of iI#tyyear HAYFIELD Mr. Laurie Fowlie, of Landon, spent the week -end with his sisters in the village. Miss Nora Ferguson, having spent the winter in London, returned to her house here on Monday. Mr. Sol Kippfer, of Harlon, a for- mer citizen of the village, moved back to the village last week and opened up a barber shop in the room enjoin- ing .the post office, Rev. Mr. Gale and Dirs. Gale loft for Waterloo on Monday evening, ow- ing to the sickness of their son -in. law, the Rev. Mr. Richardson, le='ho it down with pneumonia in Waterloo at time of writing. - The members of L. O. L. No. 24 are making every arrangement for the glorious 12th celebration to be held here. Over fiftylodges are expected Vern North and South Huron, also from South Perth. - Every accommo- dation isbeing prepared for the gath- ering and a galla day is expected.. I The ladies of St. Andrews United 4ehurch had their spring cleaning bee at the church on Wednesday scrub- bing and clean'ig the church thorough - 1 A very sad and sudden death took place on Saturday morning at two o'clock on the Bronz+on line, Stanley, being that of : Miss Maggie Penhale. 'Deceased livedwith het brother, John Fenbale, and was feeling well as us- ual on the day previous She retired for the night in lier..Lual . health. About two o'clock a,em she awoke her brother and Said she was feeling sick and he helped her beet to her bed' and Dropped her up in bed, and called his brother's folks, living amass the road, also the doctor, but before . anyone ar rived she had passed away. Deceased was of a 4miet disnosition and a kind good neighbor.- She leaves -to -mourn- ate loan three sisters and three bro- thers, Mrs. Thos. Snovdert, Mrs. Al- fred Westlake. of the Sable Line, Stanley; Mrs, Ills son, of St. Thornes; Robert, of ; Bayfield, and Jobe and Harold, of the Bronson Line. The funeral took place on .Monday from ber late residence to, Hayfield ceme- tery, service beinar conducted by the Rev. Mr. Gale, of St. Andrews church, of which deceased was a member. There was a large attendance, shows - ing the esteem in which she was held by the; community at large. •' GIF 1O1Z Ti JUNE BRIDE GLASS SHERBETS, GOBLETS AND PLATE" CHINA BRIDGE SETS, DINNER SETS IND1 ; AND ENGLISH ERASSWARE SILVERWARE • Get your gno.ti:ng:Goods at C&'e's Book Store L1TcKNOW .lir. ,Will Forester was home from Landon over the week»end. Mr. Bill Douglas and Mr. Elliot Miller spent the latter part -of last week • in London. Mr. Will Lyons, of St. Helens, spent Sunday afternoon with Will Gollen, Lucknow. The Lucknow. Junior Farmers play- ed the Ripley Junior Farmers in a game of sroftball last Wednesday evening, the Lucknow boys winning. The Lucknow Piro Co, are going to atalro a street dance on Friday night, June 13th. All come. The Lueknow ' LO.O,F. Lodge are going to deenrate the graves of de- _ . Parted Oddfellown in Greenhill-ceme• tery next Sunday,nfternoon. Mrs, W. L. MacKenzie, Grant and Mrs. D. G. MacKenzie motored to Toronto on Friday last to attend the weddin s of their. cousin. • The Rev. C. IL Dickenson and wife, of Moose Jaw, Sask., arrived in Luck - now on Saturday to spend the month of June with Mr. Dickenson's mother, all's. W. P. Reed. Un till Inst Thursday night this district woo badly in need of rain; the grain in the fields and also the gar - netts were suffering. From ThursdaY nicht till late Saturday night it rained steadily. On. Smiley nue/tine the sun watt again shining and everything loeued' }lin, hetes .nf the rvin, Mins Wine, R.N.; of Dungannon, while driving to London in IDr. Bal - four's Dodge, when trying to page FOR. . :.. Groceries Fruit .and Vegetables .: can on GEO.PRICE &SON 'Car.. North St. and Square Specials in Tea and Coffee Goods delivered on short notice when required, Satisfaction Guaranteed. ' - PHONE 218 CARLOW Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Strachan, Mrs. • Naftcl and Mrs..> Warnock, of Godes,rieb. attended the missionary meetin on Teesdale • ' ' Dr. Margaret Macliellar Was enter• tained at 'the manse, Benntiller, and 1 a51'4r 11 RT TENNIS SHOES GOLF SHOES HOWLING SHOES SCHOOL SHOES 'phone 43W In high cuts, Oxfords and Straps. .Altar e rang_e to choose f l t W.. - HERN'S SHOE STORE Agent for the Fleet Foot Brand SOLICITOUS OI ' YOUR PATRONAGE. ` "CINDERELLA BEAUTY SHOPI E". (ovE1t TET113It7:T'S NA M UR'S) \VItST :+Ttl*t ` The John D. Kennedy Laster Wave Permanent ' 11 S Il R+ AV $S, . *It" Wooing and Methods ' � .ta■elttr—s■tt■wE—.t $10.00 Information courteously given upon request. DI=IONVE 219 Open Evenings FOR APPOINTMENT lily nppointhtent only Summer Millinery New and original models in assured styles for the summer, showing the vogue for Straw) Hair and Fabric in all the latest shaded. Costume Jewellery, Scarfs and Children's Mats You are cordially invited to inspect our stock. MISS M. MacVICAR 1 in ;dton St„ Goderich., TRE GODERICH STAR met again ler Collegiate leafed of 47 ' . :,, Wain ago in the Terson of Min.'ay- lora mother of _Mrs. (V.ev.a Cure.mu . Have YOU Benin Rtbhed o a A large and interested gat1aering' of New hock by lite High women anti mea suet its the Swxtlasg Hill ehurrit on Tuesday afterneen to LUSt of Patterns? hear Dr. Margaret DMacliellar tell a , 3inzplicit3� let 0 little of her work anal the needs of ; Patters is the Economical ne India, ;s hero aha has labored for forty bears. She contrasted eonclltion3 as Way ='16c at Mos Noble s. they were okay years ago, when thew . Patterns Kept in Stook. were only seven medical colleges in the whole emery and today with its 9aundrede of doa:tora, meetly men, freir,a its many colleges. and 3,500 Leo.BRITISH h CI1Ah+Ci: MOCK pitanl:s. Ana mereasine funnier of women are being trained in mcdi:al ngne=-,n• , and educational wwomen and omen -R,. . ..--. • who were not eounialercd ao valuable side of the county road last year, as as the cow or goat are now coming in- the hills obceure the view of tnese to a higher 1 )0ition. Same of them rtoacda in eery direh tion and not twee ore outatand'anu lea3� ra. As the pop- '101 one reaches the top of the hill eau em- ulation of India is D•20,000,000 it takes .ore sen another car approaching from a long time before the leaven will !any direction. fihe bread truck •tvaa- week through the whole lump. In am/Tonna north on the right-hand side Neemuch, where Dr. 34acKellar labor - Nam l of the road, and neither saw the ether cd, a fine hospital of grey stone, ' until almost the instant at the impact. i wide verandas and a training aehool, Aftcarer the collision Mr. Errington's r Inas been erected, also a church, pelf-} was headed northward and ttie ! supporting and sending' out worlcers, brad truck was fitting weatwzard. bealdo it, thereby fulfilling Christ's • \'Vrih Rrr..kriinl;ton iu the car were' command, "Co preach and heal," The some school children, a little daughter • meeting was under the auspices of the of Zr.Aand Mrs. Thos Webster and W. M. S., with the president, Mrs, some of Mr. Errington's grandchild- i4iarsln, presiding. Rev. R. Cumming ren, the family of Mr. and Mrs. Vic. read the seripturo lesson, and Mrs. tor Errington. Ali escaped serious A. McIhvain and Mrs. Mearide favor- injury, as did also the drivers, but ed the audience with a .duet. Mrs. little Isabel Webster end Violet Er- 4Rev.) Lundy and Mrs. Iiendersnn rington received some scratches and elead in prayer and Rev. Mr. Lundy bruises and:the latter received some closed with the benediction. The lo- injuries to her back.' All suffered cal society, served lunch and a plea- somewhat from shock, but it was for - sant social hour. was spent., Visitors tunato khat no serious injuries were from Nile, Ilonlnilier and Port Albert received by any of the occupants. were present. - The cars suffered some damage• both • front axles being bent, . one. :front A G NIN N wheel eg the car was broken and the MISS S. NOBLE Mr. Orville McCluskey called upon fenders. of both were crumpled up: friends in Dungannon on Thursday. The side of the truck was alae badly scrapedr but all parties;, are thankful that nothing more serious happened. The sale of the 'nouseiiold infects of Mrs. Max Hoffman is in Alexandra the late Miss .3. expiate, wince was Marine and General Hospital, Code- held on Saturday, was web:ettenaeu, -rich, as the result of tall at heF° and geed -splices -wore reauzetl. dive home when she sustained a 'broken property was outsold and prospective limb. � buyers may consult Mrs. Steele, or Mrs. Everett Finnigan and little beaforth, with regard to the purenase daughter have returned from a very thereof. Elliott .Miller, of Lacknow, enjoyable visit with : Mrs. Fin nigan's wielded -the hammer - sister, Mrs. Roy E. Harris, of Strat- i Mr. and Mrs. -Elmer Shackleton me- , Cored up for a week -end visit .with inti. ford, and Mrs, A. M. Wickens, Toren r ShackletVn's mother, ,:Ars. W. Shut- t°. Mrs. Robt. Davidson 'completed her Teton• tour of the branches of the Women's I Bent Leach, of Detroit, son of the Institutes of .West Huron district on late Rev. Robert' Leach, at ono time Thursday, when she visited the branch a pastor of Erskine Presbyterian at Blyth. On IThursday last she was !church, was renewing former ac - at St. Helens. and on Friday at Kin- I quaintances in this vicinity on Satur- tail. - t day evening, while a guest with Wes- Messrs. Chas. Alton, Richard Fin- ley Echlin of Nile, and with retatrves. nigan, Button Roach and. Chas. Con-' in Goderich. gram left on Monday evening by mo- I Rev. Mr. Mai, of St. Paul's. An - tor for Torontb to attend the Shrin-glican church, ,Mepnannon, was an err' convention. They returned overnight guest. wire Rev. and Mrs, Thursday morning and report an en- Genevan at the rectory, Lueknow, joyable time. on Monday evening. The annual sermon to the mem- , Mr. and Mrs. heber Eedyhad as bers of L. 0. L. No. 824, Dungannon, ' guests recently Mr. and Mrs. Melville and L. 0. B. A. No. 967, ,Dungannon, eolalotzhauer,.. Missl3eatrice epencer,- tvill be preached on , nnday, June . all of. Milverton. , -' 22nd, at the hour of 7.30 p.m. at Dun- i Mr. and Mrs. ,S. Herbert Stothers gannon United church. Rev. C. C. and three children, Lenore, Helen and Keine, pastor of the church, will ad- r Arnold, were guests on Sunday with dress the gathering. Weather per- Mrs. Stother's bigther, Mr. T. Hack - witting, it will be an open air service ett and Mrs. Hag ett, of Ashfield. . and will be held on the there'll lawn. i Miss Edna Para ie out•again after Visiting brethren will be welcome.• "herr prolonge4,II sus ofthe winter. The Women's Amen of Dungan- i Mr. and Mrs. ;chard McWhinney non United church will hold its anewere guests on nday .with Mr. and garden. party on the church lawn Mrs. Robert Dna* son: -.1 ton the evening.of Friday, June 27th. j Miss Jean Stet sera of the Toronto Supper will be served from 0 to. 8, ,teaching staff, *alloyed a week -end variedro r mus- inual f •. his°h.a . tet �Yum-uf visit with p g sit her paipnts, Postmaster and seal selections, quartettes, duets and Mrs. Stothers. . readings will be given.. t Mr'. and Mrs. David Glenn, ac.om- A district Orange' picnic is being parried by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bruce arranged • for Wednesday afternoon of West Wawanosh, were the guests and evening, June 25th, to be held in on Sunday with Mr. and Dirs. William the woods on the farm of Mr. Robt: Jackson of Huron' Township in the Davidson, Dungannon. Prominent vicinity of Ripley. Orangemen will give addresses and a Melvin Keine, who has been a stu- program of sports is being arranged. dent at the University of Toronto, is All, particulars will be given next enjoying his hol}Eigysat the parson - week. age a guest entitles parents, Rev. C. Exception having been taken to the C. Kahle and Ys..Keine. legtxlity of the previous special meet- 1 Anniversary services are to be held ing of the ratepayers of U. S. S. No. in Erskine Prosb'terian church, Dun - i, Ashfield and West Wawanosh g'annon, on Sunday next, June 15, at (Dungannon) another meeting was the hours of 8' p.m. and 7.80 p.m. Rev. called for Wednesday evening, June R. C. McDermid of Knox Presbyterian 11th, by Mr. E. C. Beacom, I.P.S., he church, Goderieh, will be the special himself being present. It was one of preacher for the day. The choir will the largest gatherings of ratepayers be assisted in the services of praise by ever held in the school, and was for members of the Auburn Presbyterian the purpose of considering the quos- church choir, who will render special tion asto the advisability' of employ- musical numbers in the form of guar- ing a surveyor to decide. whether Mr. tetter, duets `.and solos. A special ore Arthur Culbert's residence is situat- i fer]ng will , be received, and twill be cd im II.S S. No.. 8 or U.S.S.-No. l r,= llpplied to The remodelling and rede- It has been assessed in U.S.S. No. corating of the church and church 17, West Wawanosh, ever since ; the sheds. Rev. Mr. McDermid will preach latter section was inaugurated some at Lucknow at 11 a.m., while Rev. C. 28 years ago. The question arose in H. McDonald will take the services at order to settle the question of Mr. 31 a.m. and at 7 pap. in Knox church, Culbert's eligibility to qualify as Goderich. The evening service in trustee in U.S.S., No. 8, Ashfield, Lucknow will be withdrawn. where he w3 as elected at the last au- ! In the death of William Edward nuns meeting. The result was similar Durnin, which occurred at his home to that of the previous meeting, in on the 7th eoneeesion of Ashfield twp., favor of employing a surveyor, only the community has suffered ,the loss with a much larger majority this of a much esteemed citizen Ii'jd•a kind time. The former was 85-29, a ma- neighbor. Ile bad been i11 only about jority of 6, while the vote on Wednes- three weeks, and was seventy-eight day evening was 52-82, a majority of years of age. ITU late Mr. Durnin 20. A vote of thanks was moved to was bora on May 26th, 1852, and was Mr. Beacom for being present. ' the eldest son of the late Mr. and A colhisilan °centred at the danger. Mrs. Edward Durnin of the 9th vin- ous crossroad of. the Dungannon- ; cession of West Wawanosh. In Dec- Lucknow road and the sixth and sev- ember, 18130, he was united in mar• eienth concessions of Ashfield and West nage to Miss Marie Russel of Duf- tVatvanosh, commonly known As fcrin County, and, following , their Glenn's hill, when Mr. Eedy's new marriage they came to the farm on bread truek driven by Bert Maize met the seventh concession where they almost headon with David Errington's farmed .for thirty-three years. In touring car, Tuesday morning. ; 3913 Mr. and Mrs. Durnin accompen- •"Stop" signs were plaeed at either led their family to Winnipeg where they resided eight years, returning in 1921 to their fatm home where they had since resided until death called Mr. Durnin. The deceased mag le survived by his lvidow and a family of three sons and ono daughter, Messrs. Iioward Burnett of 'Winnipeg, Orton Durnin of the public school teaching Man Winnipeg ; Orval 1)urnin, on that liemestepd, Ashfield, and Mrs. I(Ir.) II. Grant, of Vancouver, 11. C. Another son, Earle Durnin, paid the I supreme oaeriflet itt the Great War. niee1)al survive. brothers y are Robert R Dentin, Goderich; James Durnin, Melfort, cask.; George Durnin, Elston, Stoke Ja.'hn niurnin, of Saskateein, Sask,a . Mrs. Matthew Wos.do, Lateknew, and Mrs, it "it,3ede, Fergus, Ont. The Iate Thomas 1 tonin of 1;1ungnnnere ' and the late.. A. E. J usnin of Clinton, 1 who was anted targe two years :tg t in as e C 1 Ile t ti l'ty la Iced evening ae ident at Elston. 1 earl._. %were blethers of the deceased mete There ata nine KIM/AIM/TM. '1 fi�lLGwvicg a larie!aate service at the leases the felrerel wee held fent t', teem trteitrc4 church. the oneness Pe.. VC. I', Heine licis:c; in s'laavese He atarea Ines reins to mai t?gin t onto. "1iAC eti'•atix a there y east! be Bela." [�L$itet' film 8ft'VE'!'i Soon Waive nee T�i'i' f fi'eChttIr, `MI' :r i Serfs (.''9s'r , -' - -M.. .== ''°"-, 'St.** til:ral tat 2..J il'Cru %M.itC:l Mr, and Mrs. G. M. McKenzie and son Malcolm, were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Johns and famne'. THE QUALITY BAKERY The purity of the ingredients used, plus the expert baking a6'e. :vett the s Quality Bakery Veetls. ''Try our Cakes, rife, c:4:tlats.3. slung, Rene and Breed tree and you'll always trade Etre, 1 , TUt RSDAL JUNE 12th. 1930 �.,... _... ..!�..L t Jackets and Sleeveless Dresses Just the type of printed and plain wash Silk Dresses smart women will wearsura mer. Some are pin dots and polka dots in white and colors, sleeveless, half sleeve and long sleeve, in every desirable color, in plana beautiful wash silks, sizes 15 to 44. Prices range $9.7'.►, $12.75, $15, $20, $25 o nnereeosea,:;o?Z1Q: ' .. apt o SWISS CURTAINS Beautifully appliqued on strong Brus- sels net in shades of cream or ecru, 35 inches wide by n e' - yards. Special values • $2.90, $3.$0 a►nd $5.00' SILK HOSE Service weight, a new value full fashioned real silk, with neat panel ' heels, rose dust, beige, greys, bamboo. Sizes 8/ to 10 $1.29 • HMI PI owq.. .os�ta. ,once, • • UNOLEUMS AND RUGS New inlaid patterns, showing in Battle- - ship Linoleum. Inlaid patterns • are right through to the back. Never wears off. At per square yard $1.25, $X.50, $2.00. , 14 ALL SILK PLAT CREPE - 38 inches wide, 'in black and various desirable colors • and shades. Special per yard .... ......... ... $i.75 1 a A C ESO & SON from friends as beautiful symbols of thcut will be increased to 3 cents •-- love and respect for the memory of perpound. 0-Ala/Wren Ory kind friend. Those attending the The objective is to have all male FOR FLETCHER'S funeral from a distance were: Mr. lambs for market castrated so that no C IA► S A,s.0 R 1 A • and Mrs. Harry McQuillin and Mr. producer shall suffer loss and topmain and Mrs. Matthew Woods, of Luck- ? tain and increase the demand for lamb now; Marvin Durnin, of Cornwall ; t meat, thus helping to support lamb Mr. and Mrs. H. Woods, Fergus; Mr. markets in as strong .aa. Aosition as and Mrs. R. 11. Durnin, Goderich•, Mr. 'possible. and Mrs.. Neil McKinnen and Mrs. J. A1sr a B. McKay, • also of Goderieh; Messrs. ys Ready and Reliabie.—Prat- ` MONUMENTALW Donald Murray, Thomas Taylor, Jas. 'neatly aJl pains arising from .intiam- WORKS � and Stewart Durnin and Mr. and Mrs. mataon can. be removed with Dr. HAMILTON ST. B. Sin th, of West Wawanosh; Mr. Thomas . Eclectric Oii. Simply rub it Best 'aiaterlal and Latest and -M s. Gordon Young, Goderich, on thesore spot and it is quickly ab- Designs and Mr. and Mrs: Alex. Young, cal.sorbed by . the skin. Its healing Expert Workmanship borne tp. Interment• tvas made in Power is conveyed to the inflamed tis- Ali Work Guaranteed Dungannon cemetery, .with the foI- sun which is quickly soothed. finis Prices Reasonable loweng pallbearers: • Messrs. Wii- fine old remedy. is also a specific for Your business will be Ilam Crozier, Samuel Sherwood, Wil- all manner of tuts, seratches, bruises appreciated. liam McConnell; David McWhinney, and.. sprains. Keep a bottle handy R. A. S!'U7TON William Hasty and Matthew Shackle- always. ': GODERICH, GNT ton. SCHOOL REPORTS P. O, Bax Iii. TO END THE BUCK LAMB tyiL CODERiCN >, 5. S. Na. 1, Colborne Six or seven years ago it 'wee agreed by lamb buyers that the buck The following is the report in per- la er lamb must disappear from the court tentage for the month o1 May: Jr. merceal lamb markets. its meat af- fected f IV. .traneis Martin, 90.2;: Florence. fected the Iamb market: unfavorably Ashton, 69.5; Russell McIntyre, 66.9. and decreased the general popularity , III. -Kathleen Tyndall,.82.2. Jr. I FIRE AND AVTOMODILE , of lamb as a food. J•'urthermore, III. --Allan Stoll, 65.1; Dorothy Wat- son, r INSURANCE , d son, '62.3. Sr. at—Humphrey Nock -.j HAMILTON SrteISET dp h buck 1 blas, 68 8; Ruth Tyndall (absent). RHONE 206 ' should be tolerated. Jr. 1L—Sheldon Bier, 65.3 L--� 1 Therefore, t th d Charles : Tyndall, 82.2; ' Edgar Stoll, edu- cational work that had been done over 77.5; Charlie .Watson, 74. .Pr.—Jean Harding, HatoldAshton, Alice Nock- olds. Number on. roll 15. `Average • ' attendance 12.6. _.__ ,_. _. _.__• -- Sr. Cement—for- .Sale MURIEI E. STIRLING,' rresii calrload hist strived. . of this poor class of lamb cow- Teacher. l Also, work.. such •.as jacking up com- ing to markets have resulted its im- proving ,ADVERTISE IN: THE STAR houses. building cement walks or foundations,general repairs, a' #, J. J. MOSER, General- Repair*,; Contractor Call and see us. Rid#nilton St. there was no reason /rem the pro ie cion standpoint why ac lamas to give effect o e a u- a number of years, lamb buyers adopted a system - of prise -cuts on buee lambs These rhave been- -suc- cessful in greatly reducing the num- bersproving the demand for limb by the consuming public and helped to main- tain strong prices for live lambs. gut, as always, some producers 4 GODERICH have persisted in 'neglecting; to ens- 4 trate their male lambs. t r E. IL CLEVELAND ri,13 le 114 West Vit, a thee II time and this neglect has resulted • J 1 a lot of poor quality lambs beim rush- HOI II%DiI SUl'al SoClety • ed on to the market immediately be- will bold a flower display its the . fore the. dates that the price cuts on vacant :Royal ' Bank •building, bucks became effective. korner of North St, and IThe. To overcome this, the dates , at • Square, on • which the price cuts begin, have been.FRIDAY u1 d $ATUItDaii advanced and made uniform'through- JUNE 20th and 21st , out Canade. 6`.- WOOLLCO11tBE BABY CHICKS At • -final Iow midsummer prices. • - Effective. on June 30 the price of all ' Eery. member is invited to 0• A. C. liarred' Rocks, $14.00 per 100. buck lambs of this - year's Iamb. crop' bring some flowers, in the Singe Comb White Legoduee $12.00. at all markets .wilt be cut 2 cents per morning of the first stay. •Our chicks are all produced from pound, and,' efrective an September 28, ' dlected i egeseaid on our own --free hens. Thisrm "_ thing to you when buying chicks. --•••••��•�'.u' ,r..�:rr They will liveandgrow:- . Above prices- ,are effective on and - after June 9th. Don't forget to see our galvanized - feeders. - - • C. G. CAIVIPBE L Pone sixth 10.24 R. R. 2 AUBURN WOf'Igr$ Cafe --SPARKS-- For CHOICE GROCERIES, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, BUTTER, EGGS, MEATS, LARD, FLOUR, ETC. Cor. Montreal -St and Square - SILVERWOOD'S _ICE CREAM Frigidaire Equipped For Your Completely renovated Protection with most up -to -late fittings. - For a choice meal we'll served try us. A La Carte at all hours from '7 a. m. to 12 p. m. Gordon Wong Ion Ur • fioPon Gale Special Business Men's Lunch daily at 60 cents A la carte service at all hours TURKEY DINNER Our specialty Sunday only From 12 to 3 p.m. 60 cents HUGH WONG British Exchange Ilidg. Telephone 162. dee yrs far— 1PUR'NIrisIIII f SPRINGS MATTRESSES r WINDOW SHADES CURTAIN RODS '• FLOOR COVERING 1CLECtRIII LAMPS ELECTRIC WASHERS J. R. VVI EELER S'urnittere Miner Funeral Director Call in end satisfy yourself. Everybody welcome. Sparr's Grocery IT PAYS TO MODERNIZE Your Plmpbiag and . Heating IN CONVENIENCE, HEALTH The Store of Satisfaction. and RESALE VALUE Hamilton Street * Goderich Phone 140. We Deliver in Town FRESH EGGS' WANTED .HIGHEST CASH PRICES EGGS GRADED UNDER GOVERNMENT REGULATIOnS • WM. ELLWOOD Sir DAVID STREET, GODERiCU Pb,se S99. We have been fortun- ate in beirzt appointed local -agents for Aukraft Paint ('r'11n 'WONDER PAINT) Let us demonstrate this good P&iitt to you. HAROLD BLACKSTONE !i'I t.t 1at2AhWt ' Flit' •. uYglaagl JOHN FINDER GODERICH Telephone 127 P. 0. Box 131 • Let Us Do Your DRY CLEANING for SPRING When WE Dry Clean l`hem they look just like new. Save Money this Spring by having us dry stern your old Clothes. 3.H. VROOMAN The Goleta french Dry Cleaving Works Amite 122 ''4b`est Street •