The Goderich Star, 1930-06-12, Page 6- • PAGE ..S.LX 0 tier Three Children 4'::CCCDPr45-;ACI itZ.c.'gC.7,t tr.: Oilret. THE GODLEIC4 STAR HUE Troubled With Diarrheas MJ. Lee• Ler:pie:0. Laurier, 3Iane Wiltthco —n velvet chniton wet° sexy 144 teith. ntattlett*. 1 :vied au Mode of roroctilen until s kith! old hely toni mo to try Dr. Vow/or's )r-lItr#iitt Or 'Wild Straw. Itcute e ee: a bottle riglit away and *tartlet glean"' it to teem, and tbo nova day the aitailnee luta otoppcd altogether. Now Z will %Dow what to do oboe any et soy children *re troubled that einy agaia." On :130 market for the past 85 yeetra; put up only by Tho T. Milburn Co, Iattle Torento, 1 bin ntet'egzie ArZIOLILiAL'i t:',NZ La W.V.:,.1..i?0,3'.,.' ti !care tne ontzern vent; - ; ee, cineoentorei wcpreze:ootice in tee , ceenee eel itinedeeed oie. neleent :el Lln . - it Wee:80a cell ttzo ectintil ecneet- - ' Toon. onno Ole. ZleCornes'e Lintel'. etenetdea e) haw tte coe-ney One alizou C5 Mu cete- • ',ez:C".n7. Die. 51feined then went at Ithe ,..:Gett tint. Tootatel be attempted thee neat.. 1g:rah:one lear3 cm: ot the mat- ,nene.3 te ke deo% with tenet the Couto f' i",''d et iltrrea IN net need it tie hatily es ethere. Peel:moo rd.13 eae a tit.) , „ , „ rtc2t advautartsa to crop producni nor eau oetaffs -atttly:—. -4-toti• tile reetter of fertilizers teat , . , I. D. CAMERON 1 eoetive hopeetatit matter and 511 ! Mt.:Leon eepleitied the troteh that wa3 Cout440. P ig KW Rawar, Two* Dist. .Supt. c..r.loolzAtima 1 % of TOTAL ZIP FARES to CANADA ( ADVANCED BRJT!SHER$ in Canaan n*y now Win [ forward t h el Reletives soad Friend* On Emsy Terms. being eerrted on to deterraino the , best fertilieetz by in ems plot3 BRITISH RE -UNION ASSOCIATION Ect:crzalioa ar T.fox Nate Remain r.tc; Ltist, Year —Rate is Seven ATMs C01.72:10 R0051 TO EE REDECORATED Gulley Bridge Goderich Township, to Be Widene Lights Maintained at Many Dunger Spots on Roads At the opening session of Die couwe eft oat Tnernay afternoon, 'letter from Mr. Robert Higgins, reeve of &mall, about the costs LISSes*: sed him in the appeal case against him at Toronto, was read and referred to eementtee. This was the appeal agannt his taking his seat at the county oetineil and tit the same time receiving pay as a member a the Old. Age Inestons committee. The case . being at test eace he thought the,Pro-i Notice was reteiVed from the High.' . ways Department announcing the talc; inn over by the fftepartment of the road allowance between the counties of Huron and Brute, dating front: March 11411,•1080, also the taking over of tee end elloweineenfrain Clinton to the reed allowance between lots 1t and 30 on the 1st eoncession -of the Township of Cuirass in Bruce,—Filed. Ao e(-0.33.1 signed by W. H. Middle- ton, W, Lobb and three others 3gal:ea the deeision of Goderich town., vin* Phiniad Stand the cost, ship council la refusing to form 0 now school section in said township was sent to the education emurnittee. Petitions signed bl, John Harris, Nt, Lindsay, C. II. Middleton and 105 others requesting the county council to take no action re the petition of W. H. Loll/ and othere regarding the formation og is new school section in Goderich Tp. were eent ta the Eduette tion Department. A report of the Education Depart- ment shiewed the amOunt of grants to the publie. nehools to to $2017.02 and to separate schools, $00.80. A reouest from the pollee village of Gerrie to the township council of Ifewiel: wee to appoint Oliver Galt*. way tie county eonstable foe the coun- ty of -Huron to act speciAliy in mei for the village. Haromond, representinet the National Institute for the Blind at Toronto made a very touching.appeal .for further assistance to that institu- tion, going very fully into the good A Sure Reilief for Women's Disorders TEK-DAY TREATMENT Orange Lily is a 11A certain relief for all isorders of women. It is applieLiocally- Into suffering tissues. The dead vast. ratter in the con- gested region, is ex - pelted givinor eluding delayed and painful menstruation, leucorrhoca, falhn nerves are toned and ,strengthened, and the circulation is ren — tiered to normai, as this treatment is based on strictly scientific s„ pr:nciples, and acts on the 'actual location of the disease, it - cannot help but do good' in all forms of -female troubles, in - eluding delayed and painful menstruation, leucorthoea, filiug. of the womb, growths, and ova= trottbles, etc. Price$.00 per box, Which is sufficient for one month's treatment A trial ,Treatment, enough for 16 days, worth 75c, will be sent to any suffering 4,0111411 W110 will send me her address. Enclose to cents and address; .10s, Lydia W. Ladd, Dept Oi Wind- Sor, Ont. • Sold By LEADING DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Gyproe Gives PERMANENT. PROTECTION Alf ADE from Gypsum 1V1. rock, Gyproc , board does not brow. And this year k has anew smooth Ivory finish that needs no decoration (when panelled) al- though you can tint, paper or piaster it if you wish. Structurally strong, in« expensive, easily And quickly put lt,p, Gyproc Wallboard gives peru.. nem fire protection to the walk, ceilings and partitions of your home. Your dealer's name is listed below. Ask him for complete details of this pioneer Canadian fire. safe Gypsum bond or write for free interesting book, "Building and Re. modelling with Gyproc." GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Pak Oftuktie • I wititeit they would 13e. MAO es their mitability Ow eoi13. Peed oeleee P XCL'OrlIMC.7.dc4 the ewe. ,. etOn et a tw•-er toe the puepene of ,,., (nownig the pie3e3 net e -f tho well in( •if C2r..','..3.1 ea anyttenn noteg wrong vine ,i•t i, zee 3e,o•np, 1113:3 teen la eeetta 211 WO Lek140 V,E10 betty be telten ' t6 tGae (z,:ixa,,c1ro llonu? cemetery if ' 'i La heel one, ir net thet a plot be proe , etteee in t lint= cemetery-. Another te:oeiramentien, that the treasurer •• deposie the oid ego peneion cheque3 in the Clinton ientit: to tee et'echt o; ' the nom wee net ..conetiered in. The 'County Reado C01111143s104 rot ported ordinary maieteeance carried eut revel tho roada an, coot( conditien tettetace; reporcea atm:wain the Gott Lr-Jad3 cone:omen: and While there looking ot maehionly. 'The tv- ' part continued, "tee fied enat the de- ' partmeot ie novt mote, eavorable ten' ward tbe addition oi roeds to the cannty road system awl we reeam-• mend, that a -bylaw .be passed deeig. ftion %1•'3".. !Genie., carred out 'with geod --._ - . -7-; 7 1 1:021.11tS# l'ilteep dipping. and paraeRe ( de.etrr- til3rt were being .cerried on • neenioeion. eillagie of Ilrucefield.—Good /Wade ' concoeeions 5 end (i, MOrri$. This it, _.„,L.,:,,,,....,„„.,_,,.. ,,,,L,,,, Uatnig t1in roaci betweee. eor.ceselons - . 7.• • . •••...a, P and 10, Grey -Land the read between with wodertulli• good resulte. • ' . - the reed thal. eonneetnewith the pro - .A. reofien by Dir. Mcgibbon, seeend.. Movect by Mcssra. Turner and Crai- posed road in Perth county and we by Mr. Ingles. that the -couneil pit vote that nny rate duo ene terra or understand that opproval will be ale - on record its higb appreciation oi tito uoderion for Wet) not -expended we en to tide road by the Government. • .• e county by Mr, Ile- the county ta the tome be expended on We recommend that a bylaw be pee - wet% donoin tb Cateue 'arid Its sincere regret that he Cambrie read and on other streets ae- sed euthorizing your c•emmission awl with .apraeuse. ceptable to the Department of :High- t, the Werden to enternci eicautlocinis aiatitt .. Teal gising up the work. woe carried eeayaneGccd /walla Commisstaxg, ;courts tie exeropriate meted by Messes.. Trewartha and enforce any rightwhich the .county Flotr'm of Refege &Peke Very encor- .'Mhiciletort that the Good Roads Co .m- ! may have against any individual .or • - Mr: Govenloclo inur.mor of the •attinglY samission plaee a light at the neuth of Icornoratton in connee ction with th of that institution and id the railroad crossing on the county , county road system—in the lo the old age pension scheme bad work. ed. out very satisfactorily, each initiate road approaching Clinton, the eras- f of Howiele -the road leading easeterly sing being a very *dangerous one.-- I from the west town line near Pars ' pensioned' would - get the full 120 a , bridge• to Fraelick, st. in Wroxeter, tniiinenatobu. of Width $18 erns retained by Good Road% Commission. • nty and n given to the inmate. Moved by Wenn. R. IL and W. P. thence . en Vralick et. to. Gibson -a.. This woe a veey satisfactory business • Thompson. that •Clauses 5 and 6 of By- I We have purchased ein.ce January ,inw la' teen,. designating the county one Dominion Road power grader and Arrangement and the inmates were - reed west ef Bener.ave And the road 1 one - Reo 3 -ton truek. Re dahger A letter from I 0, Stanlmry, of (mat of Hensall bo again sent to the points on county roads we recommend satisfied. Department of Highways. Or re -con- that the county pay 10 per light to. Exeter. with reference to payments to %IS sideration --Good Reads Commission. wards the upkeep of two lights at the Old Age Pension committee sent to the executive comtnittee. Moved by Meesrs, Francis and Gold- Eanfieid, Bluevale, Wroxeter, Ethel Wfaoir°1n63014ahree Vggtifoerx1;:fini: Strong from a large munber of rate- koholPinttohaatneree peoxretcuotnilliee °pulp; 'III andWalton. A petition presented by Mr. Ann- payere on behalf of 4 lady in Hullett committees tgeanreangeee,asz,915eio,rsr5iigriesurpre,lreant).. townebip who was deserted, asking other allowances made to the eounty to render aselstance, was of tMs couricil—Pareded. filed for future reference, an invitation to attend the nurses' costae workmen's -VoroPensation. -in- At the 'Thursday morning session •dence, construction $38,821, legal Mr. Armstrong enquired when the graduation exercises was filed, the Auratte, road cotamission, $8000, change in the payment to school ine council having their banquet the -same tsr411)60tofter LIntiOsti;uientinenreswt oettar:reot specters by the Province instead of nighn • posed consists of the followinr, : Mr. IL. T. Edwards, inspector for by Cho County came into effect andWingham and Henn% $9.., WAS informed that July 1st, 1030, wee- the Children's . Shelter, rorrted on No. 12, 12wicalop, improvement Mr. 'Trewartim brought up the mat- the -work, especially with re erence to . „ t _ _ bort, 2 mile, $6,000; No. 26 Logan and the elate, . ter of payment to committees and cri" ecren the recent work done on behalf of at jog, 03°0# A 0* 8, llebbrne and llib- I d hild b the RotaryClub ' Grey, 2 miles, $6,000; No. 27, Ashfield 1 taken to make the same uniform and of Stratfordamthe Iona re orie an ea art . I Club 3'L ' of A No 1 Exeter, widening grade.218 . 00. thought that sonto action should'. be c d • h a s e h :Ind W. Wawanosh, 1 miles, $5,50, ferred to the same matter and a gen- ffg e ta bylav'. e 'ar en re- Provincial Road !Inspector Haase : $600; No. 21, Grey and Howicln $600; eral diecusolon took', plaeci, on the ()I-uw11.'• was present but did not address the e s . 21, en • n a ace, No. 7, Play and Stebeen. $600: No. 53 The Warden commented that the work Smith of NO; Hamburg On Friday morning Mr. A. Re G. Goderich Gulley Work anci pay' of a Committee man. Hay, $700; No, 2 Colborne and Ash - of a committee 'man took up a great District, eine n,„„, ve 2 -deal more time than. the tlays of moot- Weed. Inspector for Western. Ontario, ntnn".."e",eenw• was present and addreesed the council I "',g;' p70701;ty t committee reported The inatter of equalization was eet- On the invitation of the Warden. lerr. ' in the magistrate's *filo and in. i everything in good condition at the same- as in 1020. ticd, alter diseussion, by leavin" it the . instancesiof wbern great damage fio-, :Smite took up 'ver fully the enforc- ing of the Nomous 'Weeds Act, giving IjrtienicirsInodnitt court roomc gi Inrgd e caonrd- that the council request the High - Messrs. Francis and Higgins melted nnelan had beer Stifitaited °Whit to W I ted: of enforcement of -the Act, and • ated and the woodwork varnished, the wayo-tDeportmeriento congnue this went belly into thennethede In Le n . ve- contritet, to he let by tender.. , S year the pavement south ee Exeter, sued in dealing with many weeds. Theexecutive • committee reported tive miles' to complete the pavement such as sow thistle, wild carrot, bind as follows: Re grant to thecott Memorial Hospital Of Seaforth made between London and Clintori--$mit to weed,' and by this council at its January meeting Moved by Messrs. Turner and Hen- A motion -hy---Xessre. Ingles Wens and =cane committeee---- ' ---- - we recommend that same be paid as eerson that' a grant a $200 be made Gamble that Ole county council ap- e soon as matter Of legality of same is to the National Institute for the Blind predates very much the worthy ef Re request of East Huron Women's cleared up by our county' solicitor. —Sent to executive committee. forts being taken, under the leader- ship of the Lions Clubs of Goderieh strong that the approaches to Black's and Seaforth to aid the Crippled Chile Institute we recommend that seine- be dre,n of Huron County and that. we IV yoyernace etrearaerien, nottcounty. hz Moved by essrs. a andrm- between Hullett and DitEillop be put thanks for the tame was carried. contliniuDnItenti2Me: of R. Higins, reeve It was deckled to hold the anima' bridge be looked after and also that wish to express "to them our sincere two small bridges on the town line of Hensall, .we feel that Mr. Higgins in a safe condition—Sent to Good picnic at Bayfield oirthe 19th of June. should not be out the amount of lits $ Ronda. Commissiom n. The Children's Shelter Committee costs, 127, as the case was caused by the Provincial Act not being clear. We recommend that our count**, al- , Moved by Messrs. Gbetz and Swett- reportedt tonditions at 'the home in zer that the road north from Grand good shapce five children et present elate do everything posdble to help Bend to . Port Blake be treated with in the shelter (3 girls and 2 boys) Mr. Higgins recover heavy 'tar er heavy oil to keep down the duet and hold the road surface.— going ranging from 6 to 15 years, three to school. 'rho reported cloE4ed the oProvincialjaesrliGogratnblielegannit 4, :17,tefrom Good toads Commission. • . . as f0110": "We are sorry to state tion thorpe re pay of cOnunitteeS, we Gold- Atre- the Wednesday afternoon Meet- at this time that Mrs. Tigert, the commend that the mileage should .be ieteateoesee. Goetz and sweitrer moved matron a the Children's Shelter, has e that W. B. Oliver he appointed a con- sent in her resignation owing to ill 10 cents per utile ach way arid that stable at Grand Bend, for n period of health. We as a eomniittee appre- ' the pay of council and members of two months (July and August) at his elate the serviees she 119,S rendered to coininittees be as at present under our eb.e redone:tan by ItRrelamwso'stintlikeeafterott Moved by Wright and Innles, Goal nAtr". 'We have Messrs. Turner and Henderson for a peewees enteeerneneeriee, the county during her short term ra5e. appointed M the road between the 8th and 9th c011.1Gliver of Port Albeit to fill the vac- ancy. . grant to the National Institute for cession of Turnherty be taken 'over as I 1 the Blind, we recommend that $100 13 county road. --.Sent to Goods Roads The Legislation Committee necora- be granted. Re application of Mr. Commission. mended concurrence in the petition of 'White, turnkey at the jail, we room- Moved by Meltibbet. and Henderson, the 'United Counties of .n.orthumber. mend that a grant of $50 be given, that we carry accident and casualty I land and Durham to relieve all coun. CORN FiAsES ott.- *Always. leek for therm& and -green package. .TrinT•1 Len /Wil LONG a- 'favorite Canadian grain, wholesome corn has climbed to new heights of popularity; througli the matchless flavor and crispness of Kellogg's Corn Flakes; More than 12,00000 daily enjoy delicious COEN FLAKES rommoloblL.62,-.1WWW.M1110.09. • I ADVERTISE IN Motion et Messrs. Trewartha andTHE STAIL ' Middleton that a light be Placed et the railway eros,ng on the Bayfield T SWARTS' Toad, we reeommend that action be deferred till the situation be examine' ed. Re motion of Messrs. Thompson' Rua Heys that h light be Placed at; Irracelleid, same recommendations. Re clause of motion of Messrs. Arm- strong and Mole that the base line, as I a county road, be considered, we reel commend that this road be included in the bylaw being prepared and sub- mitted to the Department. Re insur- ance against highway liability,, we recommend that the Riley to be tak- en be decided by the council as a whole. The passing of a number or bylaws giving effect to the county's action in matters requiring a bylaw was one of the closing items of business and the -council adjourned after singing the National Anthem and Auld Lang Syne. - Worms sap the strength and under- mine the vitalty of children. Stren- gthen them by using Mother' Graves' Worm Exterminator to. drive out the 1 •• gate aml Bone Living flack Stables, Etc. • Moritiestat Steam* • just off the Square earteeee SEVERAL FIRST.CtASS AUTOS READY • FOR SERVICE—GET YOU ANYWHERE AND WHEN YOU WANT TO GET THERE 'Busses Meet all Trains sad Passenger Boats Passengers called tor In say part ot the town for *11 - trains at O. T. R. or C. P. R, • .• • • 'It" ug 8 sa 4.131 $ 09 •Per an- eomin rear.—Carried.the administration and paYment of • xapd by • Mesers. Thempeon rand old age pensions, and thisTh , was adopt- ' "e education committee recora Eeys thet this council be asked to ell* but another receminendation of mended that the following High the .eommittee that the miner! en. School levies be paid when verified by Place r. light at tile eroseine 111 the • elorse the resolutfon of Middlesex the clerk, together with the addition- -1' county council to ask the Province to al grant or refund per sec. 86, chapter assume the full cost of Provincial 226, R.S.O. 1927. That the Goderich Highways was not concurred in. It And.Exeter Accounts be referred back was recommended, that all births be to their respective secretaries for cor- registeeed in the municipality in rection. That the -following levies which the birth tapes plaee. , Also for adjoining county highscbools for that bylaw No. 6 of the township of Huron County pupils ; Listowel, myriads of mist.hke drops quire J71'$820.5 Neturekrovides the butterfat of the county toune 2; ilarriston, in milk. -Mt is why The report for the county auditors "Stratford. $08.65; Lucknow, $1608.08; for in2a Awed the standing' of London, $579.98; be 'paid when veri- SCOTT'S EMULSION ..ty ef sla ed, "We be. fied. In the case of Ehnira, it not th ft whieh being an notave eallt geeln"dtmheadetnaduering 011(tiletgace:lotit v14el'eefrIVI to draw the attention of the council to one instance of a pupil leaving Huron Co. to attend a London school, passing both Clinton and Exeter High Scheele. A bill was sent to ue for this pupil of 2147.22, and we recom- mend that this be discouraged as uch as poosible. The second report of the Good Roads Commission made the follow- ing recommendations: Re letter of the superintendent of the C. N. It., Stratford, re gravel scraped onto rail- way crossings, while it is not believed that any such capes have occurred in this tounty, it is proposed to tend 110tiCe5 to ail operators of graders advising them ot the danger ill thl; regard. De oration of Messrs. Goete and ,Sweitzer that a bituminous sur - faze be plaeed north of Grand Bend, we recommend that this be given eon- eideration when placing dust layera. Ile motion of ltlessre. Dodda and ; Armstrong re boundary bridgee, !recommend that the neeecoary seer': ion thele bridles he done. Re motion ' of Meesra. Robert and W. 1'. Theism- ! eon end latessre. Armstrong and i Mole, that Bylaw No. 10, 10f17, be i anaiii sefornitted to the Department. recommend that thio be clone. De motion of Alevere. hilie and Wtrieht that the 8th co:wee:1)16n Turnberry be a county road. VC. TCNinaractid that avt(on he deferent! till tne hao bed ell tnntartunity to enateitte the . roan ovel tZte eituation. Ito motion of !deem. Galen& mei `lizompeea eou. • seaming (nap:epee:4 e,f the trill(' of - neer, we rceoramend flint he lie nitY3 tlratillOyr#10n1.: t!: 171;';'• the , eeer ca teen?, or other work no ret.on beeeevonientlo Re motion 'funnel' eel Verniedo that mon ; 04 Orr. den the Toten of Golcn , ((3T1 ihtgfilnt;n7e'l 12,3r (3alc ly -GetlerZeh Menttrettoring Co, Limited Godefich, Ontario u11 1.21tti4lig#011M1011111111111111101011,1111.1.1110811011....u...._J . f ##A,...«. 1111."14 mum NI I. 1 MIST -LIKE DROPS WI-IF11 cod.liver oil is *mal•w *Ward it is broken up into Zwick of 1000 be confirmed by a bye $1012.10; St, Marys $284.14; Park - more than fifty years ago won workl.wide recognition AS cod. liver oil in * form that People .could take end enjoy. When gott need cod. hoer off, take Scotee Entssfeiosti ifs easg to lake—d voimiummimilmoommisliestt IS Swats. Thesis, 00 4 . 310 INSURANCE- The °Mutual Life Assurance Compa of Carta& • eseteesteteliii g I -1Inen °Men WanCtitate, Oen D. D. MOONEY, Agent Vieoem Norrett ter'. t (431ptl.:110.1, ON'Z. lst Past few years should not be allowed to continue, and that the county 'council should as early as possible take some definite action to clear away this encumbrance end start on same syetena whieli will meet our obligations from Year to year as they occur. We find the treaeurer's books in good condition and the work is being capably carried out. We also note that owing to the addition in reeent years of new departinents hi council municipal works such AS told age pensions and other minor nuit- tera, the work of the county Weser- er'ct office bee been multiplied at least four -fold froni some veers -ago. - In conclusion we would like to tske,thie opportunity of expressing our praise of the eMeieney (rf the treasurer and the clerk in the performenet of their duties, and also Miss Tye for aseist- anee teheettally given in the perform. anee of our duties as auditors. The House of Refuge committee re- ported the house and grounds in rood rendition. The flame in the toilet lied been rep/aced with terratzo, 'which eras a wonderful impravetaent. There tete inmentee receivinn mid na'o penin, 47 of the ebeettee eon:. ne inn enble to the eanntv treaeuroe iend 0 te the ininater and the eonarnitt tao -nieenolo reverentended that then ehonici nil •Ite (made paye.tle to tint .1-'----.-_-7:277e-nee--- ........ cgi?frti'ggien who bad „need 1...!,(eme eiteene • e Led i" 'nee nw-W and it wan receremended that c t • .,, A S To R 1 A ;,ial,c;inettcsicg..,i,..,:ntteirc,:iik ,1!..;.7, Gotittlagil For Infentt and Children In Use For Ovor30 Yang* fkliwk:3 Verecete(f€412g 11,1•Zii117o1t trtit) C,Wintti tor ?.c004 oftav kc berenoting. of the tl'Or# the eine) ntel theeere- tereteo vs:eye:nee:Idea if the /nee 4I4tr•I t,2i"le,3 it v;:.)tel It:‘ rn:71.1.:itTo tee, ion if net neer:lel eoutn eneteel Coe a teetn ( ?enete. She almost trembled Evening taw 6/ "4»y. tne (statiowto.sia. lion) calls note begin. at 7 pen. Nigli rates begitc41 &V- Arii, just give °Ltw Distance" she somber yo:i want —it speeds tip the ser. eke, Ifyou don't know the distant number, °Information" will look it skly for yon. at the thought Mrs. Kane was a thrill soul --no iloubt elsout it! .hlodern efficiency rather terrified her. She wanted so Much to talk to her sister in a town Whiles away because a friend had told her how she enjoyed weekly long distance chats with her horn. Hat 6110 didn't know how to go tent it. "There's nothing to it, (vex friend told her. "Just ask the operator for *Long Distance' and when she, =ewers WI her the number you want. Ulan don't know your sister's number, ask Information'—it's so very sirople." Um, Kane felt encouraged. She tried it out one evening; found the operator bc.ipiiii; and in two Milintt3 was talk- ing to her eister and cilleying herself „thorousbly., And die tall cost her only 40 cents -- the evening stationqa.station rate (aftrr 7 p.m.). The friday night 34ninute talk to her sister is now an institution, It has made such a difference to know she is set twirl And Mts. Kane calls after 8.30 p.mnow, it a cost of only 25 rents -- the night rate.