The Goderich Star, 1930-06-12, Page 4•
Father's Day is Sunday, June 156
We now have a complete line of rich
Silk Neckwear in all the new smart shades,
checks, stripes, fancy and plain designs'.
In Silks, Lisles, Silk and Wool and
Cashmeres, plain shades and _neat fancy
For the june Bride, Brides.
maid and Others
W have just received a new shipment
of Georgette Dresses with lea trimming;
alSo georgette and lace ensembles. Other
ensembles of silk, flat crepe, and figured
crepes for travelling.
Our new basket
arc sure to appeal to
hades OE white, green,
weave Flannel. Coats
you, They CO= in
maize and blue.
. Da.d ahays appreciates a shirt as a
gift. We have all the new designs in plain
shades, stripes and fanCy weaves, collar at-
tached or. separate Collar to match..
at Reduced Prices
We are 110W offering the balance of this
- season'sstock of Ladies' Coats at greatly
reduced prices. They are all different and -
Come in tweeds, tricotines and broadcloths.
• Bathing Suits
A new shipment of the
weft -known Aberley
line of
". 41;LADiES and GIRLS
4 Itt .1
"w1Q1:20m 409=0-
M¢E3 irchl spent zest eicai GODERICH FOLKS
nentriew leiends,
cfilLTSDAY. %UNE 12the 1140
MOO eNR1/90/009P.,.
Rest:ember. the Aelifielci garden par. t
evening, June it'Otn. sEBotomeioove-.1 femme -004 fyMV4ka youSals4tvi.niti:r: tr,. _YES, Beer ire li.toSe' 1-14"'6 *43° USED
te en the Zion elieeeh lawn kinsay
gueets of M. and Mrs. S. J. Kiipat- ;
vick this week,
Rev. II. Dickenson, a former pastor' eas.
you wail -E._ - 1.-E0FTrtvorivsre:ve
t3t/Y VO4.8;t. 6--rkilotlek‘i AT
gea. tani eirs. R. T. Eileattick, aud ,'
mAgmet) you. cokERISH MY (Am• -le, -1
setio eloyd, of Wyandette, Miele, are. .
1. Reed. aild Me. Reed, of leekriove DRUe STORE
el tire Ashfield dem% wbe witis bis i
bride is visiting bis meatier
Asbaeid people, alio wish the and bits. DE
ims'is' (loco
preaenett hi Blake chianti Suudan
evening. Ito church Was filled,many
trout tlie Zion sand Haeliett's appoint-
ments being z.'Ent. Mr. Diskenson
has a warm place in the bents of tile
Oa • —
Diekeneen a, torte and happy lite with
niarked snevees irs their work iu the
WESTFIELD of youth. Standard dru,,c,s. roilet articles .
. . 5 DUNLOP
•rpg",",...........74.00191. Many aids to help you keep the biOliti4 w we,,, ,, H c-
,...„: Guelph venters last week. . courtesy arid eerniee.
Messrs. Melvin and Bert Taylor of charm. Come in arid ern the store of THE REX-ALL DRUG STORE
week witi. ber aunt, Mrs. Thos. Ker. ----* - f ., . GODERIICH ..--
Mrs. Murray MODiarmid event last • •
---776.PA00.11Ana 01010*.1.11
nick, of Blyth. .
Mie Rebt. Livingstone, of Walton, Toronto
Campbell. Mrs. Jol'nston is the guest ef her arty this week,.
don, called on triode hi thin vicinity WHEN TOUR CHILD
visited on Sunday with. Air. J. N. "
Weir, at pres- sletr. Amos, Ball left last weelt on a I
4dttatinfatvnlitilii7lhoefirAesohlifillds: teinatuer' 341s' (nr.) Motor trip to visit relatives at the
vislitread oRneiSden
spend tsnpiesniotchaelitrelt.end with sriends in accompanied bine
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Raithby,. Mrs. _, The is: of babies and little chile
Give Him Baby's Own Tablets
b• et to rauid chengeo
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell. , Miss Lottie Lawlor, of London, Soo. Itln, Leslie Ball, of Londesboro,
Ur, and Mrs, John Vincent left on
ta8eurtnv.edeakY tflaievreNsi,ihtliigaltnir's?fiVdinweennit's sis- .nevteal of the Free Masons et the W. Mains and Mr, Glen Raithby left area is s° 3e - . •
. village visited Old Light Lodge, Luck- taboirsthweernekoonntaraio.motor trip through Thus the mother must be on her
DONNYBROOK Mrs. 'Walker, ot Toronto spent the
now, last 11,hursday evening. guard. At the first.eign of feverish-
ness Baby's Owe. Tablets should be
week end with her father,' Mr. Alex. COLBORNE ' given—this may avert a serious M.
Miss Gladya Jefferson, R.N., of of Clinton and Anburn met in the vil- man Lee, Uxbridge, Onte, says:
Miss 'Laura Johnston spent the McKenzie, of the yillage. Istr. Einmerson Edward is suffering Concerning the Tablets Mrs. Nor -
Week -end at her home in Goderich. Monday eveniog the baseball teams from an attack of blood poison.
Ur. and Mrs. George Miner and little boy, now taro years old, was
Woodstock, was, home for the week. lege, Clinton was. the victor.
• - son,Buddie, also the Misses Ethel not at all well. He was feverish and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McGill were Baten and Dorothy Arahaatheau, of , had no appetite. I gave him Baby's
[(Indio. Reid and family, of Ashfield, the guests of Mrs. W. T. Riddell the
Vinton, Miele, wee, recent visitors own Tablets and he was soon well
viviishiteertd ocnamSpuhnety 'at the home of Mr. former part of the week,
Miss Agnes Smith, of Teronto, . 'Tablets as long as there areYoung
*with Mrs. NellkeEdward, Colborne. again. I would not be without the.
' , and Mrs. Robinson and family spent the week -end with her friend, Certain morbid conditions must ex- children in the house."
_ [ ---- e
Were Sunday visitors at the home of ' Airs. W. T. •Riddell, of the village.
Mr, Gordon MeClinehey. Mr. and Mrs. Mogh, of Taysit in the stomach and intestines tos . Baby's Own Tablets are sold by
Mr. and Mrs. Robe Warwick, of spitock, encourage worms, and they will exist medicine dealers or by mail at 25
spent the week -end with their friend,
Miss Catherine Wagner, of the vii.. as long ase these morbid conditions cents a box from The Dr. Williemse
Morris, were Sunday visitors at the
home of Mn. Dare Chainney. permit thee) to. To be rid of them Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Robinson, Finest lage.• —
and Wilfred, visited on Sunday with in-law, Mr. McIntyre, of !Dungannon, Miner's Worm* Powders. They will i
Mr. Sandford. Lawlor and his son- and spare the child suffering, use ;
Dr. Harold Robinson at Walkerton. visited friends in London weer the rreetehe digestive irreguyteities by i br eanl 7. 4 tg rd, :nr --
I visited last week at the home of his I Miss Margaret Williams, of Gedes eit, will • fe ` Worm Extern
unator to drive out the
uncle, Mr. Geo. Naylor. visiting ' orable to worms will' disappear, and s:Zittilye osregitil
al Mother 'Graves'
• A mineWth:
1 Mr. Carman Newton of Chatham, I week -end, . destroying the worms conditions fav-
}Mother, Mrs. Thos. Straughan, this gthen them by. .viin .
i rich township, is her grand- from that cause /
e childhave no more su craw „
' Donald, of Mute% . The ladies of the W. M. S. of the • . o___ ' •
Wedding bells. are ringing. village, went to Detroit last week on
• FORT ALBERT . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patterson, of the ........................neer.,..........................10.--senet-e',
Miss Clara Willis ,.spent a few days a visit to the latter's sister, Mrs. Me -
last week with her sister, Mrs, E. Mc- Brien, and her 'family.
•. (bite a number from around here 'Presbyterian church will have their * ° • BELL WORK
in Goderich.. . . • . day of this week. ' HOUSE II% AND REPAIR,.RAiftALICINI,)S• -,
went te tbe.graduation of the nurses regular monthly -meeting on Tikurst •
I Mize M. Stanley, of Ripley, spent Messrs. Maitland Allin and Nelson moTORS AND OTHER of ELECTRICAL N
' the week -end with her friend, Miss Hill were in Windsor last week. Re- . • ' • i A
Master . Tonung,Ilovac, of Detroit, a new Chrysler ear for Mr. Attire ELECTRICAL APPARATUS - . • EQUIPMENT .
. "- r.
t Ruby Dickson. d ' . . turning home they brought with them
t hes been spendimen few holidays with Last Sa*atit witnessecinhe decease . .
Mr. Bert Crawford, of Flesherton, the person of Mrs. Henry Snyder, of , , Let Iii. giwo.R3:11owdara: es- tima"Rte*on°YRI v/U041:ANTEEI:)" , "
spent a few days recently at the home iGoderich township. Deceased was OUR PRicEs 'ARE ,
: relatives here. . • of a former reeident of the village in
of his parents, Mr. and blia. Wm. l' the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs 4
family, of Stratford, spent Sunday at teacher, in which professiore she wan Mann in
a ., Cam Ferguson of the village. She .
1 Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sylvester and prepared for the duties Of a school TALBoir &
West Street
their cottage here. , • . von esuccessful. The sympathy of s
XL and. Mrs. Lorne Cook and fam- theitonimunity is extended to the bere ,.......-.4. _
fly of Stratford went Sunday in their eavedpartner-in-life and flintily, who
cottage liere at the lake. s will miss a mother's guiding hand.
. ed,r. attar Greentand daughter Rae ' Last Monday the mortal remairis'of
SPOTTON LOOKED AFTER they were necessary. ,, LION, R. 8. -8ENN'ETT'S h Henkirk were interredin-
zel, also son John, of Detroit, spent a Mrs, Josep
' kens:lays aiseeweine wtth.friends in the. Union- cemetery. , Deceased died .
FARMERS' iprTERESTS. WELL ttoMire.efOltihvetre Iletidersen, woman dir- ' PLEDGES Al mEETING
provincial U.F.O. body, , . . themil..diagulterplo !tree s, t he 4 • . in Nei:lama, but was well known in
let a consid.. this locality. Mr. Habkirk 'taught '
(Free Peens Report) ' . said that the V.P.O., in the last pro- • , --- • erable trouble * his chopping mill school in No. 5, Hullett, also in No. 9,
iving,hani, June e_cearees thet tincial eiceties, ball supported iislia , ui. We pledge onrselves to a Poi- last week" but repaired Hullett, about ,sixty years ago. -Ile
the lerterani had peeked the tl. F. 0, ond-rate .temPerSite 'Man they th.07 „ and...he is ready peompt service kept store in the village for a num.
convention last October and kept tile, R
eherteme, Liberal M.L44.) When eY dieleelopanilltriectit ?nn-ofuorr Canalittodlii4arrinesour _anise .„.... _:.... . ber_of years. before -they-- nvent to
-. •- •'farmer, eeent pueteseettehe owe cam. might haVe had pitir-OWn Candidate. _ciin
agrteultural iiiid-dustrial; ta 1 Mrs. Roy Willis, •of Detroit, and and Blytte After the death of Mr.- nab
tridas in the „nod. were made Nee Liberals *4 paegeo the U.P.O.. con- . . 1
saee the consumers from exploitation, some . lady ,friends of Dungannon, kirk she resided with wearers of the.
tide afternoon at the annual meeting! ventien, 54 th , They )04 come 02. We pledge mirselves ta foetnr I spent a. couple of days at the cottage- family in the West. Of a quiet and
. of the United Farmers' political asso.1 to the sneetmg and asked Entilltokaliety •develop thee') agrics,Iturni. eve ,of the former's mother, Mrs, • 11, J. retiring, nature she was high's' De"
elation of North Huron. The meeting vbairMes for eredotqw111** V..try. 0. stockandand delve"
'had voted * nst ev * * . .. ,
industries, now so Crawford, here last week, speeted by all with whom she was sea
was stronely urged by' some of its roc% but . ..,S11 — . . sadly neglectede
- The Ladies' Guild of Christ church, quainted.
most influential oftleeve and support-, 'candidate bemuse teeP.a,os been in" ull. We pledo ourselves to the Port Albert, met, at the home of ,..,.. ,
era to puss a resolution indorsing' the fluenced by tile Provincial 141)irs1 stabilization of economic 'conditions,e tom another correspondent)
party. -Mrs. Jas. HaydenHaden on Wednesday,
eandidature of George Spotton, Con- • and to notitinuity of trade and free- June 4th, withenegood• .attendanee.
. servative member of Parliament. "That's how We were put in the de- dom from the manipulation of horde ,The early part -of the'afternoon was new platform on the stock tales at
The scales company have plated a.
Aetive. and violent resistanee to Lib.' plorable poeition in wnielie we find and foreign tariffs. spent in quilting... The devotional ex_ thi. *cation.
eral domination in elo tiding was evi- ourselves tods3'," she e„hstged. „„,. o4, We pledge ourselves to the de- ereises were taken by the president, Mrs, A. King, of Godes-id, spent a
dent end charges were reiterated that The same elvatires 'were Talkau-IV irelepaleet of interprovincial • trade, Mrs. Thos. Dougherty. The scripture
s. . few' days. with her daughter, Mrs. A.
the' Liberals had not treated the U. Mr. Rutherford, who siiid that Ode Killough, recently,
and of a Canadian fuel pollen, and de. lesson was read by Mrs. W. Grey.
F. O. os they should Zieve done, and had been more Liberal* Vitas U0,0. veleiment of a foreign market. The rotor, Rey. Mr. Gibbs, closed the Mr. and Mrs. E. Anderson, of Lon -
ethers stated that it would only be delegates at the"'eonvbeition ..e. Wo pledge ourselves to the meeting with prayer. Afternoon tea
Suet ami proper at this time to oat- hist fall. - •
of was served by the hostess and her
*we elippert the Conservative can- Robert J. Scott answered charges Canadian transportation neeeeweee assistants. It wos decided to hold
After a great deal of ecrithinious the V.V.°. riding iteaOciatiOna. °ilia matte, and the coastructiers of such ground.? on uly 4th. Partieulars
. , that there waserontside control' by the completion of the Hudson Bay the Annual garden party at the church
*discuosion the convention neatly 'de. was emphatically not the case. There beauties as may be necessary to ren. later.
eided ,not to place.a candidate in the was complete riding autortoMy an dor it :Meet readily atailable to every
d The Guild of Christ church, Port
field for the federal election and to al- the candidate merely
Sehsevioed to
low eaeli membor of the U.10.41 indi. the U. V. O. political committee plat.
ri:,rt of Canada; to the Pacific slope
a Peace River outlet, and east and teen and meet regularly once a month
Albert, have aemembership of four.
vidual liberty of voting.. The temper form if he was asked to do so-tilt0k _west- by -theedevelopment- tit thes.41e---
t -the- homes of ihr-inembeeg.--Vaa.
of the meeting-Wvionely- wes hostile rifling executive send this situatton Lawrence waterways, and we pledge loos methods are employed to raise
to the Liberals and W. A. Currie of B. had occurred in the _tweet riding Or ourselves to aid existing truffle chart- funds to meet the current expenses of
'Wewanozie remarked: "If We put a Huron. s nets and to increase port facilities one. i hi
the parish by voluntary ontributions,
man in the field Mr. Spotton will be Charges ni "pelting" referred to the Great Lakes, Hudson Ray and the so ia even gs, garden' parties and
• eleeted. just let's vote for him in- the 11.e.O. convention held bere last Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and to sbnirtlehndiaresdolerar theLnntetTeehartnitehmnbde:
stead. It ia a much simpler, and less tall, when it was decided not to put tbe establishment of a national high -
expensive teethed." gave one cent for each year of her age
up a /candidate to ontest the ridog wan enstene
'fide is the second riding in Wotern with Cherles Robertson, Liberal, and • "b. We pledge ourselves to faster arid the . proceeds went toward the
Ontario formally to declare ita aosti. Dr. J. D. Whitely, Goderieh, Censer- and support a plan for greater Em. AlthOugh not art organized W. A. it
purchase of a Bible for the church.
lity to the Liberal party and to ern- vative. Much to the surpriee of the pire trade, based on mutual advent-
pliasize the split which is general in U.F.O. organization, whicit wanted to age. helps a little along these lines.' We
' ti veetion of Ontario. In Hensel1 eent a bale 74 geode to the value of
I contest the seat, the meeting decided oe, We pledge ourselves to a na.
yesterdeg Mere] dominatis re. 'against it and the irregolinitiee %Odell tional old -age pensibns scheme. i $20 to a former rector and Ins family
I of this parieh who unfortunately had
big decided against, a candidate by a. headquarters wore detcovered when it compensation adjastment as will en- 1 by fire. 'Vtre ole eontributed a auilt
milteaftenoon the --------------------'meet.they feet they have WILCO! to Liberal, "8. .We pledge ourselves to sUeln, the eontente of their twine destroyed
vote of 20 against hexing a candidate I weal toe. late to do anything about eure the beuelit or the above policies end
and 18 for. South Perth, West Mid- t) Anotherf h s preserved fruit to Huron College
dlesex and Mist ,Lambton are other
tidings where the temper of the peo-
ple is said to be similar,
Mr. Currie started the fireworks by
erging the U.111.0. to go on record in
favor of Ur. Spotton and hi the; be als practically ordered the rrogroo- free and bravo and strong with the y as.
Ica% supported by William Ruther- elves to stay out of the field. strength that, comes from the moun- (Intended for last week)
ford, newly elected zecretaryetreasur. The quarrel, whieh is deep aettted, table and the pradriem and the rivers , Mr. Roy 'Petrie installed another
tr of the organination,
gees back even 'further than that. In and the tots, both untouched by age— new gas pump recently.
"We owe the Liberal party noth- 102,7 when John it progressive M. a shrine, this Caned*, wheel holds t Friends from Detroit visited with
ing," declared Mr. Rutherford. "That 1).,, died, the 13.F.0, asked the Met- inviolate thette !awe of truth, justice , io. and Mrs. G(k). Richerdson lase
party has not used es as we deceived and eguity brought with us when we. week.
to he used by them after tupporting als to Id a Pro bit fitaish out the
term of Psrliemant, bid . enraelves first came Into this westem I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ahrens, of
their candidate.. It is cozily just that 4 erb c t" . at that %mid. The threo are a trinity of , Detroit, spent, the week -end with the
the Grits re
fute . e entserva nes a
we [should support the Coneet•vstive - , latter's mister Mrs. Walker Murray
candidate now. The ConservMive tune were w mg o
ill' t reserve their it- Polvor.
Peint °f VilatV al the Liberals and u°w thin end a three -cornered contest hes this t"er. to be diligent in the trurst th61 ottotgt h"e•
Liberals have even adopted lee The many friends of Mr. Mary
been bed bythe U.P.O. to have been you will inneise upon it. to achieve I
ervative platform. Mr. Smitten ,,„liawkito are pleheed to hear he is
emee he lee been a member hes work. "`-- 1 ° s
nen bit for th di eapting of their that your labsts may not be fruitiest
to work that you nest blow som4;greatly improving in health.
overy pa o Canada".and todey we aro giving-. a, quilt and
sentment of U.F.O. and Progressives taeleeota the Government will& you, the sum of $5 ta Huran Deanery W.A.
in this riding is that at the reeent in your wisdom !nay select there lies The sum of $280.50 was raised the
Liberal nomination resetting hero the most inspiring task .of modern' past year and $261A1 expended.
when W. It, ItOhert15011+ Gederich edi' times—a land endowed by Healren HARRIBT HAYDEN,
tor, Was. chosen candidate, the Liber- with incalculable wealth a co
federally ave smt ag gzed from nur ,..,, for a general election, so that "The teak of government, its gresit. Mr. and .5-sgo and s6)n Min
- the Liberal action in causing an eke- right and privileges, in to suppert of Detrait, spent the Aveek.end at
rd in the intereste of the week of "ganitsti"*
North Huron as a whole. Ire ha5 IPA
been hide-bmand by _patty."
Oliver sleniebell, 'Grey tape thotaght
it, slictild be left to the individual atm
fo how to ensurer vote. Ile was 09
)-435E41 to eletine a cenditIate in tlie
otkees of the imeriation UAW ki'ld ol*wfigrenle'raarnerrelhe:112, Mr. I'V• Lai; orDeI gollt.11YvsioaitieSd
wcret netted *5 tellovs: P°sidellt* ion built teuttof a gtommori -under". .*•iits`a the ton"eS Inwtherw 7•11°s. -
W. 3. lienciereon; first vieediretident, .
' rikeoillsu"fergen aineemtnh'e"wPourre;oep'slvitollf Gr2"1''T'enivareernteheeitwoyeelik:Inbe4;en ets/Aes'4
T. A. Cameron; *wend vice-president
"lel* RnthelfIrrdre'ltrutiYitr:4:111tthe defentl'ade sson to be. ,alaYing with bis mieter,
Mrs. Oliver Anderatia; ca as .ess mid fait" 'ho st eel in the Goderieh tett Vete% end le
W 'II' ed W A Currie mull, i
i Schram.
'lien PIA l'oxr,11--.----tQP,In0 , Cann' f Mr. end Mrs. Thol.•Revee ar,d blice
tirt1.1413tccocmnollaannvttztIL: ;anttdanthheallt itctifxalsityys merh:itrreoeekrg:te utAtenelAtltd..ouvr‘zenteer. lidiait:oliive cdan*do** chloco
(tiona Verta Murray of Detroit, epert th
Centerrative, 'mid t",at the I.3. F. 0. dvrIvr' amteariohZ‘nhl* eb,..,4* ti*erw. Irt!, wt.
ic €.1"3----f!!"aat°-. - week,end with ttte /mitten Elare:I
AM hce e
a Ct.,arxe of mewing Pet an e. ratel Mt‘,„... Welker Milroy.
derendei:eci c? t".„, em porticl. whill Rutherford; East Wawireeeh, S. Merl
they miebt rat Z)a-70 onain *end q.o ton. Mrc Wilfred Reid; Morrie. Abut- GODERICH TOWNSHIP al
11aio te mt.. R. McKinnon; Mizs Evelst 74:Allistr9 of Gcle°
be tnce. Tee M.O. ehoutd at icset.14ireN.
ttE'qa" wri7t,4"Tansh.311frAfriii. Stanley rich, nes-ante/naiad hce patente tleee° Me. Seretnia'A bn7
S. rbeigg. Mrs. tin to Itareilten SirlaN;
cfliZvhhs",,frik;,,o"firrink:Tursheerr. c. ay....d mrs. Robt. MeAllEtter met Erbraini visitc4
pe:t--•ent hai!dieg a. wendestiel
rtree r-etoebell Mr* W A. Myth, Wm. ftenitlY trztOrta IrnrilittCtl•en Sen- naierels frerente*
dr..lrD' P4t1 fat;r14:ert to,tkra°116' 'Cve".1'"` f Pier* "It Wigelt 011:,' Shaine., !ay led viited ikith thezr ?,-qt, me. mr. Ilk, end mi. Edge.r texer,7,n,
ttacrivo,.. 11.--Aas‘rds idyl: Gtelege" pperlieg, MeAtIEL'ter *I ML tr tpert the fernier part of the wee%
to 2
15 Good Used Trucks
•IJFord;- Chrevroieto Graham Brothers,-Trodge, Leyland.
Stabe and dump bodies. ' •
Every truck in this is pricd away below its actutd value.
.Coniiiks and Me for yourself.' Transportation paid both way*
to actual 'buyers.
'RE° SALES oa., of lianiilton,• Ltd
• Open Elegising*
Reint 6904
• ••••••••..•••••*.
xcepticinal V aim
in High -Grade Reconditioned
..4100•••••••44.0. • 41.
1 aniiildwiliiiiimoieusimol.
1926 Oakland' Coach.. ......
1925 McLaughlin Coupe,
1926 McLaughlin Coach ..........
1926 Nash
• 1928 Pontiac Coach.;
1928 Pontiac
• ,..$350.00
..... $425.00
- . .. ...$595.00
. .$650.00
1928 Willys.linight Sedan...,
1928 Brskine
Model 65 Chrysler
1929 MeLaugldin.Buick Sedan......
440411111111114•411411.11•11m.4141411141444.4 -
I 4411•11141411411011.14.11
• . $745.00
McLaughlin Motor Car Company, Limited
OPEN EVENINGS Phone Met. 2872