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The Goderich Star, 1930-06-12, Page 2
t* Slid la TWO Salads Orange Pekes Sias by far the finest flavour i .ww "SATRAPII PEKOE &I DA TLA �Weeds from the seedens, 7/R Prince Carol IlecoMos Meg The former Crown Prince Carol, more recently known as Carol •Ca- xraiman, citizen, became Kine Carol II. of Roumenia by a vote of the Ron - =Men k n Parliament which laclaed on- ly one of being unanimous, the day niter his oenea_tionel return to Rou- mama. Thus the first successful aeroplane Coup d'etat in history come to a spec- tacular .and constitytional conclusion. A man who renounced his royal rigida on January 4, 1920, end went into exile with a woman companion, now weirs the crown of his fathers; his son, ]Michael, -the. boy King,, who has ruled With a Regency Councal,la- turns to the status of Crown Prince, and there ore indications that icing Carol's divorce from Princess Helene, iuother of Michael, will tie .annulled ton reasons of State. •!r'he accession of the former Crown reduce occasioned a wildly enthusias- tie popular clemonstraition. Amid splendid weather the city of Mediae. eot was gaily decorated, rand 200,000 cheering subjects lined the two-mile route from the Royal Votreeini. Pal- ace to the Chamber of Deputies, When - the prodigal Prince moved in a State Procession to . take the oath as Carol 1 Maltese Itise sAgal nit Arcbblehop Mounted police were forced to charge dense street crowds at Malta to halt a demonstration ageism the Catholic archbishop of Malta by sup- porters of Leri Strickland, head. of the Malta Government. The disorder o'eeurred after the -Whit -Sunday ser- 300 MILE IMo►0011.e4SPIEE IOWA: RAC locamapoli,, May )0.1l31% , ISitty Anaald,delyingat in • wlet awed of 100,4n1 mita pet hoot, wan tin 500,miie *chow tae( hero today to Foam* Gum.iiipp 4I TThro. BECAUSE off theircxtrastrength and star:'al.a, Firestone Cum Dipped Tires hold all world's :egos for mikage and endurance. • -CuinZipping is an 'exclusive Firestone process and the only known. method of completely insulating every £bre of •the, tire against internal friction—the greatest cpet iy to ere life. This extra precass, combined witla'a rived coNsititinve , aafetytrrad, produces the greatest .strength, stamina and safety that is possible to build : into '& 'tire. Mads in Cana. GY17111 l:4RESTC I Tial: ANO RU813RR COMPANY t... Or CP."ADA L'.MIT' O t T MILES PIMP -; - TUE GODERICII STAB vices conducted in the catbedral by 'k :the arclan:Flop Crowds asseroiths outside the building sheeting " l iron live ,5tri.Mand, dea-n with. Italttni Police were haresea to the scene an force but were unable to disperse the throngs until the mounted men ehar- lted fora several .point*. The area bishop semt,ined in the cathedral be- hind closed doors f©r a time. When She came forth peliea eacorttd him to the palace. Lard Stri klantt°s gov- ernment bas been at loggerheads with I the Catholic aathoritiea. Tae Prise started when tho chinelr propos— ed to transfer a ureal: who teas a Bra tith citizen, to a Sicilian monastery against lata wistea. Channel Tunnel Vetoed Vie British Government has decid- ed againot construction of a tunnel under the Englioh Channel to France, Premier J. Rainoay MacDonald an- nounced. in the Uowio of Comnton:a. The announcement caused home cur - prise, and Whiston Churchill, former ehasaeeilar of the'.xcheeluer, demand- ed that the House should have a chance diseuas the matter. Thi tun- nel names considered many emu, was revived recently when it was claimed work on the abaft .Mould greatly diminioh unemployment in Great. Bettaiti. Militarists opposcat _the protects, contending it svould feel- -Mato attack from the continent in "ease of war. ranee Shows Aerial Strength Three hundred planes roaring in the sky, with G00,000 spectators craning their necks from the ground was the spectacle presented before President Gaston Iloumergue and high French ofli inls nt the National Air Shows at Vincennes, last week -end. The croft included everything from prewar 40- horsepower "ben cages to the latest +all -steel, 650 -horsepower models and. huge air liners. Famous Jurists Visit Canada Severe judges, 14 King's .Counsel. and 81 junior members of the bar and solicitors, of England are coming to Canada to attend the annual' meeting of the Canadian Bar. Association rat Toronto con o Ori August 15 and 16. In addition to- osis number there will be judges andmembers of the bar of SS'cotland,. Ireland and France. The English delegation Will include the. following: The Right Hon. Vic- count Dunedin. G.C.V.O., and Lady Dunedin; The Right Hon. Lard Tom- lin and the Ilon. Miss Tomlin, The Flight Hon. Lord MacMillan and Lady. Maali{llion, . Th» Hon.;tSir George John Talbot, The Hon, Sir Robert Al- derson. Wright and. Lady Wright,The li Hon. Sir Frederic Alitugliam, The Hon. Sir Malcolm Martin Macnaught-' en, XS B, E., and the Hon. Lady Mac- naughten. Croat's Protest Dictatorship A Croat deputation, led' by ,Dr,°Judy KKrnrvitch, has handed the Secretore! fat of the League of Nations a pro- test against the political dictatorship in Jugoslavia, and a demand for Croa- tian autonomy. -•Tl e. absolutist regime -of -the King of .Serbia, the protest reads, has de - stoned in •Croatia, every political right, as well as the security of pro- perty, persons and life. . The bili asks an end of domination by Serbia over Croatia, in the interest of Croatia national lute, and of peace in that part of Europe. • Imperial Conference May. Be Non -Partisan All three British political parties may participate in the forthcoming Imperial Conferen;ee, states a press report from the British Isles There is - a possibility Premier MacDonald - may take the unprecedented step, when: he'. is appointing the British delegates to the conference of invit- ing Right Hon. Stanley Baldwin, Leader of the Conservatives, and Rt: Hon. David Lloyd George, Leader of the Libelrais, „tp ettvpd and .partici- Date in the discussions. The Premier, the rellart states, llgS always felt intra -Empire discussions should he as non-partisan as possible. inorder to minimize the risk of an incoming Government revoking its predecessor's poliey, and thus eaus- nig ill feeling among the Dominions, Employment Good in Canada Employment conditions in Canada improved during April. while those in pt,corn everywheee, Wtigley's creates pep and -caw Y atoel keeps yea alert. A510kaek a way we you been '4 f Toto eet afa1:er torp IS other countries did not shore the. Lanae turn, according to reports received by the itepartment of Commerce,. The ,department report -says of Canada : "The wheat situation is improving, with higher prices and increased merits. General Generaltrade remains con- siderably beletie last year's volume,. Although it compares more favorably with 1928; material improvement is not expected ''before autumn. The Canadian Government's report of em- ployment, May 1, based en returns from 7,200 firms, shows 976,000 per- sona employed on that date. This is 31,000 piore than the number em. ployed on April 1, construction and transportation being the Iargest con- tribattors to the gain. ..Clafneee etebels-Sui%r ldeavily - V Have Your Car in Good Condition before you - take it the road Cheek your brakes carefully before you start out on the highway. You may have to depend on them, and tliey may. fail y©u ... to the injury of yourself or others. �' See that your headlights do not glare. The Night Patrol of the Traffic Police may stop you and issue a summons. Glaring headlights are the terror of night driving. Be careful. Shop courtesy to others on the goad. Use your common sense in deciding where, how, and at what speed you 'wili drive your tsar. The Keystone of Safety ails the Kris a gtlrlit ri and a athor roods s batt grotto 5 1 hway The HON. 6 S. HENRY,. no.inovIn t2 O a ^-i em Axl til al stat eat issued in Shanghai said that the rebel losses in the reeent battle near Sin Cheng were heavy, with 20,000 killed, 10,000 tak- en prisoner and 15,000 surrendering voluntarily. Meanwhile the Governs ment has concentrated sevengunheats at Yorhow to co-operate ` against the K+wangs, rebels who are reported to be advancing from the southward in the vicinity of Changsha. An official message from Tsinan, which the ar- Mies of the Northern coalition have been reporteddangerouslynear for. several days, said that the city was quiet. - It was added that the. Govern- meat forces are continuing air . raids against the enemy, bombing Shansi if Bright Oatic ,k for Crupo j, In rn'tea,:poeto adgW review o leading farvii ,papers published in Winnipeg' states that taking Weston Canada. as a whose it is dauhtfal if the wheat . crop lies ever Decoked totter at this tare ©f ties year i1laeitaba, i;3 gen- rally well supplied with iooisturo; a o, tee, is tOaskatehe am, With the es- eeptien of the fighter soil arras. In t- Alberta the southern balb of tie pro- vince is prclaably better oft than the northe;:n central :portion. ate Peace Rivet country has moisture to spare {at present, 3Ianefaeturine Growth on Prairies ' iibe fame of the Canadian prairie proviri2ca as one of the world's most. productive grain growing areas in the world, also important in the produc- tion of dairy products, honey and oth- er foadstuffa is already established. A report just issued on manu}aattAr- ir.„; an Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta for the year 1928 by the Can- idian Government Bureau of S rtio- ties disclosese tbe growth of indus- trialization that is noing on between Winnipeg and the Rocky Mountains. In the three prairie provinces there were at the end of 1928 a total of 2,378 factories, an increase of 23 over the number in 1927: The total .am - Aunt of capital invested in these in- dustrie3 was 1$296,523,735 and the gross value of products manufactured was 8319.304,775, an increaseof over $40,000,000, compared with 1927. Spend Over $87,000,000 on Roads A total of over $87,000,000 is to be spent this year on the construction and maintenance of roads throughout. Canada. Of this amount more than $57,000,000 will be spent by tbe pro- vincial governments and aoout "x30,4 000,000 by countries and townships,. The Government of Ontario plans to spend a total of $12,500,000 of which $10,000,000 will be for new construc- tion and the balance for maintenance of .existing roads. The neighboring• province of Quebechasset aside $11,- 000,000 ,for extending, improving and maintaining-: the provincial system of hiShwa s. The Maritime !Provinces e —Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New . Brunswick—have arranged for an expenditure of $10,000,000 on the road improvement program plan. ned for 1930. In the three Prairie and rebel -camps:along the Shantung.- Chihli border. A MONUMENT NT FOR CANADA An exact replica of the famous statue of Robert Raikes, the founder of the Sunday echool movement in 1735, which stands on the Thames Embank- ment, London, England, will be erect- ed in Trorento when the International Council of Religions Education opens its convention on June 23. Election Casts Treasury Dear Jules Castonguay, Chief Electoral Officer, estimates that the comfng. ele.tion will cost the .Federal Trees-_ any $2,000,000 +tlfe highest` on record. He said there would. be 30,000 polls, and it would cost frons. ,$20 to $:30 to man each poll. - The; preparation of the voters* lists eantaining 4,000;000 names, will cost about 21Y cents a'name when enumer- ation, registration, revision and print-' ini of lists had been concluded. Visit Indiane by 'Plane Per the first time an airplane will this year bo used to carry out an in- • speetion of Indian agencies and re- serves in the Mackenzie River dia. to.° triet. Inspector C. C. Parker of the Department of 'Indian Affairs, will leave Waterways, - Alberta, early in - July for a trip through Indian set- Spacial Prices in Sumree Underwear Men's Balbriggan Combinaaa mons, all sizes 95c up Men's Buttonless -Corntbina- tions, all .sizes i5c up Men's Balbriggan Shirts - and Drawer., all sizes. 49c up men's Topleis B. V. D's,.ail sizes - Special 95c Men's 2 -piece Grad. • Under- wear, white cotton asps,. at •'50c and up Broadcloth ;Trtaaks in fancy checks - and stripes, all sizes. 75c and up M. ROBINS Agents for Tip Top T'ailor's Phone 384 1 tlements and is expected to reach as : far north as Ilerzehcl Islands . in the 1 N f 10 HT • + sub -Arctic. Mho trip formerly took : more than two menthe, but the use ° of a Government plane is expe; ted to } A ringing cheer rises from shorten the time to 15 dare. ( the ,deck- sontedrrit's spyglass ugo, Two New Senators ` het picked p th lcafty lilk Four Cabinet Ministers remained in Ottawa aver the week-usd and will probably meet again early this week thput iethrough rsnay be to Over the 'weekend they passed the Orders.in=C-ouneil filling the two re- maining vaeaneies an the Senate. Tho. now Senators, whose appointments were otlieially confirmed are: .Hon. enable J. E. Sinclair, one of the mein - hers for Queen, Prince Edward Is. • land, in the last Parliament, and Non. Dr. J. II. King, Minister of Pensions , -and National Health, who sat in the last Parliament for Kootenay East, D,_ C. 'Britain's Unemployment Conference An important conference • n uncal. b'loyricnt Between renre`sentctives e3f the Government and rnembero of the to^al acnthorities is to be held at Guid- i Mail, London, on June 37.. At a meeting of the f :r. -s Coral perinea i letter avas read from Fre* niier Ramsay Ma �llenalci, staring the , Government has been surrey ng v.ittal anxiety the rtount nor f eurce (gown• employment:, and n9 C.ennFi:r:J of ceras cult'. tg bed aut'zer:eke regardiztg memo -re that alight the taker 1.' tRccn the Geo e eat t asel heat Baths erdtSC3 fay et:Ntit<<`' S.7itt1 the !great pTeblerl. Therefore the Gees connect llrta cd to *ermine as Mita 11 fete +se ever which the hives Mita fonts wank! preside. of Land's End—layout resit** atlon of your dream -trip to Europe --then a short train journey to London, Paris or other European points to be need as headquarters for sl1ht•• set hi ,shoppingasd,thleyear„ The Panaloet Play at Oberento er su—sir hfs and experiences to taik about for months atlas your return. `t(And trayslllntt C.anadiare Pecik, on one of the Petal Duchesses or the ever popular "Matt" acid "M" Alper you cotabinet cozy wire- fort, tempting cuisine anti sada* hying service with economy. °Coutitethird Cobin aeon Fate as Low es $185.00 A*? s ItzAsetfic of 3, ley .14ACRAY,, Genera Agew, Canadian Padik 1gu „ToremIo CANADIAN PACIFIC "'Irl► "nits, Canaithtnr'M.itet esevte Ctiri llSihAlts d[`_'9xr nth, 1ii30, Worth While ��� Men's Store High class 1Jaherdashery and Hand Tailoring Phorie 219 CHAS. BLA 'K, THE S UARE, GQDERICII Provinces --Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta -.this year's expenditure on roads by the governments of these provinees will total e;ateeke ,a,vv a+•.• an British Ga1urnbia $8,500,005 is to be spent. _�..:� I. -EAsthnma anti* fever pv� ItL LAAifE "L'X?HE Lp>8 DAJ,QKEUO6G'S' ' ,�Y, a mato atoloecb.. cubic. Cuts eat anyt ;• q,,' winos 1drtt,, E. White. Thousands. say md,Rcs- tioo.J1014013114 �tu WWI like anima with ^F0uit a.tiveI'. Ceaatipation. mete head.chep eDdowtnit>'t•1lenet,AetlTt qui.�,gouad aleepat 4aca.itbeutluti/mlSieaaW ay.COmpieZbnclea[q Wick, GttX"ittµit•a tiTsI ttastt dcv�i.t today. • —REMEDY automata rote vote" as A'r,WDm* cit. MKDV FOS THIS DREAD AFFLICTION. MASK. „It a[frt*,v54 •MD'DVaA00W Wr ti I *1*T1a N. •.YID-, vi l.. - ,5 T',.i. BEALTi Y V1UOit is the natural result or r perfectly en " functioning body: where all the organs are acting regularly. When yer suffer with headaches and • pains yot can trace that se,,,-ee t" e .. breakdown of the . action of either your kidneys, liver, intestinas or stomach, Usually they are clogged with disease-forznin . xefuse that is sending poisons though your system.. Bon -Tone, compgsed of. the time -tested beneficial ex - •tracts of fourteen herbs, roots, barks, and berries, will' not enly cleanse your system thoroughly but will also tone it up. Get, fa bottle, today and._notice,tha wonderf •1 results of its use, Prise $1 25_ 1(3 far $8.00). , , BON -TONE Is For Sale At All Good Drugg-std Eserylwhere. Or Write is W. Ate RGNEY G°CCJ., 944cadearry St. ,Newark, ,1 J. TOURIST 'FARES JAS P ER NATIONAL PARK and ALASKA - Lovt coat telt) to the Pacific Coale. What acha nce to see our Canada! ' The, great' prairies ...jasper National Park,../ ount Robson and the Canadian Rockies ... Vancouver sandVictoria. rerbouel a gloelet r Oahe throw the Island Sersto' PRape*taendAlMk t • ... glaciers... towering tnountaiar... dad le ffer de'i Diverge htM vaarrienttyy afSceve The to fart areis effect -from -May 15- to.Septeniber 30... Descritnivefolders attractively illustrated . . may be obtained from any Avon of ' Canadian Natiotuti Railways a alto TO EVERYWHERE IN CANADA Don't isft be 'fixe Here's the sure, quit%, easy way to kill all mosquitoes indoors and keep 'em awayoutdaorsi,.... p ern tete, ix>g - -„ oortithrsseoeito m Pia issold y, in this yellow eitlt da. blackband, wriko thit Stu 41.4. The Wiwi& eta - est Selling insect 141- 6,.....„ -.......„.....1 '► let .- .,r a, •• , r. �j . .**.Ali,...0,....-- .14 , tit' I. .•„=1 ......a •t. an ._. tea_. ._ .. all lee „„ . . . w....�..r.- . . r":71.11 41 TRAVEL VIA LAKE ERIE bellows Buffalo, N..Y. or Porr$tani.y, Can. and Cleveloot4 Ohio In THE C & 13 LINK be your host fora delightful night's' trip. LR Drive ��rrourantoon boardandxroid mites and miles ofconeesced ro*dway. Restwhleyau tvereltxi a CakB Line tteuner, affording all the comforts and courtesy ofd Modetn hotel. Co odious sleeping quitters. Excellent dining room service. Spacious cabin,. and decks.. ivision eastwcseaterat, siiat�9,0opmip�atti " PmOa.m.(F.s.T.l ArrairthtoNOT.iiia. way, js , griA ASS ISSNr6.xe,vp. Cieveilsoti C PortStandil CommoliarkDjefalgo U� t�parogh,stiuk oPRIDALoateivteR kTchrtae9•iaat raeatuaaa leaver Reotl.Mt, tP,S.T.J'wae�21$117Z. �ne�+. s.*. *of won 3,e/ traps Alio ark .x0 woe ave. r'Ir a>warr�►t.�iter �• r�,rsetcaar.,R, n dolt , OW* SNi 4,111 "lose Ci✓iv" rimSniii&e ,Ms►ie. TAME ellIvVFT-4141) Aim?) nr lata T c `iiR,a 1: COWAN! tree en Napo forte ti $ t teen. k, '-4