The Goderich Star, 1930-06-05, Page 2PUria TWO
IOD Aq it � always
be the finest youbuy
of Masons. In .addition to s good
taxon rut of the members of Maitnand
Lodge, Gcderieh, there were number:
oaf brethren of the order present from
Clinton, Seafortb, ?ditched, Stratford,
Exeter, Park iii, Moncton, • Blyttr,
' (sari now, Wingham, I►inzardbne, Mil-
verton, Brussels, Paisley, Toronto,
PstIlr7eraton, Listowel, FQrdwyieii,
riston, Leamington, Taldstoex, �} rox.
eter, 1;'oreat, Tiverton, Henan, Walk-
erton, etc., and Qf course from Morn-
ing Star Lodge, CarlQW. There were
about 4GO members of the Graft in
line and the ,e'burah was almost corn.
pletvly filled by the members of the
Order. Others bad to be accommo-
dated on chairs brought in and some,
did not get nearer than the chapel.
where however they wen: sable to hear
• the seawice and the preacher. The
service was conducted by the rector,
1V. Bro. Rev. J, N. IL Mills. assisted
by W. B. Rev. R. C. McDermid, of
Knox church, ebaplain of .3laitland
Lodge, who read the lessons. Von.
Archdeacon—ione€�Bateman and Rev.
Canon Hili also were present, in the
!.hire choir was present in strength
and they were assisted by Mrs. A. 3.
MacKay, who contributed a magnifi-
cent solo.
Rev. Canon Shatford preached a
very fine sermon an Masonry, speak-
ing on "Foundations." He said in
'part :
St. Paul's Epistle to the Corin-
thians, 3rd chapter, 10th verse, gives
us the text for this afternoon: "Ac-
cording to the grace of God which is
given unto me, as a wise master
builder. I have laid the foundation,
and another buildeth thereon; but let
every man take heed how he :buildeth
thereupon."• We have been having
considerable trouble in the founda-
tions in Montreal. Last year we
Irreeli from the garde***
Past Grand Master of Quebec Speaks to Large Matt etiic Gathering in
Goderich on the Foundation Principles of the Order
itev Canon Shatford,"M. A. D. C. L., co. E. Delivers gIogritent and
Instructive. Address.
Sunday last was a beautifully fine
day, the roads were. good, everybody
drives a car these days, and there was
a real treat in store at St. George's
church in the afternoon Iota Masons,
the special service • far members of
the Craft .of the district, with sermon
by the Past Grand Master of the
Province of Quebee, Rev. Canon
Shatford, vector. of - -St. James the
Apostle church, Montreal, who was in
Goderich as the special preacher for
the servicea3 in celebration of the, f f
troth anniversary of the - present St.'
George's church; so. it wan small won-
der that there was' a large gathering
et paya
` llUPSD- AV, JUNE l th, 1'.)301
.. �--
£>trar have
bee en BINDS SSE GREAT / .U�-
atatIOrtS 4M nit /MOr,: £101411 t The Men's Store Worth° 'hi�e
support the weight. Men I bairtsny CHANGE 1N HER NOw
pari £.atl five years ago,, we ciisecsv-
ered a blue clay which made it necca
saryr tor U3 t3 plane dawn deeper in a
order to reach ramie. If they had put
c'.9 severettask of influenza lest'
my system so weakened and rundown
the begins on the sofa clay, we night I could Hardly hold a broom ton da any Y
have been threatened with diss,ster. sweeping. I
It is very essential, therefore, that in
a proburial way there should be
a goad foundation. Evidently they a
were not, long ago, good builders and
we have all learned with great sad-
• mesa bow St. Paul's Cathedral might
have collapsed because its foundations
were uncertain. rlhere were some -
people after the Great War who were
afraid of the British Empiro'e fours -
dations becoming shaken. ,Even the
churc1 did not escape the shaking of
`thing during the war. All the dif-
farentt reli;gi'sus-2 odiea-IasgOn . tolook
to their foundations. Masonic •rusts- .
tutiono were also shaken during the
war and since that time we have been
inquiring into our foundations of the
Masonic order.
I want to talk to, you about the
foundations of Masonry. tlf they are
not strong - enough, then it would be
better for Ira to dig deeper. The first •
foundation fact of Masonry is the he,.
lief in a Supreme Being. There have.
been many scholars who have esdea
vored to define the ranelent landmarks
of Masonry. Some say there are fit'.
,teen; others claim there are thirty,
but there are one or two landmarks -in
which nearly every one believes, and
the first is, belief in a Supreme Being.
There can be no .Masonic institution'
without belief in God: The Atheist
can find no .ream for him. The first
question that a candidate for Masonry•
is asked is "Does he believe in a
Supreme Being. and does he believe
that God is a rewarder of good and
a punisher of evil."
A candidate is questioned about his
attitude toward God. Every Mason is
taught to stand in the presence of his
Maker. The initial letter of the Deity
hangs in our lodge rooms Where God
mast be honored and given the cen-
tral place and this is the most ancient
of - our landmarks, it cannot' be re-
moved,: and if i,t is removed the insti-
tution ceases for be .Masonic.
The very basis o£ Masonry is an
obligation to the Almighty God: He
is not a finite crippled sort of being,
neither does he take no interest in
what we are doing. Masonry be-
lieves in the omnip'tsence of God, that.
he created the heavens and man, that
he holds thewindsand has influence
over the seas, I tell you, my friends,
that a -g eat God makes a great peo-
ple, .and just as soon as you depart
from Him then at that moment you
become as petty as the one you be-
lieve in.
The second foundation lies in the
worth of man. When a candidate asks
for admission into the Order, he may
be a millionaire, or he may be a poor
man but that does not 'go against
him; he may bea. scholar but that
does not recommend him. , Masonry
values man' for himself. For it is
nth `
the erior,
that makes him valued in. Masonry;
not for what he is, nor where he came
from nor the length of his bank roll,
nor his pedigree. All you, my broth-
ers. know the circumstances under
which' he . comet; into. Masonry, . that.
he must be weighed for his . person-
ality alone. • Christ made personality
the core in the heart of iris teaching.
Sometimes one thinks that human
life is th h e t t'a'pe i the ld v
�1-�+au�,�i•• inn iinili� eaR
was so nervous that sound sleep was
almost impossible, I had very little
appetite and 'my stomas h. was so dis-
ordered that I couldn't retain solid
foods at all. My liver was inactive
and I was badlyr constipated., I start-
ed Sargon and it is wonderful what it
did for use. I have a splendid anoe
tite, every trace of the stomach trou-
ble is gone, I sleep fine and have So
mus strength and energy I do my
housework in no time. Nothing de-
and,overcame my constipation,"—
Mrs.* V. M. Booker, 92 peter street,
Hamilton,, Ont. -
es m now '
I'm eand Im
happy all its appearance 'ata more opportune
time. ! time and on this account the leading
argon "Dills regulated my liver financial centres of the world will un-
doubtedly welcome the opportunity of
seeing how fully this nation-wide in-
stitution has taken care of a situation
involving many unusual conditions.
High.elass Haberdashery and
Hand Tailoring
Phone 219
loans and discounts in Canada and
these now are reported at $335,301.-
194, up from $814,464,1'37. .While u
pardon of this increase niay- be attri-
buted to the wheat situation, it ie also
known that there is an increased ten-
dency on the part of large customers
to avail themselves of banking ac-
commodation: _
As was to be expected, with the
PBONNk. 330
For Upholstering, Repairing
A lire range of Semple Cover
in s csreie4
Nelsen %eget
change in the general credit situation
throughout the worlds the most im-
portant variations are in the call loan
department. Call loans; in Canada
are down to $27,460,856 from 339,359,-
779, and call loans in Great Britain
and the United States have been re-
duced to $68,028,615 from $139,974,-
860. At the same time, balances due
to banks and banking correspondents
elsewhere than in Canada—which to
a great extent represented deposits
temporarily placed on, this side due
to rates—are now. doiixa
to $9,660,804 from $35,597,167. '
❑ Total deposits are now $688,067,752.
Of this amount deposits bearing in-
terest are $545,856,287 and deposits -
not. bearing interest $1'30,418,937.
The statement, :with its many fea-
tures of strength, could hardly make
thren, and•'there is no • fellowship iti
the world like the fellowship of ser-
The final fact is reality of the spir-
itual. There is not a - thing in the
Masonic order that is not filled with
spiritual truth. hio •Mason values his
apron just because of fts material
value; it is for its interpretation of
its every figure, color, etc. If 'be-
takes the hammer, it has a spiritual
meaning, or if he takea .the plumb or
square they are valu.d for a spiritual
truth. We , all stand' on a common
footing. The very way . the Mason
walks ; he Inas a certain method of
manifesting his life. 1 only wish the
,Mason`„ brethren 'could get at the
real spiritual truth. Anything that
separates • mankind is • wrong and
Masonry is endeavoring to draw men
together. Its - unity in variety is the
Mrs. James Hackett, Lena and Wil-
fred and Tom 'l:wamley motored to
London no rdy.
The many friends of Mrs. T, A.
Cameron will. be glad to know that
she is improving and will soon be able
to return home from Wingham hospi-
A quiet marriage took place at the
Ashfield parsonage on Wednesday,
May 28, at 5 p.m. ,•when Mary, eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G, Vint,
was united' in wedlock to Clifford,
eldest son of Mr. - and ,Mrs.. 4lex.
Hackett, also of •.this vicinity, After
the' marriage they motored to the
home of the bride's. parents, where
only the immediate relatives sat .down
to a wedding supper. The bride and
groom ,left on the train Thursday
The West Street
Electrical Shop
• We carry a goed stock•of
Electrical. Appliancee
Fixtures,. etc. `
: ' We Specialize in
Wiring of All Kinds
Estimates given on
All Work Guaranteed
, Frank McArthur
Phone 82 - West' Street
Special Prices ' 'in.
SOUP Underwear
Men's Balbriggan Cctnbina- • -
tions, all sizes
95c up
Men's Buttonless Combina-
tions, all sizes•
75c up
Men' Balbriggan Shiirts and
Drawers, all sizes
49c- up.
teak hi of Masonry, and so :it con- morning for Kitchener, Stratford and -
tains five things: (1) Belief in a :other points and on their return they Men's Topkis B V D'e, salt
man, (3) belief in importance of law, Hackett's church
(4 b1` '
Supreme Being, (2) belief in worth of wall reside on the '"
proem'$ farm beside sizes •
belief in beauty o£ fellowship, (5)
belief its reality of the spiritual. ADVEft 'ISE IN THE STAR.
marched back to the lodge, room.
where votes of .thanks to the speaker, ,;, e: y
Rev. Canon Shatford, and to the ree- a ■ ■ '� ■ / a ' yr
tor, wardens and choir of the church,
e c ea es i n wor ere Passed, and the brethren were
Perhaps youhave heard this story_, presented to Canon Shatfokd. And
The gods met •together to see • what refreshments „were served to the °nisi-
they would do with the divinity of tors."
man, One said, "Let us bide it in the
After the service the brethren
depths of the earth'' anti anothexsaid Persian Balm +creates and preserves
thelovely and yonrthful complexions.
"Let us hide it in the depths of
sea," but another said, "that won't do Tones and stimulates the shin.. Fra -
because man is a ''great navigator, " dew, t Swias ftly flower. Cool
I by the tis-
the wisest of them aII said;
"Let us hide it in man himself." !•pow sues, making the skin wonderfah llv
.true it is t We have searched the soft -textured. t7nrivalled as an aid
its a child to feminine elegance
heavens, every one of us, . Delightful to
use. Imparts additional
of God. We may borrow our beauty : charm to the
from the earth but we borrott our daintiest of women. Persian Balm is
personality from God, And se the the one toilet requisite far the exact.
whole emphasis of the Masonic insti-tim" woman. oman. Peerless as a beautifier. .
tution rests` upon the ,north and value I.FBANK Y ARL
The third foundation is the im- OF OF pix)- wawa
of man. r Y STATEMENT
portance or law. Masonry is an or-
der and order always implies law and.
without it. no Mason can he a real Total Assets Are $822,699,648-11quid'=
The name that the Masonic Assets Are .Over 51 Per Cent. of
institution gives to the Bili P is the Liabilities to Public, -„.capital Has
"Volume of Snah
red: Law.” e Ma- Been' Increased to $36,000,400 and
sonic institution is built on lave. Rest Account to .$38,000,000 -Profit
The fourth fact is beauty of fel- and Loss. Account Shows Garin for
lowship. \Y'e 'believe in unity o£ half-year Period.
the human race. God !creates bio- The half -yearly but ,'you and 11 have to. yearly statement of the
manifest it. When you conne into the Bank of Montreal, makes a most in -
Masonic lodge Thorn, you find Eng- teresting and reassuring exhibit. As
lishn,an, Frenchman, Jaw, 'Catholic, 13 welt -known, all financial and bank -
etc., all associated together in fellow- ing institutions, with business in gen-
ship. It is not merely for the enjoy Oral, have had to face during the past
went of the members that Masonry six months the unusual conditions _
exists; it is for the•purpose of bring -
to the stock market crash,
ing us into a fellowship with our bre- but it is evident.frons• its statement
that the Bank of ',Montreal has been
able to m int
am is
The l R+mores of
A Ginty Stomach
AI Sena ba very' earsfal of
who. fit Tow attest stasotkiag
tempting is 004 Woo lidos tirnf
should sof est Trull knowing that it
ke floes ha sti4 wader for it sailer,
Imo hoes not What* to potato tritely
of it and tottwnr hiaumW.
the ggtells i way tea gat rid et tins
terrible silo eat is i► M3ott
a f s�w MOWS
Malik and ainsaik it 1►e io�al tsledl
f Yer arae owls, >KdaalRareatiy
lttflast=-t'7W a ytrer I via
�dlyspopsia, ant mei a►11 kids
sey was es y was a_fisia is
het triter i tors kettle* et
1Rhesa. Piston T ea* set bra
01, awry Las � 14lel�aal
attsekc i,
Tait T�aM OM. T. Tuna
and liquid oition and, d lit on, to
report :Satisfactory 'profits made for
T'ho general statement, which is for
the Six months to April Nth, shows
a number of changes. The paid-up
capital now stands at $36,000,000, up
from $34,528,760 a year ago, while the
froom $ 5 has 48, tincreased
b r nddis *38,000,000
uo' i00 Oen
dollars above the paid-up capital.
Increased Profits
It is likely due to the larger capi-
able tooyereport thtoB Shareholders
alightly increased profits foie the six
months, as compared with the tor -
amounted to $3 643 Q17up Profits
$3,491,651. There' were also received
in the six months payments of 851,4.9
as premiums on new stock. These
amounts, when added to the balance
carried available for adist distribution uprd, Inoue* to
830,059. This was appropriated as
follows: Dividends and interest on
instalment payments on nets stock
$2,107,5311; amount credited to rest
account $51,459; prevision for taxes
Dominion Government #11'29,079; ae-
servation for hank premises $300,000;
leaving the balance of profit and loss
to 031
In the statement # assets
and liabilities. total assets are ashovvn
at 8S ry, •9:',04SO compered with $.15.-
,a..s,fs.s,, a Sewn" ago, Of, this, liquid
e •c*ts air rfyl'ortecl at $37'3,4Gb,0.
eatlitaflent to 51.4 per cent. of iia«
bilities to the pehii<. included in
riven to 12.90 h pelf cut. of $94.421,409,
ubalic lift
responding period last year.
• t'.dtteitt LADS Jli•«lser
At the same time there is a F35t5
what une:specteJ increase in current
Magical in its beau-
tifying effect on the'
complexion. - Soothes
sunburn _ . a subtle
fragrance gives alluring
charm. Trythisdaintyl
toilet requisite.
At ym+idrIUU&t' y
Special 95c
Men's 2 -piece Grad. Under.
wear, white cotton tops, sa;
50c ,and up
Broadcloth- Trunks in fano
checks' and stripes, all site
75c and up
Agents for Tip - Top Tailors
Phone 384 ` ..
°°n't Scratch
Here's the sure, quick, easy way
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and keep 'em away outdoors!
corsrka s 13ao maser XM.
The Weiss�t
est Selling Insect -
•-...:..'.# ►�•--� 'r"'1-
,a.••�•++r '' .•• . ,• r.
1 r
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between Buffalo, N. Y. or Port Stanky, cutin.
and Cleveland, Ohio
rr 'r in C !k !1fn48 be your ]cost for delightful night's trip.
Drive/emoteonboatdandavoid 1n;lesandutile* ofcongested
roadway. estvvhiieyoumotion a(:&BLne attarner, affordin$s)1
the comforts and courtesy of* modern hotel, Commodious sleeping
quixtets. Extellena es
tdirorihrtraiestraice. Snividimpiciousin Sad de€ics.
Suimtrsrathrrst,etettq Sc.l.t,,egitgoo .an..M,meettia":56a.te.tll,M)
elt,ti1 i st toNov.l5th. orcoSy sof' e%fero3tt,t hfp, moo A rr n .
1sysJaud 1%118
►l wibttt► ni isibtta
5btsurrNurt111'r, !',4.30,,tatetis[s
eev�� , p to p. M. Rrtmjm,,. r leaves
Narrdfe�, t,artisirraa1Pt.stent .
taco cm. 0?sS,T. Jona zest to Sete, •aioo
too ft w, see wow $5 se towed tot,
Ado a It•9a wrdr na
le'eAw rf/o�rkeohlenois,tArs
with rktmifea( Sl int ria
,vttk, Cott* a. ,A/1 Px rose
loom ootoil936010oirik 3,xsis
Clotho em&mitMoo Norio
ista C1.ltVFtANb ANIt T1Dnvr'Ato
Pot &Web