HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-05-29, Page 5THURFDA.Y. MAY 250, 19C5 aniaweisiesiunswiliet&tICKAPS€15A*WitellivevzsialasecetaaAaietw.*anaiareateee , . a •ii I. ,, threugli the Ore wed wateee of perec'eas ! I Veil eperasitfiert and great diff.tditY Af'it Ile Important !tenon Iona, but we ham. that Chia is - i Sunday ternoon : and oils axe not digested of men senator spieitual bleeeinte oral 'i but the prole& to the 'wealth's elate „ a to TER GODERICII STAR , r; atlAtChellOt tjarxilail they , enlarged epaortunity Sta coining deys." Wy ISABEL HAMILTON. Gecarieh, Ont. .0 is must first be cm an the 111441114401ligliMIDWAMOWASslialitlgeaSili4iliNai 4ggwagosiii body before they oim be otillied OUR 'WEEKLY Go to derL• Gethsemane. IS. S. LESSON FOR JUNE 8th. 1030 " 4°Urishment, Ye that fed the teneptees power $ I Lesson Tomie-Jesue In. The Shadow SCOTT'S EMULSION LESSONS IN ENGEM (Dy W. L. Gerden) Your Redeemer's conflict cee ; %Verde Often Misused Watch with Hire ono bitter hour e ni The ern."' I n pure costliver oil scientifically I Say, "I thank you for advieting Turn not from His gelefe away ; Lees= Paseagee-Mattliew 25:31.40. • Lean from Him to wateh and pray. Galen Text -Matthew 26:39. when referring te counsel. Say. t•V -. eandsified-prepared kir easy thank you to informin,,,, me' when . Jarnee Montgoreeey. JCI3US, Christ stood always upon the PRAYER written word. When tho devifianpi d rapid -digestion, st as pertaining merely to in:::frmation ias. • l Nature provides emulsified fat parted. " MI 11111Krst 1h. Thou who ere etill unsheltered tented him, he answered, :It is - • . Do rot Gay, "She has written to me m the night ot time, abide with me. wti en. NOW VJOU 0C .OV*t•• VIDX110 it MY Peer hentt 'and rest returned to him, he quotes the Snip-, • This is M. important reason awhile. I would speik. a word from i tures once more: "1 will smite the why the ea,i-tioar sit you rely heart into thy heart, to let Thee 1 ehepheed, and the blieep of the flock take -should be emulsified - I ,-, ehould he Scott's Emulrion. . feel that it beate with thine. I would eehatl be ecattered. abroad" (Zech. give Thee what strength the little eon! I, • i ). emus; Lowe% Totem 0, Out. " presented by?"Sy, "Whom will, lend to the great -the response of a! 'It is the Shepherd that. is calm, IIIIIIIIINIIIMMIIMIRMI1.1.111/1"1.11,........,_ tte, "De- whom wall the OM he Pret , • kindred spirit, the Amen of a com.1 thaugh he is going te be smitten, aiad, • Anon prayer. ----. ewe the uplifted eod, ho , acute(' ?" . t !last week." Say, "She wrote to me last week." • Do not use the expression "hired girl." Say "maid" or "servant," Do not eae, "Who will .the gift; be • George Matheson„ says to the d'oeh, "But after I am Lerd? Did. be not Sal . "Feae net Do not say, "It is agreeable wita ; risen again I will go before you into them that till the body and atter that my wisheeet Say, "agreeable to. Galilee." have Whines more that they eau Do not say, "It niust•he very- satie, Peters in hie honest Ignorance da.' . 1i, was nothing personiu that iYine to you to know this." Say, aseerted his devotion. "Though all caused the :rtily in on Garuerz. tie. "gratifying." I men shall be offended because . , solexana na,t iroio the cetrie. Ina tram i Words Often Mispronounced yet will I never be offended."ox thc' ti e 1 hare, in it: that tya, the p . le , When Jesus quietly but emphat! tut', pn'tvi:v.tco. Le ?ass from hit. tte epettV, `i' 2 ricattila" 131.41-14•a al in t," (..1 ti411blee), i .01.111.yr foretold what: Peter would do.-- 4 : and net per-a-riri. denymethrice," Feter the Weaver fredtotile4inin e'T:e..:ii-It.iiettriprtir' B a. p 3, witir equ*Iale etiudh i butewith aaboast- p trated by the sons of men -al dece(-1, i all'etza ha. Pronounce bi-ogerte4L 'fill tone replied, "Thotigh I should die which lit feared. lined fix 1)1 QV( ariI mese e• ; ey:e.h.inieli7eictecti:ina'lit,,i itn "ct.lcit'fi'it"ef•Otil.q1,. e-with,thee, yet will I not deny thee." impassable gulf between the life oi t! George Matheson, the well-knotvn teeczeature. and th0 overt' o. the ! Fidelity. Prenounee the i ae in ' I blind preacher, author of "0 Love Father. ' 'lowing is andeneed; Ile saye:-"I. am this cap. pass from me"? ' • Garden, °Frther, if ..it be possible, let both re, as in. en:, o e.! el- "T(1," ne,ent "it " er as in "km." cceent after the.1. Hypocrite. Pronounce hin-o-kric. , on Gethsemane from Whieli the • fol- His try for help rings through thel . that Will not let me go," has a sermon • firG:ranytilletilcier. Found the di • , lost IZ'atrtativrefiliolulurnlhains csirl.,sle3natelIX(el, t ! now come to the suppressed hour of .n!igiu.is 0 • gtan-father. I i Jesus.- I can use no other exPression. 1 e I Prelude (noui). Prim:01;mo PIT- . I der lo s. and key broke forth and filled nt:NaTtlicr11:*w&gllo::ro*ur"c'l!"1.(1 1. r The EtTrow which Jesus had kept un- like the head nurse la a haapit J.tais.,: luds e ee in ',met," or ins in 'one," was , 'the rh• with its presence as he enter- i in "unit," ascent first.eyllable. ed the garden. He had eaid, "I have buking tlee sleep of the undertnursee. -W • , • finished the work which Thou gaverds OftenMissneiledest • in the great Hospital of Timed . ' • Me to do" (John 17:4), It is whets Josue keeps watch by, the touch ilf a I - Careful; only one 1, net full. liler-1 icantile; not merch. Authoritative ; siek 'world,. Wouldst thou have Com - work is done that the sorrows of the not authoritive. • Pain (physical see- munion with Jesus? Then enuet thou l - -6- soul assert themselves. The sense -of alott occupation, the feeling that we :hate the watch of. Jesus! Canst ;feting); pane (a -senate of glots)e " : Competition; pe,. not pi. TiteleT:: thou watch with him in the infirmaey have nothing more to do, is ever the coat' when th t•oubles of the co broken hearty.? Canst thou heal i- (past participle -of "teach"); '+aut, • lakes Mr. M. McArthur. 2:12allaanclo cur coostisa. treat liver trouble, WU- - eczema. gas end overalglat with"Fruiba-tivesrPlegges tract. (let "reuit.a.tivesP hem drkggisttedAy. 1 WIT 1.111111 NDIOESTION; ON1TIPATIONI ERVItoUSNE.S.S; EADACHES." USE Hydro -Electric • THE PEOPLE'S STORE • ,re • tilgr7-74mr-rl• • J.. t Aft '••••• t ,;;: -r•TA.,•"97 (tight). heart' emerge from their hiding -place. with him the bruises of those beaten Not in the world's battle"? Const thou Synonyms in equal degree.s dideTestm admit i , . • m withhim the nerves unhinged by i. Alternntive, choke, option, prel'ers J,I ,,e, , • -.":.7;;;...:4k - his disciples to a vision of hiscal ..grief. te se, t - S . . ea, i He allowed the eleven to enter the tire's fitful lever? Came thou keep I ence. r_•leet:Ion. • awake through the night in sympathy . Circumstance. occierrenee, situatton.. • vt R . . Garden, but he took three apert-from with hi, vigil ? Then, M the days to tineident, event. - 't - • the rest --the same three who had • : i. • - come. shall thy Father. say to thee, f 'Quarrel, dis , e • . . A witnessed•his transfigured gem- pur, alterchaition, ",l'e- o Did not see thee in the Garden w5tn I .ge - e, • . tO, Peter,. James and John. Not - even Ty: 9,, . .... ee len , ....aw , squa4 e, ahrae, t be • . these had a perfect view, he stood 'earn • ;tumult, feud. somewhat 'apart from them also. ! . 'WORLD MISSIONS, • 1 Menial, servile, slavish. Let us look at the form in -which' In •tho. current issue of "China's! Amicable, friendly, kind, peaceable, his.sorrow expressed iteelf, The Million," it is refreshing to read this harmonioue. Cie,* by Electricity Wash by Electrty • ( 1 • Iron by Electricity CONVENIENT, CLEAN, QUICK *Cheaper than -Coil or Wood An dlee.tric Vacuutn Cleaner removes the dust; a hroona just moves the dust. We kuarantie all Hydro •. l.ainps for 1,509 huts. Walk in and see display at. forms even of the same grief are by brief restatement of the stand of the I Arnorota, ardent, tender, •passion - no means. uniform. There are some China Inland Mission for, those evan- Atte. , whose sorrow takes the form of gelical truthe on which* this great a e Word Study s' : • minibness; they, present to the by- mission is founded and which have "I.Tee ivAvord three times and it -is tender the attitude of stony. apathy.tled so many souls from the darkness yours,. Let ue inerease our vocabu There are some whose sorrow takes of heathendom . to Hun who is the lama by mastering one word each day. the form of rebellion. And there sere light of the world. .Words for • vane who pour forth the torrent of, •••The raesage of years may have - • • lesson: . - intoleran,ce;" want of endurance of their grief. Ithis third form was that resulted in tremendous changes la the opinions or practices of others. • of the grief of Jesus. . He made no. . China since our revered founder, Mr. "ReligiousI• t T , f 4r01t to hide it from his follower.e. Itudeon Taylor., fleet went to that superseded land, by and a closer fellowship." • • [soul' There was no rebellion, no question- but China% sprittiol need is os urgent ' Eloquent; •having the power of is exceeding sotfoteful, even unto • the faith for which Huron Taylor • 1 4, ing pi the 'goodness of God.' "Me / as ever, and those lundainentale oir ihient and elegant oratory: ."It was Consumption act of consuming, -I he famcus. Lowncy Chocolates including "Eighty Daiskty"• aro for sate v; . I he set out ta give to China, have not - PAGE SEVXN • The Hydro .Sore otift like this new ) Eys idea of DAINTIER, .44 •:,s•-•-•••• • 4. •-••• • • ( '''''.(.2,•• 1A11: , .., '''... • . .S,T, . , .iJ• ;`N, •-'‘ n.. 7- .._rON '''.2`,., ...741.4'i&i''''‘\. '\'' \• • •• 1 Chocolates . . ..„.. - . .,...,:,,I.`1,1,‘.-.,.:71'.---A',.,,:;-''N.,‘,,,-•:-....'''‘,„'Qii?:',\,,. '1'''.7 EightynitIty: otfasity.ti 0,/.4._ \ • . , -•,,,N, •,•••• i,'.•;,- k.,..••• .,,,„„ t, -4 '1/4% 10 .. I 1 j , Af " .;•,•,,, /qtr. • deeth. Tarry ye here, and watch stood, and the glorious Gospel which p • ( YEA. piec to the pound. More than twice as many as in the usual package. A range of selection generally found only in two -pound packages. Double -coated Almonds, centers of Fruits and Nuts, Jams and Jellies, Caramels, bialted Morsels, Clove and Pistache Marshniallows--manY other special and unusual flavors. Lowney's "Eiglitty IDataate Chocolates are truly an. orig- inal and practical idea in modern sweetmeats. Quitc the smart and proper thing to send or Serve. • Here, in a suitable gift package of pink and purple, tied with tasseled, golden cords, and wrapped in cellophane,, are "Eighty./ Dainty" small-pieo chocolatcs-- hardly two alike - each a delicious "one -bite" confection -which may be served and eaten dain- tily, on any occasion -during "Sridge;"at luncheon, after dinner. "Eighty Daktity" Chocolates ate a teal "find" for the up-to-date hostess who delights in the unusual.. Especially appropriate fee any sort of travel. ir The first box will convert you to Ike 1 11, "Eighty Dainty" Chocolate Idea 95 • "ORIGINATORS' PACKAGE - .04000LATES" ; It I 1 $.1.. `1.$ 411:tir r , l•witti me." • • ' 1 Whet was Christ' shrinking froin? I chang.ed in the slightest degree. In . last us ten years, at our present rate MacEIONALD'S CONFECTIONER, Goderich - HOGAN'S CONFECTIONER, spen ng, using. The stock should Was it ohysizal pain ? Hundreds Lori these days, when there is so muhlre- BLACKSTONE'S -RESTAURANT, Goderich of consumption." • 3 the sake of Yesue. have gone to the !grettable departure from the old •Diplomacy; skill in conducting • • • Stake: -Is the disciple to.be above hie faith, both in. the home land and in , Goderich n ecitiaticns; tact. 'It required di- OLYMPIA CONFECTJONERY, Seaforth ED. WENDORF, Clintmt WILLIS BAKERY Brussels. the mission fields, it would seem that plomacy in dealing with the men." 4 ..there is just as great a need as ever Innate; inborn. '"Ilis innate refine- ' f • th it f th Chin I 1 d 01 e NV ness o e a n mAANANAAAAAYAriA0A ment rebelled against sueh vulgarity." e Mission. It stands, as it always hasGertie.Dell .... e...4 5 1 )- 2 Bon -To STOMACH SUFFERERS . done, and by the grace of God always ' the word of Gad -in- " tUrdY ChildhOOd Cliari" Wilk" 0 4 4 . 1 Burns, Do you have griping, drawing will do, for an unreserved aeceptance •• .• Douglas,' Egyptian. Liniment is Vieitora at. the bonze- of Mr. and especially recommended Inc spidet, tot Iv aerie° / Mrs. W. F. Campbell over the week- infection of tow's :teat. Inviduable • ! end were Ur, and Mai. J. le. Fie •ele• ze, eiseleti ef epavini, 11 veins in your -stomach. Nauseat- of the thine as ing, nerve-racking spells that leave !deed, by its principle of faith it has iltdeirs Claniehoye you exhausted ? If you do, why • 1/ practically staked its very exif.tence • Dr. .octigw,,rdi • 6 ."0 dr • The ettordy child -thee bright, act- •rmt. ... • . trouble ? It. is' well-known that' 'hem t sill the great ivangelieal not eliminate the cause of the on this belief. believes ,from lze, Alitchtil • • • ive rale chap is the one everybo4 McDonaid, Delmar(' most of the internal disorders are the result of poorly. functioning truths which stand at the very foun- organs, . organs that need.7n natural. aid to setting thent hack -on dation of its missionary aetiVity, and fretful . to2Tht,. 2:24, loves. It ia only- the .sickly, [andMr.• az1": Mrs.- Smith, ,if C splints'. _see • People who live fit • gates botot GANADIAN NAitotiAL aye • should pull:down' tlee shaace they i have neighbene within it stene's theow. . the path of proper functioning. In all likelihood they are' clogged every OnCreber of the nessieu seuees child WhO is not attracteie. It. is the 2:201,1. • birthright of every child to be ettirdy Startere Flank Binh. io Galt: t : I eAnd when mu ship.. cenie• in they up with an accureuMtion of food refuee. Monatone, . the Herb and -this belief tin the full, The Lord has - and well -to be able to make every-, Judgete W. Li. tr. 0..11 •,..d. led. bi: Out,' ale,-; Root Tonic, is the natural cleanser and toner -up. Get a bottle today I very graciotaly set His seal upon the one admire him Therefore, mothers, of Stratiord3 and •E. 1.11,;.*. Fawni, of . • lizazi,eltshime_...,....,..: ....,,,.. DAIL'r EN,..EliI St IN DA1 '"'",-- Leave Goderich' LI.V,4 a.m. :elf: vein arid notice how its tize evM make your entire body pisk up. ' Prese : ininistry a the mission, based on % I the power of .the Gosnel of Christ in fault, not muet be Ailing Timere, • A. D. Sutheilaml, i f eiea• o . . oeaorta 6.5p eon. :,,ou p.m. 4. -V JO i At All G o 1 D u ists Everywhere " MItehell 7.21 .. :JAI p.m. Or Write To , W. A. RIGNEY CO.,• 94 Academy St.,Newcark, N.J I • t RAINSERVICE to TORONTO **, these convictions in giVing I1S to see if yours is- not attrattKe. it's your Mitchell. " Clinton 0.111. HON -TONE Is ForSale o r gg chanaing.the hearts and lives of of thousands of men, women and dren 4trina. .During the past years the Lord has !been bringin tens and.it is up to you to pee that he* gets forth, Mid Chas. Penal:ow:1y, .of Airice titratiore 7.45 a.m. 4 p.m. 1' The New Durant • Four • • APPEARANCE PERPORMAN'OE COMPORT VALVE Durant., Four Cy/inch-I, Standard Satan Model "4-07" ADVANCED engineering principles applied to the new Durant Four give it riding and driving qualities comparable only to auto. mobiles of rattc.b higher price. Smooth, light.pressure "stdeldtaulic" brakes provide mahouts safety, double action hydraulic shock absorbers assure riding corn. fon, while the 'sturdy chassis, large front and rear axles, deep,. comfort -shaped cushions and ample interior roominess make even the longest journeys s pleasure. Go now to your Durant dealer for details which he will supply • without obligation! nurtagt MOT0115 et CANADA MUTED TellONTO (trAStleti CANADA itetbY rirj•Kel, Ecrutd Sieet-Jeeioa id 1.c6n apace/el PETER GRAF, Goderich ehn. relief -that he is given a Medicine ' • • 1..tAnney :ha() a.m. sas p.m. two that will quickly make him well and Seeretary, Nt"illieen Martyn, ••lifs WORM . 0.07. a.m. 5.14 'Lat. g us keep him well. Mitchell. . l•ront..) ',10 7.40 p.m. o Baby's Own 'tablets are especially designed for infants and young chil- To eateguard the chile.. item dam- dren. There' is nothing to equal age that Worms. mare, use Miller'e . them for correcting the irregularities Worm Powders, the medicine par ex- ' of. the stomach and bowelsa-the cause cellence for children. These' powd- oehreemoesetfreolf. thTeheillTs afbrnlenits warheic shellditthlye -ers will eleae worme, v.:9 regulate and stimulate .. the system entirely of medicine dealers or by' mail at 25 the organ:- injuriously affected by the ' ^ Cents a box . from The •Tir. Williams worms, and will encourage healthful Medicine Co.,' Brockville. Ont. operetion of the digestive prezesees. OW As a vermifuge it can be relied on for DEDICATED TO FALLEN HEROES its' effeetiveness. • ES Tor..ntf. '7.50 A$ aWerr 01,30A eia..trVIS The conenVioat •Rouarst oti aY Yke Pee- SINCIA OP warms ANONALA 10 NICIITOnt THA..C1411.0 10 NOWA!. :12.4 1/.1D. an., 5.5: p.n:. 1 l':.: lm. Cafe Car Ctuti•••6: !t to Tur,,n. ., ...,,, rung trotn, mid 114onto to Goderioh on 5.55 p.m. trnin. :".... I cnange of ears between tiodt•rich 4ni .I. A . LAWIIENeH, `fawn Ns:lenge, and r tone 8 Theo, A gen - (By Winifred Ahrens, 5480 St. Jean WESTFitai • In memory. we rally together. '• Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cainpbell end Avenue. Detroit) .* Of the hti dreds d thousands of owners To honor the boys who ve gone ; family were Dungiannen vieitore on They fell on duty's line 1SOnday. To protect yours and mine, rheic memory With us shall ever'be, Chorus : Fallen heroes, fallen heroes, Today we honor you, We remember, we remember; And we all are proud of you. Pollen heroes, 'fallen ,heroes., You left Us with a loving memorY, 1' Mr. D. C. Rodger, of Woodetock, spent Sunday with hie mothee, ,!dr:. • liedaet. Ur. M. ItieDiarmid; fif aal spent over Sunday with, anti • - ince•t: o Mrs. M. Griffin one Mies -13. Ceven- • try. of Winghatri,apene Monday with their Mete% Mi -o. J. E. Ellie. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vincent and Though you fell 91 duty's line familyapent elaturae v with MIN.' in - We still remember. brother mine, cerit'e. in•other, Mr. J. L. . Pallen heroes, we honor you. Mieeee Dorothy and Muriel La - • THREF GODERICH HORSES WIN AT MITCHELL Time Gederich horses competed at the Mithel1 neve on the 24th and all three were winners. G. 8, Litt'a Sil- ent Grafton won the 2:14 in three straight heats: Dr. Whitely'o Septem- ber Morn won first in the 2:18 class, mid Jas. McManus' Eva Grattan divided first end second money with a 'Rodney horse. A large number from Goderich were in attendance at the races, The results of the various heats were as follou's : 2:11Trot or Pace -8300 Purse Silent Glutton 1 1 1 G. 8. Litt, Goderich Mee Hal' MeEtren 2 2 2 A. ik'Inre, Mt. 1212i11 nay Peter. 3 3 3 W. II. Burma ialinereton Time -2:22, 2:290e, 2:20. 8:18. Trot (.!. I'ue-q300 Purxe• Fteptember Morn 1 1 2 2 1 Dr. Whitely, Geilerivh Teem tetere 2 2 1 1 tl -L tiae, la..,t1forat Ibllir Willae of • r 0 • • • • 0 2 0 140 r.Ibt itOn i Car/MO:ye • 'I'll • 2.L.04. 2:22%. 0:2.1, 2.ea, 2:2S Trot or Pero Eva tilatten 2 a .1 tt :4 ato I. M!40110 4 tOttleie Queen the Gieat 1 1 2 3 r; 17. Tudell, thelnay Mr. Hol MeEweil 3 :1 5 4 4 A. Law, Mt. l•loin Monte. of Torento, spent over the 24th with their couein, Mrs. Waltei Cook. Mrs. Itebt. Roberton, of tginton, spent over the weelt•end witlCher friends, Mr. and Mr.-. Marvin Me - Cold On Chest, Coughed aw Coughed Darand Night Mrs. fl..E. Shelton Loader, Smoke writern-r/ had a very'severe rola oil say chest and would. cough and mush, day and night, until X env nearly bo• , side myself. X took fill kialls of raedi• eke, tit Wain teemed to rep& "My druggist told no to Wes Dr. Wood's " Norway Pins syrup uta too if that wouldn't help Ito, so I toek bottle, f ost% the first 40011 ways °alum Nee, SS eents 4 onto, biro hu3y° eii eo esidskst tat or &etas, rut pogy likal 604 INL, Toronto, Om, xt. at, and toy ea it toy eeugh waxed, so rimy It bails of ,Itr. It7oc° n e has pdid a cent for service 6.4 C 147; i r ref, ee Ley • . . • - ' grA, • • • FAIRE 1E3 1 te.ortll of ecott. orny and dependability % Well points to the wisdom of hitoing a General Electric Refrigerator. Not one of the hundreds of dam:wands of owners has spent a cent for service or repairs because all the mechanism is sealed air- tight from dust, moisture and trouble: It never evert needs oiling. We invite you to inspect the many superiorities of the General lElortrie Refrigerator . • . including the accessible freezing regulator and the new Vegetable Pant. See the ram AII•Steel naodelio no: on display. re 70.0 GENERAL ElICTEIC gtkAilLLSTI, CiCiatea . tis Itt'Y O. lie wed 6 0 • 1 •