HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-05-29, Page 4PAGE' SIX When invaing estimates insiat that they be based ors Seaman -Kent noosing 1? SRAINIAIVIUMT COMMENTS ON THE BUDGET Liberalism Betrayed (Agnes McPhail) it is a budget made to catch votes," .sivid Miss in the House, discussing the Dunning mend if it doesn't'catch. v403 it will certainly disappoint its parents. 'In the Wf`hi it will appeal because of the British preference, in the east be- cause of the iron and steel, in British Columbia .and the Niagara 'District be- cause of the Witt' on fruits and vege- tables." Hon: J. ID. Chaplin: "It won't get • Miss Maephail explained she • wa$ tries. line :opinion was expressed, . • them any votes." Maephail: "I don't know abouta. e azy armor& would have ta be verl much in love P eai n, TITJ GODERICII STATI - -Nsstr:sstassa.tv:_-7.7=is WHY WE DO IT. Vor.HCi YOUR WI FE CAN'T COOK LINE YOUR 1,10T} BY AMMAN K. THOMSON, P. D. teress of "Tat. Seense c& liceeo Acite-" ee can t seek. Wei testhar," is v,tat seas has et console with. Sis a taste: meny coss:i 11 ritually :Me. Any mien:mei 014(1 J114.1 Ode Saves to the menet.. Tee raassiArt is elem. st tahes ses eeper- iente te ta psi edoe. jaternee etisa ttemy est., not have a %any .cettneive laws:endue daineetie 4-dr.i.3. And U. she . easipsts - wee a -.citrate 3 la, -mtieng a 411 setenst Evertned eseei. Mates:Tr, a- nem is uatinLy proju- 1i wife cen't cook like 1111 mother is diace m Laser of hie mother. she is • that his !nether bee tee tremendous -•a superior paten in his. eyes andadvantage of having created tilasi.: ItC:i110. (Writhing. ales dace is of eups tor the tintig's lie Wins. In ()the.' eiri)r tinality. 'this b expreseed in worthesit isn't co mesh titre, a man's the popular mines of a man wiahing for . mother is really a woneerful e90ii St, a "girl line the girl that inarried dear it is the fact that he was brought up MO dards' The P'dina call it the on her cooking and takes it as e mothsr image thatsall mea-sare aim-, model- tor judging 'the quality -of pesed ta have sy waiali to aelest aothe cooks. 'Tads theory falls down in eases thinks his wite to be, hisrmagehildree where a man is so madly in love with 'will r180upto say the same thing his wife that he thinks her a superior that ho did, "You can't. cook like Demons -the queen can do no wrong. in -other,'" to their respective wives. Everything oho does is woederful, Every man's wife is a wonderful would be e fine test -of hive. A man his mother. Most men think it; some this cook. No man's svife can ,cook like even her cooking. Perhaps- eey 'f feelsthe he pleased. lay the abrogation cof the with. hie wife consi er -her a better reproach -whether uttered or %Mex- . Wae. No miitterdiewepotin estaids mac New Zealand treaty and the 'women look than his mother. preased. will he Made happy bY cheap. tea and Another mann.why a 'nutn thinks • dishes. What I want to ask the Lib - oral party is, Do tbey think, public .confidenee is to bo won by n budget 'continued Mise McPhail. The Vulnerable Snot all the talk we have heard that the . (Finoncial Post) • SURPRISED _FRIEDS Liberals are a low tariff party and ' The chief criticism levelled by The pleading with us to eome in with. them rinencial Poet, in its review last ' , --- and, not divide the low tariff vote I Me.; against the Dunning budget For ten years, in spite of all the. want to ask: Where now are the low concerned the, manner of granting ad- medicines I took, my health slowly tariff Liberals ?" ditjonal preferences to British noun- but aerate grew worse. One of my like thatr (Tory cheers). "After • SUPT. SAYS RESULT • • • • • • • • ZAM•BLIK pull pain, Swelling & Bleeding of IMEMORRHOIDS (Piles) 0.41rtmA50t not a Progreaeive but a United F411111- just as It has nem expressed in these . . er and low tariff. Bad the party eiss U0111111111i On innumerable previous oe- cipline silenced the low tariff Liber. CUSi0118, that a solid and enduring ale? Before this budget she ' had framework for intra-Empiro trade de - found it difficult to distinguish bes velopment can only be built out of a •tween the two -major parties; now she system of preferential arrangements found it impossible. negotiated directly with due regard "I/ the betraYal of Laura= be- for the needs of each of the partners germ in 1926, it Wan finished in IMO," to the 'several bargains, and provid- • . Mg that equal benetite, shaft be re- . coved for oenefita grentece A sur- vey of editorial comment iii .various - Canadian newspapers reveals that the budget, is -being more widely criticized on the score of this weakness than for ,...any other of its features. •• The statement of Mr. Dunning the Canadiangovernment did not in- tend to meet the other countries of the British Commonwealth of Nations in a spirit of petty bargaining is re- sounding- in its patriotic and imperial sentiment, but thoroughly dangerous in Its practical -implications. It •dis- tinetly insinuates that the negotiation' jeateenaggsmessees-e-sreeseveasweesseis of a trade treaty between two British countries is petty 'bargaining. Since • • _ the 'present government has negotia- • 1."°5111S(IN ted trade treaties, during its regime, worst troubles was me inability to, with Austrellas Now Zealand, British steep soundly and nay digestion went West Indies and Nesvfoundinnd, it has frena bad to 'Averse until I was a tons contribeted its full. share of "petty firmed dye/made My appetite was See the Pacific Coast thisSumrner•Enjoythe h.ospitality of Jasper Park Lodge in the Ileart of the Canatt*an Rockies. Tennis, swim. ming, climbing, riding, motoring. Enthralling scenery • • . new even- ences. Then see Vert. couverXictoria and the glorious. Pacific Coast. Only a few days' extra requital to take the cruise to Prince Rupert and Alaska -pleasant corn- panions-wonderfulalahts- totettipole villages -glaciers.. • Enquire about Low Tourist Pares, in effect frotn May • 15th, to September 30tte Beautifully i !lustre ted feldersatailablethroughany AgentofCanadianleational • ./teilways. ail a. di a. int at ii. coma' TO EVERYWHl3Rg CANADA • Gyproe Makes Summer Homes • FIRESAFE! 1DROTECII your family by making your Summer home draught.proof, dust. proof and fire.safe. The new Ivory coloured Gypror, that does Not born will render tint this service at small cost. Use k for stturturally strong walls, ceilings and pattitions. It needs no de. coration (when panelled) but you can tint, paper or plaster it if you wish. It is easily and quickly applied, is a permanent asset, and is ;Vastly superior to other building materials. Your dealer's name is listed below. Ask him today for full information on G1' yp. roc Wallboard or send for interesting free book "Build. ing and Remodelling with Gyproc." GYPSUM, IIME ANI) AMBASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED rads•oatitio • • • bargaining." But these treaties have poor and I WAS habitually constipated. ever been, considered as petty bar- I took six bottles of Sargon and I feel geining by anyone in Canada, -much better now in every particular than I less by Mr. Dunning's colleagues have felt in years. I enjoy seven or A bargain is an arrangement for eight hours of good sleep now, get up the exchange of certain benefits. refreshed with a' keen appetite for Contrary to a belief current. in So- breakfast, my food agrees with me cialist circles, it is possible .to have a fine and constipation doesn't bother bargain in which both parties to the me at all. My friends are surprised transaction gain benefits .that are that a man of 70 should have such more valuable to them than the con- energy and vitality. II show I am tributions they make. Thetis the ba- better in my looks and in my ability sis of all modern business. No bug. to transact businese with ease and ness arrangement is permanent in na. _without fatigue." -John Thompson, ture' unless it gives satisfaction on Superintendent of Canadian Transfer both nides. Empire " preferential Ce±:Ioronto. egreementa that give such - satisfaction- 2estes,•--"e"-- • rill endure and help to hold the rm. Condemns Gratuitous Preferences pire together. The Montreal Herald, a Liberal The day that sees the signatures of 'eau); of small eircuiation, fails to see the Minister of Finance and the Chan- in the budget any evidetice of viriie eellor of the Exchequer on a definite Empire policy. It is strongly enteeti trade treaty between Great Britelo - of the pollen of granting tariff favorand Canada will mark the s ef to Britain, gratuitously instead of ey -f a new and greater, era for the Bri- agreement. It says : tish Commonwealth of Nations. :Such "The more the budget is t r 4, a treaty will not emphasize separa- the more must the hammed muerte:: tism, ut ra er n ea e t la ere s oe convinced that a definite business basis for Imperial give definite point and wee' non to unity. gees Boastful Pretension 'Vie Montreal Gazette finds consid- erable hypocrisy in the budget. de- claring that "The more carefully and the more thoroughly the tariff pro- posals in the budget are examined, the More they are revealed as a boast - ill' pretension rather than an attempt to deal with the 'tariff with scientific skill. The motions that Mr. Dunning has gone through to make it seem that he is raising the tariff against the United States are chiefly note- worthy because they are the motions of an erstwhile free trader. They demonstrate a eharatteristieally King policy of subserviency to the United States, inasmuch as our tariff chan- ges must dance Attendance on those of our neighbor, and .if and when their application is provoked they will fall short of real effectiveness because of their mildness in mintiest to the ex- treme protective duties the United States will put upon Canada's staple products." The Gazette feels that it is signifi- cant that flatfish newspapers (ft quotes, in this connection, The Times and 'The Financial News) efeept the rune prefereeees in the spirit in which Mr. .running offered thein --that is without bargaining for some return. The Gazette points out that the 1807 "preference has been accepted in BA - as something given by the peo- ple of Canada as an expression of loyalty, until latterly the British wianuftteturer and exporter has look. ed tpon it as eomething to wham he lin a natural right. Mr. Dunning's extension Of the preferenze &es not nimear to luwe altered or as beieg Transportation likely to alter this eeteeption. its main proposals Mr. Dunning mis. sed one °X the ,greatest opportunities of his lite,. Both circumstances and the state of pualic ophuoii had con- spired to prepare the way for a virile expression of Empire policy; destiny, named, seemed to have sieved out cantata to real s - 'unship by giving emphatic and de- cisive leality to the movement for the economic co-ordination of the whole Empire. Mr. 'Dunning by a single sentence addrd'ssed to the people of the Old 'Country indicating that the expansion of the British preference wai.nezessarily anticipatory of, and conditional neon, preference for Cana- dian products in the British market, would have provided the fulcrum upon whili the wnole tuture course of ken- pire might have turned. ."As it is, what is the position? Mr. Dunning not only failed in such a stroke of statesmanship but actually went out of his way to emphasize to the people of Great Britain that no perticuler favors were expected in re- turn, and that they need not for a moment imagine that Canada Intend- ed to implement the budget proposals by any 'ort of bargaining. By these remark° and by omitting any expres- sion of 'view to the effect that the continuity and development of the British preference must depend upon a 'sympathetic and wholehearted re- epozeoz, from England. Mr. Dunning has the right thing in the wrong way." For sale IT Gasitrieh hlartufatlyinn Co, Linsited tkidesith, Ontslio Service • Long Distance Short distance or Engagements Phone MeMath, 601 r l', I, Clinton Central. - re mgr. clo of TOTAL IZP FARES to CANADA ADVANCED BRITISSIERS in Cancra ratty now brina forward their Pa*aliAt 1elat5vuu end /Mend& Con Emir Term& For full details apply: - J. D. CAMERON Dist. • Stpt. Cotovitat:ots • Crawifr. PaciOc P.silcvoy, Tomato BRITISH BE -UNION ASSOCIATION ••••••••••.•••1•••••• Final Uneertalety , • (i'roe Press) The Government at Ottawa o.ate as if it were in a panic. It brought down a budget designed to please every- one, to satisfy protectionists in the East and free traders in the Weet. Now it finds that it has satisfied ne one and it -is hurriedly making shifts and changes •in order to placate the electors. Its latest somersault is to junk its tariff on fruits and, vegetables and 'to adopt as seasoned tariff -the very -policy it has been denounaing. The action of the 'Government .only emphasizes the need of a change o,t Ottawa.. The chief argument which has been mesa/iced by defenders of the budges of the present Government is that at is a -Scientific budget. They argue that the Tariff Board for months and months on end has been giving care- ful consideration of the whole pro. blem and has been studying every aspect. It was on these grounds that M. Pa Hepburn justified a,tariff whicli. he has been busy for faux years des flouncing. The London Advertiser de- fended the new fruit and vegetable duties vigorously because they •were the result of long and careful study by the Tariff Board. Now the ' scientific tariff and the Tariff Board on ,fruits and vegetables is junked,.thrown into discard.. What a farce 1 The result of menthe of study and, work is abandoned. The whole argument in regard to the so- called scientific. tariff .goes by the board. The teat of the matter is that. it is not a scientific tariff at all, but a tariff based only on one principle, the principle of vote -getting, Mt. eleps burn, The London Advertiser and other have to find new reasons for sups eorting the tariff, . Opportunism Destroys Confidence (E. C. Beautiful in Saturday Night)' .1 referred lightly last week to 'what to Inc scents the outstanding, the 2110st signineatt factor in come -Alois with the Denning budget, ninnely, the fact • that it is -the abandonment, the re- versal, • of the fiscal principles Mi. King and his .colleagues had proclaim- ed with the utmost solerunitY right up to the eve of the budget's delivery, the principlea welch they rested • the virtue of the Liberal ?arty an. their own fitness to have charge at the affairs of Canada. Any qiiestion as to whether the budget is good, bad or. indifferent appears to. me to be subordinate' to the consideration 01 • pelitical stability • therein involved As Leader of the Opposition in par- liament, eharged with concern for the pisblic interesta, Mr, e was in duty bound take eognizanse•of that consideration. But byzeee ni the traditiotts he Itas inheritcJ nd of his. own obvious sense of statesmanship, it was p conaideration that be could only regard with the. utmost serious- ness. 'Ihe spectacle of the Lender of a great party and his kiivernment abandoning the doctrines- to .which they had pledged their faith and mu - bracing •eontreey • -doctrines , thee had but lately denounced as fal- lacious, when they, could not trust pufblic opinion to support their foil- . mer doctrines, was certain to be re- pugnant to Mr. Bennett's personal and political instincts. •••••••••.....• .••••••••••,..... • • ••••• • • CASTO RIA For Infanta and Children in Use For Over 301korm ,• S3gestuie fdwaye beete,..4feadeirFeeel of 44: „. • • Toonnsiyo".. Data' oDat. rc) time you're hungry, enjoy ii,dlogg's Cairn Flakes anal milk or cream. Tor breakfast, for lunch, for supper—for a late snack. They're great...between meals and at any m e a • CORN 4€454 cow, FLAKES Ew's n.5147 *Extra delicious with fruits or honey added. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. • eesees • 1 Repugnance to opportunism inspir- ed ldr. Bennett to an effort which inspired Mr. Bennett as an effort measured rip to the moat mitt - cal occasion of .his career in parlia- ment, which stamped him as nighty qualined for the leadership of the Conservative Party. lie was more icefftwelcvntivelibuthaton be ohxadcote7,LsIbblefyorne e his speech oe acceptance at the Win- nipeg convention. He conveyed in his speech a sense of seriousnessand conviction that has sometimes seem- ed to be lacking on lesser occasions. tiis performence had been awaited with keen interest because of its poll - acid importance, and with Speculation as to how he would acquit himself, and when he had finished there wars no disappointment among 'those who had hoped for the best. I have not heard his speech called in question in any particular by anyone around Parliament Hill -an exceptional cir- cumstanae in connection with a major performance of any leader. But the sharpest sting was in the tail end of the Conservative Leader's speech, when he quoted Mr. King in, solemn deprecation of such a state i',tft affairs as now obtains. The Prime' Minister en a previous occasion had given voice in the House of Commons to the following virtuous sentiments:, "What is it, Mr. Speaker, that works havoc in human lives, that de- stroys the noblest of friendships, that blights all that is most sacred in • Our human relations? It is the loss of confidence that comes through dis- illusionment, through the • broken pledges, the shattered ideals, the lost visions, the vanished faiths, cruel, in- deed, it is when that breach in confi- dence comes between man and man, between friend and friend, between Ilenis e; and rare, svraehlenbetweenicorne nsbetweenti°iantiana" people and its government there is no saying what injury it may ulti- masely work. science and in honor between, those 01 Iv • • ,."ts. there nothing binding in con - CLEANS AS WELL AS POLISHES I, .n./Vad UMW 111.-1 .1. 11 !GUYS good company on any trip. It's delldous flavor adds sat and enjoyment. The auger +lov- elies pep and energy whets the day seems long. In short les gond and good for yew. After Bee/5,110a! ON011•0•Pa.. .••=4, Weak and NOM/01111 Tired and Worn.Out Cipujdn't Do Housework Mes. Amer Hutchinson Gooderbani, Oat., writes: -”I geen a item autreise for two /ears,„ with my heart I *AA 3ates. ogt told not do any work, and wag weak 1 could not !stead on my fast before X world have to lie down. • "X Iltigtea hi Wit asd X will never be without them reil01 LE3URNS es find them the hest rnedicine minro hate ever taken, anal X on safely Rvt my they paved my life, "Toalt week and nervous ITOILIell; who are tired and done ent T , would rase: qtlet a best of Milbuttiet Peen and Nerve Pills at eset itl ilk kit* tik IStry *Ott Ifae. thiy keikibe_e_t_ltrisisd at the difitcrene,1 elks, 150 eesf' at bet ott ail &weft a04.11, etteet eft niesiet iof ries b, The X. Where Dee Tats Termito, tett who rule a people and'those-Wlio have permitted them to be ruled ?" Mr. Bennett did -not divulge the authorship of this citation before reading it and during the reading some of Mr. King's colleagues were boo-ing and the chief governments wiliP was pretending to wipe tears fIrmybeima oin hiseya.edTheirlyhen Mr. eonstexna2envon,,,. the I I quotation that the words were those of the Prime Minister himself. To those looking on it seemed that Mr. King did not himself recognize his own Jolty utterance' until the last sentence was reached, when his dis- comfiture was apparent. Relief from Asthma—Who can de- scribe the complete relief from suffer- ing which follows theuse of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy ? Who can express the feeling of jolf that comes when its soft and gentle influence relieves the tightened chok- ing air tubes It has made 'asthma- tic affliction a thing of thecpyst for thousands. It never fails,. Good druggists everywhere have sold it for years. Maybe prohibition' takes away a man's personal liberty, but so does marriage. Maybe.a man has so many ehanges'' of heart because he has so few ellen-. - ges of clothes. T SWART& gut° and gorse labial] Jfack Stables, Etc! Montreal Street Jun off the Square •• -SEVERAL FIRST•CLASS AUTOS READY • FOR SERVWE -GET YOU ANYWHERE • AND WHEN YOU WANT TO GET THERE )1illeseo Meet off Treins and • • PaSseriger Soots • Pastenters called for in any. Part 'of the town for all trolas at O. T. R. or C, P. R. • Depots . • • • Prompt Service and rt Careful Attendant, qa.ams. . Our Livery and Sack Service • will be found up.to.date • ln every respect. qa.svas. Your PntrOnage Solicited T. SWARTS Phone 107 Moetreal Street Abowirrekswins.".....ehow.A.ma USED CARS! USED CARS! Reconditiond Now is the time.to buy a good Used Car h • al • The Ford Garage, South St is the PIM THE PRICES ARE RIGHT Bay with confidence. Our reputation is your protection. 1929 Ford Coach, just 1 year old and in best of condition. 1924 Whippet Coach, a wonderful buy, 5 practically new tires. 1929 Ford Coach, a -splendid little car, like new. 1929 Chevrolet 6 cylinder Coach, good • 10 rOmithileinrgu tilt Po Gifu. udors and Sedans. soerddecra.rs,. mostly model T Fords, You take no chance s buying from us. Down Payment Small, Long Easy Terms. Long Life and Good Service USED CARS F. H. WOOD & SON Phone 83 FORD GARAGE, — , SOUTH STRERT Genuine Ford Paris. 1 t !11