HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-05-29, Page 3esstesia, -"ea esseaseta.
" 4111111111(krr...016.01u ""' • 4401/ESA,..
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TiraireDATt L'Ain 141)
. ---:"--1"'---'7.--"'"''7' '''"---7 W. 11. Pattseveses, og tht....1 MC -7 ri Silialt Si.indilY with Dire, Canisseens
the knave, i who, we are pleased to say le isinseeve!
• . KILLERS FOR MOTHS ' fani31. ciTstetUe:-A At.a3'StV.cittstleant(lolliPt.ol.Cenfilttleltnighbetirttjt t"eale th° '
. *Demi te couple of daya wall Mies, Gay, Mr. and M. Eebt. Hoare and ;
• 20,Sssil he? a largo crowd. Ifreen Cinelela on eatistelee-, ace) Erni-
--- USE- - . Dierieam, daughter. Wee, Vain itOtsassi uit '
Fly.tox, Flit, Larvex, Moth Gas, Sapho to catcall" the enrual conference 'of' mad Itite. del'in Mullin,
RCA'. Mr. Dierthreere Mt this seecs. trig thie week with their eeseetie, Dir.,
, the United churn -a which is belille heM ..........-..
Cedarlene Flakes, Moth Balls, .etc. tide sear in Weedetecla LANES
• Our C. P. R. etetion io teines treat-, Wedidiree bells ore rifeefteo Leeely.'"
to protect your fur .enat, woollen blankets, Ckeste1l2Ida cci to a freek coat of pellet at PTV -Wt. Dir. Geerge Letie is nrk2Ttita3 t4 ace;
It ie being applied by ehe air totes- Cheerolet Wan.
and carpets against the destruction of the, arcaded moth. sure *pray method. Tine river bridges M. Dav'ee spent Thaesaley with hie i
able received a coat in tine =att:i man- edema seete wilfeea itactiata
• UM. Blr. and Gilitert Vint nesi fetes
CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Several from here atteaded the ily resent a slay reeetatly with frionde
femerel of the lete Dirs. Erie donee,. at Pole; Albert.
of Toronto. vsbiell took place on Tues- Dir. and Mre. Welter Alten end lit-
, „ 3, day from St. Andrew'e QUur-.11, Blyth. tle eon spent e day rccently ia Cede-
-- ---% 1),,..1;,----- -- - -, - 2 .1-&-u1P--- Mrs. Jones was a mice of Me. Jees. rich.
_ -
eseise,„. - see
ear, one Mee. Reel psaithby mei noeh, spent the weelsernd Loader tee,
Alias Lena Rae/sett, of 'West Wawa-
-- Mut&
AUBURN . mice et Conferenese. .
The enterteinment in, the Foresters'. son. Rift. motoredto Tot e early petal root.
Laet Friday Dir. William Waite, of Teen was well attended. A good pro- this week. O. F.. Errett accomnanieci Mrs. Thoulieekett anent a Cyr'
Goderich, paid the village a short vis- gram was given and all appeared oat- them :nal Mrs. Erratt went -as far es dayWith her mothers Dire. David
it. felled with the, evening. Guelph to visit her sieter, Mrs. •Cam- Haekett, of Ltieknow.
Last Friday' Mr -William Bailte. of jr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor and own. Mrs. Robertson, of Abu, spent /1
Godericla spent a short time in the their eon Gordon and'his partnereine The auditorium of Knoet United a da v here recently with her dauseli-1
-village. life spent the week -end visiting char:it is beine re -decorated at ire' ter, Airs. Spence Irwire ‘. I
Mr. Robert Scott, o.. the village, friends in Detroit. ent by Mr. Kay, of Clinton. Next
has been visiting Ida daughter, Mrs. Quite a few were at the bee last Sunday being conference, church ser-
Jewel, of Colborne, this iveelt. Thursday at Banes cemetery. The vice and Suladay school wee be with- Mrs. Paul Maedel is somewhat im-
The United ehureh is 'making use 'spent a busy afternoon decorating drawn hut The following Sunday beth proved in health,
of Mr. Mortimer's absence at teonfere aid fixing up the ground. win he held in the basement. It iss The beef rinse has started again, to
once in decorating the interior of the Mr. Clarence Symington and his
brothereGraham, spent the latter part on June 15, when Rev. J. 141 Small, Mrs. Samuel Allin, Sr., is visitinee
There will he no services in the of last week visiting relatives in the of St, Geergewill be here. - at the home of her eon, Altlin, this
United ehureit next. Suaday, The village and, viewing. scenes of former. Mlle program at the younr, peoplel
e week, .
Rev, Mr, Mortimer will be in attend- days. meeting on Tuesday evening tookthe Mrs. Edward IInrdy spent Wednes-
The Sacrament of the Lord' supper form of a -debate, 'Resolved that i" day at the home of her sister, Aire.
• will be observed in the Presbyterian the best interests of tiler country Or- Will Stevens.
del Theatre
o aL. recIpayareavtoarny. trahsce.,IwoumldatIsvee ew,laar flakeenli tyaellosrssr.::. spAaniatsta-
caleir7alsea nair be holdSund
expected the church will be re-onened the satisfaction at au moaned.
yton Robertson -and Pere'Y Yung. C. A. n
• The Rev. W. Goodwill will begin. blot while the negative was taken int Mr. and Airs. Chas. Maeda of Fie- II
his holidays next week. The )3aPtists Kelmar Daeveon and Herrn &tuft sex, visited at the home of Are Paul
• and Presbyterian congregations will After much argument "pro and eon" Meade] last week.
MONDAY and TUESDAY of their respective. pastors. tive by one point. The judges wer" Gus Vaustone in the loss of a loving t
REGINALD 'DENNY Tho beginning of this eveelt Mr. and (eorge: 'Milian, Wm. Straughan and mother, Mrs. Haack% a
Store elt
EEK OF JUNE 2 to 7
worship together during the holidays the decision was giVen to the aftirma- • Our sympathy is extended to Mrs.
Mrs, Sandford Lawlor had quite a O. E. F.rrett. The evening was en- Mr. and Mrs. Will t Clayton and
'with Diary‘Nolan, Otis, Harlan and a
family golhering-their two dangle, The annual meeting and slectin of Ailiss A. Couch, of Putnam, snent the
d t "n a riot of fun
PAGE ilv1V1i
House Furnishings Department
36.Inch Curtaip Marquiectte
'white and ivory, in chec%, :3tripe and mo‘lern:stiz de.
• slow. aw clearing t%is lot at
29c per yard
50.1neh Heavy Silk Stiarast Draptary Cloth
ReSul*Ir '11.15. $1.50 peryard.
in blue, green and .wine colors
Special price
Swiss Panels
in several' patterns and 40 inches wide. On- a.and
Saturday we offer these at
20 % off
We carry a complote. stock of Gold Seal CoLgoletun Rugs
. all sizes and patternA.
Have you seen our rantic of English and Aworican Chintz and
Shadow Cloths. Selling from .
30c to $1.00 per yard
The Cash F
Intyre and Mr. McIntyre, of- Dun- maim May 14th. The -meeting open- Qeolity ilferchardise, *Courteous Service and Moderate Prices.
and 'color. Gay. youthful and „lam. WS from London, Miss Lottie and officers of the Werner s Tnetitutev:.T.
\ ;
week -end visiting friends here.
desperate crook to win the hand of hCheeley. were Sunday 'visitor.) with imartsmaanommirgaMaigegmeMPSIMIMA2rat 1,.....1.,',.,.1.“,kou,....L .1.,...t. I. hi
society sweetheart.
r MOM 86
: • "-
rs. Jones' end Mr. jones, Airs. IVIc- held in the Foresteee' er e Mr. O'Bright end Miss Sloan, from
free with Denny masquerading as a
gannon. aeid theirseme Jimmie. When el. tseth singing the inetitute ode, fol- Mr, end tetra miteaon.
o ten they all'eueet ta ether, in unison. The following officers child, of London, visited with vele- II'able talk is disappearing. Prabs elways takes se nmeh longer to ADVERTISE IN ran STAR.
I a family' starteesto.,scatter it is not lowed by repenting the Lerd's Prever Air. and Airs. Will Baxter and little.
I ;This week hale 'bee • politieal ,son- -sere elected for the year; Pres.,•
The• total proteede amounted ably due to the inteessrene
UNVERSAL COMEDY tives here over the -week-end.
"R'IDNAPPEDn venue") week flit trillage. Part of M. Lawson; 1st yin pre., - Afro. The, Benmiller tea meeting
- wee soup er celery.
' ' declare pease, than it does to deelnee.
WED. and THURS. • •
the atte 'the 'Liberal eon- 'Woods; 2nd vice press, Mrs. ,C. etrau quite a success, havirg a full house.
The aullett part, attended .the Liberal director, 1VErs. Mogridge; press sea'y. These folks who want the Felice to
about 2200. d DI•owise
nention in Wingharn on Tuesday. ghan; setreae., Anse King; distriet
disarra should insist the law- neakers
convention in Hensel' im Wednesday.. ASrs. A. ,T. Ferguson; pianist, MS MIr. and Mrs. Leslie inketer and
• e
Mr, Robertson of the Signal, was the -issile Howson; flower come Mrs. two children, of Toronto, spent th• e
•• • with
• . -The Ho
• • •-,,,, North 'Huron choice. wi1e' Mr. MC- rhillins, Mrs. Riddle; program come holiday at the IMMO of Mr: and Itra.
Milian was •for South Huron. • Mrs. N. Hill, Mr. G. Tay vs. • E. Mitchell.
Miss Lamont, of Toronto. W. - AL Raithby; dire tors. Mrs. Sturdy, Aire. M. Frank with Mr. and
Vs; Society, addressed the Presbyterian J. Wilson. A re. IS/Li:Brien, A rs• ean• Airs. Harold IViontgonsery, motored to
. .
• (as Raptitin) ). ' ' eeciety here last Tuesday evening. -Afins L Johreton; nutlitore. Mrs. J Detroit on Friday' and Spent the, hell -
this is the great Fox speci 1 attrac- .e._
tion which tells the amazing story of esonaidering the appearance of a wet xlmnpson, Miss Viola Thompson. clavnewita%drelmalvs.esAtihdelarea.a.
night, there was a good turnout. She The progrem.for the meeting was as and•three
• the Russitul monk whose orgies start- gave a good address on the work done follows: Mrs. Allan gave a splendid •children, of rroronto, accompanied by
led' the -world. A gripping and un- visited relatives
in the western provinces and no doubt talk on beautifying the home ineide Mi lea, Bean, Sr,
usual picture I' : ' it willshaye the effect of stimulating and out; solo by Miss .Tosephine• "itirl'iprel last week, Mr- Bean remaining
• •
CENTURY COMEDY the society here to greater exertions [The meeting closed by singiug tilts with his family here
sn the work. , . National Anthem. Lunch WAS ser e
and a social half hour enjoyed. OBITUA
(From another coreespondent) Rk
RL. and SAT, Mr% N. Murray's sister visited her
over the -wee -end. 0 tee erieh township, in the person
'VIRGINIA BROWN pAIRE day% in Toronto early this week. six -cylinder Chevrolet ear from Mr.
Mr, George Lane has bought a new
Mte Tho. Johnston spent a few of Martha Ramsay, widow of the late
JACK DAUGHERTY and. BELFAST ' IIAACEE.-A well-knoWn resident
Wm. liaacke, passed away at her
- • Mr. and Mrs. Smellie- and 1Viiss
MeElven, of Goderich.
present st'. thrilling and novel aetion Mr. N. IVIurray is driving a new
story centered on the prize ring with Durant ear. to in her 91st year. Hee husband prede-
home on May 24th. Mrs Haaeke was
y "vriospi tp their motoredaaat,upm 4r. o jmalaTeoarocnatook.
was born in Mariposa" township in the
ceased her twenty' yrs ago She
variations Entertainment with Alen- Messrs. Earl and Frank Raithb
ty of power and push is
"THE BODY PUNCH" hipped a carload of fat cattle to Tor-
onto on ,Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. George. Lane and
Count oi •
Victoria, and moved to
ef , Episode X% 5 , Miss Alma Mulch, of !Toronto, family motored to Riverview on Sun- - , Y
day to Mrs. Lanes sister, Mr. and •Is' u:
o erich township fohy-seven years
via ee eet • THE DIAMOND MASTE spent the week -end holidays at the
• ago, where she had aettied ever since.
CARTOON COED? home -of her perents here. Airs. Jas. Reeburn.
1VIr. and Mrs. Cyril Campbell and e 0 a hters and two
She leav s
• Mr. and MrSt GOnTileY ThOinPqrink
•sAatince Saturday at 3.001).M. A or London,' week-eifd gudsts' ftnnibr spent- Saturday evening with- ism, Mrs. George Reeser, Markham
Coming .Soon.. -"The Sky 'Hawke a with xelatives in this vicinity. ' Mrs. Campbell's father, Mr. Roulston, 1111t.s. C. A, Vanstoa% Benmiller; Ed-
reat showMr. arid Mrs, Patterson, of cot, near Ripley, who has not been well. vszn. Jedhurg, &mien Vilma of
visited with the former's brothe•r, Mr. Mr. T. A. Cameron and, family Goderich twp., and one son. George,
g! '.' ' •
By giving your order to the Superior Chain Store in your Community you will save time,
,health and protect your children from the dangers of street travell'ing, and yet. your total
month's food bill not be any larger, if anything it will be less, due to the increased buying
powqi and personal managerhent of your Commutiity Grocer.
Gillett's Gillex per pkg. 12c
Manyflowers Toilet Soap 3 - cakes 19c
Shirriff's• Jelly Powder, Recipe Carton, con-
tailing- 4 pkgs •
Royal York Tea, Bram
Evaporated Milk
• 1 PoundNet ,
0 -
2 for
25c Grafi". Nuts 2 Pkgs
Orange Peko
"There z Reason" 27c
¼, . .28c
Fray /braes Corned Beef . , . . per tin 23c
Standard Corn 2's, Peas 2's, Tomatoes 2%'s
• SPECIAL 10 Bars
P. & G.
"The White Naptha Soap,"
2 tins . 29e I Pork. and Bans
Toddy, "Serve Hot or cold' Ik's 330 •Medium Size
l's 53c Finest Red Celloe
Taylor's Bulk Peanut Butter.. . . per U. 23c
Lily Chicken Hack&• per tin 23e.
Tuco Catsup quart bottles 23c
Quick Shine Stove Pipe Varnish 23c
Apple Jelly • 40 oz. jar 33c •
Mushrooms ......... .....small tins 19c
Cowates Chocolate Velvets 71/z 19c
Soda Biscuits
2 This
3.‘ 19c
l's 331c
1 lb. pkg.
2 lbs.
Groceries at Reduced Pricea--Wednesday, irhursday, and Friday
'°'--AA1AV 29th, 30th nod 31st
J. J. McNeil, Goderich L Calvin Cutt, Gaiczich
- predeceased her sixteen Years ago.
She is also .survived by twenty-three
grandchildren' and thirty-four great-
grandchildren. The funeral took'edace
from her home on the Huron Road on
. Monday, May 26th, and the services
Were conducted by .Rev, J. N. H. Mille,
assisted by Rev. W, T. Bunt. The
pall -bearers ' were Aix grandsons,
,Stanley Vanstone,. Harold Good, Ben-
-. miller; Harry Hassekee Deloro, and J.
C. Green, George Haacke and Allen
Haack% of IToeonto. The:family were
. all present at the funeral, also rela-
• tives from Toronto, Markham and
SMITH. -After a long period of
failing health Mr. J. W. Smith, one of
the best known residents of Goderich,
passed away' on Tuesday of last week
in his seventy-third year. For forty -
him years he was the proprietor of
Siiiith's bakery in this town, and his
' long and honorable business career
in Ooderteh made him widely known.
He was one of the active members of
the Gcderieh riming association and
. was usually found in the judges'
stand at racing meets here. • He had
himself owned a number of race
hones in years gone by and was well .
known among the horsemen of the
Province. He was quite a lodge man,
a member of Maitland Lodge, No. 33,
A., F. & A. M., deflated Lodge No.
02, 1. 0. O. F., and of L. 0. L. No.
. 182, and the funeral on Saturday was
under Masonic auspices, the members
Of Maitland Lodge turning out in a
body. Mr. Smith was a /neither of
es Knox church' and the church cervices
at the house and grave were conduet-
• en by Rev. R. C. McDermid.
came te Geilerich when quite young, I
Smith -wag horns in Dungannon, but
and. a. already stated, was in bled-
noes fer many yenrs. retiring 'only
(debt years ago, when hie, eon, E. Ge •
tool: over the hueineee. Mr. Smith
was twice married. The 'trot Mrs.'
Smith (VII moth Arise Agnes Hain- i
(ley, of ensitford), died in 1914, and
li spelnd wife. forwrly Mrs. Belle
Straiten. survives. The family eon-
qiilisAl• of 'OM! • (PtiMiltOr • and two
none, Mr. Hilton Snlittyler. of KRA.'
, prier; Um Frank Allen. of Goderieln
Mrs. L. Maekell. of fiederiein Air/V.1
G. Smith. of the East street bakery.,
and Mr. Ie -J. Smith, of Gueline One
son. 1tnlIidiy, paseed away Pliddtmly
nt•trta but • Deeeiaber. ,Two sis-1
IDinie E. Smith and Mrs. Moo lese-1.
eters find two brothels; oleo :survive,
Yen of: Goderiele; 'Air. Joseph Smith,:
los Cleveland; and Mr. Ezetiel Snilthd
of Marceline, , The Lrothere. being
ored 91 nrl87 ware, re. pectiveiW
onaig‘, tl he lie rti for the fun -
Peal. but' tho (khildrpn vpro all. nem
- teelativee and frieneie *ern nut of I
' twee ifl itt(dl5(e hakes itir. ssed
I ilSrp'. shovier, (d' Ei'e.fiesinr: Ala mid
Mire Ingeld end AV, 4 Sinivler, f N tk°'
Harjura; Me. Time. Wigeael.
1111°,41110TIMI; atO Mr-. Gelfree
feeee ties seeee edite;
children Or
Comes a day. when the line.) a \vote- rOR FLETCHER'S
an worries about am not connested
with wash day. ea sris .Fg; "ra 0 Ft t tae
ALLs. LI '
., ,i, ALL.
Buy with Confidence -Our Reputation is Your Protection
Chevrolet Sedan.. • .•....$139.00
1925 Ford Coupe S145.00
1926 Ford Touring •......$150.00
1923 McLaughlin Touring ... .. . . .. „.......$150.00
1925 Chevrolet Touring,. ... $150.00
Dodge Coupe $175.00
1925 Essex Coach • .... ..... 8175,00
1922 McLaughlin Touring $195.00
• Maxwell Coach..... .... $195.00
1922 McLaughlin Sedan 8195.00
1927 Ford Tudor -8245.00
1926 Overland Coach •82700
1924 Hudson Coach ..8295.00
1923 Hudson Coach 8295,00
1925 McLaughlin Touring.. $395.00
19251V1cLaughlin Special 6 Coupe, 2- Pas.- -8425.00
1929 Ford Tudor $495.00
1926 McLaughlin Special 6 Coach '8525.00
1926 Nash Special Sedan.............
1928°Poritiao Coach.. . . •
1927 Hudson Brogham
1928 62 Chrysler Sedan.... :... . .
1929 Essex Coach • 3.-8695.00
1927 McLaughlin Special 6 Coach $695.00
1928 Pontiac Sedan 8695.00
1928 Oakland Coach • 8695.00
1927• McLaughlin Special 6 Sedan 8745,00
1927 McLaughlin Special 6 Coupe, 4-Pass8745.00
1928 Nash Standard Sedan • 8744.00
610 Craham-Paige Sedan 8745.00
1928 Erskine Sedan 8745.00
1927 Studebaker. Com. 1 -Pass Coupe $795.00
1928 Oldsmobile Sedan •$795.00
1927 McLaughlin Master 6 Sedan . . .... ... 8850.00
1927 McLaughlin Master 6 Brougham.. - 8895.00
1929 65 Chrysler Sedan , 81015.00
1930 37 ?".'.1rquette Sedan %VW $1350.00
Watch For Further List of Values in Next Weeler,
5.Passenger 1927 ?ilodel uome not,.
TERMS $595`e°• TERMS
Your Present Car Taken in Exclia.use
McLa• ughlin Nlore Car CoinR,Eny," Liwited
6 :term Wye+ t•f elf we're, a. me, een
Die eWel3 Ibeeet, e li:/V.,,1",i__qsn( BRANCH
At',ort epe, +Eke. Din• Vie nr se? I OnEN• Isfitt. 2372
Ise cline • el eign the Len,