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The Goderich Star, 1930-05-29, Page 1
T'iiirFSE AY. MAY 1-:-.17), AJ^a Liver Tremble 'Neighborhood News Nuggets Picked From Our Exchanges Brideni Biliue A hacks ° Wheu the liver get! out of order it ill neceee ,ry to help it ren we ite proper fultetion by removing the bila that Is ediculating is the blood and oau g the tiptoe. All the troublescoming in the testa of e. disordered liver may be quickly relieved by waits • Ellllburn's W* Amy Gardiner, Queeneland,; N.S., writee;—"Por wean. I week troubled with ray liver, and used to hats madly bad bliioue vele, 'ii decided to try trainee lama Pelle and T g9t wonderful relief 3a a •very she's bine, re Price, 25 cents. 'a vial at all drug- . .tkitie and dealers, or mailed direct on rsestpt of pries by The T. Milburn 'Myo., limited, Toronto, Oat. . LEGAL CARDS • F. R..DARROW, . Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publlo, Etc. Successor to J. L. Killoran Phone 97 titilce.,The Square. tloderleh. ERNEST M. LEE Barrister and Solicitor Sun Life Bldg., Adelaide and Victoria • • Telephone:• Elgin 6301 Toronto 2. DUDLEY E. HOLMES. Ylarltster,. Soticltar. Notary Pubs e. Conw.yancer. Etc. PHONE 27 HAMIL.1"1;.. STREET. SPECIALIST: " DR. F. J. 11: FORRSTER. EYE,'EAR, NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Oen- thatmle and Aural Hospital, assistant at Moorenetd's Eye hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London. Eng. 53' Waterloo SL, ;S. Stratford. Tele- phone 207. At hotel Bedford, Goderict:, on the evening of the third Monday of each, month till the. following flay, -.Tuesday, at1pan. CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST, GODERICH. E q u ipped •with electro-magneti baths. Electronic electric 'treatment and cl, iropractic. Chronic, organic and nervous diseases. •'Lady in at- •-tendanete Office hours 2 to 6, and 7 to 9 p.m., excepting Monday and 'Thursday and by appointment. A, N. ATKINSON, residence and Offse, corner of South street and Bri- -tannia road.. Phone 341.. AUCTI.ONEERIN G T OIA5 (JNDRY 6c eSON. Live Stock and General Auctioneers, Elgin Ave., Godef, lela. Seers made everywhere and all efforts made to bice you satisfaction. Fanners' Sale Notes disco'xated. Phone 119. • ''WESLEY. W. FIS1lER AUCTIONEER. Will .conduet sales anywhere. 1M2 terms are reasonable and I will try and ,give, satiefaotion. • Phone Carlow 1314, or address R, R. • F, Goderieh... NOTARY PIIB3L4C. ETC. 'jai, BAILIE. ]VOTARY PUBLIC • General Conveyancing, done • Coed Companies Represented • Phone No. 298. Goderieh, Ont. INSURANCE .McIUL GP MUT i, FIRE INSU1t= jt= ANCI COMPANY, FATret AND IPOL.ATED TOWN PROP- ERTY INSURED. THE GGnEI'WICI STAY. tot's Not Forget the Myth Nurses Graduate . Oa Moadey kart v.ecle. at the gradeatien enerciseq is connection v,iele the Guelph Genc al Hospital, two l;ly til yetufg ladie3 i adtaated as nurses, in the pereon of Mieeee Jaaaete apleatone and Katie Laidlaw. Melure•Eerr The Trleriillop enaecei-avis the scene .of za quiet lhnt paetty avedding on avedaaesday, May 14th, at high noon, when Helen Marsh, daughter of Mr. and Tai's. A.retiiballl Kerr, was united in tnasriage to W. James 1MieCiai'e. Moving to Preston Mr. A. 1w. 31elffnnon,.the tieeounee ant of the Exeter branch of the Bank of on reef , lass reeeiaed notice of his promotion to the accountancy of the Preston branch of that bank. e. May Get to Russia,. Mr. Albert E. Bloomfield, of Walk- erville, formerly of Wingbam, has re- eeived a very attractive offer from a Russian agent in Detroit to go to Russia on a twoor five year contract as a heat testing instructor. Brussels Hoy Had a Swim Mac, the youngest son of Warden and Mrs. A. C. Baeker, of : Brussels, fell in the mill dans last Thursday. His young companion gave the alarm, and Mac was soon rescued. The New Exeter Post. Office Nearly Caampleted Mr. Deekert, of the Office and School Furniture Co., Ltd,,; 1?resten, has been in Exeter installing the in- terior furnishings for the new post, of- fice. Mw boxes have arrived and the building- will sooiJ; Abe ready for occupancy. • • White -Gil no :marriage of daughter of Mr. and. Brussels.'to Mr.: Robe Mr. R. White, 17th performed at Listowe F. Armstrong, of th on Wednesday evenin From Exeter Mrs. John Stanttut daughter, Miss Fiore Toronto, • left Tuesday Montreal where the England' to visit f•• months • with Mrs. tives in Devonshire. "Skinny! 11 Lbs. in and Boy al to Yeas • gain o limb frien 'Men and women of 5 to - 15 lbs. in 3 lows vanish. Bon Sallow, blemished. magic. Nervousne s;tipation, disappea sleep. New pep f Two great Joni w eight -building stl'engthening fro tablets. Far stro carted yeast, Res yeasty taste. no Don't go . round attractive. Get T druggist today. row. Money le turer,.if not'delig Value of property Insured up to Jan- uary. tele, *3,618975.00. OFFICERS—James Connolly, Presii dor,$ r3o,i. T' eh .Ise, l;vaha. Vtee-Prn,i- I tient."Beechwood; D. P. 'McGregor, Sec.- -Treas., Seaford). DIRECTORS•--Tas. Shouldice, Walton; Wm: Writ, .Constance; George'McCari 1107, Seafori,h; Robt. Perris, Iiarlock; John • Bennewise,.Broadhagen: John Pepper, Brucefleld; ;A, Broadtoot, Sea- t AGENTS --W. Teo, R. R. 3, Clinton; Jas.. Watt, Blyth; Ed. llinchteY,. Sea - forth; John Murray, Seaforth. Policy] ciders call pay their assess.Ments at Calvin Cutt's store, Goderieh;. A. J.Moorieh's Clothing store. Clinton; or J..11:. Revd's, Bavneld. 1lriltE INSVlt*NC>tr have It attended to by the WWAWAlrO$lt etUYUA4 flee INllukl&NCE ' istnbliatied 1878 Head °meet Dungannon, Ont. Wm.• -Watson, Auburn, President; Chas. Hewitt, Vice President; Jas• Girvin, Hon. Director; Directors -- W. J. Thompson, Auburn; .Wm. Me- Quillitn, St. Helens; W. P. Reed, /Lit. No. 2, Lucknow• Helens; L. Salkeld, Goderieh; Alec. Nicholson, .Lucknow; Tint Grifliiw, R. R. No. 7, Lucknow ; Chas. Hewitt, Kincardine; ltobt. Dav- adeon, Dungannon. Rate- -32:00 per thousand. THOS. S' TOTHERS.,"xrcas, CECIL TRELEAVEN, t ee'y. r INSU Mat Assuran of 6, 'total MAD °Mee it Q. D. M1 P Nehru Sfi. BroDile[1BtOS.. ncnnFRRiori The L�e;Jieg, Fixers' Directors and Es►lioloters also Atabelh*nce Service Orders carefully attended tet at all honrs�night or day. We are the'inspectorr; of *natotny in and for the County of Iluron. Phones: More 1211; ltesidenee 217. V a E. Wheeler Funeral Mt, ter and Embalmer Gedtrieb, Ont?i°io lgll deet 1.e:�:aa,la:� t.t"^ 4,A C:e Jay ons' art ;ht I.'l: see; `Stove 333, Bart 3„ 3`i.;ae .;rV A,.Iot :Hesi- ta.te tea Try It" "Your Vegetable Com. pound ie a good medicine. • Anyone who is in poor health. should not hesitate to try it. - When I teas taping the Vegc- tcistt% Compound Land I tried ,the sample Liver rills 1 found in the para e. 1 have taken ; tltc aft every might since and 1 Can /ed. myself improving. 1 CIO SO thankful for the goad .they d0 tide that 1 have told 'several avaazaert about it." a'. r:. G. W. 1'asiijf, 263 Hunt Ft, Stratford, Ontario. lylia E, PInkliam's Ver2031,i1 Ciii'i nimiI A Great Catch of Trout AYeeere. S eott Elat;tlhaane, ('farm, f ►;carol, "t'eny Phillipe and 11, Man, of Seafc.tla, spent neveral daye re- eently at the L rsce k elf:me: isr on a fashiu;; ;tip. They returned with a catch of t 0 orectaled trout pleasuring 10 to 16t6 inches and weighing in all 62 parnnde• New Teachers at Clinton Mee Collegiate at Clintan will have four naw teachers .at tlee beginning of next term,. all the lady teaeltera hav- ing esigatcd. Three neat' teae!a rs- • have ralready •been _euga ;ed: Ms. Roy Ii. Allin, of Loudon, English and history -elites IMlaiji`E: Depety,. Inger- soll, moderns; and Miss Fraatces Bry- done, junior teacher. Graduate Seaforth Nurses Graduate A brilliant function was held in the .Masonic Temple, Detroit, on Friday evening, May pith, when the graduaa• ting nurses from eleven hospitals in that eity received their diplomas. Fcort., the Ford Hospital seventy-six nurses graduated, three of them being well knuivn young Seaforth ladies, viz. ; Mies Ethel; Mae McDougall, Miss Margaret Anderson Case. Miss Greta. Evelyn Merrier. Pattison#Wilson A very pretty wedding suss solem- nized at the came of tris. and Mrs. At the time eases the hays and girls are aboat to graduate. and when the bride -teak' is prepared to speak her vows. the prn- bleat of what to give its naturally a t r o ublesome one. Here are a few excel- lent solutions. �l gieasning, marvellously cut Diamond . poised in a 29.k white gold or platinum setting. Gents' and ladies' 15. Jewell \'4 rist• Watches in latest cases. The r i e hest . Cut -Class Stemware in the latest col. ors. Sahara and twilite Mae. Royal Crown Derby China in blue an d +*old and Mikado patterns. ' Silverware of the most modern pieces. E. C. Robertson •eheak eg for the wind in the let s€2, li<,n't na it 1'4 g:t it: a , :St seer; t3trr�il:n y� n ii llliesday---ra got a hal°„i; eat, t'c Witting a I'M -italic) g:3flan w till! no paper which be wirl.9 tet tc2Ja5 It ; wlaa in a add ter a t?cwt3 ellen and se acireeliza a stashed en l'eatuanear t'uts and Bruises ltieappc.l ▪ 1i<tc' a• • sutt'eeing from date. serateilp. befn• Ees, sjirainee vow treat Os' else s, the E any ctmilar ailment; gee 1:3. Thome” 1:eteetrie Oil. Its healing ranee; well=l:temp in every c, 'tim e the' community. A bottle c;, lar. T izenaa=,' , Valeetrie tail b.hattkt be in every moil.' eine chest ready fee the, ereee envie. that may alaraye l?W anticipated. W.tTTi3 AND I.IG=IT COM MISS10Ny - At the' last meeting of the Water I . and Light t'onataiission held en °thtar e • day evening,. May 22rd fe letter froan the town solicitor' wile' MI with al counter clangs . Trona W. N. McLean' against the claim of the commission for arrears of water and light rates. Mr. McLean claims that he has been, charged in a different manner, and to his pre;sktice, from other buildings of like nature in the Town and Township of Goderieh, and makes a counter claim for four and a half years at $20 per year, for the use, without per- - mission, for the erection of a pole and the use and dauauge of his. building for electric wiring for which he re. eeived no benefit, but for which the Water and Light Commission derived. direct benefit from other owners of- a►djoining land, and the further sum • of $30 for damage to propert oeea- DIAl130ND�M�RCHA>yT d f i " i g of t bo� up June 5th. ' Wives for Y-- James Wilson, Forsyth street,,Sarmat AND jEtiWELI,HR, on Saturday, May 10th, when their • elder daughter, Margaret Emma, be- Phone 136 " • Goderieh came the bride of Charles William Pattison, only son of Mr. Irwin Pat- tison, and, the late Mrs. Pattison, of' Wingham, Qnt, The Rev. Pr. G. S. Clendinen performed the ceremony. A alma Same e sioned, as alleged, by a tire t trough e eel vo wir n t to a ve-men- iohed wiring.. Tlhe suit ehoutd conte The commission instructed the secretary to communicate .with the Hydro-Electrle Power Commission of Ontario regarding arrears of light and pole rental and asking forall assistance and advice. A cheque for 315,000 from the town. •.- e Awry i1.,. aatw en breaiung pts Knee cap. ne was em- • mediately rushed to the public hospi- tal, where treatment was given. The same evening Mr. John Walker was about to cross the street at the Morrish corner when he was struck by a car driven by Mr. D. Segura, thrown to the roadway and received injuries to his head and face necessi- tating several stitches. Mr. Walker saw the car but too lata to get eons- j pletely out of its track and Mr. Sousa saw Mr. Walker too late to coarse to a complete haft, Death of Gavin Wilson Another of the pioneers of the dis- trict passed away o11 Satn:lay morn- ing, May 19th, iia Lower Winghasa, in the pereon of Gavin Wileon, in his nth year. tie eras horn in Glasgow, tieotland, and came to Canada with ;us parents and cetticti ,act ©f Whit- by, afterwards coning to East Warr anoslh, when that lee tiity was all in bush. He was predeceased fay laid Trite eleven years ago. iurvivial�r are Mee. Arthur C ttse, of t:outh ' Orange. NJ.; Jessie, of %'an.:,ncee ; and ©Fee con:Forest, ©asst, ©f Leamington ; nice tt• e r.ictree ,:vrtil46Ie P4, sa,aa.. 1.. ^eft a hOeerrrawait BODY HE5 RIGHT!! It's only fair that the public should knew that the cost of delivering • coal eauld t�, eat. But the only way to do it int for everybo;ly to • order early. It is s r ely this : If coat a vas ordered evenly the year 'round, coal Men t's,a•'. , tat tt_O'ir de- livery equipment in Laic. We t, in'c tics for the publie awl, If it help Cleat difutie,n, tae c413 fed ar'ph CALL. THE DCL . L I ! COMP ANY Ilene 1)3 — (leek -skit 110 • 0 • ewe wwr, ie.. dna Prat 11.1111) snit" PAtalt TiittlLr tome Pit.ifte VW.1)1 EVIIPY IPIJUSIL couclor Tots too* lileae:t Quality FIRESTONn Ctun.elpd nallrosa. MII 'alit' FIRESTONE Tires are famous every where for their high quality and low cost per mile. Because of their extra strength and toughness, they hold all world's records for mileage and endurance. No matter what price you want to pay For tires -«- go. to your nearest Firestone .;. Dealer. He has a Firestone -built tire for every purse and purpose.«*tires that offer the greatest value -.-- that .stere you better and save you money. Firestone The altd Rubber Company of Canada. Limited - Hamilton, Ontario one builds the only Gum -Dipped Tires ttend, with any others of could. go, the meeting to %linton in the interest of tt enforcement. > The fol• were paid Road ac- antinf; to $332.,75; Col - • System, $15.55; arrears D. Farrhsn, :$1.50 Ber- ard of Health; Wnt. Ser, Laterial foe township hall; • Jos. Larocque, $5, rent, of site;' Court of Revision of aunt roll to be laid June s.m„•followed by regular council: G. I. HE.THEItINGTON, Township Clerk, DISE IN THE STASI. Persian Balm .s •`alluringly frag- rant. Adds a charming refinement to the most finished appearance, Creates and 'preserves complexions of surpassingloveliness and texture. Softens and whitens the hands Goole and dispels ail irritation caused by weather conditions Swiftly eh- sorbed'by the tissues leaving never a vestige of stickiness. A peerless toil- et requisite. Invaluable to all Wom- en who care for elegance and distinc- tion. Children Crit. FOR FLETCHER'S, • n ,ta.• Ca a _ ak F ' • ^fir u,�t RC Q4At11V E ettet ,.�,.n t, .''-:1 7cr; t I ;11•1..4,4 ,t' JY . li 'twt��+AS.,11't"Y i .�.. •'�iM. t'�ttn ait� CURI"..i -r ” • l I,9S54S and 1"a'e,^.d5"•-alLh I':1«tS—e11.?C?: mane—from tI.Z.1,ee laont convenience Is more important .than price—.ta h; who must at all tines, practice rigid. economy Da. . ;on Store.; numbers amongst its tho:zs aricis of sa,'u- ealstozncrs. May we Help you? 100 Pkg. 23c Tin 2Se 'Dot, 29e ...Car 19c 41115 40 . Tin 21c Tins 13e Sic + ,•s � Ti 33c iteiVS4 e • _._..:. TOMATO SOUP Ca. vttv:s 2 Tine 19c CHICKEN noNraess Tin 39c INSTANT POSTU1VM.. '"'is°I'i. 2�c COCOANUT SZ,TRISEn n DESlt "ATGU lb. 21C MUFFETS .7tlizeikstipti213.ft6pr. le. 34:47re°' i a eu0I1) AT 't..t @b•;5fi ' "41.4 WHIM ill'tt. y 11.0r.ic, YY Y 1.1).A&' KRAFT CHEESE riizr°,�+t• 015ro YitG ''2dv VITONE A tlzu b a ONac 1.1.1). Tz`I S3c COCOA—. -Fry's Pure ': Try .23c BAKING POWDER .rarw '41n, Sac LMON 1 t onet:S:tut; or CLUYt:`t I.1:.16' etb' oCo:l'.in h. TIN ,a SARDINES :vlutnEe:'a' '2 Tins -25c MONARCH FLOUR . is#4' $1.10 GRAPEJUICE r:":.:cit Bot. 32c ASPARAGUS TIPS a'irT*° 23c PGrift mu! Bean 17" I, a+e's t, s a: es> TIN e 0 CARROTS ,j."3t12Q:J 2I'oA 25c MUSFIROOMS—Cltecca "4j z 33c SPINACH Aylmer . meat 10e SAUERKRAUT LuE ' 'ry 14c 1'4NX-FL H FOP THF, vtla.j rin OXYDOL a.sDea`a.•!rmiiy Inge. ri4V. 23c PEROXIDE IIV1020tyc;w Bet. 15c cIrrs 1131:‘ CAIVAIDA Fdrn 'side Aran l Ai;�an MSayf ield flrlltn ib 3So' a 0 0 0 0 a a • 41) 0 fad tt Jr