The Goderich Star, 1930-05-22, Page 8Pi$O4 EIGHT
Sala q,usdity its so Mu
premiums cure ►necessor,
wool fremit the seedeue
`stints for Homebodies"
Written for The Star
fly IRSSIR f1bl,&V Y;ROIIW
ng of atr', 11 ougate new, are
tiutter, and cock. 'a'et el�WY4a i7tit6
:tavern. stetting eceeaei e ally. He eine
1..0.14ut tint 'te aril it, ae it v:c.',ill
tww bicker, nut it must l;roc.:: well
When l►tu�rrr, add the Lennie Rite
and stiff until tinned, ]i'.eahcat before
�t; XSo Skinny Shamed
In Bathing Suit.
Gained 15 lbs "
AUG. 54
Some feature,, on the Prat;irnm for
This e;urrimwr
The Goderleh Chautauqua this year
will ()item' Irmo Tueadey, Aug. fall,
to Sxitrrday. Auz nth.
Leet sur.7mer the Canadian Chau.
- temples made its initial tour of On-
tario, beginning its: citenit in Wel-
:hunt and ending in Kapuskaeing. For
;. fourteen years this." organization has
sueceesfully conducted Chautauqua
assemblies throughout 'Western Can-
ada, and hundreds of commyinities
there lock, forward to Cliautauqua as
en annual, vital part of their com-
munity life. It was with the idea of
widening rtq
scope of ser•ic
bringing to the Hat the ideas of the
'CAL _'9. f!- -.. r
A Z.awn Story hat I must tell of it, .Nest, and 'taking back to the' West
when i two new lawns being made. much agitation, in which we ,joined the vision of the Bast --that the err -
it reminds mo of an experience we heartily, the powers•that-bre, decided tension into Eastern Canada was
had, malting a lawn, up to that to give us n concrete sidewalk to ace- nude.
time, I had known that there was place the cinder path, the were -using.. .Since the Canadian Chautauqua
° green and twitch gratis, but other than Our joy in the natter wan (somewhat visited the comtnttnities on the 1929
that,. all gross was grass, and I did lessened, when we found that the new summer ;circuit, over one hundred
not !mow there were ao many varie- walk was to be fent higher than the tentre't 'in the Provinze of Ontario
ties. Nut knowing anything about old one, and left our beautiful lawn have been added to the circuits.
malting a lawn, we decided .to get clown in neat?. There• WAS nothing . This season's program is truly .in-
t da but fill rt in. ba fid:
the greens keeper of the adjoining cut carefully, as was planned to re.1
some expect advice, and so we went to to the o was ternational. Hera .are but a few of
golf club, Much to our amazement, place at. However, it took - so long
within .a radius of a •few feet, he petting it tilled in, that the sod wa:i
showed us no less than 9 varieties all dried out and useless. To make
of grass. Certainly we felt as green lawn story short, while all this was
as gr tss on the subject. - going on, we were reeved to another:
He advised us to plant a mixture of city, sold aur home, end the new own -
the features
Fiona Australia comes Tom Skey-
hill, whom the New York Herald calls
"tire greatest living orator," to give
his famous lecture, "With Mussolini
and the Illackshirts." Firom • Ilun-
gary 'come the Garay Sisters,• amaz-
grass seed, equal harts of 'Timothy, er had to put in the next lawn, What l ing you,* artists. on the violin and
A1sile,.Grostcd I�eat:ue, and Canadian liep°anted, I do not. know. violoncello, 'known as one of the fin -
Blue Gross. The idea was, that the More About Alail Order Eggs est !concert trios. Prom South Africa
Timothy 'teed Alsike would give a It certainly pays to let your wants._ comas Owen O'Neil. whose pictures -
quick growth, and would protect the be known. I have had -several oppor- slue eareer among the savage tribes
slower growing grasses until they tunnies of getting fresh eggs, emu..of Swaziland is as exciting and rom-
were all well .established. ;Then these larly I• heard from a good many pro.. antic as a tale from Arabian Nights.
slow growing grasses would eyentua,- dueers, and those living at a. distance- From lrawaii come Albert Vierra- and
ly kill the others and we would have wanted to ship eggs in 6 or la dozen tees Hawaiians to enchant us with the
a good growth of the Crested Feskue crates. Una quantity of eggs is too beautiful and glamorous music of
and Canadian Blue Grass. much for the average family, for by ,that little Paradise of the Pacific.
Grass would be showing on the the time they are used the tig'e'rs are Then there are two outstanding
fourth day, and we would be 'cutting no longer fresh. Cartons, which hold Broadway . plays. presente'i be the
it by the third week, so he' told us. It 1, 2 or 3dozen, and could be inert Martin Erwin Players of Canada.
*+,funded like quirk worst, but 50 it .cheaply by parcel postwould fill a -
happened. There on the fourth mor• real need, aril would be a benefit to
inng, was aline of green all over the both producer and consumer.
lawn, and we cut it the third wcel. '
Never would we have had a lawn. Virginia $eked %Ism
if we had not done sentry duty, . Tin ` . Cover a whole or half -ham, with
news spread forth among the birds I'opiling water and cook until tender,
that there was good ptcltings at the probably from 3 to 3% hours. Never
Browns, and they came from fag ant net the water boil hard, but keep it
$.„ near, to the party. The Sparrow! rust simmering. • Let the ham stand
had the most relations, and were in the water, iin which it has been
there literally, by the dozen. But cooked until cool: I like to let mine
there were a good many other varie• Stay over -night. florno a the skin
ties present too. We tried rigging up and rub thefat with brown sugar un -
a species of scare -crow, by putting ,til all the fat is well coated. •. Stick in
paper on string, and putting .it back whole cloves, and bake in u slow to
and forth across the lawn, 'wound moderate oven for an hour. Serve
around .stakes. That Was not much hot. This is delicious too:. as cold
use. It was effectual with a few of ham. Be careful not to bake it too
use. It was effectual with a few of fast, as the brown sugar coating burns
the more timid birds,': but not the readily; Use the haute skip to flavor
Sparrows. After the first look, they lima beans and to put in asplit 'pea
on the strings, and let the soup,
paper fan them, to keep them Cottage Pudding
coolin the hot sun. You could' swoop ni cup sugar, 'la eup :milk. 1 table•i
down on theist with a fishing pole, spoon butter, 1 cup flour, 1 egg, .135
and unless you actually touched thein, teaspoons baking powder. Melt but-
' the
nether y a enjoyed;.the performance. ter, add sugary and° stir well. Add
However,r, we hal' planted .much beaten egg, milk and flour sifted with
more than the required seed, and there baking powder. Bake . in •a rouul
"was enough for the. birds and to make calve tin in a quick oven for 25 ruin.
a lawn too. Itgrew so fast that it utes. ;Serve with saute or whipped
seemed like magic. I suppose never cream.
again will we get as much kick, as out Caramel Sauce
of that first lawn. 1 • cup.• brown sugar 3 tablespoons
It sa shnete to spoil n good story, butter, 1% tablespoons #lou
Friday" :sell me and Jake tryed a
little smokeing agen today wile we
eveson 'W
fly aro w t
o skool this t s .m. and
fi p
jus as I was beginning to feel pritty
week why alleof a sudden!. the Prin-
siplo walks up : behind us and sed.
.Well I sirtenly am surprised what
have you 2 boys got to say for yure
selfs. I replyed and sed to him. Well
Mister 1`Iensey r ges you 'aint enny
Tore ; surprised than us are,
we pa !tri ma rncludc-
ry li tt t &aterday 11 d
Starts Season � -•
Trans -Canada
rock -faced siding; also garage, frame.
roof and sides covered with rock
faced shingles; estimated cost $600,.
including garage. Other applications~
were as folldws: From . M..'FyndalI,
` + to erect .garage oneast side of Wat-
erloo, between Eigin and Picton, eon.
erste foundation, wood walls, ashphalt.
shingles, estimated cost $276; from
Jos. ' B, Swaflietd, to enclose front
�s s; ?.. -' Y �.R-,..►`�` i r;� s •k.. porchof dwelling on south side of.
Elgin avenue, from Mrs. Jos. E.
Whitely, to remove kitchen of present
dwelling back from dwelling, snaking
into a garage, 12x16, of frame, cover-
ed with rock -faced shingles, at rear
of present dwelling, 'estimated cost
-verandah at house onnlesonth close
Ligethoutiea atrott, with gisarl :anci Vit.
harm; i'.ciias !i, 1.. Watean, to re4e0t
dwelling on *vat side et South street
w;.ii cedar oirinrlea river a sheeting
of approved asurataa paper', esta eat -
o ed Beet 4100: train Fred L-itticahild,
to put verandah to dyiclling on
Meeks street, frame 4 x `i, with
• patent woofing;
• to rebuild kitchen ondsouth de of
▪ Huron road, frame, with rock fared
d shingles; from J..1 , Aitken; to make
it extension to kitchen on the Bouch nide
t of Huron road, 12x14, frame, cedar
shingles, cement foundation, estimat-
cd cost $1G0; and from II. J. Fisher,
to erect garage ou the seal: tide of
d Nea.gate street, frame, covered with
ly reek -faced shingles 11x18, at rear of
$ let, estimated cost $150.
Chairman McLean of the fire cont-
• mittee reported the visit of Mr. 'Car-
miehxel, president of the Lorne Fire
. Engines 4 o., to inspect the ladder
al truck. Ile had made most adjust -
d merits and considered the trucI;, per -
e feeds all`right. Mr. McLean had had
- the truck examined *ad measured
and considered it all right. The
- council finally passed the following'
d motion: Moved by Reeve Turner,
by Councillor
s r
Aloe that
tbe Lorne Eire Engines, Ltd., and
Messrs. MacEwen and Tebbutt be
Paid the sum' of $751, and the Lorne
Fire Engines, Ltd., and James
Breese, be paid the sum of $2400 on
the fire ladder truci Bind that the bal-
ance of $102.00 be paid when the'
:ompany give•' a letter in writing that
they will stand behind the equipment
end remedy any defects. • Some of the
members of the. council had left be-
fore this came tip but all present rapt-
ed for it; tbe Reeve, Councillors Mos.
er, Bailie, Worsen and McLean and
the Mayor.
Another motion, which was carried
was moved by Reeve Turner, second-
ed by Councillor Humber, that ,tlie
proceeds from the bonds under bylaw .
No. 86 of 1929, as'sold to date be,
turned over to the Water and Light '•
"Gained 16 Ib3. tali
ing lionized Yeent
W115 always ashame
to, wear bathing su
but not; I can and no
feel tom skinny."
Eulab Launingham.
Thousande, write of 0 to 16 iba
gained in 3 week? with. Itemize
Yeast. Bony limbo round out, Ug
hollows illi sae Blemished skin get
clear and rosy like magi?. Nervous
.news ieci;Rection, constipation dis
appear onernright..Sounil sleep. New
health and'Pep from very first day
Two • great tonics. in. one--speci
weightnmilding Malt Yeast an
etrent;thening Iron. Pleasant lifts
tablets, Far stronger than vnmedi
sated yeast. Results in ua time.
So quit being ashamed of "skinni
ness." sallow akin. Oet Ironize
Yeast from druggist today. Fee1
. great tomorrow, Money back from
manufacturer if not delighted with
quirk results.
ing Inc went up to the city'in the'2nd
handed ford this p.m. and ,in .1 of the
ishowinges a Flee circus had a and ma and pa
left inc stay and ,watch hien and the
fleece for a wile and when we cum
home I was a scratching all the time
'and ma made me take a bath for fear.
meetly 1 brung the leading man of
the show home with us.
Sunday—Ant' Emmy got back frum
lher visit over in Clark' county and'
.sho Red slie was . very much disap-
'pointed. She went in to town and.
found where the' sirculateing •libary
was et and'when she got in there it
just stood still • like all uther libaries
does. She sed she was desseeved.
Munday—The senses man was at
are house today and lie was asting
ma a hole lot of questions and he 1st
her what was the names. of her moth-
ers parents and she sed they was
named Grandpa and Grandma. And
about !� sore
when we log at -what she sed. F
Tuesday—I brung my re»ort card
home today and it rilly wassent as
good as it mite of ben and I think ma
wood of tuk a slap at' me oney she
has got a very. very save hand becuz.'
she spilt sum consecrated lye on it
this' a.m. and it is very sore so mebby
it is lucky for me she had sum bad
Wensday :Mrs. Hix is very blue
today becuz her cuzzen out east was
tryed for murder and yesterday they
sentenced him to Elecution becuz he
was found Gilty of murder in the est
degree. •
Thirsday—I was a telling Jane.
about a dream I had last, nite when T
dremp I was a holding her hand. • I
sed whut do you . think that - means
;Pane and she answered and replyed
and sod. I think it 'means you was
Dreeniing theta all it_ means.
At the special meeting of the town',
couneil� held on Truesday, May 13, to
a building permit rtfor11
pm new
talkie. theatre at the corner' of West
and Wellington. streets, a :number of
other applications for banding per-
mits were referred to. the lire come-
mittee. One of these is from J: B.
Whittingham, the owner of the house -
moved off the lot on which the theatre
is to be built. to move house from
south part of lot 21 on Waterloo st.
to adjoining part lot 65 on Waterloo
street, place on cement foundation,
veneer first story, brick or comet
block, top Story to becovered with
. _ rim°i-�r
i�ea.* ussertt rior the Tranad'anada an t service
will absorb 12 trains crews and 24 en,ilte crew.
The sleeping carr—of all tsteet-=are Pinieheal in
rich walnut, upholstered in a colorful flowered tap.
ester .pattern, fitted with spetially designed fixtures
and ti rp.ted and curtrained in a "deep shade of brown.
P.rmattent head boards devide'each of the right see
Mows from iia neighbor giving increased privrey;
and two essapartm.tats vett a drawing room, fi±tisheal
itt .1 111t atyh tate a! n('
aNtt front t wtau.uallythe roombasuy''teasingofthe aeonsleeper, for
resit and women. The dining eairs are fini!hed in a
like manner and have forced.Yentiletien whereby
treed air is earthed out if the ear by inw.rfnl sans,
tnsuriar a fresh aUis aspitrrt. Rear end equiproett,
as it is iscbnkally railed, is featured by the Ambito
.nlarium 1nw1110 car containing green tile bathro in',
lotto droning rewaaI and a Marge compartment
gl as d with •itaraitra to admit the ultra vieZet a:.l
roost isine leial ser carie.
Lap -tint Awn Trans-Ganada kavie* the Windsor
titles stoat" Sentreal. en it long Journey; Scalar.
Ism sat. L.awags oat snit ladies' skewer
' 'b. twelfth ?cmc -: ive semoi of the Trans-
' Canada 1,5tnitez!, Canadian Pacific flyer de luxe
' cries. t4. Dosalit fo•l va?t eeme...eve eaten the train
leans 1!r Wil rreZ statism. Montreal, at +O•its para.
nleyligbt tune. aGu aye away 37 sten. t'snada'a
1'e.rreaneet head beards d'avcJe each of the pleat pee -
Milts between bier t:nal art' Venceuver in 89 beayrrs,
fifteen rnlnutem res Intern in $v hears. fift..w
stinal??, In theperiod el ire running b.twr ar
thew, points the Tran •-Canada Limited will mane
Mt trips tap to September 27.
Alight miaior dollars has gone itto tie earn it
Who Has Lost Her Charm h and Beauty
"She seems to be losing her looks."
This remark is often heard above
girls who were once noted for their
sparkling eyes, their•resy cheeks and
their vitality. The. cause is not fae
to seek --•they have become anaemic
that accounts for 'the pallor and the
loss of charm. The anaemic girl, -if
she neglects her health, may be it suf•
ferer all -her life.
!Take heed, you pale, anaemic, girls. p
Plenty of fresh - air, nourishing food p
and rest will help you, but what you
need - most is • good blood
+t18$°1'dh"511i•''r l'I!tli' $$42,r1),1 €i
1111 111 ■
1111,111111 II I �
- ST
The bettor the breakfast, the brighter
the day. Don't fog the brain and clog
the body by eating a heavy, indigest- -
able breakfast. Brighten the day by eat.
ing Shredded Wheat with milk and go
to work with buoyant step and mental
alertness. Shredded Wheat with milk
makes a complete well.balanced meal
containing everything the human
body needs for growth and strength.
;'I ry it vvaith berries and cream. It's -a
rare treat. - • -
It is difficulttogr.old gracefully
articularly if ore happens to be e
Canada provides about •e0,000,000
app?- . • .ADVERTISE INTfft STAR
Lite and thosd terrible heart palpiia
wretched headaches • that fic•kle imps? pounds of honey a year.
•a the in Forever 30 Yaw
3iy.n..-�c•• (r'�jf
�� •
Hans can only•be banished if the blood
is rich.' red and pure.
Good 'blood --the - kind that brings
good. health is created by Dr. Wil- I
liatns Pink Pills, The whole mission.
of these Pills is to build rich, red,' blood. ' The Pills • are
sold by all dealers in medicine or by
mail at 60 cents a. box from The Dr.','
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville
AT!' i
writes Mrs. W. Walker. Thousands
say constipationindigestion, its
m eat s overnight with''Pruk- 4,►s
W atsUketnask.&trekbead
VQCttlit sniff i) Dorado
•--the trip of golden ex.
perienee. An "intend
'ocean" cruise, betweeheh
towering `lectert and -
totenepoted isles., Shore*.
so ctose you look in on
quaint Indiana villates.
Druens of &entre flash• -
ing rainbow colours in
the midnight suit., Six.
fuseinsting ports o' call.
Mysterke of the 1C1*+
dyke. Greatest trip fit,
meriea for the money:.
we believe.
Ai low as 0.0.00 from Vancouver
Victoria, Seattle to Skarwey ,and
returi ineIuding meals and berth en -
route, except in Skeaavay. On luxurious
Princess liners largest, fattest to
Make rile. restrvatterts now while the
dicker Princess cabins are available.
Vancouver Island
Watt Beast cruises. 7 days. Mesh and
berth enroute. Minimum $39.00,
Fun rftjartrrstiota�,rftr
nearest egliee tats Pa.
tifie hckd agnt, or
W. Fakes. etsraataae
Venetia rslssett fir,
4teae, recess.,
begat' asi'
with ailments of the kidneys0 al , ,
liver. stoanazir or other. internal
ongnn"... Your• wvb..sie ryatein mill
begin to feel the enervating ?licca
, _et-disor,?"."rA in these delicate or- galls. 'When the danger signal
of headaches Anel pains begin to appear' eliminate the rause of the
trouble before something drastic happens. Bon -Tone, consisting of
the beneficial extracts of 14 roots, barks, herbs and berries has been
landed for its
excellent results,
ts in
correcting .beakdom r
wns.fthese '.or-
- gang. Get a bottle today and not*e how fine your enjoyment of'.
life can be. Price $1.25 (3 for $3.00),,
BON-T.ONE Is For Sale At .All Good Drug
Or 'Write ,,,rapitere.
.To giatavery
94 Academy Sf`.,Newark, 1V..1
-vase qoodfr/endshouldbe
IT is easy to understand why Olds-
mobile owners speak of their tats
as they Would speak of a good friend.
For thele men and, women have
found in Oldsmobile the first rca
guisite of genuine friendship. They
have found character that tarries with
it en unfailing capacity to serve long
sed verlL ,
To theft: owners, Oldsmobile .has
proved itself always dependable .'
always alert, faithful, and eager to
kilow from long expo;
knee that Oldsmobile is trust-
worthy that Oldsmobile's
design is fundamentally tight.
They know that tile car has been
thoroughly tested in the General
Motors proving Ground.' Most
Important of all, they know that
Oldsmobile is pledged • to fine or
standards and built to do all things
The Oldsmobile Sig is a thorough.
bred. It will prove itself to you, as k
is proving itself to thousands of
owners throughout Canada — thor-
oughly dependable, as a good friend
should' be.
Oldsanoliile ownership is
simplified by the G.M,A.C.,
General Motors' own plan of
deferred payments.
X eg firTrElt 11iECAUSI1 !T'S CANADIAN