The Goderich Star, 1930-05-15, Page 3THURS"T. MAY lkbl 1930
the fbldv koU and repolts was -noted
by UrEAV. Dattel, ot UWT60% Uter-
Aturv, wxttar3�. Mrs. H, 0, WQ1k.
KILLEIRS FOR MOTHS Man 01 bjenlwao. re'-sorttil, increase
in mumbewhip in both the bay ia"43
—USE and rn`,sier bands,
Agin ul *�X Presb-.* terials statement or " ' '
Fly-tox, Fll*t, Larvex, Moth Gas, Sapho It ip _t in thc V. 0. L T. statement
Iprepareil by Mrs, J. 1). Vetweiler, of
and presented by Mrs. Rol.
Cedarlene Flakes, Moth Balls, etc. !t:11�11011i Kent Presbyterial, in her A-
cence. Mrs. Rush, of 11111conburg, re -
to protect yoxw Mur coat, woollen blankitts, a if Ported for the "..ii'. A. $. and,vir-
Perth a*, hating tbt To.
aricl,oarpets agaiotat the 4"w
trflon of the dreaded -moth. Ford for the bil(btst individual giving
34 t a"# offered the high.
`5 DRUG STORE the �.A The rreAsterlAls
-CAMPBELL are Middlesex TATAbton. Kent Elgin
at the S:hcoi,
Gone:; commencing at ,40 P.M.
Sale of Moate Made Solking.
avkd Tea also will be served.
vtac wind hVID tO, VVkQ the. -
day a &utcfsv>
"Brown's Shamrock Linens"
direct from Belfast, Ireland, have jFast arrived
4rth and Hu6n.
PHONE 90. f-'s0vs Oxford, F Y •suithin •the near future you intend purchasing a,
The fulancial stattment showed an tho, talents of the Women, the preeoy-
Increase of 4527.62 in the amount terisl reports in selveral Instsum W,
contributed in 1929 over the 1mcvIous ferrtd to the pravOce introduced this
Ykitr. Total contributions for the Year of encouraging the women AO
24,9803.15. The report partiolpatk, in the meetings instead
Year were $11
'Was presented by the branch trea3ur. of scouring an outside speaker. El- Gifu for tlx ""Wedding, "Birthday or
Wo & S. Workers Meet- In- Goderich er, Mrs. J. I. Dl -.,-en, of Win(bor. Presbyterial, for which Mrs. E,
L%mbton Presbyterial was lifirlivat in T'llortou, Of St. Thomas, reported,
percentage 1xith 4L total of $12,4,00, and Kent Presbyterial, for *hleh Aire. Weddi-nor Anniversary
confelw ace Broach W. M. S. of 41'to hurch Has and Ken,,. !qnle second, the other X Hicks, of Wallaceftrg, reported,
PresbYterials ip-craging ubout the. 'both traphastzed thin Kent
same porequtalre., also bad a, rally of yQoaj women glast
of, giving. fall in an endeavor to reach to our store and' we will' be. -OU4004 to show Y-0- - U
Signlfg�ant pbasbs-of the W. q. $ he Youn
W Ro WINTOSK LONDON, NEW #MIDFNT- VOM*n of the rresbyterial. turobtorl, ,lust drop in
o MRS,
rFnOrts given fn' the , oveuing and Tti-Ai$terial reporttd Vidmil-ar-lan.
afternoon sessions on Tuesday, the deavor. but stated thaf.p missionstry
T111to of world citl7puebb) beim; ein, always Included oll'the prpirrarn
Phasizcd. The delpRutps from 411 of dio sectional mectints. Mrs. J. D. "John So Brown's Shr�mrock Lmens"..
pnrts of Wertern, Ontario reprerenting Livingston, of Forest, who presented
With 'an gttendimee of over 200 Rented, the rccoWlng'��ie6ry report.
the leadership of the womf..nlq- mis- the report, spoke alsb of intensive
tes study. to, In
,fle1j" , fronts the eight Presbyterial X . groups and exchange visits,
of the W, X. $. -which are rers"C' A. *=Y movement in the church, P11-
portixig for the ass6c!06 tered into the spirit of the eqnvqntion this, presbyterial one rovorged Known the world over for their beautiful designs and wonder.
included in the London confeVence of suited that, there was an increase* of and contributed to an atmosphere of
the United, Chufth of Cartada, - in men I
. the 16 per cent the usual prooedure:bv askhie� to bsore
fourth annual meeting of the Confer. life membership rep6rt Mrs.;a_.Strr_ their allocation raised,
'ber$b1P' In the keen Interest in the_pidblems con ful quality, and best of all they cost you no more, than
fronting the IV. X, S. as un important Middlesex Pxesbyter361 - reported a
encs bran&,Was held at North -street rott. of $"a, named Huron Vresby. factor I w r the infirior grades of li�en that � are bein
d r, a Id Oftirs t6dai.y. As the splendid record of ha*ibg kebt expen-
1wrteaAurth o4i,,TuaM% and..WW-iterial as the Untiet county, -More speaker ft . . I
v 0
is week�'.::Wil t�gistrat� calls than in former years meio, a -1110`00V cent. 'Mrs-
nesdsy,,�Qf. this of Tuesday's- session. ses -down to One fferted to the trade..
tiorCaQ .14 #Je*IAg 6i'the dent
I ready fesponse at all times .7. Mortlmoro.",D.D.;- �,eturiled 'HeAert Childs, of 1Avidbri; iave this
as`�Xe 'miesiOnary from Szechwan, 4poke- of I
on ]Wopda�.evenitig. 'the presidQ0, pozUd by the supply and. 11br r; Te' Av(;IV-
what Christ meant to the %voffiailliudyl ingA"ratndr"a"membershilBf 4,400. -
q, M; Uennic, of NV* 1�*inburg, Aearctam Xro, Z. Ricihardson, of of 'China today. Ue4',Morfimorp was Mrs P. Lane, of Scaforill. 'r( --
Nis, 9. 1 . W.
Essex, in outlining the work - in the in West China for years and' was ported
pres; ll�Ag'ia' Ord J10'r'PaRod interest north and west, An increase of It, total men%Ui�ldp of 8,118
Eii one of the five missionaries who re... for Huron, which haif 62 auidlipries The Cash
tbo,roport$ $289A wo-a noted in the, supplies mainAed •. ter Phone 86
hout, the, =Misl g4u and 188 organwtlopslh all. 'A isle- �A�,in the �rte C. Si6r4*1as' 6k the y4dvh , _�VW' , �,VJUW. AV Store
.at 913A89-42. ffe'reterred 'at-to-tW" �L iioh ba-hd for', eoeiv,-�i�xllfarr was Fa E T
various ,departments. -Iii the -brief. X0. R.% Lundy, of ' $hepp�hrdtoxu being, %Ybich � C) 0 . sit Orte# by X". 1 'A: "A MOP 40M
I irl�tiavlty h;(f rou , ;b - xtbibMd, of
time allotted to - thVIV, they gave Woodstock, for Oxfo4 P1r;Avter!nl
tin fof tile strangers' depafK to the women of'Ohina, refuting t
indication of tho�aim!i: of each!N pr ment, Mrs, N. M. Leckie, of Mather -Quality Merchandise, Courteous' Si*rvice and. Modo'rat'e Prl'ces,
old Sayi4g tbat- th.o" igngiancc. of I Wiricit have adopted
meth and tlw,04resi- which -has been I well, for the press,, Mrs, W. H. Wil All but 12 aux
wa4e. . lof Wirgham,. for the missio lie v-10111un Was hop. '�irtue�:,.Tbg educe -7 1 5y6temativ giving. A presidents
nary tional, opportunities given to' conference, where W. X S.'problems
Xr's. James XccreA, �f berlin, pre-linontbly. An increase in the use of Chineso. were discussed, was, the featuic of
1�1 .. I . " . . I . women today were enabling theti! to
become leaders, and. social l' equia Perth Presbyterial report presented by Mrs. McAlpine as follows : Hoil. A very charming Mission Band held her bearers In closest attention
by Mrs. R. I - NN
tY was giving them perfect parity McAlpine, of St Warys. Pres., Mrs. t�ordon Wxvght, Lon- ixorclse -as given by a group of as she recounted Interesting experica-
with their brothers , , "y Reports, sent to general; memb4orship Mt.; Past Pres., Miss A. hf. Rennie, children:'un4er the leadership of Mrs. coo other life and work in that land,
Spiritgal vision
and power was also u great factor in. was anOtber.14terestiqX endeavor of It. it, b 210w liamour Andrew' of Goderich.
helping the women of China to -face the presbyterial to see § the women in g; tion. Vice I The report of the courtesy commit -
helping Krs. Geo. ShlOas, Innerldp; Delegates after the tea hour were tee,with expresalons of gratitudP to:
life. Dr. Mortimore concluded. touch with the work. 11 ' es., Mrs. W. It. McIntosh, London; taken for an enjoyable drive around *It who had in any wny contributed ta
"Have we been living up to the The bright and variU'costumes ot
HOM, E CANNING, isk, Vico Pres., Mrs. Herbert Childs, Goderi.eb and the surroundina eoun- the success• of the meetings followed
rfandard we have been preoenting to other lands were brbught to. the PIat" L.xidon; 2nd. Vice Pres., Mrs. Robt. try and all wqiressed. pleasure In the and what was said to be ,the best an.,',
the women in foreign fields?" Miss & farm in a picturasqut:'and sigi6fiant, nucits, Nvallaceburg; Corr. Sec'y, % beauty of sconery. nu al meetiNvUs brought. to a close
R mile, of New Hamburg, the trip around the world by . nirplane 14-S• Itic-ard, St. Thomas; Ree, Secy, Thi Rev. Mr. Clarke and Rev. Mr. with praise�11 v
1S thea tate of A ftew president, asked in her address. 11W conducted by Mrs, Childs. Illustrat,cr.
0 Xr.s. Jus, McCrao, Merlin; Treas., Bim conducted the devotions at the
influence of the W., M. S. in Mis. X. J. Dixon, Windsor; Christian closing session of the.Convention—
must hernove the in in out 6
inhibitions of mi WCU For OW 30 Yosm
-7pa4 ower lives.. The -work demands tile. 19rei2n fields and the' 8� $tevmrdship and Finffiiee. Airs. W. W. and the address of the evening wU Ill ttbt
A 4D
-a '101"r onto. formerly of South Chi . no,
72 e booklet I 1 11 y
wluc�l whole womanhood of - the VniW la�d, effort to women in -these 11Audbam, Amberstburg,, Missionary, given. by 'Mrs. W; It. McKay, of Tor.
0buVeh. end 'we must emphasize the pageant g0e, v. brief I Morithly, Mrs. W. Ii. Willis; Litera who 14 4e�
the MkOF MONTRgAL new llote,� the gAihIhg7 of the person- sight -into the conditidWs-ebaracteris- ture.' Mrs. Walter Naftel,'Qoderich
alitv as well as the help. of every. 'tie of the 'now Canadian, Korea. Supply and Library,, Airs. E. Richard-
nj iS:XIQW
hasi werian n the church. China, Japan, India, WU9t'AfeW4 and' iwn, Essex; Agsoc 't
issuea,a i gTWtll of Trinidad. .1 . . C.
e Hctlpers, Mrs,
Miss Rennie Aetched-th C. A. Malcolm, Senfortli; Tem�ar-
A memorial servrce�lewas.66nducw
be W. X & from a small beginnin Rrce, Mrs. J.� N. Gould, St. Thomas;
great enterprise of, today anti Life Members; Mrs. R. - Sterrittj Sur- free., to., . .,to theg by Mrs, J. N Gould,,pf'St. Thomas,
said that the climax- of the work was and Mrs. J. R. Archl%ld, of Wood- nig; Strangers, Airs,. . S. -J. Martin, Y, U
stock, the women of Wi. M. M. B
jall who- a'sk.fa'r .Fora in tile lives of those who had beew en- London; .Y. W. A.'s and Circle, Mrs.
lbcd� nett vn&grs, V. Mollprd, of Exeter, J 11 ' I. T.,
�s tou. She said that the eballenge Reld, Tillsonburg; C,
bo 6f today was the challenge -of a world branch officers, Wrig' particularly Rrs. *)V. L. Gray, Alvinston; - Missicib find d1AtK0110W1g-.(;0r0 Inakes.
with a Common, outlook,' mentioned. 11. V. Workman*.' Blen- vile
Band, Mr—
'On Wednesday'. *i6r%big; after the iin; 'Baby Band, Mrs. J, D. Wilson, Ideal Ior t4o, •c"d
latest V1 Miss Renniq*, whoAs ret4ring fror� h, USY to
ethodsof" office after three years as. president, opening devotional exbrei".c.,condue' Richwood; press, Mrs, X. NI, L -dickie, suppom V%olesome.
ed by Kent Presbyterf4li-Mrs. W. W. St, AWood-.1, .
was presented with a gift from the jary�. Mrs. Archibald,
•Illman, PrudIrinni, Anibei-itbtfrj, secretary of stock, and Afles Bartlett. of Windsor, digest. Packed with fl9voLr glad
branch. L. Mrs, 0.' C. TJ of '%*I.
- lint thifeltits theats-,,.. keri'flle, firsf:vice-presi&nt,tawhoaii Stelvardship arid, r -Ind&, stated that were app inted,dele too. Domin.
leaving the Lotdon bra* the 'allocation foi the" y to
h'xo residi ew was ion, Board.
:Ancl Iti the Hamilton cooference, branch, $14%060- Reports f9pthe,past year - Miss Rennie then introduced In a
with 481 fev, kind wnrds her successor in of -
Was also presented with a gift. a steady increase,
REporling 1hree new auxiliaries arid organizations, 30k- Of Which have fice, Mrs. Ar. R.. Xelntosb,Lovdon,
two organiztd in 1930 and now,ready col:, secretaries and Qn. secretaries, who spoke of her acceptance of the prefer
for work, Mrs. R. Heard, $t. Thomus, an I reuse Of 25 socletlesover last free not, as •a leader but as a Co-
Acop way be obtainect• corresponding Ecuietary,' .,. .. . '.. 1. . 1. 1
_V year, I
outline oi'the year's work at the pf- Airs. - Frudham expWrled the budget :.The installation of the newly el,�nt- eri8p Kelloggis every day,
pn ternoon session, 'the new auxiliarleg V�teln? is makihg the quarter of the ,,d officers was perfokmpd by Mrs.
incluee the E ,year and the amount of- money raised Jas, Hamilton, of Godorieb.. and was: dith,Elliott Auxiliary at in that time balance.
of w6sunlittic. church, Vindsor. ,Black rich in the..expresisions of beantifbl 9.
BrXTI"tlon to'ally
e well Auxifirry in Kent Presb'yterial,- Mrs. Prudharn •:,bespoke .increased' idealism of what the offleer,4.r should
and Bright �Auxillary in Oxford Pr�,;- givirigs, , increased iflterer3t, deeper, be.
OF bytelial. An, nuxiliary at -Tri ity and real Joy,ln the Vork. A, 'this time. rd,ourn, mrnf 'wa--
church, Fast. Windsor, and one at lini at increased 1ft?6*Wtshfp. 'The mod,, for the conferencep of n11 de -
Tecumseh are. nOW organized for question, "What shall the harvest be," P-rtments under leadership of branch
work- Two, nett/ *candidates for the must be answered by 'every member.
R. C. WOATEL.EY, mission fields are Miss Ruth . Chur- Mrs. Prudliam' closed her report with , Wednesday afternoon: Miss Ren -
chill', of Petrolia, who bar, bien an earnest appeal on behalf of tith� nig irkiroduced the' guest missionaries
Managror oderich BranC11 ini. . when Miss Einoline L Black, Border CORN
assigned to the Church of All Na-. g•
E. A. Hortoifj St. Thomas, Cities Miss*
tions, Montreal, and Miss Annie 0 on worker, gtye many in- (:Or
secretary of temperan&, spoke of the teresting detailr, of her work,. saying
Ward, of London, assigned to Wet KESL
China. An increase of five auxiliaries work as new but 'that all Presbyter. that they had 90 nationalities amon,-,
ials have temperance secretaries and whom to work. FLAKES
makes the total this -year 366, and a
slight decrease in annual membership I nearly every auxiliary has a
1p temper- Miss Churchbl]], who haa recently Welcome gThsolertI
is offset by an increase in life mem- ante secretary and organized work Is completed a course in the Misslohory
being done. One auxiliary had an en- Training Svihool. is going to the
bers. Huron Presbyterial was the
program given over to the flub- Church o All No on Montreal.
only county to increase both in an- f ti
e,* temperance. nual and hie ulembership.The total Mrs. rZU)rPnrTxQ.r or X-itisgell, with a
"I U WEST membership -now stands ot 12,884.
t the church program le group, of
rXVIVIL, WV Now that young people, coVdiicted nn
Referring to the sectional meetings pretty well determined we - are pre. impressive . devotional period, the
as a training ground for developing. I pared to follow that'L program, she choir also bein(r Of volunteer mein -
WITH ME CA M..EMEN said. 'ilia spoke of the startling re- berms of Perth Y, P. Groups.
i SoJtq of last, election. Ontario is Miss Forman, f Regina. said that
drinking herself into -slavery. The of the pomilat, Ln
N 1671, the Acadians, Canada's 60,000 , 0 0 of that city,
large. amount of liquor would not W 7,000 are new Canadians. She nrave
0 factured unless there were new a vivid description of the various de -
earliest farmer�j possessed only M del Theafte mu,
866 cattle and 407 sheep. In 1925 rperuiN among the upers'arld statis. nominations at work in this western
tics of years ago showed that 40,010 city: of
there were 16,5 00,000 cattle, sheep WEEK OF MAY 19 to 24 . ; arvd especial?i the Grer-k
new. recruits were permit holders, Orthodox church and its - metbods,
ahs swine an Canadian farms and boys and girls of otir fair Ontario She greatli, intere3ted her audienceranches. MONDAY and TUESDAY homes.:, "How can we bring about P with the familiar events of evervdny
MARY PHILB11 X change? Every eban$e begins with j experlencen. *The Mission is a 11hou-
This industry to -day not 0*4 thourlit. We can all develop a new'I by the side of the road," where all
Edmund Breeqc and Mary Alden way of thinking by beginning with can come for
help and adyice and ill
supplies Canada With meat and in a smashing dramatic and colorful- ourselves. Let• us pledge ourselves to I kinds of service. She said that sin
romance of the waterfront. A 1tre- do our best to bring ab,,)ut the' - I
dairy products, but also expiDrts* a i &,wn� of the. girls formerly under the care
large surplus, Competing success- mendous story of a 'beautiful waif fall of wlint" will brim
in ruln and ',of the Mission were now teaching
I guirift among the dock rats. degradation to'our land." i school and two of thcm were being
fully with products of similar "GIRL OVE RBOXOD11 The report of rpsoligionq r -o';1 5 elft as tick ;?I
I UNIVERSAL WEVERN by All- ate". 0 the rntornati(,n.!l
nature abroad. S. W. R. 21felv04h, ear �utlday 1114tool Conventl6n.
"RANGE WOLP11 London. Mr. Brenner made a few rentark�;
Sunpnrtinv: the appeal made hy W behalf of the Ooderich St inmer
TheCanadiati Bank of Comt�erce 11V Ox NEWS11
Franlr Beer pt the Canadian ennfer.'.1-h-hool, enliptilir, the co-operation (;f.'
was among the :first -to establish' lonce of social work held recently in 1 those present. i
branches - in the Eastern stock- WED. and THURS. i1bronto, the convention went oil re. I The onon foruni under tile leader -
raising centres. Throughout the Introducing a east of now faces and cord aq approving I Ilia suggestion of ship of Mrs. J. H. Rush. Tilkonbur�;,,
,a .spectacular story concerning the establishing a national institute of vvaq of a most interesting eliaracter. i
Vest - ,it has earned - the title way of a maid with two men. ' economic and social reaearch to study 'Mrs. Rugh called upon the secretaries'
"Pioneer". This Bank has '470 r -ay Malten, Louie Lerch and tho "11blemg of unemployment, Mri;- appointed to take the findings of the
branches agricultural districts. Ironry George W. R. Mctntosb, convener of the reso. ',departmental conferences field durin,�.C!
lotion committee, described the whole � the ncoo hour and much valuable in-;
in a 4ewmrtional. drama of the theatic finaneial svte, as belnT in danger of formatircri waa culled from questions I
with a thrilling climax in the air. breuttirq down because it could not from audiereo and answern from the
"ifflulE C)S M BMK "THE. AVHIR1j OV LIVE01 stand the striin of finaneffix
the evor 1 hemt& of departmevto whw
ich folloed.
LAPPEASY COMWY growine ntoeks. As against this the Miss Consitt reported from the Y. I
Of COMME-Rc- E 11TELVI'VISION GEOUGH11 '�'�tber linlf of the world wa.q suffering W. A. group in "ruformation,
loq in the hey 0 interost, me literature,
from want of necessary commooliti V�
lrdldng'00, ptirchaidlig jw*(4; favor- i literature and illore literature.
800 BRANCHES IN CANAIJA RL ani SAT• ing a policy of total prohibition, the Make preparedtieso your motto in
I The great holiday special,eonvention alto indorsed the resoln. program *building, prepared Place,
1 46tion that the department of educationt, Pronarcd President Proviared People
10 Doie, n Art Silk Bloomaru, featuring Ifat 11;ck 69C
ill 1410,11;
1, ,azh,,?4flze'atiJ Nile
lNell" VAue, at per pair.
la.,Ve range of ChifdreW,� %e"it, in all ht.;
anklets' or (jZk!ets, W11101 are, Ver",
rialtWit fu Vivor. Ther o are exqui,,;te in their
in thc,�e ch.tnn�ngr 49c
i.; 116. Avs 5 if) Per Pair ............
,00 Yards of Rayer Dress 13111z* in 110at J)'Ettenr:,
liftle, 0reall, S.uld and Blacklyroullb. Thin
material makes up very smartlat'a Small cost, 69c
io h1c1IC5 v"Wel. Spechilly priced, per yard.
Just arrived sothe very'smart ilumbers In Mims' and
Ladies' all wool, and m AL, aml wool Pullovers, all the • Ilew
shades, are Here, reasotiably priec, fronj
$1.69 to $3.95
Smewt new designs -in gwwariteed color fast Prints, art silk
Anti rayon cloths iii all the plain shades, genuine nqdiant
pique in plaia white And -vhlte grolmil Mauve.' Ore,,n ()7
Blue deAgns, a popular Cloth for the emenil"10.
Kayser Pure Silk Full Fashiened Wit :,it all t;w mnv spring
Trades ill Aipper alld (Aendo heel.
ore GE06 W.. SCHAEr"' I
MY at 0.00 1).M. ti:o,n Veil (1ZZQ1?j.VC:0 iQ Me VXTg4.
I Ail V Ain & JUPAL) I I 1�
mtif , Prepared X-rograin. Impreopion minus
be ag1ted to adopt the use of geit w , $
featuring 0, re-ereatiouof the famous
temporatwe textbooks. and that tbvefegpreosion equal depression. Havehistorical
Battle of Trafalgar.
'Thou. he made compulsory in schools. A F, an many titke part in program as lion- .
gand'; of Men in breathloon
hattle letter is being sent from the eonvc-n. 1 Bible. This makea a naeleu3 of at -
action and the O(MeWa greateit tion CuPressing gratitude th the Ved - telidanee and al8a devclops interest.
beauty -reliving the lovers eral Government for the steus taken Put inemnialty tinct Personality lnto;�.
of One
history's most be%utIful sirona.
f15tar. to wipe out bootlegging and opera- ,,Jour meetinro or they will die.
tions at the Canadian bordevR. -id to I Prayer and publicity aril the TaPqt
prom internntional aood-will by,�nsethodq for taltsionary work. G�'
ire leer Brea#a' <v Picture
rati"r �Vitll flip lynitp4l qlateq and tell, go smd publW1, go and
V 41 prench �-- a
in prAnblishino their nvnhib1t1f)vA ito niong the eoninjJsrjion,4,
rpisb& No. a of
-It of th 7. given. Ask God—Tell people.
la The wont 0 IV. C. T. U
4,THB DJAMO!u, 31ASTEA00 ,llqo por-unended, Tile resolution Chftiltnee the best for tho Blaster.
also stater tllilt the bvane!i protoot.4 Do not IT afraid to ask tho not tal.
Fri. and &t.
Adults 35e, ChiMrolt g5c.
)Mniprt tho liquor traffic being. UZpd ontal of,��Oqr congroption, 1,70 Yawl!,
bv,nny political party aq an iqv.up in'llot 0 bo "Uriab lleqs," tvg&C poo.
that it a for tXi;t)g
On election, and reconk rneud.q ?10 yarasn on tl;o cartli.
tin I
-o-&-cided 1)y a reforoadon) of *10 b3va na rcsm3n to apol%Ape fov
Adults 2,sro cliMfes
"kits re-qle to 'kttv n 016 grctktoot
10 Doie, n Art Silk Bloomaru, featuring Ifat 11;ck 69C
ill 1410,11;
1, ,azh,,?4flze'atiJ Nile
lNell" VAue, at per pair.
la.,Ve range of ChifdreW,� %e"it, in all ht.;
anklets' or (jZk!ets, W11101 are, Ver",
rialtWit fu Vivor. Ther o are exqui,,;te in their
in thc,�e ch.tnn�ngr 49c
i.; 116. Avs 5 if) Per Pair ............
,00 Yards of Rayer Dress 13111z* in 110at J)'Ettenr:,
liftle, 0reall, S.uld and Blacklyroullb. Thin
material makes up very smartlat'a Small cost, 69c
io h1c1IC5 v"Wel. Spechilly priced, per yard.
Just arrived sothe very'smart ilumbers In Mims' and
Ladies' all wool, and m AL, aml wool Pullovers, all the • Ilew
shades, are Here, reasotiably priec, fronj
$1.69 to $3.95
Smewt new designs -in gwwariteed color fast Prints, art silk
Anti rayon cloths iii all the plain shades, genuine nqdiant
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