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The Goderich Star, 1930-05-08, Page 9
• - •r ..VMIL VWr.SIDAY, NlVV lith, ,IPW THE CODE WC1T STAR If AOX Nl%# -- �a+ , saaa�+aw w�ia iiw,�w: eiA� ria�f E�i:.�i �. ii�tateitr : a ,a�tarr��taw"lo:e Illy rieigh'bor As thyrelF,'° Je.iifi Cby h:3 f'irer, conilixthic ,,,.'Bladder Weakness e kaesi • coan�lrk ka �see$ makes life Miser re r theyl tiWis a°°iaV(Qtk*,a`tpiaa tal5/a rfJe st G o ce a ii cl:awn near v-atth fa real desire ?iso lrnow Daily Annayance> Troublesome Niaiits Tko praiircu uaaade dur;ng 1828 `BJ1 ISABEL HAMILTON, Go arctich, t � t�tc meaning of lifo sts taught anti f S4rccities; 1JV" cit? Thousantla Siritete N6o Tells VFhet conatituteR ci °°rexolution"' in the h laced b�; hint, their ciuestioats would estates Irises outlook Pull lea the poaisdi!illciea � nentheverplaced on n' a, axstwxizaxwxp.i �v+++ �is irn itwfat8�ia wtpaia �,asvaca �wa��aaaiir sr�euialr; cr rare been thought little nor To M For Uaick Relief of ceecnunilc�advatate° writes a 118b'43 � 0 Llyd anal MQsi:cr of us -call : ,plan of prevedaare. They xrajer no irz<ov rcut ty tho 4GI:cat Tcae:Bacr. l3lakaehes, licaCwhea, Pains en fieet corrtopoudent of the Carla•iau SO- N`ltate'cr our ra:ariae or sign, agreement itll Jesus for ata inter- `ytil'.Ll� 1iilSalf9NS anal leg=, Nervousness, nestle meas, eases Mannar• t'reauierles bavq iae��n Wo awls aby zway, me hear Thy trail, ^ view its Which certain fluesteone, wero xltisty years in fav e:;v Africa„ freq eut tut scanty lDrinatior, with grgauiaed an an ciricien° a el-aaperativc�STU DE BAK"OE Nae twat our lues by 11hine. , to be tasked huff. Pr acaaaie€; aaau isosl i;a ox tho ,o Drat' bur -Wing unai pairs, gc tinff=wilt=nights-� t�aaatra aeoip tl3ii cava In iih nazaaria, Sana- f3asr l raeaial, aqui l.rEttl»er, anal our, SinCo Desats revealed Fria peraonalaty .ar�u a �.eraar, va�a.aat unto a4tic:a At, come of the xn: ro troa; ttesoane cessire ac4a have bcea passe d cgvor- Marv,, to his disciples, tho tone of Fain Mara- teat ,, a'aacuCBxL, ttacr ian;u4so os, 0, 'ign6 that shcauld havee rmnipt aatten- Bag questions of eo-operativk) ercen Nle^t xnAy Thy �r service It c `? I eaglet teaelaaaag had changed, Ix tvaa ainat:aie eco iu to cvrataiz , tranaiat- tP°aa 1 K,'rE testy reamBa ct as .a ;taigas seed ea°i ai:leawloll, Qud t.e lui ia'.v t144'a Nor name, nor toren, nor ritual `word, ofjudgment be stake and the ,people iing tho WVr1 'Testament Yor tnorpD Aat9c . Iiollry Ga`erniticnt letans cvero •c- Uu. ui;ajily tollowing; Thee. round Al out felt flit chars ;aa and tuz yin;; lista cause of o �epan� salla- m matter haw etu�khorn your eaqu Qaired, Redundant ereamerles laser � to $14t0 1d. G. '4'Vhietier. thought that now there might bo a i uess Anes hcflpin to savd huaaaaiees at may sepna to be or hQu, m ar y YaacEli4 been elascE3, rind iii flee future cave a 1 1PRA7iIar possibility of getting the better of nousarau tiz laves as a result, susli axi eiieee you hcvo tried wltbout ae" tilts new creamery will requiro ri Govor n- at this factory t ,lona°t dtinL, our condition as laolaelcaa mens, license. p Gv°A tcxw Rxi:u Almi •lity 41155 Cod, untag �vlxoati all; him in lila epeech� It eves not a de- brace -es part of the rcmarNAb9aa 5t©ry or teat natural consealuerce of wivan- Sii ce April, 10218. e rtra )Incel a:x :r• i. g sire to know Gods mind on this or lacarts arc open, all desires known, i of li. J. more.Aloxander Clarke .kion,,, throut°la the Irl, ACs cleat, -el �' 1 i 4 INCH E 7 0 HORSEPOWER 1 1 Haat subject that inspired them but li lattdf more. lasers tnarty yearn ago sing rears, until you' have tilted iBto W H S Ik S ,,,,, cleanse tate thoughts of our hearts by i amazing value of iia`, Soutliwortift cescru l leas itis ovo mint on it+. - the in; piration of thy Hely Spirit, _ up etli tatred of the ansa Jestla of pias- he Vent out to Atricsa under tug, d/RATABS.,, eca�ftalBy. Tlaa tIIovca°nauent leas sac. t " that we may perf"Aly love thae and Look at tate sort of people that are Christian M r as inciated with *, On a strict guarantee of nouey viced ca na tional brand, to be uoed by k worthily magnify thy holy name, • y n t back on first box purebased V you eo dairleta r ipso butter comes up to teen through Gltrist our Lord. Amen. found together in this matter of tvorlc.famous missionary, he lute ' standard car tittailty 1'ea urged, haat �ydrAui a;'haackal�tiactlt...Lall�attateP4dlblaRtitua S (catching Christ in his. talk. The Dan taxawfard author pa "I late receive good and gw+ing relief ones lips tla, bettor trade Improvccl ��b1G4,� trpt� C,gpglinGfiitt�r S. S. LESSON l"OIt AfAY lath 98t1 Pharisees nd the Herpdians wits inn- •Blaek" and other missionary works. ....... an good druggist will ansa lyD y„ „� Ap a a'asult at tlteaE? nieAaurca, bis.' • #tiiptP •' a � ° p + rder aather imistances would never Of his associatidrr with Baan (Vawford you with Cir&#ut►s in scald Hack- tht) trade in csroaDried a„Ss hetes al:cct Fy'e1 '���1kkn tapered rE)xletbtii�t`an a Lesson Topic --Jesus Taaching . In :bo,found together. 'they feign them- lite missionary has many interesting ugos containing a tcn : days supply. y, Thoy are, a w be lax., # D ' " e The Temple. If they bring great relief inside of d►3 caaorraouel 1 . Lesson Passage 'Elatthdrt 22:15. selves to ba .lust p3xs°ns .Being to :experiences -to recount "'Tial Craw- gradeai, laaelted Anel: xuarketed- on the ..'. `Naw wl power i tuoier ... caiia-+p�ti4,�lry tv_ Jesus with a question about tribute Efoal was A emus," lee said "and t£d.e hours and a wonderful improvena^ut sarirn cificdenG lines, atCairita A ' ...2. 34-40. money. "Mastr, we know that thou g:. } had•sohne .inside of ton days, you, will be Orctatly Tito. Minister OR .Agriculturee 'nu- � .. • clittsatat�lale fteekiriii whct!l and Meant �. ...._...Goldetir Text 'Itattlanr ` :3£•39:' other men of that feature he . Yct�s�t� ,the � n� _ t _. _ _._ tart true, and teachest the way of God eccentricities. He had a vivid imAg , qa y ty iin`tlet A �► d t aheltr hs.Y latt'ly turna'd has at cation to fillet c Drrtxi exi nae -oil E;IAl t,VC �St1aQ mitett , , cost you nothing. Ash your drugglat and is exploring the practical pcmi-. Those who at different t times tried in truth, neither serest thou for 4ny 1 ination and a tremoudous range "of � today btlltles of :sera sellae; Ire.anad"s yledd •a hour even WItCR %TIY,W, to .ensnare Jeans in his talk had Liao alias; for thou regardest not the ver- intellectual xtetivity. He was a great advantage of preparation on their On of inert, Tell us therefore, what Christian and a great missionary, and ^ --^-" '� �" from the .soil, He wants Partner:" tae Ade. They had talked the whop mat- I thlnkest thou ? Is it lawful to ave built u a remarkable mission at the -tariff, ♦rho da£r in fndustr lana grow the most profetablo crops in • ST U D Er B iC � a SIX MODELS AND PRICES tea over and liar agreed upon their tribute unto Caesar, or not ?" g Laanza p been hard lilt, Mr,yRowe continued, steed rf bednt Cain out to work i . -•-'^---•-••-~-'- Speaking from a merelydaunta!a � rotas and bevel. The Carlow SuA;tr Reduced Langone to Writing Why* should not the Government be Coupe, Z•patiii. . $1155 Coupe, 4«paw. $1a?0� USE, point:of• vt", the assailants knew by ashamed to ask to be returned ora Factory. a new enterprise, which al, 1103 lttekad . ' 197S heart ever word they were going to Mr. Clark has made for many,years' that Basis ? ready, suppleeis about a sixth of Ire- Club Sedan . , . . t, say, but Jesus was not re an intensive study of the unwzitten „ land's dEmand for sugar, bus enabl- Tourer ... . ; .1245 1tlgaltladiala .. lass, �'1 p paned and They, hive Come out with a com- 1450 v NO,,,N pfs �(a therefore it surely .could not he an literature of the primitive peoplos ox tote someraiult. The must haVta ed Irish xerasia to cultivate taut ar &rtes .... , . 12gQ X,atnEl+au �TM ✓ L 11x4 v easy thing to answer thoso intellec- It p p y beets and has provided cheap winter Afxics, and ex eels to publish a book y p Toed for cat la, ' tual men instantaneously where they on the customs and folk -lore of the reason Tsai that the present Gpvernl Tf os at tho factory. Carr's t4s" 4*tts THE 'FE.O1�LVS STARE put forth knotty 4uestions. Yet this people. .S£nglehanded he essayed the meat £s wade u Is the very thing Jesus Christ did. task of reducing to 'writing the tan- ca men of various . Health cannot be looked for in the The greatest value in Studeb►aker's opinions on the seal policy. ehiid that is sob ecC to worms, be- And in addressing them eat let them gunge of the Luba tribe. This tribe c�Compare the Liberal party of to- cause worms dsstr" health by:creat comprises some 2,000,000 persons, and 78 ears, of honest merchandising t r see he perceived their motives .and day with,the party, of days- gone by;' .ing internal disturbances that retard Y - knew their , real ,characters:.,. But until Mr. ;,Clarke reached tbem had 'urged Dr .Maloncy, the next ¢peaker. development and'. cause "serious weak - Jesus Tie giver thuir, wleksdness,. and never bes4a touched by ,t Christian or . 'X'ou will find the, Liberal , party iq ness. . Miller's Worm Powders .expel said, '.W y tempt mistionary rnftaii6ce of any'kind, nor. p ' worms' and are so beneficial in their p ye me, -ye hypo* -made u of di#f'eient elements: Dr, crites 3, • : $hew me .the tribute; monej, heal they Byer seen ,n white man. To Maloney pointed to this as -the reason action that the system of the little F. � date Mr. Clarke has translated the y H. WOO And they thought until lata a penny. New Testament and the book of for its failure. He said the Liberals sufferers are restored to healthful-' rra,•r. And he a;aith unto them, Whose is this were always claiming that the low- ness, all the discomforts and dangers r L•� £mage and superscription? They say Psalms into the Luba tongue, which Dred taxes and �tluoted figures to show of to affection are removed and GQDERIC - . " ° 9 `-0 unto. him, Caesar's. Then saith he the British and Foreign Bible Society that the 1980 taxes are $20,000,000 satisfactory prnwttl is ached.. v a unto them, Render therefore unto are preparing to print.. It was in more than those in 1928. Goin Caesar the things which are •Caesar's; connection with this printingrinting work to discuss' expenditures, he saidf, on OR Most emery. man �- - -- at end unto God the things that are that Mr. Clarke went to England at Vincent Massey', the ambassador to himself sometimes, Goc1'e." the invitation of the society. the • United States, has cost Canada Iti, � In thinking of Christ's :heat heart , Studies Sleeping Sickness more than two million dollars. He we are apt to overlook the greatness, It is an amazing tiring, the mission- said that Mr. Massey was not worth of his mind. There is no intellectual ary stated, to find among these prim£- that expenditure. The same went for feebleness shown in this surprising tive peoples a vast amount of wisdom ' A mbassa4or Marlor at Tokyo. We I, answer. , bere, was nothing more to and a deeprooted convection of sen. su-ested instead +list these sums lie be said: "When they had heard these "It :is true,, as has been written, that used in the technical edut:ation of words, they marvelled, and left him, God never left himself without it wit- boys and- girls of Canada. Mackenzie 01.14t 4t- ]electricity and went their way. t ness, and these tribes in. Africa know Hing thought no, the system of edu- Wash by Electricity Soon: after • another party of men, I of the majesty and the might of God, cation in Canaela is all wrong. the upper classes, the priesthood, but nothing of th'e saving grace of The Government is spending thou - Iron by E lectricitl^ . came to ,Jesus with their difficulty. the Lord Jesus Christ." Some years. sands 'of dollars on the destruction of CONVE-NIENT; They too were answered in such a way ago Mr. Clarke detiompanled a Bel- property . in Ottawa for artificial CLEAN QUICK that they were astonished at his doe- pian expedition of a ientists studying beautification. is is a wanton trine.. Then came a lawyer thinking sleeping sickness, and for two years 'waste of money; they are pulling Cheaper •t an Coal or. Wood he might put a question that might was with them, lending them invalua- down buildings to make a monument puzzle this strange teacher. bee. aid. As a result of their efforts to the prime minister, a park with An ele:ctric'Vucoum CleaiUeThe lawyer asked. "Which is the in inducing the natives to Ieave those benches where our unemployed may removes the dust.•, a broon, great, cpmmandmeni of the ."law'?" parts of the country that, Are the bask in the sun in the future. The just. moves. the due.. He got a 'surpri,,sing answer. Jesus' haunts of, the ,deadly fly Mr. Clarke tariff board has .cost hundreds of said, "Thou .shalt. love.". That does estimates thatsame hundred thous thousands of dollars without ace in, guarantee tt�l H tr'd l G' not sound like ,a .legal phrase.. Jesus I and lives wero .saved.:. As.a result of gl£shing anything.. The board is ab- Laki7ips .fat 't;$00 hours. i did not invent it fo: he'quoted'from his efforts at this time King Albert sofutply useless: It merely provides W:ill: Flt and see.' :Its la at the commandment, '°Thou'shalt love• of Belgium conferred '£icon' the "alis- empioytnent for friends of the politi- y the Lord thy God with ail thy Heart, sionary on his return to the old • land cal party in . power. 'The Conserva and with all . thy soul,- and with all the .order of Chevalier of the Royal tives suggested that the money go to the Hydro Stote thy mind' (beut. 6:5)., Then Jesus Order of the Linn. aid the provinces in health programs. ++ added, another, commandment very -- Vie premier said no. tlnrmigra ion nearly,as great.and it is "Thou, shalt Asthma Can Be Cured -Its suffer- is costing a great deal of money, he -- -- - - ---- ing is as needless xis U. 1.4. ribte to declared" .'The people coming in are I endure. After its, many years `of re- adding to the unfortunate condition ' li2f-of the most stubborn cases no of the country. 1%eep our own peo- sufferer can doubt the perfe'et. effect- pie at home andthen we can select ! iveness of Dr. J. D. 'Kellogg's Asthma from the pick of the world," he urged. ' Remedy: Then relief cones with a We have stupendous resources . and rush.. Life becomes .worth living, and farming is the back bone of the couu- if the remedy be used persistently, the try. It should be encouraged in ev- ilfsease is put permanently to,rout. ery way. What has the Government •In 1. makes a fool of ltut.'soxne get over " 1., � - I ��. .. Yom. �_ �I--w��.,TN wl I�I���IW. x•w '.�..• ..,•,r...x Th"^ hirindred thousand a air for food Q . e no eubstiiute. done to make' agriculture prosperous? ' LIBERAL ACROBATS Nothing. With the present budget Good hearth, convenience, time -saving -all these considerations are'talten account of by, tHo,lil' they O�rre using a policy that will be Canadian industries which provide lunch rooms and cafeterias for their cmployeo& For example£ .the. Del dictafed in Washington, lie charged. Telephone Company with its. 18,'000 workers, runs. not very far behind thebi chain reatau'rarnt �ente*riscs ilk Turn Riz;it Abut Face and Make There is something Mr. Dunning has its.,annuai outlay for foodstuffs through the provision it mattes for the lune%eon needs of its:employees. Ian Complete Somersault Say Speakers not made provision against. All a the course of a year the consumption of bread and rolls, fresh fruit and vegetables fresh anent and cAnneait at 8 cotton's Party. producer in the United States has to goods, ice cream, calve, co0'ee, tea and many other necessaries of a well-ordere3 heal or lunch called for ' 'That the budget presented by 'Hon. do is go to his Government and ask purchases amounting to over S-100,000 for the nine cafeterias alone located cif Toronto, Ottawa, Quctbce Charles Dunning in the House last that the tariff on eggs be dronned for Hamilton London, Windso-, Niagara and Montreal. Thursday is the adoption of a.polky •10 days. Canada's tariff would drop, Balanced diet -carefully prepared menus have an important part in the health of the, telephova• the Liberal party has 'condemned for too, under the countervailing ?lean, � _ worker. The tiicture shows the Bell cafeteria in the new 11"ver. Halt Building in Afoaitreul. 9 years and that it is significant that Then the producer would drop thou such a change has come on what is sands of eggs into the Canadian mar- „ "°- considered the eve of a general elect- ket. This budget is.a most deceptive' ' Y Dr. tion. was the assertion of both of M, do'eue pro � PAYS USE/diMit9'i3 Ei 131'(£`# �� (t a 7zl T. Maloney, member for Renfrew. The program At the town hall sure- *r Sotfth. and E. W. Rowe, 'member for toraum was followed by dances in the } Dufferin Simcoe, at the Conservative ,muncil chamber and the armories. rally for George Snotton; member' for Baolfi mm w m' n w mm mmmmmb I ;north Huron in the Federal House, - ^' { in the town ball at Winirham . last LUCKNOW �`�y ;Friday. The hall was packed to the Miss'I.orna Campbell, who h'as been s � doors for the rally and standing room in Toronto, -has returned home, KEEP T Ky .'•� R ! hwr at a premium. Speakers took great' exception to Mr. and Mrs. Clare Agnew,; oft the Liberals stealing the policy of the Windsor, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ccinservative party in. the tariff gties J. S, .MacKenzie of town last week. i p ; '�=' ° tion. Miss Flora Andrew, teacher in Lon - "Even Running- had to .:stop and don, spent the week -end at her home: m here. :I 1`o neel;l al all for that ollel 1pnarh tat the ridiculous of the weak away. Even the patter ..Ole -time fro traders, wits the de- Miss Alma MacKay, of Windsori is crrption of the scene of the deliver- at present visiting her aunt, Airs. J.I indefinitely if you £feel£ flim ante of the budget made hv. Earl S. MacKenzie, of Lucknow liy Vaartioleuni. Rowe. They are in that position be- The old town ball which was erect- a•a,use thev have been slipping and cd in lb85 is being torn down and will Vartioleurn iq r-preital7y have realized that somethintr must be soon be only it memory of the past. purpose. Betislied on over done for e,onomic independence. It sir, (lector MacLean, of Anberley', . i was n riplit-absut face for free trad- spent the week -end �, with Lucicnorr S will sliirlcl flat• letpola viii erp, 'Thev come in with a counter- friends. gutirditagauaatiheeons I vaihnp tariff and yet are against a. The Cinderella play was presented to wiliell it is subje, ba k-fru•-brick policy. f "It is ;it a rtrPat jittrfling of words last Thursday and kaielay nights and" art tl+a• ,•t of thq ICina• Ad»tinigirA attracted large crowds. A dance fol -i ltrillttatal lustre mourn tion to ret out of a tight phich;' he lowed the last.lierformance. i larailaQYfg� l9ie'fdEiorQ`E)6'e i.Qa,d The eic-trie storm on Thursday, it in€i bright and c!a ni A mrieul.`„ro has slinped bn.,Az more night did not. do mucic alamage around d u y y tD it first 1 iia the In -t Ift year, •than it hari gain- Lucknow. etc,;. Smith's home was hit i ,.,c ill tt,A 90 rroviotin. lie declared. by a bolt of lightning which Was car- . Mixed f.11•.,finfr sbnuld b-Itept more rred away Ly the lightning rods, and lbfartin .'unocir prorlac•ts in porn Witt, what >Prmwin;;; }Ita'•r,1A a large elm tree was struck. j purlmse, for errPVAurJ •r,•ne t••tiPp ,tnrtrr+io iq 100- weirs old. m�. '�''K •�iG , sold 4y. fr;,,,t. t1 I••A f.•11 +c4 thQy must inerrago - �- --- Mrs. George Rivitt and childre:a, CANADIAN NUINNAL Rye of Dungannon, are visiting their for- mer neighbors here. TRAIN gp } TORONTO Air. and Mrs. J. McKenzie and fan-.• 1 RAIN SERVICE 1.�1 TORONTO ily were recent guests of Mr. and Fred 141 Mrs. mhos. Anderson. DAILY EXE1,E1`1 SUNDAY Mr. and Airs. J. C. Stothers anj p C30DERIC Lve. Goderich 6.20 a.m. 2.20 p.m fancily, of London, were week-en.l " Clinton 6.44 a.m. 2.60 p.m Visitors of Mr. and :41rs, Henry llor- �!v, Seaforth 6.59 a.m. 3.08 p.m ton. _Kw . , " Mitchell 7.21 a.m. 3.86 p.m Mrs. David Anderson, of Zion, who `rr Ayr. Stratford 7.45 a.m. 4.03 p.an had Spent several weeks with anem-� �r c' Kitelie :er 3.40 a.m. 5.20 p.m, bers of her fancily here, returned', " Guelph 9A4 a.m. 5.50 p.m, Home this week. Toronto 10.25 a.m. 7.30 p.m Sunday afternoon '?,teSsrs. J. :ate•; i:eturning_•Leave Taront4 1.55 a.m. yfer1zie� Item. Atote, Thos. and Harvey 12.5, p.m. am 6.05 p.na. Anderron and Miss Olive 101patricu l Parlor Cafe Car Goderich to Tor. attended the funeral of the late Atpp. a onto on mornin3 train, and Tororttpq, . J, kienderspn, of EVin hum, be1oV• i to Goderich on 6:0:i pen, train. tai Wing ham of cars bvovo n Goderich fetid ed wife of 31r. Ili. J. Ilenderson, reove Toronto, of Morris township. J. A. LAT RAXCP, Atr. Milton IIfelltatrick war tiird"i•'. Irown t'Asstxixeir and the doctor's care this Wveela, with 13it q a r hone 8 Tieket ,Ageiat Olivo I•°ree, IIt.: „ pf iJunf;annon, in r atbondance. After. a tlzprouf;h K-rav } °� ^�° ", ' »• e<mminatioa in Victoria llospital,i r, rett,a In 0!" rarow 30 Yaaru Loudon, aturday the doctorrc decided u an Operating unnecessary and that lie! toll££ would be quite. Gell ngain. a �IL LOH AN a� „- .. - .r... y. ..p.