HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-05-08, Page 8r r V P Grams of Wheat andlUce 601%poJ011 STAR A. "c ser. c', k1rel. W. J. 310iciikl. Mr," ozcv-) RL 115UI:411 and Nr,1.i1AvtbuV Vare, I'Pa ac)cnl, an'l ?Arn. je& Jpno# gr,7. Jolin MqTa.v!�%. biro. Vs, A. 11ortono St« --- komm" and Kiro. J. Gem -44101, London, With DIM it. Martir" Mrs. S. rattler, V1- W'T�dCorl with Airs. GCO. Mathic,012. Alta. J. R. SaW ;ffe, Rorwood. ung Utz, (rev.) Wood, 14arl:billp with Skirl. flurry Now. Mins S. and Mrs. P 1, I ".rLyn. Minton. n- %vith land - A t-2,11Up.0DAY, MAI St;', le^o Mg-J, ej. Atkin, Sandwich, and Moa,! 1. x I)aWsweli, ps7--ex, wahmra. K. Aires. S,Vil53n, WiRghaw, and Mrs. S-1 I iy­irom wiu3jr 112ul, With mea, Z1. Mfrs. wightwall., Plytbo With U105 Ole, and 'firs. I•.. Well'-, Walkery Mrs, M Toll, Wa1L-QrV01% viltb, Wheeler. icd Mra. Mrs,. 51141(1100111, WhIlds0r, A. MaqArtbar, Sandwich, With M155 L. Whitely. Airs. G. L. Shipley, Denfleldg and Mro, G. A. pams&v, Lambeth, With Urr'. Fred Watson. � ­_ mr V ­11.v 01intan. and Misst nrlk"+ Qjt-ovxrf�x The Teeth Mrs. J;13. AlMat 4TX4UVAUJ """ L, young, Warren St. Mrr3, J. A. straj�ban, Glencoc", with 4 :shot , tarom nusanc-0% uuns Airs. Wm. Millian. Teethhave.,tobebuilt out Of foods that Mra, W. A. -J;O;Nvso WAS RUN DOWN WEAK rich in phos&0rus and valcium- as Mrs. J. IV. Moore. re make them twice d4liciOus We* ca digestible and Mrs, J. It.. Cox, WalUervila, with AND VERY are r Mrs. IV= 1004, Aylmer, and Mrs.' ain, Little �1004 the-T'roublo Many children.take into adu food Nicholson, Port Stanley, with 3XV-9. T Ho;we*odWg 125 M0004 A, Iraughn, Bridgewater,iii Abner Morris. Mrs. Jas. OtIl that are defective, unit. for the d down Ai. ?A A. M. Stowart). Mit. N.S., w4,q badly rim teeth -vous make& Puff*& Wheat an _rs,�_ (gov.) A. Mite . hell, Dutton, and very weak- $0 muvll- so I could re - tended,. Shredded ..t hall, andUrs. Geo. job that nouruhing 4A do, my bousework, MY natu in With Mrs. Jas. scarcely Puffed Rice as my digestion .,• J. M. Rice, London, and TIM nerves were affected; 1 sound zintinual headaches and ilk hel" develop' 00 Wheat With ps hot cooked cere4s. J. H. !tush, "Tillsoriburg, with Mrs. W. poor; I had v wi all. could not got a restful night's sleep. F. A. Naftel. be good bones. kind of Mrs. Colvolough, Myth) and Mrs. Different remedies failed to 09 teeth, good muscles and TJAVg ym tasted this utterly different k .1 was growing discourag Zciv.), Forster, Londesboroukh, with benefit and - tildog Salts. The and Puffed Rite ... the R ad, One day, however, I saw an ad ich`nthebonc-m T. Phillips. It is r* i I A corea , Puffed Wheat Jiltslane, Atwood, and vertisement of a case similar to mine Mrs. Jas. cereal taco the market today? Mrs, Kingsville, with which had been Dr. Wil- .shreds make chewing Mrs. $t Geo. Price. liams, Pink Pills so I decided to try Wm. Mawall crisp, crunchy Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice are dillerent because Aliss*Nellie Forinau, Reghla,.And. them. A, few weeks' use'of the Pills d. -that develops healthy Choice fall -flavored grains of le London, fully restored my health and now.�iY necessary an thoy'ro inside differently. Cho Mrs. J. D. Detwiler, Mrs. 'r, household duties are a pleasure 7n- toge bronze guns. Then W. 0. PrIdliant. wheat and tice are "ed in I Mrs. Hilton Ogden, Granton, and stead of A t0rtuTP"" guins and good digestion. trouble was expands the natural moil-jy revolved in fiery ovens. This iMiss. Ruth Skinner, Exeter, with Mrs. Mrs. Haughn's whole i d cells, Then the $011S that she had too little blood. ]Dr. tare in the fullitons of tiny foo U. U., Reid. ink to Ate1ire4. Causitis 125 million explosions in every8fal". Mrs. Selilillivolf, Rodney, Mrs: J. L. Williams' PthePills were of aid y renewed and purified Coutts, St. Thomas,, Mrs. Anthony,:her because that good blood p food cell is blasted open, The StAim U4 Exeter, i her blood' and tb romot and Mrs. Moordbouse, Exeter, Every tiny 1pletcly digestlble'js though they had beta with Mrs. Win. Rivers. INI good health, for where good blood mat as con abounds disease cannot exist. j cooked for hours'. Hence Puffed Wheat and Puffed Mrs., D. Campbell, Iona, Station, You can get these Pills from ally and Mrs. F, Walker, Norwidb. With Rice ate virtually As nourishing as hot cooked cereals. on. dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 Mrs. 0. M. Roberts Und cents a box from The Dr. Willialolis Mrs. , Mitchell, Leamington, W "shot from guns" become 8 times 'bit$. Howe, Leamington, with Mrs. E. 'Medicine a Co., Brockville,, Ont. crispness of notinal size, They, have all thc'burtctY crisp C, Robertson. 'Windsor, Air Miss Helen Bartle, sr. J. S. Langford, Whiasor, and Mrs. •fresh ;ow. They taste like sweet now nutmeats. Valnl� DIM - S00110 CURFIr­ meter before was rich grain nourishment ,nude so (Roy.) Cy. W. Henderson, Chatham, 10 ea. order puffed Wheat and with the Misses Robertson. eFor Four Years* delectably PO4 Mrs. W. J. Brown, London, - Mrs, laaitfed Jce from your grocer today. The Quaker OAts. John Gunn, London, Mrs. A D. Reid, WITH. ALL THE BRAN Got wom Xv84 Vier WHEAT WHOLE Tillsonburg, and Mrs, L.. H. Richards, CA=pay. OFTHE_ 570 Sarnia, with the Misses Rose- Mrs. Mrs. J. Doniietto, XoAh oyow, V Mrs.. Goo, Curry, Wqodstocl.c, X PANYO LTO** TM R. xa# *Ata; "I used to hxvw blot T*1r."N^D1^H0HRCD0r-0WH"TCQM QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT AND PUFFED RICE I ntore' With Mrs.' "a dizz .7.OdU, for ,four Yoasi and 'door, and was in promotes daintiness, Persian Raj DixVii, Win settitic wom everr 7"r. Aman wh$ lius no enemies mj4y be rionstra": , ,,I Mrs' TL, A. Alftoilouald,'Str4tford with: Cyan. nI.S. good but it is a question what lie Is charm and beauty. Magical in its at - Mrs. E. V. Richard8on, ENSOX, .with 110.0ne day iny husb"4 asked =0 it good lot. Mrs, L. Z DA"VeY- aceburg, Mrs. H, L_ S41keld. I had. o"r uad iect on the skin. There is nothin. Mrs, W. J. . Cousins, Wall; With Mrs. R, Kirke, GlunwortV, and Mrs, I'maid. I k*A not., like it for creating and. preserving, a W"Y WE, _D -0 IT an, Londom , complexion. Cooling, cared WV A gad, Mrs. Kernohan, W,C. Smith, London, with Mrs. H. E. go he got ine it lovely od relieves all roughj�. Mts. N. Dougherty. Sanderson. bot, and after I Sint, it aoothes.a eaui her conditions. wells, a Mrs. Lloyd,Granton,and Mr's on and W taken half of ;ad by weat WE. LIKE FORBIDDEN SWEIM Fester, Par 11IF Miss Della Mrs, J. D. Ormond, London, with. * ances, the WHY Mrs, J.,R. Kilpatrick, Lond it I found I was on ately fragrant, it eob Cox."1`iansp'ort'afi' roost finished appearance. Makes thd Xrej $. ;ll. BrIgilen,and Miss Mahal Sharman. getting better, r in 'texture. 'Truly a BY MEHRAN 9, THOMSON, Ph. 1). Margaret Carroll, Southwold, In rose with Miss than a U got two d -leaf I shin Mrs. H. Saddington, , Chathar and Miss Jennie. Teeple, Aylmer, with more sitil after • peerless toilet requisite for every:dls. i Springs of HUM40 �CIIO.V Mr&L'Iff, T. gdwards.'� Author of,"Thrs..O. A. Sonley. Mrs,. X., Gall, Ingersoll, and Mrs, and Ser, CeL earning woman. a, Blenheim, with Mrs, 6. E. Bredenberg, Harrow, • H. -0. -Livingston Robt. Raebu . rn, Windsor* with pon*ed . in Veiilth,. I for ever steal a- kiss or a watermeerne gt�atly 61j —Alta We'rell't the 'Ws. John. Felt, Stonehouse. two months and" that was AT# y Long Distance --Short DIstance Wid,YOU A Ledford, Mrs, R� �oo ever ted Adam and Eve fell, for the forbid- Mr A. W� Gardiner, Tb A. Tanner, London, sail I never had a lat or. d, V W -P •. . . For, Engagement$ Phone don to th its. Chas. Hubbell, Thame9villei Is' with Mrs. I boy passe "04 Wfect health," %I ir de$cer(Oitnts all 'mful h' ankerin Mrs Uren' L London, den fruDt it- ei a oUr 111L with Mrs, J. T. Fejl"�' 4m. Vot 21r. S.1t. Mouso, es"tk T. Reilneily, St, Thomas, a a bo* at all And' P it yrs. Win. Gurming,- Rut ptlee, 00 coat anne. Thousi=% WrIle th' hven, and va fair iligs, labeled "Tholl Shalt hot!" atikerihe after forbidden frUit d deaters, or in Central. with hw, neuritis, vanialt -100 and Mrs. J. L. Hotton,_ St.' Marys, mailed direct r 34, Clinton Centr Th� More imMoJiate tauses for h, Mrs. John Pearco, Kingavillb, with an Nerves kqbW Mrs. T. :0 in 46t self.ass - irtion, the desire b4t the galnei With Ifti. Amos Fisher. .'Warn, price by The T. Milburn• are curiosity, VE utowel, and Toronto, 0%tj� " W.. 0, Trutt, Li In& for the tillog itself. MrS. •9. Ander6oll"%Viltoll.cvovel""Wit.h Miss athieson, Union .rbem is no sumer method of sirous- Wisdom and self-control, but not wei. XrSt Jos. Fisher, J,ng curiosity than by telling fa person TO be told what wa may riot. do put$ Mrj�L" (Rev') it. Crozier, Thames - that ha Intuit pot do .1% certain thing. us in, a subordinate positlow We V64 fordi -,*!ad Mrs. J. K.' Curtis, Sarnia, He will Want to do It all the more to sent this as a pqrsobat isuiult.° We with Mrs, ("V.) J. V. Ford.sees what happel Fiji to eo)'oy,the thrill do not.liko to take orders. We pro. Mrd. (Rev.) H. T. Ferguson.erLeann- of Awager. A dutiful mother who far to give them, ,The natural re- ingtion, with Mrs, Chas..'Girvin, Went out for the afternoon,lea log action Is to show "Who is boss." Mrs. X. J. Poole,. Salford, and Mrs. house, d, With Mrs. Several small children in the use, We hanker afWr fo*lddoa SWeetS J, Do 'Nilson; Rio'brilon Geo. Gould, had slAw 6xvillelt orders .that they because we think that in socurilig thoot not Put beau "putting one over." it an, Riidney, and Board in their noses. them we are JAr A. D. MtGuk You' cart #Utss what bapone& It is getting Something for'nothinK. It Mrs. X., McLaten, Drumbo, with, Mrs, �: t � . -might be good strategy to 'tell a -par• gives us a sense of superiority. Of J. N. Graham, . . . . . . . . . son tot to do. what you really want course we are Aot thlAkIng of the Mrs. `WW. a Caniobell, Stratford, 4. A 4 with Axis ;-W,. B.,Grohanu n1lit logo. eLv a bargain counter we, potiAlkyj Because ly X401W intend - V all want the article marked "sold" cot caught. We are too clever for Mrs. (Wy.) Barker, Brussels, and. for no cithor reason than, because we that'L L Mrs. Robb. HoUstan, 01latham, with carat 1hove I& 111it prohibition of FIerhaps th4 monreason wellywe Mrs,D;j D, Gray. r strong drink Is having a similar. at- want. 16ttiddon. h-wiets 14 that We A.rrs. E., J. Coles, Woodstock, and fat. really want them. It no one wanted Mrs, NV. 13. Smith, Petrolea, with Mrs. Forbidden sweets- are a challonjo them, thei* f SOY would be no neW o to personal liberty and sense of Ord- ing, "YOU "Can't have it." Wo waliit Jesso Gray. Miss A. M. Ronnie, New Hamburg. portlon& wo resent the Implication. what Is Arbidden beeauxt it is for. Mrs, X, AT. Leckie, St. yaryA" and: Ofcourse we know how to take care Mildeft and It. is foriilddou because We Mrs. W. W. Murray, Woodstdik, with of ourselves!' Other people may lack want It. 'Such is, human nature. Urs: Jas, Hamilton. Mrs. Penjrose,. Varna, and Mrs. Lake,. lWgetow", with Mrs. Harn Mrv, IV. Burtopi Woodstock, and United hurch W. M. -&-Workers. Air% M S. Afe0elland,-Zeachvillef with Mrs. It, Ifendeifion. whoVill Visit Goderich Noxd.,Week I Mrs. C. W. Dusiby,'.St. Thomas, with X),9. S. Hayden. 'at Edward, and Mrs. J. Ifusser, Pot Mrs. AV. Parker, Watford, With Mrs. Ust'stpetesisteo 'and, rhiisr Hostosies for tho London w. noiri. A . i Mrs. (,Rev.) W. It. McIntosh, Lon- coarerool'100,0ranch W. M. S. Afecting Ali 00derith don. n1%. W'L G. Young, London, Mrs. Next Monday, Tatsday a#41. Wid#*Sa%y J. 'r Macdonald, Woodstock, with Mrd." getheringtort. Urs. (Rev.) Scoble, Wlarave, arld Mrs. V. Price, at. Thomas, and Mrs. (Rev.) Penrose, Varna) al" Mr.-,, 0, Oliver, grigbt, with Mrs. US - )its. (It*%,.) Conner, 4illpen, witil Mrs. W. Bremlitr, Xt1w), With tilt• self 111*11. M.". James Adam, - Misses Blair. Mrs. J. IV. Snell, St. Thomae, find Mrs. W. V. Dundan, London and Mrs. a. 0. Woods, Arkona, with Mra, Miss X. Cairns, camlochte, and Xvg. Wilson, Platt#llloj, with Mrs. X Hiss F. Wadlautl, Wo6d%to* With J. lloward J. II,. Altion. LXJ$' Thos. Gibson, Wroxeter, and Mrs- Frank Sightili- Mrs. 11. 101011, Sarnia, Mrs, 11 1), Livinggton, purest, Mrs. J. G. Areld- Nits. S. C. Luker, Chatham, with Mrs. Mrs.- 1as. More, St. Marys, and Thos. A)Ietb Mrs, It. V. Workman, Blenheim, with bald, Woodstock, and' Mrs.'R.StirrItt, Miss Tap��cottj London, and Miss L. Mrs, AV' S. Bowden. Sarnia, with MtA. M. W. Howell. Utham, with Mrs, T. J. Mrs. 1). Chittakk" Chatham, and Mrs. D. L. McCrae', London, Mrs. SWKW, C Mrs, IV. J. Vance, yorest, with Mrs. G. A. Wbeeble, Lation, Mrs. D. H. Avdtnon. 11 : 0, Brockow. Douglas, Chatham, All ,s Clara Pres- Mra.U, S. Ileard, St. Thoulas, Mrs. Mrs. gd. Bottge4 Mouktorl� and tonj Stratford, und­ MW PalethoirPe, It. White, Stratford, A1189 A. X. Con. MISS F. L m mitt. Ike ItTillman, Thompson. 01#11helm, with Korea with Miss SlthOr Ilu e- 11tel" a Mts' J, N. Gosfld, St. Mrs, (Ttev.) Gi W. Butt. Airs, W. $. Wray, London, Mvr.'. A. o with Mrs. W. J. Mrs. It. 1104r, x0oretowir# strid J. Mexiancy, wootlstoek, Mrs. G. A. Va. ceo. Cowan, Chatbain, slid Mrs. W. Shaw, Tel�wtteol Crook, With Malcolm'Seitforthi, oad Miss Jean Mies Cowaill with M . bliss Alice n. Afrs. S. Cade. Murray; meter, with Mrs. J. IV. Hurt - AI". V. 0. W*t8ow', SAMIS', with ter, ei '11taboth Campbell. gro. Norivian Ilei, XingsVille. and Miss E XT*- It, J. McLellan, Loudon, and Mrs. Veriner. (!Jmton' grpil Mrs. Mrs. trwv.k C. F*rqubars-ou, Wind - 91s. a. 0. PAtUer, Strathroy, with Uighogtr, Mitchell, with Xr*.,P. J. met,. with Up.'Frid'Itutit. Wind - Mrs. At X. Atkinson. Mrs. $.J. Martin, London, and Mrs. Canteloo. Mra. T. S. Alum, Woodstock, and Mrs.. Ito% M,,Alpjae, St. Mary$, Mrs. V. T. Meow, WbodstoeI4 With W-X*m Forest" with N. Bitflio. Mrs. L. A. IM11, St. Marp, Mrs. 141- 'Mrs. Edward Johnston Mrs. Urititli, stmthvoyo and Atra. t*lbttt Sertv&nd, jKlugi;vIlle, vith ide Illack. Windior, arA Mrd. V. R. Mrs. Donald Stewart, Rodney, and Mrs. Chos. Wker. ft Raw, with Mrs. (Rev.) O. Mrs. Manson Itorton, Shedden, with Xto. Ceti. Gilmore, London and F. Clarke. 'bird. Janice 1'cihttsiton. Mrs. S. jt4rgiel, p .jdSt with Mins Mxrgxr#,t aed&p, gtrkro, *n4 )error. W. J. Greer, d to,wri, js . ree # Ivisham, On X". usttmw 10at". Mr -r. Laing, Embro, with Mro, A. C. Mrsi. W. IL Willig, Whigham, with Us& Mr,*, Itobt. Johnston.Xr#. It. Flock, Colrohnsran d• d -Mr#, W. J. prown, Landon,ind Itts. D. A. T*ekaberr-y4AjMon# AnellRet.) It 1114% Wallacoburg, withMrk. XeL*atv, Wifteeb4W9, With XIM F- Small, XL E191", with MM xra• P. IV, *letter. Mrs. A. L. Cole, T, Johnston. Mrs. J. J. mewillilknis. Lomon, ltfkd bIT& D- %V- OVAIIAM, W41IMetOW11, Mrd. a. S. &ott, lAIWM, with 1,41*. and My& A. J. Fulton, St. Thoma% A. J. C . with Mrs. Frank Xershaw'. '0610r. IS Mrd. lJoYd Gravktoft arA Mrs, F04- Met- 11- 6lQd4ey, Irik"Od, and M' Catter" Bristim with Arts, Arthur to,, rairkhill. whk Mims Reline r -on. S Mrs, CL Aiktm, PT"doll, Mrs- A. W. 14alftlattovk. Shepherd. Alviattoot, and XM W. T,• Mtn. F. Br -on, Draww1ville, ant, Gray. Alti*j�jtofk, vilit XM X A, Seett, Woodstock, wits 4 a 6JPdW*,A#&*iia nota, 1 Mrs. V. U. (UtIAM) It". Mex, W. N. 11todh4tanw, Avoh"8t, 11j. X. XI#Vjr4o. liurt, Miss SAVA MeXerroll. Chat AmIa- 3404voll T#daess Arthur 0 , lary. bamt attd Mrs. J. Irwin. centraliat �WA "Hwo inka&a, Mr& J. X Noll. Btarrriaa, am X-ft,L with xrs, (Revjj�. turidv, Nile, At"WANWA �361,j merrar, with X". JA Xr& F. lullmAvae. F-4ardalt, Aft" Cott. , 9", J. tAkrixfovij, Undo% v;;th mi3 WIAN MrsX Ami4trooW, St- XW314, AW. F. ftrAr. wiro%,r, sail,'01 witl mrs, X XCUy. on 41111C WTd 0 ote U"tftt Tire# ofid tu guarante&