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The Goderich Star, 1930-05-08, Page 5
- THURSDAY, MAY sth, iM THE GODELI� H STAR PAGE l IVZ --•_ -- = �_ -----��- -- - _ - - - - Rgo, and.11 tax roli and on 1929 tax pasta tlienuto ca rata e�en !lisRra kYoung a xitatdtiastatu 10f �+ KILLERS 1FOR MOTHS Erie l�izet or slid Elia taws solieitar 7 The public Wei'les committee Yep3rt- i. a M jf jr f fiend tiw.l! W v sliocald have herr# seriefihiug seiaereke eel as fallsaw ao s recapai LTT It,ewore the council tl_at night si sorry; desks With Wire fencing or cable law Ely tsl�t, flit, LaI"YPX�, MQihiis, Saphu aeric?n w to taken, and added, '�I crce:t :l on klie tioxth aide of read ta Oup House FuPoishings Depaptment . govt snow whether our solicitor as Maitland Golf grounds from tap o , acting for us; I dont think he is." hill to turn. Wo recommend Haat A. w « % Vptaty Iaeove C'raigle said W1iat,J. Cooper be instructed to, till in old offers You many Special Voices in the Cedarlene Flakes, Math Balls, etc. ow motion meant was to give theme Arca WaYs on street at corner of Vic -i . o time, Anal en lois repeated call for tho , traria and 11smatou streets, and to a I to p«tataet your fur coat, woollen blankets, che=Alelds motion to be ptit the vote, as record- � lout crit letice or rail to protect public f �allowlln� iliiG� ,« „ , . Cel abote. was made.from exeavation at this coiner. We � - �: N CO- S permitted to erect ward an l 4 � 11 11 htntl corrects at+;alutt the destruGti.�n Eaf'the dreade3 Iatotli. lauAanesstt�aara�a_sicmted at tE� c®xsa ©j�Q end that? the llell Ttelegah��no �'�I�i� �L�R'�c`�I�1S ��I' �i+�Ir. 4 ,�'� �� �IM�O ' /�r p �+ �* DRUG r T/�r ry+ mil naeetin^. 1 rive poles on the south end of I+.esys r ":` "'°"`"' °""" {.SRAM B LP rr7 DR4► G S i QR ; MY. ,T,,Ii. Iwbcrtcon. asoesnor anti5strer„ as ,per their request of March I'IIfJ?tYla Sia. collector, reported Haat rite tissessingy 9�,2h, the privilege to be aC rise Plea- a' fn subdivisions 1 and ' tvas practical- sure of the cauneil. We beg to re - 1 Swiss Panels, each .....................................»..., ly completed and tax notices for 19of), • Port progress on the matter of goal:- >°,<. 0' . 19 • rt � _ = m: R® with arrears included,. tverc� being; pre - Ing into rias purchasing of a rocR p r5 u t �� . , �.- pared, Referred to the finance cow- crusliatag plant. We recommend that Ruffled 4 ��. s With dainty colored i'>Zi#lea, mWee. '"No f`'umping" signs be placed silot,� SO to Q THE COUNCIL 1tilx, Fi: C. Witmer, eciiietexy sa'xton, tEae river and lake b :nks sand that the e`tit'.. ..,.,.,.., „ �., V' TOWN police be instructed to rosecute of- «.«...,.... .. „ . p ..... .._.,« .%« .V., reported threw ,tritermenta, during the fenders,- _ P . ._.r .� -.. ; •. _ _,_ ._._:,a__..._.-__, , �__.___ month of -April and rive lore sold, an .. <. _. _ ___ ..-._. - .,�,r,..:.e.;' thtit the surplus esistii from the iviti•#iie altecfal' eorumittce r.. w. , ecorntnend• ter had lacers cleaned, and a lot of ed Haat both tidos of the road around SU-i>aG*"� SUn aSt it k Dia � es, per r�tt'd.».. , � . , .._. _-.....- _ $ r� o Y+uta' aun�ii GidGa to'1l'ry toCatin�;cer=,. -`:l ioiiairable r tlao S F . y i the ront�li pllices burned oFf, acid th . quaixe be marked oil° for auto ". Settlement" oil; Its Own Appeu2 to Supreme Court everything was now being, raked. Parking and that safety zone;a from 8 Mr, John Howrfe had worked three the dread of ea& street into the //�� 59C Without Going to Courtdays that week. Mr. Witmer 'also Square park be marked off also. tach Shadow Cloth, per yard ,.„,,.»......»,..,»<...>«„«..«,» ,....,,, ,>.....,... 1 . _ •.—�---+ asked for a ground sheet, -which was :flip water, light .and harbor corn- T COUNCILLOR 13AILIE IS MOVER OF MOTION needed very badly, --Referred to the mittee recommended that three new 36 -Bich English and American ,Chintz30c . cemetery and narks committee. Bite buoys be purchased at a price it A request from Mr. Wm. Tebbutt of $7 each, and that the necessary �j to $1 o 0 0 for ermission,'to eonstrut.t a concrete rope bo procured n yard.......................................I......,.....,,.....«....« . lV4n+�' Point Out This Would Wetaal[Cn'i+¢wltf if Position asci Leave p and buoys Cnsta,lled Council's Blights Unsettled., driveway across the boulevard to the at the harbor front, that signs be curb in front of his dwelling on Mon, erected at the water front offering a y �� . .,-- +r-�-.-. l tregl street was referred to the pub- reward of $10 for information as to 54�CI [>f i av ' T pe$tl"y� �ni' a�(� d * The regular meeting of the town amount of costs to either party, be- lie works committee, destruction. or misuse of life-saving council last Friday, at which ail' the lieving.• as wsi .do ,that this course A petition from the residents of equipment at the dock; tnat the neat.*Z • would heal. the feeling that does exist CQYborne, • street from Church street ter of providing additional pe4estriatl� . members were in attendance; was en- at the present time in -connection with to Nelson street, asking that this aceomnrodation across the Q. I% R. Also. 8 large assortment of figured,: spotted and checked - • ' • livened with anotlior episode in the this suit. When he vote was taken street be graded, gravelled and oiled, bridge on Haxixar Iliu and of main- . 'Wellingtafn"street Sidewalk serial, It Reeve "Turner, ounciliors Bailie, was• read and referred to the public taintng approaches' to the t7: P, I . Marquisette*. ; started with the reading by the clerk Worsell and Met,ean and Deputy works comnnittee. bridge on tiaarhor Frill be taken up , of the following letter he had receiv- Reeve Craigie voted "yea" and Conn- . Petitions, for the construction of with the C, P. R. and that the •Com. wC carry a complete range of roagoleum Rugs in all patterns ed from the town solicitor : cillors Moser, Craft tend Humber and Warrecementn street from Britannlks on the ia road to df the be notified t4 t. unl is arranged . . and sizes. . . •. - Croderieh A rig 30th; x930.' Mayor, 141acEwan voted nay; and reluav antly com- ,�,,�.�,,.,��,,. - P the , ijt#ttor,, wap,",declared carried. Thomas street,.and-on the• south side Polled to apply to the Dominion Reil . U L{ Knox, Esq., The vote was not taken before a great: of Britannia road from William street way Board. 'rhe committee reported Tatvir.aClerk, Goderich, deal of discussion took place. to Widder street were laid on the ta- visttfng the waterworks building at The Catsh . I I ble. . the harbor and' having: aketclted out Photne 6Dear Sir, --Rei Wellington street' . Councillor Saalae in supporting his a l Store a Ee HIB Bil'K T sidewalk. I ,understand frori. Mx. motion said he had come to the con. A petition from Mr. Antonio for pan for a .rest room and comfort • -1)anceY at noon today than he is -pro- elusion that if an honorable settle- lfeense to peddle fruit and vegetables . statioir and recommended that the x from his Store ween referred to; the.; matter W taken up with•`l he water . ,, �rosing to write either to the council . mens could be come to, and be believ- - � t Qr the individual members outlining' ed it could, the council woul4 be well special committee• and light coinmisslon to have .built, .. ,,_ _ home proposal for settlement, ligt advised ,to make a settlement, but he ?'lie following applications fcx .on an equal division of the cost; ' - - hA this is I do n know as ave building .permits" were referred to the The Court of Revision r mittee moved. that the Water and Mian Buchanan, Dir. Wheeler and 'Mr. for $269:83, Tuesday, May 12th, was . yY of I. h would not make• a settlement unle..s reported - con- � ' . I not been informed:.$ would. riot vil- he felt that it ruse en honorable ne fire committee: From. C. H. Rause, sidering the appeal of Ro�bt. Winters Light Commission .be asked to move Buchanan), "God. Will Take Care of set for the council to make their art• dfnarily have cornveyed this informa- He had felt as strongly as an that tq erect garage on Gloucester sttreet; against assessment of $44,13 on Hur- two hydro poles which were too far You:' - ntial tear of the. township to plan loner tion to .you if it bad' not been that I thea appeal should be fought ti from J. W. Murray, to. ei•edt, an 'addi. on road property of 995 feet fionta « out on the harbor hill. Mills had been An announcement and commenda- estimate the work. for 19;10. Tho pP g t out but 6e the cause of the recent damage to tion of the t4rort tura Lions Club to Clerk was instructed to advortitxi ' believe 'rhe Tieeve feels that all the ft Would .probably .cost Si00?fo1 .A .tion to his store on Br?taniiia road-, for sewer rates and recommended that ., g , routine roeedure leaden to a s tile* 1 w e ;ta- e from. W. R, Birme, to taut m store his local ianpxavement sewer rat b. the fire truck. •0ouncillor Moaer taking up on behalf of the crippled Court of Revision at Holmesville 0A P, g e A .Y, fi . .h pP Ar in the. case in Tor- iront and make repairs on -East at,; y one half for a ,,econded this and it was'carried, children of tho county came very' ap. Monday, May 20th, at 10 o'clock a.m. re<luced: b• meat s' ' Yo s reported. caul ai e if ve amicable ;settlement � h Year ving The' council: then adiourned. ro mately at a service the keynote Council then adjourned to meat on - arrived at he thought it from F. H. Spence to re -roof <Iwel- The rice committee reported having n' n „ ' „ Xaurs, truly, could , lin on St. Geo I t; anted all re of which was service for others, Monday, malt 20th, at 10 a.m. for ; DifblEY I�. HOLMES. would be better. g.. George's Crescwnt; from quests for building :per- C. E. Marley ,nits rEferred to it at the revio s SCHOOL TEACFLI~Rs WANT and we are sure the community as sa Court of Revision and .ether business, i` y Co., Ltd. to, uiect, bill- SALARY SCHEDULE whole will want have Its share in lt, G. TFIOMPSON Clerk. It game out in the dfscusaion 'that Councillor McLean as• the seconder p u ' hoard on Ki ton St.; €rem .H. (;. meeting. , a previous letter had been received of the motioli, said he. was ria lover Filsin r >l1 The cemeter At the movably meetin o£ the the:effoi•t in co neetian with the bene- '"'” e. #roma the gaolissttor�`by Councillors Bai- of .layr �e,town had had enough an ge , . to re-mof dwelling on • y committee recom Y g n A vindictive nature is cue ..tliutt t lie .and Iium'ber, which Deputy,Reeve thst 14Ict11?ieltael case :which could have Vv est. street, from W. A, Coulthuest,. mended the filing. of the sexton.'s xe public school board, 'which was held fit entertainment to be given Thurs• , > , e port and that the ommittee be a on Monday, May '5th, 'a deputation day, Fridaty and Saturday next week.. steps on a fly after getting it dotvsa, t to re -roof dwelling on West ,street ; . ,--.,.,.,,,, .0 . , Craigie said should, have been sent to been settled in the beginning for* a, from Mrs. Mary Tulin, to, erect Fear- orized to get estjivates of the co uth representing the teachers of Victoria e the town council and scat to two mem- small sunt. warm cost of Strang grow stout your jvife eeeinit ` Ma ' ac a age on Brock street, from .Mrs. Han. 8' and installing. electric lights and 'Central school, rvaited an the, ' + after a skinny woman flirts with uu. hers of it,•:and Councillor Bailie .ad yor iYI , Ew n pointed out that Pah Smith, to out in in new stare front in the cemetery sexton's 'dwelling. board asking that a salary schedule UNI�Yp�' C.QL1N�Xr y Y presented the town solilcitor :should have he had reported to the ea tncil verbal. p imp, for the various rooms, with an initial Gederich Township ADVERTISE IN TAR TA a'. ” on East .street; front Joseph DI, These xepartg were all adopted.' P S presented this letter to 'the council. IY any .offer ,of ;sgatlement that was Public salary, and a gr:<ried iticreasa u to a Smith, to erect addition to haute' on Chairman Moser of the Public - p Council mat,iln Holmesvillo on l+lon-. It made,aome suggestion of a. basis Of made to him and knew nothing of the St, David street; from Thos. Harris Works committee asked h fix©d maximum for the room or grade . the Cali9lder« - „ - letter that was sent to Councillor tion of the Cbuitell 0 be adopted, this. was to et over the day last; minutes of last meotittg road settlement and was read in the meet- to re roof store ion g Ing last kSCiday. AM the last meeting Bailie till ..he heard of it'indfrectly. Square, Frani A. ss rock f the Purchase of and. -adopted. (Department of Public .�„�. R. Snazel, to re=roof dwelling on Wil- cc crusher, rhe town had all necessity, tewhers felt. of making. of the .council Councillor Baltic said- 'taring that,4?ouncillor Humber had sorts .o earl - , pec Highways statement of subsidy on Beamiller' 4arieii'e - ham street; from: A. ,C. Clark turd• f gravel but was yearly requests is for. increases. and of . a i .he knew nothing ab the: standing ' • wasting town hili roads for 1929 mat; Present- 1. also 'received & ,letter he had thein roof dwelling: on Brock at.; from E, money under -the present cyst m a feeling there was something wrong if We •have a la larger stock k than , of.the suit and Asked a question and compared and found they were the he thought the a nd carne did' not et n ed and'tivhich the treasurer reported r8 r c same, C. Belcher, to re roof dwelling on g tottn should have a , g air increase and having reeefved amourl�ting to $2,- ever of. Bedding Ilan , TrAl- a few :dgiys afterwards he met Mx.. Cambria road; from Vii. N. Rfvers to crusher, others did. The Board, we under-. u 1 ttg� Dan y„:who ••said he had `written a' Mr. 1l•IacFwan said he pointed out ' 82Y.12. Good Roads Association again ere; Ann a s, and Vefietalalc R. ` re -roof dwelling on New gat s.t,; Councr or: Worsell a ee that stand, at 6ne time did try such a plan use Plants from which a make' a (..tetter tOr the towtr Eolfcitor, acid tlii5 that a' settieti}ent by consent would e," town should uId I d and abandoned it re req e t d a anembership fee—filed, t no from J. Wigigins to' erect garage on have a. crusher, As it , presumably for Provincial Weed Inspector wrote iv« , selE�tion. is tie tetter wfl;p>t ;Mr,' Iiohnet, re t, del=ids the ouestidn .of law invoiv Wellington'ruse note the be t ro same good` reason probably that ft p g IA i+" " "" ed,.4*hich thte la . ,st,,•. nx..tVit>,•.aPro:�yl„ to ", » 6 ani ma�terinl rias > p y fn notice that u meeting, would bo 'To make sure of getting the parted .in hili :'letter to Councrliorq tvyers admitted, re -roof dwelling on. Tord o streets left rtt'tiie lsif, v 4 was „not flexible enough to provide t; g to ,8€til{e,.ancl Humber. lie agreed with that env one .in a similair case, cooler a - held in the near future at whloh the mgrleties you want, it is ndvis- 7 •_ again fit:Yve from Mrs,, Nairn, to erect garage on CeUticilW Ka es, was in favor of • for teachers of differing qualitIca . ocit wee inspectorw x a Ltie 104p%ity )';reeve What the• town- soli g an injunction _issued. a rock c she Lions; ,ex orience or efl5cienc 1 1 d .. was expected to able tri• salcct or send in your knot's ioxaer course would have been Both lawyers had dill dallied and Ketiys ,t.; from 'R:' C..8ays, to make r,, butt- asked how' the y who attend; the clerk . was to notify Dir. orders earl , and if ecessa ' o did dilly-dallied., addition, to apartment on' Ifamrlton p, might be accepted at times D. Y y b purchase was to fins . ed. Gliddon when;,the meeting will be. we will hold tho stock for you '' -, to bring•,this letter to. the attention p c no afhention;to the towns bn,t- CuUnzillor Moser -thou ht he for the laid the grade,.., However rice •. street; from 'J. ,C. Sheardo*n, to erect g-, t town k petition signed by ratepayers of till planting time, of the whole: council, but he was pre -t nes or ttr Mr., Wigle s. To his mit,d poultry house on Maitland road:; from in" buy a crusher', now and board laid the .matter ovex to l:e tak• the whole.thin do Nos. 9, 10 and 11 schools was present- The: Wonderful New Cabba e Hared to xhalce a motion now, as fol- g was 'a mess. He rues C. W. Ellis, to re -roof garage on Col- without a tractor for .t}ie . resent ten uP at the . next, meeting. Mr. p g };nye ; ready to wake a settlement but the all events, rid P a lYgajor's re i nation dated April by Mr. W. H. Middleton asking for golden Acre if set out now will borne sty» and from H. Legiiatt, to at use teams, resignation', ,8th, , Moved by Councillor BaElfe, Second- .two lawyers were arranging things Councillo was acro ted .tot a a re -arrangement of those swtionh be read for use earl ''in Ju ed b Councillor Mclean that this' between themselives and foohin ' wftli re -roof . dwelling ton William St..' r Mc7.Qan %Pointed out that p , ake ffect May 9th, ,anal to farm n nenv section . fAam Y . Y , us.: ,`I g An application from Thos. `J. An- the hauls would. eat be long; perhaps poo rata payment to be made. amen them. There being , no notice council use every effort in its powe>, dt3nk care tvho' wins or, ttho riot ion enou ..The principal of 'Vi,:toria school re- g g ►rlll'+■�./T BOS. loses, said Mayor a , derson for renewal of .his' license .tea gh to •make the use of, P of any meetings having been held to Arrange an honorable settlement of. yox DiacEwan but i peddle coal -oil a d gasoline d r a tractor economical. ported 3�T3 pupils ori he rolls in " ,the injunction 'now pending be . is an .awful mess of a way to do busi- n n g And for Rev • - :r rig for this purpose there was no action R 'R. 4. (ndcrfch, brit. 1 Reeve Turner as Chairman of fin p t average attendance 280, 76.8 taken. Superintendent's pa voucher Phone Carlow 235. E. R."Wigle and the Town. By doing 'r the to, the refund was read and refer- per cent.; Fenny Bank de asits p , . ness.� Nnthiirg was settled from the red to the anecial committee. ante committee 'thought the :town` r p was xese»ted and was ordered aid ' ' so we would save a very considerable towns Point as to sidewalks, sewers shbu)d not ,bs�go more deb *59.12 . im 260 deposits;:, non-resident p p l or.. J g y A eammunfctitian, from Mr. J. p. entures irately 'If the ud a were to say Hume, eeCi'etR of the Cr. C, I: board, than ft re .t fees pard . $3y D1tss I3. Murphy sup ••--.--- ".--...-- -• .-.•- • to the courssil, you can't put gravel on large -...;4. `�nd` already quite a plying one da f #' Cir p - � O heatre tit a road tha council couldmot put.it on as thin>;s'stood now, and the council asking for the, payment of. 52200 on% their levy was read and referred to finance was . using issued.. A rusher' was not the only cost; the. totivn would need a truck ; Y o i , ifs:- v, fytMy. WA principal of Gentriil' school re- ported 206 on:the rolls,'average ttt�the . .. , V was made subservient to the .:within committee with power toI. � and er' ;It was left to the . tendance, 176. 86.9 per cent. • Penn _ ,. � __ WEEK CF MAY 12 to 17 when it was acting perfectly within its rights, It was an insult to the act. ' . . A letter :front Mx. Carmichael of the Lorne Fire Engines, limited, Mit- . . committee to t •bring 'in a recommendation as to the Purchase of a crusher, Bank deposits, $48.04, in 1.12 dopos its; Mrs, Reddit $ teaching four days . -._-,-�-u-.--.-...�._:. ".-,• __ ,_, ---,_ MONDAY and TUESDAY' judge and . to every man here when the suggestion was made that: the chell, enclosed account for the ladder truck recently y puiichased by the fire Councillor Worsell had somet}ifn of a giaevance. tIn t#�ie Piro commit' � � for Miss Wilson and Miss Sturdy one day for Miss Hern. DOROTHY htACIiAILL fudge would. be' got to amend his or- der. And pradtically. all the •eosts of departmenh, adding interest from April 1sb to May, 1st, at 7 percent. he had moved for the purchase of 200 feet of hose, and the motion had Miss Tully sent in her resignation to take effect at the (lid of the term, with Louise Fazenda And Jack.Oakle . present a picture rich in fun, charm the -'appeal had already been incurred, Councillor Humber nsltefl if these It was decided to write the coin- parry to the effect that front springs never been .put. And Councillor Croft• as seconder of the motion, al- and this was accepted. The resigna- tion was understood to be on account ` o£ high ua lit . And entertainmentY aq A fast moving comedy about a girl entl me g e n rho sponsors f . ( o the-' mo- p � tion) .could give any suggreW641- as to, bad not:yet:been r,Aplaced as, promised: also asking that some one come from ,� ' • �^ al ected to a vote not being taken. The fire chief' had asked for 300 feet of he r health. Miss Tully asked for w recomniendation,'which will be gfv- - • who sought riches but found romance, "HARD TO the settlement that 'm;gh.t be made. Could they give us• an idea of the Y terms I the plant 'to look over `the chassis frame to see i£ it was not springing. of new, hose. Che,iitnan D%ieQn of the fire cam-: en, Miss 'Nelson asked if the board �� Quid ,consider increasing her salary for next + N, i JACK: PERRIN, in .. " "THF LONE RANGER" ` The Ma• or said it was a mos; sin- Y An application from F. G..'Wilder, Milverton, for the position of band mittee said that he had found that the department had 2800 feet of hose ;100 year, and a motion by Trusteed, Millar and Cuttto make the Fox NEWS gular position to be in.. 'Mr. Wiule had backed down but without coming leader, was received and Mr. Wilder l will be notified the town has a band I ( and he did not :sec the need for any more, unle:•s the court"il inerease, was adopted. Miss 'Sharman. asked for vaulting . WEDNESDAY and OiTdring; anything. .There was nothing before the council. leader. . A letter from Mrs. Buck with re- .were pre. paned to get enough for three corn. plete hangups. . poles .and balls and intimated the in - tention of having a sports day in the LAURA I,al?LAhFT>J.. . Councillor Bailie said hfa motion find brought the natter before erre fereiice to eases of alleged interfer- ence at the dumping grounds was ro- Councillor Croft thought it fedi-' . rated a lack of knowledge a chairman near future and asked the trustees far :some assistance in carr i yiri out heads an all star cast in the absorb- ing 4r€zma" bf a society beauty who courk4l and: it was its duty now to say whether it :tpproveti the oue5tion. £erred to the public works committee look into-. and adjust. with the "hould have had not to know the ton- clition of the hose on hand, How- the events. ' This was referred to the suPP13� Committee. .Trustee Cutt, tec*de thd central figure in a, scan- Councillor Humber obiected to the to chief. Apparently. Mr. W. Brindley ever, on the chairman's explanation, chairman of the property committee, dalolia mystery motion because by it .the town ryas to was appointed look after the dtimla• Councillor Worsell withdrew his der,. recommended the placing; of cave- troughs `"SCANDAL" Cheng the other side instoad of them ' ds on h belief that Mrs. r un the nl a fn a g >; rna rid for a vote a e to allow a o th e chair. a along the sheds in the school UNIVERSAL WESTERN "iCIN(l OF THE RODEO" n c ricin a to th town. It w s >ti n passed by the council of. Inst. year to Buck slid not wish to continue. biat,or MacE,wan reported a latter mail to brine; in report on what hose the town had on hand. grounds n s n t; and theremoval of five trees in the boys' playground at Central go ahead with the appeal aairl he did not lrnoty if a majority vete nosy from DIr. J. A. Somers in the Cntrtrest Councillor Moser wanted soniethfng the seh'ool. These recommendations were left over to next meeting h THURS., FRIDAY SAT. , could set that aside, of the Detroit, Ashville, Miami High- way and this was referred to the ape- on minutes to shote that the toren scales ,at the C, N. R. were in first of g t, the whole board to see the conditions and t . The LIONS MINSTRELS The Miiyor pointed out the. propos- -i r¢ the ma+ion undoubtedly weaken- eine committee. . class 'condition and the matter ,was meet At Central school at 7:30 pain. Juno, 2 -id. Presenting their worth benefit per- • rd `lie to« n':; position. Councillor Croft paid lie could not: A requrst from the Salvation Artnv for permission to hold a tag •lay in with their referred to the orarket committee to bring in a.report. I Reeve Turner thought the _ ,,.,,: .' I1.1 VON LODGE" MA'TiKs farmancet in aid of the crippled chfl- dren of Huron County, Produced and - yuppoxt thr; oration. The matter lirrd been ronrection self-denial tveelc, was granted, on motion of maj>.et ground should be cleaned up. The ANNIVERSARY f)ri+ Oftl)lid BY. CHURCH Sp-aV`ICl directed by • MEAKINS going on for three or four -oaths rote. The council' was snore C,ounrillnrs Humber had }3atlip. the t"r' day not to be held on 'July 1st. town should not as), the people to clean up if it did not set tire -example, There Was a good attendance of ,, . MR. CHAS.. l8SI5TBri B than anxious to have the matter set- tied but rho council was told by the A complaint from i<iiss I§a%er nS water flewini onto her property was pie. The matter_ of li':ense fee for Mr, members of Iluroc Lodge, No. 6L,i l: ' C' '�. at the annual church ser- i r� I�+ R. GETI AN B. IJAVIE5 own solicitor that Mr. Dam-ey would hove letter le tomgrro, but he diel di�cusvecl and was referi°rid to the pith- lir works tiommittee with flower to Antanfo for peddling was discussed and lie was allowed to continue in the woe, tvhich was Held tills year in? North street ist. church on Sun - Your old favorites, George and Henry, are on the "ends'" again, supported by not seer any letter from bray He a certainly was in favor of g;ofng ahead act The Mayor asked a16ont ,rallinrr a meantime, He has paid $5 to apply ' on license fee. day morning last. ' In welcoming the lodge the LLpantor, two other Mystic Nights and a chorus of well trained songsters. with the appeal. If they came along, with some ober the council cou',d ac- incetinrr to arrange far a Dominion ymy celebration and it tufts left to on the suggestion of Councillor Bailie, the Magor accepted, what he Rev. C. F. Clarke, read come otatia. i t1Ca Of t11L' Order, in the tvay of mem cent that would be different and he the ,Mn or to call a. publie meeting; at a said would be a pleasant duty, to ex- bershfp and amount spent in relief i I Come and get a glorious guffaw for did not want to saddle Mr. Wis'le with an early. date, on motion of Council- tend, a civic welcome to the London work which thawed the vast extent every cent you spend and incidentally ' costs, bat hr certainly felt iilcP un- .Inrq Bailie and Craigie, Councillor Conference Branch W. M. S. meeting of the mark Of the order, On ac- I holp swell the fund in aid of the un- fortunate ,children. holding the dignity of the cauneil. He was willing to give Dir. Wkgle sa Humber thought it too arson to call a meeting but Councillor Croft pointed • in Goderich next tyeelc. 1, Councillor Moser asked what the count of the, road work of the order . Mr. Clarke said he was very happy, Matinee sat' at 3.00 p.nt. ...mow. - few days to make a ,proposition, if "" "1' "" ont that Dir. Reynolds was already marking to get baseball tealrts for the . council intended to do about building l rems!nt sidewaltts. lie was doing the to welcome the order and for what , the members were thetalselves. 1.day +rid the ltlayor said tla©° usual ; cement work for Messrs. DIcllfanus° complaint was that we started to pre. I new building and was surprisod tat Fifa subject for Iiia terinoit %ups taken from rho nary of the traveller; to ��� �� pare too late, i the number of renueato he had 'for nn rise rasid frons JCrusstlem to Jer•. ,� : The finance C'ommitteo reeonimend-' work. Ile thought the council should Hast 'so ic110, salalcla, like a Cross neetian of life, revealed bunion nature, •` . Cd the filifttr of treasurer°tl state- Coins to some decisionchat rile meat, of the tax colle'ItOlea`rsMtement, work could go on if the walks pots• cis tram of the prehent day as of olden times,, for _ r� , and of Mr. It. J. Walker°a letter soli- tinned for were gointr, to be built. roc mill land individtiisls trrtd or. ? Citint inaleonnc0 LWfriesri ; that a 1 Ha %vas g7oing to continue tine work gdnitatiaaaa ready to role people of I l their errant of $$100 be tirade to the Goderielt on the roads while his appropriation pp"esafonb and' good name. The on MOTHERS' DAY, SUNDAY. MAY 11th Fall Pair hoard and a rhesque be is -i lasted, ,. liteenvalks o service Rfor med for the OVqunt. The inatter of � others cif the ideal , ' ni to end raiotiler .tt bunch syr 4ioreera or a plant. This Is your opportunity If mother Imo vassrd on. wear a white flower in her tnerirary, reported' t iat ., " oho bonds ref' the In- que fox the five ladder track, exeepticommittee Wagommittee referred to the p blind worl s 0°ania104n. Tho largest rigid the Le. Vito in thb stor Ia , to report on, and the May. ve I' �ivexe ftp sarently iy ,resp i ' Y - Wo nail kaava' fiatveYt del to ed to any country thYou 1i Our FlotvrYs J y t i one lead been s . CrAk, for« rind tElnt ar t'omplimented the public v; arks -table People and their con, . damnatlptr • �.`C1C$iCal�li ileliivel`y. ° °i Oa ST A , + �' chairman an the good %voYk lie t7ttn all the bonds, erc�ep„ four. of the lIl'gy., I dro I.lertric iascle of $20,000 had bion i lu"'iili done cin• rhe roads. qubscribed for rind rceommended that Avlalication4 for the use of proper. eva5 t1o1F fray any rain of l eommission, tic, sihiply that, In the ' faCa of need, they did nothlur. ` . file" botld., SSC butt. Bribed fair, lie sold tv sit tho Wheel Rig;o iaremiaen and 40 inWir-AA Ilianibtrs for thiq rrr. Phone 105 and delivered, s C-4 r e"tteA ox re-tisir; e, thn Douglaq Ia OPCIP7 67 pasturage Vice Included the antlaom, "G Li lit $RDCI STR FIT GDD YCD tlatat the To-glainiatci brands %could Tart'' %within ftae rf,%t few ehy'. A"J!eGro were referred to the public worka intro vitli PAWPV to act. rterraal", the sola Iaart being talaetl by Btr, J. M Wheeler. acid a P(,,k,v nn by rice°•` relst d $E C!" 7 r i L ail tli i r rile i,aiti.C�l .Q tial Netto (1'v qq lI Are you ready for the %tot Weather. . Our Store is full of Seasonable e` d . M or han ase 'h° , • .. Ma'n'y New Line s at dew PrIee'S -, . . . . , � . New Sum. . . . I . . I . I 'c r� _,_~� I I 0 . . I. I � Wash.. F brics .. 1, " . for Women's and Children's Wear :-.i : ,, a " Tuteillaa the new Print in daitlty patteens. Cost cif nia- terial 111d snaking refunded if this cloth fades. "Simplicity" and "Pueblo" • Prints, . gu,aranteed ',super -vat fart colors. ' P .� 'I'lte ne%r summer shades are Here iii many lines of Rayon and art silk cloths, 36 niches %vide. Froill 29c a yard to fisc a yard. . 111rinted Silky iil.rfcat pattems continue to lee ill ,strong 'favor. A great selec:tiult it1'Ce1e11a<se Voile, Art Silks, and lit pure Silk C,30f is, matty of niece titles are in individual dress lengtlis. ' . Women's Cotton Festa in cu111fy cut mild short sleeves, from 25c to 4.9c each. V�'otatn's Cotton i$Ibat 00sb pla11a1 wlflte raid colors, 4% and 59c. pair. Children's Cotton Vests slid Rtootixlw wilac %vitil silk <,tripe, in a full range of sizes. sYour tore GE08 �d SCHAEFERVA. %�hcrllta 56 ._ �� _ : T __� Q +ra t l ." . C C q Y i 6ra..4 d 9 Crasser _. _: c� W- - _ - . s ri _$a.tD A l:ti a c UE2-UL.10 1d% 011 Wi.,; f v 1. Ill $I - «, _ ..,..._.._-.. w .�..__ . • 4 .A - .. , ... _ 0" -..., ..- -, • • - s . .? 4L - «•