HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-05-08, Page 2PACS TWO __ 'idYlddlll�dd,1i1�1 THE, GODERIC 11 STAR :par,,,.. a "__.____'"�"`_____�-�,a. . _ �_T-.:..:.=ma:.�z-� .tea �-•'---��.,..,_ Reduction Prices In f Enective 15Cper pound reduction on Red Label. Black and Mixed Teas, SCper pound reduction on Red Label Green Tea. SC per pound reduction on. Red Rosa Pekoe Orange, : All Grocers are. authorized to sell their present re uctions.. e. m -far stock at these. d e recoup th their loss. I Cot MIT' D► . T. H. ESTAPROORO'.0 TORONTO, ONTARIO Jill4 "The BudgreV' culated to sweep A hundred mllixon fan Budget, which was dollars of annual Caiiadian' purchsr<s- Tho Caned >a i • " n out of the h U ted Ing u h ads a • 9 g a #' t e n . At I on 1. read in the House of Comm s States and into the,hs►ads of CrtOat week by. Hon. C. A. dunning, Mints- Britain :and the Dominions. ter of Finance, has been hailed with aeaer a1approval Al And pleasure as ure b th e press. in the Motherland. A brief ltlatha#ntsc Gandhi Arrested 'summary of the Budget shows; that �teAt' Britain has nhown much pa - ilio $ales Tax is cut in two; that tierrco in dealing With the, present sit there is a further extension. of income uatfon in India, and. it wast only this. tax .exemption and a lowered tax on weekend that sawthe arrest of Mali tho ,,ale of shares. Tea is to be free AtmA Gandhi, primo mover in the under British Preference; also porce- campaign af: independence . In his loin, and chinaware; And a multitude country. Many times lit the. Past few' ' •o specific and ad valorem dutles a - weeks has Gandhi defied Sittish milt - plied sP p tavy oflicialss to arrest • him, but ' his plied to fruit and vegetables and all fresh vegetables of domestic character west, follorrinir, la week of cohipiva- tive tranquillity alnce the riots. at free under British Preference. tivelaime Gen- Calcutta, Karachi and Peshawar, orally the Budget fs acclaimed As i- which were disavowed by Gandhi had #rig 'step towards the unity of the Bpi- r tisk Rmpire and is appreciated as been 'lieralded by 10a41 rumors, but such by the peoples in the Old Country, finally came with +A, chock of surprise. ,7116'radical .ektension of British pre- Upon son his followers Its effects were w r d n ferersce, tend the introduction of a syr- not immediately tri i'bla..'Tlre Gove>~ teem of "countervailing; duties" appli- mcnt, in the face of 'hill overt Provo' cable to sixteen specified items is cal- cation incitinpr as rest since' hd: first ANYeUP1 Tho Mt ono of ovilty Nomad Tgg B D k"n 81.9i'm Silt, Jill NEW ex"an itinis-ter Y� Great ... ° 13ritAlst Be Worth �� It is the imrtciatiaii of tile Gavexit- a Men's Store trent to appaixst-Ii3n^ i in:dant Massey as t'isnasiiarr 11rglrr Commis�:iane: at Wadear An ann�nneeixlent to this �r eileet gas made by Fccinier Mttcl:en� a Haberdashery +fi.R eie `h lugs . Mr. Mas:tey 'WA I remain at ®, t , B Washington. where loci is now Cana} V A dye "Oo a** bo "rr e00M of the wurnmer vacation, prsllrg7aly July. :[ dt u • a,►� °� - _ -- d w4f; lw peer, but ill ofttia soar He will go to Leixdosr about 4�,ept, 1, li :=twrptiag sat plew�e�i befam idm tldsL iM to be in readiness for the brdtpQ vial anot diet; wrU k"Ww VA" It awl Economic M3f@rQWes, Whicia lstt does ho will sulfd3r for it mice, ysi Open on Sept. 0,4th. Ira dwelt not b;Wtatri to >< 4$ bVIIJ10 `Ilre frost of Ilii lr coulmissµ'oner at . BLACK cif It wad torl4m XiAlmil L don is considered tho ranking CHAS. Tlst+ tXulekedik rnr to t ridl of this pstsftion in the Canadian diplomatic r fdwYuble► atileaaf�i ii is taut service. l'ladine 21d3 al aQUARE«, C?Q1'rC'-�l$T� k1 Chinese Government's New .Alms IT -he new Chance Government _._. B , which Vol be esttblishcd at Peiping, '�" `--�" After the Douglas' Egyptian Liniment bho.11tt ancient capital of, this country, aims t:'go,- is still progrressing. at a legal and stable ,Government, in- repairing job is completed the final be in every household. Stops bleeds Bstead of military or provisional rola, trials must lo* o undergone before the Ing at once, cauterizes wounds anti Dr Tohoun Cao Iisiang, C�tmmi5- 11100 lysis be able to Ieave on her prevents _ .blood" poisoning• Tieep ' stoner T Foreign , HsiaTaIrs for You Hsi `"""" away ingiammatfon and proud slash, n Shan, the northern conqueror of this llyi"itX3T.l"• old city, said that the "people"s Con- ,> >t ac:ory Town 11- hcl>.ac^d r4100i" grew, called to meet this mouth by EMU1:1f1>a'�1� Yen, had that goal as its desire. gatnpiro hnlifirit±au. rrltieh 2" go iso"% 7rrwtoA : 4 year or :wo :sgo to mrntton the �y# :►tare About Economic Conference word Wembley spas tc c.du,i;tre. up a �U$`Ir as elmtt�iitcation Qi t�11� s"Milli � � majestic city of whit. palacss. beau- butter -fat in milk makes milk Correspondence by tabled in the House titul grounds, and a tnarveltoas cis- 1ldralth tom► to at Commons by the 'nine -Minister la of merchandise from eve,7 cor• one of Our in easily digesstee! dio4oses that Canada's proposal for nor of the Empire. Now we hear fpp�r emttlsjficAtlon improve 11Crt4 Oscar Gol X4110 hustle, t?ait the holding of an economic confer- nothing of Wembley, for tt hw, been 'writsrl--+rens w ISO IZ wsss, ence. at Ottawa this year was 'g;ener*: transformed from a aero show -place the tette and digeatibilitY of t11ti .�iqt l sad t&l au lieges .sst ally Accepitable to Great Britain and to a great manufactai'ing cense. Orale cod-livaz oil in a the Irish Free State, but did not meet �h@�rroe the world-famous Emplre (� '�'�"�fi t set we so bad I ass ai'oda with. the approval of Australift and T:hibiiien once stood Is now the stte SCO a s EMULSION U4 a'! Uldog torp botW of � ' South ,Africa. The general ,expect- of dozens of faetorles; where' any- 1A "A Dl# *= X Mn clot Z ancy of the Imperial Conference thing from liquid air to eleetrie fires les the re a In tltist lush OAS Ili . Iiia 01; allow film 11kne Foul IJlust[ �tts be n8 held in London this Year spill is made. otic Vol pie �i it anon► attaekr." w hilted against the proposals of the . indeed}, Wembley bids fair :o be•• up, dWy b,* %U T. 3yora 014 Canadian Governmpnt, inasmuch ascome the super4ndustrlal ceMl ntro of to all other fprms of $IiV ' 9i1.. U, 4.r Toronto; Oat. the Australian 'Prime Minister could T.ondon. • In the Haag -Song pavillon Be sure the cod Iver oil not see his way clear to attend two men Are at work building motor bol- f- - - conferences in different parts of the lee a raying celluloid aint; and pot; Ilse is Rtfltt>rlat led! . r 8 to d paint is y ICa>>4ada s Fcinrrla Marksman Empire,.. remote from Australia, in making `seats..• .�'lle Calsis . ,f14elf iR s�cQ�;=,lrnfttlsliellt+ . ,� , When Lieut.. J. Neal 0t w, Saint one year. This difficulty was also in- Madill in wut ,o q •a FA4, ansill e;waq TOWAto. oRt; . stt-a'.". S John marksman, salla for )Srigsland as Oated by the British Government, other „former rgtfaura;n s electric a member o£ the. Canadian Sisley but was not Considered iusurmount- 'Ar'e'a; #canis raokets, Iuriiiture of all' team on June 13 he will be accompan- Able. kihds, wireless sets, patent foods, and led by his wife, who will take part in silver paper. are manufactured. More seVexgI of the general matches at the Change in Cabinet Poftfolios tban eighty types of elec rlo fires axe Papilla shoot. Mrs. Dow, likelier, The portfolio' of the Ministry of turned t►ut from Wembley. A Coast husbanild is known, for expert marks the interior "Almost immediately" is The Palace of Industry is also givC(;as■ etr up t0 the motoring trade. Here Tei! V manship and has taken part In shoots', to be dropped from _ the Dominion care. are being motoring trail In lapse at Ottawa as well as in Provincial Cabinet, Premier Mackenzie King has ><lua ar eb In me manufactured a Arte rla- a'nd Local snatches, in which she has infornuad the House of Commons, borat i electric there.p lacers are being turned, in some high scores. - It is The House was discussing rEsolu- constructed, while in the near tuturo thought that Mrs. Dow, will be the tions providing for the creatforN of a the Palace of Ergineerinn may be first Canadian woman ever to, take neaw Ministry of Fisheries, and Sir converted into a film studio. part in hhe general ,matches at Bis- George Porleyand others had expres- India Is hardly recognizable. All sed mild dissent from the. supposed lel the Eastern trappings, •'minarets, _.. creation of an added portfolio int. a conies, lofty ptllara, And stately wa11s >ti:rench, Girrs- Inecord , Cabinet which they held already to be nr& things of the pasta and in their A French gilrl flier, Mile, Lena sufficiently numerically large. ^ -.WEEK tinted the salt moslo of at the vil> buftd stand two weal Mass and metal it y Bornstein, has hung` up. a ns".ty endur- buildlsings. One is empCy; sire other is u ,"e o£ 'DAndi on April G, played a Ance.mark.of 31i hours 4S apposes 55 Another:, Project a ]piano factory, Itious, waiting game- Uany of 'his seconds for women. A. group of British capitalists who No fewer ttian 200 pianos a week sistants were taken into custody She beat by .almost 10 hours the control large mineral deposits north are constructed and, sent out from d imprisoned after summary trials, women's endurance record -recognized of Lake Athabaska. it is understood this fa ta zeaord output for any ` Me with regard to •Gandhi the p' ltei:c—that. of Mlle.i Maryso .Hartle, are behind this application'for a char - European firm. ., ;aj" billed its time. - who flew for; 20 hours 46 minutes 30 ter, for the Hudson Day Western Rail Tp the drying -room thousands of I -ho est of In # Gandhi .was taken io .the central secosrds Iasi July. way. The Proposed lino would lint, planks are. resting egos b. g it at Yorroda, a., town treat Poona. A .-.--.- FFond du Lac on Lake Athabaska: with , piped, being seasoned and :nado ready ona is a British, military strop hold c Cabinet Churchill the new ort for the long..process which will con- ry B Changes in Provincial C n , .. p on •Hudson 2"to o e - i b . Into el t from ouhtm rn vest hem f m e r Bay: g. d he headquarters of ri rm c l t a a om- y i 1 . It Ii n.:.iustic . n Ga I au Ron. a Antonin red: former Minister of Public Workps,, who Notice of an dappliisution to pallia- 'gent, polished instruments, wog Rlaborate .precautions were taken as elevated to the Bench last phare- men for the charter is given in are a ything•between 60 and 150 guineas cent .i apiro ,, the authorities to levant Violence' ssue of the Canada ,P Or =i , ou cil hi h Gazette.. Q- . day signed en der n.0 n which . Y been taken Govern ant xlouso has ee m , attempts &t rescue, arab signed in i til ori Thursd�y ca Culbert, solicitor for the sppe over by a firm of fine art publishers, ----- last, to-sucr~eed Hon. Justice L.11. rants, declined to reveal the names Ai alta Church azd State C1aRh of ,the Ord>maters of th behind in one room ads, a are working I.y t: c'W 5url�Yriea Cannon, who has i�orie to the Supreme a scheme or behind iraivir blinds, evolving. a new Feats rig the n , Suspension, of the general; election Eaurtr will be sworn in on Friday. any details. The matter will come secret rocas which may • revolution- styles in the latest shades 1 before parliament in the form of a p s i } Malta, scheduled :to be held' hist'.. Through his appointment to the Bench Izo the present method of,nroductsig and patterns. :tip, was ordered in . a proclamation Iron Mar Galipeault automatically private bill and will probably be re- rints in color. p the Governor-General, Sir John Du. abandofss>:his pox't£olio in the Quebec feired to the Railway Committee. P The ,Amusemzr.,nfs Park is now the May 24th heads the fishion trio: cabinet site 'of a great factorVlor manufac of 11,ght Shades 'and light Friction between church- and state, ."'.'` , Typhoon Strikes Japan taring liquid'. air and oxygen plant. 'Weight' suits. Will you be 'own yrorse, in recent months, was Ronga despatches from Tuyohara Only the great gaunt, towering, �: , �. ,- e cause of the action, persons in today estimated deaths from a ty- grey walls o1 the Stadium remain un amongst tliC s-martl;� dress- Ircles 'close to tho'Gover;ror indfeat. plioon in the Odamarl and Tomitaka changed. Do Bath their shelter aro ed? I. districts on the I•sIand of Saghalien the greyhound kennels, where some r It was reported the Catholic eccle- would total 15o« This included . the 150. doss are housed. Wembley Em- For ,i you oa Gan buy A ,l. p- nstie'authorities told their cong;rega- known dead -and the missing for whom pfre Exhibition fs .just a dream • of Tap Suit or Topcoat, tailor - ons if .they supported the cornstitu-. no hope- was held.' the past. Wembley Factory Town has . ed t0 your mi from .the oval a the would no be allow- .:;<::r ;::�:.,, The t h o e. t its stea y p rtY y t yp oon Swept the rim of AAA_ . G, , n d' - -- finest fabrics hi .the latest. of. I to receive absolution. way Bay a. the southern extremity of �- the island. The damage was esti- ;rated between $2,500,000 and M. - _ - are e Npthre ilsthe s , . j caret' that mast crwft luau } Stin A'.�' _Baby Came can give,. designed by the A Repairing; RlOd style leaders on this contin- > The work of repa}ii'ing the star Z�w Weak, Skx ray ant and guaranteed throw h F board elevator of the 8100, giant b g dirigible, which was injured when the Gained Out. ` Iter si . _ .:. , ._ � �•�� ..: sh - wAs in ak n 1 R ship being t e from shed in preparation for A flight ten days Come in today' and see our .riW,�•���.��.I��SnI'.. -. - Y,�I4bMI�,rYldd�.�M,Nllr•Y•I - ✓ . lung hailed flrgTtt to .Gana_ da. . r :After baby was barn RE A THERE. ARE MANY OTHER lrl�� WNS <• x , ~' i I was very, weak, skin- spmmtr sultings. Select Thousands of housewives .d i1 i 'hone the Superior Chain Stores for their grocer needs, w 1 ny. since taking Iron- from over 200 fabrics. There are nlally reasons �vlly. ,11yey knout' lila there are over six hundred stores bu `rig as °a" ized Yeast feel fine. We guarantee dissolute satis N Gained: 22 lbs: Airs. fr".ct:an. rues are consistent) tower. 5a.ch store is owned to �n ex erienced grocer ivlia ��"" Laura Benoit. opt - y y p, personally sees to the needs of each customer—the llaghest' quality is Always assured. Thousands write nos - There is no walking --no carrvillg.a call p1t the plione and your seeds are delivered �E�.����� ����.��� Ironized Yeast adds 5 to 15 lbs. in. 3 loin rtly or at an sit tittxe. "Get all site adv:tilta es of this better s ste111. lt[A1 BE POET LAUREATE weeks. U>yTy hallows .fill out, Bon; ONE �NbORAEb by TllE dd6PtCAd, dyRbiE$SION' " ONE PRICE ' i - y r poef and wriICitel who is slated o lbe- - .... dm skin-getts srclear and rosy likeceful roundness. Mua» ti Are iSeXeSx' �eFiss came Poet Laureate of Great .Britain gic. Nervousness, indigestion, con- P -' to succeed the late Dr. Bridges, T�1etf,►St Stt'eat stipation vanish overnight; Sound ��► sleep, new pep. from very first day. ,NOLE I.EAr� 4 per tip • for Demonstrations .Against Spanfslm, - . t o great tonics in one --special j RayaltY Elec#slice! Siloam we ght=building Malt Yeast and � ; ► Salmon � CORN.r�+ . CA T sh gree xlots, a, ntfmber of arresta o ..,.,,.,..off' strengtbl Iron, Plersxnt l i,t t i e TO U`E y MA L O S '$ �► and several injuries recently marked tablei<s.. 'Far 'stronger than u.iniedi. w rr s>zeech califn�it for a Spanish Repu'b- We slurry a good stock of Bated Y art. Results in i{ time. No I'a, `paint -b lie by 'Professor Alipmel de Unamuno Electrical Applianceth y'etisfy taste, no gas. „. ,y "Okse Rik........... » . etc bottle 19c of the University of Salamanca,. one So quit being "skinny", tired, un- Mr 0 BINS hater �'or,lrine) Fabrics!'. pkg 10* p of Spain's Republitun leaders. to- Fixtures, afar. attractive. Get Ironlzed Yeast from, • P. & Ci. VVlute Naptha Soap• • .ti eakea 25o' a-atin in a large theatre his appeals. druggist today,. Feel great tomo - Ivory lvrait Mayonnaise - :.. , . .1 a oil, otic irk New Style Jar 39 ox. p � irow. 91one �baxlc from . manufa2. Moro 394 ivory Soap 'r"lakca�•'e�'or Safe 'VV'ssshrutg ertE Utr*nye 35c • N '' zor..tlre supplanting of the Monarchy �V,� ,�'p��I,q�'tz� 'rrl y Isar. Pineapple 49a Jar by a Repualis, he again proved inns- tuxer if not 4011.0lited With quick re fines thtn!Sti .. , , ...... ,'i plI*s. i p gs. self" A :yvornr centr© in Spanish poli. Wiring'' of All �r�Ids sults: Cold Dust. Powder.. large pkg. Sltl+edekd Wheat flittcsults r .... , k x5c • .. • $xo tics. I='fglitfng; broke ot.t inside �the�•�•.•-•••---.d.-....�,--.,,: Esttmtitetr given on W.E DELIVER. tlientro before he even had a chance to speak. it was resumed in tl:e FANCY BLUE, ROSE PURE 40 oz. far atreot after the meetinM and contin- �j CE Strawb►er'.0am aed in front of hin hotel when he went home. A dozen Monarch- Mla'Wcs' l..amyls on........... ft 1 ou. 250 ..........� Ibis. 1'9c ' °oddly—"rServc Not or Colds' R ax. 3U, L+ tants .25c group, of a ists Bolted the ttepulAiran demonstra- bion by rushing clown the aisles of the alltydyFtry■/y�lksa...... .. .2 ' �1{.�r1� 'll.+t�� . . Y . N . N V 16 air., • . . , ... .. . • . Im iMdtil surd taa'>b Jelly +>powIaersr, �ias+a�t Mvoris, 4 larillo, Small 2 for Tac. Larrp AS. 21k . , .250 �.�.�.+lb. theatre shouting "Long; live the Libby's Rosedale bill Piekles.. Vasil tin 2(�ly}i..c. �aact+ur��iyd.iMm��aykyl,3ta►irnx.. per 14 King"' '1bo professor`s Depubliean tins )y5e. •�.R.V }�riOlii4.s Y . . . . N . Y Y Y . i . . 62 �! '*-Y1� srY.Yfi awkk ,:f.1+ dines. . , 4—t. . . i, Y followers, s houtin- in reply ddY.onH live the D"Ap'n'blic." foreibiy expelled tho "intruders after vrgrorous fist fights. Civil ailardi finally restored s cipher in the nmeting;, rWni was in Bilins Thompson SeedItts R&Wrrs, 2 lbs. 23c CIARKIS 12 at. Lalt f5 AURE .. Each V s u"Tr W . s,X1 � 4 lb, a 62. Pah _ Groceries at Reduced P`rlces- 'bursdey, Friday and Saturday i ht 9thandOth PHONE YOUR ORDER TO! Ill 1 a c wen, "rkh t et al vi,a 1 ul eidiih PHONE 46 PHO E 116 W.E DELIVER. tlientro before he even had a chance to speak. it was resumed in tl:e application atreot after the meetinM and contin- All Worh Guaranteed aed in front of hin hotel when he went home. A dozen Monarch- tl IVCArtbilr group, of a ists Bolted the ttepulAiran demonstra- bion by rushing clown the aisles of the 1 1'railk . t� PhOndfi 8y W west .street theatre shouting "Long; live the King"' '1bo professor`s Depubliean followers, s houtin- in reply ddY.onH live the D"Ap'n'blic." foreibiy expelled tho "intruders after vrgrorous fist fights. Civil ailardi finally restored s cipher in the nmeting;, rWni was in i. turmoil. Priteln slain. S'ovirt-'Ts'anr That the .British Woor Governsnent is keeping a Kcm eye ,lest con, tnun- Itt preil filter into Britain, �;isp. lir,itk��.�rs3satxasd.dfPla�saSie,re, A'tiona with Alowcal ryas made evi- dont by Right Ilton. J. D. Clynns. 11011W Secretary, in the house of The Minister atmoutped that Ile lead refexscd8 an application Broin tlae British Workeral S soma 1t`eecratio% wlriell is r_ml atm M,.11 C10 r -Porting. ergrarnkl ion of tiro t'o a:Y,rt nIA Inter. rations e, fo? vica'I .ttt a &Al fo.it- ball tett al to tow IS.italn from Anvil 19 tui i1 tw E0. 1110 rt^tioml t"aa talon "in t,se ^l cel oa 'mMe:S e t?iat sire toll~° c t.ml.a bo n sr onudilelyt s;;zortiiig Ore." to t,3 1. Mildron Cry' 'X000, 0ie41 bete first bud with Minard'e Liniment. Whe the face, End ifthere isa MAY. its thhe tooth, fillit'with Britton soaked in MitttstW#, Relief is quick and tuft. The Great 'Whig' Liniment nt es t r g TRAVEL VIA, LAKE ERIE ,.between B'ut al'o, A Y. or AbrtSian l'eeJ>, Con. . and Clevoland, Ohio C R I -ME be gent host for a delightful slight`s trip. .fi�l�rrvcyonrautoonboatdaudttnroidxraiic-sat,dnsilesrafcon ested coadoraq RcstwlrilegonrcbvelonaC&B Lillesttamer,af'orsit�.ngs►ll q efhfoln sotutesyOfamodetahotel.CommodiousaiC�pfng y �. tdrlinia�, tocgect.6+Icc.paraus rslilgl ttnret ttecko. ` d. C1cvelatsd � 8>dffalo 1<llrlslort tewxtratteltinv,c�rra let,ir�tiasat7:ett ar.,e tiairtsstTOi.tn.fa.$1'.1 hfr J rSed to iacrv.1583 i►r g f ere r�ryr l� to rd, Jrip Axle rwre $5 3arrp. Ckvertartd 31''ttrt St"*1 Ctaataelian Division . StetrttrlerrrsPt.Suniexdl:ltltr.t-n.,xfrdGlcs r et Cltvciadtd, q ,p M Aaamtridtg lCvO 15,g00te4to. e! 5 xyi 214abe t2l, tF £rtrt, afa,ro MMRe Idtiet; iiJ-cid reerXAl JJ.da ft' - bftrte rrrk si.Sa erre xx, JV Rpm . &,Vi#!` m l iV et�sv , E r't ed al a9£1 Entetus - � 2'erroa;,rraa9 �t:mrrd'alxxdX� liars: e� TIi CLY'VF?r AND AND T IMA''AW a titAN`Ur rf- mjt ANV 1MrtIftift, p" too