The Goderich Star, 1930-05-01, Page 977 r - i r C= s THEGODUIUCH STAR 4sYAiD MAY ♦rt, 1330 �'Ai.lr• �I�l� t - _,.. - .�,_ >riz a � stat rx.l�� xl+i:9>Prr��'xoa� tDrrwx�p fbi�r, �'trta yj' rf Sunday c /� !'� By ISABEL FIS NII'Toly, agavieh, fiat•, a>tiiil�iaaQriir►➢i+r�.wazRtwwpPr(iW11WiOTrip�7 sililBiQ�fiiti:iirnQ,��'pc�ari.rasr�E,�F'r�ifi�fiW�1iW�4 ' When. itIis salvation bringing, Whe n. five nays before his death. He lead lodged at Bethany Where A He Zion Jesus curve, children all stood ssaging iigini; supper had been'made In his honor. J("sU5 travelled mull in the three Hosanna to Ills name : Nor clic' their zealallleoffend bine, Not. of his ministry but ulway s on feat. Yat on a in his life lie tilde in . lint, as He rode along. Ile bade them still attend Himh triumph,* and it was when he Avent In - for Jeru alem to suffer and aria. "Tho And stanlled to hear their song, John Wnl . provi:azon that was. madtt for this sQl- Own lit freest Ohita3 xwmld Malty was very poor and ordinary, PItAYER PRAYER and such as bespoke his kingdom om to Thee who art the King of Rings be not of this world- Herer.�ere no and Lord of lords *e 'bow in humble heralds at, armsprovided; no trumpet adoration and child -like faith. and be- sounded before hien, no chariots of see'ch Thee to guldo us all tho way Gtato, ao liveries; such things u-4 these tram earth to heaven, Amen, S. S. LUSSON FOR $IAY 11th. 1930 were not agrecablo to .his present state of humiliation, :but . will be far Lesson Tbpic Jesus 'Acclaimed As outdone at his 'second coming, to Which his magnificent appearance is Rind'. Lesson Passage -Matthey*' 21.1.1L reserved, when the last trumpet shall sound, 'the glorious angels shall be Golden 'Text .. Mattbow 21.9. Ali the four evangelists tell the his ilievalds -and attendants,., and the . story of Christ's tri2liaphal ride into 'clouds his &harlots."(Henry's Bible?. The preparation for his entrance to Seventy Head °. tltleat ttlezoiitlh- bred stoelt, arrived at Saint ;Doha the city was made as he drew near to � it, He sent two of his disciples to How did Jesus of NVales ranch at Hlab River, plugs increases powers spaced, and fobch him an ass. know where the ass and the K ZEMA quickly pays for itself in gasoline wouldcaltwere, and in wrist condition they would be ` "tooTlibtll V4-#11UMI found? How did Jesus know all the in oil saved. We recommend and little things of which he spake the SAWtladrd 1trm28' 41 piwM- Dime. 3,tt,,•,..ue,ti, ,yu„rwc.,scos.aw,,a.r,,a tata4ttu > n.rn.RAwr eo+lailew�Oam 'course of his ministry on earth? How did he see Nathaniel sitting under mtl<d sell tbem because we .know they the fig -tree, how did he. read his chart- actek and, state it in words that start- interest in the Canyllan universi- ledthe man himself? How did. he ties," said Dr. Cyril Norwood, head- master of Harrow, one of the most The 8$ Street , know who -it was In the trete looklug 1r "1^~"""' down moon him in a spirit of curios - ity? How did he. know his name and Dr. Norwood is chairman of the r �eCtClCa rho how did he dare to say that Tires, Cas, Oil rand Accessories Canadian ualvers}ties, He arrived rte -wad d be the man's guest that at Saint John recently aboard S.S. ' day ? These questions awaken won - +� We catty a, good stock of der in the mind of the thougthtful Champion National Gbavw Elec Irical ,,A lutancw �+� , reader. ;Yet tliis.man: who could see I. t4in,i, �s and4tiretell all thlnift can- \1!tek, A'Iay.5 to 11 [Xlttr'Glt� fessed'his need: "'(The Lord;bdth need F�n7i� _...� of them," The head that carried all PeCpt We ,5 iltilzie' aYu knowledge; hie who was Master had rot where to lav his head: he was a Spark. Plug Wiring of All Kind's. vnanderer Uoon'the face of the earth ads. Dr. Wright says he feels in ,which he had made, . Inepe�stion 'Estimates given onAll this -which actually came to applicatiom pass was done that "it might -be ful- • All Work Gttaiatin#sed filled which .was spoken by the pro - -a• speed And getaway umbos assistant passenger traffic manager _ Western Lines, Canadian Pacifio whet." . There was all the appearance your spark plugs are propettiy drank MCArthu>r Of freshness about everything Jesus did, as if it had never been thought adjusted attndirigood conditiae.. Phona 82 - West Srreelt about before yet in the Jerusalem in- cident we see on La. smball scale what af.,aix other officials of the depart- he had been doing on the scale of the Wcwillbe•glodtoinspectya u' Ment from coast to coast of Can-, universe, spark tea Char all IES plugs qf charge ada, has been annouheed, effective "And a. very great multitude spread, .f May 1. Promotions are: II. W. USE their garments in. the vay; others Brodie to be overst`.ts passenger one Bitch of rock to another until cut down branches from the trees and maniget;' R. G. McNe}Ille to be they were out of danger. icer. Champion assistant passenger traffic man- ager, eastern lines, Montreal; H. R. Xylotribydroxygtutarle Acidl • strewed them. _ in the way, and the d h t ft_v . d th t yj' rf 'iP T6 r. ri � 'C xx A iii it" x A t+v iv g► 'r /� !'� • i�4'A a .,. al3U t1 t'. ua'Il u' 1 fir � .1 tv n: II( t9�,p^E;t iE's p 4"u."11E,, Al ":fist u4"as 143 $ 1'143;b ° 1%� '` •�,, a Y Y49+•ta b g.aFil Y"olI T..10 $D, pY laaBEl;se h, cora in P ° n v tE1e i`'ar 1 l t. v120r a zv b :i Dla Baa la:lrs�ki thr,A D i1 1�'Ata aAI)ct ase entry , rb ro$$t(` i1r@`Itli !fit`s i'a Ito OA(" +'k>I((ltel Own lit freest Ohita3 xwmld CE3r);t' "VI lWo 44'(1110&aael3Y ID«3Btt•, :aQ).$fi ,IIln(i a, 4 tuA t'13b.)a. " Seak9i4a^; tills &fee>oY 1a j;CY: r>1 lin ' ✓" roz,.o p In etc i1cw:Lta poem , Mud in _ maAny fain3fi13, t'(°:,Stern l+F tllberta, A tbd fa t`xt k ark d to be general ' Its Your ��tii.i r � vhortly if Ulva..1a110 woatl1C'r condi- �_. 110114 srclMI * ar, t eordin- to ra- potty conl,nt In to tho 16 inaipc : rrtsd for ithr ifrt p offievs of the LV70leulturttl depart- D Inear of the, t'tl! ajlnn r'aeleio I:ia'.'.- C " Dew -t a`alt until tho 1CAlOrxl3Illtg as lay. 'till) #tltt'1t1tI goin,^� on a tri' ti Ud tht ut Seventy Head °. tltleat ttlezoiitlh- bred stoelt, arrived at Saint ;Doha y µ full that your etlgine ,ts balky. recently to go forward by Cwl a- dian Pacific Railway to the Prince , A new set of Cllta+ilmlpion $paialrk of NVales ranch at Hlab River, plugs increases powers spaced, and Alberta. It is the first ubipmPnt of the kind to the ranch In the quickly pays for itself in gasoline past four years. Tile majority aro oil saved. We recommend and pedigree oliorthorn cattle, mtl<d sell tbem because we .know they "There is at present In Great Britain a decided awakening of are batter for every engine - interest in the Canyllan universi- t(zs ' ties," said Dr. Cyril Norwood, head- master of Harrow, one of the most i ]"R • !L famous of English publle schools and Alma Mater at lord Syron. R. R, NO. d, Goderich Dr. Norwood is chairman of the GENERA 1L STORE delegation at British beadmasters 'bore oil a tour of inspection at ton Tires, Cas, Oil rand Accessories Canadian ualvers}ties, He arrived at Saint John recently aboard S.S. Duchess of Bedford, +� Canada's first ranking tennis � -� _.� Champion National Gbavw star, Dr. Jack Wri^bt..figures 'l;tots, -shooting, elealhant'Nai II* and an- Tire Wily Fox. \1!tek, A'Iay.5 to 11 telope hunting is just the kind at, The wiliness' of the fox was OX- F�n7i� sport to keepi a tennis playa" in emPlifled at a recent hunt with the. trim. Arriving at Vancouver to- Bleneathia Voxhounds in the Thtrl- Spark. Plug cently aboard S.S. Empress of Cau- more Valley, blr.' Fox eluded the ads. Dr. Wright says he feels in Hunters and , found a safe perch on . Inepe�stion great shape for the forthcon11t1, an almost inaccessible shelf on the Davis. Cup matches, face of New Crag. The hounds in attempting to. reach him slipped into �Oit are not enjoying powmt, Retirement of C. E. McPhersou, a rock buttrens overhanging a preei- -a• speed And getaway umbos assistant passenger traffic manager _ Western Lines, Canadian Pacifio piee from which they were unable to extricate themst�ives. A, ilockmaster's your spark plugs are propettiy Railway, after more than 60 years' eon, named Browurlggs.'avas lowered adjusted attndirigood conditiae.. of railway service, and promotion on a rope too feet long and, though af.,aix other officials of the depart- I greatly buffeted by a gale which was Wcwillbe•glodtoinspectya u' Ment from coast to coast of Can-, rar»ing, succeeded in reaching .thej spark tea Char all IES plugs qf charge ada, has been annouheed, effective hounds, .f May 1. Promotions are: II. W. These ha had to lif:. singly from this Week. No obligation at on. Brodie to be overst`.ts passenger one Bitch of rock to another until -this to just waft of our smy-r maniget;' R. G. McNe}Ille to be they were out of danger. icer. Champion assistant passenger traffic man- ager, eastern lines, Montreal; H. R. Xylotribydroxygtutarle Acidl Spark Plugs give, DesBrisay to be assistant passenger gylotrlhydroxyglutarloacidl Sound% , better rfformaoarr pyUp-El�eCtariC mnitttu est at wen ore an a .traffic manager, westorn lines, horrible, but.it's not.nearly so bad•ae r. O r followed cried." fney might do all Winni e that and do' nothing) The men ,sent the whole city. He was the one who p g; E. F. L. Sturdee, gon it sounds aud' you may- be drinking It in every ongine. LE' p not only could do that but who could: OU�5h1, f�� DOMI!ViCh� eral passenger agent.' Vancouver.; soon. ln,fact, Dr, Warren 1 . F,mley '1•hat'.r1 Whywe- - THE PEOPLE'S STORE the colt; the., great multitude spread satisfy. every emotion :he excited. VO H. R. Mathewson. general paswul- of the BureaLt of 'Standards told the ; : their garments, others cut down bran- rhes and all cried with a )bud voice, And. he is the . same today. Men, ger agent,'Winnlpeg; and George American Chemical Satiety recently l recommend atttd as if the King had come - and must be women and children -can proclaim snake Vfrorsl►1p lStin Flourishes Ili this) R. Carter, assistant general passon- that it makes good l(monade, Xylose, - - - him .Lord and render -unto him' loyal' Republic-F'�ear,Familiar Spirit ger agent,: Montreal, its drug oleme)it, to wood eufiar Which � ��- hailed with shouts of loyal delight. him . When did he tacit anyone Tis ,'That Protects. is made from peanut shells and out All :that might mean. nothing, and p if it meant the right, th;ng,,it away who would offer, pratie,, to his � The annual production of inion., tonseed^b,ran, i ' yet,, v000etiat err, lantlkb worship still: in Canada is about thirty iniilfom It '.bas a sweet taste .and no food ;sYd&• necesst}ry. And yvhen he was ,name or e7epress�jgratitude` for his nourishes In portions of the Do "Mint- pounds. While _ a great deal .oL value, and do addition t4 its posdibll t. Come into Jerusalem all the city was goodness? What. each one wants to an Republic, according to an article honey is used in the home; 'the Itles as lemonade, chemists think it moved, saying, Vi'ho is. this?" 'Cities do is not to sends colt or gold or to, published in the New York . principal oommOmIal users are con can be. utilized as an. Industrial sub f are moved by various causes. Let flowers or branches .or clothes, and Herald Tribune £ectioncrs, bakers and bottlers. stitute for glucose and as a food for W- _ - q news of war be reported in any v?ity, not to join only in some loud cry of I The recent drowning. of a negro In --.- :--.-- diabetes suffers; ' $ INN alto, frreat as it may, 'bet it will be delight, but to offer him the heart- a streahi called the Arroyo Honto it At the 'World's Poultry Congress GODERIC )`^ Moved• from centre to circumference, If he will accept. it, cleanse it by the cited as a proof that, the two -headed � c r to be held at tate Crystal i erase Tolerate Films, { GARAGE , Let a great mail die, and the city. washing 4n his own blood, then the sedriet serpent, relitifed to frequent near London in July; a feature of y Japanese consider treeing a nasty Godelrich', 0rit. , �... , house is his, and the garden,: and the the vicinity again -herr-demanded its • and unsanitary habit and hitherto tbovovntrv.-Che-tiviliftdi'wdi d"shall• the Canadian e>,1rtblt will be a feel itself the poorer. Jesus moved .basin ss, and thb batik.' annual human victim, model of ,the Prince of Wales' kissing scenes in "movies" hate been - WORLD XISSIONS i The Arroyo Hinto flows' througb fanch :at High Ttiver, Alboita. It - e: who the cane fields of the Brea. American' will 4cct1ny;110 s nnarp feet of s.p•ico censored, According .Ca s now enact. 1211.00 to i anyone ,� ing scenes. are. be= can bring in a. ca s�o 3 Rev. W. W: 'Cash, ill his 'book, The meat, however, kits , Moslem ,;World in ,Revolution," tells sugar company known as.the Central and w•ill;.bo fitted Mill ele".1cle RD- Ing peru,l ted' In films shown in JA- cannot fix. of coming upon a man wlto was eg- Romana, and the section of land- llances' •und. ll,hhtm thin.. N 111 . , _ p where the .unfortunate laborer met p pea, pt;tM to such. emotional "acts. , ging out a.claim of land in the desert. lits death fs cultivated b a Domiq}- show the rsinetl in u novel aud .at-. are linllted to tilirly epeanda, declarp(1 t' FURNITURE T The ground hot, parched and dry; tt map- tractive t�•ov, .. - Y 'cru 0 legislator, for i . * r y rand, Jap:iflt-o V NiTi I r_. can `vho by industry and careful ni n ecunomte and R'.rwl•rnntt ii#al Ideas... Cantu bl' Eiectrlaotty R V +s+ not a. blade of glees zvas to be seen. v_ _ , Khat 1 fool, the -man seemed to be agement has amassed a small fortune. Requisite, on the Farm,-- Every y. W"Ib by Electricity The majority of cane cutters em- f .� 1'Ip:a 'Castds. It s spending money -and" time on so pro- to •ed :• him are Ha •titins of the armor and stock -raiser shout} keep Iron b ElectricttT. Dan: $u Any Furnttlure I fltless' a toil! "Come ,ba'sk in ten n 3 b' S , a supply of Dr. Thomas EAeetric Oil VIP, :(:,ld;;, +t Bich have recentiy lit � � �� Y Y Y ure black Congo type, densely tenor- ) `s years' tune incl look'at it then!" said p on bans, not only as a ready aus remedy ,.l• me :lt , ar l: thin 'too frons South- For Infante and Children CONVENiIEN'l;• Ttl1 You Get (fur Pr><ce ant and thoraut,lil"v imbued with t}te (,for ills }n the family, but lrcause tt Ant(+t tc,b, .tt o t o thin that one can see I. this optimist. ,.As it happened, Mr, superstitions and systetri of devil woe- CLEAN, QUICK , Cash did pass that w ten is a horse and cattle medicine. of great throat t, theta.' The c t tau, 'numUering. X11 Use For ®1lOI' 0 Yet,)° Y years ship headed down from their savage FxQttlll . the Chea t` t0 {{1n potency. As a substitute for sweet .np to 14u, art• t,lkeu by the mala and . to er'tbil$ti' Coal or Wood later. He could hardly. believe it was ttnCes,urk:. c oil for horses and cattle affected by (leponitt.d lit cavitieli in the Inother s Always boots J Ch 1? leaner the Moat, Expexlalve the same place. He saw a canal and 4,hcy sa that their employer nos- the .;14 An t:1CGtriG Vacuum�, „ „ colic it far surpasses anything that back. ; fiigiiature of a pumping station which poured vast sesses it amiliar-spirlt, or bake, can be admini,:atered. f4moVdS tIIL' dust-, a UfI10:11 quantities °of water upon the land. which. does his bidding, and watches . just moves the. dust. 'Vire Positively Save. You Money. over lits lntcrnets, and that the ser- pent whose form it takes was pur-j (�'(+ ' ' �g We gu4rantee. all Hydro. nue of trees, and vines with great chased years ago ft°om a Haytian Bungalow Camping in Roddes Lamps for f,5oo hours. 0 bunches of black luscious grapes Paps Beauronp;'or witch doctor; fol HAROLD OLACKSTONE S a larg;(' sum. Walls in and sire display at hanging thereon. "It did seem hope- Should a Negro be lax in his tasks less at first," said the optimist, "but or should lip steal from Ids- master � r+ t•• "+'-/;`[ "-{� ' E HANsE : , .: The HydroFURNITU'RE ltu now it. is bringing me an fncoix►e of a' the snake w}]1 at onectntitify him^and ,'';� ' .•-' j� ' 'r v: " �:1 k � � : `' • )i (i �liEja�f'� '� ( +' • "'` Store x, prUrlpt pains}:Ment will be deatt out r"' it•� g� I thousand pounds a scare.. r, ilrj 1r Ypfi n , y3p_r�fR 3 xYi k i=Y^ } :it>Y� i�t�y �) I ti -- - to .he. offender, think the, voodooists, ;r"g• } fi A is the sowing, so shall the reap- ff and Pot11f, out that the Dominican's 1' ; . f.: r,, ,.• .,k� � a� e.� i +'fit; -�„s, -;,r 1 Only the Lord Jesus Christ cattle and horses aro sleek and tati.l'*,4; +'t. x.: �"AE ' i ing be O y ! _I 1` 7dt.. �� � 12. while those of certain of his netght i s "'v S ,,K in control of the life can guide us { �r{{I l �. C' n 4'� sZ,? $v i . \L rc. , R t t + t t " "�ti.�7 bora are. spun. { (.t , o'er moor and fen,,tbrough crag andWrytii��yt A. ry, .1' =t <'' The'paint where the body of the ,•,fart i }ttx,,( torrent till ,the night is gone, -and drowned Negro was found is merited t+f' S, ,,.y>y us all the end, such spiritual fruitage : )y a harden, cultivated by the, super- ' 1. 11, stitions in the hope of propitiating; *f• r�};. k1 �$ aw T<.rb r t=Ert,of which we shall never be ashamed. the dead plans spirit rand procu•l.lg 1'� !� %f 4 > ': 4 �, q; i� r �' c �¢ r a '• R III • 't 1 S S✓ T u p4 f > ,'i„',w The Globe. tt:: influc•nrr a g' -aUist the future dc- �' l� ,>•,Cl., r t 't; ��i't "c ' �; ;r � „ ����'ir `�Sttt',,. ,t �, , mand9 of thfl HCl'p(.nt. r ;9°"W"": '' -,' a .; , ( -a ' t'at' I/ fi .� t.,rt:, y�r i!f. :.A.,.:%z�;.. ya . c �,:e,,- r ,ir X.:eit.II,r,�.,•.:"'� 7'',R.�: { , ti `�' . .l',.ie ..i.alct� flspit las said t) pr1 � (�, ,..<, i r..: I rr.xru s Z.�'^�t �t7�, .'�, ; ;': '�'..�• < � .2 : iK ,: .��.'si � �� J Of the�j the aarden at Hoon and. at laid- '" ;f' $ : °fee*_ :. ?``# ;', �'+) h. .'xq.� ' .t�'' -< :, •!' ' _y��((�� nilit 1n<l tl)(� E:pUt i9 y111InI1C'fi at k' s} t�1y%f'•"f °.,i:!,3'e.r+r;f#'tr e� oY`. ,^ v' t'ti,ti-'f �k i 1 - 'the Impnor nt Reason .r r thvat, hours. A. other. tlm(n laun- .titt6 1 .dressC's al,d bathers protect tl ant -.o.. 1PATS and ails are not digested hundre d �7 like starches or g><oteirlY; ih selv(•a froul'tlit snalle with charms . And amuletE, which th(y wear sus ",, r _ must first be emulsified in the pt+Itdird around their nF'(kr, - bod before the cm be utilized A nrtg li!,ot° Uf .hila plant(," is-Mvrk 1;1111 A Rlliil.: w;P,4Jxi., � by � f t,�u '+� �... 0 Of ,hon nos P 1 .. t" . ..�, ,.-.q',;;uric y y „- ►,a,� ' as nourishment,. ro:•,erouE'; ,,nd to 1(n to aih•ibuted •, , ,� 't„'pilUYtgtli - t•. (rr . (IIrltt .Ill(' I:o- m5tUn. of a iaf' , �, Y (n G takr:i tho roi'm c.. o pig;. IlayVana r l lir �' fir, ,/ii a f a, l ,. i 1 say' Owt tills l'i"` wvar's a ('Lain 10{I ;" rr' f 0�11/{�C �`S SCOTT'S EMULSION ,, al(" 1 •l� r f 7 t , k`7a a 9 . t (� thinking of 1 l ��fr'( l ;rj� .•;i i �� ' , • , , USS arottrid its !.c (cit. i, i ukitt;; is pure cod-liver ail scientifically which oftell can bre heard tit, ;lie maw " r emulsified --prepared ftir-easy lignant nultcrs its nightly tours of in- .1".y. ��(!rq 1.1" • ' n (`('tion tlgYehe",,ll '1iY• 'fit t,ltr vttlat'"•'EC ',r„�, ,,I{ a fir., i Gam•" t.'fi..�. and, rapid di estion, lust as • p �i,i t „ (•Atte; i•d `zy �:I ' 1' Nature rovides emulsified fat(attrd b tr(i t+ht('h doot haspa'd a p about ttrb (°i)(-°ficld4. lir milk, in ill(, (en r(° t,f each baU'y 114 .. This is the important reargia circle of hard br atrn ground on wltf(,h -for SERVICE wAy the cod-liver big seat the Ifavtinns danrr On uta ttllg�ht 'take -should be emirl�ied nig;Uts }o th:` iltrnhbint: (or groat tam- should be Scott's EAiAttbiioat, has or drunig f(jow d from Bolt(>tc THIS anis zia record of the Aird naw r needs to be oiled. -�+ enter E ceetrieftefri er- &sett&bawne,ticoa onto.o:rt. aaa lugl tPC!(11w laborri-s and).heiriwoms n C al ! Come tb our thowraairii3 anti l whir is made possible b ( Indult(-.in the wilt) rontortiont' de- p P see the new ,till -steel models IlnAriy e9Celtx9iVe fciituresr inatided by flip priests and, writ n!-( s . • aiFtcir "Obi anti eX+ esot)s of. boodooisiu, and inupir(•d by 'i`ltcr !ic>rmietieAlly sealed pp �ANADIAH NAiIONAI RV treinei durAble« We will r rut)! and superstition piano(• madly it � ,Mrs err►+ """ ' � ' �t� mechanism is mounted ort � ,tutu they fall exhausted by trip g;lnbv sop of ilio (eabiiiet. All the gladly tleinana�tirate ilio -TRAIN SERVICE to TORONTO iug; mrber,;. I`ire waikers and Aire iattltachtit is scaled air -tight accessible freezing reigulat - „attire fpamre largely at such 01"Pi :a „� itf a n[ l steel easing. it 1011" Ariz! Mtiriily other pointe DAIt.Y Kli,CPt 13UNDA'Y and art lool.t (i upon by ilt('1. dlrill b �, .p,•�r t a.. b •`a a u g �`� ����� � � ' d i f ve. Codcrich 6.�0 e,m. '2:20 p.m, as bt Ing' slip(•. mptk and women, is dtutt•pic[l, iaroitbpror�>l of superiority. „ Clinton. 0.44'a.m. 2.50 p.m. Uuring flit+ hnrv(-at )a(10011, t3hlen x"crirttis�r>rat! rsti ta-50rp " .Seaforth C.Bf a.m. 1fi.013 p.m. leets Pram laid I)tcetubpr until Jul`. ? �' a " Blit^hull ?,21 a.ii". 3,85 p.W, cane fires air" (of fr(qu(nr oreurrenct t>.� �l ,%�, (, g1 ° • og� d 03 .in. o Arr. ,ntr�tti.'ord i.4G ll.nir 1i and UPfaf}ibn 11�.(0'y' l()rCe:, to th,' " Itit lcner 8.40 min. 5.20 P.M. planters. l`o. trite t()lsotl, iii addlt4(r , � GEN1 *ELECTRIC " Guelpli 9.04 11.m, '5.GO pili, to this flrr ,urrd:( paid by the euQ;w Spring is here, wording to the ealendal'. though of the ROC1116a. although Artisto and othryp', will often n • " Toronto 10 ) a •-A.M. 7.80 pia, Centrals, tho D1,M11110n Gorerr,rcl('rlt �' you may not otherWist, have notir.(d it, and with coYatiltid that lLxke +D Ilam is II sial° riv(il. . taya at r, r �t�s 1�is a�w ltetaxning--cave Toronto 7.55 cry., t turnisltrs patrols of Poldlerrt who r)du C the spring tlio thoug%t of vacation be�',t' , to frathor r�aQonable goat, May be maw in any or r°il thine oS L STftL REFIXIGIRINA •O�' 12.G� gr.Yn. cis + Fi fy"r P.M. ' F abort the flpt(is aimed to the t,°o- 4,( qix tngth. Iia another tniontli or niu tvicetcs tree t,uuga. thcso camps, mineo they are not iv ­y fel" ft'om oras i Parlor Cafo Car Goderieh to i0r• and who have "small liking for Huy- low eamps of the Aciekies, famou:a &T world over anothor aUd art ttimily acrmssible. !ic a l;v ii() 13olirua . . � ,unto on morning train, and Toronto tinntt. ' �']Chey are devil - f*11 ablpp(TS for thdr beauty, will kava opened a'r_: x fow 010 minor part of the, lure of tiptoe eampa t}:etc is thn to Ooderieli on 6.05 quit treiii. No � not Clhr}a:tan, nay tb(• ti4owti tea�tob. outstanding anion th-112 nro the I,al#e attraction of iraVl riding' an tr D1:r:l. `iura=fco'.c,I G+oderkh Water and Ught Comll�lOn chance of earls between +� ederieb shad IDomialeena of tiled l+laek Haytlxms, Fl°lista Tluntlitltler ctinair ilr)wei} ]v3ftl. inset bcliind z110untain taym can over mcuntatn pnv Cl thrwutlEs Toronto. i "Afid 411Is r2pul)lir.. will u(rk4r again ' LAkb wise; "folio cam llovior Orlit1, urdet elle sulmo of *0 ialctt nmagni4ic-ent eeenery .r) than world. `� L A. LA'1�t'1Ep,�7Cr, oubliAit to illeir cute, so it watt forced � rceir of the ` okaakkaw ll+'all�; and l;tlieraltl lzalta ContTo i44�at asr t tl3tl fr.nIoUS Triin J'alls rt:car tl � 7otwn )ladrrrngor and to do for forty yhars during the last ebalot Rapper'), by in a iy eoi,a'sc,'ti ed tt, b.' Me ge141 '1'01.0 Cta':ia. dssedased a5y tuaANADIAN €313I�T19RAL 15tG1;R.TRIC CO., t,8edeet ttiofne 8 ` iel.rt Agent { 0ontury."_ " .� --•stet--. I I U/ I .