The Goderich Star, 1930-05-01, Page 8s
Iwtett Colton, St. teethaxinee, ani th Eczema or
in *loonier, NtrOilli# panto SQ10$ Raid I
. Salt Rheum
_.--eeneememoteseenifileiellal Kee, St. Cathatinee violiniat3 Clare
To grow thellest,
SOW the
I 2.--', SEEDS
Send fat nustrated Cata1000
Pm. ••••••• . ••••••••••••••••..."
Complimentary Dinner to Dr. Whitely
popular *ono, They were all very
omen appieniatee, 'The oreheetra
consseteo 4a Ittaisti, major, 1323110
Wit 6; rail, cornet; er lamer, mina; anti
0aflow, tape? and Mr. nraveeso
ebe' wore* oi many ot trio teopular
songe played,
*titer to "roast to the King, Cindy -
limn Stewart Scott in his 1151114
meow r, tepreeeca tine thanes 04
every horseman in Ontario to thel
latest et honoreler. Benson Whitely.
Chairman Scott reviewed the stan-
dard bred industry of Ontario, and
paid tribute to !digs liatharine L.
Wilkes, the grand old lady of Caddie
atoll Farm, who had contributed so
much to promote this industry, He
quoted her opinion oe the plaeo horsee
nold in the hearts of men and woriten.
lite chairman urged all horsemen and
race officiate to see that the racing
was conducted the same as they
would conduct their business—above
reproaeh in every respect—and there
would be no question as ito the stabil-
ity of the industry.
The toast to tile Town of Goderieh
W14.9 proposed -by M. A. J. MacKay
of the Canadian Bank of Commerce,
and. was responded to by His Worship
the Mayor, Mr. H. J. A. MacEwan.
The Mayor informed the gathering it
was a pleamere to have such a gather-
ing come to Goderich, the town which
has been laid out in the, shape of a
sulkey wheel, which he chains is one
hundred, years ahead of the times—a
pattern for other cities and towns
undertaking town planning. He re-
ferred to tbe presentation of the $10,-
000 grand Amid as showing the aP-
preelation of the Town of Goderich to
the Goderich Turf Club, and also to
the high esteem in which D. Whitely
is held by the large majority given
e _one
Horsemen of Province Pay Tribute to New President of
Canadian National Trotting and Pacing
Speakers Discuss Ways of Improving Racing and Vt
Matters of Interest •
The following report of the compli-
mentary dinner to Dr. ,L B. Whitely,
our highly esteemed and much loved
eitizen, to whom has recently fallen
• the hinter of selection as the presi-
dent of the Canadian National Trot-
ting and Peeing Asmelation, is to a
• large extent, from the pen of Harold
it E. Wielcs, of St. Catharines, one ot
• the sponsor a of the event which was
so successfully held at Hotel Bedford
lest Friday nighe ;
The complimentary dinner is over—
• hut what a success. Never has the
town of Goderich (rightly named the
• ;prettiest town in 'Canada) witnessed
such • an • enthusiastic gathering.
Every speaker was emit bubbling over
with good things to say about the
congenial Doctor, who has done melt
• Ito put the town of Gabriel' oft the
Map in Canada and the United States
with his formidable string of stand-
ard hretle. His sportsmanship is one
of the big factors which snake horse-
men, starters, judges and every ene
• eonneeted with the sport of 'hinge love
••Gid Litt, mine host, fairly outdid
himself.• From his decorative idea of
Dr. Whitely's horse. Roulette Grattan
winning the. Ealamazoo derby, to sup-
plying the finest roasted capons and
the delicious freshly .enught Lake
Herm) velmon, he excelled. He han-
• died the 175 odd who sat down in just
one hour and ten minutes with a
smoothness that would do justice to
• the goal •York. •
Seated at the head -table were;
Chairman Stewart Scott, Galt; W. If.
• Orosch, Stratford; • the guest of the
evening, Dr. •Whitely, Goderieh; W.
•4.111# two stoptach troube, Can rat anytbing,'‘
eitIia Mts. E. Vfhlte. Thousands say inilligs
tiok, koartbrirO
. _s vanish Ilk° magic with
"Evailt.k.tivea vonstipation, sick headaches
Aid oretnlibtaieves.hcar t quiet, eound Weep at
Imars./hettmatisin ttles awa y. Complexion clears
ihst. Get "Ifttilt.a.tives" hoes drniitist today.
,AlliatiallittaiMIMitliiiminvt • ••••• none
A. McCullough, Toronto; A. II
erland, Seaforth; Roy Brothere
ford; E. R. Wigle, Goderieh;
Crummer, Chatham; Geo. V.
Toronto; Mayor MacEwan, Gc'
Frank Blair, Galt; W. Re
tone Walkerton; A. T. leliteleay
rich; Al. Proctor, Toronto;
Porter, Goderich; Wm. Marty
chell; Robert Hanna, Toronto
er prominent men who attends
Gen. Spotton, M.P., and Mai .
ertson. M.L.A. Warden liael
Brussels was there. So was
Reynolds, the Goderich jailer.
notable horsemen were i0harli
ret, Parkhill; Fred Thrower, le
(owner of Grattan Bars);
Counland, St. Marys; J. M. lee
trolia; and many others, in
Jno. E. Beattie and Jas. 11.
Chesley; Dr. A. G. Fortune,
ton; P. S. Scott, sr., and F. S
jr„ of Galt; E. M. Fawn, M
S. A. Proctdr, Toronto; Jo
('ardno, Nelson Cardno, Dr.
Ress. Dan Shanahan, Oscar le
W. Cute J. E. Keating, E. Vs
mond, Seaforth; 3. B, Levis,
Levis, Clinton; Perce Eagles,
lane; Robt. Duoseith, E. Dui
St. Marys; E. D. Fletcher, Jasi
E. H. Cole, E. Hanson, Petrolii
Crummer, London; D. D.
Robt. Jones, E. R. Pinkney,
ford; and J. W. Fraser, Oliver
ston, W. Walker, Ono. Mullen.
, Munro, J. C. Stevtatt, ItleD
Robt. Turner, Carl Worsen,
Bailie, Gordon Young, H. T. Ed
W. McLean, J. D. Wilson. T. G
non, H. O. Dunlop. RI C. Wit
1)r. L. M. Mabee, S. D. Croft.
Robertson C. A. Reid L. L
W. Bisset, W. G. McManus,
eenetanus. Walter Naftel, CHM
Nemo Alex. McLeod, G. L. PS
Chas. V. Lloyd.
The entertainment was Previi
the Melody Boys' Orchestra, of
rich; J. E. Keating, of Seafor
sonn leader; Harry Latider's
senator, Harvey McGee; Georg
A Blood Disease
This disease manifests itself in littla
round Miters which contain an ex-
tremely irritative' fend, These break
andsubsequeetly a erust is formed, and
the Wow burning, itching ana smart.
Ing, especially at nigbt or wbea the
Out exposed to any strong bean le
Omen uabearable.
has met with. in Ain Ovules of such
eoverity it due to its wonderful blood
cleansing and purifying propertles, and
we know of no other remedy that bas
done, or eau, do, so much for thole) who
aro almost driven to distraction, with
the terrible torture of eczema.
Iva. Martin H. Glesbree,ht, Whikler,
Man., wrttere—e'I bive used. B.B.B.
with good results for eczema., My flies
and ahoulders were simply covered with
blotches otthis terrible disease. Noth-
ing did me any good until X took your
medicine and it taii relieved a� of the
terrible suffering X had to go through
day and eight.”
Put tee. only by The T. Milburn Cee
Ltd., Toronto, Ont.
en the with of May for many nCare
east. It is one of the elube to which
horsemen look each .-car for a very
successful meet,
Dlr. W. IL Gresch ssf Stratford, ono
of the best blown horsemen in Can-
at.Ta, spoke on arrangements made by
l3tratford horsemen in kasing the
track for three years and giving a
81000 stake on June 25th. 'rids was
:due to the fact that they would now
be able to sell their wagering prhi-
loges and give purses that would at-
tract horsemen from all over Canada.
This meet will be put on, under the
auspices of the Long Branca Jockey
Club, and with the facilitiel that
Stretford offers is bound to be one
of the outstanding meets in Canada
this year. No deity in Canada can
beast of an executive body composed
of men of wide experience such as
that of the newly organized Turf Club
in Stratford, and the flUCCCS•5 of this
meetinn is assured.
4' The importance of n good starter
and competent officials." Mr. J. W.
Ranesbottom of Walkerton was the
first speaker on this subj-ect. Aftbr
paying his reapects in glowing terms.
to Dr. Whitely he urged the clubs to
pay more attention to the selection of
officials. He introduced Mr. Roy
Brotbers of Stratford, the main
spealcer on the subject, whom he said
• was oue of the best informed men on
this *subject in Canada, and he prefer-
fered that Mr. Brothers be allotted
his time on the subject.
Mr. Brothers was enthusiastically
rceeived. He has the faculty of hit-
ting straight from the shoelden and
is a fearless speaker on sports—who.
ther on bockey or racing. Mr. Bro-
thers referred to Dr. Whitely as
being ung of the greatest sportsmen
he had ever met in hip fifteen years'
nIrtnoritor. on no .ok •t•tautot•••••••
"Another five years, please!"
The fact that so many people re -invest their money
in Huron & Erie debentures time and time again, is
evidence of the satisfaction, both in convenience and
interest rate, given by this form of investment.
Huron & Erie trustee debentures are issued for
01101(te:orda upwards for one to five years. The coupons
are readily cashed when due without deduction for
trustee investment have vishown their preference for
Canadiansitiisafetwy.ho now have over $23,000,000 in this
Savers who cannot afford to speculate should
choose a Huron Sc. Erie debenture—a trustee investment.
half -yearly
Have you funds lying idle which, at 5% would
increase your interest income? ^ '
litir0111 ak Erie •
"Older than the Dominion of Cattadet."
Richmond Street opposite Post Office, London.
T. G. Meredith, le.C„ Chairman
Heine Cronya, President. , M. Aylsworth, General Manager
Maj. -Gen. Hon, S. C. Mewburn, E.C., Vice -President
tak he trot-
gh high
is year
mit his
on had
ing in -
he men
is the ADVERTISE IN Tillie STAR.
racing officials who make racing, and
if they would just keep this in mind
there would be no complaints.
The banquet closed at LSO am.,
with the singing of the -National An-
them, and everybody proclaimed it a
huge success.'Not till 4 e'lock
the morning did the guests start for
home, The Bedford Hostel resembled
the meeting place of a political eon-
vention before election.
Meals Yearly
eiee '
• e
$i•V •;'• • •'• •
•41;.' • • : • • 4
4.4 •
t. •!.. fe•Tt, gt.„% •„t• °
A:Pef •
+If ••••• '4R2.4% '
Alt • •
Be Certain of
Build with Gyproc
IRE can hurl your
home struction
unle fire -r stantma-
al such as the nevi
Ivory coloured Gyproc
Wallboard is used m its
s. .nesnitteeiti,e; . . ... se:
a , Pacific steamships; 1,350,000 on inland and
tal ateamers,• and 5,00,000 in 4the company's
s and bungalow camps. Lay -out shoves first -
dining saloon on "Erapreso of Australia";
h for two on typical tratuecontinentil Canadian
fie flyer; and kitchen on 0-0.11. dining car with
men in action behindthe guns.
• Inexpensive, perma.
• nem, easy to apply, Gyp -
roc Wallboard•does not
burn. It is exactly what
you want for fire -safe
walls, ceilings and par.
titions when you build,
remodel or repair.
Ask your dealer today
for full information on
Gyproc Wallboard or
send for intereating free
book, "Building and Re-
modelling with Gyproc."
Pais Ontario
4114VIng 3ttert n. nin it§ Mr. Whitely as
the present head of this Association.
'The "Mue Water Strikes" was the
next toast proposed by Mr. Andrew
Porter, 'which was responded to by
Mr. E. R. Wigle. Mr. Wigle is very
well posted on the trotting horse in-
duetry, and spoke very fluently 011
the origin of the trotting horse. Ile
spoke of the euceess of the Goderielt
Teri Club since giving fhe $1,000.00
tonne& Ile saki when the $300.00
purses were ;oven the Club tould not
make things pay, but front the very
*dart of the larger stakes it had been
euceessful, and a substantial baltinee
was now carried in the Ilank.flu
„ „AMOS mem WOIlld be
no reason for eomplints. Horsemen
front all over Canada have sent lam
letters of eenstratulation, and =twee
hint they would patronize his meet.
The next subject was, "Does it pay
to give hotter purses at raee meets?"
Mr. A. D. Sutherland, secretary of
Seaforth Turf Aetociatima, was the
firat apeaker on this eubject
spoke of the desire of elube to raise
• the purses, sod censured the horse-
men for not making entries promptly
so that a proper seoro eard could be
gotten out. As far as Seaforth is
toncerned if theyhonly paid the inter-
est on their mortgage they would he
atisfied. (PheY wanted the hme-
men to get all the money, and the
public to get all the enjoyment they
rook' out of a well conducted rue
meeting, for it was only by keen nes
in, plenty of entries, and proper
performance' of horsemen in general
in carding out the rule e oe racing
that the Ware ranee could be given.
The more the rating attracted the
priblie, the larger the purees that
tould be Riven. He urged every
hoteeman to attend their meeting on
June leth and August 'nth.
Mr. William Martin, of Mitchell.
woe the sezond sneaker. and gave an
outline of the Mitchell Turf Club.
This Club hokls the distinetien
rtarting off homes racing in °Waal
For s,ale ly
The Gcderkh Manutachiring Co, Ulla"
Godetith, Owego
PO- ter
Overshadowed by thotons of steel making up the
monster then has sueceeded it, "Curly," as. the
engine in etin affectionately known among vetran,
railwaymen, stands nlongside se modern Canadian
Pacific locomotive and measures only as long as the
latter's cab and tender. Nevertheless, "Curly", tiny,
loftfunnelled wood -burner of pioneer doe, ean
elaima tecord seldom approached anywhere in. the
world for long life, usefulness and endurenee.
"Curly" was brought to Britesh Columbia in 171
and W. If. (BM) Evans (inset), engineer of the
first Canadian Pacific passenger train to resieh Port
Moody iu 1885, aims it was built in a San Francisco
machine shop and later aided Count de Inesepa in
the Panama Came region, not to mention etnittruction
werIc in Peru. Sixty years of ateltuum work left
their mark oti "Curly", but now the engine after a
thorough refitting at the Censelian Pacific Vancouver
shops, is to be exhibited at the Vancouver Exhibition
in Amulet, as a museum piece et the early dys.
Bill Evans VAS called out of retirement for Pere
poses of thin picture sael gladly donned the old oeer-
oils again to thew himself eat more irt berretta
aZole "Curler. et,