The Goderich Star, 1930-05-01, Page 7'-"Twr A I • 91111 THURSDAY, MAY 2st, 1936 , -....-----,- ---------, 1 ,----------- 04A601111118111111115014KOPIIIII6144.1POIIE 0144451441/404aliNSTH1111 V on Sunday Afternoon i • 'By ISABEL iriAmmrom Ooacrkk, Od. 1 a aaassiaaawswailiutgMBROSININVIiiiii 6E111114A alc.: w. wiR*141:3* When, Ilis salvation bringing, To Zion Jesus came. rite chiidrea all atoad singing Hosanna to Bic name Nov did their zeal. offend Hira. But as He rode along. Ho bade them still attend ilim. And mailed to hear their soma'. John Baran PRAYER To Thee who art the King of kings and Lord of lords We bow in humble • adoration and ehild-like faith ande- seecli Thee to itaiida tie all the way from earth to heaven, Amen, •S. S. LESSON FOR MAY i1th 1930' Lesson Topic -Jeans Acclaimed As Ring. iffesson Passage -Matthew 21:1-11. Golden Text -Matthew 210. AU the four evangelists tell the - story of Chriat's triumpliarride into twieubloadwitt- EICZEMI "Stallfllit-IALVA" MOM WOWS - ',Sew bad terrible Ociuga, falk• Salve sad.d. kcal's,* 1 saimpliv• 1600._ irttJo.--74t&J.I.auivrace.Svogoilrahaava. semi lel *We. Noe= /*odor 43IW davv. taccatoi ai Pruarsts... The West Street Electrical Shop We carry a good stock of Electrical Appliance* Fixtures, etc. ••••••••••••••••• • We Specialize in Wiringof All Kinds Estimates given an application All Work Guaranteed Frank McArthur Phone 82 - West Street USE Hydro -Electric jeaasalem five days before hia ile had lodged Bethany where a eapnee had hem made in ilia honor, 4eatta travelled mull in the three yeara his ministry but always ou feat. Yet oeae in his life he rode in triumph; and it was when he went in- to Java -Wean to stiffer and die. "The Provision that we, made for this sal- emnity was very poor and ordinary, and each as bespoke his kingdom to be not of this world. Hero were no heralds at arms provided, no trumpet sounded before Man, no chariots of etaterao liveries; such thing e as these v. -ere not agreeable to his prezent state of humiliation, but .will be fur outdone at his second coming, to which his magnificent appearance is reserved, when the last trumpet shall sound, the klorious angels shall be his ,heralds and attendants,.. and the 'clouds his ehariots."(lienry's Bible). The preparation for his entrance to the city was made as he drew near to it. He sent two of his diseiples to. fetch him an ass. How did Jesus know where the ass and the colt were, and in what condition they would be found? How did Jesus knew all the little things of which he spake in the course of his ministry on earth? How did he see Nathaniel sitting under the figatree, how did he read his char- acter and state it in words that start- led the man himself? How did he know who it was in the tree looking down upon him in a spirit of curios- ity? How did he know his name and how did he are to say that he would be the man's guest that day ? These questions awaken won- der in the mind of the thoughtfe reader. :Stet.this man alio could se al1things and foretell all things con feseed'his veal: "The Lordhath nee ef them." The head that carried al knowledge; he who was. Master hat tett where to lav his head: he was 1 wanderer inarn the face of the eartl which he had made. All this .which actually came t1 pass was done that "it might be ful filled which was spoken by the pro phet." There was all the appearanci of freshness about everything Jesu did, as if it had never been though about before yet in the Jerusalem in cident we see on a small scale wha he had been doing on the scale of th universe. "And a very great multitude spree their garments in the -way; other cut down branehes from the trees an strewed them ,,in the way, and th multitudes that went before and tha followed cried." 1They might do al that and do nothing! The men sen the celt; the great multitude spree( their garments, others cut down bran ches, and all cried, with a loud voice as if the Xing had come, and must hailed with shouts of loyal delight All. that might mean nothing, an yet, if it meant 'the right thin, 1 wee% necessary. "And ivitera he wa crime into Jerusalem all the city wa moved, saying, Who is this?" 'Citie are moved by 'various causes. Le news of war be reported in any city. and, great as it may be, it will b moved from centre to circumference Let a great man die, and the city the evrentr,v. -the-rirvilizett world shal feel itself the poorer. Jesus move THE PEOPLE'S STORE Q. -oft by Electricity Wash by Electrkity Iron by Electricity CONVENIENT, CLEAN, QUICK Cheaper •thait'Coal or Wood - An electric Vacuum Cleaner removes the dust; a broom just moves the dust. We guarantee all Hydro Lamps for 1,500 hours. Walk in and see display at The ',Hydro Store NEW FURNITURE Don't Buy Any.Furniture Till You Get Our Prices From the Cheapeot to the Most Expensive We Positively Save You Money. HAROLD BLACKSTONE'S FURNITURE 'EXCHANGE •••••••••••••••••••••1 Of the hundreds of thOUSarldS of owners gat has paid a cent for SERVICE qiims amazing record of the .111. General Electric Refriger- ator is made possible by many exclusive features. The hermetically sealed mechanism is mounted on top of die cabinet. All the machinkiy is sealed air -tight in a Kt ady steel casing. It clust.prooft trouble.proof and never needs to be oiled. Come to our showrooms and see the new all.stecl models warp.proof and ex. tremely durable. We will gladly demonstrate the accessible freezing regula- tor and many other points of superiority. Easy Terms Arranged ntatiOati GEN104 ELECTRIC Aim- mitt% IlEntIfOltlIA.TOR Coduith iltater and tight Comnission 4sorroolie#41 by CANADI t1ita ELECTItit Llealeed THE CODERICII STAR =999•9691999999.9999999999999.990119•06999 •What Shall We Name the Baby. A SYMPOSIUM BY FAMOUS PEOPLE OF To- DAy-Condueted by William Lewin •To select a suitable name for emit baby that vornes into tho world is, indeed,. an absorbing problem. Milliaas of new babies were born last year. And Net there are lesa than 400 mantes to cheese from. Perentsaseareh directorial for suggestions. Shall we create some interesting new nanies ' No. 2, -By Amelito Galli.Curci ao3wis It scents to me that, aside from the fact that parents might wish to perpetuate a name that has already been used in the tam- ily, it all depends upon Cie last name. It avast be a name that will, combine welt with the last name. For example. if the last name is Stone, no first name that ends in "s" (James, Willis, etc.) will combine well with it, as it does not pronoUnee well. Likewise, a name like George will not pronounce well with it. whereas a name like "Marvin" rolls together easily with it. Si the last name pro- nounces in one syllable, the first name should have two; conversely, if the last name is a long one, the first name should be short, unless a first mune is chosen which does not duplicate any of the syllables of the last name, for example, "Raymond Hitcheock" (very good). There are exceptions to this in case one wishes to use a name which starts with the same letter as the last name, in whibla ease the alliteration is effective and easily remembered: for example, "William Winter." There is another point to consider. If the two names are na- tionally absolutely different, the effect will sound forced. I .have thenhonei)oak before me. Let us take a few andanalyze them t 11 iilt,-:!.rt a.rld Tlii.;!re 1., (a5Vi L-,01rt',,,I a. -c.,.1 ca h I) iv, "i. -11i, 6 ,,-ve.:,:] iza vtant no-aaaa. t -al .ur11\. -11.,,:a41. 't ,• 'a.. ll:--, al eaatra, r.)i M. C. 4. tooi: ,t1 the Far P.rt, r.lton.;,w1.1 g, iko .F.C1 Cii-o-.3' 'A V.;itnIzer, st''cntiF n i'•-.);:tr,:e to 1.1t roveao ',Y.,...• a :,:zi, month° ilvy VI tlo, 0..iiont. f.,"elono1 INiti,.1 tt'n^tvtlt ni111 o'iiiiaa %%oda vtovai:' !.:,i.•?. i ,-,(i vctlie,c, at watt, Neal, ota1 t',a-ta -----, ‘9celin't linf 4iNiiri,lo i7,77:,c't A i4 VO Sa,y,aton4,,w;la Et0f.'Llt,, allki in nay fal0"1,,t,r, 0:'...,11Te'l 4,,2 10111Q4-101, Viral Is fliT.'4. 24-41i - $44 Z14? Gilleralt rhortly if lardrioic wcal"wr condi- tions Cot'. vccoolinn• to re - Pena tiIiling tu to V•le WiMliPel OtIfie:1 CF 010 aglie49111141•alt olevitt- meat of the l'a..,anilan /'acKic 'tall - way. . . . ,.. ...,,,-.- Eleventa head of finest tioafou - bred stoelt' arrived at recently to go forward y tantf-. (bun Paeifie Railway to t o Pr! cc of Wales ranell at 71110 II er, Alberta. It is the irat 01,111111101It of the land to the ranch in the past four years. The majority are pedigree shorthorn cattle. ••••••*(A•••••,, "There Is at present in Great Britain a decided awakening of interest in the Caivillan univerai- ties," said Dr. earn Norwood. head- master of Harrow. one of the most famous of English nubile at:herds and Alma Mater of Lord Byron. Dr, Norwood is chairman of the delegation of British headmasters here O� a tour of 4181)Cetlort of ten Canadian universitlea. He arrived at Saint John recently aboard S.S. Duchess of Bedford, PAGE MISSING •••••• '•• • • '••,• . a ,1, a la 11 EmuLtaiun th,t this r11-' Wuf.1 N a 4 Lai0 is pure cod•liver 6il scientifically ernalsified-prepared for easy and rapid digestion, just as Nature provides emulsified fat in milk. This is the important reason why the coet,lioer oil you talee--should be emulsed,- should be Scott's Emulsion. Scott & 5on1e, Toronto. Ont. 36,6 111111111111111111=1.11111.1.1111111111111111111111111111 CANADIAN NATIONAL Fit TRAIN SERVICE ta TORONTO DAILY EXCV,P1 allINDAY Lve. Goderich 6.20 WM. 2.20 p.m. " Clinton 6.44 ani. 2.50 p.m. " Seaforth 6.50 A.M. 3.08 pan " Mitchell 7.21 a.m. 3.35 pan. ; Arr. Stratford7.215 cm. 4.03 pan. Kitatner 3.40 a.m. 120 p.m. around the (ittiskint; of which often can ho beard as :Ile ma- lignant mai:es its nigntly t 00 rs 01 hi- . tql(vtioll UMW gli th Ncgto called 1ni1cyti W-11!eii ::(14f.trif'd a1,00aro fields. In the / 1 runeb batty tittle of hard In ttt 0 ."10111id 00 W1,1011 the Ilaytians dance on nionitligiit iflt h thrahhina of great tarn- bos or drdnis form, el from boikw logc 141•0114 (1 With roatphIns. Here the laborn's and :heir worm 0 indult.e,1n the wild eontortiOnp de- manded by the prieMs and pal E,!. osses itt Noodooinn, atal Inspired by rum and miperstitton prance tond1;,, until they fall exhausted by the or Ing cirbers. PUT walkers and iii« Natal's f(a.tire largely at wadi orpies and art loolied upon by their dap( as b« In super 10011 and women. During tlie har14 st rwaatollt, W111011 lasts from mid-Dtectraber 1111111 3110 Cane fires ata of fr: quent oeoll and oceaston bir.v..e! to the planters. lo i thiv,11iwon, 10 addltle " Guelph 3.04 a,m. 5.50 pan to tho fire 1..114111.s paid by the eut2iir " Toronto 10 A.m. 7.30 p.m. Coltrals, the Dominican Govemnant Returning-Mal:1e Toronto 7.55 cm., naleains patrols of soldiers who lob 1 12.55 p.m. no .,605 p.ni, about HIP 501478 1111-1404 1t, I1Iv ft, 1,1.1 Parlor Cafe. Car Noderteh to Tor- nos win) ila.V0t for Haa- t oat° 011 morning train, and Toronto flans. "Titay aro VCyishipp.1 to Goderich en 6.03 p.m train. No -not ehrimtan," nay th,, biotin i change of ears batarcen Goderieh and Isaaainieasia of the black Hayelans, Toroato. '"and this republie will toyer again S. A. LAWRENCIt„ aulanit to their rulc, s It was forted Town Pasiearer to do for forty yoars dining the last rlione '1 lei at Agent century." 40111111rea.en. Yonnowlo...11111.111.1r. op.somame•maarimmag.ouneo Wt SPARK 1%130 litesiaSCTIftlei ne*Vie LI, 11119 NA1.110/4411, is Your Cu' ready for the trip!' a I AUL Don't wait until the morning you intend going on a tri and then And that your engine is balky. A new set of Chanapion Spark Plugs increases power, speed, and quickly pays for itself in gasoline and oil saved. We recommend and seli thein because we know they are better for every engine. WILSON BROS. R. R. No. 6. Goderich GENERAL STORE - Tires, Gas, Oil and Aceessorieg was ex - With the Thirl- ded the iereh on ' en the nines in ped into preel,. *table to Master's lowered , though lien was big the, :1' from ea until mid! I Sounds o bad as .nking 11 1. Miley told the recently c Xylose, ar which tind coi- ns food possibil- think ^141 sub- . food for nasty . hitherto wi been ' w enact- ' $25.00 to anyone who ; are be- can bring in a car we 1 in •Ja- cannot fix. aid Rein declared ; ;ton for , idees. , - • mtly ar- ASTORIA n South • can see . Pot Infants and Childrea inhering ittuse For Over 30Year =1 nag and Champion National Change Week, Alay 5 to 11 VIIEE Spark Plug Inspection VOU are not enjoying pow, .11. speed and getaway unless your spark plugs are properly adjusted and in good condition. We will be glad to inspect your spark plugs free of charge all this week, No obligation sea -this is just part of our sexy - ice. Champion Spark Plugs give better perfonnanee in every engine. That'll, why we reconante d anal sell them 11111a • or .4.11 GODERICH INN GARAGE Goderich, Ont. 4. nether', Always bears •• 49E4Rignatute of. the g in Rockies 11 PC.; 1,41 1•% • .1 1:1,11'0 "V.*. •,;1414i ;?!.?4 • -" • k• •`"Z‘t- 17 r;2 .1* .,fOf'aill`f t 1'111 :1 • * "l'otler „ • : 43.0, ak •. , f 7.:1; Qpringl here, according to the calendar. though you may not otherwise have noticed it, and with the spring the thought of vacation hev.:1' ti gather olrength. In another month or sin wtelis the basiga- law camps of the Rookies, famous tae word over for their beauty, will have opened af.or.:a f.... the te,aaaa, Outatending among 'Oral ere the Latta 011ara liatigaleer camp (lower left), L''U,At. bli11110: Lake tease; Yoh!) camp (lower rit,;it, ut-ae7 1110 roar of the Tokakkaw Valim; and Enzetald halo tbslt (upxr), by many coer..:_lrtrul te tthe ace: of the Bockiel, Although artista and other; will often kontd that. Lake O'Hara is a close rmval. Staya at varaloaablo Coat laity be made in any t al thrttO off thine camps, educe they are not v,rr,o. far fwat una =other and are easily aceemible. As a ly nt wane minor part of the hest of thece eamp.1 chert 10 -ilia attraction of trail riIng on train --i, qur4qc01(4 raountein comsat over mountain tale ra tinetah !tome of the mast magnificent teener:/ .1; the w3r' ('iitt'O itmt, aro the Pullout Twin Valle acct Yoko Ca' r _ , • ••••••••..... AA 40 WY, a. 4 1