The Goderich Star, 1930-05-01, Page 5I
THURSDO, MAY hist, 1*30
A Gout has and colds are prevalent. Get Campbell's
Grippe and C old Capsules to break alp the cold.
unify ahte system with a ood builder, 'Wain)- j
001 `l'�stetess Cod diver'ilr �elslars Palatable
Cod Liver0il, at
Dr. Gunn' Preaches at North St. United'
Large Con reba.tions Enjoy Opportunity of Hearing
Moderator of United Church
- The$9th Anniversary o t~ h gregatioh-5th • Since;
Union t
rs. s a�.i,..,,.....,.,.. am•vioas in connection) and his morning addresss was..a moat .` • • •'.. :; - : _ _ .�'
IPA4iri:+ F ivs
�fffor Ladies' and Children's Wear
Peter. Pan Prints Moine Country Cloth$
Pueblo Prints
The eab)r°s in, these materials are guaranteed-
° A;lga a large range of dainty -figured Voiles in all colors and:
platin and printed Celanese in the new sprink =patterns
Just received a new shipment of Dress Ornaments, Chokers
and Neckwear
The CaPhone 88
sh. ,
-, .,..
tRfth Nolrth street LTnited churc -wereinteresting-
NopTH ST. UNITED• CHURCH, 000,0fI1G, ' - .- ,._ _ _- .. .
held very successfully. Sunday last. that country. !Me sassiest work in full elder" which correspands to •vr?Ia:
The visit of the Moderator,•Rev. Wm- India was A• heritage: from the Pres- Conference'of the Evangelical church term and will continue with of a num- d�gree.of ministor.
D•D. grade the ogcasron one byterian:. church •and• he felt it was � had been blessed Nornraln'Mair; and altio with his pal:- at Zurich last Sunday. During the nwr course until est he rdvill be sty- - ��
'P•' nn+ Interest- a representative of I the United church h Mair. ' afternoon service William Durst - was On the first of g
T mulch. Interest and at the .evening very sitting that
thecongregation the former Methodist church and a during `its brief existence, in wuuu ents, Mr slid p'I George ohe United ordained as a deacon. He has been tioned at. Shakespeare where he Will are
service, especially, e re representative of. the•former Congre-' members of other Communions would Ti+e 'young , 1 1? -FOR •FLE'FCIIEit
was very Targe. Victoria street Unit- P ter visit rejoice Also; as. did the united ohuntii, church are, presenting 'their : play, attending college in Chloggo, and win, preoch,for two years, at which fiats
ed church dispeiiset with their even- gational chux!ch should take h d access of other churches.. OWreckintt Robriiet s,, 9ud'et,' ,In the return there to complete the svring he will be ready to be ordained : a C. A S T Q R E
Ing service to allow their ritembers the mission which the United church to the sIrl-- °- '" '"`"" *•
the opportunity , ll hearing the Mod- are n..d from the former Presbyter,- The 'members of the union commit Victof a street chuxVit 'odortal.0 nn
erator, and representatives of most•of Ian church. .In his own person there union ai' reaternk 1richnesseoi tradition I Death,ected Of the n� ul i g��fr mks a a3sbotggn
the other congregations of town ;and was something of,church' union s g
the vannas re is ;in the country .gbste�i, fox be was the sdn of a Pres. and this was ` reiilizecl•. Inatet<d of ;weans) f'rcfiictetl 'by +Ass own' hand,
rourtdaibout wvex present.. byteiian elder. For some difference former Methodists and Congregation- claimed 3ahn.0olbnrna, abed. 69:?esiof
e tr, .'J. E, Ford' led in Itrayer of opinion his parents went for a time alists •fcelirJr:it was not incumbent on Ing on the sixteenth concession ed
at. the morning;seirvicf- to a..Methodist church and later on be them to study ;about John Knox, ur' Godetha . been
'The deceased
I 'weleoiisiiig,.Ihe.. Moderator, the had joined the Congregational church, former Pr eslbyterians and Congrega- mate had bean living ))Ione for Years
n and he was unable to say whether it tionalists not paying much thoughtL`o and had Iec a quiet life. Friends can
i a
i 1.t h
•. H x,.l g
ed h res
son h
mentioned w maxi 'give o
. 1 rk • b t� n
• v r, C a Tis •mer es 1
paster . -vas When, he was a little Pfesbyter- John Wesley, or f:o1 I'r g
..^ 'sea
The discovery
drat this was .the• fifth :Anniversary fan or a little'Methodist that. his far and. Methodists knowing lithe _about prompted the suicide..
since •un}on,; tbo t`r'eaty'-fourth of the -ian Ovisit to Goderich had taken place. John Robertson, . the traditions of the of the body was made by Henry Sny-
piresetit" .ebiveli .building and the ' United church now included all. It der, who lived across the road from
eighty-ninth of the congregation, the Dr. Gunn said in visiting India he
deed of land by the Canada Comlfan, y I had. the advantage over missionaries was determined also by the Union Mr. Colli -t tie and dvho •cuss going to
being: m^ 1841 or A2• tubo returned after years of service committee that there should .be no invite ltbn? to spend Sunday afternoon
be I break with .the parent ` churches, at the Snyder home li#ening to the
Dr.. Gunn; told' the congregation1'there that being se short a time there though they did not know just how radio„wvhich the late MT. Colborne en-
that this teas his second viiit to •Code- his Impressions were more those that s 1; joyed a great deal, Fipddng no ori•:
rich. the first being' when lie was a any stranger would get visiting this his would be accomplished, but the
small boy of four or five. His country for the first time, .and what world wide bodies of the three char- in the house ,Mr. Snyder walked to
r impressed him about India was the ehes had solved this by voluntarily the back of the woodshed and discov-
mother s father-wa interested in the I admitting the United church as a con- cred the body, Having fixed a shot -
salt industry and this Was the ecea great difference between their cos- g p gun .to the ekterioi l all •of the wood- .
tume, way of .linin etc., and ours, a stituent part of the various nicht
sion of thy' visit of his parents to Y g' bodies. shed he had managed tiI discharge it
.Goderich. almost sixtyyears g difference. so great that he had to get
ears ape. •Hhee out and look up at the stars and find A larger fellowship among the with a stick whish was still clutched.
hhd're+collections of the Square, oft the pointers and north star to realize members of the United -church itself in his hand•' Gsop,�gr •,IIr.. Shaw of
cannon overlooking .the barb and. of
that he was 'still in the same world. bad been secured. A federation sim Clinton was vium daately Called and
an eagle's near the .to - - Missionaries' who 'remained. in .the slur to Ilse union of: the Provinces at the'time of dreatl�'awas placed at Sat.
stay in Goderich he ;was country for years before their return Confederation had•been brought about urday. morning. The body teas re
;stn 'about hnd ;sats again the Square with surprisingly little friction.for the moved to undertakers in Clinton and
and,the cannon overlooking• the lake to .Canada -lost some of this feeling 'vastness of .the task Anil the machin- ,burial took place there yesterday.
andr was. much interested. in his visit• of difference .from their famtltarQ1T ery of the United church (its organi- Dr. Shaw, after investigating the cit-
Dr•'Gimn and Dr. Endicott write re with the country,aequired zatfon) was rvoriring better than it iumstances, dechk that an inetuest
eent'viAters in India, seeing• the mis: resiiletic a there. To go to India. was
like stepping ba'ok ,into Bible times had been..:exPeCted :would' obtain. for ° vitas not neceSsaxy., jI'here are sur-
sionatr^y, ?work of -the United .church tind'ntan 'cexpressions in the Bible be troyeTlty-fivrt years and )tie, machinery viving ttvd daugli rs aiid one son.
y Would;be improved from time to time.
r .•• a s,, -; , c3QMeeAa3 of 'un. tlrstundfng after a l
y . d as irnproveintnts suggested. AUJOU; 1T
visit: to india. The social centre wasiTlie Creed of thg; United Church in � +
the, well where the women came to 1 There will be;,servnee in St. Mark as
Model TheattU draw water to fill their water pots its twenty aitbeles was a simpleex-chnrc'h neat sabbath evening at 7.50.
kin bottles perimental. creed which everyonehirigs are abDJ�li £rormii in the vil-
1and men came with goats should read to become familiar with
i to. carry 'awn . water. The tiling of lege this 1Ye li ttefich9ols . Apened 1 1i
EEK G • >(AY '6 to 10, ' Q . its beauty: 14IondAy. a}
W I'' the roofs of the houses showed how t i Mr. Edear �LaCvSeli at4 Ennis) .were
c - The Unitedchurch was preaching _ t
'`MONDAY• _amid �TUESbAY easy i't. would be to tear a hole in a � �' y
the Gospel 2: ten .dsFerent languages • Mr.
at Seaforth"last Sunday guests,
is The one :and only, ` roof ;arid let down abed as was re- in the foref?n fields and weiity-five i of Mrs. Slates•. .
�O'rI eordied iii th'e New Testament, for the in Canvem. Four., languages in the ff
GIt�TN TRY. tiling wvas not fastened and could be foreign field duplicated languages us -1 . Mr. hnd'litrs. G`grge Iipmilton vier
at his laughingest best• See him in { moved iif' a few minutes, The up p g ited friends in i�ayfield the forma}•
' cd in Camels; but therg were five sep- # alt of the week: ✓
the apeAliest, thing on reels—a com- stairs of. a: (house' was reached by grate• Indian languages, so that this , p
ted with a senile -a -minute speed and stairs. on the outside. Dr. Gunn tate made 3G separate languages in which Mr. and blrs. James Johnston: spent .
ower )ant of laughs.' You. it say of witnessim the counterpart of th. the church was reaching the gospel, ,the week -end at 11litchell with their
a p p „ •n one of the dreams which Jos- p daughter, Mrs. Fi:froW,
' "T$E i{ID'S' CL>i:Vi✓R story r just twice the number rc..orded .fn the i Mr: 'Joseph 'Critter,
„ eph interpreted, the man carrying a reeord of the day°of Pentecost.. An- p , of Part Elgin,
"RANGE OF FEAR i trav of cakes on his head dud a bird, ntl+�e comparison Pr. Gann liked to a •guest in the village at present at
r'FOX 1stEWS” coming rind carrying one of the cakes p the home of his, father.
imil of ' was that for. every star vi;,- i -Mr. Zekipl Phillips line been •build -
away. The oxen treading out' the ible in the skies there was a .breach- t � fence; which Will
wearing muzzles and the pour; Ing a new anti tic f n e, I
stain a g taro > o i fife Unite`: cliurcb, but it add to the b#ift
;> Wednesday And Thursday. t •
attg of the grain from a stand t� al- tool: all. tic stars visible in both the of"Itis lot,
•John (Gilbert".and Mary Nolan low the wind to drive away .the chat"x, hemianher'es to equal the number of Last Sabbath was quite 'a
Ernest 'Torrence all recalled Biblical allusions to these preaching points of the church for at large attendance at the Baptist
Wirth church. There was, an addition to
in An adventure ;under the African eustatns. h never saw iris- any one time only. half the five thou
� the church of four nets members.
sun you'll never forget. Swift'drama, Dr. 'Gunn said E sand visible ible stars enuld be , een i The Rev. W. T. Goodwill and Mr.
exotic romance and fighting action .sion 'where every department of the obow a picture of each of the b74pi- i S"nortreed, of Blyth, are in St. Thom.
work co-operated so well to to as this week attending a meeting of
` make a great pi'eture of tats of the church, one A minute,
"DESERT NIGHTS',.' bring to the front the evangelistic would false one haus and a, half, and the Synod of. the Hamilton and Lon- .
REGAL COMEDY -note+ as that in India. Many bIndia. aonse of the larger hospitals treated don Presbyterian church.
�� ful tl+ings . were to be seen in India, abaut' 30,000 patients in a year, a to-, Miss Rye, of Toronto, was buried in
"SELECTED blit there Were also ninny unlovely til 'of perhaps 90,000 treatments for' Clinton cemetery .last Monday. She
-^z-- sights. such as the places where one of the larger hospitals. And died in Toronto. She ;was a cousin
'FRIDAY and SATURDAY I young men and young maidens used there were 700 schools and colleges of Mrs. Asquith of the village, Who
REGIiVALl1 DEN • I to be sacrificed as an offorine, to in- owned by the church.
duce the gods to give lslpntiful hat- �'cttendecI the funeral.
Dr. Gunn exprebsed the hope tba: ggi•c. Sandford Lawlor Was in Lon-
the:screen's most dynamic star, with vests.., or. to keep Away smallpox. still further unions vivuld be brou ght don last week visiting her daughters
fuzzy Qtig Harlen, stages a riot of , The. 'harrors of some of these sacci- about. th=in, r,frr. Jones and Miss Lottie
mo in
• 2e,
hu x sir_.,
'a f with
to edt a away t
e c onp at musical art o •+.
en d feature of he r
un and an p es had been Y A fe.t t e
bis latest and best farce" i British rule and the 'old religious bo- the services was the singing• of Mi'- -the bcr. Finning
Iathis returned hem
"HIS LUCKY DAY" liefs were falling away like the sear- Franklin Moore, of Stratford, who the belts a b of this week.
folding which was remove from the tinolc the tenor Salo in the anthem '. This, i:r a busy t: eels with the farm-
Episode" number.two of fine building and.Jesus was standing ' "Seel: Ye the Lard," in the morning,! rail conununity here. •All alta busy
"THE DIAMOND MAS"W' out more srnrl more, clearly in India a' and also contributed as a solo"tmr1, inuing. I£ favorable weather can-
CARTOON`COMEDY : n beautiful building would when the+ Ler "if d but Lift Mine Eyes." The n )her seeding
edalr will soon be past for
11HC111i[MSS fioblElt" scaffolding was torn down. rvenine Was preceded by a (Froin anothe, correspondent)
n t For his evening theme Dr. Gunn twenty nisnute recital by Mr. Cainn-i
"Hatinee Sob. at � 3.00 p.m. > took the text, "The Lord hath don.' ,„ , IDT.. U. L. Eiratt is in Toronto this:
,� b�Il hail. lir. Moore, can;ludir.with
CdrnYn--'eisCA����'��' great things for us already, and the mtartet. "Sweet Hour of P'raver,,' we ex.
pointed to some of the ways in which by the Inixcd quartette of the eliu�cti,� 141x. elstlsur i4luntii,ier is on the sick
this nuw'oei coming very appropria- li;.t su lirweut,
tell u: t before the o»ening of the I ry u are pleased 66 report that I4%rr .
vrrvice. Mr. Moore durin Jc"• Matte:, ui tate village. is improv-
eveninr- •
�� the t ental, sang "My Tach" and dui Ing slotcl,,. • ,
o ' • ing the �ervice. "Th^ flolir City," In I Mr. Jus. Carter,of Port L On, Wasthe etEntnn•anthem,."Hart:, )lark, My1 a week end .•iamr at the ii0tsia u£ hi.,Soni;' 111 < r. Hu'+ie, Mis, BVI. Buch-. parents;,
ani n a ted 11rt. G. Ijuchanan had sol i I ,roll.., '1"aylor, of Gz derich, was the
,•gue.•t of Mrs. ')Yin. Dodds rtes• th(CorIn sono,', ?en With the simiversary week -en i' SENDAYY . MAY 11th occa&)n the committee of stewnr:ds Mrs,ti. .liotlridgc is with he,
RS DAY, asked fur a special offerin-Vof S70 tndaughter, iiia:;, ,, 1nompson, o£ L;,n,
tunity tosend mother a bunch of fiov:ers or a plant. nay a +utile ref notes. rine? over 51000 dun, at present.
The E.hool re -opened nn Mondal.
ed on, Wear a white fimver tri her mercury. was Ila+eel on the eollacttan platet,And four small boyl began to tveac
owers delivered to any country through our Flowers «200 of this comint+ Os s rift from the the thorny roae of learning'.
4i'omen s Association. ;This allows
Telegraph Delivery. •Tina families of Mr. Win. Groo ane
GEC]the treasurer o clean up the ny, i Mr. Dan Crawford were each enlatg
STEWART tl udi of the emiumn one nicely, tl - c'd by tate recent arrival of a 1 al •1
•' cluidinp the »remiums on an atdditiotr al ;9hr>v.
Phone 105 0,000 insurance on the church boy.
nun:lier frons'here motored t
�y®bI�jl building recently put on.
_ —, Goderich on Sunday evening to hes;
Rev. Dr. Gusto# Moderator of the Gen
.. _._...,� c arat Council of the United Church.
Mr. and Mrs. McLean, of Goderi. h, :sorrow entered the homy of Mi
National � were Sunday visitors in the village., and Mrs. Gormley Thomprun, of Ion
ChiantplonAlex. JC.aird, NOW has been visiting don, early this week when a baby so]
friends here, had returned to Wood -I arrived but noon passed on into th
NAY 5 to 11 stock. brixhtet land
Mr. James I+,Iellta01, of Clutton. •��rt Y
a sun(!ay vieitot' at the hor,ie of :fir. ( ]iENltll rl,�°eR
OUR ea><stointl 'n tltro'ugliont tlti® and Mrs, J. Brogden lbieMath. , �xaty znd IN?anty Currttning• are i.
'section have found that every liar. and Mrs. Osbaldelton ' and "the Sick (children's Hospital, Londot
aC>txgirle yields better performance ° daughter, of Goderieli, vpont Sunday undergoing corrective treatr,lellts.
With relatives here. Mr. John Young, of Loyal. reeentl
,yvheni po�iv+Erred by Clta>ttapi►on Spark
14irs. Bennett and childro r, of app0fntcd elder at Slit))',•) Bill Unii
plin iss,tud tlar►t as now set every 10,000 Goderich, Are vlsitillf; at the home o2 t•d ehurch preached moat ixceftta4l
miles n1 aJota sins this mtaxilouln pr rd eats the forrrer's brothel. Melville Gliddon. at Wnmtlies Iast gunday morning
I`olrtrntA11C)0 at its greatest ecoxaoniy. Mr. and Mrs.. Nifton Presptor aprnt the absence of the pastor.
1Cf your rspaark plugs 11ave gone 10,000or gun&y at the 1 •`16 oyf� �,the firrinelo s lir. George
),l,a+na, Sr., t.l10 hzt
rrae,trt�nliilirs let aarsin!ataali sa ttt+ety,set d1f. paronts, Mr. ani, "tri. Ac7'.win praetor. Well rigith1r, ill laI'0n&u foo the i a,
1lar. gird 1E11•. )sank �l�ilc®I1 acrd tavo nlontits, paid a visit to hi 'r1nsl
+1 titaet'Amy
r stairs �tbrc better spark pjurs— d � a diildren. of Sstlnia, )Issue, 'tetuatted last Suiie"Iy in c otrti,aliv tviell hi
#WW. myexccl undevtverydottdition. aftvr rnpvneinfr thin 1_awtev boli. ers. Mrs. ilarold ilial malt at
riavl at the 110nre of thO 13^.ly'o fattier, far• alld Mrs. 1'pllrair,r AiLltari• Th(
tSrneal to Torolite Isis Nottal3y Inou
Ge.:trsl t1dye. Gas, Oils, Atc-uefler Vie$".oet, 41�.. flap. end Mrs COA A fah, and little
ciautrlltea, of Salzaii3, ar-e visitiiia at� Jolin flick. Jdhn PUrst nnJ lwa'
the liome of the fol'I-,aer s zother, Mr.
)n. Ii �Ib3Iu:NJ,,, .^tttlitl�tl W�i� Gari:l.
.� 1
N o
Co pare
ou P ic
with whatou . have b� e
•fie are here- to s rve.. . oa, with. �he finestest quality ygoods ai
VerY IawCS prices. �.
These ricesg ood for t o creeks :.
.rdal ay 3pd; to Sat 'M
I! _
BUTTER. , t 23c . :• COMMo � lbs. for:. , .24e
in bulk per Ib. 21c 3 lbs for..... i•
550 and 47c a ll p oFr.esl.o
r Smokod
o HAMTOMATOES Bak Libby s or Aylmar, N ;Large tuts, 2 MACARONI Pork and Beans No shailk
for.. o 2 lbs; for, :. ,23c per can. ; .11c
Fresh Lake Trout
NO. 3 PEAS DATES Cookie . ° or White Fish
2 tins for.... 29C • ONIONS . Per 1b..
2 lbs. for: , .19c p . _
SWEET CORD - - to 1115. for.. 25e, ° : TOILET PAPER
2 tins for,....25c .25'c ° Choice Old °. --- S rolls ftar....26e.
�..., p CARROTS a LAW—
,1 SLICED ° 3 His. for. .49c ANIMONIA
1'�r lh..
PINEAPPLE 3c �...�.�,�:. 3 boxes for. ,21c
2 tilts for .... 25c Lame ot:
-----' OLIVES Orydolt Chipso p Choice. Fresh
DE LUXE JELLY Plain, per j.1r 39c curd Rinso o TOMATOES
POWDERS o Stufed, per jar 33a. ° Each_ 21c Per Ill.. , .20c
5 for... .2*. p ._ U -,--- .._. 2 Ills for. .35c
-- o. r , a F`. mid G. SOAP
OUR OWN SOAP SODA BISCUITS, to bars for..3Sc Large Sizo
5, for: , .:...2gc Per lb 16c �. n CAULIFLOWER t
CC+mFORT SOAP Each We .end 35c
LUX FLAKES SfcilAKER SALT ill bars for..40c
3 pkgs for...29c 2 tins for. , 17C " GREEN ONIONS
------ _ — CASTILE. 50tir gnarl RADISH .
JAMS •lb
5 c.tkes frtr..2r c
40 -oz. Jar ...3C •
m l�:irllaes fctr"15c
NC�{t' CAL�t'tO'I'S
Strawberry,..39c � Choke Y,
p CORN SYRUP o SALMON o Large bunche,;, ri
Raspberry ..35c ° 5 1h. hi for..33c' RICD ALM p fair.... .lac
• ., .'1Sc o 1 .tr!tn Crtl1. .32c , o .. .
OYvttt C 1b, tin .... :will t1l C;ttr „�..10c LBAF Lr.:T It uct.:
MARMALADE - i 1i111telses for 25e_ e
Oily Own FRF -S"
s ..2Jc A Real 1 er lh .. ' °Aas®Yttiient of, Baking Powder
No. 2 Squat
Lol at their lie",' t
CAKE' Luv. Hand 20c to
fills for .• .21e
— See the: e at 29C SOAP 35e evil.
Brown and a Ill. 4 firs ........ 23a �`�."""..`
GI•nntilated ..., 1[.Rti�OidS
SUGAR ° Rideau Nall or BREAKFAST Per doz...:.. 23r,
MluV'rell E oa+rc BACON ORANGES
fn lbs. for..59c q COFFEE Piece or sliced.- e
, 75ar Asa
LK tin for...59c per lb...35+ o35c,0.
99,c 0 dozen.
Granulated Choice Bulls
lilt) IN sack at 75c, 65c, 59c SAUSAGE 25c and 30c per
• $5.45 on and 47c a llr. Per 1b.... ° .25c dozen.
. sl
A full line of Choice Vegetables and Flower Seed
• ,t '
Collie in and get our Special Prices on Aylmer Canned Goods first weelt o
Sale only.
Terms for this Sale—STRICTLY CASH.
G. W. BAE"%(.%0HLER
Cor. Kingstoti Street and Sgtiare
phone 3 Our Own Doti�relry e d °