HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-03-27, Page 4= a: PACE FOUR SMART SPRING STYLES IN LADIES' CO"Apirae and DRESSES and Real values in Fine Quality HOSIERY and GLOVES You are invited t® come and secs a new shipment of Dresses lust to hand epl�t�tc+:.;�os';topt�rpta�to>q�Oxata�pe�io The New .. PKI G COATS " Choo,;ing your new spring Goat is no. problem at all whett you:sea the distinctive models we are A showing at most moderate prices. Materials are of tricotine, broadcloth, covert cloth and tweed. Many are fur -trimmed with such furs as gallyake, broad• tail, squirrel, mote and muskrat. All are charming to 'their smallest details, Higher waistlines in most cases, for -these follow the modern trend in silhou- etto. The new chats are beautifully lined with pkiln and figured crepes. All sizes, No two alike. Ladies' silk gloves in all the nevv'styl�s. Fancy �uil"s in :'tart And long styles. We carat a1ull line of French TrefCvs.e Glove. + washable kid gloves. pytp 0=0A==== Fudl Cte ,,-= = udl ashianediosc R $1.00 per ' pair la, ­.the new spring shades, including Suri Brown, Kasha, Mystery.:. Plaza Grey. Maize, etc., lIkk, to 'woi1 �iful like fog' 1.0 per pails _~ 141�MgQ '"QlO[t1rgQL�CG """""":[Otf1 C ­0R, 'F . L­ 'WES,r SIDE OF SQVARE PHONE 418 'SHOP WHIIIIE . YOU ARE INVITED 'i'(SNpi' THE GOIJER>lC.l;i. STAB Ttrl°r�;?:� o M.4"t,a'lk .z�41i: Iiisail More Than 12,000 Canadians wivas a,�sad,�aa;ba:,g 8r.a Far�,et�3Te� Not yi7rdding Rings ga.Qn thelia 1ty their Husbands in 1023. Inat'a almost tinl:elienable, isn't it'. Ar.1 set» S st tiafnle of the innuraaera'blo th=ands of oibco wcmcn tylia xeeeicecl their For get-Xe� of itia year) Past, eaaelr Ono s1111 d ", irinand banCmnacnatael:ing ding and faatest«rolling xiocdding band. Certainly, no greater army of ea10.,;m0u could be recruitcrd anywhere. We elways bav0 a Iar a assortment of these wed- ding rings iia stock. C. Robertson- DIAMOND MrRCHA-14T. and JEWELER. - Phone 136 Godericha GODERICH FOLKS By MAC An ounce of provention, ..Better kocp ill good health tiarougil the use of precaution and standard health aids. The reliability of the standard drugs the carry is assured. Ash: your doctor about our proscription accur- H. C DUNLOP ,THE KEXALUbRuG, JTOR> GODERICH° ONTARIO came out in Tuesday's Free Press and Capt. Itabirsvn said 'tin tinted to see 1 fire comiuittee, From Jas. II• Me could llwia ]been :cotrectod in thq the island &o •Dint a£ the harbor for ft 11lanus to erect dairy on the: �n:,rth _ Gvderich papers the same 'rr"Veit as fn 1v�q 0010 old landmark and an ideal afde of Haztaflton atrect Nutri ecu St, o f Free Press. Ile Ir*d arslted one place for •shipbuilding, though as time Andrew's and Nelson streets, 70x213„ Croft�•»a better rift Forrest, he said, had o£ the delegates if rho report r:1ta_ event on the harbor trust be improved ono story; conerete 8 in: walls critic. not a better friend than Cmunrfllar correct and he did not deny it. Croft,, Isis Worship said it made lairs sThe itiayOr pointed out that all the aud�the island taken out. All would brick front, cement iiaai 16 rear n feel ashamed to see a list of names members of the delegation had aEn- give Mr. Forrest credit for his fight feet for stable par�io_res, 1w gest ut►en for the island. Why discriminate space between stable and dafr•,r but such as were oigued to the letter in dorsed'his statement of what was said against him Y Wath ..ono roof over all, roofing of the press 0114 to see that there was at Ottawa and be had absolutely' noth. against Mayer also expressed regret at:, galvanized iron, estimated cost: y 1600, no grouter co-operation, It We stick Ing to retract. from Mass Ddobiahen to repair room together there is nothing we could "All we ask is a square deal," camo seeing the island go. not accomplish but instead of co. from the delegation, After the delegation withdrew, the of dwelling on Bennett street; fro?n Harry Mitchell, to erect auto, service . apaaratfon we `had ppeople going round . During the discussion. as to where regular business' of the meeting was staffer an east side o£ la3ayf eld road, backbiting' and �belftttfng the councfl. to hold the Mond*y night conference entducted. All the. council were pros- between Britannia road and Raglan "If thin council care help you men we someone suggested holdingt gat Mr, are 0101 too villin to do it but I Forrest's ofH Q and the Maror a res g applications for st., building to be IdaB and roof aver y g `1'lIe � follawfn 1• want you t'o get it out of your heads sed his willingness, y buiidinif permits. were referred. to the ' Mont�lnu44t.on,o.1g!e a) that thorn was' any discrimination," ,�--- . _ ! man ++...+..-...�.. �: . �..�••T..!^w•.^^^'...�-aa..... Where was one matter which cams III) at Ottawa. the, ownership of the Island. Mr. MacEwen said he stated. that lie understood that Mr. Forrest . v had a lease from the Provincial Gov. crnment and it was stated he would be 01110cnsated and the Mayor said he understood Xr. Forrest had no ob• ' Aeetion to the removal of the island. 14ir. Forrest_1rad never beset asked to tine sr10y taxes of any kind. IIs pahad. taken contracts at other places where. he. came into competition with other ore. ,.. eoiltrnetors: and if he should tender :for the Godorit�h work and have the lowest tender he would undoubtedlv. got the contrast. "I want il h when n � to- Ai rally t4 deny, that his council ai4 1� shown. dfserfminatian in any, way," concluded the Ma or. — our or tuft said he did not wnc ant to 'say much but his name had been Mentioned at least twice. Iyis. crimination ,was the farthest thing from his mind. .Ife did make a re= marl,. that might be misunderstood, What be ineant )was that the Boone Company would ,"fie a competitor. Councillor Bailie said he vias chair• man of the coamittee which arrang» ed the deputation and left it open- for anyone representing the harbor to ga lie lead ibeen agaitast' large deputa. tions, but was not now, as he found the Government: wanted to see that the people <vauteed something: I•fe x..p...-.-f,.,,,,uC..-UkQ. _;Lir". eprtatiotr-'dltl its veiarr best anal vva;h a Good ciePuta- , 'it,Was: a .squIlM deal, at allfgr the i;cy . ,,.. ., T N COUNCIL'to io discriminate i tion. 'Ile mar '�i at the dp utatio pu t o to d sc m nate an favor of P n Of , Ma,. Forces I iwiatn be asked the Saone people when in titt wa. h to . THE' name•) corhmitt The It^�:Iyor, .in his letter.. in the press, ee of ijta and that fire council name a sfrnfiar .committee, • ----------* praetfcaify denfed that anything was Yater he Chian . • said at all about the Doone )Company ged this to include the lZ ate tl1<ti Same, Watt eIst1"-•-C�iallttllltiX OIC.>r' T llnits but Councillor :Croft was credit d harbor and specialtommittoeg to meet Public 'WoA s Estimate Inadequate S'i >~ Feb. 18th before the del& and 3t inittee the men might appoint tr°itl� sa n Cation went to Qttawa that noir: vias it a . as agreed to hold the meet- fire t' ie to pre3s f.o thy: worlt v`hil „ .s Sn .Xonday oveaint . �, .. the WOono dredging outfit xvag» here. `v He did trot deviate a paint froir. "row4i'lair it. Capt. Robinson sand ad- at ifie mayor had said of what took. Cantract�lrorresc s Men 'V�Is><t Crn>II p place s~t Uttaw 1 . dressing the Mayaar, but .sincat the a� The deputation deleg>7tion rcaturned borne one of the had been assisted b every M, P, from ~ r parity ioad said that tags n the district, . Mr. McMillan, .11Ir. 'Spot- Loa p slc ation Preaee it Last Fr da CRinferei#Cr;+ .Ellela>a1 statement > Y-- ' ,about the Boone Dredging Co, should ton, stir. Baberteon and lair. Guthrie not leave been made, Atd.it-was pretty and (lid rood service, and had a: good OII 1:�alq, Vf�ith Happy RCttlita. p hearing sand the assurance' tin hard' for .him to bcifevp Haat the re- that they. mar]z had twat been made, . could return home :feeling that a #air + Y ....,. .w. • ; r ' ,ro grant would be ineluded in the su . Tho ouOtand1w foaturo of the last week ane, WIJOh WAS pa1a11a1 ed t Calit» Itabimon then event into a .pleinentfary estimates. p u regular, -netting at the tr,rvn counell the last issue of the 164al papers. • comparison of the work dome by 't1ie Reeve xnrnor seconded t~ounu'f ` last I`riday evening v:aa the deputa- Capt,. Ed. Robinson tit*, siaalcp n n two dredging outfits, giving details Baiiie's 'notion i lar tion of Contmowr Forrest's meat ( for the delegation and addressed the rhowin there was � tort and it was at this which Killed the spectator's benches. council, after a' motion to' -hear the g s .not trach ditSoi point that Deputy Reeve Craigie ure- cnce in the two Plants. 110 rv�ruld ed that the 'meeting; be helm the fol. They were pi sc�aat to bncIt•up their delegation had bee>f< dttly passed, admit that the Bopne drilling outfit lowing day, After i elafnt of discrimination against Con- , i b d setifte O it was • Forresto f Capt. Robinson said there xva�s ane �tr�ss away al.�ad of #hq' Forrest out#it- agiea, to bold fire meeting cin. ltion� tractor on the part . the thing struck hint pretty harts to re- but flip nuinber of. men employed day. Before Councillor Bailie's mw anunfcfpal deI09 tfon .to Ottawa re• t and to the deputation to Ottawa. slwtild be considered. Boone would tion :eras put the clerk read a 1 cent!;.. �rAllch, they claimed boostcd His business took hint to the'irarbar • move oft as a Oon its his cctntraet ryas from JG ,. error the I-zWa o Tyretl fn Co, ornn= LSac , Fi. ancoy �n which lie urged g � I all the time and it ri*� ane of the throu h and. tier r0trest roticern rets just the lane of action 'Proposed Goe-orleh Coutrtactor. Mr. Forrest ¢ busiest .sots in tore•». • praAleaft, A laeait o:rs, r✓ n c 'P p ed by p o n illor 13nilis, Who, quite unaware ,urdeltarlecll� Ia�s true i tlao poeviauM Sat- the full aatrenb*th of tiro coutrwft boll Mayor 94cHwan exprew c life of the <letter, had :suggested the ton. ., elaam n t is a tf n wa., du a .. � o' lta to (lttsrv, w � a i; �a, when Lana or atter Itleasur4• to see thae Wren taut said rho ferertco. to the.discriminatian in Savor of the rdouhal ]taro done, atrld rvherx they canto complaint lookk like, .n temspost in a Councillor Bailitl thought Ar r. outside conte aetar' c.hfrla they alleged back it was found.that the deputation teapot sinal the risen were laboring on. rest had aeteil n little too iii k1r. as melds. "pial rfsft of tltp Wren to ..had . cifscriminatod against Mr. For• der aI misap rehengfon, lIe was t 'toil , did:. lar n t :ca I y the conn it Ineeting Was the saeaucl of rest, There • r , t the Y o 1np to neo the May., I pro Sas not a better Indus. only member, o he or and fire latex>vlafcir. flap .anted cira ulatcd ti, of.the deputation telae find Out the faotg far' himself-? y in Coderielr than lair. Forresrm npalte at 0ttaxva and Ire was quite Fite letter in, the Id:al iiapers was not -�• �, _ Contllarint; ileo pay. xulls•tai' flab Ble• reatdy� to take full. ' responsibility. � to h1:1 liking and as.le'tter of tiff �ratar .and Air. Forrest it would be .%�`l�en the y relent to Ottawa they wont? s kind found ., ,,� y y nit�lrt do Cod'ericlt � great deal of that 8Ir. F t employed eel URNS- , Dire., 1 y tc, f,,.v ;rr. itltlirolar•iafon, not to arrraarr;i! � ltaraax at Ottawa. SCRATCHES" more men. )Sire Mcvjatav Qiarpaxtp for a-eontrarct. They did not gvI - Councillor H'urnber said, he has did' not employ; over ,»0 rnon, sane], down belittling tine Fore9t Com an very sorry a thin of this y g> . Wild had SCALDS- A Uianr~•]r given �tsaa eNemtrtflun an tlreix'. t ar: boestfn�; the Bonne .t7o, tti'r• Mao- � li°n4i sb�, : fair, lip did tial: knave Irar=r. SPEEDY RELIEF FROM IN i uew storage liouso had not enlloloyed Ewan said he hail no interest in thb �• any tiroitrber 'at the dOpiltatfon caul : MADDEMNS PAIN OF'Il3N2N5 AW � one. man.. mare.. There. were, � of o 13aone fti didn't l,,noiv lir, Boone Or! have stated, as teas claimed; that he, SCALDS a4TA!WOI 8Y 1St%G c iii ?e, Ilion raid l,y tiro steatur„ 1111 any of Brier- family or of Iris men, TIte ].new the boosting of tiro Boone (to. Dr. Thottmaz „ tl antes. Tire Farr gest Dredginar` deputation tvtas well recefva;al hr the, wa., wrong, becausas .irere was ri LEC+�+ yrs {" s €�XIea,v, account foV 192fi tivauYcl 3ltinfeter• Hied Burin the eo 1favorhig o. i' ° TRIC RICr O , , it of na d out ; u f this company. The, . 7HOtl3�1S'lTSX�iV T yt ,, �� ' sltorr. 51„x,000 to $idO,'D(tfi 001041 �G:i3Oo0 r anterrviary t;atr Aiirrister , painted attt � Mayor lead said that cath 1y n L� riili`a 9T`y5 l tax VI 609 o£ tills etas for wages, that the Boone Co, land clone good , .. e flung GFiHl fltl ilyd4 iftlfe"' €eiuttvttfli NT + , ,, g bein t eausll, lin would much prefer tklClabll't lEptrll a lS SAut,taE J + i+I;QSt Tlao Boone lye°fie.eittg Co. rr°,as n '1`orw rvvr l� at �.t. Iarver than ths± next ten» t tho local contitactor to rcpt the job. JAsA onto concern, while the Fotal�st CO. 4101, Tho Alayor said he ydntfttetl. Captain. Robinson 9 sic' if than ry �s ' r a7 r Azr.ar :ryas 0 local 0ionecra Sold Paid ratow that Mod w„ riz had b4en done but � sa 'til(T vtantrd to follow tile thing tx1x ..s tc the tet nr+°ta then Noone, nud had beam filter-'sald naturally t1aC1r eintrl(1 lrahe 11101 right tlir'.tiugui i4a t)tFarva and find the ale ;,tint ,staradily. winter' zsnkl saltrlma`1'� the Vorrest bledraitlt;