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The Goderich Star, 1930-03-27, Page 3
°txil�.�anA , �ti;adr w»iii, lsit7 'SHE G-ODERI H STAR A Bad Cold Ne" strset I ignDorhood News Nuggets The e—st - • Eecrical Shop Bronchitis ricked From Our Exchaives 9 iX a t.aariay good rtarlc of A 'Vor several tN.1w on,l esi;•, R E14cc;rical .+'tipplict�! cob r►rataaat:--SyFar !ie'rral 'reeks T hail a , 'near beef en1J, aaisl &wily it eutlatal in I+roperty Said at zurith ,Moore prc&-wasca, ie. rlewcn ears FiaCr�+Wrtgy tic. irar &"rtisa, A ae: interesting 3lusil103 transa ago, i 6191 hail bewi trying all labtdat of action is ok place in Zurich last tweel. Death oaf Mrs. I iasilard We S}7e�t%al%;tA► ills n oiliciBe, but Wane of U soweax to 8a when J. ®rascho. & 5on and J. W. Mer- Mrs. Mary ilaxbarll, 'sido'v ref tl:e 00 WAY oad, purchased the entire general late August I:laaxbard, of Zurich, died Wiring of All Kinds Filially I saw where Aare stoelz, features, tate,, from Mr. T. on Sunday, Mar_ loth, It the home of Estimates " 11L. Wurna, her slaughter, hirci, I,. J. Brat>, acd givicen orailk Q% 4A(aDltld'sRe=turns to 1313-th 81 years and 1(; days, 01ao had lived application ° NOI'way Mr. R. If.Robinson.'rho left in Zurich and vicinity for oeer 30 All Wiar1E a�ugranRttd nlyth a, fete T416atha ago to eondu:^t a years and was highly esteemed. Ile. ....,�,.,. Pine Farness ::and ,hoot and shoe store in husband gredikoascd iter sorae years Seafotth has deeided to return to ago. She is survived by two, Soffa Ansi Frank McArthur X' �� LIytI1 Sind will open Deet for lousiness six daughters. Was advertised as a, relief for brain• Ir the McMillan hloek, %'fingers by Phorr«m $.'I West Strf$t �hitiit,; spa I got a bottle and after T Preparing far New •Patement Qin Saturday morning•, 31arah kith, itsd taken it 1 ONA4 d to Impaows=, and Si:: ongineers from the Ontario De. kir. W. Northeott, of L;z�eter, pari rho, by the time X had tsgirhed ttza, ecaond partment of Highways have been misfortune to loos_ a parts of four fin-, - ' ens ar was eutbre Y free of arty trouble.- 'veal:;- an Iii hw N d hrek' hers of the left , FORUM O1� l HEW _ By iDITS, All lshfleld correa►p,an3ent aeuds w the Aa;ll;�taliis elippitlat taken frora a hang bleach, t°aiiaornitt, proffer. iiha� V. S. l+;ilptttrtek Xtrorlt to i•t a son of the late Mr, atrri Mrci. wale Kilpat- rick, for many �'kara residcuts sat' Ash - &M and late of G.Werich, lire It. S. 11-11 Mrick grew to young mAnll-ce l in this neighborhood a Ichree armed And msaAQ bandits held up D. S. I:ilpatrivk anti five ern= ployee4, tied their hands behind the*m, herded them into a small dressing; room rletit to the office of tiles Rilpat- rick bakery at 1465 Pacific at enuo at 3 o'elock yesterdAy morning, blew the Safe and escaped with between *X0 and 8100ii in cash. Checks rant')antirix to approximate. � 14*;20006 were left lying on the floor. The means of travel or sl'arcetion talt-; en by tbo eracksmen when they fled w4s, undotermitled as the Imprisoned mets slid not gain their freedom and i g o S ay o c any and to a circular' saw report to police until twenty minutes Price, 85 cents a bottle; largo ran, bra oaa the' le>z 20`20 s .�an• Exeter and on the ;Farah of Mr. John Campbell of . after tho then had til t ent size 60 cents, at all druggists or dealers. Ilippen preparatory to putting down Hay tawnsbip, Mr. Northeott was in No Important Clues Put up coaly by The T. Milburta CO., new pavement, tenders for which are the act of feeding soave wooil ants the . "' The frolics net woof spread throttgll- Ti Ltd., Toronto pub_ _ now being called for. machine and iia' some 13ta iner tiara out the county but at a foto hour f GAL CARD`S Seriausi Infured 'lichen Gasoline 114114,cumo in contact •with the saw. last night too Important clews htzal R. >C1.11}Itf1tiV: 18rixlodes Death of :lira. J. P. Tessier Wen developed. 1.. A. Montgoanery, While in the act of rekandlin,r a fire Following an illness of five, months I A T whose_ear'vas seen in the vicinity Of Barrister. Solicitor, Notary- Public, Ete. at .he 1101110 of her San, Thomas rho death occurred Tuesday of )a -,t the Successor to J. L. Killoran Brock, of • Us'ltorne, Mrs. Drock, o£ week of Augustine Charbouneau; was Phone 07. 0111se.2ho Square, Goderleh. Exeter, was seriously burned about wife of J. Peter Tessier, of Wingham, ' car EERNE $ T M. D E E the face and arms when a gasoline She was born in November, 1895, ,in boo] can oploded early Saturday morning, Montreal, a daughter of Oscar and of 1 Barrister¢. and Solicitor March 15th• tlao late Mrs. Charbouneau. With DIARY 'vas Appointed Provincial Constable her husband, she moved to Wiligham ion Sun Life Bldg., Adelaide and Victoria, where Mr. Tessier has been employed ]Ills Telephone. Elgin 6301 Major B. La Grand, Provincial. as manager of the Gunn -Son -Ota Co. rest. Toronto 2. Trafafe Officer on No. 8 Highway,. is ' dart-Durnin D now tinder Gen. Williams, or the Pro{ firm pUDLEY H.1 110L -tuts, vinearl Police, and has been appobntedi A• pretty wedding was solemnized at _ w . 0 for attuur uuu uurpiry. z%ontgomory ` reported to have had two gal f Ions and a small bottle of liquor in Possession at the onto of his ar- S. Kilpatrick, a member, , I p. , b t Df° the 1 reported to Lieutenants Ralph a.: Mittn.. T.r 1t/,,...,1._.; i4_i ...__ PAGIC THUX A practice worth following Itis notable L(t that »a latie somber of llufea i ria dc laenttare owntra itivest: titer priAveals froin rtlier seeeteities ill the delmittarea issttetl toy this Corporation. `1?he reacmn? The s,atiot'taction tliev lazve e>"taerieaacccl With this poptalar investment 1 and c©aamience6 1tta as to interest rE stir;i ITUrOla & Eric delleutur�. ill v4iieh Canodians now have inve,te-d elver $23.W.W), are issuer;! for $too and upw ante for ogle to f vo y e -u -v. I< ecittslrs and trusters to tatatl od7'ed bylaw to inWA ill these debentures. The Corlior-ziteon is GOvernnient elgir-teretl .inkl olnl►reet to ilwrxl:ttli n at 'Iny tine, Vie- latalf-warly interest ret;laoans are ro dily C4ashed anywhere. at per balintula :X Is I?.ald half -yearly. It 'vill 11 -ay 1ro11 to invest your tsurpt.us fronds ill Huron tC I:rtc tielteratt4r<�. H The uron&Erie MORTGAGE CORPORATION ..Oli:;t 0,111 tat ,' omieiax Richmond Street Opposite Post Ofewe, London, T. G. Meredith, X.C.,Chairman Ilume Croriyn, President, 481- Aytsworth, General Manager lllaj.-Gen, lion. S. c. Ntetvlyurn, x.(%, Vice.pre;ident rion us t tt les .n sTgliway trttfi`rc effacer, . ain, of Winghflm, on Satuxday, Alar. Ptiduy.-.well I haat Bill ree than en cps the bakery and three indicate that the ruiddta•sixed y nr of pie, The third Pubila,'Convayaneer, Eto, d member Was Bills tunics so ordered him and five employees with bandit evidently a foreigner, was the nearly 6 feet tall, web ,ked arannd #'#iO>rla,2l tlAttILPti.:.S7`IiirsU. Dead► of J. Alalaander 15th, when their daughter, SAIA Ln• I cud ern sum mgnny toaxd hying u 11im to ut up their 4lands. Tho five leader, He tie F. ^00 I viva, 'vas united in marriage to Wil. base ball ante for this: comein season men wisp Ra ,til' the orders which pounds wad was said to have beets -=- James F�legaiicter, of Clinton, died ,b Carl hart, son of Mrs. i;ort'r t of I9thirt , I ' i g it flim woxe ]t. I', Tleid a£ 112a the other t'va oi>ayed.. FTo vas stticl SG tit 35 curs SPECIALIST in London on Saturday, March 1FttFi, 4 r ay, y v rked till dark and Chestnut avenue; Ross Davis of 129 til have been about 6 , y old. The smaller matt -- - i of i, nd the late Robt, Hart feet 7 inches had to plain red bandana handkerchief J, Il. FOliST> It, after, a somewhat lana, illness. Ho hani. After a short honeymoon'fWing, and et st a tome the supper dishes Chestnut avenue, It. B. Bettinger of tail, weigolied 160, and to have been for a m k A �le. in his seventy-sixth year. Mr, the. p Shelly the etc was put 1929 Locnat avenue, Gieri Day of 5806 between '25 and 3b years of a e, The h n and the either two woo A xander, %rho had never married, r' Young couple will reside in Wmgham. tatvAy :And ma g red A dkcivIllefs with polkas dots. EYE. I,:lti, NO3F,,TIiROA'1' give Me a iawing.. I Gundry avenue and Sam Bankier of smallest of the three Was described The smallest 'vas believed survived b two sisters, Mrs. T. Mcg Contract Let ;Fol• Building onlay got ten cts. for the wirk and COG Newport avenue, as having been 6 feet 5 > ' to have Laic House Sur^rott New Pari: Qvla- Eonzfc azaci Miss Alex'ander,_ nth f T'he contra when I told pa �vhnt-1 t_hD:s t = weighed 1b, 'been ._m?t�rleatt and war thalmio and Aural�liospital,ttsststant:at b a A for Vie building :ofthe'+f esa au. 'v s g'o ed Weal - While two of the men held guirw and -tvr have been bet'veen 25 and '30 elothai. a Clark hiooifereilelMs-l;ye .liaspital and Golden Clinton. addition to the United church at s y a tivkhIng for a Close the victims a third tied their ]rands Square Threat Hospital, London, Eng,: Win h carperashun, But it wassent no Joke- behind theta with at heavy wratpping 3 Waterloo St., S. Stratford. Tale. >leath OfMrs. David Moore gam was let to Mr,• S. Bennett. Ing matter with me. Phone 200"t. structure new building will Ito atwo-storey t r loans. They were then taken into In the death of Mrs. David Moore, st a Sa a da mat is tdressing:�•,.::::" ""r ' :,, ..20...20... �.*rr-m -r. r cture, the low y trying to a oto files.r,.,...,:.\ 4.. .�............. .. At #iatrl Bedford C 'viiic , ex Roor g : roanx and:...:•- 20.20::• ,oderleti; an the h occ nred at the imine of Mrs, having a to 1 to marks 20,.20; 2020.: 13 -foo Play with Clau . Burton ^rtorv:: a•: ;'.r: evenin^ of tete : ir'd tib t ceiling suitable dY n in stet of themso}yes eo r>o. s:.::::" 20,_.20 •tt, •;,:..A:.:::. tri Monday of each William Smith in >' n fora n mfaxtalla3` as, they. the .•.,.F;,..... ,...20.,••.,.20,};; ,;x:•.: gtttt> d.dlle;. :on sit F.'ym the. ether feilas li to J.t,•::,. +2020• e , , month till clic 4ollowin day, 7 uesda . Saturday a rm, with an up-to-date 1 eke and k3liaters bandits, expected it' ;�;;:.::: ,E a•:z::,.: ;ir:st:: , 6 Y Y, air dal eveniirg, i4larch 1"eth, the a kitchen sit- and Stinky, She would take about t;;, , t+ ;,;20•,,20::; ,:.;;.�..� at 1 P.m. tached, while, the s Y e says lie tatvlss•.suclt an hour to finish .; •2020.2020:::;•.•.. econd floor will be i sh the job: One man • 2020. dstr' 2020, . act has loaf a highly esteemed with I': gush: 'But I d u a` t:,:•..:.. •:.:. ,rr+:. :,>:� fitted up for •class rooms. The old w' r thea play stood.outside the floor While the other and Moneer resident, who for over with guys witch I' can understand two event to �vox3; on t y... .:. CIII$UYItAp'!`IG fifty years had lived continuously. it, class ittoalm tti711 `be renavatetl, with a what they are tu'vkin he safe. Tho Tucicersmith :an num of changes• g about, guard explained to the six men that • ILUGLESS PRACTITIONER, d Egmondville. Mr. SundaY-4akc : and neo rayed siiiolso- he would take rjartr of thaltt if they 2020 t .��,.„,,..,;M.;.�.,��,_,.,,,"�„�,•� Digs At Stratford ing igen today. Z am orbic tri- eat :attempted to co#np out, tapping his �j ± � ,t,•�: CHIIitYI'IiACTOaR AND ,DRVGLEa"S George'CoIvin, a respected resident igen DOW, but if tinny 1 had of oiler gun significantly whe ' ! g E Wed t o 1 to kill ;ane this a.m. I cud sof loved Kilpatrick n ]to did m , THERAPIST, G`ODEItICH. � of Gi�ahain's Survey, Brussels south Patrick said that after salve -lit n U PP d •wi h . electro-magnetle The Q Reason for over i0 years;'and who had been them to death. -Envy . I 'viaell . says. tie pounding, evidently taking oil' the r'esi ' ' they get a lot of comfort from smoke . safe handle and t mbi' r r baths. Electronic electric treatment ding in Stratford for the ass few p nation, the men ' and etiropractic. Chronic, . organic , years, died on Sunda afternoon durty i lua . And ll ofeanit is a ver lett ciao building and VATS and oils are not digested y' ,dui 3' g shortly there - and . . and nervous diseases, 'Lady in at- 'W' es,or roth Marek iGth, at the age of 82 year, ty•halrblt to, I'll often it: after the a cpiasiprt teak lace.which- t'. ta'ttdanct;, Oilice hours 2'to 5, and 7oy He had been ill'for'tile past two weeks Muntlay—Mrs. Blunt was at are ble'v the safe.. A fere Dpf f :: 1 • eiweelst}n Monday must first % emul atCied,ui�tha ..ind.•lits-Meat t -rocas lite result'of�iso -thea- . lir sit _.._.._._,_..... p• !z 'ate Pilau- p e �"he1 iysa= 8OWle soap were found.lodred against '1Rtttrsdaiy an by appointment. body befaro t%y can be utilized i renis, Besides his aged 'partner rte pointed in love and mariya> a both. A window in the office b `2020': she sed when site niarr ed her hays Woadfufl'; who y Sergeant A. N. A1'KTNSpN, residence •and as zrouritshrrtertt.• - niavived by one spa, George, even- y , bWnipted to 'obtain olticp, comer of 'South street and Bri- f ager of .the .United Cigar. Stores at lZend •she shot they wassent a notiiep , Photographic finger Q(� �" Pprint inateaedi 'tiirinia rend. Phone $41:- cr�'�" � ' n I:b'iratford; and five daughters. ' 'man in the hole wind like him. bTo�ty Offerers assigned to the 'case credit ,Y011Ic' tlt~."lltwl” At1CTtC9NT:I.It11V'C� Death of S. Dempsey she says she. is sure of it. And she `the ,job to professionals because. just P3J►r cKid•liVez ail scientifically,,lite death'accurr Satys alias glad they aint no n1oTe. enough' nitroglycerine had been used has if�-•o THOSTAS ltviv;rlaY .3c SGv. , Clinton on Thursd :Yloihis home fit Teusuay--br: SmAltz told ole ilii, to blew the door. off atnd na dame e' f - Oamatrlaxfted—prepared for easy y, ch 13th, of Cole that. he most o..t _ ,.: g g o-u'vtti iltei .CII- had been -done- :to -thy -Stook send--Gencrat--�4twiloiicers, acid . ra id , i -- Stirling Dempsoy, - a ed th'rt - ttient: P td esi ton ll as . s i y sir And that nits old Mr, Cole i and dust revered the fu Eldln A . Goderfcii ".j years nH D t h _ ,... sales made ovcty'vhere and�all efforts P eat:.Ent few r empsey was only ill a died. So I gess the Dr, was just joke Mhe report allowed t rat are,.' . '. • store rove es confer days' and his death came as a Ing With .With him mebby. Becos I hard after tile that a short time � in milk. ' t tl e ,"fit'.' .rho mets lett, after fit CCPf n0 made to gtro•'jou satlsfaciton, shock to his family and friends. He Pad say the. old gent. had started: the lockin tit Farmers' Salo Notes dtsoo:x.lcd, Tlirutfier'mporeanerea.o,t was a eon of the Tato John Dempsey, trip ennyhow. h e doors and windows. S Phone iii}: y who died in 1927 nd Y SUbSf7t11tC$. catty. the. oft ou , a his wife, Eliza- N!ensda Twenty minutes later Ii ilpati•lek alibi ' take-ahauld ba .nn1„fed Y. They •'ryas .a :roan here: his men ltroke their bond WESLEY SV r1stim AUVA NF1)IR, beth Stirling,, who died in 1923: He tonite ti s and re- whoisM Owl ,ycote s.F.iritelsi rn. king 'to sell pa sum Button- ported to police. The re ort was r - was born in coder}ch 'township bat less' uni?er'vare. Pa di P e i Wlll conduct sales' anywhere. Illi, `scot'&NOWAC.Totonto,.cmnt. ;pshad n" ddent do his ceived b' Desk. Sergeant _ ++ Y ii nt H;. P: John - had tarms are reasonablo and # "gill tryanc' 1 bcc s -resident of Clinton for self envy good with ma 'vhen he An -'son at 3:58 a.m. +�YVa�i'+.�t'rt"�a�lri'� ' y�✓y" 4�' several years, He 'Sas .married in.. swered and replyed that he all' �Descripiions of alis �_ • f g1vo,. satisfaction. 1916 to Mass Lulu Connell who au has len reddy Phone Carlow 1313. or .ailJress. it. it.. , o r Plenty of butteniess uuderw r �- - X a e. 4, Ooderictt. �•wiwes him.'vfth their son, John David, And it looked like trubble when t egad three and a half years, aft. laffed, he VOTARY' PtTE .tC, ATP �_ � Winghara of Reorganized Thirsday—1 mad " �..'"� """""" "`:" ' A meeting tonite when ma'sent me downpinit eke �^ '1 BAILIS, _ g of #lie tWingham Citi.own *` Yy «ens' Band was held on friday even- after, Dog. biskets. I forgot and int" for the bon "Ill il D ,w�, «+..., .kz,.��"� . awr trir-cou�ia• 3"atZLF:.`Clt NOTAIIY Pt1BLIC purpose of re -organizing. ghten. animal Crackers. It is General Conveyaneing clonic Tile following' officers were elected esey'to make misstealcs i , X n tills crool I �j) Good' Companies Represented ` ttII 'for the. ensuing. year: President E. 'wind. qr .y , i ]ikons No. .293, uodertah, dot.. Seddon; vice-president, it'nt. Reid • .; a.'��' story -treasurer, A. Hingston; --...'�•w..s _ e"-'""","'r�M.. ,`,17 r,� ��. : ', M IltlallltANGEi .,-•-�•...,........,,,.,.,� ,� �� � .c .,r, µ•: t 1° ti� Ip ,#' librarian, G. Cooke;. property to i' • *'";c f% - `., CKILLO P NIUTVAL rllil� 1\171 Zt 3[Jlt- mitten, II: Burgess and Geo. Beattie; xahiC): CO11lyAt'1, . ,. Qiitagement committee, 1;.. Seddon, J. ' "WH»[tll~ M ' , " a t��3 x�vyn,°" :�" .1 h��ls' �r A. Hingston and A. L. Hingston. A p rbat o °M A►]L,i1+ " � •fe f<f (: ' at r QRS - a�ns o C �•.�, ' FARM AST) 1. t1LArrn TOWN- P1101a.' like p� Mi. J. A. Hingston, leader, has spent "�COi� Z, + �",lt•• ° ` i M 1i 1 i X�1T�'Ulitsl). 1.+m5 f considerable time 'vftli work of the S cbr^ band, duiring the vast year, and has, �Pi vet 'Value tit property insured u to Jan i r 1r ice _ uary 1910. $3,6118, l73.ti0..: p �� �o j° ass"• succeeded in bringing it up to a high �� ► standard. The band now has a mems „ That is the uumbbx who decided �/' rr ().1 FICF,HS-loose wannoIiy; prest- ,. '' ilCrslti of tweet five Long Distance- _ Sibert Dtstattice M�+/J�o last. year that -the service, quality dont,. Godenich; Jas: Evans, Yiee-Yragt» ,.s,°9 fit fnrtt'ard to bein viand are Zook. dent, Ileechwood„. T. E. il,t3's, SeC. wr !* . tted ottt with and prices offered by Dominion: Treas.. Seafortit .. re s new uniforms this year. For tngdgelnents -Phone Stores llelped aolytl the problem ' ice” U Clinton Bov .1Ji:s F.o Rini h SJV0AP��JRS• CA Set. D iQt 1 CTiIR�••• Ii. t:,. •lief -icier :�ca- , *�-•� of a balanced. weekly wad . forth ; J. t",. firleve•. `V1nt9irop�, ��'m. ba"� ', 11'hen IIS" Leaned vii Quit Sot S•It• DlciaSath, Holmesvil#e.. 9 Vt►Pin, Canstanee; GeorgeICa �rinnv: q4 { Hush Alexander llicl Ivan, aged 15 '•.: 601 r 34,.: Clinton Central. o ' TocL•prsmllh: SdUII Farris, llarlaek: -- ' - I and only le ni ter eFia,an, aged I ' 1U"00j `G• May We Help' You ac.r,rc ucuauaasoii; niurray • f late Dr. V. F. 1VIcE'ven o£ Aylmer, Gibson, S -i. NV. died at Clinton half an hour after a v At;I,, Union ; Yeo, Code she Sandy cyan accidentally discharged through � THE Lcltclt, Union ; . &* Chesney, Sea- .his abdomen lata ,Saturday afternoon. dorl3i; R Ilinclilcy, Sc:atortiz, !+ l QF,� �N� ... encs,'Pollat (filers ran pay theft 'assess `• With Gordon Cudmore, a comrade, 11 mettle o Z}aivin Gust's Stora, Gociorich: "" •'oras an his way home for supper af• . A. J: hfooriah's a�lotlting store Clinton; ter spending the afternoon out inthe OF J. II ltelal's, Baa+Reld ,country, The boys had reached the ._ -_wODERICH LIM I overhead bridge on the Bayfield road, _ ��-�'lit4 INS1/kiA11tC1Lr � �.•"••••••". And'vane �coimng down the steps to Rave It attended to by the ,the street and young McEwen leanedWA� WAWANg1iH NgtuAl FIRE 1NSURAMCA on the barrel of thg gun, It instant- MIM' IsslalrHSficcl 1878 lydischarged. He made his w FVRE AND ECONOMICAL ST. CIa1ARLES EVAPO"TED I� NIL, .2 TINS. ZS,e: I!-UTTLE GOES A )LONG WAY 4 a_ XYDOL pOH_: 2_3a Pi1X!I olivo.' soar+ i �t AxEs 23a ay to a _. Head .Oltlee: Dunl1ancon, phi. l 'nearby house 'where a call was sent 1KlkY.T,aUGG's Ci'in: t'Vatson, ;Attbuin, President; r �� for ;i doctor. A man who came by in Chas. Hewitt, Vice President; As �`e ..d' ,, ;t'vagon rushed the boy to tite ha)spi. LST TNE. HAAT POI. CLEAN, PLUMP, SEM. 'ZVSS Girvin, Hon. Director; :Directors--- �, 1 tel 11ut he died in half an hour: Hr, W. J. Thompson; Auburn; Wm, Xe. VIGHT Y0VR BATTLES S at :tE�i1t. BIAND e14»AxEn Quillart, St. Helens; .1. W Shaw and Dr.. J. C, Gaudier AGAINST COLCI� AND IR AISINSib.10ar P. TCeed, keld, ! 1�� , gave him attention, but found that tiTry y I11o. ri iueknow: Flurry L. Salkeld, injuries to the liver, lungs and other iSCOMFOR t SIRAP a7C G�erich; Alex. Nicholson, Luckno'v.; i _ •�. �a __ �"im Griffin, X R. No. 7, L•ueknow ; a :' ,' c nrguns absolutely nrecludcd any, Chas. Hewitt,-Rineardine; obt. Dav- '� ; �,,✓- hopes of xeco',ery. Young McE'vert \ 'vas a Pot' Scout and very Povular. i WITf11 A IMLiGH.TFUL J1BitrX1, li; id Rat Dangann Par He come t:r Clinton when his. father a t Rate -42,00 0 lrox thousand. died two �n, IHis niotbei'- , THOS. ,�TbTII�It.,S.-Treas years nc _ ' Who N a sister of hlanagnr Sharpe of h � L'I.t'rTY� P>bLLIaAVLN Sec t. ,Maim Flowers 'Y'O tCakes tile Bank- of Montreal, had left for " `O 4 230 Toronto on the aftern?tan train. Bile <.-- z. i Broph avis notified of the tranedy astd leftOUL Bros, . the gtra}n at Stratfu,y and was w WHITE B'"ANS o e brou lit ,in a nut„ },v Mr. Sharpe.; y - '.� w 1bO Slie bars an 8•year-old diiughter, Mar. adneRICa :Y SiveetirThe . garct. the remains were taken to tr. """ ° - - - �,_•, __ ...- _ Galdigll Children s rltomAehla sour, 'and need an AYlnier and the funeral sere}: e %vas and Fueral Directors Phil Phillips ilk bite an alms sweot'vith held at 'Clinton ;jt 10:,30 oil Tuesday: '�„ a .`�` � MONARCH 2�"'X�+ 4 '1 1be iiflFiillr4CPat I'll}lbi s Milk of morning. Coroner Dr. .1'. W. L°haty a ti - � . .. , ', r PAl'�tY 8itwg Y 4' Hag When tongue or bretth tells of acid rifler investigating the eirtualstanees, 3$7 glse Atnbalarheir5erwrea _ FLOUR orders catcfstllar aittended is condition, Orders it with * spoonful of decided that no'inquest Would ire• nee• at all hours --night or day. 'We Ih}llips, AfOsb Mtn and women have essary. Remember the tames; during t}te ivorlcl are the inspectorsof anatomy in been comforted by thi*`universab s woetr tear, that event up one trench and Alt[.l UP, 011 otOE andfo cfhe t,ounty of Huron, enpt``�`motts brothers should a"nvoko its Whether the corn be of old pt, nett' down another, through P7o Man's t-48613SIZESIVFICT SANTA CL.�111r.1. Phones-* Stote AO; Residence aid for their children, It Is at pleasant growth it must yield fo Hollowtiyis Land; into the enemy's country, f ������� iso. t0 Pr10 thin to take, yet ntntralirta snore acid Coin llemover, ticta 217" g.., _ . _,,. never atoppinl; anti} tilt�y reached _ than the it>Rr'sher things too often aeut• ,_... . , .r....,...... o ,. sh�ult be i s I'urpaee. bTa ltatteelaold their Objective . JAR ones 2lby. �7 out it, it You'll find that they --Heat rollm have Phillips. ill tlss Pnulae;`prew-fiptlonal ! life saslne persistent method of Bramble Jolly ran ��� „„A$1° prodtret phyritittns ei►dotsc torr generatl eotalbatit}g the cold. use; tlao nAt" id itn runt. "Milk of ♦ _---. • '� � 1 ahjeet3v+e izr si'vaxr,t ltoucYe rind brAd eAI& has barn the It1U. t�. rra_l1IlIi $r busy kilt hen range; IInd tlasay����,�° �°e�'a�• �i11•ectOlr �,I�d trade mark pl< the rltetrltrt H. iDlailimps -i'eaCli it %vith proiilpt delimet'ics of Em�1a�0r ('lterttierti tCto, aitd its pi�dCCclser tlettrles �,,,Their ta,s:id Boal. ., It. Phillips sin's 1;874. � �rOt T1i Ili pri &i n �. J Ct')cILVI CI!t l WED CALL TOP, IWPS ASl+vllLl,As Carrotsvin, �, yt1:t 1"e All Calls #%Vnl)l�0J nit�n&-tl to A POLISHES „a MAT Pt*#, Kg'1 da." or night Iraq :ter?rice s iFtlttati 113sav ! �� _- y COAL � ���� ftUee 1 10 plJ. Bb NoIARR co,��xYa il riti7lDmi: Fbor.e 98 <--= CO&Ii>}1t --- 0 ----•-- .. 0';