HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-03-20, Page 6. , . " , t '1� V. it" , , 4 , ,_.1", , � Ij .'A . ", . � . �, I .� ;_ I 6.-.Wh �."Vlw ,,, _ . I . . '. . . � '41 .. , , : ! I " I` , . . I I N� _ I . . � I 11 � I � I ,I , ­� . t-. I 1� � � . I I � � I ., le . . N,—. - 1-1 --- I— �11� I I I I I I . I . .1 I., � ?I i � L , I .. I . . , - I � . " .1 " I , , * I , , I -11 . I .1 .� 1, I , . � �, I I � I . 41, '� 7 . � : 0 � I , . � , , �1 (, I : j, I I I , , I � 1. . (_ :' i I.` I . � - yqm�_ __V­­� T _1%40�'7 r__ — w7p, am q4ORMori,40 . ROMPI'V7, -_ —"R_ONrqq1q1_ I _,4W1V1V1r� i I , "I'll, . I . . - I . .... !, I I I I , , , , , . III I . � � r,� � . . i I . � I . TFIE GOMERICH STAR . THU, RSDAY, MARCH 2kbl 110 . I .11 tAQV Sit ___ ____ -, -,.-- --,-..-..-,-------�--------o-------,-- ---,--- - —­ ­­ ­ — I— - ___ __ _., - , ­ ­ .- ____ _____________.... __ _­______ , __ 'i�N_Nil I -1 I -1 , � ------- I----- - ____ ­ - - .. ­­ "f0efte, arw *nwas ­ I I . �-;:i:li:!,!i;;;;:;:;::�l;ii;;iii!!!!!!!!!!,,'I . - — - ____ ___ -, WOMPFAMMAw � - - . � I I I I � I - 4,urCVs time or 0� I - . .1 ­ ­ ''. . I 6tbvr�i the Old-time %to n*66wo I . V Ti'lam our challcli were being bailm� . by Heck ,jud C%cdi,3tcjj, to oar God*,& worship. *V., --R- _.� "World's Greatest AutomoVile Mutur" Un Be -witched --And Womeoloor _�, I I A certain faction of th'! thurch people, 110 help ,man ch"S* -)': for , .1 � ­ � _1 _111--l--01114.10.1— ;p every Community w0ulit atways� Here are wine outp,tati(ling featilrQ5 to 10 lvi,ih uwr 5t V ,�09,qloo C. 'h w'sf,15. cats ulyphi�, to -_ --- 'Is 2 - -I-- I — , W Vvl:,',y.1'x)100FS ovez, si,t)(w,000, 11315 QMIP,.In�" A.1110da (uF N. i)3('1?) agitate ior those X!d they were Ire -11, osing yotw noNt jnN'e,3t1ll0II1t: � a"w"'? du� lead'ars writing autorgol-,11c in,mr,111CO. Pfli'llpt We K*119r, Goderich Star. lencred nallies. 011riot verified tbat on all my Dun home t in Clio ' - " "103 .... I. '* '40 " ca D#ar ,gir, -5 - AsMat. i A, good Interest Vate With Positive security. 6 _,,Thst,s just It,,, T110:39 fact timo cind thne again durnig uls 0 101 I ta3ulgZ11y" relu( Int 15 "o and awo wured 1)y Qr t1le continent. A 1slut"31 C'"III- � . orgtori- In inistry here upon tbi3 earth- 7110 ba, �111 . C, myself Hutroll & Brie debentureo Yield Of, a1v 4, ca and _t also In lvost!,, Iblyy - f, V . 11 il , . 'Ird rates are r 14modoinly t4shioned, Voliabc Ain, ighty God in CIO rX04154--i- -,.a oth�,�s almuc� 4, did, -ets of tW W-year4d corporatiorl sv 611'arjaj, evauwllerl�. pvofil�- are Ca -d ceililo;4 1-1 1, . , the ,15- pary, 0 an& , ... 1. hish-folutingly deliverc, not, in ;;ouqc4taa,,U A & 13tie debentures are � reftifiled to aw'.0mollile zmurancel pollcyholder�, As An just anGtijej ot the deplorable tions fully verified it aloo. Our . I convenience. Huron , church h-nows that fact more fully 11WIr suit'lb!"tv or 'even efficiency in one to five years. They or 110%m 10,�,�3 i'si-111 ;tercd to Ixop holy in- 1 tile doings of God's work. Ilut mind� jq,sued for $100 and upwaVds for I d!ViJQP&, whicil in 0' Ver6 have 110V , I trap-duvils mw.bg& in tile dusty cor. i than POOr WO Q313 QvQr attempt t9- . I institutiona tas first ellas , , ,spirstion *way I you, Mr. Editor, those like thingili, are accepted by financia ,251';� of the. rVeinimil 1)am. net's of tile top�s�clvcs of the churcMI write It down. Then, I as%, for the were, a Christian alfair those s can be cashed or deposited I I p lovo of saucagee, why Ivill she persist ey are in tb days to � security for loans'. Coupon Writ r ese modern. I , q for particiulars -to itsonttits Uia scrinouiziur, business in the toleralf.,o of so mucli that is what th anywhere. . . : . caming to be a business, not I . thurch-suplier programs. We had Qu. � an un,.tion of grace) has lost and Is nuthirg Iwo Vian rotten mockery un- musical Vrogr,,,i Popularity. Over $2310001000 are invested in LUMBERNENS MUTUAL to the God of Heaven in our chur,A, ly : M', ,and a4dresseso � even yet lominw, mightily Much of worship. and bothwere Strictly awl p4j;j-,Ively Huron & 1�'rje trustee debentures. . . !, thi" blecied In% irations -whtch used to -or days or i only of religious �oavorhisc anti texture. 1, i CASUALTY COMPANY 'T bring resolves to tbQ Why need wo care f � !) to with it an week ahead, about some talented I );now what I ant biting off. 1 was perannum James S. Ktmper, President heads and hearts, the soul und lives, fluently advertised discourse for our forced into tile proPmAllis more tbaii � is paid . . i . the consciences and blood-vqIns of tile just once. I could sing a wee bit too'l I I I Canadian He&4 Office: Lulnsd- Building, Toronto , vs, which -were ofteiiluext Sunday Ood-worship hour, ilion, , . 51Z half yearly. . I 1. . . I sn 11 untilleatea PON .,, a possibly "we trashy (irrelevant -to- at one times and, Mist ii more, We I . . . . : ___ ­ ___ - forced to Vone In, 4 "praise God, the-CbrISt-ffoSpQI.of.ffr,1ee) matter', were proud -to. do it without money, , . i _­ - - . ,__;Wz�­,� _i , ­­- " - -��._"_ ­ '*h&lIelu1*h1x or an I . lamen", which our and witliout price for the Saviour who A,Jay we je*ue one, of these profitable - debcintures . . , _1P . present generation hwo,w not tile n4, Of church Interest (human) of .human brouglit His free grace to us on just I, in your nanie? � I . �" - MOMM.No" 0 eflort, decoctions (of this, nature and . I I , , . . � .. � I . __ ... . I ure or meaving of. .. tile other)o 'but all of which are to such terms. We sane. -1111(!Id the, . I TI 0. _ I . I i . . . EWS AND INhORMATION t It is no, wonder. that so many pews find their Superlativeness in hunian Fort," "Pull for the Shore." "Throw" - WE'rie. - - � I I I % 14ment the passing of what were the work -and -worry methods (called. so. (Int the Life Line," "Bringoinc, 1,vl�tlle Hliron . . ER qp, r4ollcy-slaprom. and social efforts), out of Sheaves," 11-Ninetv and Nine.?* '48cat- I MORTGAGE CORPORATION ' . heart-stiering sermons. Education �lal I& . I . h OR 7 HE BUSY FARXI Will never 1111 the g� - ter Seeds of Kin'THOSVP "Roi-k ofl . 1! "I - J ­ o t r Zich God is left entirely. -when, if in . . . . � 1! , I I I I I ­ I cy, 0 to ltlig-to,-tho shy churches, Age -VI etc., etc, we Just sim-Tily hadl , 191der. Clio: The Dominion of c4nsda. . I , . was eing (1.1smislivil 0 Me Ovfarlo.Deparhneul qf.d.griallhav) I Tealitr, the Christ gospel . b� I ; f 4. 1A.D.1s, 31. A.'s, B. A.'s,, proel4imed, and always-, j)roclaimed, to, mr. Editor. lftv. th-, devilwould I � Richmond Street oppo. to post office, Loildon. � 1 � 'i . � . . . - . 1. � --- - - . . . et ., ,etc.# In !our pulpits" will peoP14' woolld know Nvbat to expect have had -us all climbed many ,3 tinle, I .. ' , I I : I ­ ­ � ... I I ri 11 e chasm. Organist$ if we bad not persi3ted in, puttine, I T. G,'.%Joredfth, K,C., Chairman I . Ron. John S. Xqx8n, Minister of poor condition among live stock, . , And 1001( foi when we conic to the . . � Hume Cronya, President, . I . 1� . . . ail4 A. C. C. 0A, and over just such poison gas as that., . ; M. Aylsworth, General Manager Agriculture, has introduced a bill in Brant. Coupty reports that stocic in, nru4!h 1,18(l, and musical leaders aii House of. God for the -worship Of God. but he coul4list face the Swift we gav N.1apiGon.- I -Ion'. S. C.17%leivburu, X.C., VICO-Nesident 1. � � providing for !in- many cases does not look too Welland TI 412VO , 1 sorpliced ticigy and obor. Wby need we tare how talented the c . . . I. I .., . I � . . t1so Legislature . , I director of music, or, the organist, o ]I'm. Wliy,-_,Nqsa my Soul, Just look . . I . . . ; ,Vrovcnicat in the quality ot dairy pro- the iormers have been wintering tht,m Isters, va bed soloists, affluent r . I I I .. . 1 I ­ I . ­_ a n d flie -Soloists, or any other, ilitty b ili the difference since thIK new viQlon, % . I . . I I � . .- — . I . . . . .. I Autts. The act poiv provides that an cheaply [is Possible- Crop# In Duf- I ),I b) t 1, t, . dupts and all of such- e* Living or deadi it's this sa c thing— , I P�, . . � . --.4- - lant. An Joelf, does,not Ile p us, as I 2 muk and cream be paid for on a but- forin appeared to be in good col'411603% likes onlp bea, fuel vjwii, our sensual ISO Inuel "Safe. in the Arals of"Jesus," 'or 00,W ,.qJ*0WM00WS.,f-.­ ­V,��*-�­ .. I .- " , - , ^., � � -.tm' I � 1444s`�,,�,� __.. . . human and a beavy demandfor No. worehipper of God. No, not I -,,Resting on my' I . . . I . .1 . 11 . . - . � . . . % . ter Sat b4sts, except When for I Alaska sratilleations,and ate a Inenace, Ono V. as a nee�dle-point, We Must . Oarel-not a single . . , . tonsaliaption. The amendment re- Oats Is indicated. Considerable Nick. cuwo to the liulloe4 inspirations that that. worshin of song and praise Our- thing to . worry . over. or butt 'a the disturbing and �Isrupjirg econ- . Sac kschow I 31110ves, this eXception. it also pro- ness in fowl'is -reported by V rontenac. I 1.0micul and spiritual agency in this - � - . I '. � . I "r . . -.! � volue. from Ood nua irom God, alone. againsf or Stave oft's or fight for, . tories hereafter shall wo unsatisfactory reports have been We'.cali worship -God ;n a fe vZos in order to, get help or inspira, 0 'thing,, f4ir-Canoda. Oh,' no. j)OWt I . I .. � . ivdes that Rae struggle under' not. a no n6ed . let *us 11 wheat; Lut fgrnl� w w4y.41 tion and G60's .approval out Of, It, 1490 tnd right stuff out of the wr IS - ON. , , 1,* termed plants and provideb lor ex- heard regarding f 11 , c , . " but worshipping God I.i3 an Individual, , nd , Of lock" ' 4 , _1X___ , we cannot -do. because., of th prayer, of it" Ong ______ .. � �,�:� - , � ri- W __ ­.., _. .11c P-etreme --- ��mffiw_ov­ rorio-it- - I- I I . I I d*S, 'Thin f Ill ibe home or out, - , �, ____UeM"ftMt4tIOn_4"1t4 . "nk rft4­1D I O"01---wafto-r-mtew"t d ---Q "�NEO� �1 Jb_qt1_,­_W_inV_means,,LNo-mo 7- . I .. �_ a wather. It _ is, t �_7 �I% Of -talent, the thO Woluan who 4an da - 1(m , . ,4college Royalp? . whent and clover fields JPA corns but tbo inspiratlowylliel, COnle`3'(plainly manifest) thought of super. delegated to some women!$ auxiliaries . Of I , rn, a bole out , Memy Tobbuttlo Chatswort I . _ _ .% ' are in poor out ,cf. it, and from it, will quit" POS" iority, of perfectness into -which coin, of some kind, oft times with printed 4 Sock ot.mend me se sit bisi � I I , . � -s, e*.- et'.. 'Pullolts, and Paws .-'Oror 7sars X h . . During the past few years a now condition in Hastings, while serious sibly reach to another or ,others. Mon people dare not Ventures 'Cannot prayei brit0les .(the knees do not get much ont) wAtos' I . feature -of unusual Interest In the edu- dan4ge bas been done ib , 1111bimt 10 ba&VA", $11Ld 11AW0110N � . K, rodents in, You cannot worship God for me, nor approach. Therefore is it distinctly (pretty much) all in the same cast. worn IlOwl $)lit the darnable. sitting. I vational work of the Ontario Agrf� Huron Orchards. : eat 14 xOnt I for you,: . I . I I Even'the -devil is not balf so. alert a-, upoit tractors ank- autom' iles, upon and could ftd Ao, xmo@y ou "ok , I evidont that out, church is placing a . 01) I 11 cultural College has been the annual is in good condition and egg produe, But I would not like for you -to wonted to -be. Ire is ' nd stands and. theatre sont�., is ah". ommed to vellove rAs UAW & 040U]f � , I told me about Doxals �Mdiwjr FilliI ' tAillition. known as the "College I liatterpMr. �,4itol# in such use is -as a any 'Of us, or .111 of Its deAvuetively Out, own � Rby� tion in Lambton is rapidly'on tbt. in, Print thh I premium upon. that tident in order�:ti) . . . � 4111" The show is staged entir( - tied clover seed is plentiful a way t 10 v t . leveragq, for populaiity,: .. , . put into a � irg � .4y br &ease. as 0 Ok as if 1,% AS migil Ily Why muSt .our Jesus, pralses be sung heap. He has dismissed the roaring-� hilider ,coveringz. (Ladies could riot 1,beAtoleil, for 6 while, abQut'taip . I . . .3 a a oBe a 0 , , - 40 it 4 all). But 01 tell you just . in Linc011i but alfalfa Seed is Scarce, $or ' t 11 th I tter'd fellows be� 'to a tune of fin-fif,cidl, prices one of the . I I Vm students and is a sort Of a mtnia' I , lion appelatioli long ago.. What bg them$, but; iiiu* x Not a box and I ture Royal.Winter Fair. This Y041 8 Cattle have been sdlliu,T 0XtQn%1VQIY cause I am not, a would bO the use of MG -keeping up AV 0 e, the whole predil.-amental situa_. found 'to )ny gmat satisfattion thit. � - .. " ble to get some -let- most disgusting and abominable r . I show was held on Narch 4th and in Middlesex A Surplus saljpl� of ter$ attached to my own name. .0h, 1. such expensive anClimurious titles ti0ii Is irritated and inflamed. But (I were . . , proved highly successful., An unus- milk is *i6orted in 0 1 no kerles ill the whole history biA the bilak&Aes an beaAacheo I of the 41.W�r but . . � XIord- 10rohMI'di no, not r,t oil. It is diffivillt for when be will got the place packed by thia letter is by.f4r too Ion.-nov,rSOLI Val I�caturo i3the fact that Ill. the live in Welland have been Ujured by tile illite the Christian church. Heaven knows we L . outelT leaving me, so I got. I I rate person to make him or her- are fat- enough from the. Christ -blaze 'jimply lying low? I . wilf come, around again. . . two nove boxeis and before I h" i stotk elasses vrizes,were not awarded , ice storms of the past wi . itter. self 'understood by the literate, and when His free gospel has become a Now you may "poo -poo"' again, Xv, - Thanklttg e Star� ftioud, the wona ono T was leelins i . — I . .� I 60 the merits of the animals but on . � . Just as much so vice versa, I pQpu]4i- feature in the money markets B ,ditor, if you: Wish, Just tile same as . . � N. bABIL � , very difflereat. . � I I ! 11we proficioney of the qXhibitors in - Tribute to Agriculture. We do not, want to get," badly of'thil. estranged and bewitc . so i'nueb. of our old Bible is being (To ,bo continued). .. I I � � I s �. . .. . . ­ � ., 11 1IN;r work be I bed age, ,, ,every day, . . lireparing.,and..exhlbiting their on. E. 8V, Beatty, MC., president of flustered .,nr, was Mrs. O'Flannigall, in the moncy-fanatical craze of this P011"POOd" everywhere, . ev* %, pleasure again, . . tries. I . I . the C.P.R., in a rm-ent address at Tor- when Xro. Smith, who ,was a, A -ash world's civilization. The God of the But his sAtnn'c r4alc$ty got this now WAS WEAK AND PALE lad, to -dal 1 am IOL . I . I , —_ . ' ­ � I I I t h4jotli'lo '. I . . . � . � Current Crop Iteport , . . onto, dealing with the conditions ,of I literate liew-combr into Ur'9- V- Ages save� us from the bell outangle� vision long ago and Is prospering by — ' perfoo . ,� I I I I ,--- I'— - I 11 , tile VailwayA in,thell, rplation to, tile I Plannaguals' neighborhood, was about ments and stranglement in the curses it. The church has only 4awned up- Health Restored Throligh the, Use of 3�rw,ZO cout"box . -- , . m Tile cron reppr4 issued for the first marketing'of Canada's wheat; cropi giving ber.,'first .real at-home, On ,it More recently, but She Says she Dr. Williams' Pink Pills �. � Veek In March desc*rlbo a general and of boasted modern freedom. P . .� 'at an &Ugglats and � ,. I I . paid a remarkable tribute to agricul. tboltlgh�t Wis. OThilmagan wuld pOs- There has Myer'been known to,the is prospering and I bellove it, �iit not. I . . 1. dealers, .or -mailed I a � . . ­ . , . I . . Ore. He declared, "it ull indicates Slb y olp ber out it lbit. Coming pooPla - of this -globe, d more inspiring, homeward. Do 'not for&t the two Mrs: Leo. Dedard, Quebec City, 41mt A4 receipt of �, I YX ..;_ — ::ZZWI _!L�_ . ' . I I . ; . . . I 1 ihe tremendous importance of Aagri� across ift the afternoon she Says, substances .do.not mix. Enthusiasm teI6 how ber,health and strength W , I . I culture to Canada's prosperity, 1141"Well, Mrs, 0710-imagan, I helpful, soul. upliftingii; ,forin .of -song in fowl. and Strawberry su b= lby� The' T, . . .� .. �­, , . only in its direct results to the pro, thl"L-ing 'Perhr 'was worship to the. Most High than that. ,ppers, wom restored throuO`h the use of that Co.) Linlited; - 04% . .I.. .. �. .. ,.. . you ,would be so which is enge ugh' the three -act plays, g& -grounds, pro- givat. blood -building tonic, Dr. Wil. T I . *.W . I INSURANCE i "Ps � . oftstol. out... .11 � I .. 11 . , ducers of farm products, but .to tile kind' as to lot me haNe tile loan- Of medium of the old fashioned corgre- gressiv'e, anythings, even, tirmilig, Piams. Pink Pi'lls. Mrs. Bedar(I Says: .- I I ­­­ .1 , I �::�� , , � - Inot .Quough.". `Oeb bliss ray soul, able leader and su plempted � ,w Inanceq all nuit, andenthuslas birth of nity littleboy, I was left very . . . ." . i . I I �. . -.0JIM-Mi Of tile country as a, whole your cuspidor fop the occasion; I )lave gational singing, earnestly let! by On misind'ss, or idlenoss, even Allocations !,"Some tliree Years qo,' after tilt! ­ -1, . � I I 11 . . . . . VInd through. �tbe Value I - and fi ill I SCHOOL REPORTS . � I � .. ? I I . of the general I ­ I k 3 I . 1, . I RA Wisthress Ship -V $ _� I weak and ,pale . -m to . �� 11 , Christ's service will not mix,, Ws . I did not see I olhorno , - . . � .� . the . 11 .1 I Purchasing power whlqh'-'6� Cultural ith, 1`111 be afther in- companled,by the same (now thought 'a . "YL I i & S. No. t7. c . I . . I � I I ,� . I , I pilbsperity. gives." � , - I shurin ya ye'll be as vilcome as to old.1'ashione identical.with the theory; , cannot haVP any strength, and at times I was The follo�dnj is th�'roport, of $- S. ' : I. � d) 'reed Organs or even . . I . . MY top talib, but I'll be afther naedin ,without it. The reeds are (in the -�ervq .God'and mammon." Diligent so dizzy I would liparly fall down. A No. �jj Colborne,' for Vet)ivary. '-Sr. . . .� � ; I � . I . .; , . I I 'I. - . � Mutual Life " � A'm6'mit of Farm Loans It to -MW Pat's vollafae Avid, ye may opinion .of. very many people) much Ill business, fervent in Spirit (therii's friend advioed me to iry Dr. Williams lv�Nvitla Boltori, 11,; John I � . . � _' ' ' I . . . . � . . . Hutchins, : . - �. � I . . � . be.shuro." But just the same, Mr. s�perj a vast difference bi�tween cliligence Pink Pills and I did so. -'I,n'a few do; Emmerson Durst, I . I . �, . . I " I � . � .Uski-tin, - winist Or as A help Inthe rendering of. . 05,, Elmer Lee, ' .; � I . '0M * `u',ltJur0eh,n tso-IJ the� , Legislature de�.,,tc_od. church music of the kind, which is� and enthusiasm [weeks I was, surprised td notice'the 45. Jr. -IV.—H ' . . I . I . . Assura,ace - C ', Pany . Agric or OT, Editor, Nye do not want to be inisnum or fervoilay) Nval . arold ,.Stevens, 81; , . .1, . . . too.seriously, in this motter sout-so6ihing. and uplifting. -log with the floA or walking. in tile spir- di.f1ference in. my condition —,I 101t, like Dorothy Fisher, ,79; Ruby Hutchinst - . . " 0 .. �1, I I . St) - I . " -w' woman takip - I , 1-1. : A,gricultural_DeV,olopment, .#u.MAA4,-bAYq, A o-dulnesa.,hut- egt; the a �no . ed 7 V ­ , that the anlount of loans Outst"ding of lettered talehted ,names of.men ed ins it. The life is, more'than in I contillu, _X.. ­._­­__­ � �_ ... _ .-Of Canada 01, I - . I 1� 1_.&.-_-. -, _%.- -ei�..-Hut&ins.,-d(Fi.Ad"r4,.-,,U#:!..... ­!_.._­ � .. '_� � ---'.' " - "' - ­ � ­__ _ ___­ ­­­ ., � - -9 .,Iw�l.-.-t.wl�,--..'�l-.---t-l�� __'111 ­ft6i; __ 1;iis;, I -_ ___. '. I V 'th' � J MJ__­­itJ1­ -ha - Michaels j33, .91mer Fisher,. 62. I- � ..� .. . I I � I -- 441416114hid 1080 . . 0 Post three years,,svas *15,. br 'V6mon. e o no 1 egru ge tiny r- r, imen .. eso Sir, ei e In S un I used ten 47 F Sr. * �:, 1 � � I* I 2:Cd1W1tL111i I - _-_-1V_' ­_(T1 ----- - t'ill,'�'--��d-'..-.--'-��."i467�ieeda have �4 . , . : t. I I I I � � . I . . . � one all the letters of the alpbabet,"If 'erhe for church worship', or even meat for the stomw_h of'our atutal by wbich time I had. c6nipletely re-� I 111.�:­Ruby YAiliag, 72 rank WcMI- ]]]I '. . . I I � . � IMAD 4ATICII, .. WAT411LOO, ONT 631$860 1), 1927,- $V�4015,405 in 1028, he Cali get. them,' iThat Is not. my hom,j livi ' ' . I 'bodies, or meat for Our sensa -ap,pem I i.�hlecl my f6riner -health - au4 ebael, 09; Norma Lees 51. Jr. III.— . I a , � . . I I � . . ' in 19,00. fie said I ncc rooms. And it IS. not at . re , , and $23,80,887 . I " I � ". . � . 4 point at all,, It' is fl�rthor removed all likely that reeds would havebeeii tite, in any way. Jesus. bas niad it strength. I feel that I 6almot prai;se Ruth Durst, 75; Auby-1AcNIohael,,68; '.. . I . . � I'(, . , plain ,enough elsewhere the li-_ I r, i� : ther(! 1%'40 $133',090 611tstanding 1, I - � i D. 0. KOONK Agent shor!s itelin nett., nt tile close an a rooster's, teeth supWanted but for -the unwholesome, . . �t , I . .. , of, tho from my'idei ih;l is I too highlyDr. WilliUls Pink Pills for Al4;hur McMichael, 69; Lorrine Fish�- - I I . . i 11 I Aro how 1113 taW , . craze for change which has fastened mu.eh more than 'that, wid the body What,thek have done for me.10 ' - 6r, 07, Leonard Fisher, 40, Jr.. IL— . �, I . . , last faca! year. � In answering a quej� . . i � IM�- 250. . , . I" . . . ; 6� . ]�; tior as to hoNV.,much Ill I - I'said. "we can worship 004 in 8' itself so tenaciously ' than the flimsy.shhni ,.VitJi,;mbic4 -we To the woman in the home—th? Heic'n Fishob - -70, , jz T.—I'aurn 1. I .. I . . � upon Calladlaii . I . . , � I I . . olley has boell Sew ways, "for instance, we can do so People. This frenZy'for novelf kedness. - - lWoman Closely confified through Durst. Numbei oil Toll 20. Average , ,� . �_ � , I NORTIt t% - , GOD M-1611, 01 lost, to date. he said: 41b ere ha,yo by -y'and "Ovor up our na .. . . I I . i - I � .1 . I I . XT. . , thoughtful, shicore, adoring medi- disregard for "let well enough @6ne,11 "Blessed. are -they which hungro liouRnhold duties—Dr. Wiilla - 'ance I ,we ' I .. 1, : � � I - I I . I � I I ­_; be'ev.110 actual losses bocaus_p the re. I ins Pink attend 19.' Perfect attenda : ,�, � � J -upon His &&atftost� - -After sness 1, Pills - are .st positive blessing. So if r�llilxjc.rson Duist, - John Hutchins, I . �� �, i, :. , I I I ---., �,ervc created for that p , Jul, tation � t, goodness, has bpoiled inany a promising com. ond thirst righteou . i � . I ­ '.. - . urpo,se 4. . . �_. �. power and grace, also upon our Hill- mencoment in mnny an undertaking, . 1, . . �,��4 I . I . . � I I ,. liken care Jous, did not always spealc in derl$- you -.Ire suMiring from any ,ep.ridition- Dorothy Fisher, . Ruby . Hutchins, I �. " - ? I . I 1 .41 � � , of all sholiag", Which fulneqs, helplessness , Ind 0 ' a, -, Frank '4 . . . ; . � � . I . I . . 1. . I " 204 for Jolig tetfij'"notoS again we !on­NAen reproalo-hing wrorg.) s I that due, to poor, -watery blood, '. . . I . I � I . .).qve b"n 812 . ,,a need. Then'and it has been �yen more ilisastrow or weak Vern. Hutchins, Norma Lee , ' . . i � .L . . and $Iwli fol. sh ,),111 van worship Him in suppli- 'in our'quest for amusements song He might humiliate. Oh, no, He nerve�, � . . . � I I ,ort tc - , _, (le. .,,bogir, taking Or. 'Williams McUiclidel; Ruby Young, Arthur. Xvm . " ', , Chi, could quite possibly havo, said, Ye, Pink Is now, and.uote:how quickly Michael, Ruby XeXichael, Helen . � " I I , 1. � . '"tes- The cation and prayer, also in Singing to votion, God � . roh , I . � . I 1. . . I bOn"d has taken no foreclosures in His, praise on seiv_��O. etc,, etc, are hot ble�ted, when yc, bw,.,ger and your h . . � dolory.' But we eaiinot'.chOirS lead a'4endency toward reserve .dAlth will improve and your Fisher. IRENK JEFFERSON, " � . � . f the' last three years, ,although. Sat. W6 thirst 'and crave after some earthly strength return. The pills are sold " .. .1. * ITOacher. I . i I � I . I I rship God in -the simple lone net'of in song devotion, in church pews, to- , . ,� ­ . . I., 11 I I I. :Proceedings, have. been taken In 6,0, list,' I -Ing ward a, lack of inslilration in the allilrement of unsatisfying trash. -It by all mediable dealer,, or Nvill"be - __­��... — . . . ca,10S.", ... .. . 11 - . _.n14g..,to. someone else offin . _ g 1. � ­ . . ... . J - .. .. . I . . x, - Pews, toward soul aild scrvi�o dispar, Would, rla`�e e No Astlim4*,Rcinedi Like. It,Dr. J. � � I . I . ­___� I . prayt. or rendering praiso� Out oavoyed His meaning sent by mail at 50 cents a box by 11he '. . I . : I 11 � . 1*"41mA_ oll� U'. 4"A .."I . i_-4- 1'.� .- 4. 4, t. lusf the Same .At- .tl,&I.. sol'i - 01. Williams Alefflehi, ,ta ,D u D, Xelloggss'Astbma Roniody is dis- . ) . � I I Goad Seed Ilaye, Well � - " �Al it t e Pows, and. they also . I J � ' .. (I., I .00 . I . : I I . . I . I . I I .� � . . � I I � Aiccordbl-_ . . �tomp Ao, imbued, 'so absorbed, both d4ract - from sincerity. of true Gott ruth. It is, Ville. Ont. . - . . thietly dilYerelit from other so-called .- 11 ".. I . I . � I It �N - to experiments c0nduet- witla tho Almighty:!God ac; ,mroll wt,service and dev plainly, emphatically evident, thel . remedies. Were,tbis not so it would� . .2,; . 11 , otion in the pews. IMEMBIER V OR, NORT11 HUIZO,N uni. Inive continued its � great Work,of I . � . I I . � . , 0% 04 at the Ontario Agricultural Vol- the other rendering of worship as. to Alany Christian must, V41snot, lielp-but be, 1 t I , le people (a majolity Of Members ' ASSEILLs -AIIGJI'I' To VOYE relief until hitown from ci;eari to 11 �, i . . . I . . . w �4e, it is now quite'possible to raise become a oxieness in that worship to and adherenti) .in t1c..pews of o�r It is born Of the spirit and. Comes of .. . . . I . .. . 4 . the yield Jotty per, cent. by using God, That i e re nd cause churches (like MYSblf)� take.very lit- its natural-bant and inelination,. auto- - . t I 1. 1. ... clean, high qwgity I . AGAINST DIVORCE ocean for it% wonderful vnlue. Kel. . . 1� � . I . 11 seed. Results I A dispa4h from Ott;iwa iiinder date' logg's the foremost and best of all . . L � � � , based on thd w6-rk of the last 'few of ",he inspirations, and tile v�iitinjr In tle p4rt in the S017VICOS of song praise maticaft, "Ye are pot of the flesh, I . . I � � . I I— �.. .. I . ,years actually show "amens!"and 1*aise 0A." That 1% for the simple reason that we are not . etc., etc, And if I have still, clinging [of Warch 14th, appedring In the W4j� . astlimp rerredies� ittands unon a re- . I - ­,�, I � 1� . . I Over I that this increase Goettz ,decreed plan and manner - for Masters of musical art'and we are ro. to me the desire for my tobacco, tod. and Sinpire is w_Loitows : �*. . I notation founded in the heafts Of I . .. , � . tile 1OW-Yielding, plots run All the humanity to a0proabb, nigh Oeorge Spotton, member for North thousands who have known its ben . . ... IV- I . Way f rom 00 to I 'Od ludtnnt to let Our voice be, heard -in in, . efit, unto G dy-glass, all kinds of worldly gratt- ... _. _ _ I I . 4 I ­._ � . 03 percent. The im. and He4vell. 'rhat Oannot be Accom- terforence, dismaYllient o d - .fiention and amusemett� and else, as Ituron, today in1larlialdent Made an =:!1!-.,_ ­_V:!=t*.*M=�1�1 ,�_ T, - � .1 . . � _ - � portance of wel r iscourage indignant denunciation of the attack . . . I . . . t, - "'i4l" I.. 4 . 1-00uned seed Is fur. plished througli elther 'education on Ment of PfActleed prepared musical I have said in a former letter, I ,had I ' L 1, . . ther.Alustrated by the 'results from . I . . made on hint in the OttAwa Citizen. 11 I , . __ _ ;,tr �.. . . . renderings, -The whole better go ,back and have another dip. the G,overnme I I . . . Plot-i'where Small, Shrunken And brok. , __.__._ , - anatter is -gan in the capital. . I � , � I ) . . 1, 01i,wd was used In one . ­­ j,nOtbinp- less than An Upsetting, do- The one greatest evil, emphatically 11he.Citk nt 01 I I . ." . . . ­ � �� I . case ond lego,'Glielphi in director of.experl. .1 structi�o Wat oil factor in,l) I ow song. dominant evil,,, toursing in its eftect .b., e n -criticized his ,action al I .. . � I I L I � I . . , I larj� plump kernels in the, Other. ments. I , eorvice wo ' in on upon this- world today (more definite- the ktion of odier Orangemen --- I a I . - , , , , , , * , � . . . I I � Tile I casq Of the fortner 'Showed, the . 1. I — . _ rahip r churches, and . ", L , � - V, . I in out, larger voting against the Woo o th bill I I . I , , smany thues in ly eviderst upon this American eon- dsw r I , I . . , .. ��l 1, .. .... I 11 I . i Vield with oats to .1b6 46 6 ,bushels per . , . . Rradicating Weeds .. chai�haol illtiolled I thient) is tile damitalhe..'spirit for "Onferring Surisdietion on the 0 t rio I . .. . . r , . , . A 4 I I � �.. �� ,- . And then, after Oil of . � ­ I t, � I . �, * I , . I - ..� 40ve us compared' with 62 bush4pls, Good work Is being done in Part of this, to shovet under the eyes (week- contest, the false -standard of Super- courts in the ,matter of divorce, cal- . I ­ . . �, , � .1 � I 0 . .., I . frOul the lattm: Goo4 seed I ling them I'lio I , ­ " , � . ". �;,.... ..... ­ than two. (10)1;­� costs less Wellington County to curtail the I.0 of this ill 11101Y intelligent age, lority, which our advertising Xactions, litleal Orangemen" in' . I - . . . I IR 4-1k 0�11 9 Im W Tile knoWing � .Pr acro more anu. %�.c etions, our schools and I Q- -19 03 --cervi, trom the ox- .tonlaft noLlbog eefl nul$ancc. R. 11., Clemeni, tho full - Page.% Of 70hurch directory, in. Our sPOrt. sub' yet this extra two dollars means .k Agricultural even our churebe-3 are, fostering in fending editorial - - : CfEKO INC, imits meekly to regulai, systmil suf- Yield of i5 buallels� f a s 0 ev representative of that farming us that Some Mightily Intel- $4 I ' O 0 t 0 cry district, recently ,declared that tile ligent D. Ass or such elie, will Qxpn_ our groving- , generations, NvAieb Political Orangenion, including W, i ' 4W6PM1S :. &tiax. Wot this kind of pa6r isr0lieved Oere. 11 I V . Garland of Carldtor o9unt ' . HING - � sow, thistle ha's been cut down by tiate upon Some mightily -learned t(i. should at once raise the cry for ko,lamcs I PURNITURM ' '. .. V . 6y Bayer A§pirin just is readity as an ------- - - about fifty per cent. Similar reports'Pic, Oct. some mightily aitistle Masi- list, in the mind .Spottoll of Nor . and Geol"',-` I FUN0. RAO" . . occasionul heaftche I , twidge-of It . olt, PreO Material bavo been issued by other agricultur- i cal rtilderings by mightily.tj alarm, reproach, it d i sg Arthur of Parry soithil INT&IMWOODWOOK ­_-...� I 10 Agricultural ond UK. al representatives who are giving at. I leaders and soloists, etc. et, and all not even to mention, or, allaw it to .. I . '211 The - Ontat . lent,d of ally sane thi king, individual, and th Hurons provided the - lvVa. or tile ifiore lownse- poin of n0eessI117 Majority to defeat tile bill." I- . A sumatism. Try it for t1le, &y$ you POrAMOntal Union is again prepared teution, to this Important' matter. to the tutia (I suppos " "' proy upon thO. dreanig of our Slumbers To this Mr. SPotton quite heatedly I ft1NvPAWq1V.WM, ­­'S"r- ' . . to distribute in Ontario j.ree e, new vision) of . Ill am w'16"nmil- . Aro - material The past dry season was not fav,61,. highlY-Paid-for God -worship -a some- replied, . . . � Mperlifients with grains, pota- able, for tile continued growth of tilt. thing a spiritual organizations, 'are aIlluent, An Orangetuan and am proiId of it.,, . *cad and A tilt gwltuda ofbusi- for k that our educational systems, our free to admit I am I *essaud professional women for Bayer toe.,,, Toots, fodder cro"s. *ad _ which he you 11118 scorned at I Continuing, lie denounced the bdi- I .-,�_'__� I ' fevti- weed and valuable steps were taken since time's beginning. Even factors in tile propagatio I . Aspirin. Doctors dedare it %f* to use livers. All Seeds and fertilizers will jor�-,,Orjl in its erudl*eatlon '11, many ers a .so .... ,,Our velopment of a ,curse thaut' Inc; tfhas0tedn0_-^, torial and zoade a further explanation ONLY. A DOCTOR KNOWS - hiely. Any drugstort.. . be, s0lit, in good time for spring seed- polls of. Ontario.. - til- of his vote as follows ., 4 strelm- ,, . . ,. 1117 'Provided applications *To rc2eived l I I . I . ors, wi , I' their ode at illiter� , Ing upon the inore ,modern frys at a Otis]. object to the imputa . . at an ,early 'date. 'The'supp 11 � I 11 ve garded It as only Pace that is even 0111`211 more alarm- tile y I tion. and ' WHAT A WATIVE 0 , I -IV, how. Selling Aborted Cows 00 or t . his is only a little ino tball is tile hellish weed Menace . M'Plication in . evel's Is limited and those 'vilto, apply No gninlal. whielt lim, abortied out of i014 lot, -, - itor! jV0,11 that. Is harassing tile very ginger out FroteqUilit menibus "from Ontario, . SHOULD BE . �.. . fir -It Will be surest of obtaining *lie should be sent to market'o Vt Zollie more some lose days, I O: i,cluding riome Ovangamen on tile � PIRIN de I I f the Ontario agriculturist..ind don't 11 . . k IM t11kU 00k 0 100ft X0A "'P"' "qtOrial- PI -Of- IV- J- 9quIr- another ustablinbuient Until it lias un. want you to know I wil 1, Wit], lot' us 'forget it either, for ilft tile , Conseivativo side, decided the Issue ����� � . A*& O'd"O 6t rell'.0 tile Ontario Agricultural C,91- dergone the prop6t period of Isolation I thousands � of othova, ant not proud Of factq we Ore hunting 011t. I'll . I . . K4 OL � � M k WNMW at "INOWW'14, by voting with the Itomikil Catholic, I � 11 .1 -, .. I 1, 11111IN11 !ttt!­._­ I Ny ill it cannot-. molliberri to -defeat the b1lV I was I I _� I --.-.---. ­ - -, __ _ !.�!"" and'been di8infKted, otherwise, it may ray ,01lurah. IThere Iq a; reason, and Spiritual men and , o c I .. . . . . . . . �� - �� � . I I e indi2ate our�61veg live, oil IlIbn ched, .. . . 2n--- -,.-.-. avry infection . elsewhere. With We are, xgroin.,�, to VJ One of those Orangenien who voted I I . .4 Soluo Airmers it in customary to got In tho matter. I have taken an act-. Chrictianity cannot but die M 31% .Itw � and 1 am prepared to vote - tl)t,t way 1. , . . . gain, regardless of the oritedsm oi 11 . - . ru! of anhootla which have aborted. I" part in tile thurth's workings for MosPhere that exhilarates. that dis- I a . . � 1 it should be 11afticularly noted. how. ")-any ytara, of 'MY eArlior lifc, and tonds humanity,s spiritual gos�trlls any organization, society or nown. W. 11 . ­ I . C 1 ant unalterably opli6sed to. � . 7 he Goderi � h staes animals which have even Many years ago have I stood a,nd Irng-nrganisniq �wltll tile 01111in- '*4alle" . . . . . . I � . I 6ve.r, that most , inaking Aivorce any. easier to obtain �­ rlutTeFcd frout an atta& of tile ,Weam out A1,11118t certain things aq not Ale sinell'of oratorical coutest". of in thisvountry, and I will not change 11 I ^ #I" ArC WUAII� 1110VO TOMIStant to It ,&6* bOing Worthy of a Christian!,, or 1110110Y-raisine contests. of athletiz my vote. I claim tile privile 0 of , I I t1lose which have, not, and that by M�t�=!2!�!t�.t ��. __, _,.�.�, . COnteRts, of theatrical contests, sing. voting with the'Roman catl 9 keepin,T animals which have aborted, . lolle, men%. � CLUBBING U01 I . . I .. !!� �'! iao vontestoo, hifteing -contests. kimiTIV ters of this House if I see fit to do so. . . .1_ -1_010**_ -_1A1 . one. moy be better enabled to got Ad 0 Contest% every r thdr t�l?ominabl� I 1, wi6b to boldly repeal tile I Iplie. t, , . � Of rceurring- losses in infected berds, 'Try Magnesia trwh; but prayirg contests, von never u a 0,1 I ., � I . The Star and London Free Press ......... ..... $650 0 Immunized Stock 4a. illuelk More 11014 of thoze. And our SchOnIs Auditliat syk orangeman camAot rtkistor , I I The Star, and Tito Lbilden Advqrflst,!�,r. . � . 0 * �30 ' uteful for this purpose than now ant- 'ChIM9110 kjl*�', 40*ft t1i A'61'04OL't In tb'� I 'his q0avietion in, , a e6itaill line be -1 I . For Witr,06 " ,at - - - .1 The Star and The'Torento Globe ....... � '� la � tion I I I 'fluse lie Is ,,Yalking hand in Ill �j .1 . .. - I I . ri.00C6114, C;e flli.sl C,'�Ijl-&4ruetive - : * : : . 6.50 mals. . '' ,,,-- VOODID who , W " . _ � A Tile Star and The Mail alld C-111pire I suivor.&II, itxd%��!31011 eohJer.JVoVAI., ,J,#N, (Icar Mj�. r�,eit,,11k.,I,ti,with men of another faith with tile . - I ' 6.So I � I 11311011F Uve tried 1*psin, ,Vhav�,631, IS not tile 11jr4n ;if.. bDy Nvbo ,1101%?<_ 110 - purposo of restraining a greateXiii in loo, ,1P .1.��f,�,. I . C."Alocaq g t .4 '. p- F. - I � Ir, ,i� - * - . * . . . 4 . . I . Shelf Forming, Alaterial 4ftV 4 QW vilriollS. digeStiVe iidS and I J,) i4giv ivocd Cr I—% .q -qrtlon who Iq i this tountm , I 11 . -_ I The Star and The Totoitto Star. ' ** **** " *:: 6.50 1 1, I V, V VU V# to - , I The Star and The Farnier's Suit .... .......... 3.25 ,, Xore tare should be taken to mL gotifftle thwe �, I *61'.4%, s UZNXII 1.57 fAllig-the t5lf I timn islight,temporavy ,xh OrangeigAn but not a po_jhat colnes to ftd N�,Ilerj bail brAatll. proptily thm meolm which COMM" relief-sonittimos not even that. ��. V��,e�­ ­ � I . �1� �- , . " 1110 01'Afige ft'lieadaches, d1z21ne�.;.`haxm, ) . - - ­.. _... 4 . litleftl 01`6110fithtl- a, I U1411,; The Star and The FAWN Herald and W-ekly Star 3.00 ihe ter oubt th4t But before giviltx up to ehronie dt-Y U, Vilkli I belong 44kA 11041114', NeAs, gas oil stounelt and bowels. lack I Ithe Star and Saturday Right ................. S.S%% egg troubles in the way of sliell-lem dys,peptis, just try the eireet of * lit. 1. The- Star OW SatUrday Evening Post Lnw.,v�, ,�ii�. . . .4.90 exo, eb��, can at times bo put down t1t Dil-uratfd Hssnesia-:iot the or. . for lt�Off th" It Is 110t willing t" IJIV6 of sppetite or energy waniq of cangti, . to thp inoth mt being properly Iniv. any brother lit '11fiv 116min10% I Aill Alton, you risk foilil'IfIrt tj�r lanative The Star and The New Outlook.. t q 4 . 3.90, einat"V Col-Afflettial carborulte. eitr$1te'. gout here to repr#A#Mf'fhv peep! " ed. Lack of lim arid ,ovster A01 or 1 , but pul le of 0 rd ;s,4. . . . .4.65 rp bigurated xsitnL-Sia North Ila not the 4AI*W& citizort The Star and CAnadlan floine-s and* di' ;. grit and menle wits likake'laving dit. 91,6114, * ,. - fleu% 'In a Wly nix#4 moib a flux �Vhic you can obtalit from proeticall nor any ,*,'illl, man ironi, 0&*&, who ;hl The Rar and MV rair .................... 4.63 y W cid on S d6t$-,V'�l Ififigtont lit TM, .Sftr and The Youths' Conipa,11011 ........ 3.75 of meat or some 6tbeir aburce of pro-, A druggift in either Vo%v&,,r w tAij. may go from Toranto to attft& the 10111' langthe" :1t,hre"s and follk is oftolk found. &VA that Itt f6irM. a Grand ttdgi� of Western Ontario. I A24e . -Ord .......... 3.7s am bete to registtr my convietion,i, Its iftcialiA in bowel and stolcaekb dil- The .14 a r twid The C011090 We Mftv clts* Take a teaspoonful ,of tile powdo? fraym the prewrlJoWi -,bf . a Tl* Siar and MCLfAn'S Magazine .... ...... : .* 3.75 " semurlt for she�'"e" 09"3 'lhc'" or four ttlbletj 4ith a little water af. � 0 repr"enting thoy people of North & � dern. Its originator tried f9 Jn Tite Rae and Rod ' and Out ...... ......... 3.85 1% A"th" M"oft Vh.V one should Mix tfr yau next meal, and sek- *hat 6, 0 the inealt rmoperl.v. and that i,q that? Huron, and not m an Orangeman. I fh6tisatitIg of case.,,: fourul it sa(e foe � The Sf ar add Montreal Witnos� ...... ........ 3.SS �differenflo this makei. it ,tvill ill.1 am not asb*med of voting Mad In Wowfiea, chihipm and old foll(,q'#� tbe� M*I!h itt "PA6 move 1WI*tAblC,,11t1tntI.V ftelifraote the dangeroul. The Slar m4 World Wide ........ � . ........ 4.15 whtn mixed in a th,)rtwth roanher. 11 blind With tht FteftCh�CAtlidialli And tll',�)Uglily effectiVe for tile 016.0 _"-1%-*1*~1A`�4 1 00-""...""I" iiharriful acid in the mternath which ,MY "Oman Catholic brothera fit C& tpbIA4 man. ToAay. Dr. Caldwell% k1V 4141 With"t Ak4*61,�,'SOMLN eilS now caulm your food to ferment, anC lioute.fl , SyruO_Pep,al, as fi iq called, is thz ' 5P00WCA@";ft R480,11 With other Poriodicals SM TASV�,V, f"dkjVWI� haVe ale�OIIJ61 *,-4 ,,stour. making xio, whM, 4tulencp, .. ......... .. &=., _., _-, world*j. yw�,�t POPAir latative. It I' ,,% nreo"Iretrt inaftdient. A iudioeix_%� heartburn and th,_% blosted or ,htxvy. S-14 t rotm� aros difficult to eiVicate, - M*Y b* hwd On O,Oplication y"Ift"lior of A;,4 C,�"-hti*l oil -A mrovt)�46!1 lump 4 IN follm i VV,11 0911PWCOI 0'f fr�­AA tletba and 6t[Itir 'y ffelio* th*t x"Mr- t V, . iibut 110116VIVY14 Com Rmlover "I purt�, ingre.,,Vents� You can r'm its to C' -Orl th� Thomvl�k' Ecitittie thl, -%nd th�je, trf%st' twer'"hiag you can (-At. you ArAVII them out 1,*11110'.44y. I ,-11 At 111t e'li-T 0"'C' OW *"1011C 211 fOT d9V i"Inrl.101 - ­­___3��­' - _ V I N�!ft,!_; a"A r!utv f4 use, -�e �A " h P16 v1pi in % 0 fear � - I "CxLer"" "..''.1:11z I �, 'o thnit'sts efft,-ts�,(!Wti efflov vour nwals *ithout a � 0 "I: 0 a ' V 0,a' ___ ­ I 11 ".� 11 I ;1;11.1%1_1____.__ 11`-..:::_ - ­ �� f%ll tti?!1W. .1 lei i0meltiov� ­ ___ ­ I . I ADVERTISE IN 1HE STAR a �3� ,P,'-4w1re. I 1111 1- i I I