HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-03-20, Page 1- -V#,-
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TkIVRSDAY, 31ARCH 221AIii, 1930
�-_ __ __� ...... ,-- .. 11 __ - THE GODERICH
__ -
'Me Star thaaks ni"y 10d -04"--.0wes
mw quilite a saintwit *f neiii; vuei pr
=t a sabocriltious, for 1W.
07uur pretty cov^"kii to every
paid-in-advame uubserAwc� 1100
Y04 bad �ijurs'., I
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. I 11 I i.. -
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� br, � '6� t �,
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L � � _ I- ___% .1 % .
- - -1 .A-- ____ _____.
.. - _______, - - ____�_ - ------ - __
%a k 6
say tt at U". Your local ftlat
:%=all yw "Wreftents
%* c"r. Pass VIP the
I cilar *&%GO" AW
W Up "The Star," Phone 71
�:= - - �__ �� --1.11.1. __ - - _ - . - ,_.,__-Q_---7�_-�- �-- == _ -
�_ _ .- . ._., -
__,� . 11 11 - _ - - I . __� _�� - -11'.. -_ ��. __ �- - - - - �
� i . . P -1 - 11 I I __ -, - - Maears. An obituarynotice Will be street Unit@d,chuirch on Vurifty, April A STATME" i, --7- .. � ---
1.1.111-.. _*.m___ �, TOWN TOPICS publi3hed next wtwk. 27th. This will U the "ll anniver. MAYOR I �
� ivory of the organization of tile con. i , �,
. 11 --, --- Lioa,i Club to 111atertala I __ � atractor For -t"- .
d the Hiatt xnnivvvaavy� It Swat S69.313."
8 On! I Of OU880008do ,`31is'i Rutledge Passed Away Winning Toon in Town League cqrects 31i5anclersta"as as to 11% Wavi I 'oderich slid $804
. . _�_ �i Wednesday Night - 18"Don" 11 .
I BUD Life 98surflno , -k Met, ,01a., pri, Quim %ill. it to
� . � The Goderich Lions Clulli is entv - e put 1 Objectof Deptilation 14: (Ottawa Ight in 19:9 .
I I I 1, -, _ � . 1" Miss Rutledge, formerly a the tainiple the members of' the winning tb pit both morning and e= I , 1 - I for - I
� � I'Goderieb Steel store, piii1pped ,%way team in the town hockey league at Mr* U. J. ,Volker Optias 0111ve 11 . I
:1929,PROMROTJS AND PROGRLSSIV I Z-102* %Vc(Tnesd4yjonig1It at TOI!0*0-� $he their dinner on Friday viveriing. This . � To tkD Editoy Of Jgj) $tar. I ; The Collc*wing letter Its% bi.,Pn harvl,, � .
- & Mr. R. J. lWalker has 01*110 UP an, Pc3T Mi. Eqltor,Z4s thero wroins � 44 ta Tile t;tai in connection WIVA the
, ,
I I had bud iii; sicgo of Illue . � 11
New maxwomes p*M for in 1929 ...... � .... $654,451,Wo ,siv. will *!06'be reception night for sev� office in the old bank of Hamilton to bia romp littl(, p,j% j ' - - -
. . underistsnainw vilusill U!Alyn, VoMvhetor V "esvi .
. � Death of Mr. Glasgow eral mew sue*ors. building where lie will carry on bust. aniong our vitiziihs as to the object, of Work here, tind, sn addition to tho fix- �
. Tatel Aswainces in force, DL .. 1929 $2,401#237,000 1 - _ � ness as a dealer in, bonds, Royalties the rcceut depatati,on ta ()ttawa to Ures 0how1ug the iamauut'rald out in , I
0 . I I
� Ascets *t Dec. 31st, 1929 ................ i, $$0,197,2�w - Word has been received Of the Arthur Strivlt4ft�Kllwlln Aftideft and Coderieh Elevator stock, also ap. harbor mattem, tray I b aII d t wskKeE3 by ieontraetor For -rest, we
� delitli 0, Mr. Win, .11. Glasto e owe 0
A We and Profitible Compvtoy ift WWc1k to, 11W"- prQuitincut lawypr ot Phi W, 4 Word was rtceivod an Wednesday agent for tire, life and automobile in- i offer a few word, of evylanution: have been asked to add. that ovior *go. ' . �
HIS widoNy was formerly "de'Wit- by the� 'Goderich relatives, of the death sur*nce and in the real estate line. In a letter from tile Department of 000,wu3 spent in 191.19 by Mr. Forrest
I � _.___._._. � . Miss Jean at N%incouver the prev.1ousday of Mr. Mr. WaMer has bad eight yeare ex- Public Works receivo in january, �yv for freight. which went to our ra.il.
. I . 11 � . - Arthur $tralton in an accident. The perietwe in baliking, b,rokersgo aud were advised that the appropriation ways. It Is pointed out tit*% all W110
I ( Office Ito � I I WANTE BI 111� telpf I gave to porticuisrs. Mr4 Insurance and will be able to give for Goderich harbor for the comipv 'Werc seen Ili gotm0tion with thu � I
. , Pliones. 4 Resl4ence 646 , H. R. LONG, District Agent str irt8on, Vvis n1artiod to a sister of gobd service and Is in a position to season Would cover only the vomple� letter have signed it. A number of
. i I � . '&U1-""-N',rS NV.X.\-11, ,I), --why 4)ut OR tilt . I
I 1� , . -toinorrowlt ,Nu)u Mr. Jeck 11411 SM41 Mrs. 110twell, of buy, sell or rent houses. t!On of tile two dredging contraet,j wervItunta uvro not seen. .
- .
�� - , Nvaut to become town. . I
I -_ . __ I— ___ W... � - -_ I OP. . .q vilgagled in a more Profitable business Read North froa Clinton to He 'now tinder way by the Forrest Dredg- 'Godorfolt, Unwh 1701, 1030 ,
I . .---..--- _r�__,.;";_.__ .. - _;_�;- � - - ' ing Co. and the Boone Dredging CO.- Mr. Editor: . . 1, .
, . . with ,the advent of $PrInq-.1 Even ivith- Pigeon Ctub Euchre OW Dance Provincial Highwor . 11
. FOR SA41K .ou wo, UENT AUCTION SACBS (;lit experivil". you 1vill',average %9.00 hCT no further dredging contracts being. According to the daily Tapers of I
. . or more per week selunIg NN'atldas ,�hc�Qodcrleh Routine Pigeon Club Word has been received by ROY coutemplated--and some additional March I Ith our Mayor. as spokes� �
11111�1.��� " ,M,P�, 1 ver. .
1, � rent. APP � "' ri m-11.S*%r,Crri(-1,q -,--..%-LF-.--0'F'Mk1UT, Alamoug Produots fit yfjur county or V flufte" One " *A Patter -son, Goderich, County. engineer -wark towards the reeonvitruction L
C jA,jjNj�,,;rOCIc'and I-NIPIA1.11F.-NTS. eltv-provi4ling you arc �tmhjtjous. dance in , of Truth fol the delegation from oisr
ITO IlF..11'1T._.�r4Ti4IIPII the follows" Hall oAdIty of Huron, to the etteet thikt the On. the North and South pleri thrbiug,b Town Council, is reported as spesk- .
,,qjjS,-, Hl".littlEgr .McIA_'AN,1 Wag- - J "S D - tario Government hits taken over the the further extension of th �
I ston, Mreet. . I . TIN - It. NVATIONS, GO51PANY. Dept. evettinst C*14ibrathw ft � - . er ConCreto Ing to tho Hou. Mr. 1-31iott, at Ottawa
, �'. I .11 . I At., Lot m, -on jilvinyov, i mile cast Of U '-M'7 W Craig IVest, .%fontrea4 Que. Th3 prixes at *w** W01% r9ad from 'Clinton extending north superstructure. I 4% fqllowa *. , I
-PoR mLE... I .o�-erlaad car, � AIV4 . Goderleb. on , 1. =1 - _=�___ . Mrs. Gordon 'MeDov"M Mr. C r* for 80 lattles to the lValkerton-Kin- As w� underqtood the situation, tho "Ito pointed out thaf now % im I �
caif 19,20 - klical, �itll -�._ L69i ence Bgrinett, Xasle for tile daince Cardillo ,highway. It Is understood Forrest Co. would goruplete its von- r .
look sharp: , 's 4ivaiv furnished by the SchrAmirt Orr .that it will at least lbe� two years bc� tract in two or three . opportune time to removo Ship .
. . :� V( T. -A earl " " . weeks and our Island with the Lblit Boone Dred I I .
M;l vi.-
-71 'k Prt�i1_tIua_SWar --4?W-A 1 1 1 FAM-1-it-Go-derl It
ligr ! 0. �on" at tkfAtV*.____ --- -_ __� -fhre-*Uy-p%vfi , ,
- I . ITO K MaVrV r1rr__-3NX1 -w-i"on"n-thia-4m--tito'-im4t��W-,.;�s-i)�-4"t ij-11done--ij
E�ast b� West " I Portitut stretch of read, However, ,0, I
purposo gold- Street. Suitable TOward London, NewspaliIermain 131arritd expected loconiplato its ,work, under i Important , I
"'i"� "i .... .. . iii"'i c
loultural riam ,, to' . the 11nder, . Please leave at r ST.&B At Brantford � work 'Will -be done on it to Improve its I contract, nbout Alay Ist or.june, Ist, e- 0 At pletivig other .1 .
0 1 I yCat'S Old; OrPICI,3. , . " ; - I I � dredging contractr4,11. I L � . 11 .
I I . * condition this season. . , . aveolrding to weather tonditions, arid, With the single exception of God-,
__ . I Miss Alice Feely, youngest daVU. I
,�, 1. .
. ............. "I'll, "I'll, --- 11 urlivul co . Knox Church High Tea under these circumst
. . . . . ����� . 1p. I. , ........ e.-.-,. I 1OST,--At. Beninflier play on Wedtle-4. ter of,Mr. and Mrs. ItIghird Peely, Ilvc% we felt riell, every community from one side .
. Neays .4, ... L- I , . I . . ., I fresit; I punt; Aykesibire ooiw, 'fresh ,1 day '.6voning., a. valuable briiWtt Mount Pleasallit road, �Ikuntford, wax The annual high tea given under that It Was incumbent on the council Of our Dominton to 'the other, is .
- ..- . Rocks An& P3K A)Teshlre cow, due In April; Dur- Any. Information as Ito Its where- Weil Wedumday aftemoon at a pretty the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of to do something. Otherwise it would StrAillill,g pypry effort .
VOR ".,km�, O. A.C., Bar"ed am Ms., duo ill ,Uay; 11004.0111 heltor. "14 . 0 Church wtis held _ _tQ_8k0rfk ea. - __ -
_V jjjgjl� ,(.jxLde white L4iora habX '14 abo;- .- _. nri!riated. ,ceremony to Gerald Gordon Newton, Xviox PresbAerlit appear that -We were goirg,to -JIM TL PlOyment for its vitizens. "Alatrouize
milkinu. line lit octabor. .1 gras,i COWS; Kin'll." 1pavp.. %vor(I ,it I � verydull season, so far as our harbor I , I
.AT.kR� ()j.tj.1IPj.". of . Londarij, , formerly of Goderich, Ili the baAement of the ,church on home industr?" has been the ,cry . � I
M,ch. �495* 3 Duldlain tgrade beffors: 3 hol-A"Jil. - was concerned, and so it was arrantr-
culicks, A& -IL . Hatching t 35L �
U, . . I
er doz. -'.NI11$. L ONULPY, 1) ngarillon, I , he In pulf, part The nuptial knot wax tied by Rm V. Mbqrsday evening of -last 'Week. A ed that a deputation from the council I utry. I .
r R. No. 4. , . lelrrrs� suppose(I to . AUCTION SALO G.''Rordy. The groom is A melliber large nu through crivery paper in flip cou .
. Olvpra%ey helfer. supposcol to bi,- In _,�,�, . I . Mber partook ofthe fine sup. Here wo-have a delegation from our . )
, __ - ��. and front the Western Canada Plour
- pit !m& z,i -'4'.". Ac41r; ourebred 1101stelh belfsr,, 2 Hal- A,VOTION SNIX, (IF FAIDE ,--TO- of the editorial staft Of The London Ter provided, after which an excellent Mills Co. and fro I. the Goderich F.Je. Town Council, cloct*ed by the citizo4a I .
Farm Ito acres, . . I . �
. �
- � �0%vus 2 miles stein better calves, 4 months Old, num- AND151PLENIP-NTS. . - Ftce.rress. . I Program W48 given in the auditorium, vator and Tr n In the hope that they would look after
I � ..
39, i3oia6kli T Alp, - High b S. . I I I �. . . . . , 1. . for which. Rev. R, 10. McDerralil noted ansit Co. should go to tile . I . .
- er of young oalire .,. � . - . . J. J. ountor Prescuted1rith � best interests of our town, mak. I . I . .
njgs.- . NN*e j1re Instructed by ' � . I as Clio Ottawa, and urge the removal of the ing a speciul trip to Ottawa, going out . . I -1
"i" . Diamond Ring " , . "ril'an' The Program consist" balance of Ship Island 4�t sine -
20 Nytilte-1,eg, I 'TEELS ed of solos by Mrs. MucKayand Mr. G the of their way� to recommend t � . I-
1.1�5 � 1111, PHILIP S _ completion of the now addtt n to the but the . . .
Ilora �i Mr. J. ,T, Hunter, proprictoe of The Traverse, readings by Billy Joe John- Gwornment give a dredging contract . 4,
arris. binder ,f to tiell by ,publie, auction at $. W. Pt. Kin&rdlite Rev, . W, badly I I
ay rakilt ,sepsl Lut 10, Con. 2. A-1111161,013. � ow -Reporter, Past ston, selections on t4jo p 0. organ bV Mevutol: the extra area Is ry to a Arm that is not le.-ated here, �. I I I",
. Grand Master of the Grand Orango M1% Dip , e solo by 1i ' for tux . I I
I jor, gut t1r. H. Blaov- required . -ning spAce and the I
. . Wb,ole employees do not, live in our -
. a Scufflet. an ,TUP'1',D^'APRII, ist, 1930q . Lodge of Ontario West, wa"; recently munaeuverivile of the grain bonts, af-, " � . �
val IN, � . . 1. I stone, cello solo by Mr. Forbes Miller _._� I � , - Ao , h.u. * -i_ " ___�
-torn ,culth, .
. L cornmvn�ing at 1.30 0clock P. ,M. . .
_41nf�� ln"ttig-by-th eln.-unlituded; - - ---- . I . I
I-- _._� -prosented-Avith-v4amon I aml-a-Tl11HMiW-a iselections , I . � I . I
, ,
',,, a , ... .1 .- I 11 I � ----,. pring-10-01; A. , '. .7. ___ � iVnTg`_h'6rsc-,--t Grand Lqdge in recognition of. t*o chestra compo, by an or- 'When our deptit4loa waited oil the n the welfare of our town. I . 1. I
I . ",""I'll �L� ...... .1. I �, ��' , nelvir am . set Of diamou I 4.*W."�;iue. to, fre0hen before sale. I sod of Miss EAdnit HuTlt Minister and presented its requests as Any wages the Bopnolhtellginit Co.. - , I � 1- .
. I .tar I lo. . . Amrr � 4-s 600, wagons*. - flay cow , �due to irreslien in 1.Nla�; 2 Cow$, Years faithful serAce In the position and Messrs. -Sid Palmer, H. Whitmore, concisely and as briefly, as possible, it rntlght-piik Mirr-employees will be . � � . . . . . � � 1�
Fort. I.., . rael . avell x; stee Ire open buggy;' milking; 1.1 opfferm, rbong It years; 4 of GrAtid. Master. Mr., Huirtter bad TL 131tackistorle, F, R. Millier, 0. *Carter, -
dont raodern'w �` ' --- 80- 4,,' ,� P ' (ion I smlm: Clinton blvim liee,;; 410'yobitk ht,iis,l *1 N ssey- ,the ring I ina(le t6flwhis wife and on Was suggested by the Chief Eagincer fielit Out of Goderich to support their. I I . . �
`;`LE OR `-' " `-k fsl-' 4, . �1,at
r bouie in Stratford AIM) lit; InD , sill A, Traverse, Howard 'Fowler and that the cost wo4ld probably be front families at other points In Outari0i 2 .
In good ,cood'Oon, N&III �ev.bvngc for a teant, barness;-Harris (Itill, I'Ma��ev-ilarris dise'. I, Its arr;i�vai at his borne tbs -wt�ok pre. RObt. Hem% with Mr. Major at the $600,000 to $700,000 -as the Island was * We have a Dredging Company to. . � -
. lilt Wr rd itorse collars.- I-Ahon.se scut- �Ntr(lormlekblrlder: i KILGorlpi0i: mmv- sented it to her. . ' ..- . . piano. - I . . . I I " � I � ., . I
' wllkill.ly MON—: 'Wariallan & Nvartt er,i 11"loury 1plow I EkA h � . I .. cated in Goderich since 1024, ,who
coittage In ('rotterjoh- or A good e a r ai. PON I . "all pock," and,.of course,the Govern. built a dredge last yeat'that iiny oth- . . � .
mrst payilient� .?Wilress Box 3. STAR. . I I,,,,,,.- . arrows I Tax1tate Will Probably W . I . St. P-tittrick's Day At I . ment could nut possibly entertain so, I
. at': fortercipes, aud,pullie%; quan. kviffiler: I wagon; I buggy; I outter; I
- : v, . . . . . Home . r would be proud of. Every ., . I
FAR'.kt,FOIt SMLF, 011 RENT.-I"ighty Ifty. Af'2xl 11011110"k 'Seautling; quarittly slot Of .141(,Ipts, I cuttift� box; I %avex Fixed Friday , The St. Patrick'& Day at honie of I great an expenditure At th er town . , � I
-.� ot�, rjett - iiiiiii. '�Tirruduptivis.f i& 'I' lit. hetrilook. Plank. i box; I bay rack; I ,bay rake; I t of The town coilneil devoted soft evon. time. . .1 . man who worked on the building anit I � .
I ,
aormi� I
. .�jj,rj ;j_r4ojjj P,0tt9.jre On Albert il, . I -harness; I the Memesetung Canoe Club on Mon- . operation of this drC-ilffi"*Viifi-47��itizew�---,-'--�- ` . I
tout; good � natufal aval tild. , ; 1 set, of 11wavy sot of Ing going into the estimAto for the day eve Ing Wss a e However, our representatives point.- ord . . .
*sque l6catjoiii, Farlir -;Pat" , to .
drainage-, pictum artificial: lborpe'y4 form rwill b(� '401d at 411IS sale. � "Inxili iliuropss: I DeLaval Cream separ�- year last Friday evening 4nd no doubt I IT n lljoyablii event, ad out that the e was much less rock of Oodeirich, and looked forw . I ..
obout two,villes from Clinton on llare-� Alivape iilteroFil.04 caa-examjn6 cot4V,t1jiltor; I DaIL.Lly elitirn, I ;sugar kottle* I a recommendation will be arrived at with cardst lunch and 4ancing as the r being given an equal chance of soctur- . � . . �
� . I ' attractions. A number of pretty Irish in the balance of the island'to be ire. -k 'ibat might be done. he're. *1� . I
, line. Hu - Ildings consist of pinyly sliing- before salo da)-.- - . . . fellCe StrCtC.11PA!, P'LIUM4. VO'IiV,: I NvIlVet.- at the committee meeting thisThurs- moved, and aL greater OVCrJ$y Of gra_ ing any *ot . . . .
ted IIQUS#A ig she,j,*i Alsil Ole farm �Whioh mnsisl s. of' costutilo wero to be seen. and nearly I . . �
, lji�go L barn; drIvit s; of 'A 11 barrow; 150 bu 0it-St 60 bus, Of day evening and the rate for tk The result of this xeprosentstion at . .
. aliso WindmilL 'Considerplild .- perm. Tubre Or less. ,v�"Itjl go bailley and oats, -a quantity of hay*, joinia _ o -year vel � and soil than -IA the portion I L I
� bus"' ImildIngs will be offered for oll se f of Ily adopted at the counelk,jeet, OverYone'llad something, if only a bit which was in process of removal and Ottawa is that Mr, Forrest Ispit week .
Terms .6iie-wtihipt): . purchase', � down I oe .. sale, It not f6r4s, s.!im-ois, Oialns� and vitnacrous Ing Friday evening. T of sliptirciek, t6mark the day of ire. I .
Sol(] before. . ,. . . I Other , . .be counci luld oft all -his employees, Which .
artjj�IeS, L I . I
fall rent In tidnitice. Lo"tacr, 320. SoutIv I .. , I I . " is 1211dos Patiort saint. ',The prizes at that, or; the basis of the flreaentL Con- means that possibly 40 or . .. , L , 4t �
sin Otreet, -Romeo, �Jlebjgan, Purth- � In, poultry and all findin the only way t� keep the rate Five Hundred' were won by Mrs. Cutt I citizona Will thtq, 1- . _� , I
. At A .. . Iro, g - I
TPKNI14r-Stock, awl IMPlanierit- All TF[IIIS.-Ilan gra A Va tract, the cost of dred1glagi out, the re.
. ;ms. of ',HO alad under, c.a9h; over, that jjpring�j,ha r
er latormailon. W. liAif66NN,'Cijntoin. i "'411111 nif 810 anil linderi tasih.* ovep that ,;oj' .4d Tieing is to keeii.. from (Blyth): son, mainder of the island eould not' '" elsqwhere for.emoloyment. . .�, , �_
� r_ .... ,-, t-fino!Vult R monlOw-ercillt willbe ,"iven nartiount ($)-.months' tredit, IM11 The spending more, than the estimates I and Mr. J. C. Robert " all probability, amount to 11110 -7 1
'rR S&LE.-The ,property at ,Den 001'Oved jblji;t baulkabi - . .. �� * manager of the Dominion Stores. re tit" _ . ,_ ' L L ,
- oil furnishing " . . ,--- _ Tilts aqtlotL affeets_ Alreetly --mery ' '. . L, . . A
0 Own- --oil - - farrilsi.1i Ing --approved --J'olnt. -]tiV Dr. GUT% to-lto in Goderich After, lunch tile Blyth from U3000--to,420000.,.- - _ _ !fiekchiiiiit'JA Goderich. For tht'- beitio-_-7-- 1,L'
,miller, belorghig to ;tll D *Eita it, .'Or - P&P�Ir. 'or a. Alseount of i per cent. notes. . A ill-wo nt of lt�,j allow � . I oiche I
, " I .pit. for _4;ill 27th . L , 1*11 pro- Tile Minister polTIU4 out that the fit f .
. late Jaiacs,Lobg. Mils consists br 814d9lif, .1110%va:4. for cash oil evedit ("wrl till,evedit.arnotilits. - . vided excellent music for the dancing, . 0 those Who po,�sibly have not . I
. I
los 'amqunt4 i � . Zt. -Gunn, M.A.j B.D., Prizes were awarded for those in cos� Bootle Co. had secured Its, 111*11014 given consideration to what tilts .
si acres Of )and,, mor#. or . . ,011 s. . 11,1111,11P STERIA., Propriet6r. ltev�. W. T. .
I is situated ,*�, seven.. io,31nol` - TPMA-m011, farm put(le lillomil oil I of tuttle 'as follows-. Ladies' first, Mrs, contract for the rentovail of a portion ..
0 J)otl$� )It fk $ . , '' . I . T� GUNI)Ify & SoN, Atwtioneers, moderator Of the General Council 11
'5lateL.(Ar rt.p_ . "I � I . I I litd,eg'L .
� ,,it,; day Of f4le
I .- .;;�. , . L, �' . .. I . - the United. W. Xc Sittuderso of the island at a price 08 cent ower mcans, we quote figures as to, the" . .
, . Church Of Canada, will be second, Mrs. tbaW the next'lowest tendeV and find I
' , 'S -(, '; gents' first, Chas. wageu p4id by Me. Forrest since,1021114.,
alf;oa good frdm6 Utra lailtallip -lory L RRIJEF �11A%*.", E. M. Peoprfeto CI.EARIN .kvGTI()N* SULE OP PAIM Ole ripecial preacher for the anni(ver. J. C, Robeitso; I These figuresi can be verified by the :, 1. I
DEO. 11, BLI,IOTT� I 'L sury ,�W"ica In Connection
10 4nd �� Alf(Alon6pp. I" I Black; gents' second, W. Naftel. The dolip excellent work, 0 L . . .
,0, � On the PNP�Tt)� . I . STmK AND I-NIPLE.NIEN-TS.. :- . .3 , vu.$ * . '
I , ,neys'll WIlitiv * sprinj� of -excellop"'. - - - . I _" .Li.. . I . # . - . The deputation CX,jrVj4.%ed #% a Provincial Workm A's CompensatIO4 � ..
I I oft' I an ,M(1114 CL$Ali INIO � ';; ". - ' ' .; "; " L ;' " -weve Mrs. Cutt OWli), Rev, I Board. . , I . ..
- - - $udges, , ppre'! I " LL ..
utei" 1,',TOCK AND ot, 1 rv&I .. -, xi on . ... ...
I 0� "rhis -Vert�,, IM In -&t,cTA)-.%-.,,1AL1-,, We dre histruie'ted by . t � elation of the good work earric I
tiolit.. 1and within' Three- Min . :51PL ., - NOTICE To kv- ,S . R. 0, MeDermid and Mr,'W. 11. Rob. .Year Wages compensation ".. . i
I X514NITS. , NIR. JANIES FUVEit- *. - * ". � --f- .. . .L ny and commended and . L I Paid , kai(I - 1 .
v4lk"O' Chufth, 6CUO01 and ,Aore. .Por; . . __ I � . . , ell OTICE TO C114DIT011S. I I . ; . . �,4� I L'� I -
,r!pt -apply 16 It.' Ij,r to 4 �Vbay�, .. I "I IV 11epartmelit for,what the . I
be .,ub)1I(,,,auetIijn -at Lot 14, Con., . . . I - tba r t1l (ioh MI .1 ... .. I .... .
I ONC lars *% W. all, . . L L. 1 1192 $31,728.09 $1,321,67 .
,� wrtiou .\IR. AODERT bAVIDSON, . , . $It, oil. - . X , Harry Watson Avon Prize, , Governitiont ind done last year. .
0oderleb. or JoUx 'R, LoXC;#L'wIII Soil li.y. .p.tib'lle altclj A at Lot tD, ,.. I � IN THE NfATTFA OF THE W�TATH OF for Costume at Seaforth . I . HowvVe_� . t was indicated to the 1925 ...... I,. 39,701,9S 1 0,64 L . . .. I .
.3R. a, it, IL . ::;
firoderith, Ojit. � � Con, J, C 0 NVEDNEI.i,fi.&Y .NJARGII 26th, 1930 . * .
, ioderfoll ito6vii I JOII N '%%*. YNO, LATE OF THE TOWN Masquerade . . 1926 ....... . ".6,061:91. I 50.09 I I
I * .- - _.__.*� r . - . -
- __.�_ .. ' ' -3ftel Parm) oil " ship, (the Cilarlei Conhitiencing'at 1.00 o'clo*k p.m. 1AIllik.ter that wo. hoped'. naturally, 1.427 .......... 20"'t"56- -
I ' .. . . OF GODEIII(III, IN THE COUNTY OF qUarado bull held in'Card- that out- local. firm, tile Forrest Card- 11)28 ..... ;... : a 'I . xcl . 1, que , - - I
le.April 10; I' IlUllij.�, UK�\,11,. . L
., NI'N.N. I)I.X
, EA$k,
. ' I N . , du E J. � I
I =AL ESTATIM A,Vli'fNSU ' � '� 1�,ek-orAv'.-s Nvar., The mas
. N'C TVMAY, UARCH A,prll I I I TIO4 ,hall, Seaforth, on Monday,eVou- pany, Would secure . I
I !A ,� L 25th, 1930 sliotteil, 6 -vi". I.Liln,g 3 years, (tile . . .. I . � . Ong Contradt : 1, 0.28 .2, U5 -
THEI NISTRONG 'At, ESTATE .vowmanoln'Tat I o'clock i 10 pigs molith-a -Xv.1ccjs, ,hertby giv . on- pursuant to 'Ing un4e he" a . I , . let, but'WithE 109 .o .......... 09;313.88 - 2,740.00 .
JAX , RE And . A$th: i '11111fer calf, , 4 ; r t uspices'of the Cana- which'inight be both out- �
I.-,-,U,FL%.NC4 A0E.NGV,, � I �alr �Of wOrIC borses, aged; Ibbay 4io ;old, about: 130, 1 , s.; I 0 Outside of thi. .Lmill.. how many in -
1`84, h 00 young barred tbe, ,rrus . H, Ajj"H� ,
. . - 11 �, .. � : R yevs old" I driving mare; A 'colt, ris- li4i,rk-lbens; 2 white (Ineles; I -Deering 150# . _�. (). jjio_7,. ell,_I... than Logion and the patronage. of fits haile, the Government could be dustrit,-.5 have we in Godprich with a I
.01 V141; all creditors -and -otli6rs, lim i Briodier General Armstroriff, 0. M. assured of the necessary emupetition opli, . .
I ]Life, Accident sod Auto i Ing I year, 11101stelo,cow, 6 )-ears, fit. bind,er., I Xbxon sem 4]rqll; 1 massey Ing rj&.fflS against t,lie estate of the said Q. 0. B., district commandWof d as all Governmeittl L t'pl. roll than this ? L . L .
I . I I . . "Alf; I ,cow, 4 31ears�old, la - I 1) htit ' that � ..
I . . due - in Nov. hiower. -1 . 1, SSev CLUItIvator," I heavy John'W. Yeo,who (Ilett On or -about tile t4ky district No. 1, was a elecided site. contracts for dredging tire let by ton. it ring be arguM- part of I L. .1 , I
I % Insurance I 1. 6 .
I � . ,L � I'c,oKv, 8 ybart; old, ilueln Appil; I lhelf�' ,Iwjig oltil,hay fork, ear and 186 frt. rope; ithi day of FLfj)ruar.*,,, A. D. 1930, at the cogs attracting a record crowd" del-, a very favorable and It very rea- his A'f roll covers work done at . . .
1110 L I .
-se *odcrieli '4 yeat's old,'dae in November. 14 belf- v Ing.. 2 vi,drs tdd; I lheavY mare, 'T4iwn 'ot Godprlich', art, leti Collingwood,XITte"niq .
Ifor s und lots in G and er, . required. oil or 11%cro was a fine display of costumes: sonable price would to doubt'ue,obj�Byllg`pl�l __
8 , __ro'- ------.-,----,,
I I . . 6� ,----,-,
I � I lie,Uh (tar ofit.kitril, .1. D. J030, the judges being. - Colonel .Heenant taine�. . I 'It othe points, but It us"D
fents. for, mle, . rr.4. I ,year old',� .4 Salv,s *, 2brood. oo,sys; 12 years old; I genemkpurpose atare 0 before Ad I 'r
Latge number listed to cilouse troill. hens; 'tirlo, of Vears did, I gelding rising 3 ,,*,ears.�old, to siend by post, prepaid, or deliver.10 Colonel. L Hays and Dr. McXay., The Ftillhei inouiry ,since reaching rilembe.red that the Work - done 4t , . I .
"') '";L I %a'Hey_jIarrI4 . 'prizes were - I deri& , . I
just a few of the rnan,v, ; : ,,�l a - *. t Nfassl%y4fart-14 hay -loader; J brah-en; I sot.(jr sik.jplis, nearly ne%v,, 4he ExeCtItO11,11 Of tile estate of the sald , - point -4 waq dont, by Go
000d 1�� story h0us4%, lia-fl.,voo'l I ,,.".."t" , . awarded to the following- honit, has convimed the illemborn al! tilest .
hay loader; I I set hemi, harimis; I set ,J;n-gIebar_ deceased, tile tull particularg, Ill vvrlt- � I men and that the money earned v,w .
iloors anti Interior linishing. Vull llkljd� Ir�ts,�"Y-illarris,re-ptilitz(,e drill; A Massey. . tiess. I 1jay rake: I ,Iiay rack, nearly Ing of thelt, eI,Wm,,4, -a statement Qf,lIicI*.- Best comid Costume, Earl Bell-, best the deputation that the price sug .
. liMtIng. L , 11, , I good r.Tavel hox. I Frost & 4c'C(n1n4tS, Land ,the naturc ot the Secur- .
, i4tk�iijjj, * plavv, hirrow. I JIM *, bostL ge4ted by thent o Ahe Minister Is wel
prn-viquiropetf. Ar",I)nged..fo., . arrig t i sent honnt! t-&-s-ittillorr,their familfea ; .
'Price . L. rldln!, , 1, filso, . h4dtime Costume, J. R, liest,
'41200, .. I . 'e; I set 4-seollon diamood ItY, If an'**, field by Alient, vari!led by Unte, Harry Watson, within the mark, I and went into circulation right here. � I
. . walking pl(Av, I *Set �sljvgle harness; 1 NVOOd 41IS character cost I I
. art"Aw.4; ,one scullier, one Ianning deelatatItill. L a Costume, Miss Every ni-int - . I
I I ; .1 A'LVI) L ' NIMCE th,kt afl.pr sue), Martha Reid; ladies' character coil- moit anxious to see the Voirrtwst Co.
rance. Waim, Ail,b6, toilet nearly new; i (lemorrat. i bayrack; I Mill - . - of the doputat'Olt 113 floult to reconcilo the cheap. talk we I I .
Two-story li�use, - g6titl 11 , 2 beavy iw,igons, I ll� - In the face of these factso it is 41f . .
fine appett' . N) dition, v'Alel-tirod buq4y, - 1vtr4er;1 I 11irlit, wagon TAKE Godericb, ladie8l com! �el .
and: garage. Price ".418m; - : _. � .btW,z111. I Daisy ebjurn,'a quantity of last.1rueatiolle(I (late the N'ttil 14 bear each year .nt nomination time
N%piron Nix. I gravel -box; I cutter*: 2 , `WcUt"IN' tume, Mi'5§ Galbraitb, .Brussels. The �.ceure tite contract If the Department . .
Atodera 'st eco houst'; complete, hav; a (ImIntily,of It! inch Nvooa; aout INIII. propt,ed to d1stributi-the nssets Of about 4ecuring new intiustrita for -
. 1- . I 1
$". . .11 !, -sntot sckll6s, 1 Xanning 110M nee"It. 100 MIS114, ill(' bitlit d. -ceased artiong tilf? parf,fe4 On 'hall was beautifully decorated with -ofT,!ubIic Works seas fit to inake ibe Gbilericb, and within three montb3 L . � . .
I .�s of,good nats, I 11ason;,111sch I I
A number fine. bricic liotises fro I U,"right.,plano'; 1. k1tolivii.stove fiDrwi)od tilled tllereto.� having legartl 'Utily to . a
,nj Yokes, 'WhIMetroe.q. PAiallis, .forks and . ' flaro and bunting and the tables at idditi,mal expenditure for this dredg-
IlUmern I . I
,ni . all coal; I -%vheioIbarro%V:,a quantity of ,the 0alms Otwlilch 1.1u;y vitall flic-n whith lunch was served with St, Pat- Ing but, 89 It Poltilts out' the work OttaNva for the advertised purpose of q� - '.I .
VaW to sf�ft Ail; it) spe flip Its otbor 'UtIcles pendifig a delegation all the way to
lleated'QLpartmoat to rent. ,* .. I X'ver%*thln:X ,%i -Ill be dliwo4pd of us � . riek.-Day colors'. killl"PL
. Proprietor is VIvI retiar iposts; a Ghevroli-t touring ear- bave nuAve. - . I Excellent niusic was will have to be subject to public ten- , a .
t% story ve-rifer0d cement bloelt. dg op tarming. fOrk-S, $hoV'els, ehal'Waild '111merou's AN -Sig J. YE(j, NVILI.Lth 3 furnished by the Lion T4mers orches. I ders tfor the underto'king in the e4me 1 local industry with the .
yl."O. , above pay roll, and recommending the .
house, title teoddit4oll, gootl location, TFIMS.-All sums, of �40 and under, o(her I I o' Rxe�. tra of London. Major General Arm- manner aq .111 contract's ho" been lot work be done by an outside firm who
. orff&4. '. and ELDRED A. YE uiors, ' . .
fall modern elittippell. Ea,.iy terms ro vash, over "'a' omount, 84nopills"'crod* I - ..\, I rosm'.Won tinN.011119- . . bN, DUDLEY U, 1101,31EIS. "t"', was present ,and presented the I in the post, have no intere3t or stake of any kind . . I
001rient. Prive. $O.M . r..,.,,. Nylil be give. oil irurnishing approved TEA.\I-.`i.-�jLy, g vrizes! � Tito council and all our citizens ap. In our town and who do not even em- ' ' . �
"GOOd 11,� siory biouip.and lat, 0-r%ft J ' I, es. A discount -of 71% alloweit I rain, Poultry anti ,Ill 140lichor for thp iald Executors. Among out of town guests _
oln not
930.. . I . . I .
' 1) N 6 ri p *1 I be given oil furnishing approve4 I . . Vatson, Goderich; Mr. and �Ilqff in ,.It(- eniploynient C 4 .
$61, eaAl oil eredilt amounts. , ov4pr oth day of Combe, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Harry I ging CompanY has Intent to tile town Chas. 0. ljoe., Benson Whitely
A Saar). sums ,of -R]0,66 an(I tinder, rash; were: Colonel Heenan, t'nindon'. Col.; preciate fully what tho Forrest Dred- pl* local labor. . .
.., 1,11-11, alliotint f-,) spven Moliths, 'credIt Uarch, A. 1). I
Good ooftapre thoij-4iv. 2 psi,Q- motlprn I ROBERT AVIDSO., Pr p ato , , . . Dated .at (lodpricli this '
equipped. elo�w,jo s4flare. Aii,f,�. L I , It. H. .No. 2. (loderich. . 1. I . . . I I . N .1. E. b1litell I I
110 . Joint, notes. A lisefflint of 4% 'allo' . I 11 Campbell, Brussels" Air. find 3,L A yeara sinee this has J A. Lawrone I
j), , T, OLINDRY &- SO,V, .j.tictioni-eirs. for ,cash ,,on e. I M'dit �AMOIIIIL4, I -Ved VOTICETO CREDIT0111% � R'. E. Allison P.Thalen .
FP4a,. tNv,)_,.qt,)ry tvd ,Ij&k u " , Irs.11nen fluriniC pa,
, � I � . -1 __ Downey, Dublin, Mr. and - home port of the I t Ind 1J, H. Mexce . Rea. G. sovverby .
ntiidern; tiiv,a Jots. PrIe(.- s2200 , Air% Chas.; been th( pan a
I . "
Farm. 400 Win. 5i�. miles from 01.4 JAUP-14 OLIVtn"Pripli., . I y . so have publicly I,',. R, Wink� W. MaoDonald I �
dodeTleh acre 1A UCTION ISAIIII; PARst, sl,ocli, IN, THE NfATTIM (IF THE BL'LIC Clark,A Imer,4 Miss Galbraith uvaq_ un inany ocimsion
good bulkilli9Z 'Will ex- Imptlynill-VIS wid 110VAP'llul,l) .1 Shoppardton It. 11. No. I . 'AAtES AOT and of LES, CHOV; Avito Selo; li�r, McCracken, Brussels. I given expre4sion and acknowledgment Mav: Robins, Baker & Ainslie
dance i0l, EFFFCTil I . I I 11 T 6UNDAY & 140-N, Auctioneers. ban diewtorore trarrleil oil bu . 'L . I
town poryporty or st, iof Lhk appreciation and all It lineaus U. J. Howard .1 .J. Calvin Cutt I
easy forms. Prier m.00. , .11 on I- . , . I sinoss at �
, - . . tile Town of Gotleriell as a 114-staur- I . CARD OP THANKS , ;to our, c itizens who have foutl(l Clu- C .
Speclal. 0101re 100-icre laiin %vii,11 /jo AIL old homeatead of the late John E.Xp,'(w,rj`t)jj,V A%IA; OF PAML � I 'alit Keeper. . . I .1 I ,;00, W. Havehlet- J. C. l?o6i&fiRi--
acres Valuable tilblyor. good bit Ford No.. 8 llighway, .%vogt of 1101mes- sT.t)(,;K ANII JAITILEINIENT.. ' . . . .. ,51rs, Nellip f.il%v.krdq qvishe" Ill tIjajIl,: ployment with bfir. Forrest, and t('Was. A. Carrie I'll it. Martilt ..
lidings, . I . . I . �-_ L ... , .
'010SO 10 111� Vdile".011 . ber frIend'; and liefMAjol-4 for- Owit, 1,11141 1 (iur "'tol-elteeiter'4' and machine s11OP:31 IJ. A. Campbell Steela Stores Ltd. I
. ag-P of Varna. (:011liiy,l . ----- XOT108. Ill HEREBY (AIVI"N that ill(,
. fur- I expresq1tina �of symp,ithy tit tilt* tillip #if who have furninhed him with sup.] I.,
On. four fililvq, to railroad ,4L,ttion. THURSDAY, 5TARCII 21th. NVo Ilave N1001%.4 -'d inAriletions from VIC business of the said Let- (bong lla,.4 ,..
Prilr1p $Vim; ftwo MAI, halanee an good eommencing at I.so sh,11-p - i.,�,1,4vlw of III1*hLtV -11-1111 KIIN'trick to hppn sold tb flarry 'Woilir an(I Still lilp death ,of her Cather, 'Ifir. '%Vill. Up. plies I r e r G* * Swearrow I .
. . � . red Hunt I
terms. Iforses.-Clyda i,nare, 7 years; Ill fijill; Sell `111Y 11111ille utle(il," A tilt' 'pre'llIRS. %Dnpr & thp City of Toronto and all tputt. The in4nuation that a.. .,,,,,b,,,r C. F. Roblw.on
2M ac"es fine 00V loam 8oll. No ClYde Ware, 11 years; bay *Idlng,' 10 Ltd 7. Mpneessimi 1% E. 1). Mblield, on persons having claims aaalust tb� said 'We thank .ill our frim#,4 .,i lof the deputation favored the Poone 1W. L. f4roit1j, It. Bradley 1. . � . I I
M -Ste. '10, Arrea t1trilier. enough to pav I Ivears, mare, 1 , 'ars; geld -Ing ' AY, - -NIMIGH 21th. 1930 Lee Cliong.are to lilt, t1w 4kiine N�Itft horiffor alt (lit-ir hinfiness duriniz thi, CO. over the Forrest Co. Is Tho:;. 1Varrmwr D. Sheppard
for farm. Ono.lialf mile t1i .4. . �e, 0 rising 2 T111711SO 9 , - ,1111Y, rldl.� W. A. Crah: Lit. J. Figher .
gp ;ellool,, ITAPA. . I ('110mmenvills" al I 11'eloeli sharp, I tile undeNi gned, duly vvriII(,,l it), ani. 411ness, anil fast, flit- letan sit t1wil; e,tI,,i culous, and abqur4. .
el0f-1! to MIMI vill-I -.42 milm .to (;otjp. 414tile.-Vrealt 0ow. leow IM111411g, 111W.'r. I 'Yeara (kid, .(Ia%llt on r)r Iwriore Iiii, 214t. ilay of April. for the him ral (or ifur Alear fliftfiller, The fact remaing, bowc,'�eit, that if ,J* 11, Wheeler Silarr'n Groeqry
ricli., priet' �e,MO; easv ternm (If)%*', Npringer; 2 young�l�teers. . �., '11orset;.411aek A. 1). 11130. 4fit,r 101ch dato tilt, a,4tivfs 11101AIM MIADLEV. Spatarih. t decides to Trake no 3. H, te John rutt I I .
, , �j -4. MAJOTT MINNX Thoct. � V.,,X Robertsart-
Si,, 1'.100 Ihs.; mm(l \%.Irk 111,11'(1, :1400 ibi,; . .
.5 - or livrile . 12 IlIce cnveq: 2 young jjow.q. ., . 017 flit- yald Lee riliong %vill I,,, divi(Ij., NIR. and NIll, %V. t'.y
I IftlententS. fol" 4 11rher. -litilleit tlig,rptil. .N111. "11111 .Nfil". 'TA(;ol; ('1W '* s supplementary grant to what has al. F. E.. Ifibbvrt
. __(;XlltlVl amongst lilip ,girties i !4IN .
J. NA'. An3,I8TA0\(;, . 1, t4)9jII ;i trol)(I 1jull 14M� X Veal'.4 Old, '�Vjtjj . I . I I I - C X. -Viden" � .- .
. CAUIP.-- WIWI - � .
. Se
I eultivator, 1, 'alas, I . ej,%,�, �. readv been protithled, the eoritra,i.,t of ,j. 'D .
Boat Vq6te 2 tooth; lll()Iver, baving regard onty 11) the claims Ille,Ix i Xeuan Geo.� Unevicar
ralf at Ffool: hilit - ��earFoold,vvftll "Vill, t4m. said 1111dersigned as S(1111('It�fpj III V 601). I'liee & L. r
phone "').9-4. L B0% �0. , 'Ift" '010,1,
Goderlej)"L ()nt."'�'" lb. Mpaclty; f4uning 111111; "%I9j98"y I Reserve Friday. AtTril 11th. -for St. the 1"o `�t ('O' at this' port V Ill b0 . Book St4,Wre, � I
11 -, L IqlIf itt 6014: 11111st"ill ... ... v, �Toithlng 9'0011, for [lie pirtle.q. I I Andrew's Club entertainment. eompletv ill tWO Or three weekq anti
I I I-At'l - 4 drill! MUM,; grind stunil *, Slats- I 9 N-eari.4 olit. I A. L. Colo :
, sto,-Ilarris bay ratie; Iliceijing mo%Vvr,,jj 0 ....... I �Oull,- Dated tills 1.9111 qlay got \Iareb. A. 1).. I - .. - tile WWI: 14 tile 1360110 Co. VAII bei(,h.q,:. Blatk I
. '11 poollry.--l":4 lwn.r4; :I I J. It. Lauder
2.fuprovv plaw; peefie. . IV _* .1
it. elit: walulur; Vlow; Wo. fjni.qhed,-.vry early Ili the spring 01111 A. Cornfield X'. J. PrIdbaill I .
sinflier; liarr,",.,s: Frost & Wood dIsr,;1 LfvVTt*% E. I).%N(:%y, allproer for the downstairs bed-
AvtomoNk Imam, ' Implellients. I \%,�i�-.,011, I bug0l, I solleftor for all paj.tle�z concol-upd. room or bathrooms out- rittielt ig com. no further dredging is lit pr4speet for iV. V. Pridliant Jocieph Brophey .
L 1-%ta-;JeY-II3Vr15 binder. 4 ft. cut: top, ltt4.p: Set 41f ,411,1::Ij�. ()o s -
lot ,tv -11 . � L plate and our prices are rijilt thl.4 �,enr.
(I a tit- ,
P , - - I
bu,"m'; cutter; forl-q , I ellitivat(Ir., f dfiw; nl(Av .1stauntoll's semi -trim savoil time. 1VmBn1nhv%, . Tito,;. Swart.,; . I
a bench, sielgi1q; plow. , - j With them, eonsid(yatiow In U411"11 Goo. 11, MacLeod Fred Irotile
.%%II1'#�lji2rrMV. %%Ilfffle reea" Lneek er: If - ' � I
� _yoke,
See our rates Wort 01sciffig 0 harre1q; rr-os5-eut ra,�v. o� bug! , hayruck; I new -wh,1t,IbaVP0w: 13 06rds - - __ , . - __ I nd with tile hope of i3roviding 03 Alf, Tebbutt & Son C. Wurtele
, 61V . ._;y or goi),, -NI: -or. 90011 as G. W. SCHAFFER. �a - . I
your A1160 Oft jesvittviyaCe. (Iry wol sollarat _ _ . InuCh work ii�,; possible at tho, barbor . � _. . i I L .
MAI09. set r,trona double liarne,;,q, near. new, npljfvj�v; -.t of doublf., bamc-sg; I durinr the coming Season,, tile &pa. _ _ -_ _ - - - L' - '. - . I
' ly'new, C. H. HUMBER I . FOR, SALE tation went to Ottawas and in tile in- juahe ft, in fact, a national port. aq
, �
Insure whlt -Conallanies that ho 1tv'hold � 8Npeis.-,2-pjee4) p.irlor set slue -le harness: M tons of irgod llay'. ,
. .19WELLER Govennivient, tested 0. A. C. No. 21 ; " 1_�
s I I � I
� ..9"1,
. I I.M.1
I 4-��� 11 I
"" ' 11 *
it r Q"n
` u'
t, I _ c
I- t �. r b
L , 'Wj
4he , 'I i ,_
Ohre "
vklcj :�,�
'A 1. �.i,- - I
_` I
�i stZ
rrlra�tl "
'I, I
, , .j
. pa I
I I 150
I I 1 3S
� i
-olte, * oaR 4161111:,� rcoolit Chairs, 4 foMut J00 InIt .,f good seed ints "d I terviow accorded thonj# recolved a I the I on. J, V 133li tt oupreg5ed'it. . I
pay their 101w. -S. ! ,� . #P .Jll('N Barley, also 0. A. C. .21 Barley and I o .
rovkhm elialps: parlirti, oil �(Ifher Irtfole-i tw, 111111341:16us to Men- THE S&LIALL STORE L o,;t kindly and considerate heAring and to se -tare lor our town, and our I
____ ill4jtd: 6 hitellen (-Itlitt.eqo..Uelplx"t,,Ifl"(I(&- tion, . I WITH . 0. A. C. Va. 3 Oats mixed. Thli "
t "!"I" fal"Flif 1010, hitV 510 Tfif, farill 0#114i't, � I M WIV-9 *)t 1-tnfl 0 . THIT, 610 STOCK . grah, being aecond crop on vir * and our hopeg are that the Dip,part. peoplo, as. muell honeqt worit a,q 03- I
110.X 14j(jW-'. C,'jj#k )Ion conell ;I boit . , t, 6_��,_.... � � , .... L , L. � ], gill ment haq been iuli)%`Ce�ed wittl our sible, and aa inuch monoy f6r our riall-
I W. CRAIGIE '40vil. 1VO4d. Cble* ; 1 �X I'la 1, cmt. 4;. A,116411. M($sfly . Zoil is free frofil non,iouq weods And In repref� entations and out, argurnoni;5 � bor an can be eupend(-� sely a .
*' '" , "'""' * I _. 4 __ __ _ - � - .��� _d, vzL ,_ , n4 � I L �,
. 'itc-liell woefi pful 11011 218 X ,',@. CPU 'go. _L _. . �._ --F _.__��,._ lially good quality. Por par- and tbat-it MMY be PrevailtA up -(
,;n11lL (qnl ubj%le: 2 h I r4-viled, with 90 . LL ,
1411 Estalt 224 11014110ANCe 11 Mws*. luisv 4:11wil. STI13 Input flyundation: :it%,) iltmV..'shed WN -1 I �___ _� . I,= apply LLOYD WAINFIN, increitge, itq pq , on to � economically, and t6 g6od purlyo.,z �* L
, as 111,w: Palk% er4jeks. er It. '.1 Vx 44. Q. 1$1(,Ilt* Ing a �tjjjjatvs and mako an YOUTO MPeQtftfll�,
sto; L��Ii , pain Vel"aVatfal : ,** 4)f 9,*41.1 �%JVP, FAI311 Go&�rieh IL 4. Phone Duriganvon ndditional arant, nufficient to co�jjrleta �� It. J. A. MnoEW'_A%Z, I
L====, L 1,%wtot fleller. sm , . st0*04, ol"C-4. h -o ljrtpl'� In W01 4 Ot jjjt� I*aj�ft P"R1.10 N(ITtrP - 6 r it. - *. Z I
AN Ihf"Jmpli. antl, - _� - i�
I,!,rair, cati3ni"N' ent. 11riv: f1man; ve 'In.
t"i e6ucll: '8' l)cdsb-mIs', drviv:q", vase;
,wMa igavolini - �lgillp- Ten-rtioustra
'holle'o In pooll t;fal., of V'P*r.
TOWN of G010101
I __ - - , T11(k Urclur Ili; OUG 0 01161) bland and " - -
? �*�� , , ., . � : MaOr. - : -
- SAIX REGIST1811 jtllu,.l wrilove "in ab-Itrac-tion t4at faii. .-�� - _ .
�%',514&11 st"Id. 2 &1116if tab!oq: 1jupc,
T-14''Pillw-6: 11111ToP dn stand: d9s ,all;
T1,111NIA, ()% IthM, fi�;TATF,�__tj.qM
ew4l. Imlarwe arfulized 1)v ITWrI,1�_i*-. ,
Asbea and cinderg may be
I 110W a ,nienate when large graill bo,,ita F, For Ford per,jee try the Pohl
TLIMSDAY, April Ist- AuftiOnStile ,are unloat.'ed tit the eastern C11j, ,01 Garage; Vouth St. See nnuounce-
I Of fann sta, k and imple",
sualpm., 2 janlp,��-. 1,1* WIN); llaa!�Iiix
LU'l). I FP& ellwer loat d1§110,1; 3,1bed
TEQUS-fon e.h-,ttI,.'.h1%,. prihi
and ah 'ums of 910 and under. ��
6 -4 1.
dumKA at Vie. tot�n grawl pit
(03 at S. v4 th, barbol'. 11 ment on p1go 0. .
PALt lot 10, con. 21, Ashfiold, commen. I
� I TWq i -q tile only dredginr of at,7?,
�Qffoad"4.1 vlrtun�.#. C uV!a1n-,% quittg.
W larr arrleIC3 toa
ij lit %Vill
,yc-r t1lit anitkilm. A rflonths* eref
ow fur
on UaftlarA Poad oppo.5fte the
C-ing at I Olcicek 0harp. PHILIP I I.,
� Mad in siaht at present, 41.44 'now is BORN -
, rtrk.,fts, Proprietor. , 1'. GUNDIly I
SIU111f., mlls to alentiolb.
piven on mve, I jAnt
A digroll,
,Goderfeh Salt Plant, and where
%f,%* M- In M4POPh. .4i %Vr,,�rtrs- .
� & ,.:�O.V, A ue the tinic, when Cw work is nia 3t noro. - I- ,% .
, tjo;� j , -, ,11C.
. nal
T1,31ALI.-Itonsf-11614 0VO4 � 'I nit
Hi0q, ,nr 6 PS'P
,c.,Or. . .
. 14, %
I ly no-c-ded. as. for the I-tc,xt ff,�w no ontin ,,I I � I I 1, at NVI, to NIP., awl NIP;4 ,,��Ivw. .
,�r "'lls c9f M60 anti uinlf,v. cash ; 6a ota-
CIPW, pq arnnini all,,%vi'd off e,15ja
I .
11 WOLNE.13DAY, Mareti 2Gtjj_--CjLma> unomploynient may. pom8ibly, t)� a %leNAL a 01,411�'IIVV
, 0 'flit Uill -h
or Bture suw-n wNiffis ere C,
Ml,�_,%%M 641 AIME'lling
03 -edit Ainwitil.i.
13Y 074or of the Public Worlm
,I ing auctim Bate .of farin Stock .C.
I .Ufl wriou-.1 'rondition thrmshout tj,C,:, . D113D � I
alile 'Papirr. arptatca b,,Ank-�
vRA li fTJP%Tl4RN
NIII.ToN 1011PATMCK'i F:Vrljjf)�-�j,l
,� 'I I
P rouults tit lot 14, con,
A in� k g r 0, IV. f�. wholo eouotrv. � %*'NNA%'_1aa CWt,,�w, T,�-,,�,6,,hlo.
'Wanot) 6�.X�t
, (�
fXvi-If"41 F��rj a614 _
.. It 14("Mitte,
Pej,rnc�lov��. 4,4, lj� I,rq , vcfienctz
I 4!9ft At.
it, it, N". 1.
T. W-M)III �% -40N,
L. L. KNOX, Te*n Clerk. ..
I ". �,,� - � � ��
I comna 0116ntr at I 0�010-�j ,I Tile ,4olo of the dq)ajtiast!� fQ 1�-.,"Iaraoy. 3L t',�% 15�%. jQkl, 33L�t
JAS, OLIVER, propricton. �r, uu.'V. =1 t6 revare tow C`O�C&j�jt 143t't,'02, jox-�'1011�'Y.,Wl'dbw of Vol lat" sarw%s wcvl-
-.V� �
il ,,&� a I
I 4 . . - - ... - I .. I 04 �,Voj# AUU OriCU-3. Inucil, P"I'V0044QUAt, hIKORMCM3 V. V,ilil.112w. G:�,A b'_44J. - �
13 �
. I � ., f�
- --,..& . . . - I -
I I ,
� .-A . i moois. - _� lk" i I -, , I --%-- . ____ - ,& 46, , ,".! I
.. ;, -I J�
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