The Goderich Star, 1930-03-13, Page 6PACE SM
Melophon* Operator "IvO of eft -W Nov$ listoe".
%but 04%ar-1,4 CXI?0Xt0r4 112TO 61 5* W.", d*ft*4ft- hu W." famous
otreat inany difficultiew, to ovor0-411:i ou the ooauftftt'�i� x4ste in
fit they arjo to land ay.,VIC3 in Great Hod a Serlou* point, It is no. exquiilta Mill of
Britain in good, saoul COU141013.1 Fpring tlij yeaft IOVI,* a manw-ot-
'file questian of SJUAis und v14ds, arc rookdown filt vi0Q';Q of -%vwt itilasix
Nervous 8 tile rawiikatioft of a madhouiv,
Paramount and chould bo gono inta
mance of thm Paris ux�'eyw,rjd filioil
imillediatcly by tizo SM.prxrs In Order UW wna, Fmolay, owft Souita, Olitm, with 414rut*rs tj"K Anitht havo
to The icaQv for the next shippiuss DoYouPrize
Reas(jp. ftippera ill fttarl r Iven knIDN"M tQ Dickent, and Eugene
Up saved i-noney by Laving a tbororg4 %iia a gow woutIvo ago 1404 A vcrY Sue, but crootftl wito 0 lack Qi Colo- ..........
sc.jJ,,m3 norvous breakdown, tionallsou 4� ni-wlern imycht),ogy, auld
in5pevflorl at the Bbir.-ping point noti Your
only in accordarece witiz 411 64M so bad I C004 not I utylo that in it?, be4utV and re -
o Frult y gerl-ca Were
Act 1111, nlqn 12--r-rd"ing 0 tho re. slaRrl of WoFfit and I bad A, Mat 494 ntraint belong% in vom,..
Me= 101% 1 JL 01 Ileminwway"a -Fare J � I %1'_X1;.-._"_" . .
Quareffic-lit.5 of 420 Q�V.Qxt arko. of Vain, in, X4.v beart� well to Arms."
s4l teca Weial me3imaek but 414 It is a book idU of aordid and Sen. rossessionst
4rading 01 chvcs.- Pays nit get Inuch, rellof =61 a friflid 11 that were oil it would
The-graling of food products es- p4w1k, ncod no consideration, but
I Ago to try bits of .9plouilidwAting, Al, it has somo
i1ortcd froin Vana(7a. bas bad the 0- .4 the death,
Y 0* to* 0110 of Jules L4,beau, ul? offli, .. ERHAPS ym art 00e0f
feet# during t1w Past fQw 'Ve"s, OZ ifft novelist,
box saa part of and the wele P
011111 of thc LULXelubaurg. mmywwhaveviorkcd
hreatly Increasing the demand for the second, and I Fardens� to the loveri. jrX 1hj sor,
lifoadian foodstuffs throug-1101,4t tho MA . -M. 1karA_ Q!IV,*A In"thew =11 ac -
V ; 14 .1 04. - - �%M#jjfnS *Ile
111,11 J60 "Al N le 640 yv"441 . 3: took t1lem so I Thero is a clearness and racid1tv Y..
A recont cafe bas been Ofted now #jeep soug4ly one regret% hall not &ply lip, , Lhat T4red property or bonds,
W11104 shows that In 1922 Canadian - � Wed i6
vbces-o bod been selling in rongland-at and Itsve no Move nloro beautiful things, -ilie *;Xe Mr.
zr�� ON 6�"Qwmwmm of one or 1*5 in my �val people. It inay be a ivalistiel If these poss%si(ltis WOW
two cents VeK -pound tip
at of Now Zealand. 1) r Mar life.
thtn tb ji�rtrayal of life, *but noeilti wwth worigiXiS for and
Mid got a Portraval fhgf.
I at or grading the price oxe%, w touto a Ux at 914rugglatil pleasure or, inspiration. K g4tier . . for, are they not
NEWS AND INFORMATIOAT 0 has now irlsort until thp Canadian pro- Aaa �" I *io& Apt
ow *Ailod direct on Teei
duct columands tile Itikhost prj�o on UOwcvel', it Is interestiiie. ro 91ee wouth protecdog in the
FOR: 7HE Wt5Y FARMER the British market for Imported of'IlAbw 1W C'Qls "LIP . what thP. Modern continental lrovel.
Tbrovrol*. owl ists are 0lat, olthougli it Ii exti-cale-
Cheew, two f-wnts li!sber than the lvT- doubtful if flftVvears fioni: now best: vq4ible xnxnnor�
in, irnisliod by. 14c price P-1fd for ',Vow Zealand olleese. an . a - will stand no more, but under bother to read'of little
_��y one will fl�w monjents spent at'
this'dip.0sion Joann,
V4140 of 14,00 Aunwo influence feefings in regard to: the two
ed earicasses, the 3roung, It has -been found . througli exllorl. and endeavorr. to carry on, While one, of our branches -the
j. A.. Curo% crops and MrUets hogs and dress period of the paat.2� bringing. peac books are so different. Wifli Anna;
eh`�Vtol, cXpjalnS that to 'be of the Men w"o ShoWnclefrly Why the beat A -gouts over a tW ti" home She Karelifila, long an it ist One PQt.Qt To. raylumt of ;t SWAR' rental
-4 Inspector or type of bog to aatisfy coratimere do. Years that Hine has direct Vajgq to briop sorrow to guother, for she luctantly with tile 00tracters, but
trciitest woleo, a -,woc 0 mands is the most profitable to, pro. apple trees. Tile Alature o Vroasky, the attentive admirer with this new -book one feels it, wouldL
--adviser' as he is. to be known in th Qk g the root meet$ K -ft., - god an 'old fec, arld your deedsi. thIcs,
iquire, should be free to Plan and duc�- In the grading competition 801tem Of the pple,, pone.,ratlug of Doll3eo sister, I r be impoFslblo to Stand *uch more pf bond =4 other valuablc�
,carr� out a weed elimination gain- held in conjunction with the ;aqurse, -fairly deep Into the Soil, enables the tbouglit of KittY is swallowed up in
V.quircs, vionsky's infatuation for Anna, "A then'
ruivil-L Soroopf the lesser voods will Lorne Simpson, of R.R. 2, Blenheim tMe to ObtAill At the JIM It.t him, And of the man 'behind the book. cin bo; pUced in a SafetY.
Do overlooked this year and tile wore won first prize. George GoWeIG the, sub -soil. 2$g apple, for. Single glance at! AW ludk 2XIM10 the yvith Amrit on
of Teeswater won the first,prize in thermorv, is 0 plk4t which pregers a feel -by the - Instinct of a man of e realize, that they &T, lo�ated. -1A -a
corlous pests concentrated upon, apany, of E,,e lus;
the live -bogs competition, while or. slightly *Old soil and, does ib,15t under worldtbat she -belonged to, the best have been in the cor n us; at -W" was� speciany
those conditions. Uowev society. He was Seized by apmuncon- the authors might be likened -,one to yam
MIlary Attend Wile Coorso vie -Bounian of V oradale, won the first er, lbile Is ep, lbro*d, Aeatjl;�wlng rl�
P ze In tile dressed eareasAes coni. of indirect vilue %ecause it enables querable desire to look -4i lim Again, a (:( or constmted'for the Dartles
Weswra. Ontario Junior Famers A . the former 'to grow- lbogtoinnos cover 'not because of her beauty, her grlico; with a deftite end in view; the other
um in, attend, once to the nuinber ;i Pbtitl6n- 1--��Qvlse of"w<;jigisil to a sparkifigg. waterfall, voisv�.Obrhiht
ei�"S An Too Orenards and tneXqpy�W_-
a twolfa-T-sym-d- Ply, orkinii6- mA-ttora"-W-..Qt.rogeij :Ca*os�jing, tooder oxpi64sZn_1
course hold at Me Toronto Packing Which aft the two constituents abso., lovely face. . with belt briglitt 9YEF , of OurPose-
Plants in February, By wears of RbeR 0 bOttle Of Alilk it held Up = I Th Them iism 1vtter f6rm
essent! that seemed dark undbr-,bw e Love of 4exivie Ney, by Ilia
I for tliv ulax�xqin pro, Qyest
and observed from WOW, any dirt or a Ell i is Published by Dodbje�
lectures ns on - 1011, renbourg
and donionstirallo livoi sediment which has Eettled to the hot. Dr. n of fralt. thick: - lashes, She gave lifin, a day, ftrdrt and Gundy, In their of Protecti�w
0. L Christie, 0. A. searching, fricadlk look. . .
U A& clearly visible through the dento speaking Atari* yege- short glance VrOuskywas stru* 47, "Griffin?' series, which comprises "the
glass against the whitish background table at the 0 the peculiarity Of her face her SparL-- most brilllm* and significant Of eon_� ...... ... .. . . ......
Vn Growers'
of the 7nilL A heavy sedime "liventioM ling eyes and the scarcely perceptlbk� temporary Etrropean -novels translit-
40U HAVE A DOGTOROS IN "With all the advalitagles clithiletIfor or the first time into exeeljc�ut
le Uited states, I 46ult believe
ualLy leads to a change of dairle& at.
oon noticed by the conaumer and us.
smile that piiy6d about her jos$� e(T f TM CANMMN. K
VORD FOR THIS there is a V, Place Ain. lips." She Seemed overflowing'. with Voglfsh proso;7
tlh�_ conlbMlt . I
Such dirt indicates cgrolesinesq inthe pr ucin against her will zkom
iproductfoll and handling fordirt; has a tter elliss of *Togetmhles 'r4diontewhich
iWTIVE or gar ft P nets tlialo, -We can Antev her mile. 7110' TM RUPOOMIL1W COMMMIS, 2,
out in her gh S
least of show t lit in Ontario.` light in her eyes that She tried to Nidt",
A ..... ... ...
Ste -glealned out ill the splendor of that* OF TOWMOTMR
Llrae� anil Manure smlfe.�� This; was the itloriouk Anna. ADX'
'here Hei child fw a- ife"r-ending source -800 BiRMICHES IN' CAW
ce is the best Vronslcy goes to St. Petersburg, An
*r9u= all- of loy and it inver4alling responsi.
IS 00 Ob- tuinable. Lat uaauie a�auc wijL not YW3 Tionles upon her return and twir
Wr pr I ogresses rapidly an . 11131'ey- to the ford mother. fit. not in.
bring 1011 rezu= t.) Qat4, js:X. When d In the
end she leaves husband. child and fkequentl� h0liens tbAt Minor 41 -
the ;SQA �s *141 U -_Q. rialas cuiinetioh-
the child didnas and puzzle
tam, the fWa rAeu� M=, -Om tbat, ows home :fhr: Vrousky, but the - poor tor� glents Of
$apters I, . liur-,: sh-e-does not. know, just what to
The ideal soil f6i;,,;xl -,ti, --e v U. 8001 to U 909 -Woodbridge.
,Vles. seems to, wolild lf there W, .Dm_ aelast ,c JZ 401'to JZ 900:,Cdbalt�,
M*nt, t4 turexT soul in tT
be a deep, welf-draired sandy loom or faviauxte t�o, *Oa= <n tful Nom�als of the clutching Altd. do,. yet feels them.not Serious enough
bx�tCZ4 X I to L K 9999 'Halgilt6g, V I ta. V 1000 -Sutton.
tb) clitff x 4-octor;, At Just such times
alight cray loam with good. v 100f. to V 0990 11bionto.
rls Own Tab.. K9 to " 900 Cobalt,
ty obw uhqm Di= The PQ -of Ann -as - thesO it is tftt 0111M 199 901, to XS.* 800 Sturgeon,Falhi. W I -W W 900, Toronto.
herding capael and a ruodeftt.ej�r a's husbaud,
% is a masterly portrayal of the.
Pervious subsoil. It BIRO, Uen 010" liote eaS%pC%.tMe :ft�zm Alexet, 1I.As irro found to be mother's great-!
also, that apple trees- vvill grow. on,w� warum. in a maski who has est, help and friw. XB 9011 to. X0 SOG Espanola, X I to, X 9999 Toronto,
I v the inan ItO 301 to 1W 200'Sw%stika. Y I to Y 9909 ToMoto,
'Ve good I - 'Trient,4 arlse from 6Q.Thessalou. 1 to W-. $00 Tgrouto,
called poor soili; anl& wilf Vi Svi. a Buglun remnant under his dis Most childhood! ai KD 201 to HOT
and Zoes stand any- a- freraimement of the stomach or VD 10, to I,0,
., 500 Gore Bav
tftwg"t bismv"T FabylF V" � TxIpTets will
nit$ �, if property managed. SW He vn
drainage,. however, ik an floportaiti Out e4k* to protect his good name.; but RE 501 to M M IjUW; Current., Could Hatidly Live for Asthinap
tall�w formers ,M. rZo cwtm " ' bai6sh thein by cleans- Xg 801, to XV. 700 , w so
-ftctor-in i-614tion to tree growth arst he . W1% ra.agnaviolity annoys Anna, inumediatelk
productxveness� Finit- tree% re or 924 Xl*t4 41V leaves him. .. I -sweetening tile 10 43 a wvlte-� one inan. who after years of
quire a ;xvml Manty tho and$ ing the bowels and XF 701 -to XF Obb Huntsville
suffering has',found complete Mief
Kellogg's Asth*A*.
�Vnreitt ania XF 901 to.- XX 40.0 Bracebridge. through Dr. -J� D.
1n 191s,_44 earuest- -rung .-In.pood-v�inge for toot dqv4 discovery made.o.* j_tr. Q, UvTh. the devoted and, 'for some, stomaeb. Thns they reli6v� colic,
'A hope7e-es kver of Kitty (the jirl correct the Moestfov, bWsh consti-
tills desi�ablb condiblint: 46isr ixiit,�.Pfy. of -0- the'How ,
to practice medicine. As a i . � 11 other- patibir am! ftike teething paing'dis- xJ 401 tQ, XX 3100'Orillia, Remedy. Now be knows how need! -
It r1t, Jlardix 110 the ligriculturawl
doctor,* e Saw the harm in tain on poorly dr4ined Sol I$ for Anna). is an KM 301 to KW840 Barrio. less. has beei� his Suffering. This
rgativ -nag thus seen that f6r porlaxnent Auly of the 'bled. spirit. of appean,
or =tion vouson Wf,0Jiu0:tbAt A, of. the troi ZUW,- 0" Tablets are guaran. XR Rol to.XX 40 14ndsay. matchlegi remody gives sure help to
protlttillle rosults the soil for *Pples. who In. every -�onnor . . . �,W "'wit
Uvin t, t Sexto or gharin- ould ;ttion ow pip � and 'sneop rd tk!eA' to � -be fkw ' from IiIjuiloui xx to reteriloro. all 4,% Wastlimai,! Inbaled as
Sri e F:e 3� continued to.imper shlohe or, vapor it Wrijil the'belp so
and other fruit tree% as wo]T
it% It, wels, be doetly and thorough narcotics 1,A to 1, 9000 U
ly �4'=rhed by c in,wat"Toc o�arketiug has Us ajkra�.ter, subjected. to droO.sucil' a� ophttes ind '-er�
UU804 by worms. . Thii i$ an e . b"; ale- mxy �e. grKen to the newborn LA I to LE: 200!Peterboro. lon� needed. Es dealer has it or
kkit of fits eicperi�nce wai torn a natural or artificial means. *.e -tests-, of Once, �mx 'Vet it for you from his whole-
Nwhp with Pe 021 to Lr4ft Aisvexton.
AM angle 444 au.impottantil Nikolal; safaty 4 - LE
it �nler.
13�4n a U s'pracilption, " He wrote I irov% T2.V e, eath of a nd bene
inistkads 6f times. 'It proved ar%Iddaj_� �Ti*,tb�ftulw ery* Irom. -the �arwees.-�s *Wna,tothepolnt, MWresults- ' , LR 400.0shaws.'
ik 1%exrare'solo'by medi�- 141? 601,to
**Ule oudituins 4ft -go Diritual phe dbulenr or 6y- niail at 25 cents a Ut 401 to Ls
runing Of your nerat a and of Soule S1
hm'dive for"old.and young. As people The time for. the Bowmanville.
,kow.4axw. marv�1ollsly'llic, roost slug- apple orcharil is In t9le sprivt )V)x from the, Dr. William
tbb� province," said Iloji, 31r. Xed'
tolne, LS 901'to LU 3W, Port 1Xope
1arga a
g4ifl kowiels are started and, b4dtlle growth Aarts, but It this U fn%�, 0 TcLrt:6 V�; of eourse.'a giant alliong Brockville, Out, LU.301 to LX"200. Pembroke.
sheep mad pigs that weren't., fit- Z:w r- - � - - I- ' ' %TX 201 to LZ2W,Xe"-.
g Is beauMul
broath. headaches, fevtriallftess Possible. it may he done � In"o'c"W the market vinil the �arlu 3 LZ 391,to'LZ 999� AvriprioL
ves leaf out.. R 14 dpAij- Es cw=W canvas and -t 7nost B4WIMMUMCIRS
=w9a,"Cas, poor appetite, and AucR after the. ft it -nicture of pusslan C�
able to have the wounds, if lairge, heal, knew what wa3 the -matter AIW NUMUERED M 1 to X Ogg.% E.,
ilisolklm, are relieved by the prescrip- , Dr. Stevenson has found, that.these MA I to MA SW Arupriorle
as rapidly as. possible li� 1wevent, at- animals axe 4110,with worms. , .. it n5it mfip 1�n =,amw phasses I.. given, vthe to '= 900 Canipbellford.:
wwb"&- x wbat is vow mil -d MA 801
tions it Neeame necessary to put It UP tay. When pruni the b [1�om* e List of TMins-, and Cities XC
ftaO for ust, Todav, Dr. Caldwell's aukagin ng 'a' doftO in checked, thi's condition -will go tia *-I' ' ' ' EtnyhIntg the forth- f . , $0, to MI) 996 11astings.
rly winter the Wood V. am RU3161ft.1m in Province
-,4,mto P4TAn, as it'is called, is the likelytoor "a through the farm yarch and affees6the F " reboaiges are given., - 1, . I
ft out 'and ORL,, AME 1 -to MR X0 Cebourg.
wctVs most potollar latative. It clMii6 and other poultry, in(L. aid- 'U* T -S TolstW§ art to present the 119,
-D MR 801 to W Q*, Twetli. by
and, oxji i&g reltristically. with infinite use 01, CtPr QUT. AX &)�E, MJ 601 to'UX 600 Bancroft. 6n.0 s
ae%vr vVies from Dr. ColdwellliA. laspecti n Net"
being made to cure, thi: 40. of licouse pqnibi�ro MK, 601 to: AtN: 906:Bellevi
terrrow,�, detail. and -yet This SOWA, A *eedy. saf�,
or't"41 Cffect'Ve andL baraileso It is statod by A. PiAou. 8?3eciaf to. keep the
fygie clear'sud. riaidkest'.4n tile indi-.will enable A. motorist to at once 44- MV.S01 to XV999 Xapanue..
f*0440�- An drugstores have it. overseas represontakk* ot thr, On- 11bt.thimmo and adults.
ogicb. eentmih the city or town hi -i�bich' a MZ I to, X4.060t Picton.
Weekly Cr6p Report W-,dtml. No mu ever Ao
vith j*eterfixtural close vision, yet caT has. beeit Ifeeiised. I to N 500in. Tondono
kept., * &I tM d
The most recent weeklyy bisbroid determining .1hiess Toronto. N 5001 to x 999D Iteserve, A e$0ftmilt
Sure., It seem �NA, I to XII 00 Ficton,
Vart at hand concerns clu
of �0 as, Win this hook he AA I to AO 999,�Clliam,
live Stock and theLndlk Sit� hd taxed the art of folk -tale gpd tlic AP, I to Ar 500 Woodstock. Nn. r)61 to V.G 506 Talowortb.
u4tion. In Brant cattle ouafke4 um naveL We pereeive it by, his use c& AY,501 to AZ 999 $araiii� NC 401 to. NC 999 Tichborfic,
Vppovt" to be fewer th�z ul
ktt U -hat -we call predictive episode, fore, i -1- 1 to R 9999� Tewozita., NID I to N)T Sgq
A UAw MR IV Dfifferin 'reports a miit:,� Interest in VIIIAT W.t h _wju nr. a ot eti
fowe P.%Vq forlt�,;elf ill helping,
you cut production costs 11114 , ill-
cr.ease, your profits.
T -its %rhy ktriners evermhere are httvillg,
"T )PAVAY" Zille flisuhated-Fences. Tllv� haw
tearikdfrom ex'perience that '40iihivay" Alle 111811-
laft'd FelleQ ()W(TS 1114c f�r the inelnev. in dqenda-
bility and long life.
He, varries "Ojilmay '. zille 111sulwed
Felice, 11"Inner Steel Posts, and Gates
ilistock. I le has the killd of Felice
that Serve yoll best lAnd i...;
able tit help yoll Ket.the
aluent tile low-
vst cost. quality
AV 26C t M690 Mot **A 3tW 5WV0NW*
POOR", V� car*06 somw st"A FWAW P"t%
vooft, N*4
4 Hood 00" 004 "a at 0orwov. a&"* c6oft". 00"N"
Via asattk IN -60AW
the breeding of hogs 'witil toqUe-4ft ".M A W ZAEO vmr i7arwab- u0nailoquo,
for good quality Jbreedli*, stodL shooting o�.Ahe anipe;by Lev BF I to BP 5M St. 9boving. NM 801 t%NO 900 -Carleton Plago.,
Stepan, in the riding to her death thp-.'Bp 501 to RN W9 Stratford. N0701 to XV 400 Smiths Palls.
Stedoatsof NO. I mxlXo Froll-Filill. -by Annals. lover,,,, B -r I to, BZ� M Xit,h, N' XX . file,
for $1.00 Per 'bu3hol. %svo are to . . .11oe. . I � J U. 401 to-.,& - 600 trockvi
V'ronsky." '0 1 to C 99M Windsof. NX 401' to NY 099 RoloptVillfe. MEAN. OWN
good �*Qlldition lit Dundas- ftuoXv xW o.Aun.,
'at a recent rate gradd ff6tst*itisaver- Xa�ronina�ll 11a.great novel;--, CA I to, CJ WD Xitchener'. -NZ 1 to N2 009 Prescott;
th4,gilie 01 m wilgoares. lite and. death 4CX 2 to ft 400 Peirolls. 0 1 to 0 0999 Toro
around �100,per Iloadl Aplea- aid passion," is published by J., �L nto.
09,11, 1 to 4DA 000 Prescott.
Mal Supply Of APPIMW ihdt*W lix Uputand Sons, Toronto� in the',Eva-y- CX 401 to C.Ir 909 Port Rawan. 0A De�id4md to take, Lydia M.
.DurbAoll with lowerodlinitos lrol,egzi. ditiou, in two I volumes, CV I to CV 500 Brantf6rd; OA .401 th OD 900 Winchester,' PfiAhaW'* Vegetableu
Essex reports -a ourpras; hi the Q11K Cv, sal to cr, 999,quolpli. 01) 201 t,. OR 100 ComwalK Coftlpoulmd�
Just fifty years later (An"a Ka�m D I to D, WOO Windsor. OX 101 0 ON 600 Alexandria.
supply,, which is ibecomitig-a. proVem
%is 19 the ease AIM" with F*ftt6n*e-- jua uas -written, about 1814) eoiiies DA t to DI3 999 Guelph. ON 004 to 0Z 999 Ottawa.
, '-dealiwi: DO I to DR 999 Galt P I to P 0990 Tor*rto. Moncton, Now Bru"Iek-ITefore,
lit 010"garry liver lftck' is Th poor *vtoQer novel by� a 'Hugshut PA I to PIC 099 a
toridition due to scamitv- of food anit also with love, death and paving. DJ I to, IXX. M Simcoe. Ott wa. rAylastbaby wasborn I was verywe*
poor Pasturage lbst fillt. Purebred 2xit how differently dealt v4th, 1 DO i to D'r. 50o Milton. M. I to PL 400 Perth. nervous and di*-.
Ilvd...stook is eoincanding d S DR 501 eo DNV' 500 Brampton. 800 Wallaceburg.
goo "On tile; continent tills stprw of a PL 401 to P1, 86,
in'llaidiwaW. It' wheat N to Ing P . rolleb girl and her Bolshevik 1%vor is. DIF 501 to DZ 999 Orallgiville. PL 804, to PAT -200 xgowatjrl an
gteun. and frevh tti Ruron and a d estoolfted tile most anigzIll el,F. I to -Z G500 Walkerville. Px tot to PX 600 Richards Landitqft Paper about,
6501 to V 9099 Kingsville 601 in Px Ogg Sitathroyi an, who,had.
`UVOY Of vect ct(iver i's indIcAted 10 that has come *-At of young LZIav r
Loinliton, A btp deniarg has obWo* , "In Germany .and Pronge. 11". EA i to EA 999 Oviingeville. PN I to PX 400 linvelock. ke me so L
od for vertifted seed potatoes. in rihronbourg's Publishers content thein EB I to L, E 500 Ilarristor., rx do, to nx 800 mindem t & battle or
Leeds. olves with announiing I* poster Er-, 501 to EJ 200 Afingliam, PIT 80.1 to Px 999 MallitouWwAW 1," Pink -
4 to, I to PF -goo -BlIS Vegetable*
type, The Now HlireWhovc-1 W -EJ 201 to, EAf 8000i"ton. 0 oralttelI4 0111mv.
those who have read a uaxel by this I EU .301 to go 600 Wilkerton.
1011ant and.startling young Ittussian, 1X0 601 to 19S 700 Hanover. 9 1 to. P. DODO Toronto. it 436tried me ode-
flook Loven' CorIkOr the phraro Is eloquent. 'they know I ES 101 to 9tT 400 Kineardine. 8 1 to S 0990 Toronto. ly through- thlbL
(By Jarle "Olthy) how impossible it 19 to retapture in a I HU 401 to EW 990 Goderioli. T I to T 3600 Torwst% -ddeal ff"10. I
few sentencea the flavor of him. This PX I to EZ 999 Owen Sound T 8601 to Ir. 9999 Wogtou. j� ekr,, for AgA,ji
6"A 16A is As lkst 6optoift' I f"I well mid strong, I hAvo toild,two,
r I to F 1500 Kingsville. 111 to V 1400 Weston. I otherwonion about yourigedichip.21-
U 1401 Ville. 's
F 1501 to F. 23100, Amhorstburg. U 4700 Union 82 Albert Suwak
ill 2,101 to P-9999 r1eseive, It V 4701 to'
Two Russian Novels Trouble Siogns. to V 8000 'Nowal Moncton, New Brunswick.
A I to VI) 999 Owen So�tid. arket,
"Anna x4rellina" is pe.rhaPs the %viarton.
roost Widoly. known Russion novel. D 701 to F11 800 Collingivoo&
For Those Past 40 " to " 100
its length 11-perbaps tervifying to PH Sol to FL 800 Midland. ------
the jV(.x*gere*der, and the tranAtit-
PL 202 to FAI 800 Mo4ford.
I "It AU04 XAV0111"(1 is a Bladder weaknow. Nervousues 0 rx 801 to Ep 900 Listov"01,
or %*YR. - S
womuu% Iliad you ulay think it would Ileadathe,4. FreqUrnt, Painful, Vp 001 to FS 400 Watford.
have gained had Its Prose *ndnarra- pS er
. Stinty urinafleaw 01 to FT 400 P44S..
tive Ueft no longel tnon Nower wroto Ottting-up-Nights PIT 401 to ru 100 Gravenhor%t,
in V#rse. But it w&3 pavt of Totaol's FU 191 to PV 206 Parry Sonnd. aeftool MIMS
-plexity, IThe (oibarrassinit annoyance and F V201 to VVIr 400 BUI-Im F*114.
falwtiou to give all the ton,
all the crowited vtrisimllitWo of mod* georine 'ncss
lisery'Of Ulliddev Weak -,' V �V 401 to FY 099 DU1111vt - Children love CROWN,
em lift, and 116 311teded to I)L' often livings 'Idigconiforts of Old ago" FZ I to pZ 999 St. entfj,4rInk%s. I
We t*kt it lov what it I& on HWOVOI to t1hose %vho veaU:V ought to he in tile BRAND Syrup on. bitsk,d-,
tf!rml-a tragic MARterpiece.11 Very Prime of life' I G 01111tted. givi ii to thein tvtr
Thogtory opens with the aivivid in -eventIll toil 999911amilton.
Moorow ot Anna Karellihoo who, ban out of tt%, of folk% neAr "iddle IIA I to 111t 600 St. cAtbarines. a
com*Ao M 0 Pfxcc Whex bV0t1lM`v6 are pitifUl victiots of 10*daches, Ner., ITIr 601 to Ilo D99 Niagava Falls.
, d It soesm, P*ih!s, in back *44 dov.1n, lip I to we, rtoo Fort Erip. S&,WhkW* x 6"hw.
disrupte hirAt. Dolly. tht witoo.'esa vou
11.1,701 to Ily Ot�Wrllaad.
m1th gXo�&% frequent 'but aeauty , .... _,_ %*-l. "-..
and, painfixi.. urinatiou-Getting-up. 1191.4 M. to AID ULIV -44
While ter�oto, it nexlectedAt i3 J I t6 Hamilton.
Airdin&612� a simple inatt" to reljitve JA I t11,;1A 600 North DRY-
theAe tr�uws W the plewmat homa 661 to jrmo xtooro.
u*e of Dr. 8ofithworth's URATABS, iD 2ol to Jp am Si6ux UoLvgit-
� W �,
whii�h,U"b"u vktorlout in thous. It tldl to J11 400 SehrOber.
savd% of ftAes, aftor iotber tresittuents 10 401 to jB 5N Chopleaul
hav6 failed. r 501 to JIB 999 Dryden.
No matter how sotious or of how I to JI) 9" Fort France -s.
to-ftx standin
, e vour revidition may bt,, D' 901 tt, J3 100 Fort willisul.
you eon qukklv I)Vovt the valut of 3 101 to 3b 099 r0rt Arthop,
1,111,1TAIIS without ritic of ro,.st�_�fbr rM 1jr-wo Millet.
, good druggist will supply you oft M MI to j1t 200 goult 614!� Matie.
On *10-0104� *00yalitoo of ptatlafhtti^ JI.t Nj tn jR lee Aliod'RIvel%
lor mer#y b*ck. It V ) RATA%g brinit jR 701 to JV
veil 6*1 rortal" e6varmt. you JV 401 A Coehrx"e.
gukk in
*"*tly o4wied. Owy A) .1W tv jw 8,00, Iroqilof,�F*114
tholt is#* will roAt mv JV 400 TIMMIn't
R -cw L"Vowd.
yoti riotbivsg� Try V A.T0115 today N.
al: 101 to jr, 40
tkrA *" vbtA% a MIT thty takki�'