HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-03-13, Page 1= ,,a,__ - i%X M . , " aw t%wks saw OU awbecribit" I a of swe *a" (W - e:v f smt= t.,- IM. 21 -f "M -or- P""r m6adws, to ev,wy - -- 1w,,- wwo # a b wr*w Have you """ 4 __ __ J. nn — , I - ­­ - - -Z*-==A* - = - , 8Wk-N;TV-FIkST VEAk sissoots"twas- a a ybft- C, . . liigm 0 yew to U. & I =::_ _ __ - - I I - - __ -K : A - I r., 4W9K11K,MT7V1 71 , __- - I I- . . --- X _- _7 ­ - ­. - ­ --- - - I , " I I .0 , %A I . V '. --:.,, 4w-,--- -- --V' r-+- Ta" W,:-1- -, -1 ­_ , , . a ­_____ 6 _______----__- Y ­ vA " . _AIM63 ­ I I &L &_ win k is hwq . I 1. Asylk" Yew he" print V30M "I- - 0 1 1 1 - woottic 65, r4XW11* 0101010L 11 A 4 to"VI eft Bel1eassais ddw Vain Ui7A; = -,_­: -- - I can lip "7% stor 4, phon; * A - - -___ - I J I__ _- ­­ ---,-"—. .,: , — ___ . 11- -- . . 4Z _. __ - - - ­ GODEp,ICIL ONTARIQs CANA" THURSDAY3, MARCH 13th, 1930 =;===== -­ ­- ­­ I - ____ 4--__ ___ - __ . ___ - I I . 111-W WALT= - __ I — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ....... , RAIMX4 P"%*#r. " , - ____ ­ I I0 1 "I'll", - ­ - I Town CouncH To Meet 0 _-_- .__1 ­ , ''I . -!n . __ -_ a N t to Conside '' Tax Rat e**" . 0'11 . I -1 I - ­­:= . I - ___ . , . - " _­ I - for me Year '. , . ,Ram I TO W TOPICS mexav,; %ko ______=________ h obbZ PREWMATION TO 4MONG T118C M__ Z ! __­= J___ I I . , I ­- -----_ - mr,et,1111 0"" oir 1h f Game" evit .JRt,?RCM .7"Urer. Tr u , M41 0 91MR01 I it, J Wit —"-- --- -- tit 0 - P-UTOR RU WARif W(aft . .1 in &M .1mm" so lkev ()Vellins ftce i I , , . — (Wrowss . . will ii@, , Club Bage OW Group pholox-, - of tbc Minister. Sub)Ws of .. I "Nommoom Gode" I a bimst HOCKEY IrE ` 'r% '1 03 Ju X110v. church will be in' IR was 4imwn U11 " w -L , .1 . mr. X J. wzllkor I I made tbi* roar X:Js pre. - — 11 ___ , Nouvh"A I#rd intal ocr!irtons" 11 4.M,. ­Th a r 04-i to an. Oment t t" in. l keattd At Liosis umb 1hrineg GON, . , V m,. ,,,,,,",*, J. v,U.NW the)! r*Uow F'i"Playees Of t6to A. W. . AMP P9 "Oullea, that be, 1.0 , . f A)GUSSM—IM .1 IS amuing W ', stead of eastward The Is %taru 6 Last friday Nothel"l Wootton and mitay Other (kial'" . 461F @ill a, inveatmenti Sarn I . , A gCn(?r Omcl, in May are, with Zfill% ath Pmieol OUA hibl# cis"",, At , I SaW . . I . as som Aw is 10W ....... $04ASIJM I &Z,j`r`t,$"ura`Z- bu3ines' Alt ruiles., May AN. let There.was __ , Z, t"eIQ.c4 ,I Pa,v Last Ivibule. fir Re,.#ft4- - I AA w 4bow M-ftft nouncelrent Wi 3. lVarthor 0 , E!, I 311 I , a good attendatlee of the * The LiallOn Conference brauph " - . 11 be made text V.Wli* alilos; may 17th, Bel 176 Mika - niomhers of the UOUS Club at tile 1%. ( The followl - I 1-(, -Imemoseatives b hwes, 000. slat, Sim 19 rwww I k, L , I P AN116 I - chilOrta'-4 Aid 1. Puy 244h, Mt. Polior j6i"; Ma'Y' I reguiar din; '. M. S.. has M,Ptc'a th,P invitation be refero"00 to the' fun. _1i I , 4A bar- 3lak "no ............ _ . I 40clety v er ion 'Friclay evening last of the vjctorj ,J , .. F I A Sok #Ad fA I gl&- ba Cow#my ki w I The thildr . silt, Peru, 3" nules; 4 14th, Daw I At U1,11 UNtiaA hottl and the Tow" St. nd North At. aux- P, er4t OF tile late A. W. Woott(;u froh, . 66 hummoomwWWWO040k. meetAt tim ft's Aid s,,,cl , I , Cty ,WIU Ville, 06 ralks; June illarics to hola tho lunual Nwing Oki " The litid Sun-Umea of Ralvil, 1, , , I at tU41 cou,neil And 10moers of the . hq.,ke N Ar4y, a, , Qwcn so . : . Children 3 -Shelter on FrAl. 520 miles. You %W team and OxI00104ive Avere present wIjY , th and 1 ltl . - *9 WN11st A . k United church. rh $ in North street - I . I ­ - pqrt enthe W0rk fr, 4e,15 V,V. A r*. POkbill, 40 alles; A . ,07 few *=#Vt&M& .. will a I* , ders was in thgrg , g,itl oring.. ripp,l Mon C. X., $gqn. And inter(stillp bo, rWi'oths Will Ile rea"! with ifttere-it by - -11" ! 04" 13A will W given ed Alkiron t"INs: Aug. loth, VWr1I - 441)". e of tommunity many frlenJ3 ill Goderiell .. - - 4 ?baasa: "' 'y it'() typerinteudgrit, Aug. 23rd, Brfttoh, 174 . . I I . strjct ) jpyAt who villaittin ; A #. siflginr 'with 14on Major at tile Piano Rnox chUrA awkillary W. X SJ The fun"41 Of the late Albert W. - I I awt tills helped to put ovtvyo , - I . I ­ i 11 - Q ea SO H. R. LONG. Di I d tho conference on this 30- Vt. Peller, 1.126 mi Flu - - - 11 I . I Work to be h!ld 'i Toronto un t W*ek . aut NAII hold its regular mettins on I Wootton, late,for_j)m . 11 - ----,.- __ 0011- - --=I I 11 All .%vhQ siro late, at tht. good terms with himself gnd his . Z z'11111 .- I , ' 'd in thin are in. I , , - - — . , ro3tk All on the ine on ITWUI:$Q;.EO&Xyu'rd3ot,akreAhtelDS.t.11'.11,1Ot '11,30 l"It. '4h" of the 1"114M, Hen edy a d 1 , __ - - Ix Is bowfiw an Invit:ation 31% in the maqhine. - ­ , ­ 11 1. ­ I I - I ­ 041i"W"_ X fox ,of nobtlibWa. 0 a I I I .— -1 - _ ;ed tobo present, , Mrs. A. 0- I son$$ Umited, w4s, hold on T.ues4uy — , I . I yoft* 17tL . .0 I 1. . .. Aft*r W 'ROM Chief A. J. XacXay McDonald utid Mrs IV. Walket will,aftetnoor, J v 11, hi,,; late reni.,leage, , M!X Olk TO UNT , NOTICS TO CUDIUMS - VNROO Club's St, pAtrick's ]Do , have tharge ()I the imogrism. - 51 .. "MR _ . sold that as all knew, one purpo3e,of 4 13th street West, to Ivestside . . -^" _W --' -%%I'-- ­_.* , At Home - y V"04w& oft to "y iho'suboring WAS as thl oftasion far stories on ell , ,,, r,, I TO ltd.W.-.-A1w* j TentA AVPA1,V N I . , ,, j Wo ____ E111%4_41 . The third sermon of tho I . XmIt.a., wo (.11 S" I faeuth 14A, .1d . . 00 1111040001otion to the members, O -r the AfOdel prayer, lvIll a .. .iw*k fttW"ljT .*44EAN, Klov-, li, . The 3renesetimi: CALOP,Club ill- Wftrs. we"NA41007401viltlif QOdG*h Taterm 'be given by Uw,h, %V110re the-fillteral U-43 hokit . , .1 ,: 16W Al %L I . I OF 41114 . IR EIRIX111f. I I . ediate Ilockey the minister of Victoria street chur, h f I ( W is , - IN THE ALAIITMI OP TI ' holding its March At 11011110, 04 Monday ' I I tho au4jft-t bei thlonclo to 'Grocalrood come T._1ti'.d_ brlc!,,,, t)p oolpgillo. It 1.1; 11,111-1. COIRITY pi -T ,costumes. The rgyth Orchestra, has Are lAvint ,tke VhWo a h(k Of 4hii ',club and he "T11Y kingdom to, tery wh- , _._,__ , , - Jull.NW.7yEt).14.tTt,,ol"Tllp ,rt.),Nv. N"D,Vel' It 0, , be! Al. A= tl%le 6M ing, _ t ft. I " , , "n9l with Prize* for the, beat Irivii , Is U 1098 11Y the executive On Sunday Marini or n rme) P a Ilrivato servic - being - ­ pli mix filt T0 twN the t . - " JVX1*- Mwl,one it, I IWO Ukftv. be , Ole r&Rtd,01A 1-10h Rev. J. X. if, Mills to, douo.j no T . W.- k . 10 with bathroPM ,,,1I0t0.11;, 6I?,N11?LWNIXN, I .k, .r . ., , on "cured to supply the MU41C - Wd And renovea04 Is* Iny The evening I , by will Z held at tile house at a e Md , 4o1W#W#6Ms for progres$ all, 1111h*t will Im for the im . otclock ; on,william. *,, . _ the, litant 4 show sarjo,'few words. Mr. wilbs said he "The Cost Of charaettlr." Toodiato memb rs Of the 4000on. Allis. J. VN#,.i , ,.V*#AcQ Is fice(liv given purmlilut . la"ho datiel"91 "?"'Ch will include r,qme room to the south of , Was -exprf 4.sjh a. IIA"A'Ate 1105 . I -ft. *,, ti, IP Oqugre dances, 3114 tile orcho#VA R of -the Services'at H,,,)ti,, church* pasi "gially- ,conducted by ,p,cv, . MIDIXXI put has trance, *%vhfcb Will.)* an with A "I at .. ; U0 libroy. , file Trut4wes! Av. . -S .t;, amp. U asked to furnish On *A. %V% the feelin , , . bee le towi * on he so Thos. - - - .. 1w, 41113t. -all frelitors and 01hera 141v rausic. . , Some 14811 hardwood Id WO WOM Rft W. T. .Bunt. Regular serNior' Laltllafl Of,Westsldc 11,01tvil ciuiw h. -' I .. armamw win.' of Our hockey team, I a it 10 am ees The main .31-.(JitarIUM' of th, - ' I I "I . I Sw — --on Ituron fto—adi. I door and 4 I' , . I lvited F 2- rit , - I., Bibl'e 8chool; 11 a.luq impel $4erW . L am. __ thrlle'fulle f test of Ooderich. 4,0 31IR 03411114 tl,40111st U19 v0fatt 9f tile said dow­ facing 6 1 11 R SoUth &6r**L-,' I%e , eadid te&M And we weie I I , service, Subject I . .. Joint W. Veo. Wl"Alell oil grWi0ttt tile RC:*k0h .9uthro 611d Dance floor oftbe entirg,gats" isox in JA% ifOrward "to, the team Ae A cl:'flco Was ' 'camPlOtOlY filled$ an '. 1 I I OWO'ViArft 311P;drained, (igoil eja.y 12U, da,y of yi,,I)rki o% .&. p, I,T,*, at the, I , "The Bible or, tivred I drive Bile . I "YA At year fieartgl ing,01.6 V" I I , _ , - , , I I I , - llr_ .& ­9P.N411glow I I I - - I. I ft., .1 ____e;v, i p.m., the Pastor com. 4 . I . *40di A"d burn, wo ,1,,r,i%vfi 4A Gadvp % ,Im , UO 0110h -e and il - . bein e ---nd - ftssos cl: tho epium ­.. ­­ , d. i La- illoroughly , - unity It -in ­­'­ .. _:_ "--iw imw;- iL _, 1,A%wul _,oa,..4q, (MclieftEF 1_1itiep-, 0 - - the 'goinir beYOud,the firSt found _t - I r - . f 111.1 -Hill- n Tucid . 118 -40 kftowsk,k _T , . . , I , Unik- r6Ms;_#l`rW_V0TQ_' WrTiF-tri i_.V I 115. A r, It. I).- 41113101 - - . 011if vilu)-tou hon -i tH t to PAY t1telt last ttLhu . d t m, the -au , ar 'glight tenuon is . - -w-cre - $Peet, . te Afre. 0ier' R" , " Irwrrift to $in vort tem &tie t Lord Jesus Christ. tileir.sympath 4MV44ed and expresi- . . I . t! N U i"hitowwwd: a on the . I . , , , its, , 11 I furii*ee, wskr VmPed. $0 hOus', to sel4d IiY Post..,prupaid. or defiver to undo -ta, hai.e. e Pt 0 -ts)- .The - ____ I . I M_S _ Ift t 1.0tek be a good lartIr Wel , I L .1 . , I spices Of the 1110:40uh ", 91 .OUY kind Was bound to A he, . I I '1 I mu 'lArh- I.;- f,'- 101WVt'Z-, 110ellch ,the t4ventors of the estale of the'salit 0(190 Was it successful event ,,, , #nd- suan, MgsLam W I And $on Utah. .%,. lVills el"'ed by sayling.be M04 I Y to those who had Neu . a . , .- I I A. R. 1. Phone aa,ou Mi. , 'deveasmi. 11,1V full particulirs, In %,.Tit- .900dl,y Aumbcr 'Yore In attendance. h4ire ecurea the was -proud to cougrat The Tegular ,meeting of the berorvjpd , I . . . ­:r 4--Io.— . serviiw of w. 014te, t 667 Arth"Ir Tile chair 0 . . I , , I , I - - I'll I I ", F . , , wilA 4118 (of Vid , r vhlhu! . a st-11minit at til I, The Prize winners for earils , -Lorno Turvey, of BI.Vtb, -%v* lwis'had $ on Circe Of Knox ,church ivill be likeld f tile ollurch-Wa ixe , - . , I FNi .j'. . -, PH I , 'wex . 1. .their soccass. I . ,­iK .4 .,# oil Mill 110ad 16ounds, aad tile na .let,.! ,Lt. Gallow . Q11t and sang, in . , ture, of tile 64 U Lady's *rs jl Mrs, I.V% L ,experience 41% , , . yinh. 4, 4 Ost 110preiiively the . - I . Any, ficlif by tilent, yt!rl! col I)y. .ath, con. elfivOrk years, 416ndr& evening, Mawh 17th, at K h , "I , . . 41111VAIII) .14JAm"'N" 11mililtoil, t Rv. If tOl4t1on,L3fIj$ X. Buchan, , TO .. , flotfirio. . I P&lr G ' *A e' %_ch'of of the O!,clock in tile lecture r onl Mrs. Sate In the Arms 'of o I I Work 111141,010 has iittendf4l the L . . . # g-ents. se nrd I .. ' : r ''. . . . I I deetalatiall. . I . 11 an. Werich1ions C147% was the next to I . I Jesus"s :..' r i . - 111irst, Mr. Win. sterlinj 14.4ring the wifter na, speak avid said it',lygit a real, lt0tit-Bissett will have ch and Mrs. Laidlaw S , ,, --"—I A,Nll T,Al t. NOTICM that after silch A14.. Xt f call"lutiOn, sold In cg-rpyl zwh&nL- pleasure "w"Of the , ang, -.1 I . I , ,.­ . I ." I . . P111 IRALE''I.m cxw, .N(Ie-_A !six- last il'untiolled dato ille said 13voutf e; "`31c1VJch3Ol,' Tile Driver or., Alt oul,tiletr pol'icy, 6t and priviloge to add his gua,4* of'oon" Meeting avid Air'* Norman Hakim And W11% Away All 'Ilears,, ,"a to ""'all ' . , , 1 00111 M-Wern housr, ill stratf( cliestria 'su cleanlineq _ ? . , , w's . S theV.. Are SeeUtint I Slip Vat A sylupa. I . . I ,;: , .,P(I ,kN,IAI Inve'(4-31 tO dlv!ribu e'the ametti or PPlIOd 111FOic for tit, dque. . X ulstlax- IV's had 111 followed Mrs,- R, J- Walter will give papers, thOticAllY and feeling. Ilev. .1 1, - 40 9004, cohdf 'oin, vull. ex ..11ungtx for a the - - 4.p Ing. I tovais, 7for SO, _c I La ,&Ir - I . ',; ,11(1 jloc1..j6V,f1.4In0nf; tili. I I 15, L ats, aders, stoering, -lutioll service# ma"her at the late . 11 . , -tit's en- the c0ursO Of the team with ploasur , i4Ortll ft t r idjaw, %pobc , . OOLL190 Ili 01odirlit or, ta g,jod (,, .TO q Inited c in a b1galy Qulogl$tle r ) . , '' I , first ur aR .AltiAld III, '41. haNing Avgavd 41 only it) .W 'N I . .. .. Whee et(!.,, to lise on _ andpride because theY­were All towls "Sunday, March ifith. 14 am. Xen jer,rill, , g.. .Telvc I paymef)L Alldrekik; DON 'RT-1kH, ,tit, ,ombo's.Tv T to Air. Wootton, ro. I . *-,: " _ 31 t C1.1dow of uillich ther . suall thell . am win I Overhauled 30 00t, YA 191 cars 41ell't I)oYS and we knin,W. $ill the, .Club; 6pic, -ft the Associations in the . - 111 I ­ I I ` , 1 _---.;--., , :have no"W. I I I I Town League I I : , ar X11. tonle players Ow can I hot , , I tF.- , , , dwifte $a 40 " be - ato I or, * ' :014' . A 'T174 ini . (, , t 'at . , I 0 InAt I 12 6 '4 I ; Fmasins , , t ws al Oak. Xt I 9:1 'and . IP iv -a - - 1. Irv* 1* bi 4 , _1 I I " % , a hoo a I - . I * . 'll"', J, Y1,W, wit" . l4j.j - from the. mechanical <Igepar --lit just e wks that 4%v a matter' n ntenance liundisf i7a- Various actIvities and to the fino ex_ , I-. , . AN"N The final match .1 in the tolva , - ) hat the, $aim ,', , , , T -Awl Poll sAw", Olt M,.N,—r,r,.i;if'17tr, I Word kiod 'elcan sports. - N V" .1 - . ., _. I ifteres of ,I -fell I as, Cloon and tree Xrom, aj,X - tfieMis' church' the Interest he took In the , . I . Ana Ist,oductIvo I Al -AT- 0140) A, 17k,0, Execulo'6 ' "e, - imwro ,as played, troduved by Air, J. Dustow. Also at amnle he . . " 304ni; .,Ioo(I natural ai I N"' Y!" 1 leag llo '%Vu$ Played on 'We hook V of ireaSlft$ twe ' I this hour (:Ia,qS for Christian Fellow,- . f , " '- , , - L a 43 1 irt. in. A If ft NVAS'S, 9004,C)eAn sloott'and play. - for those with. w,hom he r I l(I artifflefal I - r$, evening , between Re., We dilesday Wood and Son have '411 4 #oasr& ed -bY F 48SOciated!et1lis remarks I 0 " L.' '- ' ' ,(Iratan Q'; P10411 by I)UT)LK'v E, nol-ml."'.4, . dy solo pod el ship and Mission Bond, 3 %m,, Bible . Vero ve I.., I resque locatlo;l. Farful . ealft amateurs It would I ­ I , 1, . about Two miles from (411litoll oil Ilase­4 st Iteam, and 'Victor.. Elliott's t,a`V,!Or4b4 'eighteen Ford,,, tills, -Always the of benefit and would tend; pub,,, I F) , - ­ 11 klltltOr for tile suld Executors, M . tile vprIng, I School- 11 .Wm, and 7 p,'m , Vitvtiv$ and - re . " . .1 I 'ludloir I .11 9-o"V119 tribute to. . . 11 I 11"Prcss ve Ond he pald . I I line' 11111101119 40OUSISt of newly sixin - 1)atpa at, (-,o(16 IfOl-mer vinnifig by a scolie of .e to a One to tev- Mr-'WllltQ, of Z!xewter; tax*. to lay the 161111424011 of future citi.- Worship, Sermon topics, It * M.# and tile. 1 4 a I I . . . . . . . I - , 1. ... Impressed upon big h deceased, I *d house; lairge Ixurn; drIviiig slle(l, \!.tl.r,ll .N. "lei I"ill's Bill 'day Of- and winnir- tit league by one merly of Nile, And a -:Pord 41 le4racd "Introducing men to Jesus;n 7 p,mt) necessity of being prepa earera the ': , .1, .1 - w Nvindall)). , ,I),1930, . , 0 1 ,ack f ' zonship because ,the players , 1, : , .1 I'll , . --Ill .. I .. AJ6 ­, =_-, -­ . . .1 0 - . I Consld rable , bush , - I - ---- I Vic. gillott's, bunch -being the ru Point' rr- WL Q114400, -i f, volinciville, of the paulino circle (So, hereaftir. red for thb . I , , . ,4^ rlas 011e fllllrd PuPchaSo, dawn; 0 . nuors- Xr, Guy 0 to takO And give hard kilocks, And! Ifie men .. . I ..;,!. ,. , ,, " I Up- Tbe, Winning t6am eqnsists of th tOmO uP lvith a Abillei-as we had to do -4) -Tile Son of Consolation"" . I . , . " , 4 . , full rent Ili ad*,ullee. 0Wn0r,3,.)4 ''I'll,'' ''A'UC-TIMN SALES I .0 pi.,suii Moore is 04tinuing on in in . . ,.", . ; , -I, $0,01:11 — '''' , Reg. Nei*omb. captaiki. ies on St* Andrew's strot life, The A'aglo;,Saxon At tho conclusion of tile ' . , I ; Main Ntreet; 111013eOl Michigan. Fai--th- 'k 1: I I I U(11111(41t 11;.11, A- Colborne, . I '': 'r '', ,g Cilnt 11, , , r, 4_4_11 =k11-A_T;1n)CX and 14A me I . POOR16-1 Mr- D- D. Major will give till orsin lwrvice, * , , ,, J,f,,,,,,r 4, NV. ItYM, : JA , 1. . _*___*­­0_ft looked Upon sPott as a pastime, not t recital, assisted by Mrs. A. J. Mae. which,was, attended by pr4etically all . I I , ­ , . . , .. , I 1 ­ 11151111 I 11 11 11 11 11 0 I'll, I - ,',­'I'l­,;, I 0 . tJ"L1.,.NfE_NTi.A, 'I " - - . Kay. '10s. -TO - , Earl Elliott I . . : : I . . ­ - .1 ---------- I . — . , ,Ylol' BRIEF TOWN Pico as a business,. As it W48 With -the an. i 44Y, after evening service ,on Sunda a tie amplo it of Wil- . I I % , , , l . I . , A .11 r., '', . . " '14" I , f Bill Lumby. Arnold Doak; Jas, John. .11 I ` 'Yee', of tile firl . , I " . , D ' Oi I , . . .., I , 11 I -, r, . FO I ,146 .-Tho! I rGperty ,at Bon lVe 'arc.lastroel,A by . , 15tDint Waite" Runt, Wm. Burl 1111, f0jent Gcooks"who, at their Sports, r, XOX 113111 011fiedy and; ,Sang, Uttlited . , , . , , " , :1 , , , . t. The numbers Will be, as 1. . 4." 1 , Miller, belongilig, to ,111tj 1,qt,_t(c at Donald *Of ce and: , r. -tilam 'h' b , * ` " , Which Wera'' it! Arst only a $oat race, 1, loiv,4 : Ore be had . , ­ .1 " i . Afff. R00r, .1Wx.NI,.Nq.'1; , The runners-up iyeie il, ollapman,s - 88' PUrg 410d Mr. C.' . I been a 1hitht .1 : . , , 4le We J*Q8.,Lon#7 InIlir COUSUt§ of , V -., Zillott, , I ul em, . " , I I , i , ,thri, captain. - X ra . ployde foli.19 years , . . . , it (wpes, 6r;1 11111, V litil5lio w;dlbu at, tho faral, 11 Alfred Bi ' - - J:O,, ) , I ,­'Wek* siw 4i`ZdOd 01111i 4 '%fli 4th of Igurel i 0 g n numbeVa : I tile. entire plan, , . , , mllril or les I I am . . :04del) . v 1%1' 11 .. - S.,011 ing a . . . , 01likli, is isitu',tted- a s0vea-roomied 11(i-Itt, .01, . rl Stod- Chapter,. 1. 0. D. E., , f hilleek 'WAS A ioble -MArch, Chorus from,"Talunhutigern, - r : : , I , . 16 i,kst of (, old, Z. Mumby, It. pa , ,C, 1161101- 11110 regular meet! for the winner. - Theirs closin down t v A. tl 1 1 e s ,f,. ,Oderleht all Ilklroll ge , , . . , for th afternoon out a I :: I I frame Q1,0u, W 11 be, hold - in . hoiekey team had I , 1, : ! ,, _ , , .60odlft; . Retd Warnock. H.al.,,y Schi.am, K , remains I . a O.`Q ,%o Qj ra Safta.'bleL r , on Manda done its Part h6ldIng the sportlovelt6re to "Figura" to G enwooa - 4 I., 1 tl - . aur' : Wagner 1813.188', were u,voY , , % 004 sk' In' a, WOW I-964te at, relialt. . ? I I I Aart, It. Scrinigeour. Wal. Roblnson,. .the ilublic library. example -avid , O.Allect for the de0ofised, the f ' .1 _. 11 11 r Mpl . NW'-0.Vf4'SJ)AY1, -VARCU 1611-i ', .,IQ 17 I 0 lr__ y or- . U :,11 . . . . IV- S 4*100k , , wean" , , . I 1i , .. I , ..Px ,_ . . . "fleing , T . 11 . , 1736.1701 on - I'— 1; '_`L­ ,, . I "; an" AW149e, On tile property 1:0111ML at 4,30 .-Iftl0k, I lu - I-- ;1nu,zertCalupbell. J 'T'Of Or, .. . .. I otery. The Solia of England c ,. .. 18''R ileveli"411,11W 6PAIng I gei'ding -11 , I . . . . " J W. McGee broirht I I., on bet 'on resse ' . . 0': ,, 1: a , ; Of excel on, 14P0,01d; 1, , All I x4yO 1140 wan exprosse( dutted their ceremony at th I I "I 1, - I m I. . to tow . , 4 1 ') wilal's 411 -­ '- 'Atilily atunion in Clinton' I wil, . 0 grave. b I . ftl*4,..,l I? vock 4L hand. -Injw, light sIS It Cl- W- 1*1110ht The, vollbeare . er. This . pr, Ooftv is in . I 11 Vlqtls 'Old; 4, 11, I"' I I , last % 4ant .m . I , an .. ideal 'k. yea rs d1jr, ,lit r, . vow, , , 0 ,, half Of the t9wn and -the toivu coull., . . k , % L , I .., I I I 1= - Chrysler sedan I 'Which *Iias. bee. . Oft 9000tulathills' It* tile, boys.' .801, aSl - Lilail' . A. T. Groafteld S r3 were Messrs. Sidney . ,-'.' . , I ,, vilhin thrbe minutes, ,a,,) . 0, Aliril 46, A votr. Ik -years. 'The ,fiirilily 'of MrS, F. X,Lcar%ey , I 0 16"114 They .1tere g6ocl " ` Mrs.'A. J. XGcK4)p ,. . . -, ithlifni, A161ville, Watson, Chorle, *11( of bhumil . , ilkle .April - , , L WI41WS' ind goo.#' " . s. . . Is' v " , 4 , . , ., . M 1, Xearfi Oki,: all, gathered at her home in mC ad-rairod by thle Who list* , BellaMY, J, C. Tennant, James Foster ; . . . I - i4tiZ. parbe - lwllaol aind '#Or '- klOr di 'I" '" 'Q* ") "' - lint9h - Veft On Mighty perip" (reolt I . I , I I.' - : ulars ap .1y to - 11. it 1p April, to; I V 4-.1404, fresUlled On $U last, Their Youngest Illro. ' 'Th'a uguiat 'till it. - lostirs. The, town: cti"QWWAS meet. JR4 0XIO and Thonigg -,Mino, . ' I , I", L i7., * " ". , I 09. I;. I vow 3.11061 I - , , 1400 ,, of '371ctozi I the "Creation" ' os. Itaydin . I . I " I , ._'. 1 , . " . . . , * linal"O Q114 Se -12001 Club %vill. b'.' , i0k that, event*, - bui 'tho eauiloil ;%I- . unto Ilial" (arin ft . A ; .1 lf It 4'Aoderl4l Oat - s '. - , , I A 'ife 4 . It I . .. I ,..WQ(Itbi, I MI *YV-3, 'l 40tfoik 2 Mervyi1i , rigve _414 P" NVOYS Wift0d4or the itockoy -am . . t I , . 4- 'J DNG' _C' )deil(%, '4"?' AUN 11 LOTNO ' ") . , Mf I e I it '1;010, . . I `0 ' * Ibut" Which borestient, . N..%lt'"alf thr0i- 'th - Wit 'his ,Wife and son Master, Co, : , T'. to fforgI tr ' ., ,., , , ­ .- . ,'! , , Z. - .. I . 'Ye'lei-Old"k4eer;f kilarb lellorst - I 10 , , the S040on gowdlq ,.b*ve 4a; = ' Itan"I dft*.%SeJtL I I I _, L, .: .11 , " , - -,- _. X'6"Ish) , .. , : _'. W this' ;Iftk ior ,thoir tbO 'khWeigartoll toolit -, , -, - Vid or A' 4 _-teskin and . testimony to tho esteen, in whic,h the , , .. home lit 1*uld, $Ask.. having afiojg .4p,0404,621 7% .4111,4 I leld*, %y I .l , I 2L. " ,. ­ h, .,-J 'I I ".- .- 11 I I I , ­ PWAWV* ii;iib I , YINIV 4901f - 1__*i cc, Alkliv -14- , I l -mi - vv4s, I , i' , :,:, . I . )W0,­r1(S!URAN M- It, 'Ift i-11 ­­ ju. 1 . ' ng'LUk 110#1 . - .. _, _ , - I 1, , ... ,,,,,,,, 1-1 .ti' " v ---N Toe'llibilths" . .. . I - ,,, I " I.- V, 1 7 . ipre.vqry 111ft , i I :.11 I , 11 I I 1 - , (1113341R,L"" 4:6ut'.1.10 Ratre&,Z# -*Itb his ' , I .­. .(0y,J%iS h!t* .'4jfleZS thb$, IWU TAT .,*w Q eed 'the , , . - -L / J., . I. , - - - fl S, Imathei?, . 11 . I., I I MN To Or.rAW,A . "4 Al"'ba4utit4. i u er" , . pie - ,- " 1 1- - "t, d rela*es. I , had it early sd- tbslt.-,th1Ag jiucmt Vs I , WELL REMM-0 , Wilite 3 - ., 11 I I.X.S'Vlf..%N-Q 1 AQVVrty - *.. M ,1. .i . . %..,i ­. ;. , " 1. -G AP_k)4,:r.f5TAT9 . 1) . ­t qlpa. , , '. ., . I I ' nq ` 'he annual euchre. UIOWNC" Vntirlbutors: " ) I'(i4J'16;I*i"A­1Tt lqpbk. ! ,The COUIPATIV .mber- 11 AIrs. %MSTIION .a i . ;Ia,& [,,4, q 18,11th6ut kuf erod. -twea. o and, bridge -of ooultt .kdt .away to see, jue __ . I " .1 A 9; I 1` , , 1. , .. _.. ". .,­x11tj0tQii.- I F Bet . 1-4e present were 0 U nUld Boys" A soclatj ,will Councillor Oro 0 . . . I X.v 0"Ool e1gsgo, ., _ - UIP, And Mrs. 1 ,,,, " ... I I .._, '_ , _­ - AN'a,0n,'.'6MhIna J6a,, pile1q I Mr Milo Mrs Harvey Mccartn be ft I as president of the .— , , Xnet'04 , W, AlOaford;. Westsid " I . . . . I , ey:aridl treet, oil clubt dAd co nel lot Untubtet", as titue. V ge the 110moval (of Bar, . e United. I 'It NO 8101glifi-l"hu *1 :I'Viuttcr; J t1i; XIL 'Thursday ev n 1114144,01luvelichoir'. . , I .held In Rygqla Hall, Elia, S 0 It 11 L . . Lifet. Acolo1leut a&; I - . Irell, ch I . %.1.11. I hiNaftneoL I Aklto . 1, . bjn,(IcP; 1, lilowor. ,,Iil f, L.4kel Aileen and June,, 10th It MAreh 27th, At s kepper, of toursehad-to be,oni hand . and Gi-t Promise at (,onsl , I _ ,_ I I -1 Ing, ,Mrs. It. X Johnston; . . . . . -Pleury 21, pj ' ` I . o'Plook. . A g , ;, .1 . . ;c0n.."GOderich t*p.; Air. and Mrs ­R, lar ,Ili, And Mrs., . . I ' J at, I I I I I "Oiler; do, Ott ItOyAl MUsic Club; '.I fi I . ., . I (A""i 1"$cUffier; It f;eetjong I odd program ivill begr,A; and the other-tolinacillors all %f1kinited .,._­, , 810n Una Family; Capt. and Mrs, 1. I , I . I 3101,411i and 'I ' ' ' ' harrqy rs; 1, r'00t PtilPOr; I funning mill.; J. 110*ard: and tbree?c1likiron, ikek, rantred for And viltrojille PrIz6s will be MK. to Murdoch BleXay, Air, and -Mrs. Wig- . I 04ftn's Nr%alil. Ots 41" Ofiiler)di and 1, .sorl _3114g, nind . ., to 1 i;ee the ga ,: , "t " t Uelen, Goderith-,- Mlss awarded ,to , u ,me V., &fem -Mayor. MadEwan, CoUneilloro ftl. I t.beL 61 , - 11 drillf-'JO-I Aaltls;lhayfo . na MtCartneYt Detroit; 3fra. tors,, ,A)l 44 , jjoftit6s -will. bb the- gro, 0 p oto 6 the togiij 't)V6 gifts arid Mrs, Ardii!r, out* , :, , ", 111k.h', . .1. ut., .00111'fuwflv lor; 411-11010- dfS ,1P,.VA_1e - I . successful competi. I'll, , I - i"', I 1, Large nil'Alber, 11'ejI&I to t1loosp . . I I F 11-tr I . -weleolind, mayor'said. It was a photo *C80fife'.6f lie, Craft, Humbert Worsell, slid Me. And Airs. A _Iph; Njr. I 11.1 ,0 ;, - ust a fow of Me Many,., - I .n It PU, i?N* t4nd a , lRaTtt..',G. 1, par,ion, rthur' Brown, ),. 11, I I . 4 zpe: about ,tons " 4 . a exibride g, prottlent and I Mr. an4 . .11 I 1, 000(i 01r, Story h6ltse - , "i1xva litt, -' a 00, 'bushol 3irs. bliffbird McCartney 'and three to all. , , . d the best looking boys In tow A, 'no -h S ate"03" Hazel and Jack . I , ,V , , . : . llardwood ,1)jout 100 I bout 2 - , M I., ... I . . . closed by coh;ratulating the bpys and m .' til "' - f" laderich MOVAtor Xr% Fred W . 11 i,4 i ihlng. I busbe 4bildrofit Clilot-4 Fletchol, - Elizabeth _jhe' "n Uel' 0, t 0 1. nOOrs and luterior linji, .-oil Tni)(I.. Is btlrl"i. a qu tit of, - I . I ML'CAUIcY; Mr. and Mr,9, M. Watson; , . . I . , .. " 1, Orn M4011ed. Av, rlllgeu ,f%. '-oat" nild numer"O'gi'Offier art leu ., ' d Aftry- Ireno; Capt. L. - N followin -Piaperty exchanges telling them now Proud 011 were JWJ 4and TrafiSit Co., and Mr. J, IV. ji,yg. .Xr. alid-_ Mrs IV. 0 1 q. 13 . I., 1:F. ., , . , lifttIng.,priee 01M. .., - . stimm, '000rve,A Proprlotbt-i , gi. I " * . , Xazt- ha ve take- them .. .. .. Lev U 0 . A . m. L; his. 11 - 111L. I IN6 I . 4 Godelrich, aild.-Xr. an , itirs . Plate (luring th4 pad $or. Tntiriager of.the We WeAtside S. $:,- . . firming, . 11 . . I I , . .stern cansda, - I -Two-itory ."louse 900d VOWRI011, 1. TE . I - MoCar .transacted , C-11o;na- all - Pre -q'- Flour 'Mills Co. here, Ott , i . , 'i . , , 'Vlr Airs. W. Alor! I , yrf'Jil., 01I-% " I ft VkA Oat, 8rAold Anderson, Detroite Mr. and And. a 00eci Pinvitation I' , , , I J - BrA- Week, the 'business' being, ahk At4cXAiAi' - - and A I .AW Unddr, esgil.' 0,v& , , yn, thr011 .. "18011 and May 21hOO100n; Mr. .and. I ! , , , "I- , I " * ! ,2 ". .. fine Ippearonee. Watei, IiRhts tolle , ,RU,, _41() ' I .,T I .1 , . tneY and son Merw , I : I - . 4 , - P ,re:1 I . : ." the'.T. W.- Arnnstr-ong .,VA4, d0116 Croft' to., 'Present 'the club bags I . I - , a hot6s,-and the president llrefw, I I , I < CTP ri,staio Afriiniey: The .Fu afternoon by. motor for Stratford to I . 1, .. I '0110 Jgaray. Price $1W. . 1. I Ulat atoiount seven 1001 118' . . Sunday ,Air$, W. .Vardy; Mr. I, Chris . ,.: , - , Oved'D411 ih16,aoteS, ,,r This regOlar meeting of the Godo 1hy6ld ed this function by Saying how , eatc - train to' Ottawa in time to U0111Y, Goulorich; ,Xr, and Afro. Noble ' ( I , I . " ri Stu eu I , ,dit on ]"on's Institute Meetinir Iford boune'an, . Jluhnst6n, Goderich and Iro. : 0 house, compIp 41)10.4 appr I , ; Mrs. Arnold and - I , LL .. .. .. I., ,to, I'IlPuL on the P . proud : . : .1 i 1.0"ie . 4 pi.*P con f. disrount far, ,Pa gfi toad hasbeen sol&,ta .he ,was to. have I , I , , , h tb( , , ;, , . a brick ,houses ,frolil , , 1. . l"`h' Wblu nts Institute was held I Ur' Pay Mil"llings; 6 )louse an Gib- Ile paid meet- the minister of' public Works at YoUjig, Goderich-, Afiqs .,4NIaude Boa. 'I, A nuail)ill, fin I -Boy sfux.NJ.NQ§ - T dt),ND Ill boils street belonging to the this hanor. I .1 , . " $2500 to $4300. A141, t.a $ee 1, 16M. , PPopirl to ph ath. a tribute to Treasurer J. B. lieynbldi Uttawa on Monday. morning, an COM, Goderich, Mr, and Mrs, L (;or. I . , I ' I I 'I- . . . e .r. , Aup , , I '; T`116.Proldent, Xr,.'G F-statO has been Purchased - ,',%(1'3 and, 04 f 0 ntmon a , , . . I _i A'S6\- MUIX0.11-11 .Thursday. Mar 'by, r, t ha UP4 , I ------- *---- --' - I "I . . I . Ileuted apartra(%t to, rent. , . _____ - flonogr . Bl§sctt, progid. . Mretafy, Fo Darrow, both a , ving been matie for, 31 butt; 31r a ' d Mrs. A. Wootton. . . , , C1,11ARIN( A1Vf,1rIO.V ,-4 , -Ole, of Ashfield, A'ad! the 0 i , . .1 1% sVr,v veneered I O.. It was a very mterestin, Illeet 4 Stt Jaili Whon, Vbrep*absenk, and to thu other 10 The dfilutation ,was given V, Gatos AJOI., f . I n .. k t, ll () p p, t R 4'r. In 'clock-. . r6m, the faluily; cres. I I h6lise. flne toudItion, good location, and there was a large attenct 0817thlent on St. Georgg's, - Crescent mumbers of the executive for their 47mPathetic heuring by 11on. J. Zfeent nitco$ and.nephewg; .elp . " ". . I full modern equ '" '"Nt '-'T0C'X and INIPLUNIETNTS. -I by Ur. 1. P. IlArli*ell. ' I I good work.,'atld -then call . ed on Ita -illott. X.C., ministe I Ployees , I .1 11 . f , I . P led. Lasy t(jqus for A t . I ance. The committee on ceinetaq . it Public work.1, of A m.. Kenne . , Ynipilt. Price 14600 , Gof 1W. on, IIIA) . rolcl 11 . I I i 4ya f 'May, I mIJ6 east of w o3rk toriorted, and .a motion wa I . . I . . O 1 Nul-heV, captain of tbe'teani, to re- who promised that." 11 I ) Imited; , . , , . . ,h . . I I Ono(! 11._: shory hou;c i 000PICII, ,oil sed to jhav eire '5 pas- I __ . 0( I MICluout for the tile 4010gAtion's boys of*the Iran #OUIXL4'y; r. and ' . - ' ,., _ A Snip. am -1 lat'. 3,21'),Ooj - . . ulars prizAted atic! 1`1901, iivO his Presont,, Which 'he did ox- entire removal of Ship Mrs. T. 1:* ovsley Kenntd . .. 'MONI) ky, .g,%I1(,It LIE' W9 KNOW' ' pressing )tie thanks for the supper Idy;- ill. en - .1 I . 11til - to Plot owners who are not living its . .. Island, to Provide more turning silage nedy ana,sons, Amited; emplo, I I' . I I 00f)("141:490 ,11-113se, 2 Pf` L', lundern roMme6jing at 1. . and the gift. The bags have the in)- and berthing accommodation in front Corbet Machine yeea of I .. , " equi . i ,0'eloeh- -iflae.p, tllis vj inliy.. Some money waE col- Mrs. Goo. Frice Is home from her tial of the owner stsuip4Fd on them in of the l4test million.bu6ii I Mrs, Johnsto-n- ry Co.; neighbors., - , . I . , . . vilp,pol. eloge to Square. $I i0f). looirsos._(,, ,nerskl pullposo lected last year for this p '. aiid isft in l5etrol . . . e I .. I , twtl-it- ry red ib!?I,rlC , , gelding in-poso It. - addition ,.and family, amilton; I . . house, rilir I 5 years , Iml purpoiii. ! old.l iiihis ild. F' ,arl Westbrook, .1, M, Lemieux, to the ao(iel. h Flevator Coilipan Is Mr. Beeler, ­11 . wodern: Jkvil lots, P Jzl , ; g0lo . .society is very anx 94 lie I 1, al. Xqarp, I . .s.-.101,10oltUr y Wniltoh; . Sonq of Eng- , . el&2200. . lil-W'.141r,k 10141 this work atten(ted,to. '0113 t" have' MISS Ruth INIftitin was home 9%out Jack Wood Don 3fcXQY, George A[. stora,ge plant, would be given-merious land; 00n'g-rekstiOn Of Westside Vnit- -I Forin.-.100 aer(. farm. 3%. milog -from ' ' "'O' , " ay. 111i" v-48 an- Toronto for the weok-end. HEO d , "I 4 Goderich. RAM bulJdI.u;r,%_ Will ex ') Vl"ll'--;: I lie y 11060,.'T YC'.ArS old, Adal talent day and a goodly collec- . . urdY, Wm. McDoudld and C011ilidelation by his d6partment. ed church; 51r.. and. Mrs. C. 11biwelt; I . I I I : . elvingp ker trm, , I _I 09(lil bor e. - . I .. .. Wes was broughf in and are .1101, , .,. u Mr. an va . . I * .; 'a Proportk or Sell on ,,, ,a , I tion'Of arti .Xr..and Mrs. C. t. Robinson, Jr., an', Pilot, ,,received each a el 4 111YOJI 11. J. A. Afacf.'%ian, who head. .10. And Mrs. Gardiner; MISS 11011 , . , 44sy terms. Price ,0312(N), . " '7' aijt 1voung I)ilphn.al, eaw.q a Ctioned Of.' Among the don to; . the teala in turn, , ba ed ti e ,' .'K.'el Avresbire- eicAv ft , , daying at Niagara and Toron- I Nab! delegation, indicated that and, ClassCl a ' o , - . ' Special, (qlnle(' 106 'iera hirm wif.11 ,lo . Part A.viresbipa I . , P94 as a bealitiful ho6ked mat don , f the O.S. C. V. L., Mr.. . '. I . - - ot ations . . ­ ert Stoddart, arid Harold DoAlt were Goderfell Would favor, if ue:,-essary, A, , "res Valli CONV, due In April.. r)uP1* h!, ated . . And AXP3- Harry Prahaska; if .` anti - '. 6 . frg V XrS. 0. Gill * , will Mrs. Rundle 'Mrs, Ben( 0 e . r. Ili election of in, Next meeting and - .11, of not preaent-but their gifts wer3 put postp n,ment of the. completion in Mrs. it. K. Parltor, Air Ifemstooko,s. . .. , .. , , 461me 10 V "lbl ' tl'11b6P- Otlq lillildlfig,4, '11-i'al (t(1%%1,,duo In Unty, 1161stelf, "h : , ; ill -lap (it Varna. C0111ity 11111,- I offir:ers. Refreshments , U gu&ts of Mr. and Um 'r .1 , . pilldna. (life 111 October: 's gra Hamiltoli, re . aside to -be sent to them. Thote was concrete of the north,and south pig ,* - . . . .1 I . I a ofn& milp'; to r,nflra,' 11 4lation 3 Dull;lam gra Sq, -efts " I also 6. bag and photo tor if. 0, Still Sunday schc'A clans, IVO tsfdo church- . . e 8 I " d(l, hetf,erit a holsteln *Oro served at the close of the meet- IT. IV. A-aser., -. for a start to be mad0 on tlic .. : . , 0WO Oas.11, balance. on gooa hoVeril, su, 111013 itl,g . 4, the -manager of the' team Who refil0val sehome, which It Island Mr. Clark . Wallace, gXia Ai I I . : .!* , . , '(1 to bit Arden, 0 est lliated ding. department, R, B. and Vt.,- ,. , ;1 I Urm s. I Gtv, rnsul, ou t - 1-11 Oftly.- Part . . . ' n6tt; 1; .- -.2m arre" flne rlwv Ina . er, SUPPOst'd W -,be, 111' 14geon Faftei ont., -is visiting b6ir parents, I said he had n Ver known a rno ev'con- to cost $150,000 to $200,000. . ., . M. 0il. Xol'calf,' pwobre<l ,1101-stf.,14 llelfl,r. ,) 11al. . Air. and . genial 6unch e0f fellowa and he. 11211 MI, I . . . . Mrs, 1ROV-) U. W -Patton, of * bill I Mr- #nd Alto, 31unro. ,, I 1_; if'. 70 aereq fimb . ers Reorganize Airs. Wni. Wafl . ElIlott xplained the detail of Among. tilos . . I " Or. e?ioUgf1 to,pa,y stein beffer eal ace. ( I I .., :#11011rs farm. one-half 1"lle . I A meeting of the Goderich Homing M,i , Bf beenvotinkted with bochey since he e present from a, ilts- 1. . , I I fiv. Bill)( , Vt's 4 M011111S, oidi nulb- ,,,, 89 tit(.- Work planned for Goderiell list. tance, wlio Attended the funerar wero . ", I . . I 11 . 001 IXIP Of voung ealwp;.. - Or FAXTOW has * taken a know vilat lieckey was. The club Ur this Your, foi- which -an Ito", of Members of .1 .. l It' , '­ . 4106P tO 90nd I ii'llae: 12 niff(i,, jo (,, ode.' Pjos,---4 'y'Ouill; sroon Club was held the beginning si ion wi I . tp Tiigs * , -when the following . PO . , of tb Z the British Amerl an oWed a debt of gloatitu4e.to the Lions the fatally, Iticludiw I , I V, , . . See or willb, ,pans. 4 e Week, 0100,060 has been placed lit the luain Mr. and Mrs. Goo, Miller and. I . . . . , 1. P0,40--46 Itoric hon,%..20 %villti'l - range Company in Toronto. - Club, for reviving hockey last year, - , , A.- . , i ... I ,.: born flens. L.%g vqkS were appointed,. Prec4deyn, .. . U$U 1 Z In and, . USTRO,NG lKlinnon and M ;_ I 1. AV, All 11nllJIeiuen1&_ ,.%rtLqv I -= -:.= iss Mc estimates. This is intended to pro. Mrs. W. It. Price, Coderich; Mrs. , ,,,,v t= -"- =: 4 , lips Makima laying the foundation last year ,for vid,.- for the compipt', of 1; 0 . .. I Real EsUte: DePring-mawel. . blad-li, - , ' I . I . AVANTED rroup In ln Dredgin.- Co.'s pre ent contgnet, the T-hOs- - Wootton. mother, Goderich ; .1 . . .1farrig I retifted frOal at6ihJing the the team which won Its J, I)II the a A I Phone U 4 Box sq. 06dorich. ()tit. q1t,111'. ; 10 -ft- 1111Y rake. ;,evil --------- —I ill - . 1111115se-y-Ilarri - I I ery OAonings at Toroht6. . d Alt!- and Mrs. Frank Gawliticir, Strat- , .. __ I ltoeol'k,64 in I 11 I ,, ,(, * , 1.1 q qjjl. A. tills year, and he completion of ,ontractor Vore3tla ford, ,3tr, an(t Mrs,. Gen. Kenny,, I , I I 'lmrvestil.r, ..NrANS ", bean. sonfill,,p, ,lj(t ?XYl1l%10._`110 rent, by ,Jjril. ('144WI! We. H, 1 A. Mactwafi,was.1m.; Tor. . 1. to results contrazt. and a further neetion of the X11hrYvill0ol, ,Urm R,k a . . . . I I . 0*41alTis torn tultIV2. NN ol. fyin'll. houK . eve . n better ... 11 fraerows. 114i.ap ng, t6r)VI. ' . I I 1, .1 tort II(,-qrlN* n(W; Iset of spel "" V IHN 11-1-W c-11- Onto this week, meeting Mr. Mae- , . rebuilding of buth north lit I I , . I I I text year. . no t Xnee6haw, . I .. ,-, I I IN' ,new: lit%t ,or 1114inatJ11d ­ uIt t`11,111:i-4- l"I'llfir" "it Rwall there on his return front Ot. There was a club bag and Photo And south XCAfOrd, and Urs., JaIlle.:Johnst, I I Automowild Iowa I barrow -i, 4i,.i4e(.LIan. 2 J_ ,am'. . .0 lc L S 24 ,( d J , . , ., ,, . ;,, Piera. The minister pre itte. that Ilamilton., I I ,lk I I .. Bee . _-.1-11.1 ...... _­­ tawa. : . also lor Peter Turner, the coaell;*ho ("Oe. . i I 11 , I . I , k: VaVVI box: MON tire Wen Ill hay . Housseh PO , thanked the playeril for their cupport I erich will bt-MITIP a 41re3t e0ftuner. ---= _%-,=. - _======= I , I . ili! 20(o 11). Vq(j _ Iggy, w4k,%TI.M.-At 01)(10, =1111.1i'd 111,111 tu St. Mr. and Mrs. Win, 1641 port, much greater oven-thall It r3or, went aft t . I I See our rates before Jaciag , I ii '111;!, W131 sealeq; ,P llntoft work -oil Tatill. , %pply Ill If. 1, to himself . and also expreoned big I I- I ohl" lnlll 1`71111PS, of Godericb, were vjsit6i s last tha"Ics to has Won in ow t)a,;t. Tbv govc,rn t6me * Montreal to call, on - your Aulom * B"t 'r)f ft'anl' harness.; AlONTGONNI, Y, It at. 1, ('4111"Nea. week Preaident Croft, Megara. ff. I I 11bulfher of lI0P'4f' 'etillars; 14i,omn 'It thr (if the stealiliship. Companies. '. I I I q Obi . It 11itUrance flor-, wallang t;l %V. wartmal 2 NOW. ­-- _,- .---- 4111-Aciny, , hall'(- of Chas, ind I Mr,,. 0, Sturdy, Parsons, O'Brien and oth. e added, would b,,- ple,v,wol to Tile &,putatfoli , , t I .1 1 ulent, , 71 (1a all In iti power for tile UNAVOell Tiife-4d , ',,),I' PaN Mrh- 1. . NV,aril .11AN N%*- NTIQ),--..Nlarlwf1 fluill to cr momber.4 of tlier executive. I -avrNed home on 4'1. ,7 , I . I Insure with Companies 'that N - OPPS and,pirlIll'S'. quall. AlLysliborothy Bown, of 11-troit, Lo I ay Ovenillf; and 11 11 - ill v 41f 4k, I I %Vlork (in f;1rin by (fit, Year, harbor. 'W'Odnesday .;, . . . . pay their losses, . I " 't . V in, . 11 A111111iXellf)X ?' se -111111119' (lualitliv 110tvip. rup), ele., prIlV111,11. %IPI)I)' 9pending mi vacation at tile holufl of PhOtos of the viub wbro_ Presented 31r. Guthrit'g SupPort noon 1 *Ii` ttle' INWOPtion of Wayor I . . . 14 platil" I katinu Avaip-s' to GIIAS I S . It. ji: her paro.nts, M . t61116oilleera and executive, and thi,g , I I . . * r. 74acF1tV0n` Who r1topped or, in Torou., I ,. o I __ ""') I'VOUH1 4P,(Ittage ,.'. `Wf I: And Afr.;. A. Uown, Part of the pro&ediagr, closed Nvitij G12or& Spottvii, ineinber frAl. ;Ortlj" o. I . . I . f fh()rP(0t4 T'Irill NN -,Ill Ile (111,Alberi; r,,,1,1. No ;,,,' (,,I11lt(,11. I Coit%,ne t,v,vp. . - . 1, t . - . 1. I I 1. . "" ' -­-­---. _— — the National Anthem, and after the I 1111tron, lnU,odue(qI tile 4elegAtion r, -_­...'6 ­_ , 1,111voll-q 11114.111 -bled jt au', I , All'. D. Munn, reeve Of Ripley, atid denarture of tile 1110choy Club and while , I (;. , Tile Daptint , I 11 , Pro ' 40111 lit 4tilis salf., I , I f -. r. examine eott,q,-,#p I UR N'qls 4VxN1I,.,b.---N%'11%- psit 41' 011,3f prpsent. .al -o, were pi -o Lwllen' Ald . * W. CRAIGIE I re oal da, , , A, r ,,Ian: 1',' concert .. . I , toWorrovv l't you Nva: 0- ClIaPPIC -nnd Sister v,01 -e ilt town council the regular bualnesi aft Idlerson, mem1kr for ' 7,11101 wa,l to 11ave been beld n Stuc. 11 i . I Real Estate ana In I. . I AIR() f,jyj, f4r,llr* U11101 P,on,qfjgg- ,of 11 ( nf4,kafqr In a niorf- prollf-Thtf, 1111,11le,'q * "(01XV1 Perm; "" 11 . I - it tki bucome 6 il - I torasce "Itreli. 111011(i Op legS, tV,.,,Itll good . I ot erich lust Weelt and called on their the Liong Club was carried on, I Thomas McMillan, member fen, f+_.Utlk, XAY 11411' Wre-11 19til, Is Postponed. . r , . q0t 'of Witt, -nt of 4*,pi-jug,., f,,,%.o,I Avith- - lutill,joy, IL (P , -- _ , 1 1 - __ uIldinzisr will be RK 'a for sale If not 'at, ,:I ile a4vi - fl`1014# Aft. ,and Mrs. it. Ikusseti. I . I Ituror; flon. Iturrh (,, _ # , - . , . - -rc _ I 11 1. sold lli,P)re. 9 Nporlenee I -oil will' mf-mmo !".0.0c, Xt- hind Afro, Allan ,gohertqon, ,Ff 0OLLEPAR ENJOU-10 UYU WALTZ metaber for .South Wellingt 7, . NarICIR, I - . ON _-. A,,, I ilol(t ttZ,_# ap L I OP More P(!V 1%vetlk sellifig W-111dits .Pnev for tbp I .',,,P ____-t1==1= I 'IJ.Nfs,.(; ,Ic. arid Impletilf."t, A P#* i . folloviling . j =1111*119i IL, TH .toL Rillicardine t%vp,0 Spent a ,day hif;t I, I . I - _ . . I . .; amfluS . Colleen enjoyed Rye. Waltz nil fol. 4 Robc-irtson, Al. I. A. for South 11tu-0 , 'Y'llis Or'840 "Intl . : All k" lil"1111108 in FOUP P1111111Y 'kir lowing onev, G60' a. 0. Pletcher, ex -M, % , ., Und"ll, cash - Aver that 'ell,V. ,I)Mviding -*fill week with their Parontgi- Mr.' and Mr6. Roads nrolit, Royal L. A. foil $01util, fflell'il- 'tV0UI01I?a anii children'a hosiory a 4IMMi0t A mollillst art, ;IU110I)II4. U. nus -8011, wolls St,# Goderich, Y014 and Would like to liect, from, 1,11M.'r With tile Mi"' and, I-adies" ladder -proof 110,1i . . I an, furn4shlog a frodit %vih be givoty TUR' X It. VATfd.'V,-; GUMPANN, q1wlit, nd, 136V 21M, "Yoronto General 1"Q I Act, wan Chiog the Vallforbla, PerfulvkLt, (-,a.. ery. fkl:,o . I ( I C. H. HUMBER . Plrb A, dn3coNve(I J011A bankable 2 L 1141.) Craig WOO Rcv- A. 0. Tiffin and Rev. Gardan frIo Out 6 Cameron 4 tile departn*nt. heitt by M formerly I J lt Ullt Of 4 per 'etint ___ "Utto, Of Godov;-lt 4 i 4e. - f. , . *,Omb av Wfft,lk Ir"we 1.090 6 I -I"'- L Past 0911 110% 31, t,"fl­ -1, I I . r 14,well ff)r, ,V,JqII . THESMALLSTORF, I .. .. , Olt Pri:dit I TH T" G ( P * .-On Urn, ruado lit,,%, ' Wi SIG STOCK '611 . I 11 im I I . . . . . . . , R, I I I .. I ... - M, -N 1 .1. IN --w rr()%v.--,4n.Xl% -PPOPPIetor - 6,90. if.- awnw." Xll . 5 1111iiii":: h::::!::::;;:: __ __ .. _-___7i: ____­ 1 ___ - otione-1- ' . I ,! _ 1;;::'1-:;!;:1:1; . , I _­ . I I . I . . - z i I I ' , I Oo F, CAREV& 8 I INVESTMENT.9, ONsLtd,w AND INSU14ANCE 11 I . TekphOtle.. 230 . .. I I I ' I . - . WASON10 TEMPLE BMLI)ING . GODFIRICH - . ONTARIO .. I 4! lk I -1 ! \ I . . 0 - wil OU e meet. .. " . , nxcu Enlit Merve, . I Ing of tile Middlesex presbytory 14 ­ ­ #-I- - , , I "Aby Public expenditure on Golerkh . Your ordtts. I 'y TL*-* : f I SAIX REGIfiftit . I I . L,Woft on Ifte8day, Mira. Butt alsof 1harbor vouk: easily be , . , . Wk , 1 I ; f , itl3tifi0d AS iff . 311W. XD,4, D.kxlkl , it .. _ , I W%% in WE DIVESDAYp Aittrell 19th, -Aue- the interevt, . NewX& t0hdoin) seping Iter M04 110r, .1 ,of tile Do"Minit)II aft4 te $t. , . Who j 601,19usly ill. . tion Palo of farin r;tocj; and inipierbj WOW([ be welcomed on all halwil'ot I - 4,tg,_, .,. L ; ; ii . .. -Uftfttf0r4 E . . I Out" at fAral 31 'Wiles e0at of Gode. " Radio Ut-onne,g olpire an I . ; i L xpositor- Mr. almh mrs. rich on Ilurall r6od.,'romnarveing at I M3.7or .1120"'Wall thanked the GOV., Alst, 1036,31 lieonseti k sjwd hmlh i I LR'ehAVA 410-010Y, of Prantford, fan.. I 'U111111011t Very heartily and it*?,. 3f oftwaywi , I . "0 0 P'n" tt)y MUNNINGS, Pf0- Elliott paillcularly for tile work after Mamh 15th, I 1! J,f I I . OungitAt. dAughtero Alke Grace, toltIOTIVOT0, C n ' AM TXh,UtPTT- a Amt., i: '. 11' :' , y"it"' the "gaVlaelit of t-1101" "'etor" T' GU"V1:'r-y & SON- Au - ,a Goderich barbor in tile Imilt. A , 11, - -*W-* , , Mr* 'GerAld Gordon NOWt0h, of Gode. L,.-__.,...- . hf, otprea^.od tile OarnoSt flogio U10- . ; " 4 , I LItho - tha ,. 1. - - I .1 , , THE Govertiment could ree it# WOW 11pj#1If.1 ,!-., & J1, rich, the %larriag'a to '73140 place tile NEW SPRING 1001'N"TS . Al. -.111 4h1dPrJ,p3j , 11 j . I I ktter Part of t'he Mouth. are -elbar to couiplefc, tile necex - 4ill tulnrR I I I , ino dainty psittorn,;: and f4st c6l. an tile inner harbor no no ,vs,, -.y w(wk dAV. Uarell NMI. Alfj ,Ijl TwIngivifil, in ",L 1 At ottgwti tile membeto of tile ",',, 96 MUT ra'VQh'&th8 itt pla,lft (lible. on AX lkm.. 4M ,i, .l r. I "" ? hI% I I "I.. 0100*441 dep" , A 10M 00*0 -ion from Goderich C-0101481 Ile POintC W lit as IN 31E*01t14-4 1 f1`0111, Me to 99Z it S%rd. s',olo ,opl)Ottage tlin .1 I I 1*4 th P)ftsfte Of luel6ting Mr. Alex. Uvento IeWr a to remove ph; to, I TON. - - Ill 10 It* YW* , , , . me"t patter -49. . 'If" ItObl. f I I Raw 0MA.-_ "th tile b1n, it 1 ' 14' Ol. 11. %V11(i P,Iqw& . 1 leth. J1 , , I . I I Clerk',lCr,ot cA ,_ . 10 t . . , . . I 0- Mayor MaeH2O An and T6,wn I lkiid, vk If , ,; I , . , A, , e 4 Ned at Mr. all (WO. IV. SCIrUmaN 00111pany plant bein?18; t 4 * f i U I , _, , A , . . Utt"W#15 " "` ',' , REAL $"AT$ tic-licollit)l ti;itrot;ierintzpc,.rta,lt,ai . 0till n V,41111,pt fell It"A"'Lt'L, njr"q Zjal; I 't 11 14 , I , I ANkrtMPnt3, AUS. lit.. , gIne cootrac.ta. 00,111, lacuirw Cannot tr'll %%Iial too.rkly ; * ,I I 'ich" "'re"Itly UndftWent; mn o VerAtion it 'Von want to buy,or so . . t - for .1 4-A aloalp hil-M-14 Tl lw %%o a&'J fiag"ll . 7101 tho allft.' tit , - , flla" ! fit XAAO" -, #,"k,, I ;"; Y, I I 1 * NUIN Aftov, the intorviow V t, " 41,)q", - 4PPOM"Xitisi, 11 now 1, 1%1 It, -r.s , koino aftd ja buy or,plitco A% ,Vj.t$lto P" 9,k!A!"Al t'Al 9 4­ ." , I r"81"Ift t, I ,.i , " 0 . . - - - . MIN I I I - G? Turalltir 0=01, IMAM. Mflailton & J t To Or MI 1=, f esurtemot, 1,4101N, MIQ('­1170 1 I %* . I avd .1109=. r w-,; Jw ,01 4 r - .. , . *_ - 1194 %va'ana, 14.%Vt;ffr g - .. 4 4 0. . ,,r I . . . , . . . I I I " . I .1# I . i I . I . 14 , i _, 4 I r" . I I I I' - - i 1EE4d__ - .1 4-O.— * 4 -41 , I l , IM