HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-03-06, Page 5MEM
In tow
c� ► woraa. Laaeb the. aero" awd a Bilen Atto•kse 1 iS
ti+e t e�ef p U rg!bre tiliit Offer'special
•,. to a c•{we Dy fibs Simms :t `SON 1 "Y � lglua ib firer fid acct tsf' trtrier it
Jlre Jolly, i �thrd ib'el{own" and 'Aoki is irrreerioarj tie i riI, it oe its
The best and newest o the popular , w yA • M «, i� &a a»"i,,"'d
ileac Xr, and Mrs, I)ri;id:wt, s iiia ay+rtMr"
Toilet requisites at lot a frreat reucuifaer of yearn ;c.,w All SU Taeuisier ftwift is. the tra+a "
__ '.itr. ltavid: car, iris a parivett ,'ui.r My be gtcieJrlr• „
4 f'aiihfulnes� as an efiTicient crus =t,na r ruli�rai44""d liear
i� , tendent of the Conlon Cay x.h eN�l
CAMPBELL'S D STORE r a the 1w (11 t the
c ittx! an rcl, of Velveteen ] v rt�M
and now sd tie Laitce° Church at 2 Mlillil i{nr<�ili ` I' -Inch Vit' el R testa
t'arutda, arasl it is ins;ceci with stress
PHONi..90 GODERICH regret that ei;s: IMM of your resixwi• «i�,, � i? RE' ill`#r° , °
' tion fi ons this r.r, iannortant sen 1 it - 111 all Sll. ,_. . .r iQ per Valcl S�ttir eI`iy 4llii $ pE�l yard
fluential vfFiee.v laigFrl roannienti 111ae AmJ tla:dlaer, #�ueeattlaxdy �� Saturday ` `�
....�».�.....-..,. _ ... .. _ �.. ... .. >""�" you far your loyal spirit in fvltow«ng i • 8 wribee' - ««Far yarn , way
T Your char h into tiro ceras union c,Y s troubled wftl► stir firer, anti urcar to }�
church will meet on FA(IRy afternoon ,,. haw awf4, bird bilfocu a ala. ODD SIZES AND BROKEN TUNES OF
(iODERIOH TOii{��INSH his 19..,,, and without interruption sexE-k r �
of tela week at the home of Mrs. - i
A[r. Rout. ilavidsvn has sold his itis• your ehumli during this tranui> sal: tkeidttd to tt�r 1[ilbuta't I,�sa-
farm to liar. Auctfn. Fuller.
est Johnston, tion periost in the Sunday school arc 7 Pill. salt x Not woiidtrrful xeliarf �radie Summer Weight Vest,
The young people have commew-*d The Young rreolrte s Society of also Wish to make mention of your ii; e` very short t3rpe.a+
Union church will meet vn F449y
practising for their play, "`77re '.Win- evening is the c'hur'ch, The meeting other Christian duties and reaponsi•� p„itry 85 �y a vial: at, ,. r� ,,
:nine of Joy, bilines %rhe f tt interest of the church Regular u > C! K i each. Clearing ca(±j1 ....................
Hiss Helen Bell, of Windsor, visit will in charge of Arnold Porter graft sad 2MaMrr, ar iaail�d. diawrt en"
and Marian Colwell, and taminunftyp of the number of reaei of pyla► by Tbo T. Milbum
ed/tile pacts week. at the home of her years you have served as a trustee on tad. Tt►rwttly tills.
111th Mr. Mr. J. W. Sell. The beat wishes of the Community � "
both the manse and the chuzch tru�-
I'fie $. S. � res beards; for the grace, di,�iii e` send � ALL
of L'nton United axe eaten d to Mr. and Mrs. Johya
of R ampton, who wereEmarrried f xe- ed noble In Christian spirit You have exert- nursir.ja Mrs. dohxr T�ilpatriek. Sr.,.
scntly All Join heartily in wetaom- in the highest office- we could offer aha is seriously ill. "
Sng 14IrS, Sawerby into the comntun- you as an ordained elder of our w- The March meeting of tho Axr.bi.Sa
nand' .viae teeny much happiness.cloved Union church in Goderlch town- will .be held on Thursday afternoon
MWel Theatrelt. service was well ,ship and may you Continuo to hold at the home s f Mrs. W V- Crozier, Will be " l e a �!i e d on
Last Sunday the e, this high ofDce for years to come, Mr. and Mrs. Albert.. Campbell, of
attended in Union church, A, special Your have ever shown, yourself to be � Donnybrook, were 'visitors 'recently at FRIDAY and "' AT U FMAY atV2
WEEK OF MARCK 10 to 15 feature of the serval WAS a male of high noble Christian into rity,And, the home of Mr, and Hrs.'Ym• ere-
-----� -- quartette, "Jesus Keep Me Near the what more can we sa g
WN—DAYatnd 'r_UAb iAX . Cross," sung by Meesrs. '.Dave Day- y of aha whom� zier.
we So honor and respect. 1'4 a there- 'Pt's are glad to report that fisc.
a EDDIE LEONARD idson, David Grose, Everett Mcllwafn fare ask you, My: Davidson, to ac• John Watt, who has. been seriously . a � e
rima king of the blackfaee min- and Alcr, Laird; which was very sept this gold watch as a slf ht evf- ill with neurnanfa, is somewhat bet-. Misses Silk and Qui Hose.
Moll acppreciatkd. The pastor, Roy. o p 49c
starels `with Josephine iUunn and Bunt- y , denea of our appreciation of your ter.
G. Butt, Occupied the tm-pit.. .
lair Gordon. Sec the incomparable The piety entitled, A Poor Married Faftlrful servicsl , as auperintendcnt ; Miss Ila Aiaite entertaine:: the . mostly fawn Shades, tip tris 95c per pair. Pt day and Saturday, pr
cainstrel in at picture that will -Vt from tine members and friends of the members of the choir Wednesday
Aur heart with its tender pathos and Man," will be presented in Grace Sunday school. Mrs. Davidson ---We evening of last week .and all had a
United church, Porter's hill, on they
•ama9hing drama. iuliY realize that these fine thiiiga jolly good time. '
" evening of Weduesday, Mar,:h 26th, Miss Pearl Caldwell ireturne"cl to SPUN . CREPE
MSIFOI1rY LANE" could not be said of your husband. ,
UIv'x I A L tV OSTEitly ' , pleasant , social eveWlug was without being thoiougbI7 co vi yaed 'her home at Dungannon' last Friday,t. spent at the iromriiA Mr. and, Mrs..
of the iwportitiiee that you as,a-.help- havin spent the past wouth with an all sulk Elia '% l 30 inches wide ill beautiful shades.. Re
"ON j ll'1•CI�11. DiJTI"' Raba, Davidson° last 'Friday evotliinatgr meet,, yea eve tl a "better":half 1ia�e �#rs k ,�vcan, _...-.. � �
_ _
pox l O S wFietl a CAnicreg "lin en rn ma ng them Mr. Tack �.'1�Trail r8*l1rn�'d Il<On1e fi $C ,�er« yard. Saturday. , . « , r # � . s a «. +. a «'« � «.. • « r ,
possible. We
-...._ �,. Church numbering about seventy wish to show the high esteem 3n which here Saturday after spendinft the
irathered at their heme'U, $how in 4 we hold You as a beatttiful, loyal •Hast few months with ,relatives at � e ' t '
'i?W�ednesda and Thtil)•sda� slight way their appreciation of the
' Christian Wife and mother, The 11amilton. lie was acapaapanied by .
• va]ued service that they have yonder- Odd Mines Qf Ladled and �i�dren S Bloomers
Helene ChadgTycfc. good influence of your Christian ex. his sister, Mrs. Wm. lie' ie t, and a<i'r.
O'Malley win ..�...,, Walthall `'c: in the church and community. amPie in the home, the church and H66"'Begley, who rety W to their
y Games and cantes'ts were played and the community can be,. attested.by l
in A great story of old Ireland and . Y lame Sunday evening. }} C
ycun;g America. With a popU14'r D rdnc; the evei0411. ]kir• and land, ane and all. .Will .You kindly accept. �k Clearing' Prices
Davidson.• werea11ed forward and this silver cream and sugar, as a WESTM backgropnd for romance and advenw ,
ture , and a great yarn by Gerald trier% the roltprent of an address and
sligl+'t evidence of our esteem and a�pp,
BenynyAnt.you will find satisfying en- gold watch and a in n iii pre
of you. Be assured, Ml, Mrs, ia. G. Campbell acrd son,. Biliie,
are Toronto visitors at,.,pregent.
tertainment Ili, and l vs. Davidson, that you will ever Mrs; Melvin Taylor ''SI_cent a 'few he C2talii
N „ _ :..�'-'�° hold a sacred pace in our hearts and
ROSE OF KILDAR9 Gas On S#OA1BCh days last week. with her mother, Mrs.
�SNOOKU;nia G03iF.DY aafi"eetioits, and that our prayers will p. Smith of Brussels.. h Phone 86 Fe E. e
S D -4 n Qt e0� be life. you in the varied less experiences Mr. & Stonebouse. of Goderrch,•' Store
"AhWJ4XWEDS U1�1#'ncomE" of life. May God richly bless you, r
1 . pent Saturday with his parents, Mr.
K , Gras, pain, bloating and sourness Signed on behalf of members and aro Mrs. T. L. Stonehouse.
FRIDAY ar ct Urt)RDAT after eatinit almost always mean too friends of the Sundav School. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kershaw and
i 1iQ1S WILSON and-BORT VIT`1 L1, much acid, an the stomach: The CEO. McILWAiIN, family, 6f�•Goderich' visited an sun-
Thxrlli,; baffling rnygtery said iiltriq. condition to dangerous. Acid irri- 11z1tS. GEp, FALCONER. trS�t rd"n.ihe lady's�5ister-Mrs Jae -Tru"de of lyf 'fey' A- ear
a _m-
uing adr ent4re on the high seas, tates the stiomach lining and may lead February 28th, -1,930. Cpsvan. £ come.
,North ° St. United Church of Gan-
r plots °and .Counterglots,� stealthy. to Ulcers. Gays forms acid presses BE11iMILT ER Mrs`• Wm, Crozier and son, Clifford, " 10.
!' aooks and a slinky vampire. Alto- against the -heart. Tho stomach +
of Crewe, visited an Sunday at tiro ads 'services Sunday, March '8th,
g�ether a really worthwile entertain- neec;s an; alkaline. T31suaated. Mag- Leslie Walters, who has been stay- home of the fo7rmer's Parents, Mr. a.m., Mission Band, Class for t hrlso
.anent is %esia—ponder on , ta'blets is the ins, with his ybrother, FA. Walters, and Mrs. W. 11. Camp]iell. tian Fellowship and Men's Club; topic
ideal' metbod at getting safe, quick,. during the *inier, .has returned to �<
`°A LlAs TOE LONP1 iVOLF fastens relief. It neutralizes the ex- .Detroit. ]IIr, and. Mrs. Weir:: >>,IeDowell soros at the club, . As. n church r;iember
P cess acrd,. sweetens the . st he ex- n . couple of days this . week tit the what is my duty to my church and
E isode. number five, Diss Edna' Reid and Miss Blanche b'omN of . the latter'i" b kother. Mr. the : communit 7 introduced by Air.
_.. __.., x'A-.FINAV' RECKONING-. -scrape the+ l as, stops the pain and Cunningham, the, teachers, silent the a � y
)'cod', dicta ,, natprall weekrend at`,their homes at Walton.
lyaaley Stackhouse, of $rucefield. J. E. Harnwell, 3 p:m., Church s
` CA&TOON'�CiJMaDY sourness*, ts• y iKr. and Mra. It>rss I`Cartpr have School. 11 ,,tri, and: 7 p.m.. P'ubl%
"biISSISSIPI' ;ti'•' must sive prainpt [c�gef or_mcstiey And .Belgrave. , . mowed. on to'bhe farm vltfch' Mr. Cnr- Worship:
I ail ba�.k 'say druggists everywhere who The �i'omens Association are ha P m e cin 1' a Sunda oinfn
filatince 15at. lit 3 p.m.. bringing th ,; , .try s roc .ntly »arch sad fico+ the Co m n R a t Y i}I :;
_ ,� fie11, it oil this arch, clad; suara� ng g e iiolmcsvilie p]ay, I 11 �vPcutnrs of Che Scot state' o£ nior- the Rev. Gordon Butt of Vietoria.. st, r11 .
Einlylain E� Cr ythiug, to er . r5
_ •: ,- :. ,. ,. _ .-----�-- ,,,., eQndu ns•:a rfes.�oi'- ser.
the 19th of liian:h.
cis.• t' churaia:.is eta ae 4 +♦
od .
r do Gl hii pions , upor}, a.. el I§raiYe ,"
„ li .. !. liars. eCured:.a. + w Ou FROM
:» The first-sxxbject was r li r
1 A =�i;� l t rAs con s temugs?pher,witlt a &re ;., W f"TURE Wl91: rKN W, Q
' insiri slice ca1i1 n rn Tdronto. There 11frs. Harold Algin is ilu:ie sick at A cordial invitation is extended' to
' -- Pa 9 x friends, and strangers to worship nitOxili�iS c i
were 75 app`lieafWz-ig for the position. P esent with the Hlu:icto fa trent chuir•h Jurist DeeseC�OdG► GC of.. The yours �, pec le have decided to Mw. Meadeford, of Ttirontb;' is vis- v s There is. only o{le reason 'for substituting priv8tt',` unknOyVs
- k •-p d morning meditations. The eveninix
z prepare a play, and have chosen the icing her daughter, Mr&, J, �a Roe. subject ]est Sunday ryas, "What is branded goods for nationally -advertised lines ,arid that is to ,
TITH' �' OF i.D S �+ ORMY10ST TOITxC Comedy -drama entitled. "No -Account hue. heaven like?"' make more money°. Superior t� gain Stores stick to ixattonally-
Ogysyposed pf 14 Af, Mother Nature's health David," boy Lillian Mortimer, .the same :Mr, and Mrs. r La Roeque enter- The North st. United church choir . � k nationally v n r i riots' ares ks and berries this • : au£hor as their . formerplay'which rained sa few friends Monday. even- advertised lines the inakefs of which have built up a p
gI i,. t, unequalled-
baa SON.�'UNE is ;n has lust engaged soloists for their
veinedy;fs: unequalled- for disorders -of the was so successful: g'• Good Friday cantata, which vdll bo tion for their goods on .quality and are 'satisfied with a 'fair
For At. All
James Jewell had the misfortune to Mrs. Cecil Baxter has"been touch- Stainer's "Crucifixion." Both soloists profit and {targe turnover.
STOIIA,c1f_LIVER.--KIDXZYS and have an infection in has good eye and Ing at go.:8 school the last.two weeks come from St: Thomas the baritone +
BOWELS iead{nf Drug Wres has been takiy>Ig treatments in Gode- owing to the teacher"s illness. WE SULL TOP, BEST, FOWLX88.
1K1NwTO V)♦ liar' made A.bousands of friends pr Write to being Mr. William t who won the mold
e t rich, He hasp returned to his home Miss - Christina Robertson, of the...�..�,,,�.—.�--��*.•••••��,••�,■
all _Av r he country who siDv. taltmg this Again and i is to be ho G. C. I,, spent the week -end with her
medal in his class at, the, Stratford g t pelf. that no p n Festival last year and tenor. soloist. BRUNSWICK • 3 for ZSc
great tonic have rc,foked in the restoration � DTVWCi C forth 1. i utit flus CDr % W ' tri A.."— p
Interlake Toilet Paper;
of`th ear health:. 0. er. comas scat ons wi11 set in. a , err, • u urn. Mr: Medlvn; winning bout tho r;old . + +
William Llppety passed away on A, littlo� visitor came to rho home Borden's Chocolate Malted Milk- !
PRICE t.25a13prr1R 3 FOR 3.tlQ+ 49'•Ac�demy St. ,medal in his class and the' howl SARDINES r "Server Hot cis
w . 3 ( S T`ve, day mornlug . at half past two. of, Mr. and Mrs. 'Howard Baer on S
NEWARK N. ,for the most artistic vocal'.'perform- WIt11 S1t:1kt: , .
•. � $l1 •TONE Generate; lie S o ii , .# • He hacT .been.m.. ill;.health :ever since ` WednpEdag morning ,tad ex ects to Cold ... , .....199
t # 1 park # Youth i i stay. Con sore o£ the: entire festival. . .
l+fs last o oration three years ago. gratulatians't Tins. , . + . 2 Y r
p g G Draft: �heeSe ,� s, , . •.. 21e
'Two Weeks a he took a convulsion I Miss. Annie Baxter is teaching' at � , '
s" ` I babbitt s Cleanser, a tins, .lt7e
• and never really was himself again. ; Jo. a owing to the teacher'bcing sick. LILY BRAVA Toddy � 17z, tin. , , . , • , .33c ' H
He woo within a week -of being seven-' We are sorry to report the death of
#Y dears of age.; Sincere' sympathy Air. 1Vin, Lippett oii Tuesdayf morn- 1 G o . till.. . .
�; ,. . • CHICKEN HADDIE -
s PatendPd to his dau;hter at homy ng. The dexeased hay. Iived an. Col : C�1d 1:11 fish Wax, t.11), ttn::.69re
+and fid his grandchildren, who ivfl]?haine-township for qu`rtic"a`number of Soap. Special -7 Cakes .P..& Co.'
r 4 3 miss: him *ery much. years. airs wife died t'rtro years ago � Each... ... ... • 19C Sit p and m Cakes f:aiay `l oilei
Wmter having its final ionto p daughter, rr •
i• g ; this April. He leaves one d , .49c
- nd is i"Alting' a uretty fair showing.: Mrs. H. Eftards, and, foam. grand- Soap..;.
a n1t1 [11a �� iC� S: XSa
Apart from a few windy days the: chilaren. The deceased was a section _ Maple Lea£ Snowffil ei �10 ,
e temnerature is fairly. moderate• man on the C. P. R. railway fora ,. Crown T3t`a4d..Gror[t Syrup, ?'S i%
number of 'years, kigier s is' y effective remedy pIl''AS 5 S: .. ... » . ........35c
Ronds' are the best they could be; even i re '
for child n s colds, coughs, No
: � ��� ���d,� 9n summer. The Late February thaw, ". .. .': lit 1 �i:itle i�ti1iS11, t'C tit1.. ,1?.ai V V .. GGi'
followed by si good freeze-up has iv- AMONG THE C$LT'�ZCHES bronchitis ...rand No: 4 Sieve, Size Na. 2 S et�F;l ill[1ck "l`e,t, r lT�.. a49c
_ an the country as many'rind as fine ice
helps to build .. it p
y. The regular meeting of the W. C. P � • y � )C l,enlcin Butter, 4cl ciZ.. °'Best
_ »onds as have been 'seen in many , healthy bodies, y+,a, • • , • . ' read for Bread'", per jar 49c
t T. [i, will be held in MacKay, hall �' " „ £Oy .. p p ,l•
-years. The vouns people are nkat -;Monday, March 10th, at 3 o'clock, fu«'"nrto7°k°" ,tib, . `-''_ � T�RCkt3;tet Pigs, !3 tr7., 1 pks;S:.ISc
r in to their hearts. content. ! it,uetpe Dtpcat[on av n ��% ti
CREPE CHaIOIS, 36 inches vc ide in .the neW ., 5ublects of sermons in Victoria at. �" ; ^ �,r PURY+ Dried tyr:as, (.ar'li►rs� lrra[1s9, 4
spring shades, Beach sand, Corinthian : ignited church next Sunday will be .
LEEIiUItN ," + Pkgs' • •.
as follows: 11 a.m., Hxlloryed lie CJ , , s i ' TZaSplii:rrreS, ` 2'S,•I� 1•{Cd'VV °S`Yttp,
green, Independence�blue, Dahlia, Japanese Ou T teacher, Miss MODowell, was Thy -Name," and at 7 p.m., The wed- �
in WAtfield on Sunday. <;inm Feast:" _._. each..; .... .. .
red, and Waikiki or Eggshell. This is a flat Mrs, Bing, of Auburn, visited lien ` At the young people's meeting of 40.Oz. Jai'. , ... , 33c S$ratvl)C'rri85, �'S, Fie;avy. .Sy quality
lyre a 0 nice unlit and g, g , mother, Mrs. P. Steevart:. ;North St, United church on Monday ,
n . i. Clara Fulford spent' last t• ek in}ni;,°!st Mrs. Andrew will speak on, PREMIUM BRAND Aspara u5 C uttill„S, d's..... 25t
cod Wei ht the -
rice is. . , .. , .. , .... 1.79 per yard ”
v� P Y . Goderich with her brother:' e�, � � ups, 13ttik, � 11''. , :. , .25r '
•� � "k rrnish 'People in Canada,"
Miss Edith Horton anent the week-' Sunday S.hool orchestra .Is providing rSOCII'aI'i 1� • I
p ii )i".dai Met% �, 2 for ...... 29c
WDIVIDUAL DRESS LENGTHS, in the new en�aalrtlAr �hurdPearson has been en- � ui Tine panrulcc t a which was held i I N 1 C;arrcrf ,. a.:� a
1 Ip 40� Li �UrS SALMON Hiro y' , s inr....2'9c
printed Silk{ er'epes. We have a great gaged to work with Bill Chisholm, i the 1,arrish hall of St. George's chur.h i „ , Swansdown. i~lt]ttr, per pk; :. �19c
<,.. varlet and would sU est sly eal.`1 SeleC'• for the coining summer. #under the auspices of the A. Y. I'. A. !
�..-_ _ _ �� No I. Size Tin.. , .39C Acadia Codt;sll l lb. carton.
y -suggest .. , y Ali. Trod Bo ie returned lieme last i on Shrove `rucoday, rvtio a very great St'�m p�$S ar i�ePB - " - - Macaroni, 16 oz. pkg...... 150
Pion while the range of colors and patterns Friday. He has been in the hospital • sucer's, quits a number remaining a N ,, e t LiCoriCe Allsorts, ?.•�, lb:.. .17e
in Welland since last fall, having; had for bridge afterwards. SHAKER SALT [Jenny I,Uatf C;lieese, per Th .. .
i5 complete. Priced lblri I.ig to $8.75 a yd. his leg broken below the knee, Se-viceq in Knox church will be in + Plain, or Iodized 111ACC Currant .Taut, 40 try. i:tr 39c
Mr. and fibs: Alex. Horton were in charg;c• of the minister, Subjects of Tea- Just reieeived u
• Goderieh last lClddny, lair. Barton's sermons; 11 a.m., "Tho lransforma- , .• Royal York 1 ea�, �,w Ill pk y' ` • �vallc
R AU DR-CHENE a ra on cloth of merit 36 " p.m,, '"Doing heuutifU range •2 Boxes, .. ....', .17c T'ure l,ttrd, per 11ya ..... .
.y mother celebrated 'her 80th birthday, tion of AlI Tliinps; 7 b j
inches wide new Suring shades Rose 'Corn Mrs. Hor°ton's many friends in Lee-! and knowing." ,.Sabbath School and � j
' ' ' burn hope that she may be spared to ! Bible Clasen at 8 o'clook: • " ' �
Blue, Sand, Red,_ Black Gild "White« This see man more years. � i 0� . �"dbiiL'Sslilid IiAV'U ES PRO�?I t�.'I`S 'WEEK '
' « Y . _ Baptist church, pastor; lice. '6Vr T.
- c `
Cloth is a new 1930 elotli and • has Dust been -- Bunt. Services next Sunday: BiblePatterns10 r is i�
put• on the market. PACe...... 98C a yard. ASH'IRL School at iQ �t.11L; ROSPel aerviee at t P01iSh with Harwes and cloaks your .home the ad-
Mim 11idaleton, teaeher.in S. S, No*
i 11. a -in., subjmt.` "The Resurreetion � and • . «
3, repent the week-etid in Goderich. oto Life, or Shame and Contempt.
� t7�1r1ng Sutn�' m{IratiOn Of your �1"1e1ldS.
'4 INNIE i i1V"ILLI':, a rayon cloth 8 inches wide Master Arthur. Simpson, of t1se G. t Gospel service at 7 pan., subject, "The OvB�,' t+�0 Order at these ►�aVlllg Pr'iGeS:
in a wonderful r all b iii' GOIGI'S. « « C. I„ was home over tl[o week•p±id. " ��r++
This cloth is ]Mfrs. Wm. Finlayson, of 1C7nrar- " """�"�" ""'°""`"� `�""""' ' ' '
. g �..._,.,�... __ �.. _ _.. .� _.._ . _ .�.... __� Ila��ves Slilck hand C.lea�airfNr, 2 sista 2
for smart frocks and dainty l i n g e r i ej dine, is visiting her brother, Mr.
Charles Stewart, of kintail.
guaranteed f49t COIOrSa Iji`iee« .�9C a y'a1Cf The Mary Iiardie mission Band of
Ashfield Presbyterian chuivh met in
the .basement of the church on %tar.
' We are proud of the values and quality of dory lett.
the new spring. nods we are just i«i eiving and The Ashfield auxiliary of the W.
SvOuld be pleased to shore yair them lines. in S. will have its monthly eDon l
zit, tho halite of Mrs. Thos. MaeDonatd
I on Friday afternoon of this ',seek,
Friday being the day set apart as the
'world Day of Prayer, the prograw
''iiltx GEO.
Di prepared' ll that ovoryt-ve lin the ui oZ
Store f itisrltle rasion will bo f'oHlotitctl in tilt. rrat et
SCHA, ff"R
Mr. and mr.a. Afat. mackleton were
r 4 visiiora at Godorlch re-cr-ttly.
r � - 'Elie awsessnr, Mr. John Litek., waq
on his rounds again last vveels,
1Kx. litig'h Finnigan, of littnt't►a[ta:an,
nPent Monday last with his tori, Mr.
Ra.YY?irtid ]ri11nfe1atl,
Mien lrciro '6Vt?ar]�, of La;:]siata�r; is
hundred durer-.
n #
a .. a .
HaNves' Wax (Paste) .1 lbs tilt........ , .436
I '
Hawes' Wax (Liquid), pt. bottle ...... 59c
offers yo
offthe - `
Gleans as well as Polishes)
'�V'ideS# I'ult u toHawes'
Lemon Oil Furniture Polish, 12 y�oza
select your new
....... ear...',«+o.««...• •23c .
Hawei? Wax (Paste) % lb. till.........23e
Sul# - r Tap•
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Groceries at at Reduced Priees
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MARCH 6th, 7th and Stir.
..u,,.�sw,a,r h��.WM„•Mi�..r,i,l.li ri.- .
Made to your measure
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Qy■ aq.l" qR. �J.F .E . o' j'
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J. 9 - CU
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