HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-02-27, Page 3MI
?!R!)16DAT, iLrs' 2'atI6. Ifmbll
'Wdusy and '
M* Ne* News Niffew
Mr. J. �, l crok, eked From Ou _v
Aha., oritra:di bail fors ttuoblal ,
Rug %va
wish ay kiioys slat, blaal,lrmr for ooi>'xme � smug AN
iiaW, sad I" to got rig fish Of Tri I.sura Sl+eenrd Vompetitiox Hexra,li ;harm lA'etaa ViTfth Asaidaut ;
tdalaa du ` �m,tlhwu►,dfwtald*
+sag %floe aa,iglat. Time t'liaton C. C. L CaadA Carps Mr. Robert Munn mast With a eoccxc
4'I triad Selma 1110AU of kfdrey staid entt;•red a team in the 14ura SQcoard acoiftent recently while worAing urs
cdilnpetition. open to Achools in West- the removal of a barn: wheat ;me wa-t HOME which k"Vs its ohape is ap ropriate
lithe ,but scao of theft soaatowtd em Ontario. t llnton Cadets ataud knarlaed off tho building. sUstainln;; a `TltAt taRes place behind the as.ealmes for 'rho cocktail, lFhfpp ereaixt
do no say good, third out of twenty yr most teaxtn>t. painful injury taa his t'oa and aulde. in tho home atter for �gooil or At the may be added it dewed,
••I let I~ wo1a161 tele Thlarm',r Death t flits. r m to tr Ne wa8 taken to Clin0u; 103pital for community in which we lire, no ntat, -�
tiaa�eg rex what laws we splay wnact, BREAKFAST
1l iobly Pape slid aaftw trxm - also � The death occurrW on. Sunday, feb, treatment, later ratatrmlimma; to iiia
1 lana as bolma able to "p all *Jot Aga 1Gth, of Mrs. James X. Dian, of tklin• horns where he will be lai"i up for at A ration Wray have great military Fit Your breakfast e your need.
,least sly. xeel}a, strength, great mints and mndustt:i,a+l,, Than aur -dear worker needs, his heart-
orad 1 saw' teal that thay us iiia► adA ton, after sats illness of several Weeks. 'young Life Passes but unless it is atrentr in its. homer, haat meal then, and pie has a place on
Atte to Uko for a* kidooys W' Mr.-, Mail„ whose maiden name was t it is a weak nation. One of the first the breakfaast table of the fanner amxi
High-class ss Halacberda shery� and
Hand Tailoring
�- --
WWWler,, so I bar* sant boeaa trotalal Fanny i dcllveen, was born nand rear'
,.� Mullett being
l ollowang' on tl n_ -s of almnost a requirements of a home is `religion.
and a half?. Irc+le i eryl'e, ; ouni;- Character the
he ditch digger. Tito bookkeeper, ,nn
will want :a hearty breakfast.
ales taaklalg #ilial ease �.: , ed in tatvn ship, a
files,•" .: the tato Axvici Mcllveen�
year is based on religion and
�, �
%►te haalesr ontdgat ile risers can be no, galsl citizens ►with. or
contrary, needs half a , grapefruitoutgrow-A.,
at glows of, unsweetened
tliaat tllamy may not be strati Qutffxovk'at. bo
Ralaitlan s1teveam allow •Star ehest east. cleauW either
After dei marriage to I4r. Mair they
After bet,
54 Celle aboic resided on the base line for some
At Kanightmmd ed ,fp
out character: juke;.
urday morning, Feb. 3.,011, at th"IlOWL A:tiother essential is efb'mciency..• To or
and a whole grain vereall dish,
txoltuttered toast, Bran Is A need,
well, wxsheckt or der
pautsion. Walst bands on bloomers ' .a
should be loosely fitted #o allow for cleaned# the calors test'? iK
at all d*aggislo sad yea; E, moving into Clinton .about 80
dmtalara, or maaail,'e,3 Years aga. Their only son, Lieut.
of her mother, . concession 9, of Grey Avert. hard, to strain. to. vweat for as in
toxvnship, She read in her 18th Year. noble cause; fs heroic, but to waists a►nd
him ease, since he sits sat his flesh
grows wlatgtish. >ile needs friar
growth, it shrink? Is -it weighted
• When you haavo prof tt goods ; ow
+llt+em an rltlaaipt of Knox Illatr: v`a1a killed in France and
priot )by Tho T. MIr, Mair passt'd away nearly two
Resides her mother, she i., survived by effort is folly. F,#licienc an them heals for
one sister, Olga, who has been in the is mese important than rflkteuc y in out
vitamins, tit+ea he does not Iive
in the sunshine.
eau spoil it with r laundry' merit.
Before you buy goads to make into i otitlnued on PAJO 61
Barrister, Solicitor, Nota Mr. John Murray, ofMcKillop, has
_ ,Ia�atblla, an a pincer. H tossed:-tlse-faarm o£~t#nr lawltob=
O'B ien. dealt a car.in exchange for
rile-laloperty, sand t dinatad
�20r1burA Co., LAWtwlr years ago.
7Feroato, Oast, breath of Miss clate
sanatorium at sines laast the factory. In the latter, ineflkien-
spring. Cy merely wastes time snit nmoaey, foody
The, school ibild needs a warns and
brepUfast; as cocoa and mut-
LEGt1L Afteran illness of sonic months
Visits Ola# Home After bong Absence while inefficiency anti the Roane wastes tint
and an orange ar as ple. ran-'
* right, rhe t look likeitdeed
_C'ARD'S ' the dearth occurred at the home of `
Mr. dared Noble, of Wawaue5a, something more. preeious�atren�th eakes
sinal syrnp, will s ow up his
sed up toll for party .cess*tans but
not for school.
p,1iAARt]\'V. her mother; Victoria. street, Clinton,
Man., lies been ren€wing acquaintan. orad inspiration, brain.
The stimulant, v.offee, should
The dress tots the little girl should
be easily made, easy to launder# com•
on SatuWay, Feb. 15th, of Mary Fit. ;
ces -in Blyth after an absence of 32 tMcicney in the home puts the
never be given to a child -nor to an
fortable to wear, easy :to put ,ott and
Barrister, Solicitor, Not Pub11c, B zabeth (lli&nae), only daughter of the
year's. Forty-two years ago he went. drudgery of housekeeping in the back adult,:
if we were to be Ideal. ''Tills
Successor to J. L. K1}loran late John CIuff of Goderich township
1~shone 97. Ulllce, '1'he Saluare. 4laderic and Mrs. duff, of Clinton. Her
west and this is his second visit to the ground asnd.gloritles the task of home indoor
scenes of his boyhood in all diose ke€ping. It Also gives them borne-
liver, who eatsas hearty din*
ner At alight, will need little or ' t
I&k lei E S T M. LZ E mother and one brother, Robert Cluff
years.. If'e' is a brother of Mr. Thos, maker time to cultivate. as more aabUn. breakfast.
The commuter, who snag
....�.... who resides on the 'bomesteaad In
Noble, East Wowatuosh. dant soul life, nand more time to spend' ekes
aa, sandwich Arad cauls it lunch,
Barrister and Solicitor taadorich toolmship, survive,
'Rink in Zurich Sord
with tier family and in .community
will want :a hearty breakfast.
Sun Life Bldg., Adelaide and Vi€tor Buys Farm fn Rant Wawonoshservice.
Teleaphone. bight 6891: lift Wm. Burohill, Kinloss, has par-
:1 business Heal of some importance
was transacted, in Zurich recently
Beauty and comfort are as essential
SIMPLE )1=8191•
Toronto M, chased the farm of Mfrs. Jennie Our-
when the local skating rink changed.
as efficiency. does take money to
have theta in the bonne; but their
Fussy, jr!H , j'ar blowy dresserare
the thing for tattle gills.. ey
UTt1.SX >a. HOI,3IES, .� ie, Eitst Wawanoslf.
D .. Purchases. Farm
hands, twice in th+e same day, In the
first ideal Mr. Koehler aitd Mr. Lee
achievement is " dependent, not' a0
much on coin as upon the love and
voQuire'too much work. to do "them up
and their praivent the small wearer.
Barrister, Solicitor, Nota Mr. John Murray, ofMcKillop, has
_ ,Ia�atblla, an a pincer. H tossed:-tlse-faarm o£~t#nr lawltob=
O'B ien. dealt a car.in exchange for
rile-laloperty, sand t dinatad
interest' which the homemaker puts
»to hex lmotller -- as lm4make
from inclnigi>Ing, in *etiveT�mlaRy! a��►c1
>al1q 7 iAiitGi'iS et Gibson on the 5th coneettsinst,of
Haberer purchased the rink property
foam Mr, G Raehler.
*need to think more about the be y�
* right, rhe t look likeitdeed
SP1�IALI cIfiiiloP.
Addresses Whightam Clu'h '
Death of Rev. A. G. McLachlin
and comfort of our homes, ttz study
domestic science, color bar tnotly,
sed up toll for party .cess*tans but
not for school.
w.•�'r • R. F.. . •R.:FARSTS5. ` R. W. E. Burnaby; of Torouto, the
slit Cbumiissioner for the Marl.
Death, whmeh carne suddenly at .his
home in Stratford on Saturday, Feb,
beauty of line, the balanced diet and
all the economics of housekeeping.,
The dress tots the little girl should
be easily made, easy to launder# com•
SYk:, .SAR, NOSE, THROAT ime Provinces, addressed Winghamn
15th, removed ai, esteemed resident
And back of all these tangible
fortable to wear, easy :to put ,ott and
f,, a
to Clouse Surgeon New Yore aGpha anadinn Club on. Tuesday lartt, in the person of Rev. A, G, McLach- tI ings is an indefinable something to take otL Bright Attractive colors
th miC and Aural Hospital, assist 1tt n #nutters ertainixi to lin. X D. 014chlin was in his ei 'Which
hich•-mi p may be chosen, but atltleu• should be
Moorefledd's ye Hospital and Galrle_ p ty time east of gh- -might be coiled atmosphere.
�n�e. Throa Iiosplttt}, Landon. Bmf"3 AnadA., ty_iirst year, and had completed - al. t is made up of love and ploy and sample. Washable, fast colored prints
most half a century of service in the harmony .and . friendliness. Itis not
Wtaterloo St., S. Stratford, fief AlciThargey"Reynolds ebonies, broadcloth and •poplin aro
The marriage :of Miss. I'attncaaa Bey- ministry. 1~1e atfended the Normal .a selfish thing which is bounded by
phone %7. four square walls, but it bubbles oder good materials tot dr,erlses far small
At rioted Beclforct, Goderielt, on th olds, daughter ref Mr.:,ttd 3tilrs, H, school tat Hamilton,. and for some girls. They should bo made with
evening of the 'third Moniftl� of�racl teynolds, EgmtandvilIe to Mr. John years taught school at Z;gmonr}vide into the community. and oxpressCs It- louse bands and wide harass bud tucks
month till time foliutivin slay, 7 ttvr,Jay , near Seafortb, before starting to col, self in civic service. .�,........�.,.w..,.w..� �.» .•..
Mcllhargey,, son of Mr. and Mrs, loge. It is very important that,we should ,
cut ! fi'm' -- MoIl'hairgey, Lixcau, wag performed -Death of Margaret Mills McCrea out our heart and souls into our
IIlCTIG St. James chub, 'Sea£orth,• by - homes, for the kind.of citixons. our
" e Rev. Fr. Goetz, on •Wednesday The `death of Margaret Mills, dao Boys id a►irla yY1ll.Iler ime _.iso dater= •
LB'S�S .DRAG' ' ;3oraming, Febz-I9th;-m o c26ek, r ' glmter �►f-Mr; and�4lrs Moil M mined by the kind of homes we make
r _ m >aeigaavc, removes a. bright young
Death of Mrs. Jas, Shaddock for thein.
CHIRtTd'ILACTtyR AIxTA DRUGLLa � life under somewhat tragic Circum-
'1'FII ItAI"ISL', G9DFRICIL. 1 T`,e death took. place in London oil otaucNs. Last suiximer while over.
aturday, Feb, lfith, of Margaret Iso.. he#ated'shte -lun ed ism a tank of• cold Capt7KTATLS
Equipped With 'electro -magnet' iii, beloved wife of James. Shaddock i It has come to be the ' fashion to
baths, El€ctrOgtc electric treatmemm vl"atem, and received: such a shock. as '
j, , tiny of 'Exeter, `Mr. Shads?ock :at to >sit et her heart.' She never recov- serve a cocktail rather that# a soup as .
sad eiiropraetic. Chronic, amrarani ie' aim# conducted the old Mansion , ered, and graadually became weaker k curtain raiser to. the meal, Web-: ,
and nervous 'diseases. ''Lady to a `Buse hotel. • besides her • husband, ;until the :end came on Sunda Feb. s e1 defines a cocktail as a horse
tendauc('. Office hours 2 to 51 bpd: 'to dant hter, Airs. Eva; `McMullin, y,
to 9 p.m:, excepting Monday stn 1t31 m, with its' -tall docked; a person pausing
id one son, Frederick E., at 1]etroi4.: for a gentleman, but underbred; a
'Mursda ^sand=by appointment , T. T)eafh -lei George Bowman •
3 txvive. rave beetle; a beverage of spirit, icedt��ao
A. °N, AL"KINSfJN, xesidenee fan, i Another chapter of t�o -Great War and flavored with bitters; a re para. RENS
otfipe, 'comer of oath street and Br Oosed in Iiamilton on February. 13th, tion of raw oyste s'or chins in keteTlf Ca'''" 4 ' '
taenia roasd Ph dor Instant in the death of George,.. son of 14r. up and lemon juice, seasoned with ta-tol
F`r iri ,and Mts. Joseph Bowman, formerly Basco sauce, and served in a'glass; or ,
i AUCTION 49RING of Wing}iafni, where Mr. Bowman was a kind of. a oloud." It is easy to picK
1IOIIAS UiUi ultY �' y In. kustness. for some years: Ge( out from these motley .definitions the
rl :1,�G1lAr r€a f
' oo apart overseas,: receiving some ones used as an appetizer --but one
blue Stortr ,tall amoral Auctioneer #. wounds, which eventually wrecked marvels' at the name.
Ri h1 Ave.. GoderIelr. leis 'splendid physique, For ,ionic
I Y ° fibs fruit cocktail
Sales ma" overyxvhcre and all gffor' X T YiRi months- he was an invalid. The re- first course, is not qquite wanC1 of the
made to s, S you rtes disco , mains were taken to `l'ingham for in- above artieles,• •It _made any
cut- '
made tors' sale Notes disco #,:ted.
i?6oiae i!t►.. _ _. . termenL ting a variety of fruit into rather
E5IsE"X 1V: iiSlitafi AtlC1'It1\I.l;i '�:,'✓ Com; •a Deaath of:Mrs.-Goo.. R Henderson small pieces, all together and +
pie s, putting geth
\TJiil' con.latet sales •any.vlierr, xt' ^` '• lie funeral of the. late Mrs.. George set glass
in sherbet glasses. The she#• r
frm mil are rductmarul and I Axils tet mit ��� E• Henderson, a well known resident bet gitlsS is sometimes set insido a
dlxh larger dish which is filled with crack.,
give satisfacttlon. /� Of Soaforib,. whose' -death occurred
Phone Carlow S3i't, or i►cblrrfis Tt. ll. ' rather 'suddenly on, Monday of Inst ed
to gee. The cocktail is merely a
A;Sisvotar:SiPdPyaa>vesfr g rificd sauce and is eaten with. a
Odder] cit :._ :d,.��.r.r»...r,•-....•,+ - weeJG-.�Ift .Toronto,' xvas. held � Wedneq- spoon. It is not much differentfrom '.. -
w —»--- -^ ~�- day afternoon in First Presbyterian any other sauce, its chief distfimetlen
1VC1t1`A1tY PtJELfC, ETC. church, Seaforth. Mrs. Henderson's y
,^. - �•- , lying in its name, or in the fact that
�'x1 BAILIE; ,.,r, 4 -oath coming after only a weeks• m11'- .it is a. sort of a fruit Trash.
a' ' _. ness from pneumonia, was a shock to Cam}ti peaches or pease, raw dp-:
lVFJT&,Py pUBLIG `� her litrge circle oi,friend's.h% Toronto, pies, pi�apple, orange, grape fruit,
General Conveyancing d one _ *Ad Soaforth: In Seaferth, Mrs,ban
Gpad Companies Represented (hit _ ' # ? Henderson lived all her married''Ii'fe anus, cherries or almost any fruit, .
y+llona fro. 298. a with 'the exception of the lust few
NCE r ` iNii 1; Y€isles, when for part of the time. site.:
madd her home in TorontoORE'THRC�A" i�arrrxor�d1.'
1�A.+X7�if r
cI{IlL6P \tUTU 1, i`1ik; 1�Sf a `Tt n 'The.Late. C. A. Bowe E�2'VIC�. • 3
At �
k-, AhiGi. COyIP+1�tY The passing of Charles A.. IlAwe of wH1a "REA TO.A SERI
j . , . , y, f TIM ONDITION. 81MU-MLY
f A4;1i. "AimTi'i 1St7I.A'I'I� tl TtyNV\ 1'R ►p'-, Blyth on Saturday, Feb. 15th, r€•. ou&� '^. •;
BRTit INSURED. MOWS another o£ the pioneer resi. A �UGH OR COL17 IM Y
The OtC1'g11t1h>fOia�Vi i t aEV 0 //SaND RENT 8 sill+ vn � NAVoT JUDGAW d> L OXE I
• - .. i . r,ents Of that section. Born in Prince TAINEO t4ND R E U RE 8 111 Ir,
'Value• of property ingtlred P;j to: din- sand garippe: Ldward County almost 79 years on t1tE4TED Al ONCE M CH
navy, 1910, t"ial,t1i8,915,00. i • t y� December 9th, 1873, he was, married 1NCONVENIENCEANo84PEt- . Of �O1atSe, #ILC does enter Into am1Y "PutCb2SC, hilt we must ill" be cDD�JCI0tt5 � = otbbr ttling5,.
OF I'10Ett5� James Gannon)'." 1'r. i- Heat And lnlWb M111- IN MAY 9E AVOIDED. r�
_ , to 14Zary E. Townsend, and the follow- aN $: aapl b Rel 1Aet E nEYE�Y Quaality, +luantity ,, condition —these and many other Conslderatlona enter into renal t�tty buyinK�•
M111 -
dent, GOt1et11Cim> Jas, t;xans,iLq 1S I- ! in Ian FOUND IN
dent, iodeviell; Ja
T. i , Iiay, �a�.at .aattai sub it oaR ithe g Sear he and his_ wife •moved to Thousands of homewlves in, Ontario and Quebec lases £canal that bmaylns at Domlftlon :Mores -•we l:
^"T" tams,, SCaforth. Morris township. In September. 1997, a nftrx week-trieana tear varus for: their mouoy. Try us. this w€ek.
t%rl3ttf and Chle lE. the Into. Mr. Howe was bereft of his _DO IFHOMAS
T11'Ii GC.'IIJii''r-It. i'. tIr C,reYgr, - wife, since which time hP received . ,
forth ; J. t,. finers. ''x'4intbrnp . Thi: gree# pravalitativa. ECLECT IC CAmPOELVS ' TONAVO
to win, Canaatanrr.: taeorge N,10'art. land and patient attention at .time
hit in. C nsl John Perris, • Ilarlo acts,
. ,hands of his brother, SVill,am. T -1y AWA*f5 1f0H'�T
` •]Ohn llennexvis,a Broadhaaon, Alun Exeter Lad Has l.eg Amputated 1"ol� I Q. Mustard
Gibson, Brurellold, r'' 1 SOUP i1ni.
�1t,17 V"1"fiw-1. 'tV J000, Godem+lch ,. Sa l lowing Accident p `
b,nitoli, Minton , ' .m , Chesney, 3 � FLOOR _
er x rtrm
fartaN R Ilinchley. Seufortit, Q ' N and, flies. Albert T. Harness son
Mr. rim
f '' .lack, the six-year-old -son of Mr.
Polle' itordom runt pay their ass • ,
ltnents at Cilvin.C.utt's stare. Goderi iiia crita.ally ill in the Victoria Hos.
A. J. Moorish's Clothing more, Clint :pita], London, the result of 3n cries . GODERICH; $'0+ m>rrr odl;te ns SA
� Bo � ��,
tl J`..H Ileid'q $9�11e1d or Iudl2ed
received to a runaway accident Sat-
- -t�11urday afternoon, Feb. 15th. On Talon
g'tlttltr., INSUkANClt: t dry of last week Messrs. Silas Reed,
Have It attended to by the Harold Taylor, Sylvester . Taylor,
E r loye, Baynham, Kirit Button, W. H. " � .
t• stablMed I873 a zanct X. • Harness of Exeter, went to' Jnr 1f"a n:tvmmna Pkt. 190
Ucnd Omce: punttannan, On(. ��' ,. , London to give a blood transfusion to
Wrn. WAtson, Auburn, YyrCalHe .tlm lad -and-tho-lot-fell -tie Mr. Reed. _-
Chas. iiCewttt, Vice President; J Immediately after the transfusion t1le 11. dl ,
Gfrvin, Icon. birector; . t I14� rases mtt;t .
{ Director leg seas amputated half way between i, ; ° °(" _� hiflt�' .amlGafA aratac. i t
W. J. Thompson, Auburn, Wm. lt. ,. the knee and the hill. 1 t' ° ,a�i,t a RIN 0 sa>rtr.r,
I� a 1ur �� cull
uilian, St. Helerr£m; ,+� � � •• t •� • � � ..�^ P����� A 1� rtt�. �e I�C
��ii W. F. need, t�. ,► t i , � , , •y,a>, ,►�
1Vo, 2t Lueknow; harry L. Sallee � Monsignor Dennis O'Connor L3ortr in r 1 t7illdtEttti"L"s OktAkvc
Gaderiell; Alen. Nicholson, Ludcno n hic,rris Township, Has Been Made `K i � t to
Tim Griffin, R. R. No.. 7, Lucknox; .y 1 tin w crlrc s
h. Bishop of 1'eterloro, `� t • �.t 4 �. a xmW .c LatherO Soap � 250.
Chas. I -Witt, Kineardlne; itobt. Da " ,. Iii, h t Rev. Dennie O'Connor, D. C. ' � � � � �-��" c•
idpon, Dungannon. „ > ..✓ L., 5. 1. I.., was born near Myth, the „i4 v" e`; ( it C327u �ii�llc pvzsC
nate-49-00 Per thousand. "• son of Bartholomew O'Connor and; r s�>r,. �+�1 a,Atar.a
THOS. STOTIIEM Treas.y m l*atharine TiughCs° in i894. fie was i 1 ' im ft" S d�G� � Watt 15i0 Nisar: S* "" ,aorae,l; 4100
CECIL TIvb,LiAVLN, Seely. tj �• . i . i
...sem educated in the schools there, in Caode- . � V : • 1. � th,A°1C;tt9ri csmr,'rl�m
rich Collegiate Instituter Assumptioii ,.. I �'i
• College, and finished his theological : l� �� •�r�1 � t+ CO j aRIE� HT1% 25ew PEANUTS ',it - 45a
education li at Grand ed to sty, bion-
.., ro '����+tical'. lie was ordained to the priest-, '''� Dtst:rb !lIJJJ hood June 0, 130;1, by the Tato Arch- iF iT�i lcl?t. "��� pepp$ll'l1ht:fi."eAMfs hn9;
bisho Few us P. MrX'Va of 1`oron- i IT 56JO�?Jd Macaroni
Ga�ne"1OlW P g $ y, '
The �.etaaling weer r to, who was for many years 131nhop � DIAMOND
loan IA Directors of London. Following his of dinatioll i•�i �N� !{��`� ����� r�
Idren s stobAchs *our, axed IWIl taro Father O'Connor seas stationed at St. WARM YOURJOES � "�'oilet Flush Tin 233 ChOoOlate Ribs 1'b' 3410
at1ll iiatlbalmers id. Iieep theft *y*tems ow"t with Alphonsus Church, Windsor, for tlaxeo >
Ase Artllbxlknef Service ams Milk oI lllg0e*iAl Whetm you come home at night too
t3rdern carc�lutly attended to en tongue or brreltth tells of acid rears, and in 1912, xvas Balled to Lon.
Non by Bishop M. F. Pallan, to time cold °that your firmoral ache, and
at all hours night or day. We fan, ---Cermet', it With er 400nfal of staff` of Bt. Peter's Seminary, tA,lon your feet feel like blocks of ice. Map% �i�#
the inspectors of
anatomy in Moot then and vernal bate that Institution was • oflleiall That's the time you need the Beat E
S3- nos**
and for the Catinty of Imide, oafortm he this universal o itr edellcRemv, : 1,°elks to xvstrnm yo;r. �
Phbnes• Stare Yom, IitSirlence anaor,p taatheax *heuld. invoke its year •ime eucceca,cd 1,axr. °
pl . M directorof the senmin.:Por the remaining cold, .nlghta of win -
t tttt23
Ake,cy t neutt It Is
more Acid asy, v 1 ftbhhpost Ito has held with dis- ' ter, and the taw, wet eveninga of y '
he laar*her ttlin" too oftefa an• tmetion alnd o that time, Ito vats early spring. i
ler than aturppoe. Na lton*tho}d twice honored by the Pope, lseing Make sure of having your Ixoatme conk-
bti �ritkaatt•it, made vicar general of the dfoeese of a AWRICAN
it. Wheeler is the gesuftalr,,. pr2a f1 tiatllml London its time year 1015, and domes• fomtabL by oedema- the tin tx tonal WBAVTX T�1d►�r350
' „ Ip* P of U I, & W f;aal�tlle attalgt ectal• °
plar�llciaral etlllotate fir cal tie preidte,
in 1316. Monsi"Or it � fort per ciollar of atly carnal You can atw .
Funeral 1CgC�,q►>C lkiit nattlt f* imamportaamt. milk of Conn1or has been noted for his speak.
ed In m in
n t1 pulpit, and has been petard buY' f tltFEM *1a3t1*tt a
to°Y issue ti %tae U. S, xegl�etctrd inay mn.tlma
Imb"t� at'k of 'tom I-AdArks X 1%illi special >r€rmon thre"jthotmt
Citi, Raid Its pia' t- rle* London diocese. CALL TICE �r �t $X.�E 11O5�a
lei 0i'iC ri It► lips of" 187X. = = v11V4118
fDu the Safe I3imle WAN r'0ct ir4cK ta_.avrt"a, tea►. t TrL
All €ails promptly tr aatttletalK PSFatlmeuo"d,A,rt there half faat", fire "at�s' itMl RICE lbAA.s. t>�
wilts; or night thitd+efa. Q (;Oi,
ddirr D tinder f!?ati@I!C!,'. N WARD
rf,00tted liaorr tib; 711ea.a tt5<var Vatbq d'Talat'rs rill rllslmt. Ivo on.o` ° l�mN
ly Saaod''c'atM�ti°'� i'ktmfte 98 tddcxiCh _
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