HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-12-26, Page 7111111ISDAT. DOC IS. tong
I the raise el a sahsigs, i=sos eathat ens mien Dyllpepelai
Chstis• Ins
loam to nod amid kora seesasking it
teas opera poor and in great mod et a The phiesorse
drew sot is •eke bard days of- •
stilrZsc..wi%on. • ..14stro ww*:": Guilty Stesseb
long whilettlwriaer tlie tends. She
hard; *ad in long lint tbe money wail A ilyepaptio own be vete emend of
is her head, arid the white drete ha what lee awns het how often **Wan
0Wn. tassptiag is pleas& bofaro hint tint
fallowing day was "Main, *odd sit win woe* loaratog *at if
SuridaY," which come* owe a month he dote lie will outer dor it **ti Yit
in African churchen and the miesion. loo dent not Imitate is rake frasla
raised eh' tw, sold food, worked
ary friend wondered if in her desire of it sad totting Most
for it dress Ngo luid fergotten her Al- - Ths Itaon way to get Ai a this
- ' fering. terrible ailneat la toe take
'•Iiigo Ids/imbue," site asked, 'have
. _ .
ou *limey for your envelepe toimar-
Announce• ment bas reeently been made that E. W. BeSaw
0,t right) formerly Vice -President and General Manager of the
Firestone Tire Rubber Co. of Canada, Limited bas been
promoted to President. Mr. BeSaw started with the company In
1909 as a Salesman and has bad a most brilliant career. liarvey
S. Firestone (at left) rubber pioneer and one of the world's
0sitstandhul, figures in commerce and industry bas been made
Chairman 1of the Board.
64 0111000iNrismiemillownlemminkspresmemewesalidtatimisamet
Sunday vtlfternooni
ifoly Jesus, every day
ISABEL 1144MIZIT" Gamic& Ont.
ninannetioniestwansonsinenosinseliolnettiaiiiteatssiotisioserinsinneutioneano dean ,,was working late she would
The lessons for the 'first and soond speak to ane in the hall."
"Mama," responded Ngo, day
that Ngo Notimbue envelope doeert't
go to church you may know that Nge
is dead."
The other Waled i$ related by a
secretary for missionary edacetion.
She was median a book as sbe trav-
eled down town in a New York sub
nay, when she suddenly realized that
the shobby elderly woman beside her.
was trying to look. on. The secre-
tary asked her if she had read the
book. The WiPtiati said she bad not
but that :the knew Miss Jean Mac-
kenzie who was a missionary in Afri.
ea, and the book was about that
"Miss Mckenzie is tho writer of
this book," answered the secretary,
"where did you meet her?"
did not know Miss eim wrote
books," said the Yemen. "'I used to
be scrubasoman in the rreshyterian
Building and many fines' when Miss
Keep US lathe narrow wayquarters of' the year are to be found From stet a beginning came a
ad esibeirearthly things le tee Beau ensteeew They tem unique little mission study elass with.
Mare past,
ligtng our ransomed souls, at last. be dealt 'with in this column each this woman and a few ethers like her,
week condensed frounthe writings of which lasted three weeks. They niet
Illhere they need no star to guide
' Dr. Joseph Parker in his book entit- at the. saeretaren :house. oaf the
e Th, -
15. C. D. PRAYER When the 'wise men from the eas'• roan Catholic. and -three were Prot
•came into the house they hardly sawI' testants. At the last session there
S 404, Light of the hearts that' the mother of Jesus. It was the child 'were refreshments, and before they
Wit Thee, and Life. of the souls that they cattle to see and him they tell parted the secretary could see that
teed Thee, and Strength of the Own before and worshipped. It waa there was a matter to be -settled.
tnaughts that seek The, grant us not a literary slip, the mentioning of Finally one of them said: "You beat)
idt 'Otter° no clouds Thy glory hide. led "The inner Life of Christ." group two were Jews, two were Ro-
clerk aod net easily seen." Mosidos
Davey these is ths Maeda* Cat. aide,
Fish sad rioter hog. sad uses ---
tow that hakes to two
•very deliglithl. thildrea-Pstey amid
Geraldine. Tao anoint *aeon tenet
fare told eery' funny rykaini and
iths pkturee.
"'Saucy and AW' is written by Het
en Shackleton, illwarated by bath -
The Star and intildnIt Fite Press........
The Star and The London Advertiser... . b.50
The Star and The Toronto (Jae — 630
The Star and The Mail and (*.SO
The. Star and The Toronto Star.............. 16.50
7 he Goderich Star's
leen nhatideton, and pubbehea
Macmillan*, Termite.
1) It is interesting to know that these
;are linter* of Sir Ernest Showkli tee, •
the Sinuous explorer.
A Mentz, Story foe Girls
In a little . ote :weenie village in. . The -Star and The Fantle:fa Sun.." .......... 3.25
Main lives Opal Farley', with Grand, The Star and The Pamily Herald and 'Weekly Star 4.00
!father Joseph and cold, print Aunt The Star and tietwornev viens . C. Sit .
4 Gerelnatei but Opal bee a Meting - ,
famile."'for that is What she calla • The Star and Saturday livening Post 147.:...... - ci..90 .-
her white eoekutoo, a pettaliar bird The Star and The New Oittlealr' A 6 • 0
that is. her insepaeable vompanien, The Star and Canadian Homes and Gardens.... .4.6S
There him not been multi Jay or hap- . The Star and May Pair . 4.65
pines* in Opal's life until *he meets The Star and The Youths' Companion.. ...... 3.7s,
the wiy. happy Halliday family U4s)
, mute fir the summer and stay on tu The Star and The Cathor e Record 4 7S
Ithe quaint old house then bun. . The 'Lir and McLean's Magazine 3.7S
A new life °Ilene uli for Oral and • ° Tho Star and Rod and Gun •• 3.S5 ,
rate is even allowed to g0 to /lialk • The Star and .Montreal Witness 1 SS
school: She hes always felt she did- • The - _ r
ota and World Wide . • .. ... .... .. 44.25. •
_ n't really belong ta Aunt Angeline ne
amen rem tee wean neeneene • there woe so little 10V'. Th- theft ef
nerfott withea, tow up the otwoutele the white caekatoo, the kidnionainn of
Special Clubbing Rates lath other Periodicals
makes pare blood, and rettozirisst Opal iind her rescue by Chtistopber . ..
eyatem. her identity. Opal finds She realla Ceti at the Sul °Mc% oti' 'Phone 71 for any inforoveien.
eren Neer mete, reenweetk 00, belongs to some onee-to a very weal-
writecanitror * par a nae. eetslaned thy family in Waiibington. Grand. t•• •
visa eyenenelaa esie trine all ate& ee father Joseph% rot:tame is also ant i ----------- se•----•at----de-Neen-----a-a-L--------------------
WO, *ad stretigth. to the Wed !Wider lead to the esteblishment of itnay be had on application
eerthed. "The Little Duke," Everyman, Ifi
ea was se bid r was sown to eon "Coeltatoo." by Gledee Hasty Car- i Nations. Association.
lett after taking Ono bottle* of Burton "Geese Firing" and other stories, cents.
•inataa Bitters t ran est saiirtlilint I is a- book that girls from 12 to le iblifeeWmiisllitnesd, Tneurlobenro; is "13.1isiked by
roll, is published bv Ideentillans end
to anyone who writes to the Child.
A complete grade() litt will beset*
ren'a Library, St. Owego SLi Toro*.
film.% tliVe* fol SAO and bre had no. will ell.loY.
Put up only by The T. agile= 004, i$ a collection of telling tales of how The List
Ltd., Toroato, Ont. the League of Nations *tots the Dent, 16e,
I nVai*rY Wes" II. C. Anderoon, to.
translated by 'Mrs. E. V., Lucas.
For years Mother Graeae' 'Woven
more attacke.51 - Cease Firing
children of its signatories. Two lite
ble worm preparation end'it alwera
Exterminator has emitted es a
took. A Mies Elizabeth `Barrett bus
drawn Into- the turmoil of a border eents.
are VratieeS Browris. Dent Everymeto, 76
"Grimm's. Wonderful Chair," bv
maintaine its reputation.
already putlished some poems, but. shepherd boys
tle Bulgarian
skirmish but see it die down because "Don Quinote," 'arranged by A. A. , ... _ -
dier of
te noruoh 'etrhte isPUrobsviia°inh:s irest, of the commands of the League. , !Methane Published by WelliAardners
Gaslrell is falling hi. love and the AONADIAN NATIONAL. BY
A little rug weaver or Persia: wile , en 0, 4,
Bronte cbiltiren are at home seribt has -sneered frightful's?' Srom the ap-1
nailing torelitione in the workshone, Houghton, $2.60.
"The Chaucer Story Book," or
Wing. leingsley, Ttiollope, Charles TRMN SERVICE to TORONTO
Reside and George Eliot aro all at fears min* for the fate of her little. "South With Scott," Collins, 5s.
school. Wilkie Collins is five years brother, but learns to her joy that the "The Story of My Life," Helen
wito live bY a lake in the ' Keller, Grosset. 75c. DAILY L:c.crian sulkIrmy
urn( Thtt grace aud blessing as we of- the yotuag child first and the mother told us of .so many places, not only old, and Rossetti is a baby. Ratlier a• foreigners
Plagalnyeat after all, this 1829 i land' of Snowy Mountains hove de -1 "Westward Ho!" Kingsley, nfacutin tins, oesienee 6,20 eaa„ 2.20 ea*
fete Cop our common supplieations, and afterwards. Notice the frequency of in Africa, but in tide country, too,But can 1829 furnish, as well as creed that no very young children Ian. Os. . " Clinton 644 am.. 2.50 pea.
*sough we are unwortitY te aPproach the repetition. In the 18th verse we where good deede are d,one, that we
"When Canada 'Was New France," o Seater% 0,59 a.m. ens iena
be employed end that the condi. %tee, or to ask anything of thee at read: "Arise, end take the young want to give a littof books which 1020 le to help on. glimpses ot the premised land a list intlY
can stm onion? tion of all musti be bettered. L nate.. tient, 36e. " Mitchell 7nt
21 re, 3.35 tem
ralt voutesafe to hear and to answer child and Ifs mothere" and, in the Won't you send this envelope to
'No yoang Austrians who stIffer "nne Tietnot Series." Lam' Perkins, Arr. Stratford 1,45 nen. 4.04 p.m.
tee ter the sake of our Great High 200. and 21st verses the same express Point Barrow for the little ones ? sleep on all the volumes that a hula- : "en
Or has the dust settled aS thick a$
huneer are only relieved when, Wouebton Scheel Edition, 88 cents. " Ititebener 11.40 a.m. :/0 PM -
Ant' es,. for was he not before all things? He
The rule iti Christ nest We have picked up most of these
pennies on the (Ace floors as we ene board io the front rank of mod- leenntry's loin% are guaranteed anti I netemeirs of a 'Donkey," Meentn. 0 Toronto 10.25 ami. 7,a0 pan,
lithest and ,A,dvocate, Jesus Cheist. son °ours. - - -- tired years ago put tneir authors oat 1 by the influeuce of the League,' tbeir eThe Scottish Chiefs," Jnne Porten " Guelph 0.04 tent. 5,30 peso.
(Prom prayers nee Family Men takes precedence of the whole uni- cleaned' and we want them to do some ern writers?" envie stability aseured. i lane. $1..00. Returnieen-Love Toronto 7,56
S. S. LESSON FOR JAN. nth, 1930 verse. "All things were made lay gnod. r ",1/4, raa first on the list, of course, will In Japan two boys assist in the t wine Story of Mankind," Van 12.64 pen. and 0.05.p.m.
Ineso• ti Topio-Childhood of Jesus. nitn; and vn heat na was nornainn ....... • —• he the ever -delightful "Misfortunee of carrying out of the Ioeoneten plans in t
't Id From The Missionary Monthly
thing made that was xnade " (3' Int
a An n mite rnornieg train, and Toronto •
Parlor Cafe Car Clodaveh to Tors
Leeson Passage-Matehew 2:10-23. lean ilOCKEY satEntrrx rephin" by Tnomes Love Peticoek. regard to the quarantining of cholera o 44E7 f I r
MitChell have been grouped togetiter end'
And "Anne of Greleretein" comes sec- infected ebipe which do so much toinardnon nd. (lode% en 0.0a pale train. Or.
• a ans 0 Clizldren, e tat e
Golden Text --Matthew 1:21.
Not only did the Nesemen worship Godench. Clinton, Senforth and
for it ie ncatt, and good Seott, spread the dread disease along the 4( 4.
+ 0 on 1 Area treture Stoewn to the ohli-.
,,hankt. or cora betweeu Goderleit ardt4
Christ, they presented unto him gifts, 'f it t t S tt A d e wded roost arts 'And doronta.
SR CE and this is taken by some to prove Club being' represented by Harem- alone ens, to Ina eh t month';
11 In the intermediate "en "8 lle J514 U3 ele • P P , • •;
_„ "gold and franitineense and myrrh." As gl'en•P
• O. H. A. The schedule Was drewn Marryat's the ensein't (Iran." Nelson, al.00.
"Prank Mildmay" is a safe through mere' choraries
• These gift,s were native to Arabia at Seaforth last k th God ' I third. g can't find epe o. 'drama, let rent effect: et the Lean.rsA is seen. t
t h' h's `et has the endorsement of the Logue of' 45, 64,
Chaplet of Pearla," Macmillano Town Paneenger and
f hem* Tithes Aeon*
I N A.
that thMagi earne from that town dindney, and . as f nows .• of famous plays; bet there is a for- .
N ttles.•,r eV 4iad seen his star and fel" len • 8-1Vfitchell Gederich. midabie "Hietory of the .ieWs" .by
wee , e ene
lowed ' until they found *hint and Millman which Y should like. you to
gave t eir adoration and low. God
°Ph • . was W telling over there and ht the
right • inament directed them back
home by an entirely delerent road.
"And being warned: of God in a
dre.ant that they should not return to
Herod, they departed into their own
eeountry another way." This. incident
and the suneeeding one of doseph's
being warned elate in a dream,how
us how God on. and deies interpose
in .litnan affairs drinhad there is a
ministry of warning in cur life. Not
only so but there is a watching min-
istry as well. The angel of the Lord
watched the young child rid his
Mutual -Life
.Assurance Company
woman.. ISP
-11e3AD OrPtag lif',ittargio:1)11T" '
' 0. 0,,MOONEY,.Agent
Pawn 250
6--Goderich at Seaforth.
" 10-Ooderich at Mitchell.
" 14-aGoderieh at Clinton.
" l7-Seaforth at Goderiele
"' 17-Mitehell at Clinton.
• " 21 -Clinton at Mitchell,
think I brad read; and you can have "
the , new Bulwer Lytton, "Bever.
0)"" or a yell/ gad eoatunte 'novel
by F. R. P. Jetties oiled "Rieltelieui"
or "Hungarian Tales" (I don't pre -
24 -Clinton ut Goderieh. tend to have read themll by in
the ths
• 24---Mitthell •Seaforth. ioreble Mrs. Goren There is pretty -
4' 28-geaforth at Mitchell. certain, too. to be a publication by
" 81-Seaforth at Clinton. L Rale: but wrote so mutt. poor
Fob. '3 -Clinton at Seaforth. darling, that it is quite impossible to
Referees: Clinton, C. Draper D. remember- which -Valuate • belongas ao •
Thorndyke; Seaforth, 0, Dick,' D. whinh year. That is all 1829 cath of -
Reed; Mitcaell, Thorne, Easerrnan fer you, •untess have forgotten half
and Sawyer; Godericli, B. Chase and a einzen masterpieces, as it is likely
H. m
Or. ,: ,GODESISSI, ONT, mother Watched tau wale me , watch- BOOK,LOVERS' CORNER
• ed Iferrid.
Tarzi . We lean front the next incident in
(Cord -hued from page 6)
dead•and Shelley. is nead, and Byron's
- tine passage, that •men's simple busi-
"Joss +heart has hun these Ave years at Xis
neos m perplexity. is to obey.
Break it up
Wore it gets.a good hold.
' ' : *Heat and inhaleldlinord'o.o, Also
rub the linimeut on throat and
cheers 'A scot preiredatien -
enough. Its a immesh lost -two un -
mortalities, two geed nooks, it history •
and some rubbish! When, after all, ,
hundreds of books must . have bon
pa -Wished that year. 1929; looking at
1829, has manly a right to put its
ehim so Ones nd though WOrdilWerth M. -
nose in the air and sale a little.
eph arose and took the young
in•full tige., Dorothy, the beloved But 1 wonder if 2029 will think
and bis mother 4bir night, and depart-)
longer drinks the milk of Paradise in
• ed into Egypt.' The coign aid, sister, le very ill; and Coleridge no "I-Clenlenee Dane'
;part of obedioce. Atter activity their company. Poor Hood, that rob -
"The Hawbucks,' by Jahn Mase -
"And be thou there until I bring thee Per and may not choose his tune.
f "Arise and flee."' That is the easiett
To be reviewed sl,iortly •
-comes patience. The ' angel said, in in a cage, has to silt foe. his sup -
field (Heineman). -
Clare and Barnes are living their
werd." That is e hard part of life.
;nein ars' timeof eetreat in every pastoeel without having much atter "Verses For Children," by Arthur
Sbepherd who gets more does not Bourinot.
°With the Blida," two little helpful
tion paid to them, and thee Ettrielt
great life, thnes when Christ must be
driven into Egypt,. when the prophet
think he gets enough; and the Poet, volumes," published by Dent and
. must be baeished into eolitudee when
Laureate never stops writing -but Sons.
John the Baptist niust be in the desert
Who bothers about Southey as a poet?! "The Hidden City," by Sir Philip
eating locusts and wild honey, when
he essayists are in better ease. Gibbs, published by Doubleday, Doran
Saul of Tarsus must. be driven into
Lamb is bowed with private troubles and Gundy.
Arabia-44os wizen we are not to be
-lie writes little newadays; and Hae. dNinsyua,"• by Georges Beignet,
published by the Louis Carrier Co.
Sound You wont to be et the front,
been earl_ Iitt has but one aggreesive year left
insteiad of that you have
felled to the reer; it la for a wise to live; but Christopher Northes still "Ile Flyina Canoe," by'J, E. Ros-
• eignol, published by McClelland and
purpose. Then Herod, when he saw rollicking in Blaelevood, and Leigh
ea was mocked or the wise xnenoLlret Ewa finiekink in the Coinparnoie and Strart.
the wise men did not mock hint at De Quince. is profound in dream, and Kidnapped by Air," by Dillon
all; they were not unwilling to all Dander is laying Boswell to the Ely. 'Wallace,' published hy McClelland
$0 were personally concerned, if they Moore, writing the life of Byron
and the dear canary, Tom and Stewart.
The Great White Zinitnent themselves with him, so far as they eland. Besides the reviews some suggest-.
a 'could couttibute aught to the carred titles for thildreids reaeing are
itig out of his expressed purpose to y- his friend: But I don't remember 1
that any of thein enriched 1829 with 11 000
linen, taken at random
"worship" the child of whom they an actual published volume.from a list of ,
books "which the librarians of
themselves were in queet. Herod was But though it is scarcely a year as teretnotoysttranbt giLhrilsr' Library
mocked, vexed from heaven and be achievement, tate has to realize that
was exceeding wrath -and sent forth tbe pause is merely the pause be- , definite andDernlattent interest,"
and slew all the children that were in tweert a great first act and a greater 1. "For Very Little Petiole"
Bethlehem. The power of badneso second one. For consider what , Saucy is "e. lose -able ca. iyou
en•---s-n---neneen-seeneen-------stes-e---a narrative is true in the ca3e of Her -
is destructive, We know that this
Georgian world!
youngoters there are in the earlier I know what I Merin. For his nolor is
ile ' ' 4 • iiii....
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Vivo famous British artists. are contributing to the will be one of the wovld's largest shim and will ple-
a: decorative scheme of the new Canadian Pacific the St. Lawrence Diver route between Southampton
42,000 -ton liner "Empreso of Britain” now being built and Quebec. She will be the largest ship between
on the Clyde. Prank Drangw3m, R.A., is designing, Europe and Canada. Her speed la still a myotery but
the dining saloon; Sir John Lavery, ILA., the Ball will probably be around 20 knots, enabling her to)
Room; Edmund Dulao, the Smoking Roam; W. Heath make the trip in five daya. She is due to bo launched
Robinson, the Cocktail Bar: and Sir Chariots Allom, early net aumtner and will be in reetvice in 1931. 'nit
.the First Class Lounge. The "Empress of Britain" shownykaselnin advuneed stage of conetzentien. .,
• .
od, because it is true today in our exs in 1829 we find Beddoes writing to .. s
perienee. When •Vre are VeXed and a friend. A day sooner or later
niocked and disappointed, we do ex- titan this letter will arrive, I hope.
wetly what .iderod did -we grew ex- the celebrated 'Fool's Tragedy of
acedingly- vie.th, • and slay. "We an Death's Jet book" In 1829 a yearn'
play the faol under such visitationo. professor called Longfellow is on hie
It is only by the spirit of Christ del- Way bark to America after thorough -
ling in tie that we risto the high in entotoine his grand tout. .as his
dignity and grandeur's metal done Poem are to show: end Sergennt-Mee
-Mien and spiritual eonquest. for Poe, who published a volume of off. all Water
When Jooeph was again vieitedhy verse two yearn ago, is doing welt in
an artgel a dream and told to re. the 1.1. S. Army. A. Mr. Alfred Ten -
turn tel hio oven land he feared to go ninon Lae just won the Chancellor'a
all the way.- Although Herod wee Pride ftr a nomsi wrimbucto:"
To Identify
dead hie son was alive and reinelen and another undergraduate. one W. •
in bus stead and Joseph thought M. Thaekeray, who luta just gone un
Areltelaus might inherit the preiudi- to Cambridge, Will be toadying it
•.,„„,, ees and hostilities of his father. next year. A less fortunate 17-year-
GenuittespIR There wt s no need for hint to be old its learning shorthand, though we
afraid for the angel expreeoly mid, ehan't know how difficult be little it
The increasing use of Bayer Mi.- 4ithey are dead wide)* sought the until 'David Copperfield" it; publish -
piths every year •ig tiltOi that it hat young child's life." That is always €d. A ptill young Thoup.s Arnold,
no ill effects. It is tho the ending of eviokednees; that ia the who writes on Raman history when
it' ao4 'history of all the assaults that over he r not treating the 14) "l0'11 public
titlote for pain. It always helps; never blue been made upon Jesus Christ school system, has a seven-year-old
harms; is safe to use freely as often and his kingdom. . noet in hie nuraery. called Matthew;
as it ie needed. Quick relief whenever ajemis than. reign 14100'er the 13" NeWiliAli ia still at St. Mar" and the
Does his sueeesswe Sourneya tan ; Carlyles are dug in at Craigenput-
you'll° a headache, or cold; or are Ilia kingdom stretch from shore to
tottering irens neuralgia or neuritis. shore,
The distressing pains of rheumatism Till 11100n5 shall Wes and wane no
yield, too, if you'll only give these snore."
tablets' a thaw., Bat be sure to. get
Cheerful Givers
gamine Aspirin. It has the Bayer
croz 07/1 evay tablet, toot for the Ttalling the leaves of it reinsionare `i
magazine, Women and Misstate) we ,
name Bayer on the b0,X, and the word intay found two little inzidents i
"genuine" printed in red. Proson di- whiek we long to share with AIL i
Tedious inside. - !Then were not connected in any Way,
exeept that in both of them there
breathed the sweet fragrance of Itap. t
spiRIN "Oartnediritflj,eZr.1'',1: a West
Airkin WOnifin. Who, turned away
.kek,ta 4 tr. n.s. to.A. m. yam fai et frOM $11 ts tong thinge in her Me t9 i
N 4 11,0 -- begin the adventure -with -Aso!. Al i
alle$VIMIC MVOS. twILOO 0011101118114.
WM. WO* tifteV4 MAI
111,00417OMILIN kossz.vosa aosailmouir
Memo 14
For the ffrst half
of the year 1930 if
paid on or before
Jan. 3rd, 1930.
Water and Light
, Commission
Cite and Hydro Store
Gives Name to Rockies Pass
4,;:e*?4anS te a se., ••. ••• tee ...., tete...tees.
•••••• .• t •
e.',114daeCtit ,eat
41 •
an' •
n nt•ninn; • -
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.. . , ...• . - n'aeisee:n.
eaenneittn.1 a ....,...-6..-::.AL:
-.-,.... • .4.-. - - ., •
... ., ..
.- .,-, T.6.;,,g.o. pass its the mountains' after him. Gibbon,.
Pass hao bitherte been anonymoue avel lite between
• ea Shadow Lao and 1111 Twin Lana, below Dalt awl
Storni mountains in the valley of the Boast midway
between Deaf and Lake Lotilas.). Not far front
travelled routed in tho Intekies rand bleated in ono et'
their snort pietureNue sections, Gibb:41 Pass was
" &Anal'overed by Mr. Gibbon viten hi' no plan.
ning tba route to be tehen by Trail Rider.; East cum -
suer and !dwelt hiked ever the trail bete/tea the two
lakes. •
The naino wad conferred recently by no Genswephie
-.Board of Canada in honor of Mr. Othban'a wart:
- imtr 710Vah3t, promoter of musical- and folldare fes1i.
vale and founder of the Order of Trail Riders of the
Canadian Reekiee evEdit uurnbsro me:ahem feent at
-•••••‘" -parts of this continent. Borax, and Aultrz‘Tila ecru
eeegnitien of the years of drowned leiter by I which bas *lone itieg3tiMbb worn In beine ng tho•
Murraysy Gibbon,renal publicity agent of the glories of Venetia to the lamiceige cog tizo world.
Canadian 'Pacific Railway, in popularizing et Cana- Lay -Out siateen this PAW. Win) inttOt of Mr. (ahem
"Mt Wellies taneugheatt the world, nee been frge,itcrs by • anit, brim eltreesp of eater of' avail Mere.