HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-12-26, Page 6ii PAGE MZ l )IN O dill CL U13 1929 1930 LET US MAKE IT HAPPY Why not start the New 'Y"ear right ©bydoing your shopping ,it � ARR'S GROCERY you will enjoy the satisfaction of getting only the Best in everything during the cohost year. Courteous Service Prices Right Wishing our many 'friends A HAPPY rS Yalae W YEAR Abundant in Health, Happiness and Prosperity SPARR'S GROCERY The Store of Sa*tsafuction. Hamilton Street — Goderich Phone 1461. We deliver hi town. ,ti\ mead* serum beside of food. Can- adian pradrners, there/ego, arum make eve-ty *dent to wanly tit* mar- ket, upon which they depend so large • lee Fitt/diet Scratch Grains , The a:tnorrnt of wrath grains. to #sed layers satiert with the different reason. s. In winter when nights are ' ?'est; and cold, hems ;;eed more of the ^east -feinting. enureayaproducats -crateh grains than in summer. Per the next three months about one qt. of scratch grains to 12 Metas or 11 not;aaci$ to 100 hems should be fed, Thie elloulil be sueplied an hour be- fore the birds goo to roost sa they will balm time to clean it ul before darke tlo riot feed any grafts hi the morning ee the Irene aro salt to fill ori on it end then will wit for it to digest be. tete eating any mash and obtaining the egg -building materials. A bigix crrado mash shnuld be kept before the tens n11 ` the time. The snare they "'at, the more mem it ordinarily means. Grit and shell .should be hop- per fed and drinking water always available, Supply greens. feed when Yon can. The Seed Market The elcike and red clever seed mar- ket continues draggy at unchanged prices and with very little moving at present from production districts., The export demands is reported un• usually low and uncertain owing to a large 'visible supply of American and European prodintion. Relatively law prices aro being offered to *rowers f and there is a tendency for them to NEWS AND INFORMATION hold ,their seed. The report from Thr,oeta early this month was. that about 25 to 40 per cent. of the 192'1. THE di(IDEWCH $TAE Wm& rJardiniere;biers. Beilig- ierNu: tea► Pa . fait Ex usabI. ; able. leihnaus: note the tit and as. ;acrennsags; doable m. Yrnat. Sraeayate .knees, ailment, ,Breese, disorder. Mrs J. reaarntas, Saki& Oat, at;cknews. indi apo►inion, cu,nplaainr, W- ynne: eeernay last tamer 1 ;ratty -red. firniit}. tion a severe eobl that left 1, Bitteenefio, harabnees, acrimony, W. with a Prov kis&, dile ltaekiag severity, unkindness, sharpness. rough, After Nay bothered, both day male, easiseeene, manly, manful, sail nitlt, with it for some tine I • virile, Masi a friend eeoit►*4nd 1 4'elebrated, illuatriou±, fumed, fam- w es Qui, renowned", eminent, distinguished. j Dr " u Act, accomplishment, sehievemen t r Norway v c?eeel, exploit, feat, transaction, per. a:arraan'e. Pins . & Shrewd, sagacious., elcar-sighiecl, $yup niseexning, keen, intelligent. 14,11800e Mtas coned m► a �►1"OIIChlal Col Word Study IniUIRBDAY. DIOC. $SW, HA The $30 — $120 Per Week Clam Real .kms Top Pay, Advanoeaseat a Avlblien Few weeks.proetiaal operated 0 0 Anse underGoveruseent Company Eindorsed by Engineers Gradustes a Dasteloteet ate t wssllk c Free Casuadiaaa Employment Service. a ams t HomoLifetime Srbolership. Write at Deice o Beane. Witty sod llentfit by new Income Plan while Eetitaetinas Q 1eedwer4,1 Jointing. Action to -dap insures $UC* a ShowArl Elm:treaty nets to -morrow. Melds Now. t Marls • itik X tie meson yetiars imeroaed is sad fail flair Campos far Meioses,' Booklet so COMMERCIAL,. ENGINEERING SCHOOLS 79 (legion Sr. W.. TORONTO—loose 100.357 St. CathetineW., MONTREAL, tsbieh T tried writ* weud�erful results, ",lEae a word three times and it is -__ _ ..rM. snot now it is the uidy reniedr ear yours:' 14,et res in.resse oar veztabu«: and winter men'iha than they usually ,ase for colds: Inry'by nfaititerirrll one word ease day.;receive. The lifetime tan imple- if `f >lve alio is your NilbuT a'l Wards. for this lyssaaa : ' meat may be Prolonged' and the 3lttert and Nerve Pill* With, t>eaaderful a mount of ower required to operate IMiPOSTOit; ones nob:, �lece'cves by it very mu.h ]esaeneal by propeal care. "Dr. Wood's"' is 35 cents s bottle; fare pretenses. "Now is our oppor« Most farm implements rust out sash - levy fealty eke t10 ce»te, at ail *Ili tunitY to expose this, impostor Witt and dealers. SAGACIOUS; of keen penetration Qr la Clifford Bailiwick, of. Barrie, Cfnt.,1 i tPd.,a m p o;alJObX The T. Milbuzis tlo., ' and lodgment; .sere k;, wise. Xt was one of three members of Gana- orauto, st. teas a sagacious remark.' dies junior live stock elu'bs chosen at IMPREGNATE; to saturate . or the Royal Winter Fair to represent d Why not remember the birds too 4 permeate with another substance. Canada• at the international joint live He could plant the Christmas tree and ""His whole being was. impregnated stock judging eompetitiorrin England havo as festival far the birds. - with lave. for her." next year. A £ew days later, witls much Gera- DIP'AIiA?CrEMFi1wTT; • ii e t rection; „�...... moray,. the toys. of the neighborhood depreciation. "What 1 say is no die Planted the rootless 'Christmas tree. paragement o£ his 'virtues."' • mRxBIT'a'ir; a cantributlon of an1+; 00 Oven - orf er - . .. a. tinsel, but u on each branch, was fuse •kind as 'e praise service ate alt toted a elia�te named for the birds spring is over and armor him Mot yet cease. Crabbe, that Nestor, still survives; SO docs Thomas Campbell-- and ampbei1 - and dull Samuel Iters is dill a aA oh- aele, and Mrs. Minims and poor 1r,. E. L. are still fluting; but Blake hes Peen :dead two years, and Reacts le (Continued an tap 7) )t►itowe 330 Por Uphatstsrieg, Repairing Rsftpiahiont A large range of Semple Coeur Anes carried • P. A. ZIMMER1VMAN ateh'en Sitre+t It had been eleared of ornaments and " (Sy ,Jane L-loltby) a beautiful tribute to her mem- .,A 00.4 1.4e is ills B.' CNa�ftsip, ' A pieta of dried bread, A small b k ] as et was of dried corn, a small perch suspend ,o REFLECT; over a box of rice rind bird seed, thoughts; to end scattered under the tree handfuls of the red clover was still in the . Throughout the winter months might be?" to ' turn' back the r think; poieder. Haves , what the come enetis i Following somebody's good edv ce; FOR BUSY FARMER yA crop of alsike and about i O per cent. •of dainties for rho birds to eat. Yon reflected qu r • (Tsarnistiecl by the Ontario Detartmriit of4grictalior;e) !growers' hands, 'The demand .far al- mile the groued was covered with a falfa seed is good ow]ntr to the short snout and the birds had difficulty in MilIer's Worm Powders act so there Id th t y.. i crop of liardv.strains this year. Pri- row food, a whole flack of feather- ougnly that stomachic and intestianel A Unique honor . ther has been satisfketor , except that ccs offered Ontario growers for good , d folks enjoyed the dainty` replenish- worms pass from the chi wi ou q being noticed and without inconven- RobertIiarcaurt, Professor of the water supply is ' tawtr. I'aultry quality aced, range from 80e to 40c ed festival around the Christmas tree. , Dr, ryillrete nition : prices have proved disappointing gen- a pound. 'Timothy seed is also:in fair The boy who first thought of the fence to the sufferer. They are pai � hes is se at O.A.C•, * orally, at the heights of the motet- demand. and at slightly higher prices less and perfect in action, and at all of his sarsrlGca to agriculture, has l R Christmas festival for birds fa un- times will .be found a healthy `meds- i bi d d i all. than last ear gown, nut this year in many parts ibeenluonorcd by the French Govern- nil season, any sa eros s in ;an as Y awr1, u y • cine, strengthening the infantile +; with the Cross of rho Knight- ; parts of the province have been im of the country, Boy Scouts are taking mot i Iteral Merit. The rrawsable for motor traffic. • Crop Report Icor Year up the pleasant coals of planting their domicil and maintaining it in vigor. Mood of Afo Gu S theresult of the diatinGtion comes US a after or every new book read an old one," 1 began wondering, as I'turned . over the final six of this. month's Choice, what sort of a list the Book Society would have made if it had been in existence just a hundred years ego. And being 'a confirmed ,past- - worshipper ;I cried •hungrily: "Oh, how much • easier it would have been to: have made a list then -a -days!" l For one always thinks of the last . century as a sheer riot of great writ- ing and great books, and .inclines to envisage the nineteenth century's.•. Gentle' Reader as one perpetually em-: f burrassed by the. need to choose from • The final crop bulletin for the year, Christmas .treee. CItriatticas and ous' eperetion, so :that besides being a t summer of n Smshine for : Poultry ' just issued, comprises an interesting of providing n banquet for the birds.. n effective vermifuge, they are re- visit to the `collet last M .cal and health-'giving„n t eir.elf ets ..party of et'-ricultural students and fa. dens need sunshine in thole poultry and informative review of agriculture Why not try it in roux neighborhood .• NTY COMPETE among •the masterpteees. And that a epity frons Grignon, .Trance, ti especiallydating th to i oda tori during the punt year. ration whur ng o winter n pr 'G i ori 1 . , .IEE TRIP WINNERS FRONT months, wean the sun shines but lit- According tor this review, faall whew , • MTINICIP , C,c);171`Tt,ILS VI• RE COU Winter Conditions tle. :Sunshiny in the feed la as bra wan better both in quality and quail- • Colborne ' FOR SCHOLARSHIP indeed is true of the forties, and con- . 1 s utaarseer Mack Stables, •B c Momateeml Street - Ink oft•tbe gquara; • �►G,► • SEVERAL FIRSr•CLASS AUTOS • READY FOR SERVICE GET YOU ANYWHERE . AND WHRI(IfDU WANT 70 CET THERE 'intones Meet all Tras* end Passenger Moats e., Passengers calledtor in say part 01 the town for air trains at d. T. R. or C.P. R. Depots .. Pronipt Service and - Careful Attendance v:w�► Our Livery and flack - Service will be found upeteedate in every respect 'tour Patronage Solicited' - omit of - portant as: any one of the other in- tity than antleipated. The average Colborne tent. council met Dee. The Eaton • Company donated fi#teen • aiiccordinl, to current rep E ed en s in cult ration, tinues to be true of the succeeding i ea winter gs i t a poultry' Egg -agricultural reiiresentat v over the whole province was about 40 lath as per' statute,'vith'all enembers',scholarships of $1t)0 cath to be ape' decades. ' Has there ever Ren sueh a buskels to the acre. The increased present, Minutes adopte4 as read. lied on two-year courses at the On- flowering as the flowering of the no - acreage in fall wheat sown this year correspondence reed and disposed of. rio Agricultural *lieges_ Duel h, vel.between the Victorian forties and is about five per cent., rather one..- The treasurer reported receiving $36 for winners of the e to the 1914? But there wasn't much choice Peeled under : weather : conditions. teem Mrs. A. Johnston for` rent of Royal Winter Fair. The awards, will in 1829. You know those leaden 'cold r Oats this year ,yielded but 90 per cent. roome in township: hall. On: motion be made to those winning higbest days of late spring, when the early conetitianes stave: prevailed th'roughout - Production, health, quality of shell, Ontario during Oeeerdber. The wen- . nutritive value of ogees and hatcha- bility are dependent capon it. Cod liver oil or cod' liver meal is the beat bubstituto for the direct rues of the faun. Both are quite rich in the sun .Iaght factor and available at a reas- onable price. Cod liver steal also supplies liver tissue that helps to build up thebload. The better pou1- try mashes which you buy already mixed either have Cod liver oil or cod., liver meal as one of the ingredients, so you can buy them secure in the knowledge that your fleck will get all the sunshine they need in their feed. Clipping the cows' thighsand flanks is a big factor in the produe* lion of clean milk. The eloaner the cows are kept the less dust'and dirt is likely to get into the milk when being drawn. A good halt' -day may well be de- voted at this time to arranging im- lalemen'ts and tools properly in the implement shed. Cultivating end seeding implements should be left at the front. as they will be the ones first reqaired in tea spring. ng. Prink - Ito V't 00100 ;feet Hera,'. coffee. ffavorir...captio. a ating. s.4sI1c1tstn .. , distinctively - enterable. . • so -Cow MEDAL Come 44 'Y au drink'lit, mgoit i",.,:. Competing • Per Scholarships Members of the party of 500 junior farmers who attended the Royal Win- ter. Fair this year • as ;guests of the Oatar]o Geternmeht are :competing for fifteen scholarships of'$100.eaeb offered by the T. Eaton Company of Toronto for. the best napes bearing on the trip and agricultural problems in general. Fotaminations of the con- testants have been Conducted in each county and the papers of the first ,prise winners in Oa various counties will be examined at Toronto for the fine! awards, The British Mallet A• housewife in England outbuying a little bacon for tomorrows 'break- fast or an apple or two for the chile dren's lunch, eeems'a far cry from an orchard or farmyard in Ontario. Yet it is that housewife and the millions more like her in Great•. Britainwho determine,to a large extent, the price our farmers receive for their pro- ducts. In 1928 Canada exported agricultural products to the value of $815,000,000, and of this total, about $400.000,000 worth went to the Unit- ed I+ingdom. But the competition is keen mei the British conauruerr de - THE KEMP AUTOMATIC OIL BURNER WILL .SOLVE YOUR HEATING WORRIES It hosts less to use tate Kemp Automatic 011 13urner and the first cost, si less. It has proven its worth during the winters of 1'x"7, 1928 and 1929, fulfilling completely the claims we snake for it. - It is entirely autowatic- makes a constant tempera- Lure possible There is no smoke -•no dust—no soot— no objectionable noise. E ually as satisfactory” in Hot Air Furnace as In llot Watcr or'Steamf Plants. 'We believe it to be by far the most efficient burner for Mot Air Furnaces In London and Stratford there are many satisfactory instalations in /lot Air Furnaces.' Ask any one of the user's what they they think of their burner—regardng. economical . cost of operntcotr •cteantines!r reedfrit from trouble and the automatic maintenance of a con - tont desired temperature. BUiLT BY THE STSATFORD ZNGINEERING 'C ., LTD. FOR SME IN GODERICH and VICINITY l'y LEO. J. BAKER am amok is air Rift :.r of an average crap. 'Barley, though. of Wm. Thom end: A. Fisher, that marks ]n a written. exar><iination. bloom is over and summer has not good in quality, was deficient in quan- portion 'o1 motion' passe;: last meet- Seven Huron Countyboyscoils eted Yet Ioaded the ground with immoder- . ` , T. ` s tiny. Corn on the whole was disap- •ingin reference to Mr. Linklater's hill and Mir. W Jos. Turbull Ethel, who ate riches; yrlren all irnawtlt•scams fox. phone 107 lltptttrralS;rept: 1 • pointing. Tobacco told .the slams re drainage, was rescinded to read, made the hi hest marks will' compete a moment at a standstill. Such :a ;,+, story. Potatoes are returned: as ex- , ""$2.22,82 for township's asseosment for against winners from other counties. Year is 1829. tra good in `:anality but only an aver- benefit only," Jn motion of W. L. An essaycontest was also open to $ For the Scott -Austen spring of the rage crap.. Turnips. are a short crop. Young and F. Wilson, the reeve and' inners of the fres ,trip. All ten nineteenth ieentury novel is over by . /i art Live stock generally Is said to be in treasurer were instructed to sign the boys from Huron County entered fthis (1829.. !Scott is still alive, certainly, rather poor condition; hogs are fewer road superintendent's .payment: vouch- on ouch . conts3st dud Mt:. Alvin I on the farms. Sheep and lambs. are era, The 'following bills were paid . ham, was declared Winn saidto have done better, and are in- Division court clerk, $15; Bailiff W. cede be judged agains odtor, Wing• a;id has just .published Anne of r. His essay "Greierstein,"but be is killing .him- the winning. self in overwork; and Jane Austen and o' the mother of the ' Walled nutria .modern shocker, Mrs. Radclyffe. Pea- creasing ip numbers. F. Clarke; $15; county, engineer (for assays from other' camr�ties. The ten is dead, seas h e on o moving thef S CE d $35.70;essayists HEALTH FRS tar r. ads), i4; elerlr 'kr revising votors lists On order of Judge; will receive a free: two -weeks couree cook is stall produenng masterpieces ; EXERCISE IN NIi 1'1;It Melvin Tyndall, far inspecting burial at the Ontario Agricultural, College, and Canada, although she has named srf cattle, $3; Artligr Str: ugban, in- Guelph, a town after ,hfm, has sent home John During the winter months, there -is, seeding- slieeP ]tilled by dogs; $3; All others competing, in these tale Galt.ruined, to write "Lawrie Todd" in our country, more illness than. Bank of .Commerce, ; for collections of contests must be congratulated on and Miss Edgeworth still has'-"Helite"• -- there is during the other seasons of taxes, $23::55; Mgrs. A. Johnston; for their -earnest efforts and are well de- up' her sleeve. But. Miss Ferrier and the year. There are several factors :caretaking, $15; A. C. Clark, for sup se of special mention. They Pamir Burney will publish, no more which contribute. • is this increase. ' plies, $2.95; °Rab`ar::RR. M. Young, for .arae. S novels; and Hatnhah More, :one .mag- ' One of the'chief of these. and one ]edger work, 1929, :$40. Nominations H�srvey W. Stephenson, Ethel ... ines, is taking less interest in her whose eorrcetion lies within the con- for reeve and councillors will be re- p-tarence Cllark, Ethe awn celebrity than in the brilliant trot of each individual, is the. giving! eeived in the township hall Dec. 30th Sohn McTavish,• 'Bluevale career of her net Macaulay, wiio i$ up or exercise or play alien the cold ;at I p.m. G. J. HETH RJINGTON, Walter Forester, , Lucknow ' writing essays for the Edinburgh Ise- weather 'comes. ' ( '1"awnship Clerk. Clarence Smillie,. Nensall view, and will go . into • Parliament A certain amount o f, physical exer- `""" ^""r .open nein year. Disraeli. and Bulwer Lys- r case is necessary to kee the body fit Ot7R WEEICLtt` LirSSCili15 Frank Wright,Wr]ht p r . Mervyn Ceidmore, uansell whether it is taken in the form of set- ting -up exercise or in play, or, again, simply tis part of the daily routine of ton have each a novel or so to their 1 r ! Ward. lien, WOORhain credit; but on the. whole it is a -dull . (Ey W. L. ;Gordon) , de- tithe. y Perm implements are certainly wt� -�-•' syr a .. attention :.. •i.., fall And ;,, +l,a'mr►r1d nt noetrv.• too. life, such as by walking, to and from Words Often Misused . --- work. Most people, during the ;star- Do not say, "I don't know but that finer months, of the year, do secure a fI made a .mistake.e' (Say, "7 may have considerable amount of exercise, be- made a mistake." cause they take part in $omci form of Do not say, "I am :tickled to death." outdoor life *Wee'" necessitates the Say. "r am greatly pleased." use of their big muscles. Unfortun- Do not say, "Where has, she gone ately, many people,. One the cold wen- to?" Omit "toe/ .: . ther , conies, lend en indoor life and "Prom this point of ' view" is pre. seldom bring the big muscles of their forable to "from this standpoint:' body into play. In addition, they Do not say, "She is more learned. continue to eat as utuch if not more , than him." • Say, "than he" (is learn - than they did when they were active; cd). they also starve themselves of fresh Use "herd" to designate a .number air, and live and Work, most of the of animals, when speaking of per- time, in an overheated atmosphere sons, say, "a+lisorderly rabble." tvhiclt,. in itaelf.'is debilitating. Words Often Mispronounced flee result of this abuse of the bode. Discretion; o as in "`met;" not as in ...for it may be..fairly called abuse—'4, Is that there a loss of tone; a state nAnother. Pronouns first syllable•: of comparative unfitness develops, with the result that there is more ill- . an, not un. -health and more actual disease than"imaritime; a as"o n "at ' first i a;; in during the months when the body is . t, . last i as in tin . or `time.." given reasonable care. Cold weather Ratio. Pronounce raeshi-o, or ra- itself is not responsible for disease•, sho" a ns in ear. in feet, there le much to be said for Disinterested; accent after the Vit; .the stimulating effect of cold fresh not after the second s. air. The illnesses that come with ., Answer; a as iii "ask,' not as in winter are the penalty of our neglect %T,: of our own bodies. •Just as soon as -- we put into practice what we know about exercise and fresh 'air, and about living and working' in rooms that are ni)t overheated, we shall be more healthy and there will be less aieknees. It may be inmessihle to continue the astute exercise in winter 1as in the summer, but there are many ways in which the xnceetsary amount t of exercise can be secured in whiter. Questioning concerning health,' ad. dre1sed to the Camelia* 3tedieal Association, 184 College street Tor- onto, will be answered pereonnuly by - letter. ti:.,v.Fr YOU HAVE A DOCTOR'S WORD FOR THIS TIIE BIRDS HAA CI*RISTMAS TOO Most 'once upon a tine' stories are - only fairy tales, but this year one of therm is really coming true. It is, a pleasant story, this one, about a boy who thought of a way to give a Christmas festival for the birds. It was the day ,Miter Christmas in a small town In the rraiddle-errett, and a twelve year old boy was standing in front of the isyly decorated Christ. men tree tin his home. '.There were many pretty trinkets and coloted ore sow* on the tree and candy and awaits.. The thing that welted his eattention aweigh was ri glass bird ittyelit pettiest ea the teptrsost bralreh. - was a sugar cane hastitintt on ilia Iiaai teenier. sad it seemed to the - bey that tits bird was trying 16 reach dmrn and perk it. Tart boy was thinking that in a few - iaws the pretty tree waned have to be •alirrsreteel and he was weadering what _ lie mild rio with it. Aare dean like to lust lose a cgarietn*as ties **Ida. sod ie tbr•.c modern days only a few pep nave * ilrypWhir* a te in Whir* atria tree eat end 1ta renter in a blow of ally, Solara, a teemed mime to biro. 'flay" clari tstsrs tnleatrte% *am sao .fitters for Mrd Ciood "flaw* ter other*. - is 187s, an earliest young nian began to .practice medicine. As a family doctor, he caw the harms in harsh purgatives for eom tip:tion and began to search for sonicdiing harm - lees to the sensitive bowels. Out of Iris experience' was born a t a tft a ti 5 prescription. lie wrote it thousands of times. It proved an ideal iexaitive for old and young. As people caw how naarveiotrly the most ting gish bowele are started and bud breath, headaches, feverishness, nausea. gas, poor appetite, and such disorders. are relieved by the prescrip- tion, it became neresnar'v to put it up ready for urs Todsr. ifr t.arldarell'ai Syrup Pepsin. as it is called is the worN's most impolite 'illative. It never ratite from Or. Cslrwwlrs original el►rcti.-r and hatillitil farmnte, :;11 drnguQreaa Meg it. .1.„dosissmassiiiketigailk them up . aFor...1'M•IaY� WINTER! " - OWING children need leer health protection, against . whines. wet and r. cokd.Buildtbeanup v' with cod-liver ol..,w They'll like it best ' ti tills tasty way l like cream. _ •scorn's EMUrsIoti COD-L2v&R OIL Mai g EASY. e„tt* rt.w+",.'a'....to; o,t.'' ; a6•sr MI I 1930 M.aW Rogers Highboy New law Petra °No$218.00 0 Jitvest-tbt ci±mas toward ifie pur4ase of a ftOGin &&IflIO The l/r/gI>lal iie4RATESS IO' INSTEAD of spending that chrisunas cheque on little things you can easily do without, why not invest iC toward the purchase of a Rogers Radio? • A new MO Rogers will bring every one itt the familyyar, *rood enjoyments It comes to your home evnerplett----.with tight fully guaranteed Rogets A/C Tubes and genuine Iilectro•I)rna mic Speaker. It has super•sensitivity, splendid. tone, tremendous volume. And at the near, low prices now its effect it is the biggest dollar's worth of radio we have ever offered.. amok* whit Oftemetiod Tula ' atttent theNaar fasts" ss*b, NSW Ripe .4014011 Cal* VII iAtaa(e mutt of the J930 Maids lar yor out tonsil!' motor tartan to mit pt. OTTO JOHANN, Dealer, Goderich L ZINN & H. STURDY, Srtaalarr teat Gatwick ERNEST FI TT, Sitiota , arrt at Wiskirhost "1. e I