HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-12-19, Page 104
..ou will tic.4 our stock s;ont•
jp:teie in all Tines, • You ate
invited to come ia..and look„
over our pretty things.
St.ore upon every evening
.4111. '
01 Alkeitakilktinialm V Wilson, 2n4 com,i Wm. Mole, Guard- Pretty geld and wrote Areaways' it
The onneol meetAg of the Amgen- 'Ha a" to "ur
' irie' IsepliAstirrO.
py• IMI
l lailza•-*". . wrimer
us ;JAI) ems el kat termer ***lessees Ate
aliL"dar- the Belleville hme
metimmte, mo rt. lime
go oe moAiste
seethe Wm- in areamfewl. ham returnee
km mid Gemara! , rosterilionme in Diurgemmaa.
home seer twibmeriwg * H. 8. No. il, Amibileld limungameen)
squid* WISMimelicood t• lii. - TW slaws" whoa greeting of U.
very plenum* v le liraatfeed with will be hard it the shoo l kotiie at 1
l. brother, ft J. *Issues wad Mrs. pm. on Thursdav, Dec. 26th. as tar
Xt-, Hugh Glow who has sprat . oey.
- etotute, Wedneedey being Christi** 1
' Wigainm.
ion* time tri Loathes with her denth. ivm,m try/ha afloat or 8t taunt
tor, Mrs, Chas, Thompsone.is now Anelleett church and Erskine Preeby-1, - - - -
guest with her daughter* atm 4. ' titian ehurth, Dungannon, are held, day in the vite,40,, crz:
Mesa*. and Ben Caldwell,
of Dungarinen. anti Oli±er Alien
ienroiller. left en Monday for North.
Ikstototos trunnin 1
thaleisy Season
aaou rtree en r' 341 the tarsen SW lawn% every year!.
initat $11 the hall en lielidaY Mr. Jamas Woods, a wistfteld,
,veriing of this week, teadalaking vp Ids residenie in the
irle concert and Christmas tree, snap abet* lee ea moving ef-
' en :.yrnent in the lumber woo*, rowel hen on wArteedev eveninle
sa e of his stock and other
era Orilario. where theY -seek , wheel was to hove been held m the teas xereadr. Next week he intend*
Born --At Almond* Marine and ' ilo-.. 18th, smiler the ipromina of tIme map he will not require here. hi%
Cenetal Hoepital, Goderich, on KOn' ' tereripra find nen& el rj„ s„ ti.,. No. o• bowie hos been thoroughly overhaul -
day, r .ac. 16th. to Mr. and Mrs. 3. Aekikid firmogeonoo will Dostponpd
• Everett 'Finnigan, e daughter. C',)11* ONVIPg to the cold end stormy condi- ed, with eleetric lights int:Mica.
on Saturday night. - (From smother careopondeat)
,gratulations I
1 mr, Percy Horne is progressing Blue ies-e,A, radge No. .6el. Dun. %Nada evening, Dec. 10th. was
.facorably hibilltine an operation in ,....mon. have efeetad the following the erasion of st happy and unique.
Witurhara hospital for the retnevel of Ampere for the owning year; Iiiss mat at the foul's' "'Dance a Ar.
tensible Ile expects to return to his M. Vint. PK; Mr. It. Bore, W.M.; sad Mrs. It J. McGee, when they had
' home in the near future, , lifiss P. leinnigan. DK.: Mrs. A. Or- the privilege Which comes to coin
George Pentland, who has', been in oar, Chaplain; MON M. Finnigan, partitively few, of celebrating their
the West for some time. is visiting it,84. miss a• Flanks% _ le,•s4 mrs, golden wedding day. Dinner eras
Mrs. Samuel Pentland, of Dutton- eat Lecturer;
A.' Culbert,' Tressurete Miss A: 'Bere. served at six o'cleek to a few of the
et the home of Itie parents, Mr. Shad
Miss X. Sproul, 2nd Inunediate relatives ef. the bride and
lecturer; ?gigs M.Banda o groom of fifty eon ago. The din-
wria.14 e enmity schabl of Dungannon M. Culbert. 0.0.; bliss M, street 1, ing room was a Molly festooned in
G.; Miss M. Stole Mrs. a color scheme of gold and white;
lidlegeletilliailialketele. 'flaked church An making Preintrx-
t ion; l'gre. D. Fowler Organist. hung frwn the chandelier ..and, were
erry Christmas
non beef ring was held on Frame ef. tale,. in -the centre of *high was a
xprrrees5eenntatEvien fthsterbisneenceaforem Isrltytabdeicooted.thabri bdreideca. keuterwect
termini in the weigh reales' hall with beautzful_ boucieet
' MeWhinney, the president, Robert ding ot fifty years ego took ;place in
* ' tirlOntir41412024` Havieiten was appointed as ehairman. theelog bowie which still remainsin,
After routine. bulirtess in connection
tact.,,, 4tni!
11' We lake this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry - with the time had been eompl ted, the gar, Imo xzre• ,tuneY moloimeneY•
and the officers f the nrevie ae one of only foiir of the retiaining
Stipplying you with your gifts --useful gifts, such as Bedroom _4 dent; _James cMcWhitineYe seer tar. silt. of Auburn" d'alm, of Wit4ada, •
-.Slippgrs Evening slippers,'''MoCassiti4-Spatts and Goleshei, * treasurer, Bert Treleaven; eultorie Man.; Viin4 U: Wcedati4kf Jo -
Suit Cases, Club Bags, Tourobes, Overnight Bags Trunks, etc. wham Atewat and A. B. Pentland; .211411* of Ingersoll, and Elizabeth. (Mrs.,
butcher, Thomas Webster, • vvni. Sturdpeatd of Auburn, sueelenlY
election of officers was proceeeded with The bride,. who was Anne Stelker, ';.•••
•- ChriStIreteiand to thank our many customers for their patron.
were re-eleet 11 °ate followelti"PLasi- members of that, famity nine , Rob,.
age during, the year. Let us make this a Happy Christens by
Or and VicinitY riantherbaZ 13011.ards of in a AMIlr few Years of eaeli other.
SHOP AsT - The Young People of Dungannon and Mum ly plumed away, -with. ,
- sixty, recently surprised Air. and Mrs. Jas. 13. Stalker, of Napanee, the
W HERN'S SHOE. STO AE •Brnwnat their hon'e on YoUnge
= Mh toocession of Itsheern tut hie to be present to enjoy the •
egIst.)t a
st niember of the family, was
PHONE 43 •w SQUARE 7 of Dung,annoe, Mr. and Mrs. Brovia haPPy occasion but sent congretule.
- • . • the latter having been Miss Thelmi; tlaus• Reeve "Z' I)* Stalker' War
Reed prior to her marriage aiow wanosh, and wife, and Mr. 'and Wirt.
rt-*Nir•voloktswollsn'alIKITI100MAPIONIX$11101/1110)00111Velmoinett weeks ago, received and welcomed D. 'Geddes, of '(the latter a
VIC WaPata Vallo at)Pnt o. ,,i.... ..+ slater of Ufa' McGee) were "1Q/1g
ER rzi(rrr'S' IMR4)1144 RE)
trest &we
PHONE: 239 Open Evenings
FOR APPOINTMENT By appointment only
rA •
evetring together. In the couroe of 'those Preeent, also Mr. and Mrs, M.
' evenbig the host and hostess Allan, Auburn. Of Mr. McGee's
werepresented with a silver dish family Mrs. Thos. McLaughlin, of
with pyrex lining, the gift of the Toronto, and Mrs. D. Menzie, ofrEd-
ruonnenhgisPae os Pet vae ds antnbol e I eAxprdestobaletdv 3(nmonatroyn; anr40 main.3..011n4 phfirsss,ed` away ayYsoouninge
Get yinir parlatntis, raisins, peels, spices, extracts-
-everything for your Christmas baking here.
We also have a full stock of choice
California Grapes
6f all kinds for the-
Christmas Table 4
a always carry a full stock of choice Pamily„
Groceries. Ask about our week -end specials.
Free Delivery.
Elgin Avenue Phone 356
ekrnowiiiilgt.hivilueghwoetizst wthebill dainsatriter whereto Peeted
I The lade Mr. „Erskine had been about continuously and hospitality is the
Saturday, and was taken ill in the' , element end :is pharacteristic of this
horse. In the doting a most •uttex.
his -duties as usual in the shop on
compant.rof friends tethered
to wish the %role and groom, many
he conducted a thriving poultry and ahappy returns of the day and to offer
produce business. He- was active ie. congratulations. The .gentlemen pre--
--inAtle,..Churelt Ind social eirelds at' stinted Mr. /40:0Metvith a ineerscheuni
Myth; and was very highly 'respected. Pipe in a handsome nierocca vase.
Prior to his coming +..13lyth, he wait Dr. Weir, in his amid tactful manner,s
thereselves as highly pleased with the 20 Years age. To Mr. and Mrs. Me.
,eeening„ . Gee were born two sons, James
This community was very much , Lorne, whose early demise, was a
shocked as well as grieved upon great • sorrow some eighteen years
learning of.tbe sudden death of Mr. age, and Harvey,1'157-v01a his
Wro. Erskinei of Rlyth, who piss. wife reside on the old homestead with
sect avisiy at the keine of his son, Mr. his parents. Witli the .exception'et a
A. IL Erskine, on Sunday afternoon Yeare11.; silent in Kincardine and
following a Ibrief illness of lees than. Woodstocic bfx.,and Mrs. McGee have
24 hours duration, of heart trouble. lived on -the Old McGee homestead
in business at -Atwood. at which place made the presentation.. The 0.0
interment was -made on TuesdaY. • Presented re'McGee *1***1
licent bouquet ,of VellOW Marna. Mr.
Despite the fact tied' the date of
the anneal eeneertin Aid of Doman. McGee Made a imitable and fifth*
non pork librost was ,priday, pee. nifty in a few well chosen words. af-
euccess, both with regards to quality *te.arl,e 1.,11nlielYb' 4eveeedrvlb°41108:5, "For
latli, the affair woo Am unquald I
of program and attendance. The ',Au& oommet of, .Ameriona • BeautY,
and. teachers otthepious i roses Vas 'the gift et:Miss Kier' in
iprogrem was prerepted by -the
cent t 0 V u ti g atilt o n , fiveaeflier° wl; . a dbl.; 1 lo. i recognitionThoot,tevening' °swfo ill VI:it t lee 11. 1 Ilti ,neuniquewt11vti" ei Peeirti.:111;
17, Aishileld (Cedar %oleo,. kies.ir„'",.., .
eFoornerieseariotnerhmerisisNos.tifiniAeysh. iletledattrh; I we:el:nit.; rueatnuernese.di.n;:v.holoeihrarlie:004171:,(3
themselves until tail "wee emit' 'store.'
NO. 16 Aishileld (Crewe) Miss Kilpitt-
riek, teacher; No. 1/ 'West Wawatiosii, ph:rttneatehainOtYbett'iob.hrtv:s beceeeneXisebbleaet3
AlVisilissfieeldit,IZIdrte•aalgilia; stn4riektT,'Spil.riNci6pala, wishing Mr. and Mrs. lifeGeee with
their son and his wife all the good
and Mies Ricks, assietont. Rev. 0. yof
• C. Heine. pastor of Dungannon Uthings for the remeining ears nit. moil, nye!
ed :burch, performed the duties - '
ehairman. mut each school enntributed
its part in the program, This is the AC
eneond time that the schools have
given of their talent for the concert
in aid of the public library. P,erhaps
the climax of the evening tame with
the closing number when all the ehil-
e-em fain the five schools took their
places together upon the platform for
the singing of the, National Anthers.
in New Ilatslor the holiday season in Velvet,
Felt, Ribbon; and cleverly blended metallic
11‘ Chlidrenva Mats,' Beret Tams, and, Bixby
intearfs, Costume lowellry, Corsage Flower*
avid Novelties.
You are cordially invited to inspect our Stock.
Mr. Lemon has stinted his sea.
soh's work, in hauling sawlogs.
Mr. .A. Fergus= was in thralori
this week. He is taking new furni-
ture down to Mr. Gormly Tnompsir-.
The two public schools oz the vile
lege will have a nublik: entertelnment
in the Poresters) hall in tl.e viiage
next Pride)* eyettlag. Al! will be
Next Monday evening the Pt esb3,
terian Sunday school intend having,
their annual Christmas tree In the
basement of the church, The child
droll are busy preparing at present.
Thenubile entertainnient of the
United church Sunday school will he,
held 311 the chureh Saturday after-
noon. The ',children have been busv
rimming during the past week. A
good time le exnected.
Rev. W. R. Alp is severing his Oh.'
nection with the United church 'here.
f a position he has held for *bout seven
yeers. Re intends to be in Ottalett
I and assume his duties there at the
beginning of the new year.
Last week the eollector of taxes
for Hullett was In the village on his
mutual round. Ithe previous seek
the West Wawattash officers spent a
Usiyarai iiiiikety
extends to the -people of
Gatti& best 'wishes fot
A Merry Christmas
and a
Prosperous New Year
Miss Maims
niiiiviji"Yrore News
Select Early Front This List of
Exceptionally Pleasing Values
Women's fur trimmed, tine wool lined
Kid Gloves, warranted quality, shades
tans and browns. Sizes t's to Pir.
Price.. . . .
First quality, greys and tans. Price a
pair..... . ..........*2.95
Made in England. Every pair marked
as pure botany yarn. Spliced heels
and toes. Full sized and splendidly
shaped. Black and In most pleasing
colorings, heathers, greys, sands, and
combinations. Sizes to to 1114. Ex-
tra -
Firmly knit of tine heavy silk, in flail,
,.;p2ea.chp, Tolcoaral, pe• .r,.11.0ilsei.00Siztoes $316.9tos
Aberley all wool garments, new designs
and color effects to please- boys and
girls, 'All sizes, 3 years to 18.
"13itee silk lined Stockings; p4te-'siiiiR
• with interlining,. all colors. 1 pair ior
more in box. Sizes 8% to 10. Price
• a Aa A • • • ,• 4145*
PORE siRvicg. *Icor mk
High spliced' beel, quality Warranted.
Every 'color in every desirable shade,
Sizes 8. to 0. 1 pair,boxed. Price
nair,.. • • • • • . *1 50
. Best English broadcloth, white ground
with neat stripes in blue, helio, tans.
• • Sizes 14 to 16%. Values up to $2.56.
Each., . • . .$1.48
Good quality Silk Ties, made in test
shapes, 4 -in -hand, a beautiful assort.
runt of designs and cololjngs. Spe-
cial each. and $U*
Wilton Rugs, Barryntoor make.
Range of pleasing designs and colors.
Size .37x54 in. Each
NiSizeen,6s. fhemstitcb.
Ireisahchcantbric witi
• fwa°strecnollo'orldienr'gle .awthvitaerihetayir. IineaPullwaiL
^=v1 good quality. Each ISe or 3 for
a Me. •
omen's. Sheer Linen, hand embroid-
ered. Hundreds to select front. sox -
wormed orcsoinAgnly. E;•45, 30, ISO, 09, 00c
On Solo. Now is th• e opportunity lo
' buy a new garment at sacrifice price.
Every coat in our store for women and
misses marked at substantial redubtion,
In many eases half price. Range $5.0O
- to $25.00.
. - White* blue or...sand, coats 'for. little
ones of 1.2-3 years, select Eskimo:
UNDERvveAR: • • '
. •
Penman's.' Stanfield v. men's •
and women's every style. Dozens of
clearing odd Una on bargain table.
.• , Gay colored Indian Biaukets,-size 3.„.
to for many uses. 'Special. • .$3as
ALI. Pints woo: PLAID RUGS '
.0 yor ear, 'Peal touch or chair, all the
• year in use. Very large stock. and rer
u c ed for Christmas sale to each, .
• • • • • • • • $3.15,‘ $5.00* $6.00, *els'
See the flew Jersey Cloth and Silk
Wool Jorsey:Dresses in various colors.
.All • .$10.50 and $11.95, '
Pine all wool prey Blankets, double
bed size.' •• Pair, . .• • • • • s$5.00
*White Blankets, 72x* 90 size. Largest
double bed size. Each.. . . .$495
We witch you all a merry Christ-
mas and a nappy New Year.. •
The Goderich Star is sending out 111*
very pretty calendar for 1020.
.Messee. Roy Alton and G. A. Cern-
eron spent a few days in Goderiele
beitingr,eGeorminedsturiereeanivethnetierylt few.days
in Guelph . attending the Fat Stock
Smith's Art Store
bare the preliest Christman
Gifts, **td the moat beautiful
Pictures under the suar ems
• itt and see all the Pretty things*
Sotith's Att and GiftShop
The Rem of BeestifitiPidsres
1 e.Show. and Mrs. , Cyril Campbell .1vand
little son spent Friday with relat es
!near Ripley.
tistilfasmIai',:iir tate ! rentlif
the children, for the school on Thurs-
day afternoon, Mr. Davis, teacher*
land for the. Sunday school on, Monday
'night, DIc. 23rd, tn the,basement
church. „ , . •
Metal 'Work. and,
General Repairs
St. David'a St. '• ' Phone 127
Pot a Iyetty eleetrie tepisi(er tinder'
Your C4141110 tree for mother,
Now That The
- Christotas Season
• ••
s port iis
• .
• 1 ,
in wishing all our 'customers
and • friends the season's
COmplinients' we, MO fo
hank you, all for our pal;.
- oriage during the year now
drawing to:a•ctose: •
• 'The huinich,
,Freaci Dry Cleaning Works
--- Phone 122 , " "Vireoi Street
Godeeich *Candy Shop
(Everything in Candy
• Christmas Stockings Christmas Crackers
Christmas Novelties
Beautiful Gift Boxes of Chocolates
- moderately priced
Special Christmas Mixture 2 lbs. for 35c
Outstandhkg value in Assorted Chocolates
Extra Special Mixed Candy 10e per lb.
See Our Windows Horne Iee Cream
f .P
Fuipnituret Exchange
for New and Used Furniture •
A Real Gift --
Kindergarten Sets
Crockinole Boards
Doll Carriages
See Us First We Positively Save Ton Money
°BiackstonetsCoderichCandyShop • Blackstone's Funiture Exchange
. • -