HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-12-19, Page 9the spade Shear tee 4. sa
• r� � � 1 calamityAmen%eluding Patching
lh«ew� w wce of theSail MOW lif NOM ts�l �.
predicted ar oar 8w ate r -
aaia aa.d y teeof J ermisam .
-a solemn wad fearful evaat. ng to ow HELL B>R6S. GEAR[ 12.810
*m ore t Caer *poster ►t as FOR WVLI.INGTON ST. DELAY
think this passage means issued at
the destnetivn of Jeruealwes het
1 woreis Id exhortation woyid apply Report Referred to Cheirmus of :I' ub& Works Cons.
.Just the same. The sdMonition is =Wee to Settle With~11#11 (til,
equally* fitting to us who sea our
earthly cue.' entwine to s close
urea* the.:great Messenger 'yin sum , At the statutory meeting of they town i ,iwwit on Monday the followingmons: us into the presence in oxer fin- report of the town esa iaaeer. Mr. Sidney M. dahroton, covering then work
CORDIALad Jam• scone 1;y Messrs. Ben Bros. the contractors for the sidewalk eonetr*ction
f lh rias' Commentary]. done in feoderich thalweg the years 102$ end 1029 was presented, and wail
WORLD MISSIONS referred to the €itslrnran it the public walks committee to settle with the 5
Sustakiss•-Strosstarost Ia it Welk While? eoneretctars, which has bee* dope s
ea 111 Rev. W. lladgkiirstan) Goderieh. blare. ,11th, 1929.
The reply to this question depends The Mayor and Councillors, t
largely en what is meant by being Tent of Goderidt
a till illi Nrli°1100M g ► Bw*i itllWalailacillgog A 1 * '"worth while e: Mg alma toga' int that Leas t .--�
#ke �anrlt e�f leper hones is aabuulndar►t- :�� e,uea sidewalks ro»strurted during 192?, and 1929 saostsewhat overlap, i
ly worth while from many points of inn makinat a restart covering the whole.
ter,vow. pit 4u worth while to of is at . 1 have drar►xt up s tabic shawinpt the by -laver fog tach street with ler►ptth ' , boor aretereer leper erect at mile rn tett. area in square feet and amount under the wafted prrieee tea well as
emote where he cera receive no bel the Detaing done each year, which amount will be chargeable to the gen-
ie into a place where he can have his trod rota'
Sy 1$40.6,,4 IIAMIZ+i QA, a(vaarrlch,� Ont. et -disease treated, his sores °mollifiaed Bylaw Sid°. of Str°4 From 7'a Jtnsth Area Contract
fati. t
iit#iMlwalrraantenweri nllfa0 10O$1001114r110410 00M0m aimmt+etra_nstwa_0000 *
to This brief but spirited Pliant wan
Glad was my heart
My old companions o hearey, written by David for the people to
the house of God appear, ship at the time of their goings lip
or 'tine a holy deer' eo the' holy feasts at Jertmalem. It,
'tieMends , and brethren dear appears to be ,suitable to be sung
ur prayer Audi newer edm : when the people had entered the
as they► meet for worship here, 'idea,
$• t end theirsm feet stood within the.
is send' Itis people peeree• It was most Jerusalem
that tend
J. lilontteronery. ,. should sing of Jerusalem itself* sand
E invoke peace and prosperity. u n the
PRAYER Holy City, for it was the centre of
AlmightyT God. our heavenly Fath.• their worship, end the place where
eete we give Thee thanks and praise the Lord revealed himself' above the
Ike in Thy energy Thou hatbroughtmercy-seat. Poseibly the city was
Moa through the circuit of 'another not all built in. David's dad, but he
.gear, and that, according to Thy wrote under ghee spirit of prophecy,
promise, eeedtime end harvest have , and spoke of at as it would be in the -
;*awt..failpci'. T"eech ;.acs -t : ,renientberet Sae/none e/none ..ferussalem,'•or the-
bet at ix net by t read alone t et'm an Habitation' of Peaces is used as the
alive. and grout us evermore to key -word of thle psalm. -When • they-
on Him who ier:the true Bread ,stood within the walls. all thine =
heaven.: !In His name we pry. around the pilgrims helped to explain
,Amen. the verde which they sant. One
S. B. LESSON FOR DEC.°29th. 1929 voice led the psalm with its personal,
1x»aeon Topica -Fellowship Thrace* 1 "I'." but ten thousand brethren and
Worship. companions united with the first mus -
Lesson Passage- nsaim 122; Heb.. lcian and swelled the ehoruas of the
• reagent 10:22-25. strain. All Israel had been fed by
Golden Text -..Luke +4«16. - - the fruit of the field, and they -went
:------"e'''''- up to give thanks unto the name of
,thein,• great Husbandman; we tens
Pesti Pimples
have countless mercies, and it ben-
tomes us unitedly in
our ur solemn gotta-
with ointment," his body kept elean . Na. Street e
ant} his lounger satisfied, and where 35/28 South Albert Nelson Newgette ti34,8 287#,0'7.47
be can be taught aomethintt` of the 49/28 South Albert Neawslaate East 308.1 1580.6 210.44
livve of God, o cared for the lepers 24/28 N. -West, Arthur Wellington Watertoo 1026.3 6196.5 704,89
in days Of aid ane earns for teem 18/28 South Britannia Baaytteld Meth saki 2041.9 10209.5 1403.811
still. It is worth while to segregate 29/28 North Brock Victoria Cantbr'ia 768.6 718#3.0 iii .54
him and so prevent the disease from 28/28 North brook Cambria Albert 402.3 3019.6 416.19
spreading in villages and bringet& 38/28 South Bruce Victoria Cambria 765.0 8840.0 528.43
others into the sameettiserable condi- U/23• South Brute North Victoria 807.6 4037.5 565.16
tion. Even if lone were only doing 19/28 Esmt Carehria ; East St. David 261.5 1257.5 172,91
that --in one sense it negative worlr.-. 83/28 West Gibbons Britlannira Engler* $9#.l 2776,4 '381.75
it would be abundantly. worth while 22/28 North Nelson Victoria 4lambria 656.11 3280.0 451.00
and something for War. others 22/!48 I'lbrth Nele oar " Cambria Ssults $12.3 4061.5 558.46
should bee thankful. 42/28 South Pieton ' Waterloo 97' East 07.0 488,8 67.18
But there is a more positive side 22/28 South Lighthouse Waterloo Wellington 752.3' 3761.5 517.20
to the work, and that, in our Case in 20/28 North Ppcton Waterloo 1e1'1.2 East 111.2 - 456.0 76.45
Patpaara, la the care of the young 25/28 North Quebec Waterloo Wellington 762.3€ 8761.5 517,20
,.hildren who have come to us, Their. 23/28 S. -West Ot.Andretes:Nelson, : Hamilton 473.8 2399.6 325.80
slumbers. 'are small, but vire can thank 26/28 North St. David. Cambria Albert 750,1, 3830.5 1121;.69
Gad for them. • One young -fellow 36/28 North St.Georges Waterloo Wellington. '1190.1 6950.5 , 818.19
And his eister are now school teach. 37/28 South St.George's Waterloo . Wellington 1068.1 5340.5 734.33
ars-both 'talents the Government 31/28 Weat Stanley Kingston Elgin 468.9 2294.6 915.49
4retined teachers'certificate. The 30128. South Victoria; Elgin Britannia 463.4 2317.0 918.58
manes the headmaster of our Mission 17128 North Watterloo Britannia Elgin 537.6 2704.3 371,84
School et Neinpur and last year 17/28 North Waterloo41Elgin Netinn 1564.8 9821.7 1075.48
gained a very creditable report of his 42/28 South Pieton - South 97' E. Waterloo 708.0 3640.0 486.76
Work from the Deputy Inspector of Patching 1408.5 198.05.
Schools. With antecedents not at all
good, be ;began life rather hesitating- i
91800.6 $12623.58
Y After receiving -his•certificate he ti'h a shows that in 1928 there were 91,800,6 square feet laid and amount
refused to.take asp school work. anti due the contractor. $12.620.58.
went through a Bourse of training in Similar information for 1029 is to follows;
the -Government Training School as a Belot Side of Street From To
carpenter, .arid passed, with credit us No. Street
Length Area Contract
to magnify the name of Our qts' skilled worknnan. en the meantime `40/28 North Britannia Wellington Wellesley 771.5 3867,6 501.47
afl 0 $ patens Lord, acid tQ pray for peace he ,became engaged to be married, 441/28 North Napier and
- • and prosperity. It was to . the ad- : but his bride-to.be insisted on his 43/28 Anglesea Victoria North 984.0 4920.0
au Sy �w vantage of all Israel that there should tasting up school work in the Mission 50/28 South Quebec Waterloo Essex 2133.4 10667.0
be peace in Jerusalem. It is for the as a condition of their mnarriange, and 45/28 West Cameron Britannia Raglan 697.6 3488.0
Boils and pimples ,cele caused by bad
blood and there its only one r to get
told of them, said •th*t lotto get to elm
seat of the trouble , by uuaag het good,
rcllsble blood actinides Inedicine reek
Wit preparation bas been on the
mar>luat for ower 6041m" 'antic 34 the
reliable remedy for all trouble.
,arhdag fromu, a biul esei ith ii of rho
It mom all the iaoeaperitlsr from
0.. system, dna leaves e. clear, healthy
arid* devoid of elf trapticiz..
Mr, D. 3. Vis, North Day,
Oat, writes:- J PerAve years 1 was
twoabled with boils and pimples and:
tiled everything � nese would raoom-
• but. found notMng me. any
siOne ay vows .1 'lead hared .boils
salol my ie o and a y foot badly. broke*
eat in pem lea„ a feud meow ended
Oa la a &Mtrettifhhil
at thee a, bottle
cleared, mat. ad 6 felt twbut u
teed sous t ever dtL
Pe up e / by The T. Maur* Co.,
141., Totes*, Oat. ' - •
good of every Christian, the good of
everyone, that there shbuld be peace
and prosperity is the church, . The
t+hurch salts and saviours all around
it. First we love.it and then we lab-
or for it. 0 chureh a f the. living
God five hail Baine assemblies, and on,
banned knee we pray that thou may -
est have pewee and felicity,
C. N. Spurgeon.
iae the 9th "chapter of 11aebrews the
e_. shows.. that._the.-Jewiel _.rites
were designed to be temperery and
typical, and that . the offerings whie It
} were made under. that dispensation
' could never remove sin. In the 10th
chapter he shows that the true sacri-
1 Ace bad been made, by which sin
could he pardoned and that there
were eertain consequences which fol-
, lowed from that as seen in. verses
19-25. They -.'!vera the privilege of
!drafting neap to God with full veer
ante of faith, Every form of retie -
lion which ��God bas revealed requires
;the. worshippers to, come with pure
enol , holy hearts --with a fulness of
1 faith ' in God winch • leav'es no room
for doubt. The duty, of exhorting
tine another to nfidelity+ and.to good
• Works is thew* in • verse 24• and In
i verse 25 is seen the duty of assem-
blin for public worship..'They were
net o be selfish; they were to have a
kind interest bathe coneatusreef each
other. They had, as Christians have
now, the same dutiesto peiform, • and
the same trials to meet, and they
should strengthen and encourage each
other in their wont.
They were, moreover, commanded
to meet together for the worshin of
W PunishYour u c S
WHEN you Hosea to run Your
furnace at full
blast. ttOney t d
winter you are loeirL
ways. '.
First, you are cutting (OWft
the life of your heating plant.
Second, tare burning ri ord
fuel than is necessary and thereby--
ppaying high O041 bills.
DRY S^iiLLX placed be-
twcof attic floor joists prevents
c ocaessis;o heat looms, your heating the strain on y
plant and saving fuel. Vermin and
'fire -proof, packed in: convenient
sized bags --,you .yon can apply it your-
self, easily, quickly.. made front
(v j,Q lett, it forms the ideal
insulation. See no to4lay.
B. 1.1 tl.. Ltd.
is ,tet. 13tuost,;it 160 - vino 41 W. or 385
Prevailed; though 1• am sorry to say 46/28 East Cameron Britannia L. 1172 1010,41 5053.0
that now while he is in our service, 51/28 West Blocks ° `Britannia Raglan 699.1 8496.6
bias wifee leas• become headmistress of 13/29 North Pictont Waterloo Wellington 753.8 ' 8769.0
anon -Christian acrinol in the same 14/29 South . Elgin South Wxiterlati 807.8 4339.0
place. 15/29 North . Elgin South :