The Goderich Star, 1929-12-19, Page 8•
• •••.'40.4omimm•••••••01.14.4*.
•41. .410 ••••••• nub sowykalilleb, •111. 41411011*.11.•
- ••"'
ripe A
Santa's Arrived with a Great
Rag Fall of Gifts
sant* came here with the most complete *mem
Nage of gifts you ever could see,
TOYS—A veryfine display of Dolls.
Exceptiotud Values. Open every evening tilI
Chritity •
6. •
.norenceRitidiciclikott Alm wodEN szwisGt nun, and, tbst are brought to the thble "ma a -the ilrel) trielrle' .
Abli to 44* thakt 144:, %Lie that love
ibipsitnirPrIPIP dri
not, (By BAKY hassisms)
11‘11 QUILTS - There is a greeter samosa shoal. of WAWA. Add ONO She. +et PiAleal),
' Mak lid' tea keg, leery sours ou,e the Visfletiesie dingier *um When is Pie thesis or earmoi) and on top
granomothare whiled sway tn ',wise shoat say of tbe ether dismiss of the plisse a thick slice of orange. Sprin-
ted „sot law owe too atittli par. Of tourer, the helidasor of the kip a little grated eveoitaut aver the i
these sweet thought* ead isoustevately teenilY psthenhook deeldse the meat. fruit te give the appearance et swim i
draws and gave vent to their dorms- be, r of met diehee. the Mee of the tut- or frOet. Top the amaze slice lean
tsc instincts during the long hours *AWN the *hotel ef tbe down sad a mooed of salseresi, whipped ermine i
after dark when there were no movie. suck things, hut AA atsstsr where the stiff ettough to stand up 111141•1 the i
nee out4 to draw them outside the dinner -appears, it is very numb like : weight of a cherry, raspberry or Oho
the milbens of ether Christmas din- er colorful fruit or berrY which is ;
fatally chicle.
The ninahhe a the design emesis nen that being joy to myriads of used as s topper. Just 'wrote sem
Awed the inventive palms at the mak. nnnErY "As' ins., sprinkle the fruit and lettuce
sr; and fantastic and lvdatebed ars There noist be fowl -turkey, goose, base with a little eyrup made by mix.
sate of the mem and tiatterna. dutk or chicken. There must be in g three tesepoona of sugar with
There were the erone.patek ow? tbsr crenberry Mir, celery, potatoes,„ riek the juice of one orange aid half a
efoay pawl,. los cum; ..nechtiv. stuffing, pumpkin pis and mince. lemon. Where something particular.
„moo witeie,,, ohilde et the window, aithout those things Cbrietroas is ly Christrossy is &mired, mall coot)?
tusk thaw, ..agnim,.. eragged not Christmas,' end whet* poverty Santa Clause* May be phiced on the
stir' tithe „skew and many °them talks, benevolence slips; around with salad plates-poodhly connected with
0 besket containing the essientials for tiny candy reindeer on the opposite
whose relation to their -titre could be „.„
Cr, 4'4°1" stretch " the haelthia" -RC; ern'arte.7.1;w-rn-ste' Is mother icons. stri4s.
side with AWOL ribbons or eolored
e plahts *bout the *tern necessity
• I. Some of these, quilt* er,e,,t04111,K._I"s 'which force* her to, toolc and bake , - .....-....
Pirisnil 'Pneeneewee ex Pee'euguwrag and boil! (lair alter del' end wleth nf; • *oop p con a large
quilts one ' hundred rare old, ane thlithe pulp
Tfroy II•givig,
rer wog, through. the remeinuee ,tu. orange. and use the rout for Santa?*
still in eery**, tor onnPanY bede' the yea, she smiles And singe, es be bag-Plave this rind 9* * 4411*(tPlate
Some of **pieces; ars very tin.iy,#_anak Awls, boils bakes, roastat woe., sovetwi with lettuce haw" ,ar any
the Ounting la _,,,Ible,en reveken" n's'e,_ " Crises *rut siMiners on this day of (ley& nther green, nen Au the bag _with
' Noma °lipase's, but joyous wore;
' Mts of orange pulp, a few raisins,.
Sone o those quilts were a ,pert *1 :ire 1Perl'aPlryfor otuflosve0hr., rritnielamdlin; jeveral whits
grope 44 ova bit* of,
the wedding enP107 InId In by bailee sre SU tome. eerte le' boric, lirn mershreallow, cubes. of annie and
kt century ago, and they could tell sei zollege,' merle Irvin 'tat 401P4t,4410 "k„S' pineapple, a Mint or two, Or anything
' historY of *west hnine 4fet of br"'e• us and her Innobinn IrernnoYt of like natrire that You: have on hand.
chamber, of covering little children' Nathieg is too good for them, and nO Figs, dates, canned berries', popcinn, ,
-if they tould but *peek. One vit.
a happy dr4111" 444 i't bicis of Plat work is too strenuous, cranberry jejiy, currants and hits et
tue of these wiell-enede old quilts wee - It ovine sometimes that. Chrietmas grapefruit pulp aro other. goodies
linnets are Jesse a little too shriller. Ti
that they conice be was and kept Much as we ennty there, we know t teema' 0. * utt of course,:
; r s mas an amen one. A.c-
Ch t • t ;me . •
three teaspoons of sugar h The custom ot nearing candles At ac• edguleke than she makes up her
heel forehand about .what to. appear on no Meng varieties should *Near -
sweet and ties% and the pink sauv.„ .he table. For that velment it ia *111 •the -same 1144r" *A" serr4g, cording to the old idee, these candles
in emu is aln•soet oe troth and 07 as edse mother Who seem that one or two with syrup made- by adding.;
when made up originally. •
rom One orange and half** iesnon, al., burning there all' night
, were to be lighted on Christmas eve.
Urprise Ilishes are hgehniedt4ittiet e *tee- placed on the Window sill. and - left
e rte.,
Suggrootions for
Our display of useful gifts is complete. Prices
are reasonable
Bring us yourlist for satisfaction.
East Side Square -- Phone 501.
Chagos** Canine! A dirt iss girl who mikes her
lishee that, breethe the air of Christ.
'4OoprAionloii.rwo* iDealera are
111chtiming that women to 'bring gasps of astonishment from ;Ter the;.lettsme leavee, Then speireol Internal Parasites in tire shape of ransportation
• I • MI
1 40,0001011P, are 114 11-1.rwAP1'14t home any more::
. onameras. , And with true love and broilierhead .'
•-• .. '. _ I Each 'ether AONV enibrece. • '
1.4Thlifit was a num called St. Nicholas ',with 4 hey! and .st h!! and it hes,4,6,..
Vh0 bad lived all these You's to ho! -- • '-'
'With line Chrietteas toys .now I
tickle nit •• The wind, the winter and the drifting,
joidP:r.g"41 *his and -1/?3'" . i id ' *nth: a hal and a hi! and a to -oh,
*WY enough• to sweet -O 0 e The. Christmas holly and niistieteel
"Childhood ie wilting*II wondered
"Lot note it come our ,loyfuest felett I, ' ' •__ • and breathless;
)4.. .. , Lot every Man be lolly . i Youth is on tiptoes with dreams in
i$12.1i "'I' with ivy
leaves is
"...411".ed Manhoodtlitrell it( Iwith h that is
And 'ere* post with holtsel' ' -...,W • u hope
,,- _ deathless. - • -
"Now to the to 'eine praiser. •
‘ you . la place s• , .
They SAY there is almost WO Sale for
thlinblesi 'because women do not sew,
On the other hand, three-fourths oi
the women attire United States make
nine or more garments Yeer, tweard-
ing to inveatigistenut Mane by the
Horne Economivis Bureau Of about
4000 Women in 82 it4stes. ewer. the•suniriseilish or dialies PaPer, or some little piece of jewelry lYfiller's. Worm Poesiere, which' a
or toy.
Women who do their own sewing are alkaline, they will go A long Ivey
live in the }fossil tether than in the lloward balsucing this. acidity of the (sin! Ilea* t° Illarn114.
large communities. Perhaps this is fowl, breed, pie -cruet and cakes that Christmas Tree Hors typenfre s Your work would not be so hu
fire elders cries of d ht om e •a• tittle graded orange rind over " th t h bo el • f •
re ft •
11:11 benice
fer Lona 'Distance- 'Apt Distance
as For Engegements, Plaine
the leave% t* give an added piquancy, eiadrei sap their vitIUIU ality and- rata
leSuckiltddiedthes should Prepared Nere again, ',Santa or his reindeer' phytieek development. They keep t
%ilk or some of the other elk al Inv ell;t !troy° niegsletrytiLY:e dill;blictetto• :gore; hettea ceshibuieocihr, fefi th.iiti diSenatant ;red' anistroa,treelad te:inag°01ebrul life. rTal
(bode, for moth as we enjoy our
-rely largely frOm vegetables; _Xrulta,
Ihriatnuas dinner we are foreedprta! .eeems :tug:4e 1,eregIttfilyedblaycaberefhailidydeina, Qairci „iantied athtejniAtihtelor nirlimchr:ronviisieytyobweyitu
-deft that it is usually an acid-
• • • . A . • '
Age fro* its"ingle moiler, tenderly
• . '
n .
because women in the huger eest., peen upon the table. ` • ' • On a smallanapl,aterlaroymathveitfyini aerro.thwo drum ifyou'914 311"e bUn't intQ
raunities are More likely t* 'find ern- Celery, lettuce, oranges, ^apples, strip a ban tee, ttee several th
interferes with helve sewing. Per- eoods should' be kept in mind' 'When
rdoYment onside the home and this - liee-aPrile • • • .-thee ' and,ibranches ofa s yea to
side' c-ov--e;
haps it is. because they are more - 'Oeparing .the surprise dish. They the main strip (the tree trunk) with
temptedby the bargains in ready- Ve all alkaline in their reaction. The Linnyee.chAoctolattee natzdioe;, earsorh aafdatrhke
Wades shorn shOp viindows awl srangp which so snow think Of AO
. /*thane beeeese the rend sister ic decidedly alkaline in'its ulti. branches, place a small thin section
more skilful with her hands, more ac. nate reaction. of orange pulp (the leaves or blos•
customed to Wait On herself in or snort Here are three'suggestions for soros". A erumpled mint may be es.
ATTENTION .MOTOIIIST Those women who sew at home
aimpiei, her lastest. 714ariosrtnutstwa 4Atttniele, diahes. tChooser„ eod for snow at the base a not at:: !fretinconio ,
come in the elass in Which the -1000y ihristmits dinner, and see how theY ;wee lee • inserted in cheery. iThis
ranges from two to three
ere appreciated by those 'before "Whom lhould be served in small portions as
thousand dollars annually, rather 'hey are placed: .,t, ,It la an hors .d'oeuers.or "first bite,,,,
than In the *lower Worn*, groups.__ _ -- ' taragerqultaserved
n.titiesrualiateibre ausaledaafdin
This heed te eaniein• Obe, 'would ' Christmas *‘*.tilt Salad alad tai
think that the lower the ineeme, the Cover salad plate with el.'s') loavesthis ease it is well to cover the whole
, with
greater would. be the necessity of a layer of transparent gelatin,
saving money by dresemaldng - nee eowees, were the limit of their or to build the tree on one late of
It le' a leYdirYt'arowever, to be able to coney helulgences. Wondest if . the gelatin and cover with. another.
,kotalladistioaNatar Car !Niko. /*Irma*
I &1st.
CON sososyslokissu * yew to prosirtri your
Chairsi to* your ear 4 grim*
r •
- • • sat at home and sere and it may be - -sturdy health and the healthy teethe/ Some may prefer -to build a large tree
that the women with lees means tan- thee 'day had *ny relation to this ab- in s large platter, decorate the sides "
' • SPECIAL—it•atoiliatteries $7 SO not *Nord it. • eenee of childish bliss • with mounds of whieeed crearn top-
' The. two greatest •ditiscultres met Int' Candy eating, as, other joys and poi with colored Candied, and '
• ' • the hente-dreismairer, are the fitting ofoolishness" was frowned dOwn, -the whole to the table IS be eerved
. garments and the, iehtldaing On by our frugal and Praitanical an• the guests by, the hostess.
17' R IWILLEIt SEIIVICE STATIOII ticirj• %le ressolt VOITIOIX bny so
styleg Which are 'I- --wleCOMIng and Pm* eeeterso , Pe side t Astirs.-A mo dig
RUG sogorgr:01 *messing tharaderistle of, this
Ava. ossil Victoria St. Thous as* w restir-rnsve garments is urge.
oefraUlle the.Y. elln hoW down fiat 11
• 1 ti!rns oh1111:'1111orort,,Ittwleuirlile°114:1 thilFalititritT:ing:h Iditlteerleisotrir ';sfoolliettlipt
;THE cakeireiis TAIsLE Iltelboise because Pinesittnsellt•ntlf,;' state of l'ilISIIInsttletrtIttrrigr tr•er
•••; .nt, •
Thi rfs
with att
• 1,1 •
-•• • •
„The modem present for
the housewife—au electric
iron, toaster, . percalator,
_any of a countless number
good•loUing, time•says
,.ing electrical devices.
They AM All hetat this
:store, and are priced con-
, siderately for those who ,
IntveinanY presents to buy*
No gift Ain be more
pleasing -its Santa's trump
card for Christmas, 1929!
!writ., Stoves Vsfaffle-Ofidclles
°ee Pots
Electric liStaii*.s,ett:.
imeikommolommi;rniftisitsmaNdo••••••••0.00.4~ •
The Hydro Store
West SM. Aware, Gatwick
1 •
• • • mml
• The OhristilL dinner ihonld" he - .';ernedY thbir Sprtu1 the rug flat, Witi°1 ttnwAtion* 11° wiser precaution .4:1,
'swam look it. . The children vinare,* st hot, liqukl glue and lee it dry. nut Itemeda, famous ste the moet,Pote
alone in lowing special food, but it ellen give the back smother light coat * *wady of Or. tl. D. Kellegg'a Adis -
A tiny CirriotMas tree Malrocis Pretta. tnd "stay- put" Ince)* on the And".
different 'from any other meal; not the face down,'and tack it in *hope, be taken tlian that of keening at hand
to help decorate the Christmas. table. Nitest dry, the rug will Again be. stiff "It remedY for. eradleating the die.
- ease freer the tender air -Passsges.
eentoi of the table t6' look like a lake TO ICKSP, SQIIASHES
and -drape white eaten betting over - Winter . squasues,-10,_ ee stored,
center piece; or "lay a Mirror in the - ;.•_._, ,_, • .e.....-
:Riphire S Pais I's'
.. .... ..,
the , frame 0 represent snow, ane should be picked tisreiony with their ,',! ". • p,.. _
sprinkle with gfeeirerY•_, •:•, •40113 ettskehed. The senanisietrue, of
Por ChristMai green*, PaellYaikAilra pumpkins. They 'should the set on 'Rupture; Varicoiele - Varicose
cuttings keep well an wet moSe, and racks or shelves in a cool, dry room, , •'' Veins, Abdominal s'Weakness,
• there is 'nothing; prettier than. ivy. and it is necessary to have 'fresh air Spinal Deformity, Consultation
Asparagus fern makes a dainty in it. The clamed, damp cellar will. _.. J. free. Call or wte • •
Christmas green.; . , cause stem to rot. The garage- 'will - d_. O. SMITH, British Appliance
A Santa Clantrfigure is appropriate serve as a Pore room for them until Specialist, le Downie St., Strist.
for the center ' of the, table, and red cold winter, and after that, the attic. ford, Ont. . . • •
eatelles are Chrietnutsy. A fruit bee.
ket Ailed with outages grapes, rosy . COPPED HINT I, '
apples, figs, nide* and is * line in making drip toree, keep the ' • '
outer piece,,or if Sonde not have the water just below theboiling point.
fruits; anbstAnt-rveltetablea• 011044 Its power of extraction' is greater
those of mo4•Cdior, its: poured cat- than with boilingti, water, and the tan.
rote. *Wing winnes, rt" bright green nits will be less, and the coffee not so
cabbege or heed of lettuce with a few, _bitter, tut better *favored „ao well as
- Pin. twits for trnera• . stronger. There is an eeonOMY104.
---**". ' ture to this, AS the boleros* will. not
CHRISTMAS' FAIRY CAKES. require so much coffee.
. Mix three unbeaten eggs and Mie
pound of sugar. -.Stir (do not, beat)
one•half hour -or until , very -.light.
Add dour enough- to- make .ft atift
mixture.. Season with one-fourth tea
spoon of adosond. Drop from *
spoon upon buttered. coke tins. Let
stand in the tins ;over night in & cool
place, 10 the morning bake, In
reediest went and the sugar will tome
out • and look like frosting. This is -
_ supposed to be the work of the fair-
- les. Remove from the pans while
e.***••••••• I
Our fondly levee to have a candle.
11* meal at mishit thVilrm 11 sheds at
=110:640:rrafood *214 tho.em
sod forgot than taros of the der; and -
makes dotappeal which an open fire-
- always has Se the home lover.
-. The teumlie•lit,meal 10 usuelly
doily wheal owl for a time, 1 Was an -
des. 101 110 toadies stsip wag on my
new dtalue kW*, bat oaca the
104 * Potty and the next
t.10 me harm, my hoot taNe.
was a awed of red, freest Yellow ten*
- die•wat Imola. Tilos 1 made the die-
thver$ that °allow wrote*" cOnstinad
- with Candle wax was a blessing with -
'et Onus a cum to say tilde top. t•
task a ao.ft cloth and tried to rub It
J I find. instead; 'Oust the Me -
dolt nwhed the wax 'lad I
he, anti mode a dellatstrul waren Pol.
*Os on the table hop. Now t never
Wert to the tender -lit mesd. A lit -
(ie triblehw will wipe away the deed;
•soisi then hew easy let to parephrase
Lowly Matireth).
Th Utile Pastillas and lonidiseas
- OK a bloutrod yssre arta At not how
theist woe
s how 10 thdr assat..
saw se a `sweet *seek" The glory -
et the sandy emotes, se the respire.
did wanSwes * toady snore were
doh% net saved** weett in _
Illsalailfr SAO
1.00.10111110410.- MAAPO
There is only one way to HAVE
Christmare that is to make it for
someone else. <
"Did you prepare the o ka to
tickle the palates of inifirtrests?"'
"Yes, Mum, X left the feathers on."
"Rave you any cheap skates." ,
;lot a minute. I'll tall the lora."
Me Most dicOoptablo
of Gifts for '$2.00
To these who have made theft
IOWA far hem their "Ida folk"
sestislog is OW oo ateeptabie
perhaps es news of the weld
home towa"---the 4101111101 01 tbs
Wye mot stria they mesa Is
klisw, their haapiacss, 'eye sad
011.1111144 as rodeeted evsfY easeh
ix the sows edema of the teed
Toot bey or 8111, aide* 1111"
thee ow hewn* triad will spores
date The *or mere then IMP'
thirst taw. It will lie esie.
Mast remisider el ye* St weeks
Ist the, yew*.
"As Gem, se a Lefler Frew
Shop Early
Bet** this
Choicest Gifts
Are U144.'1110
„..-• „.••••• .:••• „•••••• „.•••' "
re • •
I S.R. ildeMath.
• 601 r 84, -Clinton Central. -
m. •
-.1 ALSO YOU& '
Christmas Cake and Pudding
New Raisins -Seeded and Seedless,
Sultanas and Valencias
eyy Currants, Figs : and Dates,
emOn, Orange and Citron Peel
andied Cherries, Pineapple and
Glace Fiuits
Almond Icing, , Extracts and
. Spices
ttitiody's Casli (irocery
.•-•4 .•••••'
• • I
I •
Shop Early
In the bay
In the Vl,rsials--.44!&.
In the Month
A Happy -Thought For CHRISTMAS
SAN SonostIons
ratenocAL carts
A gift that is sure to please he one of our helpful and
Attractive electrical appliances.
0 You can have no idea of the many gift possibilities in
thistore that would delight any woman.
i3istinctive for intrinsic quality and attractivness, these
electrical appliances are priced at a Very minimum figure.
Just look at the list of gift suggestions on the left --they
give you only an inkling of all the exceptional otters we are
making in electrical gftware.
Ekettieski Christmas Decoration*
, •