HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-12-19, Page 4Pe s revs ..--1146 Come ioaod !.iet,.t..m Real Thing FOR YOUR Christmas Table We have Choice Fruits of sods Oranges at 28e, 4Qey, 50e, 5sac, e6)c and 65 a doz ?ea osomuoi STAN Mork Vid.sn ihosorel. Albert 'heirs I d Js s fire. Trees. liryass, d Tear- leof s'Sr clary, ••The Piro, Newell," was gives east Si; sad Frederick 4. !with good esprer:k,s. after v.hichtbe sad ishaan f.hariss, seas er jPKraliciency prises were pretiented by /ins. L Jeh sten, et Toronto. At Ree. Mr. Butt. Tlie wies.rs were as the seesaw at the borate Mics Serino - the Margaret Sandy. 'honors in ,: goner gore two appreaeiate vocal `whe year and fire( is general neon- ' itelectioos. whieaa were mach opeprtra dewy, prise donate: by Mrs. W. X..)dated. During Ida illness Mr. Gra- Hortan; Lulu croft. boners and we- i limas war aMeided by his niece, Miss end in general protkleney for the Nina Graham. who is a trained nurse, Near, prize donated by the Iiiinnen's . and her sister. Misr Nellie Graharu, Institute; Albert Sawa« Monera at the of Tomato, also was sere for the fun- eean►nilnation and high atandirg in eta,. which was atten%ed by many arithmetic and cowpoeitwn, prise 40, relative* and (rime& and many beau- nated by Miss ''Sharman; Mertgaret uful feral tribute* were received. bandy. Brat in the year in grammar, showing the high esteem in which arithmetic, art. reeding and writing, Mr Graham s'!aat held. Prize donated by Smith's Art Stare; Lulu Croft, first in the year and best in literature end tompoi ition. prize Mise DI Mr. Fre Iivhanion lir at his borne • 1, inti rho ear, prize -by the Ilaruaghters here after a season's work ell the' tc �► of the Empire; Keith Saunders, hen - ors at the entren a and in the year's fakes. work, fast in rtpellinai; and second in Mr. Sohn Muir has returned home literature, prize c2onated by Mrs. G. after the season's sailing on. the • Takes. i'hnviztirrtifounvevr : assus4tass 4Ic.en4; earl Methane a stetaiew PEOPLE WE KNOW donated 'by the Maple T,raf Chapter; Stratford tiadhdtBannister. u teier R.N., nne.ot Jack Vldeean, first in geography Sur- Stretford, F "ass, Dates, Grapes, Cherries, es, Peek E.e sone. Grape Fruit,: Cranberries, Rejoins, Currants, nts, Prunes. Aparicots r. inset. Co rY, Tomatoes Mai and Lowest ul►tip, �la. Ketchup* and Sauces ! r, Jelly Powder* °Nate -»Pecans, Walnuts, Almonds, Filberts, Brazils, Peanuts See our Wit. of Choke Candies, Cakes„ Pop Corn Rells, Etc. CHRISTMAS POULTRY -•WitninlHxave--otriessehoicesgceoe, 6uerns, chickens anifair= keyi In short everything good for your Christmas table. We Malt to eir:press our thanks to you all for your patronage and`to<wish you a very Happy Chiristmas, Gee WN BACI:1LL.R:., Cor. Kingston St. and Square Phone 386 far Service and Satisfaction "Our Owl[ eti,v117• ": 11,11 L. Panels; Ada Anderson, first in . Mea Herbert Mayan, f King a1m1Iintf, prize donated by Mr. and street, , a t son Mrs. A. L. Cole; Onalge Moore, gen- will oi'snal laeveral welts in oral proficiency in Sr. III► prize dons New Yorl. City. ated b Miss Ball• G raldine anonym- Micas Catherine Crawford, of Lon- pri e ' don*ral rotleiency In Sr. II 'uiriatmar Holidays, a yr orixa. donated a btiaa Wilreit; Ilam- My, and Mrar. R. G. Reynolds and old Heiman, boo, general Pnoktcieney in Miss Reynolds .have gone to London the int i►oak, prix$ e, goeed l Mias mtnn spend the winter. :Billie; Marian mei core, general prod- Mr. Bert malaanus, of western cieney in II Class, prize donated by Univerasity, London, le home for the ,8 Chr d a son perfect atteneinice 4th class Angeles, having' y Q don 'University, is horn f the Mins Bailie; Aarbara Reid eneral' pi!sti£leney in the Primar/ rade Mrs Jos vacation.he and ht hreseittatian of ►mixes for d© sty 'week's' visit in Toronto. Another thermos, "Wc would Ifs y n daughter, ue'" b the dila, was follow d i Peggy, have returned henna after a: menu neatness and prizes attendance by Mr. .Chas. Stowe ie spending the Rev. Mr. Bunt, as follows:' Marion•winter with his parents, Mr. end Mrs. ,Raines, perfect attendance, 4th class, Kenneth Sterne, aftex a session on the prize donated by Mrs. Currie, Sr.; lakeae, and Ellie Banco and Ralph Render. Miss Gertrude Barnes has left far ► her bonze in Loa . A. l b RobertMuirperfect oattendance inspe etsesalwith her sister,M several months SC 1TI ; ult,sl3itho ,-tnr_actattend- i -f - conBucs FOLKS w. s You* OW MON SCHOOL, DIPLOMA f 11""S QU4. CNRMITMAS L*STJ DEAR ARK vOu KAY+N' Root TIIUNADAY, DOG Mk, WI" i-: sine* UP AY -- AND PLL SUY Kea CF CA:140Y/ 'haice Gift Boxes of Confectionery and all sorts of Holiday Hints. Such an array! For Pa and Ma and all the "In -faros." For the Little Anes. Such sensible prints to bring that happy, breathless ,response—"Just What . I Wanted!" Some Gift Suggestions Dressing Cases Bath Salts Cigars S;safety. Razors �. rillerroalnes Dusting Powders Cigarettes Fountain Pena and Perfumes Chocolates Tobaccos,Stationery a Toilet Waters Thermos Bottles Pipes ; Christmas Cards A LAROE ASSORTMENT TO CHOOSE: FROM 4Y, WISDOM irOU ALL A HAPPY CHRISTMAS e C. DUNLOP The I? staii Arug Store norm) MAtca Mr. and Mrs. Wm, ,fait • e t`We anet!, Sr.III.; Madeleine Bishop, per- nesdayy morning. for Datr¢it, where at Ilanitton, hero acct aSr. H.mce, de eie Id* ah .Elliott; Mr.. and Pities. perfect attendance, Jr: 1114 III.; Elsie they attended the funeral: of Mrs. Nor"thurnl,erland ave., ____ Squire, best deportment in Room III., Taitar 'brother, Mr. George Luxton. announce the .eitgaixement b �theik "' naso" aaaa:s>rria pas,. to do with pee- oungsk there ora y u r, Perfect t la Raarrce Jr.a daughter. an. Pie. Christmas is 'a state of mind. i7 tri Ibis, pe , "bis end Mrs. Andrew Milli n naveh Je 11 11 toMr. Charles Gibbs III.;. Doris Ha erfecae, deportment, left to spend 'Christmas with -their .Johnson, »±. Pittsburgh, son of Mr. Div. II.; snake Mooren, deportment, lion, R � - Z. C. Millian and Mrs. Mil and Mrs. William IL Jchnsole of'Nor- Sr. Mildred vfdean de rtment, a alt more, Md, They will folk, Virginia." "aha betrothal' will Div. I., prises by Home' and School also visit theft daugthter► Mrs. Cox, ternninat r in ai January Wedding. Club. A few words were given by Mr. Z. t. Torn. Rev. J. N. It dills and Prin- cipal Stonehouse when they were eel - led on. ' Another chorus, "0 Come All Ye Faithful." brought the program to a close with the :exception of a oiledaddress •' by Miss SFarma i, `art -the , close of which she was Presented with ilwa• , a beautiful bouquet of 'mums on be, half of the graduating class by Mar- ion Raines, the address being' read MMENt1'• na► `eo +Canada" ryas sung with int n%jar, t Nest'lvedncsrtayw the world halts its schools, at the piano. Ray. It G McTacrmid was omit EDITORIAL G r, by Phyllis Cooper. Then Cama the National Anthem. '` O' t � RY ho musical instructor in the husyr 'wheels of eeanrmoree and Indus than for the evening! and in his open cbr try to eelatto the birthday of an Ins. irtg remarks spoke in congratulatory font... eCountless thousands of infants .turns of the success of the pupils :have peon born sine man came upon and teachers, and on the very pretty* this platlet, thousands of them daily,', a_ ppearence resented by the room. each creating his'o ripple of ni er_ e`w�vey-Tnble, was-thp-title .rot pend ex4itament among, the family oof utr oIrish 'sketch rsof the part in b • and ftienrlo, but of eels one Myth. in fee g the ,'raduating the whole of history . can it be .aid ! Mar•'gerryl ltia fie snotty; d !Ol Olive West that id:-cr ted'stueh a prof'o'und ii;1 brook). 'This nae • a very amusirsg 'flu nco. that the whale civilized world .sketch given with all the Vivacity* of Counts all time from that event, and the young performers and. it was every :time 'we date a letter We .pay , much onjoyec Feature to •thn stupendous centrad A Chriaetniaa.and 1.ew Rear along event itt ell history which we eche- by the Clans was nncelygiven, Follow» borate next' +edne'rlayf, "For unto us td by a well -rendered recitation, en. titled,- I'he• to of Bea3inning n +Child is baarn, canto us: p• eon is gin- Again," by Misses Peggy 'Parson a n; and the government ellen be upon and Agnes "Thorttloe. Ilia .s ule.ear; and Iiia name r3ha11 be• The address to, the graduating etas.. .culled 'Wonderful Counsellor. the was given. hit Trey. C. F. Clarke,. who mighty! God,' the everlasting Father, showed the advantage of. higher edu- the i rhwe of twee. of the increase coition in greater case in" --earning cit .His government :and peace there thliveswayyu of stressed eu ture andginn aaslrrll + oro end, upon the throne. of .making of a well ropanded lira and in David, and, aeon his Kingdom, to or- eharacter-building. cher if and to a taablish it with iudag Ralph Henderson •sang a solo, argent' turd jute from henceforth "Holy Night," in good voice. CVen for ever:" su'rh were the pro, The presentation of the -'Robert phetie words of Isaiah, and our words. t''urk silver memorial medal was in this Anne Domini 11129, inay well ;nrado by Ianapadctor Beacom► or was tp bit "()' Coiae Let Us Adore Kim." h ! mark. by Inspector Beacom, but .,,�..,, when the winner, Albert Uownn, was c i S Hill ,., called 'on to come forward and re. •4h!114itotl tN 1"l' eeiese the medal Miss Sharman hadato ^;' make theaexplanation that for 40410 -Albert lI<iwit theWinner of Silver nnoxueeted reaason he was not pres- ent though that afternoon he lied in. • Medal..,.ltrizea and Diplomas tended being on hand. The valeedte- 1'gesented tory address was to he given by the • Tito "canYmence Wit" at Central medallist And on account of hs ab-- eence this feature also had to be pas« school was bola' on Tuesday e`.ening soo over. of this weep, the corograrin being gin- . Another chorus was "It ,Came tip - _,'n in the princi�pat'i's ream, which Vats eat, the Midnight Clear." arid was very prettily and tastefully decorat- nicely' given. Herbert Greene snare ell. lite atmosphere of Christmas a solo, "My Task:, also very well was seeured by the presence of a very 'rendered. prettily Illuminated Christma tree in . To Principal Hunte of the G. C. I. one senior of the room, can' which the was, nlloted' the •r:ut>ty+ of .'presenting diplomas and and prizes were hung. And the diplomas to the graduating Blass. in the lrrogrran the great Christmas The •:successful ones were •Mario!+ festival Was Riven a prominent place Itavmand. Keith Saunders (Honore). In many of the eeeitotiens, 'ehoruses, .Italpti Ilenders.on, Ale: •.Aanders- n, :etCin . assembling Flee ' ' ]dargcry Marro, Lulu Croft (hon. agraduating. ors), Robert Homey, Vara ('lark. tlatn gave their school yell and after lilargaret O....'y (honors). 1Jonsrd a very nii'*c1v"sande d 1 WILSON. -0n Sunday,' Dec. 16th, at 4.20 a.m. there passed away Leona. •GrenW I darlingyoungest . a e Wilson, and. y ange t daughter of liar. and Mre. Roy A. Wilson of the flth concession, Glide. rich twp.,• at- the early age of one ': Y year, one month, and 12 days, After an illness of only nine days tom la- , testinal flu. eSlie was a patient ltttl`c ' ' West sufferer . until Jesm `nailed ihig~ clear little bud to complete, his wonderful bouquet;° The funeral servkes .were conducted by Rev. Mr Butt, pastor of Union United church, During the funeral service Mrs: G. Harwood played softly while Miss Pentland sang very 'sweetly, "Calling for You • and Mn' " Little Leona Was loved by s all for her cunning way% which mamas shown by the loving sympathy ex- ' s tended to'theme. The flowers were Man • anil .beautiful, including the r family. , wreath, Grendnia Wilson, a Grandma Bell and family►.Uncle Bili lie and: Aunt Margaret, Uncle Reg, P Aunt Bella and family, Uncle Harry, Aunt Laudie and family, Uncle Char. lie, Aunt Jean and George, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Medd and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wn. Medd and family', Mr. and Mrs. Harold Montgomery. ."The pall- bearers were fear little cousins, ger- hot -Powell, Laverne Powell, Mait- land Fuller and Arnold :Fuller. She' leaves to mourn her lose her father, and mother and sister,. Lonna Marie., A little childish voice is stilled; Two little lily' white hands are crossed Two little eyes forever closed ; The sound of .pattering feet is lest.- A little form from out our home Was borne rlty loving halals ,away, lout tttill I soon! to hear a'vokee 'Nithi0 my heal t it says oath day, Come this way. Pm wire our,darling.is at. rest Within the tender Shepherd's fold ; lie molt her from this sinful world, its shields her froth its blast and told. But how wee miss the loving kiss Aad oh, our longing heart is core, 'hen comes that little pleading voice It gently whispers o'er and o'er, • Como this way. -Com. bpi • Mics Alma Bow,ell, the pianosolo elm- ' er, 0li auW sttbrrAnderson. erbertisGr�eene, 1111 1111_, car. Canadian Pacific Railway CampanCompany 5% Collateral Trust Bonds no December I, 39 ►:x—payable's in Canada and!'e-,- York— redeemabk at arentiunt art and t offer December 1,19 -coupes bvladr'Indenominations co, SI00and COO ''"'hese bonds are direct obti*at. 1 tions of Cenradiaan Pacific Railway Company. secured by .,deposit of $37.500,000 of the Company's 4% Consolidated Debenture Stock and having pri' ority over the Company's Prefer, taint and Common Steak. ME: and sceruid interest yield W'' :'e s*,neat Are, ia+sth.fa s+er�►!lwr5r, Des;,ig&rr tir_erler rn' des e:* regoeu. DOMMICON si .t„' COINWCIPJLTION 1 maim Hod Mot 1CW NTOt $ Partie. E. tairAtti t As of a11vork.. L..,r.,,o... 1Khawe.► Mama Pl. S. INIAT? . N,p.esesaeN,M, COflAild111ws* t . pit GiODBRIVU 4 ti: Christmas r. '1 ; ng. Chrisas. !Candles . Cbi d r e n'dry 'The 'eastern of '• nslog candles .at ; FOR FLETCOER S Christmas is int tree. Ae" .0 A 5 1 0 .R► r 1" cording 30 the -0 idea, these candles• p CHRIST OR your convenience we have •everything arran ed fo easy � ,sc Christmas Gifts. :You Y lI. Will Q lll�� • s r tion of 44 .• store Christmas Gift suggestions that Y 'Solve .you: question--` What Will 1 Give`' Gifts: for ever M' • ivory Member ,of the family --Mother, Pad, -Brother die lister. GRAII , -in the death on Satter. day last .of Mr. Wen. B. Graham a1 fanuiiar figure about torn lion been removed, one of those genial person aiiticas it is always n pleasure to meet. As a citizen he took a keen. interest It in the affairs of the town and he had , served for a termof years in the • F41 toren council,' and in private life lieff was exemplary. In the spring he i lead an attack of flit but was about as usual until the latter :part of .$eptem- her, and was confined for about eight weeks before his death, being trou- r: bled with anaemia and his heart, Ile vies -in his es entyr«✓seventh ,yea r • Ile was horn in Aslhfeld township, a ton r of the late Mr. and 'tars. Thos. Gra- ham. Ire was married in Ashfield and live on the term for some ,eight, ten years and for the past thirty yearn lead resided in Goderieb. His wite, wits services, was MIs* Ju;tur thy I•kkhlin, a daughter of the late late tleerge 'hlin. Mr. Grithem is earthed arta by the following minsters and brothers. Minas Mary (Inbar% of New York; Mrs. P. W. ,b'hn.tnii, of Toronto, who is at present in Panels. Penance« Madera,lltngttls tiratilela), asf Paris; name' Mr' Ionics Graham. of Vit'asshineton. De. The death of their eois, Dr. ['larentce Graham, a Few Veers asilter, wee a sad blow to Wend Wrs. Graham., The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon, the err. views being seeded -oil lin Rem, etaI a ` Clarke, et North astreet, ftited char.:h, she ' der eamd's pastor. and the Pall' Ityarets were M. Eatswersott ttnd Mt!. WC Iii. 1- Munnis�r4a,, John Mottoes stoes 'Lor,, NM., A. J Moral awl 11. it, WEST t' �Sti)F OF SQUARE 'Long, Awtntt, the ?T4.')d who were >•r±r for t 1C /POthfr!re arta Ire. P. ttlk.;' , "'SHOP WHERE YOU ARF. 'INVITED `I 1 SHOP" cchtats. a Ma�tlstr et Mt+. Ontl4ar+t'•, watt life +Sirtgitter..t • "nsissMit: trierit lllEt livrt, ass ustmer :,C Mrs. teiisas+s`re trotomoinivoromotstiousgoitommoinirogiatioeisitisuatoototmang Silken r ,. lYainty' ultimate garments that 'follow the ;pew .dress silhouette. - A Ivo in d e a� f u 1. ,,selection of; gowns, L3yjallfaas, Vests' and Bloomers:,. Sets of Vests ; and Bloomers, and: semen .gowns attractively boxed.' Gloves of • all varieties, Chamaisette tailored styles, in fawn, Deer,' Gap and Black i'e:id Trctousse,,.wasii-;. able Kid doves in popular shades,•: • e' Hosiery w r V � .Weldrest and: fultfash oiled, hose in` Scarfs The new square or long scarf, having on them Ralik work. or hand stencilling. Handkerchiefs Bags Kimonas - Bath Robes Umbrellas, etc. ion es Men's :Gloves, lined or unlined,. • in reindeer, reindeer, !skin,' oat- pg .0 G 1111 skin and buckskkin. a OC S Men's all wool -analis,"Socks. in plain and fancy patterns. Silk and wool,*ticks.ia fancy pat%erns. Scarfs The square or the. reefer for the man. " , ;silk. plaids, ail woof English 'cashinerc and silk combined. NeTAWear... $en'S Ties. in holday boxes, • in heavy figured silks, .plain . satin and moireS.. Handkerctiefs Sweaters, etc. We wish you all a very Joyous Christmas OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS In A. CORNFIELD