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The Goderich Star, 1929-12-19, Page 3
+1.rrrtV..a ire r. ir'Nor6eod NewsHad a aid.. Picked From Oar Exchanges • M.rr... M.kr.w. !Rias lees Ma% Owe eluant. Lek, anai*as:---e'i an a chic« •M1i r, 'mete a ler irwi.� aN t hal a ewer New OoeMt AMaiRNi after an illness *Mendips for several war t,es• aw lead I MaH see R. kir. Pocock, of tomato. has months. Sha leaves to mourn her alwp at eaai eC haat el ei teal been appeiat•d rector of 1317th. Bel- loss, kw mor* u*i*g husband and live grave mad Auburn parish and will children, namely: John, Peter, Mrs. ed lea is m)' l=ast tximmencs hie deities early in the new Nieves, of Toronto; Mary and Bea - •'I kw soma aaeiiasaaa, bat dm year. trice, at lone, emit see aewi► Mist rat1' a tread V Twsatkte we thaws asuaesraarir Deaths at Mrs. (Dr.) Briggs a0ainta ate le M'7 I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yams, of Exe-' The death of Mrs. (Dr.) Briggs, of 1 sal Mei* ewe ter, celebrated their twentieth wed. Cleveland, formerly of Seaforth, oe- ba: aidid er ding anniversary (alma) on Monday, cured in Azieana en Wednnsadak of Mee wee wadi Dee. 2nd, by eotertainlne a few rens, last week, where she had gone in the ala 'my **mkt'''. thee and frieia*d*. intone* of her health. Before her Z took theca an i Mrs. J. E. !!Retinue sally Ikea in marriage Mrs. Briggs was Mian Jean tdeel► soundly McVermid, and she wee a sister of nowand here ne more After an illness of many months Miss h. efes id, Goderich street, p e t a a in ai.7 death on Friday morning', Doc. 8th, .Ieaforth; Mrs. John McDowell, of a krait,•' claimed Mo. Elisabeth IteGillicuddr. mid, ll0P' and Mx. Malcolm McDes- wife et Dr. J. E. McGillicuddy,. o4 mid, of Htdle#t. Price, ISO midi aux at all draggiatt! Lyndon.• a former "adult of Exeter.'Death of John England wad dealers, or reeled ilirawl; ou receipt•i Following SA illness extending ••i' prior, bT Tice T 'Milburn Coe LW C Baled let Exeter # three weeks the death ► ► over the paws ee ' T+►roato+ Qat. The remain*. of the late David occurred in St. Joseph's hospital, Leas i -.. 1 Parkinaon, who died in Florida, wive don, on Thursday,. 6th, of John LEGAL DS CAR ' ed in Exeter,an 'Sendai' ,Uev. 8th, Mr. £,Mand, well-known arzner of Zur �R. O+ flflW `- R. N. Rave goingto London for same, th, who underwent •en operation. Mr. + • v.The funeral was held on Monday, in* England who had resided In Zurich detester, Solicitor, Notary nubile, Eta[ in Exeter !cemetery, [ for many years, was 68 years of age. Succeaaor to J. L. Killoran •$agagement Anit+aalaced. ;He was one of the best known fame Pupae 91 mance. 71h° Square, tiodetieh. Mr. and Mra. Jerrie/,B. Tiernay, of era in the district. R N E S T M. L E K 1 Orchard Lodge Farm, Blyth, Ont., Death of Mrs. J. Colclovgh • J wish..to announce the engagement of The Beeth occurred at the home of Barrister and solleiter their youngest daughter, Mary Sara, her daughter„ Mrs. Calton, Mary ate Stun Life Bldg., Adelaide and Victoria, to John Garnet, elder nen of Mr. and Clinton, on Sunday, Dee. 8th, of Mrs. Telephone: Elgin 530/Mrs. James Batten, Moulton, Ont. ,Annie Colclough, . widow of Joseph Toronto 2. The w dding wri:ll take place'fn Toren ' Colclough of Goderich township, in se.....,.... -_....r.-. to the middle of December. her eightieth year. She was mar- S- Death of lf)aacan )rleNaa � Joseph lclou fifty Barrister, Solicitor, Notary On 'Thursday, the Stir of December, ago and lived in Goderich two. until »UDLE IiOLML• gbtoe tied top Co gh $ Public,Conveyancer. lata, death Came suddenl)r to a well-known after the death of her Husband, since PHONE 27. IAMst.i'u.J mum; and highly_ respected resident of .which .time she had_reaided.with her_ - Tiir)iberry, in the person of Duncan daughtear. She is survived by three ` SPECIALIST McNaughton. He leaven his Wife, daughters and three sons. R. P. J. Ii. FORS'TER, three sons, Kinley, John and Donald, Seaford' Lions Preaent Medals and one daughter, Mrs. Oliver Camp- At the regular Seaforth Lions but. 4 ' EYE, EAR. NOSE, THROAT bell* cheon on Monday of last week the bate house Sturgeon New. York Oph- Death' of Mrs. lhtf tt.. McGowan , 'Lions were hosts to the'whining la- FROM KATE adlan and other British Forces have nsl their respcetivo national emblems, or tlialmia .and Aural Hospital, assistant at .The death of Emtn Flo•�„ Crosse team in the town lacrosse lea; f the Battlefields in regimental crests, with Brief opi- helpful gift counsel here .ANOTHER holiday season --another Christmas list to be tilled. Why not, this year, make use of a helpful .gift counsel that costs you no more, yet adds so very much in lasting satisfac« tion? • Just a word or two about each person you are considering, and we can quickly show yolt dozens of attractive, enduring things to fit both your prices and the persons in. mind. For months we've been gathering them -gifts of precious metals in authentic styles as illustrated here. Consult us now for the professional ad- vice which makes gift choosing a simple, enjoyable task. Wishing all our Customers and Friends A Merry Christmas She Mal TWO V.iiee+s hot ... • w ar,�:a* "`7 w n t uea"i�a wz: ttwa. for teaiee.stosis was now eat ar�r•1t non r•wrrd tic• toes ai=rs• oto emelt to Monk. Net an ewer owe for as sl4eely we. aaita week.*** wets prate et herd work,. but it Is jolt ewe tasks tuut tar akliaed doctors and *trate are w atm* called wawa to 0*. Atter some terata= ane wan ilm mterw i, Prato. weer mason WA* to take we IM�a Awrera et r ttaaaatil aD0ert " POO*is ew ital is stead/// to meet of F. fusee. tilt old A Ltarit n +i►nmix 4 A. is. awkoe�. u1 aging" attreOt, To. veto I. .,A woman min be true as steel,:► Pan 111O ACMAD1AN MA NAL AY. RAIN SERVICE is TIMM DAILY 1CAClli:P'1. SUNDAY be. Goderich 6,*0 m.nr. *.110 p.ea. " Citrate 6.41 aa:ra. *10 p.m. a Seafurth thiel em, 3.06 paw " Mitchell 7l1 am, 3•3A pea. Apr Stratford 7.46 are, 4.03 paw Kitchener 8,40 tl.m. 0,20 pan. 't Guelph y 04 am. 5.60 p.m. Toronto 10.2* a.m. '730 pari. I Returning—Leave Toronto 7,111 arrae 12:65 pan. and Oil/knee. Parley Cafe Car Gedench to Tore onto on morning train, and Toronto to Qoderieh on 6,05 para. train. Na Change. of caro between GGoderieh and ° Toronto, J. A, LAWRENCE.. That may infer of course that owe - 'Yo'* Paaawalrer w=est times she may rut you. `:toile R Mint Agent bdu.:ation is giving to every boy and girl a semen of right values and ADYERTXSE IN THE STAR teaching them to follow them. E C. ROBERTSON -•- DIAMOND- MERCHANT and d-EWELER. Phone 136 { ll f 1 1 GODERICH a r@nee,. Squareleid a Eye p ap Gelden wife of Mr. Aliixcan McCowan , hen p db God A 1997 Glimpse o to h. These cemeteries, i f 1 la - Square 'throat Hospital. London, Eng. of Melfillgp, oceur1 d- t her home on Rennie. Si. en boys were present Northern Franco tap ;a3 Waterloo St. S Stratford Tole• tended, aro abundant with lover • this a •> , 'Hospital d Ge en t sue w t i was ca Laine r on care u Y ' ►, Wright Ontario Athletic Lacrosse a are very m lavender au --- 'Cup, which is for competition each week tob able to publish a short other old fashioned ,blossoms, which year In a ort so ewe mem era s • of the team Ives resented with a fine France by Miss Kate Hosken, form- of the surrounding countryside. lacrosse medal. The clui, made final exly of Goderich, . and the many After visiting several important preparation for their annual Christ- friends of the family in Goderich will, war centres, viz : Pozieres, Cource- mas tree on Dec. 20th. - we know, be muchinterested to hear tette,. Martinputeh, High Wood and of theme and to read Miss' Ilosken's Deleelle Wood, Fiera and Mametz, Death of Peter Scott sketch. She is a graduate nurse in we 'vie'R'ed the huge gun at Chuignes Early Tuesday morning o7 last New York and in 1917. made a visit which bombarded Amiens and was Weep Peter Scott, of Brussels, passed to England and ]~`/ware. Her broth- captured by the Australian troops. to the Great Beyond after being bed- -- ed- Ars, Ernest and Gordon,were both in Returning to Amiens for dinner we fast for the past three weeks at the the war and Ernest made the sup- boarded the Paris train, arriving ine ho=ne of his daughter; Mrs. Fred liar- :theretro sacrifice as also did cousin - that etty about 10:15. Thus. bring- or.'tae. 8 toG thelia a little quer three weeks ago Mfrs Hosken'=, and she had thus a Ing to a close .a most interesting day "°"r' 11Srs: Scott passed away suddenly: "very great interest iii her visit to the and a journey replete with lasting Deceased was horn at Harpurhey scene' of their hardships and sacrifice. memories. nearly 79 years ago, and vas the sot. Miss Hosken'= sister, Miss Beatrice KATHERINE HOSK1;Di,, of the late Mr. .and Mrs. Donald Hosken, is Also in New York as a Scott, of Brussels. .A family of three nurse and.is in charge of the nurses' Onee a woman used to be at home sons, Brian, Toronto; Stewart, Hated- `nurs iit'`ckynnectioii with t'he•city hos. every tiirat. Titurs I now she isn't at ton, Cline, j;algary; and one Baugh- pital. Miss Hosken's address : is 12G home even that much, ter, Mrs. Fred Burchell, of town, sur- *East 26th : t.. New York.. Her viva, sketelt is as follows : Lots of husbands have found it's Passed Century Mark "It rests with the individual tour- cheaper to rent, because the wife Charles_. McIntosh, a respected resi- ist to have respect" for' the spirit that `,doesn't insist otr tearing up and dent of Hallett township and father lies upon all land of •desolation and to changing, the interior every six of Mr. J. P. McIntosh and Miss Mary walk through it with reverence." • months. McIntosh of Clinton, -celebrated his. • --Rudyard Kipling. one hundredth birthday .on Wednes- Wit}e guide •books, bearing this fit - day, , Dec. • 4th. Mr. Stclntosh was - ting and impressive message, our. born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Dee. party�.;eet out on a journey to the - 4th, 1829, and came with his parents one-time war zone; including the to Canada at the age' of four years. Somme Sector and the Valley of the The family settled in Quebec, 'remain- Ancre. - ' ins about four years, then came up Leaving the' Gare du,=' Nord, Paris, to Huron, settling .first in Goderich on an early morning of August. we township, at what later, betaine Part- reached, the city of Amiens in about er's Hill. In 1860 Mr. McIntosh mov- one and oneehalf hours. Isere a. ed to Rullett and there he had lived b'ief - 'ton was made to visit the an - practically ever since. tient and beautiful, cathedral; a mar- vetous (Gothic eture, wearing the Stop the Cough. --Coughing'• le scars of war and `still without some caused by irritation in the respiratory nf. it sexnuisita stained glass, once re - eel) i$g�* and is the effort to dislodge moved far 'safety.. '7'he superb care - o teuctlonar� that come from indene- Ing is particularly noteworthy. mation - of the mucous membrane. From the cathedral, ?the journey to Treatment with, Dr. Thomas' Eclectric the Battlefields was made by motor Oil will allay the inflammation and 'bus and we soon reached' the town of in consequence the cough will usual- Albert, a place of ruins at the close ly atop. Try it and you will be. sat- of hostilities and now being gradual- isfied. ' ly -rebuilt. Mulch of the general de - VISIT THE LAND OF SUNSHINE struction apnears in the walls of old le Some people travel extensively-•- cathehousedral, present nin process of a fine �of zy ocean cruises to far countries,. Eur - e ope, etc. Why not spent a .few restoration. III ri month this winter hi California—the Although rain fell throughout the We wish land of sunshine and play, where cli- you aware* house, `,, matte conditions are unexcelled the a few good views of that important A cheery fireside, year ••!round? A - fascinating country region any of relicsof ago. invasion A delicious dinlucr• of muck charm, mountain scenery of were visible, especially mine craters. All the presents that old Santa Clans splendid cit cat eawed colorful fun beaches shell holes. and bare trees standing has in lila bag, ( where bathing is the universal pas - And ones grim wsuch used itnesses f byes as liner as of h r- Annd a New. Year of unalloyed happi; time. very peered netts the roadway. Rude Mite nese• Golf, tennis and polo are also ve h ' ed res plume "iiT.,and were presented with the J L uch pleased flowers e g pansies a At Hotel Bedford, Goderich. Next V vii t Tuesday, Nov. 19th, from 10 am. tee 4 pm. esday, Dec 3rd in ' her 53rd year CiiiROi'II4ACTIC a _ - - - -�-••--mow DIIi GLES~S PRACTITIONER CIIIROPRACTUR D DRUGLESS Erur THERAPIST, GODE1UCH. E q u ipped with electro -magnetic beths. Electronic /electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic, . organic, and nervous disposes. 'Lady in, at- tendance. Office hours '2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m., • excepting Monday and Thursday and . by appointment. • A. N. ATKINSON, residence and elite, corner of South street and Bri- tannia road. Photo 341. ' • e e •tl f Ids f Northern cheer and brighten the forlorn aspect. Sof h Al h b article pia the I;at a ie o . AUCTIONE.ERI G. ,-.• e ` u THOMAS O LNDltY Qc . SON. ' Tide ty D ERIC Live Stock and General ; Auetioaeers,. Eight Ave.. Coderieb. Sates- made-ovcryWflero-and- ett eltorta. 1., n made to. give you sattsfaotton. , Farmers' Sale Notes diacoa*.:ted. Pena 119. 14SLEY W. FISHER, AUOTIONEltitt.:vy, WtU .conduct seta anywhere, Cis *tens are reasonable and I Will try anti PICC sausraction. Phone Carioca 13i4. or adreress alt: 11. 4; Goderfeh. i*fQT.A.RY PVIILZC. ETC. m. BAILIE. NOTARY PUBLIC General Conveyancing done Good Companies Represented ' rteno NO. 2118.. Goderich, Ont; IttltfAly . BII.LOP. MUTUAL ['fitly AhCE COMPANY, Paned AND ISOLATED 'T'OWN PROP- ERTY IN •,USED. Value of property insured up to Jan- . uary. lAiO. *3,$,18,'375.110. 4,f 1' FICEB..S-,tames . Connolly, Presi; kat. Cfodcl*:elt; Jas. Evaes, 'V4ce-I'r' $l- ufent, :Beechvlood; T. s2. tiara See. - 'Netts., :Seadorth. - - 1)14g' l GTOtter-4), 1. «turgor, spa - forth ; .t. G. Grieve. Winthrop ; Wm. tct��rio. Constance: George i oCortncv, 44rekersmith Jelin Verrie, Hari:mkt John Bennewlse Ilroadhagen; Murray bison, Brueefleid. - At:+JN'Iti--4. W. Yeo, Godei+ioh ; Sandy Leitch, 'Clinton ; Wen, Chesney, Sea- . toren; it," Rinohley, Seaforth. Polfoy"oslers can pdy their :sasess- mente at Galvin Cutts etoro, (;oderleh; A. J. Moorish's Clothing store, Clinton; or J. H. Reed's, Bayleld. y Frac 1lS1i$*NC* Have It attended to by the «111 *AWAN0311 autism FIRE INWRAlleE Eeitablistlod 1878 Head Office: Dtlanionon Ont. A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM THE HEAT FOLKS erry' Ch stmas to everybody ; ' a e day, it cleared at intervals, providing • Yours sincerely. - popular while yachting, fishing and with eTr ect roofs metal -cover d if Dancing in the warm . moonlit nights who sought shelter after their homes main !These house severe amines THE BEAR FOLKS hunting pan be enjoyed to the full fox thos4 who choose. were ' demolished. =CALL TIMiewing the scene of No -Man's When visiting Californiaitravel one Land and the trenches. one is struck a' dr`both ways via the Canadian Rock- by the rough stretch sof territory withk i'!a'')s't les and stopover at Vancouver and an abundance of seance flourishing Victoria. Superb hotels, fine golf despite the debris. Numerous war Wm. Watson, courses and magnificent scenery en Auburn, President; ' COAL eemeteries are to be soon and some iJ BUSTARD route make this well worthwhile. Utas. Hewitt, Vioa President; Jas, fine monuments have been erected to "=ruin, Hon. Director; SDirectors--- • ' COMPANY Null information, literature, etc, the noble men who laid down their 1 ..t. Thompson, Auburn; Wm. Me- Phone D$ Goderich will be gladly supplied by any Ca __ ' Quillen St Helens • W P heed 1b. R. No. 2, Lucknow; harry �' L. Salkeld, Goderich; Alex. Nicholson, Lucknow; tlYni Griffin, R. It. No. 7, Lucknow ; (Paas. Dewitt,. Kincardine; lobt. Dav- idson. Dungannon. • Rate -42.00 per thousand. THOS. STOTIRERS, `meas. CECIL TRELEAVEN, Sec's.. •r BrODrnu Bro. GOOERICtf The Leatiieg FinlandDirectere Walsers alsers also Atallaiaac.Service Orders carefully attended tai at all hour*- .night or day. We are the taaspeetors of snatotttg ib and for the Canty of Buret:l ones: Store 110; leaden*. .►. Wheeler Funeral Director and ]Cm%Imer Goderich, Ontario Ali panne proinptiy *Ulnae t4 day or night, 1 hoagie: !elate 10L Retie $fila. n Pacific assert, A large part of the old Battleflele in being preserved in the cnnditior that it was at the close of the tear as a memorial to the Newfoundiana troops. Trenches are to be seen here, dueouts and considerable mini- • tary equipment. Although muddy i and difficult in pines. we were able !to walk for some distance through a `Front Line' trench with its 'Duck Boards' and barbed wire. Sand bags, hardened by time and resembling stones, remained in position, while helmets and guns lay scattered about on either side. It teemed strangely realistic to tread thus in the footsteps of brave warriors --those who stead- fastly endured mud, cold and con- stant danger amid these very aur- ranndings. Three notable memorials are : the Monutnental Tl:,wer, erected to the Ulster Division at Thiepval; the monument to the 51st Highlanders at Beaumont -Hamel, and the New- foundland Memorial—The Caribou. - The latter, standing on a formation of large rocks, seems to be either shouting defiance to the enemy, - whose lines he faces, or calling back the souls of the valiant. /The many war cemeteries with their ltimpte heanstontls, uniformly arranged and bearing well Chosen in- aeriptiono, make a pathetic appeal • rind are profoundly impressive; es. I peeially to these cherishing memories of dear ones who gallantly sacrificed' [all. In the ease of an unknown warn r .r, the stone contains the ilini 13 1 words: "A Soldier of the Great War Xnowis 'Unto God." Thom of English, Australia/, tsri- na. lives in the cause of right. • Brophey Bros. LEADING HOUSE FOR High-class Beds, Mattresses and Springs INSPECTION INVITED Store Phone 120. Residence 217 IS .EVE1t7tTHING 1104110616 tutlee rstove solved ') 's mast solved how to core itie _�W t that sulatC. see fisc one, rich, r ey rtoi have Created bon beenW°rkra. eTtv/� oceuatiis Oka. slobs, Sybarites who °tenatno. sic witb. c t lirevenLie.pelt3o�f 00 mous rap newlerst'leto • •• s Beta • cg'► yea ttot►�" Te a*, iu>ew 245 vowel i tubouTtos here a to teo4tet to tum! lest• data t o to pre t e tto.di tooe t, 't +. pitta aura Hemet p rtb moa« ee • tcetretatoGreetedCoos to..$1' 'temple SAO Or MO obeli. !retia ,r BARKER EROS.,_ Goderich •den. r1 $ a w &Fr'r ca __t__w_ f l•IONES 241.417j, Si AS SPE r, w In III EVERY •• • • NEw caor rsksa the Writ et Coni Ckerr. cutely uu1 ao 1, The May-ln:.1 corisoicis reuses. CnOICE MUD Owl {hints tei eat and dela& train ems there Bier .sofi s bow Chrfsteut NUT i eleurt,g at Dozlales Stores tears acseil Ma ata** ret eecassek►i rse.lL Entrtkbr that matte the aseeeatel Ckriat.au Waxer w * be test.' - ALMONDS. Mann... so Olt ebeNet•-Ike realer t*aPIT at lice 165•14 reasonable Mkt.• Per ib. 25e LARGE WARMER Brazils . 1:'.250 seat se*LL 'Walnuts 1h.23c NSW MILT Filberts 10. 21c CALI: GIM aunDED Walnuts lb. 35c won pat& . CHRISTMAS 4:442. V i Almondsib.2'�'e��,� CAS 'UAW llanrla © - , QUALITY PRODUCTS FROM OUR OWN'manY ow atcius fly.. CHRISTMAS AHA GOC/! uu. PUDa/NG$ Of :.WAaa FRUIT "9112:" CAKE "i m a tm:. law • •,s:, POMOwitty/ Mincemeat 2 lbs. 29c Horseradish Bottle 15c ommuF - Crabapple 74412.21c J'trllo 4 Pkgs. 25c M[A#I Iia r swim awe 31108 %PI elle Putt V1$tsT Sockeye Salomon Ile Tin 470 Sweet Gherkins Stu 55c H. P. Sauce Bottle 27c Y 4. DRIED FRUITS RAISINS - 111101080,1 Seedless 2 ;a1.25e Seeded All* 17c PANCT SULACA Chesters til 35e PACT saeLRANn Currants' lb. 18c PEEL Lerman& Orange 1b.23c Ib. 35c lb. 25c Cltroit Cut ffised GEENC• M1IIE.tard �•v . `l its 15c Knox Gelatine 22c Olives Clubhouse ,RiNt 33r 'We hate a ts-tte ett:ra. mat et rive eek 1 ea ,"e:fy Sane, ate* Ce^.d!ra. eat/ sarAina Jegl,+tcrrtasaa -1 SWEETHEART 2•ltr.lkG xqa CHESTS LA DS A illeashttid -16.A+ai1 S�a lAsserted ae''kara cream. u. POR D's r7I *A*ZNO CRISCO 31:31: BAKING POWDER t=una !h ere, Ile 3241.4"."23. 214-1b. Dox 89c PARRY BITE 1.1b.Dox 39c . ***=terra taaroatsa Licorice 25 Allsorts ib. c SMUT s,rlfltitA ('2' Table Figs ,','s, 25e Thom SakeIT Cherries 16.43c �r »� Cherries sot 27c 70* DtcORAT/Ot4 At 19c 23e 25S ter 5Ot'Uo. Toonteecca•a Chocolate Nibs lb. 39c ASV. a ned6LA3R RUT 3 for 14e Calces Candies Pk*. 'YH Assorted I4Hs vre9• TAW Almond lehig A.29. Wishing You A Very Merry Xmas