HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-12-19, Page 2Why Bother With
when you can get it done cheaper and to suit
tbe taste of an Epicure.
it'd CLEVELAND'S BREAD is a tempting
Complement to any meal.
West Street Godcrich
IV 01'1/se43s
+*tame• Record; Sendus f will pay into the United States Tress -
lite mord erdd year in the history of urs 93,796,000 on the war debt. Of
Ostario'a finances was -revealed -over: th1h 1127000,000 is repayment of
the week -end with the release by principal while the balance is-`tntor
Heir. Dr. Joseph Monteith, Proving est. This sum brought the total pay -
ental Treaeureri of hie fourth prelim-} ments to the United States ewe
tetaterrrent since sieuming of- funding the , iritfah debt to $1,124,-
Res in the Ferguson . Government. 970,000, of which $174,000,000 has
For the twelve-month period ending been in repayment of'principal. The
inert, •31, 1929, Dr. Monteith announces amount outstanding is $4,426,000,000.
that, after making full provision for Faun Miners Die in Dune !:'ire
tbe 1929 debt retirement ilietalment
eaf $1,973,000, and meeting the $017,. In a frantic effort to escape from
Alii in discount on loans chargeable underground while fire ewe* the
to this fiscal year, they Government crusher room, rock house and troug-
h** a surplus of ordinary .revenge former house of the Levack mine of
over ordinary expenditure of $2,567,- the International Nickel Company in
000 -!the large' surplus, he says, Northern Ontario, over the week -end,
ever recorded by a Government of , four ruiners were instantly killed.
this. Provinece, and an increase of op All other men underground tit the
preximatelyr 62,340,000 the aurpiue for time the• fire broke out have been-ae
the 1leeal year of 1927-1928. counted fear. After seven hours'
ftritain Paya Debt strenuouer fighting, the,miners sue.
'The British Govcrnnrent this. Week eeeded in extieguiahrng the bissze. ac.
The mewya�him him Isline is
Plesied that its :mwi.
Asa remit of the Meas Oh mea wit
be t.wpora rely threw* mit et earploy-
4setbee TrasrwAtiaatie Flight
Major Ude* IArrs-Bec , Uru-
guayan aviator, sad kis rnariytnie,
`(lance, took off on a transattant!
Hight to South America at 16.46 p,na,,
on Iles. loth. The aviators said lacy
would try to follow the African coast
to Cape ;Tubi before striking across:,
;the ocean to Br*sii> The finers took,
about 1,400 gallons of gmaolist, The
F plane has a wing surface of 44 square
,inetres. It carried a radio set with
i two .antennae. Two smell motion un-
der the wings of the twain' supply
electricity for the radio. Both Imrre-
Berges and Chalks are skilled pilots.
Flees Ravage Britain
The receding flood-wate*s of the
storm have left a trail of desolation
in the Old Country. The reining val.
leys of South Wa1ms, where tiumeancis
are still unemployed hove 'become M.
leys of despair. bloods struck the
Rhondda valley four times in the past
three weeks, turning mountain
streams into torrents that swept into
tiny homes already aufermr poverty,
and privatiton.
Women and children in districts
- near Rhondda Red in terror to the qp
per roans, where There were
'hiking from them what %clothes and
food they could ley their hands en.
In some eases famine* have been im-.
prisoned on upper floors for two or.
three days,, their food swept away.
Scores lost everything they had.
a„ a
Ital d Rost Friends Again
Italo-Austri{sn relations,. strained
since Ex -Chancellor Siepel protested'
,-in=192S..against . Italy's treatment o
South Tyrolean*, have-` been restored
to such a friendly footing by agree
most with Mussolini'that Au%tria has
gained Italy's consent to a new loan.
This announcement, of great Import-
ance to Austria's finances, was Made
with solemnity in Parliament by
Chancellor Sehober. It was not men-
tioned by the Chancellor. but it is ac-
cepted in diplomatic circles as a fact,
that it was Mussolini's condition that
Austria ' must cease its protests
against the Italianization of its lost.
Australian Tariif: Hits British
The alarm in British industry
over the Australian tariff increases
is further reflected in a letter sent by
Sir Walter Raine, president of the
Association of British Chambers of
Commerce, to. Lord Passfield, Secre-
tary of State for Dominion and Col*
onial Affairs in the British Govern.
menu and Rt. Hon. William Graham,
President of the Board of Trade.
The letter declares that tit those en-
gaged in trade between Great Britain
and Australia' are seriously alarmed
by the effect of these increases on
British industries and export trade.
The Superior Chain, Stores wish to extend their sincerest good
eislles for a happy Christmas, and may joy, , health and pros. r
peatybe yours for: they year 1930 and for many years to come.:;.
WR SELL tut uss
Red Cahoe
MR size, each \ .c.
Cla}rr�k's Oxford MIncetneat, 2 lbs.
Ocean Spray :Cranberry jelly; .�p/er
• ....30c
Palmolive Soap, 6 cakes* . , .417c
Plusho, cath \ , t', 1.. M .....23c
Snowflake Ammonia, 2 fore .t15c
Hawes Floor • Wax,
Hawe's Lemon., Oii, large bo
.BeelliC Crown f
Pumpkin large size � for �
ve or ar...� .. « , «• ......tom.
Si Y R UP Khovah Lemon Sutter, 40 oz. Jar
No. lr sire, each Vic --- Pumpkin, • - , ... 5e
We RecommendPor'*" Myic
_ BakingCanada Dry Hostess 'Christmas
Package Ginger Ale, t dozen
$2.i0. doe.. ! ! i .$1.11o
New Golden
{(�],, •et DATES
fl' hs««,teen.«...230
Best quality
2 lbs. for. , .. l .43c
He, 3 sieve, 2's, ten.
2 der and sweet
for, , ...... ,uratic
Derby Loaf Cheese, per b ..33r;
1 Kew g's All Bran, larger.. 21c
• Figs in Package, 8 oz.,— •..100
N'ltural Pulled Figs, per Ib ..250
Layer Sntyrna Figs, per 11,.. Oc
3 Crown Cluster Raisins, i's.29
6 Crown Cluster Raisins, 1'x.39.
Lemon and Orange Peel, per
Ib., 250
New Citron Peel, per lb. 39c
Assortel Cream Cantles, per
Pimento Stui%ci Olives, 844, • oz.
• bottle, 24e 19 oz. ..'.. —400
Silver- Cachous, per pkg110e
a lb J •, U r . }: , .f> I> ,'Y.J . ,. „ Vin e.`zr>?;recn 1.1
Caltiiies lb. 10e
Rare Cottee-b"The Secret Blend"
pound 35.
... need_•_.
MMCIiM1�en's ° Kara Coffee --"mc Secret Biotest'
Wtai Mind! , c
iOL«$s .,,noleSalada Tea Always fresh
Superior Stores,
'tlVll"oe Soros Glelsu& eel it wri,
J. S{,eEN.�j�GC�. & CH AL'i'ON.
./ t
. CAZ.�,,�I�E�:curt, �. A.: J, • a
throe ir
ere ib sir ire leek. -
To slit .seg stiem that the dies, -
promise of tse goy had been par
,t a pubiicity me* be retorted, 41
would net erma esemnesst ea i4'•
Smite llama Quietism
Celebesting Mamma' is the Soviet
Uni,►n will be ra>eak more difficult tbii
Year than it barn over been before.
The authorities have decreed that
there shall be se observance of the
festival in furtherance of its nefar-
ious program.
Orders issued by the Moscow &-
riot prohibit steels selling Christmas
trees or Christmas toys,and from a.d
d+srtia, ea I bongiet a vial; they -
displaying Yuletide satiate in their bapad ms wonderfully, and 1 got relief
show windows. The orders. statettiat ea .nee.
persons cutting(kristmas trees or "Ni, if 1: become. tke least bit eon•
selling them will be liable to prawn- titivated T es alms depend or* Zona-
tion. The police have been ordered llirsr Pille as they never fail. They
to arrest snyone found bringing. the era itsay to take seta dei not weeks*
trees into the city from the suburbs ene." •
or offering them for sale here. Prim, 25 mote a via at all drug
&eta ead orolary ire hailed direct on
New Gardisrals Created meets a piss Irl The T. ]inhere
tel membership in the sacred eoolt I .. -...�
Six new .cardinals, bringing the to- Oa. , Toronto.OW
up to 83 out of a poesiblea 70, lgeseal and minister of unemployment.
crested:by Pepe Piss or ', the logo This work involves municipalities,:
tete ofei setingcret she peel. The, sexy railway companies, gena compentees -
sole* distinguished prelates will be . and water aupply companies•
solemnly inveested with their trsdi-
tional red hats and robes of office at Afghan Rebels 1leeeceutesl
Zconsistory to be held next Reports from' Kabul. Afghsnastsu,
that Nadir Khan, recently elect»
Manitoba mid' Alberta Get Resources ed King, bass sent an expedition to the
Qn satux+tlay but were slimed Koidaman district to suppress an in-
-lsolii 4144 No Ml +rt
*be, Jean* Earto, bt,ita, ont.,
wither -"1 was alwa7n trembMi with
seam k.ad.eb ie, for it *amber of yeses,
gemmed by aoaelipet , 1 bad bocce
reel bah each .meld et *►
as relief,
One der .I saw '
agreements with Manitoba and Alb.►- surgent movement against the gov-
t* for the return of the natural re- ernmentr, According to one repo►tt
sources to these provinces, and in 29 persons were brought to Kabal.an
part *contentious and dangerous on- beheaded. Nine . others were said to
filet of 26 years, etanding has, been have beep executed at Kabul for con -
settled, but on terms that may raise the a we Dec'er s Sax Rai theac untry.
other" nation-wide contentions. Mani-
to -hit Tufa -Wee fes a,..,laly,; A herta —; Fel- To7um waste s+svest-
received . improved mica over former . The only one of the several Ito
probebly to wait thlrewavy t of hones of Dr. Samuel Johnsoe s
probably have to await the advent of existin t
a more friendly Ottawa administra- g, fiat of 17 Gough Square, o
tion to secure justice. Fleet street, dame the' property of
the nation when Cecil Ilsxrmaworth,
Popularity of Radio who purchased the house several
(Evidence of the growing popularity turned aittoarer to the Board of Gov
in Canada of the radio is given in a 'ewrnora as se. literary shrine int .per-
recent +plliefi statement to the effect petufty for the leeople.of Eagisumd and
that: in the first seven months of t1ie.mer ca; ,
Canadian Government current fiscal •
. year, that is from April to October FROM NORTHERN iSNOWS-. TO
31, 1929,:lionises had been issued to SOUTHERN SUNSHINE
260,48$ persons, au increase of 60.000 Zeno weather .has _ its appeal to the
compared with the number issued in winter sports enthusiast, but the ma -
the corresponding- per iod loot year. jority of pus like -the •fele-waren. days.
Though radia broadcasting was intro- with bright skies and sunshine. - It is
duced to this world only nine years therefore small wonder that so.many
ago, it is: nowr�regarded as practieally Canadians at this tune of the year
a necessity by- :many people. wend their way south to enjoy . the
--�^ sunny days and wondrous nights of
Immigration to Canada ' Florida.
In the first seven months of the The popularity of this Winter Play.
current fiscal year,, April`1 to October ground is well established, for ibe,•e
31, 1929, British immigration to Can- at any of the famous resorts'along
ada, totalled 65/167, an increase of 7,- the east or west coast, you can enjoy
777 over the total for the correspond- areal holiday. Numerous interesting:
ing period list year; immigration sports and pastimes -golf, fishing,
from the United States was 23,038, bathing, polo, ebl.-contribute to,the
an 'increase of'1,064; immigration making of an ideal vacation.
from Northwestern, Europe was 23, -When planning your -.trip consult
219, an increase of 975, and immigra- any agent of the Canadian. Pacifie.
tion of all other races was 27,780. r. He will tell you of our excellent ser:
decrease. of '18,016. "Total immigra- vice to Detroit,. connecting,twith such
tion in the seven months under review ,famous, trains as the ".iioyral Palm,"
was '129,154. compared . with 131,754''Poncee de Lean,,, "Flame ir.go," etc.,:
for the similar period last year, a de- and will be glad to arrange xeserva.
crease of 2,600 ori: ver cent, tions, ,tickets, etc. •
Labour's` Hutre.I'lais Think of `tile dull evenings Adam
'Construction work in Great Britain and,Eve'spent 'when ,there' was 'no
amaunting� to mord than•$100,000,600. neighbors to Knock.
has been approved by the government' ltt, costs mgney to bring 'a baby in -
in. connection with. its plans to •aIle- to the world, and -if it's a girl --more
viate umesnplo wy ent, and the` goyer ' to take her out into it later on.
intent will make;,* trotal, contribution to
this work of *bars $40,000,000 This! .•uYgn could keep the -boys on the
was revealed is Statement issued by . f`e1'ns if you bought; them trusters,
Rt.:Honr..3. H. Thomas, lord privy :that>made sixty Miles an hour.
at the
This is the haberdashery
store where women as well
as men buy gifts for men.
The womenfolks are sure
of perfect,. courteous service
here. They will find an ex-
traordinary array of high
grade men's haberdashery
to choose from.
Shirts — ties gloves --
mufflers -. sweaters—hand-
k e r chiefs --- suspenders—
,. ..,belts
.,mbetts. 'and everything eoii-
ceivable for men in' the line
of haberdashery may be ob-
tained here at prices that are
always a little lower than
Our haberdashery reflects
the very latest style tenders-
cies in men's apparel.
Goderich • Ont.
The modern men is efficient, but he A beautiful' yeoman without s Per-
ennolnt his whiskers with sonality is like an electric light buib
turpentine and lard to Cure a colt -Tin without"the ' eurreut,turned oo*,
till' eiwbat. `, - chetler 'Record •
Hon. IL Il'. Stevens, Vancouver,
B.C., for more than twenty years a
member of the:lCanadian House et
Commons, has announced that he will
retire from polities at the next elea-
How Championship Wheat Developed
Reward wheat, a hard red spring
variety -with which Joseph H. 11.
Smith, of Wolf Creek, Alberta, won
- the world's wheat championship at
the 1920 International Grain and Hay
Show, Chicago, is closely related to
.the famous Marquis wheat..1t was
developed from a cross between Mar-
quis end • Prelude in 1012 at the Can-
Mlian Gsavernment Central Experi-
. mental Farm in Ottawa, with the
hope . of developing a variety that
- would combine the early ripening ha-
bit of Prelude with the greater pro-
duuctivcness and better straw of Mar-
quis. The cross resulted in several
_ exceedingly interesting and prink-
-- ine combinations, one of which re-
. eeived the name of steward.
or the Last Minute Shoppers_
30 Pair of Children's Sleepers
Leather soles, fancy trimrn-
ed, sizes 5 t 65c, 79e. and 95c
"" Lords Defeat Labor
- The sltitish Government suffered
- nriether defeat in the House of ,K'
Lords, 'when. their Lordships, by a. 'en
-- vote of 40 to 13, recorded their con.
1' denrnation of the Labor Government's
policy in Egypt.
- The vote creme after an „appeal by
Lord Titempson, Minister for Air,
- that nothing should be done to eon►-
` plicate a del"teate situation. 'The
Irons* of Lords would have further
opportunity to eensider they Govern- ,
ment's proposals before. they be;ame i
• pert of a ratified treaty, he pointed 1
$srAtpine Petty Mike New Trip
' Lt..Col. e. Il. IL Meekipine plans
to lead another party into the north
next eyering, lett not ever the same
route that was attempted fey the re.
cent ill-starred expedition, be disclose
ed'on his return to Toronto!.,
"We shall net takes exactly, the
Boos %taaiep+•ert shunt ts+lk
44ty in and elitxOut. P ievisn
Debi kola th.sbh sok end
pli>ebts, eatove* r.dn.is
and rallievea irriradari.
At yaw Dow**
10 dozen
Men's Fancy Neckties
Beauttif`ral designs
Made of genuine leather and lined with warm
flannelette, in black or brown, all sizes, $119
One Lot Fancy -Christmas
Garters, Handkerchiefs,.
Shoe Trees,' etc.
at Very Special Prices
Wit/aft yen on. and arll a miry Merry CAriatmas
► i'llei‘ri 3-4
Agent for Tip Top Tailors
Tremendous Assortment of
Wise Christmas givers' know that one of the
nit permanent, Useful and attractive gifts
the 'can*make is a gift of furniture.
Our gift furniture offers many pertinent
suggestions for the a earl►'. Christmas %hopper.
of 'course top the list of
favorites •for• Christmas .gift -giving, and we
have an astanis g array of such pieces in
great variety.
Easy chairs- smokers'- stands -telephone -
stands-4-desks--lamps—folding bridge tables--
high , chairs foie baby -Windsor chairs ---book
racks-bi okcases=--and a great variety of other
Complete suites of furniture for the bed-
room, dining room or living room. -
, R t r .
s+i • tetra egifico 'iia .44.
A Sure Relief For
Wen's Disorders
- Orange Lily is a
certain relief for all
disorders of women.
It is applied locally
into suffering tissues.
The dead waste
matter in the con-
gested region is ex -
pelted, giving im-
eluding delayed and painful menstruation, leucorrhoea, failing
nerves are toned and strengthened, and the circulation is ren-
clered to normal, as this treatment is based on strictly scientific
principles, and acts on the actual location of the disease, it
cannot help but do good in all forms of female troubles, in*
eluding delayed and painful ,menstruation, leucorrhoea, filing
of the womb, growths, and ovarian troubles. etc. Prices2,O0
per box, which is sufficient for one month's treatment. A
trial Treatment, enough for to days, worth 7Sc, will be sent to
any suffering woman who wilt send° me her address. Enclose _'
to cents and address: Mrs. Lydia W. Laeif, Dept. 10, Wind-
sor, Ont.