HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-12-12, Page 11THURSDAY. Dec. 12tik. tit* Why Bother With CHRISTMAS BAKING whenyou can get it done cheaper and to suit the taste of an Epicure. CHRISTMAS CAKES SHORTBREAD CREAM GOODS ANYTHING MADE TO ORDER ALMOND PASTE Fon: yocR ICING And CLEVELAND'S BREAD is a tempting Complement to any meaL E. U. CLEVELAM) West street Goderich d1.0110-10401.01* OUTSTANDING CANADIAN BOOKS Pabhskt4 b) and Stewart. White Oalwe of Jade* by Mese de le. Rohe, pobeseed by Mattaillaas. 42.00. Three books of oor Queen's would make dialwidful gifts. teatiaa Vieteeta. Lytton &reelect, Qin** Aleasadra. by W. R,ft Trotineridge. &IWO& Moe, by Kathleen Woetl- weird, rut Mot Haas Frost by Hugh Walpole, pub, Exiled by Doobleilay„, Doren m (Wady, Aneeetor Jorleo-By W. X, Lecke: published by Dodd, Mead and Co.. $2, Kinsmen -By Cooney, publieheti by McClelland and Stewart, 42.00. lelta Thule -By InehardeoneAr Australian *tory published by Deus IdetlaY, Doran and Cee, $2.00, Wing Po, by John Armitage. A Wendel novel of the Chinese revolt tion, published by Maeraillans, $2.00. AU Quiet oft the Western Front, by Remarque, published by McClellan:I and Stewart. Three Persons, by Sir Andrew Mc- lebail, published by Carrier and CO.. Montreel. Sells and Swordie by Arthur Strewn, is a tale of the adventures of Balboa in the soitthern sees. Pub. lished by Cattier, Montreal, $3.50. The Adventuree of Ralph Rashleigh -The story of a penal convict in Australia, published by Jonathan 'Cane, Toronto. Vap. rnt'd Crowns of Europe by fe• Thos. Guerin. published by Carrier, • Montreal. $3.50. Time is a Gentleman. by 'Charles G. Thomson, published by Macmillan. 2.00. FOR MEN, NV OMEN AND CHILDREN From Immigrant to Inventor -By Puein. Short Biographies of the World.-. Publibed by Heineman. Sailors of Fortune -By William THE GODERICH STAR ICimiliaramte OM* to ssc butlill for They milked aerie tiara before they matinees. old Joe that tray ateilme it, I Too told to Oa prod. ha even etibittit i1ted. to the boon acrd haw eat mit Jack paid for. In a mut too swan tot Jeoeses father. Jee omits abeahed into the kitamin and woe 'Ytat woo. Vran'a my vire:ere' ex- pleened eatele 'The fele' Went off on their 'Cliristnusa spree and lett ua home, WM 'CW4 P44131, WiAl do seine, thing lace for our celebratioe I" Jaek and Vraneei had eaten donsii town. It was tete. Joe was given some blankets and put on a cot in the corner of Jaekei on room. In the night Joe wakened suddenly. Painfullee ha reified and listened: "Hey you-lItc•le George" Gesh: Pm eickl" A Good Book Makes a Deligh.tful Christmas Gift -List Prepared by Marjorie owe Wee. published by Doubleday, Dor- _ an and_ Gundy, $2. - _ _ elea ItTliety're-a-right,-nove-xnanifold emefilinesit-in-telie lig and eWb....Whar'd Git This ?" He De. mended. , jack maimed. Old doe turned the light on as be was told and called Franees. She wailed. "I can't come! ;Pra siek. I've been trying to call some one." The next morning•, the eactor buieuseend foal, turned to an old mini with a neatly trimmed beard and a asseaker the mate. Yet the *pint of _ Soma lowip that still hem. soaped ' elet itifee-Wkkati Wandoelitt. Christmas Brimos Mask ter $eals OM Yews*, eirristotss a tante et Joy fist tee , Old as wee, ite for tile youtne It it 36i given only te youth 0140), Masky tti. tae Mime -urea, that Chttetemas bread*. eke Mum compeneation tote wealth in the IllOntursiot that the day awakes, At no other time does such hallowed and levety renientibeatietie 04 day* tilUt are peat mit the heart.; Again, we iive m the land of cited - home we xeel in it* happy, eexigree lIOUre: we stand before eanditeitte hstmas trees that thrilled us in - the long ego. With swat *tope we trowel across the bridge a time and _ space and clasp hand* with thee. of ether yearie .4.gain 'we live happy Cor. Elgin Ave. oral Victoria St. 'Phone 2510 W hone a casratieship and under- standing that were ours. .16••••, car away cleats. It vat pay you to preserve your bait& I reduced prices. Goo:lisar Rubber Chains to fit your cox at greatly ATTENTION MOTORISTS 1 lama * Hut Wator Car Walitatar., POO yaw SPEC1A,L-1 1 Plate Batteries $7.50 F. R. MILLER SERVICE STATION eirrough the ,year we may have. „ _- fergettert how rich we were; we may have tailed reeell the many lovely , ennestimionalimme joys that have come to ea through the yeare. But at Cbristrims it Is different. Absent friends and peas, its well as those that are near, bring us joy'and cheer. Even those who nave passed into the land beyond seem t� be with us todity; the power of love and memory seems to have pierced that veil that hid them from our view. Dear and half.forgotten memories of hours we spent with them bring them volt close, • Yes, Christmas holds much for the old. And its greatest gifts OA for those wbo have laid up a treasure of lovely memories day by day. -Kath. Moe Edelman. Its Quality Sells IL --The fate that so many thousands of intelligent poo. ple continue to use Dr. Thomas' Ee. leetrie Oil speaks volumes for itee • FACTS AND FANCIES , - A Fail of snow on. Christmas - day is re/eerded as the 510 of a i lucky New Year. • T u r key first became the • Christmas dish in the reign of - Jones I. who could not eat the • boar's head usually provided. One kiss for eaelt berry was - the original mistletoe ritual, a o_ berry being removed as e, ides was taken. - The first Christruste card was published 80 years ego. Christmas carols originated in the Eleventh century, being - sung between the seeues of the - mimic and mystery plays of e the period, boding' efficieney. Ever sinee it was Christens trees originated in first introduced it has grown steadily Ge r many, etel crackers Ut France. in public favor, owing entertv to its Juveniles Montgomery always ends her way to , The For the Young -Both Boys and Girls. girls' hearts. This new novel is no nistorY Saucy and All -A volume of de. eeeeetion. Published by McClelland tranelate erie P. Grove. lightful poems by Helen Shackleton, and Stewart, Toronto., $2. rished by Macmillans, Toronto, The Wonderful Story of Science via, montre gacY of Sun Yat Sen ---A re -5 ' h th ile ere It was sonic- healingMeknes A ' HI for he Chinese revolution, thing they ate last night." cuts, burns, vesicle, and various in. m the German by Fred- Jack was better. Ile spoiled faint- tiamms,tory'peins rti record is beyond and published by Car- i y 4, s'Well, the joke Wag on us, was", reproach. n't it, Uncle George? You did us by Inez MeFee, would be a great ad - .50, The Christopher Robin Book-ette dation to the library of any boy or Milne has collected what he considers girl, containing as it does the stories the best of ' the poems and stories of the stars, the earth, anima's, male, from his other books. It is published eheedeteee sound, eleettleitY" It " by McClelland and Stewart, Toronto, apthoritatively but not too technical - $2.00. le 'written and is published by Thos. Alice in Wonderland in a delightful Crowell, New York. new edition illustrated by Willie Pog- ey.AetB°4seeasimion Gem/r1•41eUefeebinifsbCedhrbisyt any and published by E. P. Dutton and Co., New York, $2.00. the Musson Book Co., cannot be too Hindu Fableen-A evelltbound and strongly recommended. beautifully illustrated book by DhanBoy% 12 to le Gopal Milker,* published by E. P. Dutton and Co., New York, $2.50. Penrod lashbee, by, Booth Teirkipg. Nanette of the Wooden Shoes -A ton, published by Doubleday, Doran. story I'd rural Frame that girls from and Gundy, Toronto, 4 s ,seven to twelve will love. Published Clipper Ships-ilenne in cork mo.' b Ma ill s Toro tn dele, published by E. P. Dutton, New the :favor by getting the dotter here -i'vocieltee0 ,tnettletegigeomme and running errands in the night, •. Before you go, step in the closet 'MERRY CHRISTMAS"' there ante get my ease." Rom.r.worfe... joe popped rheumatically out of - Here is how theonations of the closet, wide.eyed, carrying not K. e the world say "Merry Christ. ease but an old enlargement. "Wh- ms ttt Whar'd ye get this?" he demanded, - France --Bon Noel. hands trembling, , Germano-iF r o blithe Weih. • "Ole•thnter why - we scall you Uncle ' naehten. George. You see, it's a habit we ;, China-11in Rao Nian. have to-er---sort of tease Dad. e eteedee-Gted ebeeze That's his brother, George. He ran - Portugal -Boa a Festas. ' away when he was young. Nobody's e Maly -Felice Natale. heard of 'him since. Dad says he was Japan-Kiuga smart and sure to make his mark Rumania -G r aciun Felitita- 'somewhere. One of these days, he -, tiune, says, tire° George will drive up ir Turk'-lehok Yilare. a Rollssiloyee with enough hundred e ek•hemia-Vesele Vancoe. The Shining Ship is a volume of • York, $1.25. • dollar bills to paper our house. Dad'i a. Hungary-Boldog Karaesertm very lovely childhood poems by Isa- Indian Gold by 11. C. Lowreh is A Northwestern gate swept dry actually proud of hire. We are. rath- ' Unnepeket. bel EceIestone elaeltase published by ublished by /Russells Toronto10 snow twound the corner wt er. too. But vie call.,-er-diffdrent : Greece-Chrystovjena. McClelland 'and Stewart, Toronto, $2. Stories of Adventure by Everett sold papers. Shoppereeirne., eorea.ixo; fellows p, , $.5 'Uncle George' to make Dad - Polane-'Qsolych Swiat. Little Dog Toby is the story of a MeNeik published by Dutton* New weeps hurried east, arms mho tt with --well. you see*" Jack steeped in ", Croatia-Eretan Bozic, little homelese dog that joins a Neat , York, $2 00 bundlee. 'Children skintien at antic! ernhorrassment. 3 Denmark-Vrolreilse ,Kerstrnis and ,indy how'. et is published by Cease Firing by • Winifred • Hurl-. . patory happiness. Old Atm pullee ins - ' „Moutreal eletaid„ Old Joe node& 'Wall, I gotta Ile •- ,, S pail ti--Feliees) ePaseuas,- Meemillans for $1.00. ' bert, is a collection of stories show- worn sack coa.t about tum and fest- goe.eiee . lemillane. SL5o. • were .Md. He knocked ;Ile packs 01 'New, jest come down an' buy na, , Gifts an Ancient Custom , The giving of gifts at Christina's tleatrie' of Old New york--ny E. vette Stratton Porter, published by his feet feebly en the ley •iv 1 t° buY a probably originated in one of the A. Taylor, tells the story a Canada Doubleday, Doran and Gundy, .52. "Paper! Evening Journal!licPaper?" a gonva start eavin , up stende Christ Child stories, that of the Three in 1812, as seen by a little girl. It Harbor Pirates--elemmillans, 52. he droned monotonously. MentallyhOutside Joe's trembling , hand Men who brought to the Holy is published by the Musson Book Co., Three Boys on the Yangtze ---Pule he figured his gain. Enotig or z opened an almost empty purse, and Wise Bitby gifts of gold, frankincense and $1.50. • Wilted by McClelland and Stewart. Afteei, emit bed and sandwiches, pulled out the small original oe the Cockatoo -By Gladys Carroll, is a w" ith Allenby in Palestine --Blackie. m a y b e. But, tomorrow's being collar:cement evening. A tee,- contra. mYeeh• story with plenty of mystery: Mae.' Pelts and ,Powder -By B. A. Mc- Christmas, nobody'd buy papers, e dieted the sbeeeedi nee, owe% ins Till Christmas Comes Again *Wails, %2.00. Keivie, published by 4. M. Dent & wanted to get enough to buy a little a good thing the fellers took to eels Though Christmas does come in the Jocelyn of the Foreste-piagisbed Sons, Toronto. A partictrlarly inter-' something to -his old face took_ on to lin'me Joe, lately, stead of George," calendar but onee a year, the gift by Carrier. Montreal, is an orating eating story of a sea voyage. foolish and shamed grin -maybe he told himself. , at . . made this tune exceeds its-esub. ma i appy I h' t for - by Nelson for el.00. • League of Nations, published by Mae- His bandit. mrty out ng .mdtens, tny case. I want to pay you." banDialaloSea.Va "Cattnal • Paineles TeddY Beare -Published leg tee wenefieent 'operetions of the _ eeed it tighter ,leith a Piece oe, wire. oweal .Teeefee, some money' In . , For Girls from 12 to le • 1 Freckles Comes Rome by Jean- them together gingerly ana stamped per s of Inc ef you. walnut helP. rnt ' tale of Indian warfare. ' Megie For Marigold -Mrs. LM. For Women stantial cheer till Christmas comes get just what. an old beggar he was. Rusty Is a Believer • The 'House in Dormer orest-ar Then, he wouldn't have to eat so again. hat s del Christmas for All Read About Fust Christmas Mary Weeks and peeneeed by este s much either. A vagabond. T son. Toronto. $1,50. What he was. Neyer been much else in a fight. Quite a tiscent fight. He .The natural way to turn Vac cur- Ite had it is only fair to say. been Engliah Women in Life and Let'-' -for year°. • had lost some feathers, and bits of rent of your thoughts in the desirable Trans"Well, hello, Santa Claus!" a young clown still floated tremulously through direction is to read the accounts of Tportation. trporit.94,;TIL the Oxford University Press, manea voice hailed merrily. • ri • bervice•and Stewart, $2.00.TT faced him. "Why.. Jack!" the girl ot bread all to himself. He began Visitors to Hugo -By Alice Ros- mischievously remonstrated. pecking oft use ens *nor$ela. . map, e Wished by Thos. Allen, Tor- "How are yule Uncle George?" her "This is the first square meal I've Tsang Distance -Short Methuen' onto, • •irreverent companion continued. had for a week" e e rpe , the air. But he had come out victor. the First Christmas. • . Christmas Eve Bread According to an old superstition, bread baked on Christmas eve will never become stale or moldy. The Yule Log In England, one of their oldest•eua- toms is bringing in the Yule log. The Word "Care' The word "tarot" was originally ap- plied to ring dances of children, ac- companied by singing. In time the word carne to denote a lively tune suggestive of &melee,. Christmas was universally recognized as zi time for merry as well as religious songs and so in the carols sung at this see - son religious fact! were alluded to in simple phrases and sung to merry dancing tunes. • • Dark Hester -By Arnie Douglas Old Joe turned. "Paper?" He had driven away seven other hun- Sedgewiele published by 'McClelland A laughing, well-dressed couple gry sparrowsand thus had the cruet by J. 0. Curwood, Published by Dens Old Mae grinned sheepishly behind /self. "Funny, how those big, stupid For Engagements Phone bleday, Doran and Gundy, Toronto. his beard. t "Wanna paper?" he ask- people think of no one but themselves. • My Garden of Memory, by Kate ed, Haven't they got eyes in their heads? McMath, Itolmesvilk. :Douglas Wiggin, published by Hough "I say. Fran!" the youth exclaim- Or ears? We have to live as well as 001 r 34, Clinton Central. ton and Mitten in the Riverside Lib- ed. "Horde our christmasi" He they. And we do it without help." irare. for $1.00. drew her farther away and whisper- He took several mouthfuls, "1 eup- . Chariot Wheels, by Sylvia Thomson ed. Whey returned. "Hey! How'd pose they think they are as important as we are 1 & wonder who'd nip off the bugs from the gardens if we all died of the cold ?" • • A child came out of the house. She had a wooden box in her hand which she placed on 11 square post set up in the ground. "Come on, other little birds!" she called. •"Here is some- thing for von. He ohm% have all the 416gaikem Shop Early Before the Choicest Gilts , Are Snatched Up • Shop Early In the Day In the Week In the Month ECECTRICAL. APPLIANCES. A Happy Thought For CHRISTMAS Some Suggestions in ELECTRICAL GIFTS Percolators Toasters Irons Walk Irons Metric TaMe Stoves Electric Coffee Pot tlealksg PIA A gift that is sure to please her -one of our helpful and attractive electrical appliances. • You can have no idea of the, many gift possibilities in this gore that would delight any woman. Distiative for intrinsic quality attittftractiveness, these electrical appliances are priced at a very minimum figure. Just look at the list of gift suggestions on the left -they ,give you only an inkling of all the exceptional offers we are making in electrical giftware. Electrical Christmas Decorations FRANK McARTHUR WEST saw 101010311110PASIMMNP NEXT POST OFFICE food!" S e shooed Rusty away, but Born on Christmas Day she was laughing. "Here is enough In /reload it is believed that the for all of you," she said, and hid be. baby boys horn on Christmas day are thereby destined to 'become priests. Beyond that, those born on 'Christmas Day were believed to have the power of "healing" by the laying on of hands, and to be gifted with "second sight"- Chrishnas Renews Our Youth We tome nearer renewing our youth at Christinas than at any other time of the year. Alas for us, if wt miss its chalice for this 1 Christmas Gift Giving The custom of Christman gift giv- ing has its own significance and very' few of us would foredo the premiere' hind a bush. • Inlets' immediately investigated the box. It held grain and crumbs and bit o of meat. The seven other spar- rows came • back, Rusty allowed them to stay. "Merry Christmas?" whispered the cliild, "Please grow warm feathers for the cold." She returned to the house. • Rusty set about eating as hard as he could. The seven other birds did likewise. "Maybe," thought Rusty, "there tire a few people .who realize they aren't as important as we are It's about time !" Peek . . 1 chirp . 1 flut- ter . 1 flutter. . • 1 Peal- of Christmas giving. Martha Banning Thomas. ' • SLAT'S HOCKEY SCIIE.DULE Goderieh. Ciintoo, eiefortii and Stitehell bee been groePed tegetbeee ea itroup 11 in t le intermcdiete 0, II. A, " The eoliedule was &awn up at eeaforth last week, the GodeelCbt Club being restresente,1 by .e.weet Mame. and iF1 Citl etAnOWL3 i Jan, ZieeMiteliell at teneerielis " 0-Goderich et Seaforth. l' 10-eloderieh at 'In h. " 14---Coderith at Clinton. " 17-tSestforth at Goderich. " 17-oMitehell at Clinton.' " 21 --Clinton at, Mitebelk • " 24 -Clinton at Goderich. 24 -Mitchell at Sesifoeth. " 28--Setiforth at Mitchell. " 31:--4Seaforth at Clinton. Fob. id.Clinton at Seaforth. Referees; Clinton, C. Draper, It Thorndyke; Seatorth. Q. mot, D. Reed; Mitehell, Thorne, Fmeerman and Sawyer; Godexieb,11. Chime and II. tfurney. _ • -Patron Saint of Christmas I St. Nicholas, as the patron saint or CbriStlilliStrtiCUMS to have been adopt- ed by America; Father Christmas is. indigenous to Britain, Santa Clans 00 GermenY,au Kris Kringle to Rol- land, but 1ll s they all to be yarlanne of the II towed. Legend of the Wrath* The legend of the Irene/ewe reel its. connection with kissing belong tis al, distant, pest. and comes from Sonde- navia. DIARYhrh The Flit treCe as a ecfiriatmaa tree had its origin in Germaile. January 6 as Christmas Day Recent investigators inline to the belief that in fixing January 0 r$13 Christmas day, the early Christiania were not very far out, epic January I .11 would seem to be the correet day. Priday-ma went to a forchen tel - ter this evnieg and the forchen teller est her tint she want to teern on wings about her huebends fucher and ina repiyeo and self no site (went care about his fucher what she wept - ed to no about was his peat and web. by the turner woou tams eeie w u. self. And after she eum out she evoked a past the store and looked very wishtully at a fer Cout in the windoe. 1 wunder what she found out enny ways. es 2aterday-Jake and me went over mimeo crest the crick this lo.m. and was a looking for habits but diddcnt find none and we was pritty late getting home and I fergot that ma bad a load moorrair of wood for me to pile up down in the basemint. I tryed ,to exeleme --• why I was late but it didclent get merest and I diddertt enjoy settingB. down to eat very rautele Sunday -They was a stranger at ehireh this a.m. not counting pa. It was a WoMall which's hone use to be here in town. Ma thot she looked like a marryed woman but pa sed he felt sure she wirked,for her own live - trams Tree fdr uttIWAYS kMunday-A ole lady cum in tor a call tonite and she ast pa how long had him and ma been rnarryed, and he told her and she sed My it seems like it was longer than that duesent it and pa , answered and replied Yes it does nem' like it but it aint 1 gees. Ma herd him say it. outside of that it wee every plessant evening. Tuesday-Teecher sed she shudo Aviation 0 Brieb ought to try oily hard to make good o Atito Leering at enny thing we try. well 'I think I mechini„ a cud make good at most one' Job if I a we !di & diddent get fired so quick evry time. leg 0 Dishing Battery 'Work Wensday-Jane told me today that e. 0 Ouliding when she got behind alt' my my erne was " "e"" Estimating g so big they reminded her of a !ming n Cup. 1 Res all wimen is alike Except el Industrial 0 ShowCerill there different names. But what'd sbe mem' 'eyeing. Thirsday-Ma says I got to stay ,home evry nite nex week and etudy my lessens. Well if that is the Case I wont half to warsh my fete so Wren mine Wei. Igger ray Better . jobs $1.00 Per Hour to( • $4,500 Per Year Exclusive Engineering Schools -- • practically train ambitious of th f men in any c ollowing Big Pay Trades; Santa, Saint Nicholas and Christ's Birthday Whoever says there is no Santa Claus is mistaken. Santa Claus, like Christ, once walk - and generosity, with a deep love for Ile was s man of great kindnesa if ed this earth, children. 11 Such Was his hold on the hearts of el- the people that after lie died, Detem- bel 0, about 1,000 years ago, the date was set aside as a feast and gift day, hi commemoration of his life. Ills mime was Nicholas. After leo death folks called him Saint'ellebolas. As the feast and giftgiving day at St. Nicholas spread, the Dutch took it up. The nearest they could come to saying St. Nietto)s5 was $,,34ete hoiolliterntAitthdo eirolisatTeetoolliceo heigtlidica of ChM. ' She ---Some of the guys We town As time rolled on, Deeember 6, the need practice before arletinae feast day of Sento Claus, giver of gift, and December ileth, the feat - - day of Chriet, giver ef lik, keame cmsfused in the minds of the VcoPle• CASTO R I A andeventually the two festivals were combined. Thum the idea hiesame cntabliahed Po Wants and Childtert, that on the eve of the birth of the In Us. Forover30yoars Clirett Child there comes out of the frozen North, with sleigh and reel. i'deraLebesis deer, genial Stints Cisme with gifts. ee. ISW MyripppigaM-AtiltitNrAMIIIMISVIlia* When Pereene elehlren Ceuta teanstete c4 ine Claus brought you ' thee are Early Mistletoe • Persian Balm is magical in creating alluring complexions. A little gentle rubbing and your skin in invigorated and touched with the true beauty of youth. Charmingly fragrant. De - With' to use. Cools and eitte3Beo the akin. Relieves all roughness and chafing caused by weather eonditione. Tones and stimulates. Enhances and tutees the loveliest complenion. tnrivalled an a perfect aid to beauty and (therm. Elect/law Ad Unlimited, life time Scholar- ohip, Free Canadian Employ- ment Service. Endorsed by Engineers a 04 Graduates. Benefit by New Income plan while learning. Action to -day insures success to -morrow. Mark the trade Yost are in- terested in and mail this elm - pea for Illustrated Booklet to COMMERCIAL ENGINEERING SCHOOLS 710 COMM m Wes Tote., Ont. 357 St. Catherine W. Room Ise, Montreal, Quebec. r 7 he Goderkh Star's CLUBBING LIST 'The Star and London Free Press The Star and The London Advertiser.... 6.50 The Star and The Toronto 6.50' The Star and .The Mail and Empire ....... 6.50 The Star and The Toronto Star. ....... . . 6.50 The Star and The Parmer's Sim.. , ..... 3.15 The Star and The Family Herald and Weekly Star 3.00 The Star and Saturday Night 5.50 24 The -Star and Saturday Evening most 3.90 The Star and The New Outlook.... . . 3.90 The Star and Canadian llontes and Gardens- - .4.65 The Star and May Pair.... ....... . 4.65 The Star and The Youths' Companion 3.75 The Star and Tho Catholic Record 3.75 The Star and Mel can's Magazine.. ...... 3.75 'ibhe Star and Rod and Gun..... - ....... 3.85 I ite Star and Montreal Witness ..... 4.35 he Star and World .... . 4.23 seeeees. Special Clubbing Rate* with other Periodical* may be had on application • Cf.t at tits Str Offseo Tbone 7 t for Any inVows,icica, x' 4 .). *6