HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-12-12, Page 10AGk Ott •II•mor* •1110.160.110-1011000110010011161******~^.444.4****4**/11 fence wee% a gliaton, chneolee &zfl by of 24. TM* ie tlw first time that Clinton has iraq a representative • ; in the Ontarie Bop' Parliament, • • • DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING AT Tex GODERICH STAR THCILSDAla DSC ate. Des . , Death of Mr. Alee, Leiten oaot riiie commusaced nity was ened by sp A Rwos.1 GRocERy shortly atter 1, ernleek Toesday morn - the death of Mr. Alexander Leith ing, Dtg. ited, at bb boine on the 6;h concession ef Hullett. Mr. Lettea and ?fly the ratisfaction of having the he't Choice Groeeries, Candies, Nuts, Olives, Choco- lates, Orange,-, Table Raisins, Butter, Eggs, Bacons, klausago, Vegetables,. etc. Everything to wake a Merry Christmas Dependable Manitoba. mid Pastry FiGur SILVERWOOD'S ICE CREAM Frigidaire Equipped for your protection. Call in, Look around and be Convinced. Courteous Service Everybody Welcome WARR'S GROCERY TowN COI were eppoieted fis the einamiecite, ..11.111 -IMMININPlear anusrassa GREENS t(tommood from page 4 Sy** No. 144 to motiorisig the / belittles a a foment Ede*** fal William street warn mooed. This ie 100 per cent, better the other Way *3 another oise. i,ig4r toe atanoroy , Christmas trees, ea a family, V.0-01 OS making , etrouger tenee., to do a thing atter the thing notototo - are the oldeet of all trent. toll of t4e something like grantim; a building o Seientiets *ay that their direct One (Lain Keeling en tne altIied to tne Wee a4 eats oezto:iler,--ever Watt nnuhl ba' evelnn d3VMWAta walla attEr Midtthis is free -tea, - linceiter4 AVte the lir"t tier Reev d ti • maicea tee trameaelieri in Phmtn on nanth- Thee' :ire vex vette die c tnw there onnr t ertier and it, was with the line neoeved te have originated der - 3, -o id t nd ira sete. maeter was telt wieo toe toae there would be jr:,, apf,wsr.;a9,71 that Ing a P6414 CI v.5 Lu- a3 prsoticaly a lifelong reeitlent caoiro reecnting lees eurface cold an le veputo Recta) to ea- toe welt went snow r la 1 . = t thei ne !lei ee icavee tile Vieinity aud was well known end . Bylaw Ne. iiii appoinitro Meeera. - P - taahly caeonioo. hating tot maw teorgillor tiliuminge raieed Vol on/ at on Robertson ono JCR. tong e- and expoeure than the brotio- patine, that fart a tho read era tee i 7 : later periode of the earth s hie - leaved trees that evoind in SPeato eat on the township couneil, in- ractrecT rectriolen% thsiel:131P:0-soue.7.0aosfritgbcati.) auditors for 1930 was paesel end else , _- Bylaw No. GU to provide polling lone - eluding a number of terrier; al reeve. Whitfield to the town and reeallcd hat la 1025 cea *IJ appoint the paws ored poll , tory. 841y t4eell-ke to R`w• 21°1 Mte• bOlaw WAS rimed to, tile e'ountY iclerk.s for the' iriunielpal ele?tians, IVIUNICIPAL COtINCILS •• "The Still, Saudi Voice" Monday evening, Nov. 25tio the county': yeuni people's soficty of United Deputy Reeve, Craigie eaid he was Colbotne Chrietmas sealeil is Wowed by bein resent The preeident Mr terviow the Iii law a it rtri and "the edit, small owe" renlanis • ..... in. the towosleip hall at 2 pan. vez. , feature a the evening was present- riget coneideration alone' Dice nave oreteov—""-- '1'. The Mistletoe Bough try to -„e „„„ee„„. t„elear„ „A ,,,„‘,„;,..i .„„„i ii trig to ReV. and MTS. *Whitfield WO %row the county councifand the rural ;*-"" adopted as reati. Reeve Hill re- Brittany is the Ogee a origin of a rocking ebaira, fernery and picture, reevea seemed to think Goderich wac petted the pureliasing of lote in the great deal of the corainerciel mietle- hi accordance with Bylaw Na,t. 0 rug zo St. Helens, teld a social,- aOZ ty ttn Mayor and comeciller Anon i; acene So members of tile congregation umos bad r.ot gone to 'Tomato to ill-•• Townebip council Colborne met the sroall not by the princely d. •iWilson Woods, presided. The main abut this. It was useless to inOth, all members preeent. Annutee le wee o e r 'municipality sold tide year for texeo toe for the foreign roarkets. and an addrese. • always asking for eomething': Sports earniVall a Great Success ranutrge en/Awned Plat motion of Wilson end No. Young Those behind Wingheari Athletic when yin tYtevind een tO find a thee t'he volteetor's time yew extended 80 CANADIAN NA IIONAL Bi t tivea represen 4 4141 days and outbority seven him to Col- allaC3 or Think!. Fetid ehis Wes au the 141,11 of December, 1929, The Association ataged 'irate:10o Prot ohe keel meniber could go together. lect the 5 per cent. additional efter IRAIN entetion of sporty in the Anena c -11 SERVICE to TOROS FridaY night Nov. 3901. Those in eld 50re and be considered the countyA tereeted in clean sport in the town 'The stern a Satisfaction. " turned out fiVe hundred etrong, and bad not b o A clerk was instructed to prepare a bye . DAILY EXCVP1 SUND onY Y OW was passed that the g t law e°verinF the- same' hietieh Lve Goderich 6 20 a m 2 20 p.ra were amply 'repaid with the enter. c o t et. eer" t "" of Wm, Thom and A Hamilton Street — Goderich tabling Program provided, end the ef- towno were to get, boo, reeve and treasurer we.reFlinsieltertitettliefel gillainteion 05 R° different eontests were carried out. system fax experidituree on thoi3; silent voueleera in aeceptenee of the Ar. St tford 7,45 ann. 408 M. p. was not treating the town rf Death of Mrs. Wm. Scott reads•, and he did not underotand how to Elan the road superintendent's pay- e e h ' " " 44 Mitchell 7.21 a.m. 3.35 pan. ni ticiency and despatch nath which, the . . - oz their contribution to tgeltighWei none 140. We deliver in town. • 1047elinennia, 4neeaXadria.111004,10001indlintinintiataliat • One of the oldest and most widelY the county council could go ahead and s4me.• A. risber the drainege bill presented On motion of Wm. Thom ond r, 0 reform 9,04 a.m. 5.60 p.m KiZhener 8.40 a.m, 0.20 p.m, "I • , 4. . . The deceased had 114i 1 T. Scott, on iltesday of last week. home of ber flaughterdrielaw, Mrs. person of Mrs. Win. Scott 'died at lite. z t4rtbirr totnilneye0s Pile:en:next ergvodintgbabat elho dram on, townobin benefits. mut age of 80 Years and came to Bruce ' reached the rilo.: ioivfiteliveanacdoniwinhilsertAthi:ntoblvflut hthaer Rulgits, hAii hi eu pa. .. o. , err, or ia . 4 hi er a s us in the moors to towns p onto on morning train, arid 'Toronto 4. w . K r bor and mote Farhr e 6ar Goderiehto Tor was ordered paid amounting to ;aa-oo. RI s R. Demi& to Goder ch on .05 pan. train. No Returning—Leave Toronto 7.05 ion.. 1245 pone and 0.05. pan. per cent. Was not enotigh to take cure i... nexedfrom Our Exchanges ,lie,t,,:rwidtsh,,capruey,,,,,taran „Giriiisrea:08.,,aeliote: „,,,,,w ...,:ioir ,rf„,belvdingidwnhciitsric Vett:beta:rod. ssoe: eie.tiniiio le, ovs: 2;tettiirt: )43xpewn:iejt,: pang! a care between God'erich and 4 Li known reeidents of Brucefield iit the nullify- its own bylaWs. Ile vettedn*OToronto • 10.25 a.m. 7.80 p.m Neig orhood News uggets hb $69,27, The Mollowing bills were P 1 af C • • • oron o. scale house, $6; Rose Taylor, retund J. A. LAWRENCE, Town Passenger and •minister twp., Middlesex Co, Her ban reeves the errer be school98dn; salariea should antagonize litaband predeeeintia het- le Ireton `rur51"-reeves--hht helleveti -theruand allovnuttea O-r-rdeVn, councillors-, omne 'Ticket Agee. was enough fair play mnong the rim- e o 4 s ee o owns, A. members and M.0.11. s Exeter H. S. Toucher Itesigne The death oceurred on Sunday, ago•and h" enlY sell' Andrew' flied in al- reev s to d *ii ti t th t treemer an"512.5°; 54laries — .1 --"-------- I aye and a half years hes been on the Thos*. Cumtbelli, and voncession, Funeral of Tteeve Snell • bliss M. E. llayne, who for the past Dec. lst, at the residence of Mr. April, 1926. wbere and we can't find dot. hot• something had gone wrong some. 1°Inowenee, •02. Meeting adjourned k ..)41 staa of the Exeter IL Se luxe tencier- Stanlen, brot ere ne a t The funeral oo the late Chorles B. The Ildayor commented that .the G j teneoRsRugGfrodtt 11 •-• . J. 1 w o the fleeces- to -Dee 16th at 2 earn, iioer resignatiolt to lahe effect at ed, John A. Johnsen, fe" Snell, reeve of Exeter, ootnd well trouble was that the Own didnot t 1 1 1)- Mr. ' theteloee a the present year. . !pnir res dent at t tnritt , /mown sportsman, took place on. Wed- an account each year, We could riot ` • A. S. Davie Passes Mrs. Alexander jobnson and was . o as we e er ceme- get details of anything. If the town llinth of inatieing Star; e••• ge ' TownshiP Clerk. nt41)" Mot o nson was e son o e ae r. nesday. t weak t Ex t • d. • an t•p . , ter. All the membra of the Exeter was not entitled to eertain Payments • , mr, Arthur S. Davis, of Exeter, ,born Sept, 25rd, 1870, town council fool the Huron County on through streets what was it get. Christmas Poinsettia who has been in Victoria Hospitel, • Barn Destroyed Council attended in a body. Although tirle aut of the county ot alt. ' early Wednesday nenelon, for treatment Tossed away Mr 'Cliff. Holland, of Welton, lo• st The, name Poinsettia comes fsrocro in appareiet good health on Sunday, Reeve Turner pointed ,out that the . Doctor Pomsett of Charulestion, . e vino i tr duced it ioto it'vation "rue° b ti t oo Tuesday Mr. been s ne ern y te n died suddenly on BlandaY T ev Area, at the -age ofyears, 11 Goderieb had 11 ve hd Pe c . of test week. Tho hulidron- which morning. Ife is survived by Ins wad- mar on 'the 'Good Roads Commission. The er.onthe ined 2 days, The deceased te toth tanoong toe . ow. Councillor Munninge said it was " tot t eoo eg • m flower is ziot so Welt fcrierin. story of its birth as a Christ- xo -g a - i'"trifeell-Ittneg eseilsIon's croei of ClintoneGitl-Witinet intOratorleal Engogereent , and hay,was corripletely tenSinnetl. Contest counter changeatiu,t it was not the oirnng to -the Province that wao making the oIt erphaen-e°46raYncid aaa4onett, o enga exit le main a Teelz Watt"' reneloved. "Thir- fire - The -Annie in the oratsirican contest nho 1Vfaeror exprensed - the.. 'view eve with tleorgina, yoongeet daughter of the was started from a cutting box, among Young People s Spmettes, that the town was mughty lex An net e great cathe s man w her meagre offering of tall ' into Rev. and Alm Francis tie Long, whieit WAS being operated a the. time. Unroll presbytery., were held m Wes- geVng. statements from the eounty. -weed stalks heavy with large srellow Ottawa, to 'William G. Strong, nen Died in Florida ley:Willie United Almelo Clititell. 4,12:/lar lArt10131. lips pared, msv,i. 5teedhetifelesPeta. t.hIghttilY iri her Peer lit irt lel at her htiShand IfaVid en IT lort the young -.1 41 ire Re far ePtitY e aele r en and the poor little eland alone in a of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Strong, Sea-. Word was received in Exeternoon,. r co e a teozat an a. , fortlig OA: The marriage wiii take Tiiesda of last week b Mrs. Park- ittanvidaia5;t9vreneLeoingff foflaCstitnivto4kn. War edrbCounciller ° Munnlienf4sn, that vact rrtere were other efferiogs of greet b•alitY and priCe laid upon the attar plaeo hi Toronto late in Deeember.eve Li o „Parki'nsori, who left there two weeks and Death 'of 'John 3ohnston scl 1 , • ',before to spend the winter in Florida, e. fin the League a Is? ti °11s8," address Gorlerieh. • 5,5, 4 acmliessolkote titifielcki c itemiz statement of all expendi. a tures bv the county On anystreetsof' pt:ayed that she nngnt tenet) t° shadOWy corner of the great urch, lied 'spent the past four winters in " - Inasterepieceaa Vas delivered •elt- tatthallor Itfunninge asked how Sew her °ie.:tiler, father and baby ere- ihad pasted awag. Mr. P ki n cellent 'order. n In the /ea tomb .the county towed the leottotnee 11 'who -nut a abort tune before health. Death of Mrs. Duncan *Cowan "Why go to ebitr•ch?"` Mr. George the figures as sivtanagt ofedici She not Include 1029 exp nd tu d som to offer instead of the weeds I won first place with the subject, thought if she had only one Mos- the South in the interests h I Conteat, Murray youngGrainger of Baillerfeleld On highways and Reeve Turner had =a to the ether "rid' Dee. 8, of Mrs. Duncan McCowan, an place. Ile delivered a fine address ,etood the total to date Vitas about e er e rea he her prayer might be answered. Yet even as she prayed a radianCe The death occurred Tuesday night, Pearce, of Brussels, was given second Vonneihor tounnings said rie under- . esteemed resident of IdelfilloP, 'foie on °Choosing a Calling." The wine S150,000. besele aboutihhert Andn Presence came town* an illness of some menthe e lintatneW in.. Wilding 40 heat% and !ItnatiZthj akiniZa'a ISKULIMON COMO* oceaulpree Mete* normal saVetitc. et , • Progiesof• rata. sew ittoitterg • • • • • rs. were presented with silver mod« Councillor Bailie had a motion that c on ug or follow. Rising sbe e owan, who was als and the losers with bronze ones. ,the town ask the Hoaxer CO inietallecYleclitthle Presencert even to the 'ears a was formerl; ;m1tInia PloreiTee, dauX1 C hrtsinsas Dv 'Councillor ,Craigle seconded this, afe oe:to, noon hot, awl smiled and the to pet a Unlit ori Vetiar street, and of "ea: stPaget1 geenpleshere:fltgl ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paster Arid any day is Christmas . ter a light at the northwest corner of hIlrtifireesohdearuhmuistetndiieutilibtewios lisourvins. ved iiineWhohmenthsteiespthserrdthtaltteirtithwtas ttatbonlvaert, Ir.leti#14 Park woo, ineltided in them°. o oer Wan little tountenance wits re- turn. The election for now Parliement Clintori 130y Elected A good impulse, new-born! hilledbeeveen Turnerdoriby tahseheadydrito acnoytnihralinsg. 'fleeted the same wondrous smile; ezel se she smiled, about the yellow seeds burst forth leovea. et glorious crime child valued ha face to his and on in the Province of Ontario teak tee spe to the engineer. ous autY, seemmgly u alanidthtifta sentintent it r n ou c or f on Saturday. Nov. 80th. Stnet.11 ure. mon as to a light on Mary street and • en re erre dr he • b ed wit e nithnit* Senthnent the ilfayer said it 1 ad be f d nett forming a limning Aar of won- on riding had two candidates, namely If there ever was a .time when ate Still anothe 'tem n in the spirit of fire. . Lorne Pinkney of Seaforth and Clar- le/11111thyistreee. It. was thus the Fleming Stan; our hat Was the hal mg 0 a. Christmas poinsettia. waa horn.— r-"'"" • commemity Christmas tree for. tile $.1 tome: Barris wells. GIVVE SOMETHING USER' FOR— TMAS A • Here's a few Suggestions: 41 MEN'S FINE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS 41 plain white, and fancy checked collar to match or collar at- tached, sizes 14 to 17. Packed in Christmas bons. ° $.1.45 to $2.9$ 1 ' MEN'S SILK TIES in the very latest patterns and de- signs, packed in Christmas boxes. t. 4Se to $1.76 MEN'S FANCY LEATHER BELTS Plain or initialedonake an ideal gift 4$c to $1.75° MEN'S ALL WOOL SWEATER COATS and PULLOVERS in plain oz' fancy checks, with •high shawl collar or v necks. All sizes. $19S to .$46.751 MEN'S FANCY ROSE, Silk and lisle, silk and wool, alt wool or put.% silk. Sizes 914 to 1114. 45c. to $1.50 MEN'S FINE GLOVES Uned buckskin'', unlined,pslIdneaatirtualil$:iezt $1.7S to $3.7S M. ROBINS little folk, of ;the town. Re was ° pleased with what the Liens Chili did ' A pay forReve!ence hint ..Yetir in,. the way of Christmas Christmas essentially is a Jan for cheer, for those who otherwise might • hove bad no Christmas, and he *as ....., Ideased with what the . Lions were 1 7--- reterenFe, for 4ozmisnesp. for thought. le g OP now, work+ for ermpled children; He moved Jhat the town have a corrimunitY Christmas toe. and Cooneillor Craft, who seemided thie, said tie thought the Lions Club, Boy Seouts. rind church organizations would get behind the movement awl assist— There were evergreen trees growino in the park which would make 11,e elristmao trees as they stood. The, tree should be lighted up nightly nt least a week, before Christ- mas. The motion was tarried and the emitter WAS referred to the spe., Oat committee to work out. Councillor Munnitigs Asked if there 'Wag any ehan.e to net soMe of the . surplus volneIr the Water and Light ..,..*•12.t!**** COMMISSieflahad. to-- ,o Theetlayor suggested n strong de - wet tme • of the eiritunissioti. rthe * nutation might accomplish some- thing': it ma only necessary to eon- • • telethons:4n of the finance tenrimittee, tt' the chairman of the water and light . committee and the Deputy 'Wove ao-4"4.4.44.‘,4444ka. FAMILY DOCTOR MADE MILLIONS OF FRIENDS Atari for Tiptop Tailors Phoao 3114 illitilliiiitilifOIC10101101111.4011001111111COVIIIHIDIVIO Fifteen years nitir his graduation. Dr. Caldwell became fantott3 for a single preseriptioa. which now. after forty years, is still making friends. Today Dr. Caldwell's Syrup repiin is the world's meet popular laxative. Millions of people never think, of using anything else when they're constitated, headachy, bilious, fevertelt or weak; when breath is had, tongue coated, er they're suffering front nausea, gas, oe lack of appetite or energy. Dr. ealdwers Syrup reis.in is made today aceeediag to the original foemule, from herbs and miter Imre ingredients.. It is plessonttaning; thornegit in the must obstinate caws: gently effective for women aunt chit. ht,•, Above an, it Mkt* WM* 41 *cube** choke of what is safe for the l'oothoolle 1ValiGiVeardfirstaid 'e wientht. (( Bathe the face, Wad ether* is a cavity in eth:t4'°tIltort 'sofialikledtwilfnb. ( 1Viinar4"0. Reiter is nuicec and sure. The. Great White . Liniment et t SW AR'TS' • • 'Into and jhuse Liverg flack Stables, Etc, etiotterieni Serena Ju* off the Square . • 'SEVERAL FIRST.CLASS AUTOS READY RR SERVICE—GET YOU ANYWHERE AND WIIEN VIM WANT. TO, GET THERE Huesca Meet ail -trams sine • esseniter Boats Passenger* caned loiOinOVSt toswe of the town. ter all trains at a. T. R. or C. P.R, Depots Prompt Service and CAref tit Attendance. our Livery and thick Service will be found imetoeditte In every respect groin e Your Patronage Solicited _ TMARTS .• Phone 107 Mootreal Street 04444•4444.04.04.044441444%01k44. DOMINION SI 0 lif,'S $IM (MP"( "WM" SAWA ads vs virm Soon Sere I 1.110011 WAWA Brazils ,• ih. 25c tg, now Filberts lb.210 01101C4600A Almonds lin 27e • 1011111111) mow* Naar V Raisins Vr: lle • • orau4w4 siume. &Uhl% Is. Lie altakii* ° Otranto eh 1$0 • Sisatilort °Rao* Diodes 39e Minsk NV. 00 Bovril_ ipose 4 IMMO *1110101a01101 Sweet Pickles 0 a on of or rigonewore *orsolikoit tra***aarlek iatia& lame VA 1110000404 4444 at Oa 1******, ***mt 4* ***0 Oat 4104004W0 hit acolsa *ft *I 11** *WM* 444 40**0 se tea 11**0 A*111111111* USIXT1.460‘1111141010 Baking Powder up. Tin 29«. . , raVaCE, itafter.allstem OA* - Prunes "OW 0 • • I 0 - Mt% *Ma •*.itt Stuffed Olives $.0*. iar 27e ki 0 II MOW* at WOWS • "Riclunello" Coffee lb. 59c 1***101.1 SUM ctiebniello" Tea • Foist, Dizzy Spoils For Four Your* Got Worse Every Year We. Bennett*, Nerth Remy, used to have faint and dizry vette, for four even, altd lbw getting werse may year. "Olio day say busbaud inked ma if ma *tor used X Feld I ima net, so he got lie * her and after 1 hadtaken half of it I found I waa getting better, 1 then got two wore gad after Aeighing them t two menthe, end, the; "ww:leOEvetlYyears 11A, proved fa lioaltio 1 used the Pille fez ago, and I bine neer boa a faint or dizzy spell alma" Iniee, 00 cents gi. box at ell druggist* and dealers, or mailed direct on tecetpt ogrforoproiteoe, byonOut Te Irilbiun Co., 144, -tate--!"-t-,----0,---7 e- ore- ea- e__ t ee..... • .LEGAI4 CA13,1:1S ,,.. ,..--• F.11. DARROW.. earrister, Solicitor, Natal'. Public, Rte. Successor to J, L. =loran Phone 07 Office, 'the Seuare, Geduld'. ER.N. Ees I, M. xaEr_.„ .. ....... Barrister and Solicitor' Sun Life Bldg., Adelaide and Victoria - Telephone: Eigin 5301 Toronto 1..1., • 6UpLnY liooins. • Barrister, Solicitor, ?eatery ' • Publie, Couveyaneen -ate. •FlIONB•11.kult,T,),N OTItERT. r — ".• r 11. POBSTE11. EYE, EAR. NOSE, '1'11110AT tiooredelens tiye Hospital and Golden' eqoare Throat ilospbtal. London. Enge ea Waterloo $t., S. Stratord. Tele. hone '267. • At Hotel Bedford, Goderieb, Next • visit Tuesday, Nov. 10th, from 10 to 4 pad; , Late House Surgeon Now Torii Ophe Moline and Aural Hospital, assistant et CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS. PRACTItIONER. . CHIROPRACTOR- AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST, GODEFOICIL u ipped with elentroonagnetie baths. Electronic electric treatment,s end chiropractic. Clam*, organic, and nervous diseases. `Lady in at- tendanee. Office bouts 2 to $, and'Z to 9 Pato; excepting Monday and Thursday and by appointment. A. N. ATKINSON, residence and office, Omer of South street and Brie* tannia road. Phone 341. • AUCTIO1BERING TROLLS 01.7NDRY BON. Live Stock and General Auctioneers, Sales rnEallendilexr%tgellelltt;il?'all egorts made to give you satistactio.o. • Formers' Sale Notes disci -meted. - Phone 110. CITESLEY W, ALICTIONEflit. Yr „ Will conduct. sales anywhOre: My terms are rvasonshic and I 'min try aria give sattsfaetion. Phone Carlow 1311, niVirces R. R. • • NoTArtv liti.6;Are, ETV. • BAILIE. . • .NOTAIii PUBLIC General Conveyancing done Good Companies Ilepresented Goderieht Ont, Phone No. 208. 4 /N31.111ANCE ltfretill,LOP MUTVAL VIRE 1N8Int- -11°. ANCE COMPANY. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PnOP- 4wry INSURED. Value of property insured trp to Jan - nate'. iuiO.O3,648,973.00. OP FICERS-otaines Connolly, Perste ddeernit ttoedoectilatwho;oder.TE.va28.,I1VIZPV,I6stuxt TrDettl8111.18eCeTO°71Seh.-D:, r. McGregor. Sea - forth r J. G. Grieve. winehrop ; Wm. Mtn. Conetaneei (teem menortnev. tuckersralth: Jobe Perris, lierloolf; iohn Bennewise. broadhagen; Murray Gibson, Brueefield. Mints" W. Yro, C.odenieli; Sandy • Leltato Litwin ; Win Chesney,Sea- forth: It Ifinchley. Seatorth. Poliermiders can pay their °seeps- ments at Calvin Cane store, °Merit:Int A. J. Momishel,Clothing store, MAO; er X. IL Reld'S, Bayfield. F'IRP irosvitoicie Have It attended to by the iNESIVIAWANOSN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE Eatablinhed 1878 need °Mee; Dungannoto Ont. WM.. Wats On) Auburn, President; Cbas. ,Ilewitt, Vice President; AS Girvin, Hon. Director; ,Direetors— Vit. J. Thompeon, Auburn* Wm. Me- • Quillen, St. Helens; W. Belt, tIo. 2, Lueknow; Retry L. Salkeld, Goderiell; Alex. Nieholson, Lucknow; Tim Griffin, 11. R. No. 7, Lucktiow ; Hewitt, Kincardine; nat. Dav- idson, Dungannon. Itatee-42.00 per thousand. THOS. STOTIIERS, Treas. ;CECIL TURMAN/El% Seey. . • • Brophou Bros i Th Lealliog Forkerati Director* toil Widmer* oho Asiokoce Service Orders careful* attended t4 at all hottra—night or day. I'd are the inspectors of anatomy in and for the County of Mann. Phones: Store lit Ibtaltienett us. war 37 UM COCOA t• $34, lir lit' • web. wha 22* 2243su47e ' ENOle0441111105,VOROMMAZNINoieli 0, R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Ingralmer Goderich, Ontario Alt WI* promptly nitendo to day or night, rboaor Rest**.Siow