HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-12-12, Page 924 faURBDRY. DSC, tisk. MO THE GOIDISRICII STAR Christmas The Spirit of the Holiday is in the Air A We can show a wide range of Suitable and Practical Gifts 0 Our store is literally overflowing with Gift Toiletries, Pearltane, Cameras, Fountain Pens and Pen Sets, Candy, Kodaks, Musical Instruments, Radios, Vietrolas, Snapshot Albums, Fancy Boxed Stationery, Perfumes, Christmas Booklets and Christmas Cards, Records, Flashlights, Ladies' Handy Bags, .Leather Bill Folis, Electric Hot Water Bottle $4.75, You ar s ` }ir eicome to look • as to liu Toilet *Articles g Waterman and Parker You can see variety and quality .imported ted and domestic, The newest and best in. Face Powder, Creams, Compacts, Rouges, Bath Salts, ]body Powder, Perfumes, Sets, of; Yarcley's,... Bourjois, Gay Parse,' Colgates, etc. 'Neilso 's Patte o ' >' � rs 1i S and Moir s• $< . Fancy Boxed Candy 0.0c to :$5.00 "a box Lo •. t, • Y"oown es. $1.25 to $32.50., .. fountain Pens Pencjls___ PETS, $2.75 UP • .-.PENCILS $1.00 UP Waterman s Desk Sets Christmas .Booklets 5c, 10c,15c,`20c wonderful range Snapshot Albums Scotch Heather Cards 5, 10, 15c Rubber Toys, 25c Musical Supplies lies I'riatrun encs, . Stxings .and Accessories Peariton+ attractivri toilet articles.• Single Pieces, 65c up Complete Sets, $7.50 up , . Mother*of-pearl on amber,, Rose peat'l'on amber, Main pearl o ambev, Green pearl on amber, Combs, Blushes, Mi'rors, • • Odd Pieces, Manicure Pieces and Manicure Sets -, A New Handy fags FOR GIFTS Smartest styles in newest shades ..... . _ Priced $1..00 to $4.50 English Leather Bill Folds .and Purse& . ; v-:, • ►c o 350 Radio and: Elettrola` orthopho lc 'V ctrhla . , H •. - • •: . :x. ear . ViGtoir end ;be convinced ' Na Compromise on Tone .. ,Solid and Guaranteed by Victor and rTrip ►ru or wiogivolomargerg,...14mtwokriogrAts.§0, ifvce teacher and the church worker who used to trudge about from house 'to, house visiting strangers W and pupils atinost vanished now. The church is. the only institution on earth that can do anything to correct' this home'. weakness. Oh I plead wilt you church people to make your home AS strong, pure, Godlike, mace it a cen- tre of Christian influence. No mat- ter what influence the church has, if the homes of church people are not what they ought to be then the church's influence and work are going ito be discounted over and over again. i That's one thing .we can do—make our homes more Christian than those who breathe that atmosphere, that those who grow up within their walls•, may go out strengthened by the re- colleetion, may grow up to be more ;, faithful soldiers and servants, better preparers of Christ's way. l Secondly—recognition of each one's 1 „ ' ' ; I responsibility. Your rector tells me F• i ;g i of the splendid generous and univer- , ,• , t: �.,. , rt • if eai response that was made' to the ap- ��• t peal on behalf of this work of restor- •` " . . ation and adornment. 'That's the secret of its beauty' Everyone did :something; everyone did his part. We live in an age of very compleu or- ganization. The church has become so organized into councils and com- mittees and vestries and boards that the sense of 'individual responsibility is very rapidly being lost. People think they Tari evade their responsib- ility by referring this or that to a committee. The church's work will never be done by committees, It will only be .done When every man, woman and child in the church is bearing his ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH, GODERICII or her share of the burden. That'* . „, ., r ,. _ _ , ,._ ,w_ -may_ one thing. Another thing you ran do ,RE -OPENING {W .. Iiia church to do this glad work of look out for your part, for your ,ST. GEORGE'S CIIUIU'lI preparing the :orgy for the conning ,place, for your sliare. Do it, fill it, . _. Christ. ear it. (Continued from page til Tho question is, of course, whatis . And then in then tided place—most your responan and, pain ? What important of all= more devotion to were the unprivileged and the unfor- ,about us 1 And I think there are the Lord Jesus Christ. You know, turista and the needy and the hum, certain things which every one of us my friends, the longer I live the more ble and the Poor the object of such ought to be doing, and perhaps this convince& I become afone thing and tremendous charity as they are today occasion of joy and thanksgiving in that is that the church of iJesus Christ People say, "We want to do sonic' connection with the beautifying ofloses because to many people neglect thing. Tell us what we kan do"—your church, my friends, is an antra- I nit t used to be the accepted every anxious to serve. God'! pinking it tariate tinnt' to nt these simple thin;c day duties of Christian men and <ostler for us that nay to prepare for before you. First, this church ---the women. I think about prayer. I am ihri,t°s return.' Yee, and I think' Howe cif God made igeautiful .forisadaened very often through hearing He's done it too by giving the ('•brig>'; lira. What about your home? Ev4 that men and a;t' .en at Mime have tian church a new standing in the cry'tadent € eendltinMe and stopped praying;. C ,ppe&f1 -*jinn; their ryes of thinking and influential men' modern iuiciiti preMkni» is agreed up- l Prayers, they tell me. I think about all aver the world. King* and pried= on &feted• things—that the weakness of bible reading. ' It used to be .?ansid. dent% statesmen end politicians who oin whole Parini etriseture is in our 'ered one of the fundamental things used to ignore the ehurch•—net tv day home!. You can hardly think of dt of is Chri!itian'a life and yes there are 'le»piee her -have come in the last present day exit that. doesn't spring thousarui_Y Hind tens of theueanda e+1' few years cringing to her, *eking for front that—slaeknews, Irreligion, God. professed Christians 'ol" never open het help. Newer slid the church stand Memnon in the, hnns..—the nid=fash. their ',Wee at homy. I think abort 1101_ high in 1lpbsalair rote -ern Of iebteiievied teailly new Ninntt eotirse-t tin- ehutrh. feting. It wasn't rrt Ioer ton rhes today, trod mode it tesier for clay. -the old-fe.ehi©ned Sund*y echu:.1 people thought nothing of going to ,i" 'church twice, . three times, on the Lord's Day. In my congregation at home it is almost the exception to find anybody who, goes more than once -two-thirds a#' nsy .people don't go at all and many 'of the remaining faithful one-third wouldn't •come . if the service lasted more, they tell me, than an hour and a gal:( -ninety utes a week for the workship of God. given most grudgingly—less than one per cent of their time. Now the have to get break to those simple, everyday duties and the doing of them as an ex- pression of devotion to Christ. The church needs more devoted men and women whose :1evation is deepened by prayer, meditation, tviorship and ,sac- rament sacrament and whose devotion is expres- sed in life and eharacter and service. May this beautiful .church be a re- minder then to you, its people, proud and thankful as I am sure you must be, of those simple things that every one can do and should tlo as a are - parer of the way for Christ, the mak- ing of our homes Christian, the doing of our share of what is to be done, the malting of ourselves through the aid of the Divine Spirit more and still more tktotecl to Christ. Then and only then shall the be true and worthy preparers of the way of the Lord. - After the presentation of the offer- tory the 're Deem was sung as an set of Thanksgiving:• Arid after the. seine's• a i•ee„ptlon was held in the parish hall, to width many remained and a pleasant social time was spent. SAME THING, ." Ci�iritar �s�Ct�rr° strata 11M hsav�ei,. head low niers the earth at CfA.cr,aa time, it is these that the tb s * Uvea juin pad iiWeei wit% ON WOW below, It 11 then treat saggcsts and archangels craws*l *Wee the Judean hili' anis the refrain of *amour share bine upon the were of sten, h l.t Vhrietin*i time, when tine Manning glory of r.sttors teem the sky startiea alike sleeping flo ke etr;,t wat.hing sheepgterde. At t htiitmas the stare of heavea final the path* et men and lead the longs of theEast to theehrheo.ei the nrwfrNw°a Prince. It ix thea that the Mar of iktethieihceai shia.* with the lantern* of wary tray velem to greet the Light of the 'Worts°, is then that angels and mete join in maim to God in the highe- t, anet peace and goodwill ttnantle the e:.rth, Alt these are but small symbols of that finer blending, that richer com- bination of divine love and human frailty which brought the Kent-born Son of God to live in the hest -born son of Mary, to be the Christ of Geri and the Savior of men. At Christ= ntw time heaven looks down to earth and earths looks up to heaven.—Wit: ,liana L Gaston, " =cal .4110 you knave hat our Joseph has lea had a Win' out With iiii_g, t1 *tat here it is almost Christmas." "Joe always was 'lucky, wasn t he? Christinas Carols Christmas carols originated in the Eleventh century, being sung between the scenes of the miracle and mystery plays of that period,e Strain on Holiday Purse Wlfey—I've spent the five hundred you gave me for Christmas shopping and I haven't.a penny left to buy a present for you, dear. - - Hubby --Bumph! 1'11 give` you a quarter more, then. . - Better and • Better Clrrispttits ' ;f°Never was the :world so wide for happiness, nolle so deep for the cur- rent of friendliness. Never so -many men of good will, never 'so ardent a desire tor peace on earth, never so many things to make Christmas mer- ry.—Woman's Home' Companion. • Special 5 pkgs De Lux Jelly Powders.. . ..25c Special , Mixed Cut Peel, 1/2 lb. pkg . , . , ...14c • . Special K e 1 logg or. Quaker ,Corn 1 'lakes, 3 pkgs. .. .,.....25c Special - Cowan's1%liIk Choco- late Buds, lb: ..38e 'Speg'ial (x o od Cr°lsp► White Celery, bunch...5c Christmas Gift Suggestions PAWS NOM • Our store is -well stocked with a large va,riet04. useful Christmas Gifts in Women's Patent, Kid and Satin Pumps fey evening wear. Bedroom Slippers for all, from the tiny tots to the older members of the family. We have also most suitable gifts in Travelling Goods, Ladies' Dressing Cases, ('hth Bags, Suit - uses, Toutobes, Boston Bags, Ute. You are invited to shop at W. HERN'S SHOE STORE PHONE 43w -. • - • SQUARE VAtiltratilaralagagAMIUMWROMS I --sHooLRoTu 01.00.04. S. S. No. tit.. Report for September, October and November; V.•«. ileen Treleaven, 7l; Frances Crozier, 80. Sr. I.V.-Anna !Treleaven, 78; Colin Crozier, 80. dr, • -I�it: leth Met'onneli�, i}I; Az,x. Gas= ley, 04, Sr. In.—Harry Swan, 64; Benson Shackleton, 68; Beatrice Tre- leaven, 69; William att, 66; Lorne Hasty, 61. Sr, IT. -.Iona Swan, 'P1 Violet Culbert, 77; Tommie Culbert, 74; Reggie !Gainey, 54, I, ---Kenneth Gouley, good; Cecilia Watt good. Pr.—Anna Culbert, good; (a) Allan Ganley, good. . 0 KILPATRICK, i Teacher. 1 EGYPTIAN TREE s The Christmas tree, which has become nn" *haunt unnvrc'r-' a sal symbol, and is by most per. sons supposed to have oeig;inat- ed in Gern►any. seems to have had something of a counterpart in rgypt at 'a period long; before the Christian era. The palm tree is known to put forth a branch (very month. oncl a spray of this tree, with twelve shoots on it, wastused in Egypt at the time of the winter sol, stice, AS a symbol of the year completed, .ar;hagatIaa.ol iddiiIdaa taiixmoiiilil;Aka t A •roadhog is a man who given you half the toad—half on each side oZ , him. " C. H. HUMBER "I wouldn't be at all narprlced 1i 'this Christmas hoyipg3 wonldtr't pint'; is in ;bed." Z6Ruyits! doesn't atl'cc•t ane that way, Aearl It q the+ paa:tn ti►1t'fl rat v o l .,e' `" - -err the Rat of nay t:iclr." ,►,,� jeweller, Etc. t he Small Store with the *lig Reek. Just around the corker of East St. - Christman sale of Fleetty e,l i'triee* washers now on at the (14 iilydris - store through C. t IEE. tortes.— .ems_-i� Model 1 heatre- ••••••(••••••*0...4.... WEEK (11~ DEC. 16 to kt„» MONDAY and TUESDAY TOMMY ATKINS Filmed in Egypt and 1 i,, nand. The romance and ructions of the fighting• lover portrayed by Walter Byron. Taken from a famous stage 1►lay.utia produced on the authentic 'sale. A World Wide Production. . • "FOX -- NEWS -HEW' . Wednesday and Thursday MONTY BANKS est) . GILLIAN DEAN in . a rip roaring travel-ve -with mother-in-law as chaperone. A piq- uant comedy romance abounding with breezy action. The boulevardea- of Paris and the high life of London form a background foto - "HONEYMOON' ABROAD CAMEO COMEDY "TONIGHT'S TUE NIGHT” Hodge I'oslge-•11'auderiug Toy" FRIDAY and SATURDAY Intr.)) THOMSON in another historical 34ectern •stery. Alnaysa real favorite, Prod adds to his reputation for clean .outdoor,. ae- tion otories with a tale .of ftuntiie r clays and desperate desperadoes. "THE REBEL, RIDER', .. FAi"tlil:ry the AIRMAN, la 'TON SKYRANGEK . Matinee Sat. at 3.00 p.m. Coming Xmas -,-."Noah's Ark"' .. .Po--.. ....,....w sr : r ri !'' .ars.--af** When one friend - tells another aboutthese specials— they pecials they tell: About - something good. , . Colne in and we will tell you about other specials not advertised in this list. G. W. BAECHLER Corner Kingston Street and Square Phone 368 poR Advice and Satisfaction "OUR OWN DELIVERY' • -lief•• /• Special - Good , Special 1314eh Tea, lb..... ...le Special 13 a per's Sweetened Cocoanut, lb.. 4.24c Special Any kind of Soda Lis - cults, lb.. ;"is-cuits,.lb... , .16c Special Good Coffee, fresh groui*cJ,11,. , . , .62c Special 8 lbs. Cooking Onions lb..., 25c � y, , .41 •