HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-12-12, Page 8retail RIGHT Re -Opening of St. George's Church The Interior Is Now One of the Mot Beautiful In the Province Deanery Thanksgiving Service Monday Night To Prepare the Way of The Lord the Mission of the Church Says Very Rev, Dean Carlisle. ibis week a new epech in the Ida- i Carlisle, we ere pleesed to be able to tory of Et ,Gtetee's Angliean &trek Ihdd101a In full as foBovis : codetsea,, .„,,,,, ,,,b,cred in 14 this n.,. 1 'Mat tt.. say at the very outset, , opening of the beautifully 11 for lee to o 'ee face in tee (nee t; i ese• , - t- rey friends Suet what a pleasure i 3 ' and enriched edifice. Decortitea its Buren, where I spent reaettrally all the itecrier is in soft restful teem, illY life int'al dgist, Years ago. when 1 with many beautiful mural paintinge went to the city of Montreal, and I that irto matter where I may live t doee ify toe artistic band of fir. P. C. feel : • Brown, of Toronto, and enrielied with . san“ mwnYs think et the 1•34"30 , e many a gift in the. wey. or ehuree etl•lero.n e3 lt)m la e• foralahinge, st. Georges hue How opo 4, would like to Day also just wild " a peculier delight it is to me to be in et the most beautiful church interiors to be found in the Province, breetho Stt Gem'slie's °nu°, Cimleriehie bee* eatiee this has been the scene oe tee beg the stuotphere of •devotion and an inspiration for the worshipper. A lahers in the MlnlatrY et lemlY laY REY. .I. N. Ii. MILLS full deeeription of the scheme of de- yen' beet end uearest frien*Moot whom I count your present de, Rector of St, George's Church torlition was given in our columns , lest week and the reopening services reetqr SS elle in Winfro t; have Deen, e-,--• - -----.. -en -.see.- .---, e, ,,,, . e .„.____ .. ....„—„,..„...„„„.„..,..e.e....„,„. end shell eontinue to beparticularly wf took place on Sunday end Monday interested, ecence he'stated his such an, improaarea upon ila When we life and maul InaY resit. It wasn't lest, all of these eerviees being well as a urate in ray Witcher* were Andra that we hesitate to that way before. It ie that way now attended, particularly the service on latineh,t17, dwell upon moll a thought when we ....4oil making it-, miler, for us, somo,ndithoyuevrviteniengt.0 whichleh wits. pgloitun:rej aki"ain4luebsapeer" limy deuoted to Le II__ come to manhood or wonismhood, or God's made it wader -400 by arousing, c4,4 it may he simply that the whole event people to it willingness to work. Was lie were more particulerly invited, to take pert with You in tide service ....„ e T1te etnerregetion of St. Georges have of praise and thatiliagiving lePon the e -S„'„„- Celf.,0°Ltutt $11deittlite and we find there ever an age .that *SW as VaNgh • ttow a church. edifice, of which they ocetioion of the 're...opening, of your "-7"'""' r surrounded by so many activity and gervice for men as this practical duties- that it seems to ue 'age in which we are living? The • "noted justly and thankfully primal, ehurch after the very extensive end that the thing to do is to concentrate war seems to have Atarted it. !Arica It was in the year 1880 that the beautiful renovations and imprve- upon, them and leave that which is, the war there have. sprung up clubs, arner-atone of the present hurch amts. I should like to congratulate uncertain end indefinite atone, sehatt' societies, organizations without num- .. ec • • vow Uhl and the ehurch wits formally your rector end,Yodi his peep% vert; ever the wrong maY he, most of us •ber, all vielog,;avith %telt other in a . wIlemed the following• year, and in hehrtibr indeed foe Ott v181011.'4.10 don't give much thought to Christ's great conmetition of service. Never - — es-- -----e-- preperationlorsthe-gelden -jubilee_ of_laheyond this undertaking,' for Owen r, ship of the reetor, Rev. J. . this event, under the inspirinf leader- faithbi 'which:it wits entered- upon keentl emMlltratall-lillnlytt- I -couch - - let. P A f, mine and above all, for the very' beantiful act apart oho Beast:4i of the year Or ' 0. good thing that Christ's elturelt haw - N'esn'Innen elt:110P-14- - • . the congregation undertook a larg4 erred Which this enrichment and ‘„ which----duringh1,101 Avorunn, , Pregratn of improvement of ' the adornment have made This church - -- -- - --*"--1- ) attention is drawn to and centered thumb property, and the attainment always a pride to you, will he; 1.int upon Christ's return. It is quite pig?, of the portion having to do with the sore, now e'en Moro of a Pride than Mficant that this setette of Thanks. . that God may make it, elmeth proper is cause for emigrate. over. e KO _ ., „, giving when the congregation of this lath* on the indefatiguable zeal of as ;loci intends eeerYtollig beautiful church are filled with eey and praise ' teeter and people. to be to- lis, a source or inspiration because of what God has done On Sunday last Ven. Atelaleaeort I and power that you and we together through them and -for them-quiteW. W. .1. Doherty, B.A., I,. Th., was the through ay it mbe better enabled to significant that ths service shoed do the wore te which He calls 'Me tau, place in this solemn ifea,sori for THE GODERICH STAR It • preacher at both morning and even- That is the thought whieh I want to throughout the whole season of" Ad.. it* servicee. Archdeacon Doherty- is suggest to you this evening in a verY vent there rings these -words, "Cast iteeretarydrettsurer of the Dioces or ,3imple and Practical way. When a off tire works of darkness. Fut on Buren end he N140-11.13ent afi_ ',the l'..e* demi* is built when 4 church . iS the *1910111 et tithe .wiech_seems to b.-... - -- - -Imetenthavo tlfehls--Graeesthet-"It"-Iseeptipitell -aii&-adoined-allr beiihtlfiell suggest to me that, Advent is not i ishop of Huron', who was unable 'to and enriched, it is in order that it time for speculation, and .thgoriziner - be *Mont Dersotally. Arthdetteertemay provide nicec *11(1 11101'O more towin , It is a time for 'satiate It is a sea- DohertY songratulatcd the ,eortireen- ever increasirig • volume inseiration son that calls us to. be up and doing; titan verY lleartllY on the el"ellam el' and strength hy rectum of which the to be taking our part in the thurcles „ fort they have made antiSii the beaus et, e. p001110 in it. earning to ft, looking up.- great task of "preparing the way" for praise of the fine qualities of the ‘ • SW oiled secured and sPolco in egge on it, mayit, be enabled the better to do the coming Christ and Icing and there . ' roe- , tor and his leaueremp in this matter. Gacra win: impleand known sa verI fa--ke till° yell is a lot of preg Parinto do. used by John the Baptist• s, well -se its tw,, - . e.'. rhis text for his morning eerniore vitir.zetkilohdeprtiys itnooiltwatvhoen ow (opr dhEiti 3"201 scribe his ministry. They asked him Ile was born end the first lityto de. When I think of the day upon which. song of the, ant. - Oho he was and what he was here gels tingled out their message of and his outline of the story ,ef the Or and he told them that, he was Peace and good will 1 wonkier what Ifebrew•people showed the tendericy soot epoaxixthhaedweaoyino7 ttioieduo rtah.ts, ,"to pre- He must think of a world where war lor „nations and indivieluale to is over possible. arid came to for earthly power - and advancement; . Every student of Christian history Whig limn peace, to nialte men live as was. the Ring of Israel but the ' vell agrce. e um sure. that at no nor- brotherand friends. lie hates na.4- people-desirett-art-earthly-sovereign-d---*-41--th-e--christian church Tooriirtional--3ettlousiesr-lieliates--sectional', 'tnign over them mid lead them Ps the wonderful`, luore ekh in saintly de- strife. He nations about them had., Arid'In lat.wants love, brotherhoodS' votiore more heroic in seie.eaceitie, peace, everywhere and the church is . Or days, Nihon Christ tinneelt came to ion services .than in the oureest dux; challenged to use all the indUenee it. 'live 8n109 men the .Tew1mil people of Aer nee, Never old men under- possesses and can command to bring - t "fe* hitu to est ue a kingdom on earth, did Toon Aryot thomoolvoo so whole Ishowed the same tOrldellei,, looking take euch trenter4:13 things. Never r about that was itet strife and hit`,. i fl which thy might havo iwontineace, ii-e-ae-adiy•Thita theiar huge iiu'dertide: °WI' When X ess altlibuk itroa:voi.IldclIrinIkaswt acYoni-1:'''.2* and they eeemed Image to rasp the lugs. Nothing daunted them .et ale, man& • as Ree r,ettitmett to *entree. fact. • that Chrlsee InisSion was To When you think or the utter Ionia/I& witenCe he came-e"Go Ye into all the. , *Tech the gospel of the.Kingdoin of ness and • ignorance of the chureies eaven that they might, 'become eitis world and *oath the geepel to every first members and Oflicerst Avlien• you ereaturo,". L wonder 'what He ' must . Zetr4 tlt heaven. ' I think of the absolute lack Of wealth think Ofa "Arial& whicheniteteenhuns At the eveuing service Arehdeaeon ond political influence from among deed years aftet Ile lett it, hes Moree- e Deberty took his text from the neve. therm when you think of the meagre than onetbalf its population stillun..,: latiott of $t. Jahn • the Divine,. the facilities which were at theirolisposal .taught in the message of elis love ty 'etiettage to the seven churches in and of the . stubborn resistance and over half the world's milliona still igei t Asia, Most of the book Of lieVelationi opposition with which all their .en- norant of His dying love for 14hetnt,• he set() was difficult of understanding' deavora were met you are simply land that , doesn't simply mean, as . • ,. as it:Avas prophetheil of events. which ' named at the roulir4tion of the tree some people sometimes think, thee . • had not yet conte to Pass bet the ttve mendous things they did. Time and they- haven't churches to go to or1w 1, :,. ehaPters giving the message to the time e'gain ((terms of persecution bias to read, but it means that 'their. ', various churches were easily tweet, were raised and whirled against them, women. aro enslaved, thOt their A hit; , , stood end full •of instruction. Some but nothing daunted, they marched dren are. unleved. that their needy. • of the churehee were 'doing good work faithfully and fearlessly on. -Eve** and detiendent and amPrivileged. ore, and were 'commended for what they nage is illumined with n splendid neglected, that they live every bed aecomplished but the balf-heart. story of devotion, courage, steadfast- ent in emperstitious fear, that, they edneste of the 14KnliCeala ellurch was rtess and Bath, and never was there are utterly- hopeless in the face of rehukedand,Wwe warned to be zealous Sule11 a spirit of brotherhend and death. - You can't, you daren't fare arid tepent. ' The great work of the peace, never such an absence of :Nal- those; facts, emy f-iends, the people of . ' church was that of preaching the ousy and bitterness, 'Inver such a such a; beautiful inheritance as , this ' • Oospel. (miesioteity activity), teach. readiness to help the poor mtd lowly .ceerce ee Jesus Christ et which, you, in itt and healing the siek. At the pre. as in those earliest days. Yes, and and you, and you, are all.members, if ,: -• sent time the miraculous lefts of when one thinks too of the barrier challenged by- Hint,' its. divine Saviour healing were not looked for its tho which instance was and of the dan- and King, to spreattheifil the ends of way in whi.t they were displayed in ger and discomfort of travel and of the earth the, glitd.riarts that 01. men , , • • , .. - the apostolic' day», hut the hospitals the unuarallelled cruelty of the sav- inav have joy and -lieace and believe and orphanages and such institutions age tribes towhom they went, and in Rim. . „ • were truly carrYing On a, Christian ministered. one simply steeds amaz- ; , e , . . . , . . ministry. But always over and above ed at the breadth and scope of their A e$ anti 'woo). 2. Wine too oe the all eves the preaching of the Gospel missionary progress and the eireoti, words' whiele ..11e used to describee the Oe of His conung tin:tong la n_ as the ehuretes prime mission, The veness of their MiSSIOUIWF undertak- 13nrP speaker eutphasixed the stewardship luM. "I am come that they might have ufe share of the work of the ehureb so 8o1110 understanding of the reiteori• Now when you try to arrive at ffilantzde;11:131:0eal..wt o?idn,ndoevnentIY'i'-:9 "-and tVzded,t i t handl. d years after I look • ..., of time and urged all to take tip their • for you." , , ness of range with which they eon..„ , . 1 ten4ditted the outstanding feature1 "1`; prevalenee of intemperance an 1'.i the pubfie service en "Wonder and facts of the enrly life of Jesus lennertIlitY, GODERICH MKS. -*inn ARE ttErre L:414 r5. 'YES. I fa•OT estfeeeT OF 1141Em NMI mlSIJAL 1)11C. lath. Ing . . By MAC tiosT le* UK SEE IF -414* 1.3.- AifrEL IS "ft)C 111 ..74-tes ifee rid<t5v, Glad. Things—Gifts for Christmas! This is Headquarters for Holiday Hints! Such an array! For Pit and Ma and all the "In-laws." For the Little Ones. Such sensible presents to bring that happy, breathless response.."Just What I Wanted!" Some Gift, Suggestions Dressing Cases Bath Salts - Cigars — Safety Razors Brushes Fountain Pens and. Dusting Powders' Cigarettes ' Mirrors • • ANL ; Act ..1,J.,\ Desk Sets pereuraes vnocmates Stationery Toilet Waters Thermos Bottles Pipes Christmas Cards • - A LARGE ASS° TMENT TO CHOOSE FROM •lleevoun mope. • IL C. OUNLOP 1?exail brag $tore GODBRICIUS •Se",.; ,f tt'StitO_ Miftyllseful• Gifts. ,of Thints.,1p- • They 'are, the Most !Useful and Appreciiid Remembrances of All • giticompitotivot , .1:00100100041000000.00104441(110011010040001000001Etig10011401110401KVIK'lleMOVIIKIO e o.1;11,00.011/.1100e, H Give,Spulthing to Wear and your tifj will be Appreciated osiey, Gloves, Silk' Lingerie, ac:arveil, Handkerchiefs,: Linens, Hand Bags, and many. Novelties-, specially boxed tor Christmas ; • 0 z it444411r1VIIPOPOrtegl • 11C Ve00001111MOM1001011,1t k, g 14.VPOC'-ttf. ,r-tc .4? .-Hosfery-the Gift Supreme r ' Silk Nose Mud, Hose • • We have a complete stock Of the season's newest 'shades, 1 b xed free, for. Christmas. Prices 75c, $.100, $1.50, $195 a. that they might bear the final words for these wenderful things they did of appm.val, "Come ye bleseed of ray you see that it elin't altogether he portions of it, and ear stories 0 eon. • runtite in nolitics ' and dishonesty ' Fathers inherit the kingdom prepared explained by speitking of the close- . -h i , •• . e in us ness, See Mott, that suggell ,.. evening, the capacity of the chine i Christ. Neither is it altogether . wan taxed to oecomenodate the large iefactory to say that the Fenecoata1 hates sal kinds crying the things which He • congregation. The Mayor and coml. endowment NAII8 eo freeli arid so real if rtv as Ile always hated them. I , Rif attended the r' I& m a hotly and te them. Combined evith both those feel that the church of Jesus Christ, anything to it at very levee) numbere from ether. eon- thin ge you have to acknoteledge that au1171: rt112)1:3114111elde6t11:11°° all the to rejoice with'the people of St. Geer. with whi:h etteh.000 of them expeet. fluenee• it can wield to ntake society • • power . q iercgatione of the towa were present they were until on by the *confidence it peenessee and to use till the in- ge'e. at had been intended that mem.. ed the immediate return of Jeeue ohneliehnotiodotiefTSroYuwerroee ell's: deolleiagttel'ai:1! , sc Ives of various choke froin othee Chriet. They looked for Rim to Angb7ean ehurthee in the &ohm? WI 00 14, not any day, but everY dey. ,Th,,re is a lot of preparinq to do Imo eres. .. 'well us' ;:ii:' ur the dergy of the They' lived, on aomeone has teed, like.!sore' thie old world is ready to rieeive deanery eltould take parin t the cote I the Arab l: the desert Who keeps his . Ilim !reek mid that's what the ellurch I kt vice, Int on ti;feJunt of the condition ear re the ground, and the slightest , 1111.0 do. That, I ten '-910, is what of th,,, moil a amber of ehurchee tremor in the air, the slightest pond- the beautifying of this church le in- I • , were unable te eend repreeentativees eel disturb:ince auyAvliere unit the tended to mean to you -that thvough f Rt.v., Li T. !runic" 1.1. A" rceter of t;Iightcst naeural ,7ataetrophe cond. the inspiratien whielt comes to You 41 social injustiees„ of n11 St. Faure chiri,h, Clinton* end tiUM‘ them an they waited rind ee, from it you may be all the better able bee ef Lis choir uvre on hartd end petted like the firet notee of the to do your part in this tremendone , ik ., were 1)411 , filled. Previette f, the falls of the (Tilting Prittee. They es- the 'retara ef t n Savlanr and Rine- rhumb meek° while the congregation?. pectea Christ to return (mid witen Ile I often think feat God has made it ' we-: being seated, the erganist, Itte ;tame they inuf.t be loving -they tme,t easier for our generation than it ever Davie% rendered a number of organ he aetive in his services. eeleetione in good iorm 'which were has been tor t1nY %triter:Wen of men, much enteyed by all end at 8 esioek It bits been ERIE) tlukt the early. to do this work ettectively and well. „e tee „„„,, e g .1 g ' .Chtiatieue thought too truth of ,I think that God hes been teittleular- theil!rildas '''' -- "`"` ess`entl"1:9111th Christ% ret urn- that fAO• intend were Is, xenerous and kind to us its this "G vious Thinge of Thee Are Spoilt- iteey neon it that they oredoetee „twentieth • century. Ile s ;rival us rp, eits? of etir Cad," we." .,he..ht'i as, many practical duties which lay very rare gifts, bY MesTIS of wiliA we ran the large Droreell et teem olLT ,40te to their hind. Int not goin!more effectively than other egcs have ele.gy moved into the ehureh• • to (limpet that critieinm now. Thy -........4 one. urePare th(" wfOY of 5.110 Rev. A. le G. Clarke, rocter of St., bit they have re reason at ell to be 1,whielt almett everyone. for instaneei with the united choirs the choir stalls aveliangere trittettet4 the Ilrst• foot' und"taking of IrPatillg the *way ter T110 4410141 to'rvice was mune hel may have thought to WW1 aNint. it , Lord. plaeed ue in an age in Gt. levees from 1917 to 1020, now rec..' athatned of the record which thee is interested in rel.en. Never were • 14". "r the' 'ehtrelluf St. 4°Iu'l the made. They mity have thought. toc people more intoregted elan they are • Evengelitt, tendon, Thr thee leston nsu2h about it but I net quiw bum IIds. Current literature eintgeete r•• Mr. Havrh'etteoof ;that the (.hrietiene of the twentieth it, Alirtely a note, et prominence "ntost. ant) the tetond lesson In' Rete century think far too little of it. Per- that's appeared tile 1e1 twenty. Ale •• nuke11,11 of Gederich, an. very ham we And it a little difficult to dr- fly" !taro hot t.no'heo *Pon She tine memos am the text. "Prepare 'to tbo, way of Ike presebeei Re c, Arthar Carlisle. H. e, A., 11.1".„ Nit -tor of-Ctiriq churchrilti Mrs) end Ilroot Moil, trod. he eoloomonts with,ut meeseire Ode lost bow inuth of the esrieturel Jou* mastless. Modem sesT,,z‘spera siltaioss it are poetry and hew ;give simsalsat !ewes to the diesuteion .asb literal feet. Perleuei we hare ;,,f theological ouseitt eel; eerie...Down at limes been a little disguottd n.'yee wry Oft 14Phra ila. subject'. the presumed onminotehre of some tiltterial ' "Prim' "1"4"tti fee th" 0, of the modern twophrto wh.), claim. ever/ ilysoli Woo glikettiSW• thinkeirtrinor biklortrr *WI tfwgworn ing a linnedeitee gri•ater then thee Tassie ass hesesstal esiiirtos to , 414th. very shornntinfelv, (1 K*' powwow!' by the siegele of heaven .41Mr" 1.1kawa. 11" ,thy 4"111"Ig.:11/1",1 awl the $kit *if Cod 'Hewett', been sestet same evisktal. 1 k.rehn‘ urclh'es71 'swot *h* hoot* freennyro stared, to AUK'', the yaw and fink month ,<Ion't eiroetl. 1451.1011 Over 'AO 414 '11* Uhuz"h't "" F4114"/""" 1111111t--4 tery tier epos ski...It that you *elk slow the streets of Mg 114 /"" the ehtee 11-; AL. 1010114w divine swprot *in ham pliko: or ner- tat dam flows la evrey ismeo. 114 I+ ; pair. • • GLOVES Kid Gloves,Lind 'Kid Gloves, Silk)Glevett h4•M oisette Gloves, Doubletex Gloves, hull rinds of pairs .to choose from 50e to $250 per. Pair. HAND BAGS - 4-etpecially nice showing of the season's newest , stylOs and shades, all leather and solid frame, $2.50 to $6.50 each., HANDKERCHIEFS . In a large variety, plain white and fancy colors. 5c to 60e each. WOOL BLAMES In plain colors and fancy plaids. ..Plain and satin bound. Large size andgbest quality. These Make a warm remembrance. tnv.34%str.t:xtsr.w.-xtusoihsomer.14yeAszsm.xxs.v.aol0000s0000Ksssemorsoopeeesogoos000dassmomsailyeaseopustEsvoloissw • • SILK LINGERI Kayser and. Harvey k n it -in V e sts and B I op m.,e re,; „pantees S 1 i pi,' Combinations, Pyjamas, , Gowns, h e 'are 43eaUtiful garments,and a gift you will be proUdjto Priced 79c to $4.50. ttt .• , E N.8 LirielfeiorCloths white' and colored, Table' Cloths, Dinner Sets colored, Towel's, Madeira Centres • and Runners. .BOXED HANDKERCBIEFS In a great showing of fine lawn and voile With neat embroidered • corners. voile, will be surprised at the values we offer, 15e to $145. a box. MOTOR ROBES r. In fancy plaids, all wool and full size. $2./5 $7.50 each. WOOLLENS Including eiiid weather needs for the baby, Jerseys and Knitted Suits for the children, Toques, Mitts and Pullovers. Women's and Misses' All 'Wool Sweaters, Coats, Gloves and Sweaters. . READVANTONWEAR DEPARTMENT A smart showing of Women's and Misses' Dresses in the new Silhouette styles in Silks and heavy crepe, also Misses' Sport, fumy Dresses and separate.skirt and blouse in Green, Blue, and Brown. IXIN7140,141C,n...14S1f100010112414141010071011471041124116001.1111111011ali0011010411111001‘111100101101. 1 , Viatlittlitet : Analasroargoottwort • Women's and •Misses' Coats' at Yrj> Spcia1Tikes You are as velcome to come in and look around as you are to buy. • it will 110011 be too late to shop early. iseileaseiaiatseheeeneisieektetattlelotelolialeddienoillilliegatilittatiendiehteleellegilleakaiee/Milelegitliagehillielieghltilellaesilielditleageloehilitheitegglithiliaelighlhailliltatt GEOW SCHREFER (Ade Nye art sole agents for the farich eglinevicinity for Spetlel Displey through. out the. Stoic te help you solve the Gift Problems. of Host - Glove*, said Silk Liageri;' PHONE 56 osallty iserthendlee. •t rs. -re.0s by Vere Res, Peen nled(go•viel *to **I ertitts me& thOieets reel zeeriel e• est,. h lee 44 ing*SCOICSICSICSKSKOKSIKOACSICNOKOCIIIMPIKWOOMONISCOlt i hem. it i. te-t The •,,r• orA oil I feel is touch': for lanit - a