HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-12-12, Page 6mff:_� - Corporation Bonds ""Ugil by W&IS CARA140 PU%Vil atid! indVittUl ClItt& "It"M the* corpoation Wnds afrord aft atttalc*ve ,�Alirld ild Cary our OFAUHARNOIS POWER CQRp0RATJQN LIMITED J 61"Q, W Islas! 'e"t tl-.,A ckitoktotw 11 1951� ......................... VXNERAL STEEL WARES, LIMITFa 6��Ccsr Mpng-Ise&-iz Ow Novilinbri 1. 195a ........ lot 13.9a% 10W HARRIS AVAT TOIR COMPAWy, M MITED 6�0' First K)"Jage WaJ3 viojuy 1, jot 5.91 OUKE-FRICE POWER CompAt4y, LIMITED 6570 first mottgato am,44 I)m May 4, 10,66 ........... MQVIW,IAL PAPER, LIMITEW Faiist ftrfs4av ljznds "W 1. 1947 ....................... Polly Afesciipv*tv cftfi:ars "Ifted on yro-wss W*4" 1*0406"" TORONTO: 26 Kk* St. E. Al Won't you spook to toe? you - Won't 40 and leave me to live oil .know I killed you Vt But no saiiier 4me to 'him pl, the White lips seemed, to be at , forever. MWon covere4,, his 1WI'th his Unds and Wobed bittl TRE 00DERICH STAX adt 'Rut '3*I'AvA=vniu f; "frrw, it is 1� W"" iroke W#W 6rokwfi WA howft as be CNAR to)X& waimal" for tho 064 tow y4ara will, 1, Sank down ropo his kolis AW UW 'be Y4" WM M&A thV tliCrfis"� fil0sw-van yol . A ova fortivo 0* %al, Ths "at -t sb* *U,4WUQA "i tu�. The Hydro Store W41ainiuil from Me 6) 00"ift wwwoo in Qawi4 JWW �4 1� what I "Vo Adww? All I ask is 4s lu P t y r Us 1*114 vay favw� Oftk C"Wr Jig& boo yetiv rai"h 11 chm-o to *Nat—to show you " I ftcga 00 1�vmw be all Oat you am* OaA*bt aw." a the point of view of aw�, Of th" WSA asticlo"Od. Woo 41u, Au I 460101imiAr workz and it is JWJAbAJW "OU6011 th4*,UW Z06#"ye, 4(;QV*rn- Next day, whon the Chrlatrags bolb uAlorunto hat MOT40 W" its ff ^1 40 WeN 904449 aut tbair ft"Wo of dome, go not being 11"AU At**&d mine tha 'Waf QZ- e,04 6arth a" goodwill toward werA were, in a better fAdftiAi#Wri49 the Act, but #pWent, We toms gLe p"it,Q), to give port of their time ly this 'Was not iotos4od to include," Say tM 0*11 me"' no two 'Wrsaus fek tbe Joy than for maAy yk*rs p"t, the Wtial rost in the cou*ief;, wt, the so -old tidings in a grogtor The Roo truAt Purchased 14 the only tho cost of vrinting and of V* Irlivajiure than they, for their Y, bad opened to new u"OeUtAndbw *Ad bay* been Ver "tj#fact4Qry. 149 the "rise *"# foing of the var., with an faith in cach othtr. 'Llne 'Cost per Ykrd wile for hauling On'$ Commissioners entrustetl With, 'hi* Yfue Wil -4 beloW fe, w1jW- our thO work at 1104dQuartero bothfu the 1' costs last year were Ile to 13�,. The 00nlifti6h and. the , pWv,�nees, The � contract rAte this yv-ar wwi Ire let- coist in tho county is not Jorge when Oft C riArna Ordinary hauls, the trouble, responsibility o" work M A traffic offke.4 Mr. N. Uvero ho;,1 involved is tAkon into consideratiop. been aij;inted, and has bren'onibity AN in all vow of the introduction Oft, vectrica Gi 4 1 lemorl F -ince auly is, a -be costot. this Ofhci� any new wheme, or Plan of p liblic, ut- has been $1314.17, while the revemle. Ort1he,initild cost I# the main tx ftiliture, and it is 4ale W comboo For. received by the c"Oty- will be a little PO tth In eXCelig 'Of thiS 4013.1111t. MRAY eX- ty'st it boo bftU many timeS Jarge.r here pressions ofupPriqlation of the,work than MOY be anticipated In of Mr. uVer. as fiiffle officei" have out the ott in -tho tuture, allnTtive been received. Some may be concluilea to we find that the vogincer bgs;, in 2,094rdift the work involvi The modern present for 'N certain cases, difficulty in efrectil the Pensions A�t bee. y agreements with -the Owners fox. the understood #ud only those J.Wqu*iAtCd the housewife—an electric :w Wilkl0val of hedgo3, vail-fences, eM,.,Awith buoilless we r6e;� ry A 'thods Ana fr=sav- lron�: toaster, percolator, cause sirlaw dritta an the r9ad, 0046 voucerood� the work Would not olend that.spproviki bo. te roarly so any. of -,, countless number I'llark-1 the lt�,rsW Angela Veit.. but vion at Ili slory e evAneer to opply. to tile knowo.that the"greitter nvo�i 46f of good-looking, time -say. "Glory to the rew-bom Ringf, "A Count q In .. ordor,.o with sec., 60P*44tv Who tried to cMplete�, Ulle, Christlawt chime$ Wore pealing 85, sec, of e Jughway Im. their own 4pplig4tions wexe over ing electrical deWces. ove tic , X&Y Walton bur- prove ellts ct fOr an order' fixinr eighty Ytsyx of ages, we can reodily "a!he4d*5 Pe Vast 010 great departments, the Amount Mf compeos*tlou fljat'� understand the imperfett state . in A at this store. They are all her - shall be g4ld, and such other direc. 'Wbicbs during the first stnes,. tho, a lump rose 16 Peggy% throat, VOW as may be needed wh store, and .,are, pelced con. Retroyes grew u0sty. -she wcmdered . elievpr an, 4pPIlQ#IoXW were sent, In and the Oil equitalge agreement be M%40, Work involved In-mo'king, t�et same siderately , for thos� 11 these hurrying Christmas . A carload ot snow feu6 ha$ been, Presentable 'to the - critical mws of : 4;ioppers heard those chimesand felt. purchased, and 4, our the waditors or have many. presents to buy. *0 , she did. lWeir fkceo gava no evi. Ir*quirements Vey of the wh4lo Tepresentit egpoftbp� of the road system roop"tive. Governmentoo, , *bw worp, t dence of omotlon; - but neither 414 *Ould indicate that tW4, or, 011 hero, V* assured hers4t. . threemore, 'concerned only. with figuring out. the No,. gift dan be more - Irl 04rlosdw will be needo, Jut, consider. 16110*101 wik*tlons" these " - Appup.a. ��l communin f with herself Peggy ift the foods Available tbJ#yegr, your 09AS JOV4olved, Ut that, the Idasing—it's Santa's trump thought of o her Christmas shoppla commit".: p 0 0-9mmi4sion felt that Ono c did fairly welt ln,lbt task,! card for Christmas, 19291� coilosd was UP sue e"litions when all - tUt could be boo WAS JOY *"d *13- all _ gh�.. , I . is evidemodby the -few turuedUck! ticapot'011. Rot thatr'W's$ whon- Bob 10onsiderivo. talowal chlotido-W.gS of the 1UP number - P40,804 004 Was little and the four grandlisroots used dmr!n* io year, *44 Ve and that f9iVgrdj_*nd the,.proof tbattbooe lbell Belot- Ono fulled bim- backtr­ w wvw a I cor Aing xer *0 on a con4ttloo it coy lqbpx om, the holl"y--footivitfes-, tor Aervft, 0 ventral offices were AitM the cob, -A a doctor bad come,, *And in brick bOU0,R in the 11 th . Re . ot th v *04 reducelt groatly the alert Is 4"ideoced 1�_V-the fact tbattim ttle town. Now oun *Pl* required , in, aft. V"Y smallest Weos in AV a few minutes thty woto burrying, to W*a twenty.qoi� the gr.godpal,. n-- .-Wa -Griddle pile&! Electric� S the nearest hospital, i to feature 4 dust tions, were 41 tove, ents had passed gw4y�Qrandxothor tion, For'wa hour. that seemed like all Walton and 0 'The- exprjencd, jj;404, J i and All those ba; -ing 'thp, - randloother rxontl, 'Where bilider material in the gra, I A, vommitto 'by � your�, Ark. VAlted for the doo. had gone just short time *ps" th%j TO 130'rie voi all the bit. Viet in lacklax,­g000 results elknootbe 10sNualbility of a4ministoring, the asters Coffee Pots, :;r V terfie4s and hostility toWard Doot sumbler. The two guotg felt as OAsthods aiid it is expected,that most eaftosted with the task In th�juturq, Ali that P40997 did, that-Orlstmos memories Of theUke $here road w1dell is sur, for 110' dOOt p6ny.'difflcultaoo �,W possessed bim, in the post two wouldbe less V00044t P 411W didr-1, faced with'Ibeach gravel and olloilar, countered I�y J)iom. will. be 0 veas in their PJACO tolidomeso� lind try to, ha%,s. the coatoloW, reunion And Instead, of the material, will be most successfully -.400.01 ta? tile 40 While)% Irons VacuumCleaners Phillp Marion brick bous' out by Amand pulled down tho'cim. 0 treated with 4 surfaw,trestment of, wi make it losstw1bble to pavry-out, his Car '0101 an aug*Y. jerk, 101 the Uir or asphaltid: 00. The Prevention *18 eg'.to thank. j$i, Mth Its theory Aroivilaces, Then his voloo snapped out 4 shav friendly little 0 t*w", thgy lived in an Of Adust on heavlly� trgvoHea roads Is municipal clerks, cooveyaneerq, not., oder a Xravel am t of set tion the to, his chauffeurz "Oet 00 *vArtmobt in the city-. Not much A matter 'Which, deserves serious gt. art" TORO And the many OthQX4 NVI40 this- (UstA140; � atnto4pbero - 4bout An, tention. oamo to the Assistance :of Electric Washers.,:etc, 4P*rtM0At-- , -the 010, Christmas crowd is Most annoying, people in, thet-'.1 rushing, around like lusolle pcople�, But 00methinir must be, done About quoiting your commission to Jenkins gave a 2ufot assent, -no If, for no out a program or,,Lrork for 1080. ,We- The committee is , Of the'�� 0 n Christlo4a for Bob's saket, 1 reason 6 $00ft 'tile bit tAr all qofotlt Into the othe' - It wOuld"'t OeOM touch And th15 4 Very difficult matter to'do, Ilift this is An '0 0 Vtuno, 110pi 10 wide smoothuess of the oulovard like CbriStloaa for Bob to come home in that- we are not in 4, position to 'Point Out and call attention � vie, to Xut the troffie condition of fr0n) tollegO to Just her a"d Did. 4u4go Of All, the go WWAINVITV INSPEC verning. Olrqurq�, features br6u t* mo'k klit out in the Initial i du are was rp less pleasino to VORRY had Passed beyond 4hat WllL preWdl XoXt yo4l, the -stances Work that might well be, the. soloot PIMP; MAW011 jlbau the rush and �$04114 .01 thd chimes, but betWeen by the time the'working, se OflolPrVomeots or.Amendment, On. fal. A 'pension I a r.OV burry of the 1pustress $ectj S)IOVing Ventures her mind dwelt rives, Botwo� do k RTAW now that It -is $4. orpment, ft* fiftmo As if QvO7 vox In tolin must t"onstantly On this Oilsttl%49 Pro- visable, to, undertake,more permanent institatiou an sliquia, b01pne.- to, the be tho work than has been the case !it tho� Dominion or tr ire grew more imtAQ, enal VAO Past, ard'to do this more win, tequir tion, of 'eltizon'ship, and Is irk no, way be supplied, 0-1 ment, so Touch SeZ thAtovbA the well foods, Which we hope will e' principle of municipal government. Olt its, (afluone tv the promised in the GOV. We recomm I that 8$ the troli-ble of Ile Yo -ftined thauffour so L�;Sa_al Increase ,en ore JAYe-AiltAtIfivr And p ift 'Vor the first time n his JIf6 Jonklas ernment subsidy. #4 #aftty to opogo A's he tried -while it i's not pmetic4le to rq. w wbik Assfsti,�g the U get his, - mottlt imay frora 00 A Door That,11eld a MoSSAger Of U(0 complend a. e Goveiampit, -in tai;iiic. out the W. est Side Square,, laaerich. or Death Oruplete vtomm W46 thilW that IrRtatid bilro. so,, And.tho 0 ' yould point out th4t a list of"^, scheme* tht Dominion and NovinciAl result Want as It 86 often, is in such 11 M-pat"hy. had vomo back a in. Ito On- - Oovqrpmorts be petitiqred to bqar.t11e ga Atraction items wore mentioned in the co4es—A ftso'lit . It. all happened" so ignow idow the cause; for tild ftnO re way a port which should' 1�o undW, cost or assist tbo;,00unty, -especially IqUe MY both roaster -sind man wore h4d been Uting; be had just boo taken in the VeAt loture, In addi- ift tbA4'4WA1 CoAt_of ftrrvin$ out or 4ft4 IwIth turprlse� and frjltbt� for trying to -crush out and -stifle the eq, tiou to these the 10110*10i should be Introducing, tlick 1?84�16ns Ad "o-cuf int! of his he—f - , 1+. to." +U " . �;. 4A '" , . . 1 4. ft u. er,* on WAF WV Ord Or, too, Opin.101% that 'be, doed proporli.in their tifling of his -,6Va:tOr,hc1" ed ent will The r-Recideilt. crowd that -Clare, the F, is 14 , No., $4, StOphft frord Orand' the ussixome, nt of PrOVAAY; should interom . And that the$, wIff receive COMes TrOA 330'0110 Itt"a where had that had turned him into a hard and Bond, southerly a miles, ;9,,000 t notbe 4noistod on 44; ­Port -0 tbo� obli. g604 homes. 411110111Y Osombled, LJgly threats bittew,iftan. 9- We- 7, ROY and Stephen;"grad_ 9*tlon enool.h 'applies to 1w4re 104iisod -around, Oh, Godl lot het'livell, Ing at4 small bridges; 4q,Q0,0 The 4rl#ak of he cried , A, * P0118i0fis: And We recommewl t at, it, 0 Also redommood, %that the a tho tMated taxi *44 huril", over and ever. #01*t her live to Imow No. .8, Usbarne and, Ribbovt: T . wit for the e go vor(u at th C hot that I am not * deleted ftom, the form. or used on� li s totally disabled should 6 White-ftcod.4ronkins. the +tur that she thinks t0VA line,, $4,000, 1Y,in, special c$$e$ to I)o detc - were unhutt. - t her live, mmiked be reduced to 65 years or less, this to 780th &Ivivx am. 14 0 know 'that it. 4. No. 9; lfoz fr�m2ri�i6oijlipp by the Utts. in each oese. be'applied particularly for the bondAt (0' The rmidoneo� restrik:tiona or ftt ftill -11(ariloti Was Unmindfol '"s stubhOtmss - and !Aide Only. that West, $61ow, kept me *wt ob, if I a of returnect soldiers. We have been of them oil '114 VMs. 6WI0 had ouly over a-hi&v. 5- �NO, * Ot t0lboiie, small too gral4ved, and not � liberal onough *049ht face to facer With -several sao V to "MA0011 1"Irm Of a wom%% "to Or 'in" trut'll Awlimiller,#lCy �Wswanos �;to, be Applied to those old p cases -of permanent total disability vih#� JAV., Insidef 'the'- cAb. 131004� Was A door that'held a messa Ift, POS9Y.1164 P48804 SeYOA4 6. No. pople. it not bo the . conceiii of the where, tho pad We of the Chimes., cut 4 blind and pol L,*,9401fi IDA her for& Or death � Opened Very softly MW 1101lett'. easterliirowlot 30;� B. Wtit'DovAbilon Novineo or county *)IQ- fectly helpless w4thoutllneans 01 hell, boaa ad In * VOW AVId''what she COU14 -do. All W,*Tkosh, 42A 0. tber,a. p;6 old,mothet o llryg Nicking- toogb i�%lt OPP06rances the Jay smiling 40dft 10466404 him; in. & their Mends li&4.thoir owlt fgmilles .0 r +1ather, too oxftt'what friends offaithful rela q .10y Alled'h's �eavt; he At QrbtirAsi lot so they had had W6� *641d-,turther draw, thii att6o. voor and feeble to mainta(r. hiniself tives osupffor, who have not reacheL J V-itt 'Claro,' 101oral" kfftr#e$wt,,AM-Uitjjtelw0xfA going to li Von of tho.00ulkij to tbo. tav'u, was as NPAT X"fon W" '� the street *IMRO' Or h0rftlf &]one," sees ft'to. board t`110,413411fYin-9 090- Of course suci, AelAY10c, brokeiily. i%, entered there tame. J _ ,, ve, 45 b 6 theirs until this year. - voices of of oWthising-w '41 ouck With their family,, ever if. it a - Alp ulotion Willentail groat. respon ThAtbrought her -back again fdItI64 -the , I ga round I d "takes1limu Out: of their native. Pro. *WMY "d care. to onfoxte, et wi, bolo* the' carol lingers, litti, town An rO power Va at. A 13' d' the' many changes _01114 &Iest and s*qo% upon'the, evoning air., hat OlVe 46i8ability of o0cliting �virice part of the time, . So long. iis areof the opinion tbwv, if cortza, c M, le 84hk ot noth" short time tb Ve Or Corporat.ons.think 66 Year, IX they ba; resIded in -Canada the �bti- t"%--1fFAdy 14101�*i t had taken place even. $A , "16 county roads "`ThtougU� 0 Uod rent ye littli thildron'; I ey bad been gone- withikthe me, -f iw limit, of,usofulo 64=41 guy it wo;u 'Ilk, You aftight Other homes besides theirs. would oil) one age Is -tho to Inft a amro hlatellial,002 wit"16ft rige should net east,., Vor Jesus chriou'y Tvaft Act boo Wen considered, ana �ponsioft -'thii Should- be, enou be Out Saviour, was miss the older the.; 4 born Upon this n g"erotIon' 'this It Is Vftbahlti that a � b.Aaw In this, recommend that, this provi lon '4 limit � for `pensloiw 5'04* lot light ohrlstm4s. s 45 a" e the Mile of Gall te. iffe "Ito ellilloOrlit" contivellon nhould be passed. 1 made more Jibor, on tota di U4 Ity -7 4 �odxgl bm fty the. is -proven bi� 4, flocks sloppi 1"Ir them in her mind. i At so 'loog As, the. M is In tonclubi !cal to ate. ore'Was Judge, Ifitford PZOOA Olt'wa Wish to,exptess vitices reel to ftelt Cbriati X1141 Of MA a filsid who h#d Our spPrWatfors of the valutble ser., to) The act also goes too ist, in 4000 $0, 1000h, for them when, the first vice-readered to us, during the Year "conforring of ftiodow upon those matter of giving -a Versions ji,� th, *as born on chilat day,.,, break i was go oom (f) WO *ISO 091 attention to, the ft. WOO&S As if at the sound, Clare M"Jon had I*ued **Air, and even last *1304 Patt4go". We $ire eonvittood tbat,'.and keeping of the county. mem1mrs or i�mstes of the House ot 0 And 'her OW4 16thOt by our �outkty, ongitior, Mt. To It: - who havio, been committed to the -tare, *Oft'X" th" fiik eyes Opened mer when her mother, too, bad gone. Ailas to %b keen end have The Oil -9 19 CON$ vor y slowl low t4okin theoutlines it Alms, 'Todge, Itatford yof. been mj& wards in the House Of P-0fuge, people axe unable for A oi foresight and stud. many VeASOXIS to transact businesi A" Of the =4 149, hail fakeft economics V '100 1110 man, standing with fell the, stini from the 1'ecal 14 U unspatiftly pw Refuge. We rJohn 'ifist the c ofor h% aspect*- sed -oil to us we uV6 016 to'show a in =Xlr; And, owing to their enfeebled condi- ikkoallulf "no "A head In the dootv*rt, a of pension$ should loot, S" wed Yet, It was but a fAW ireeks, loter vorX au"ohal N&V tidd me**11y and physically, should �Jog iii dtaggir -, r when to 414v b*4 been 1*14 to rest in haillir 4 Wit � the power of the wunty counell "'Philip, oh, Phi"bf g and bri4ge_ viinotrotti6ft re not have,gry twice as to leaiift, the 9*vdinstbehl as varO.4 and under institution without the love and Is"' Is' it T**I. -tometefy 0"'ths JiMs' Aeh costs. And we Joel its -tontro, am I dreatalliSt, The joy. there Was genial. courtly 'the "tt'd # your.'AmomitteL to and'. that t)io; county th ton- *A now it is ow oar remay I ov* the weak V4100 V11" %oft1gtAk*Q6, Xro Mor. that this premier couityo lluron� should still bavv the power 'of insist- en e county, smathe pensions We for OWU vow, and Mr. wrid Mrs. Roberts, tailt should slibuld be paid directly to the county to *rated IMM, each other but 'a briif such cong"tulsto I elf 'Oft having iris that %#yqna taklog- one of theme to be, bY. its Authorfto used for their IM month, and Mr. and Mrs, D4%wn64_ Vid e0*11t, OW-. Illinst6a NbOuld'91*6 bonds for hia 3441 16101. 1 safe keovitwe Aad thAt money alforigh. keeP'Or given them it they desire, to, 2*8"00 In her sumv 4 150, bli� in I �'Dr. It all 'ven, swrisjoiis to do vith 'as I _Arr. many *to;omematlofts vade. iii 0 cow'shoOld they be key ot* I There **A rr�4. V*,W.. 1""Vor"llto Ig W-A"W" of 10141 01"Ad except in cases Where 6 thoftht'Of the DAW suitable ROAt and Katharine, god their, little Age P041ft Act 914eft ton be found for thorn ' VA boy Di!** and Xath&rIAog younger Thd 1*1100 of the Old Age V#slon themselveWol that P* up, 0* by TU T. Aftem as,* they can, tare f0i 818tet# *try,' theA t0O, must �b# look. COMMItteew after recording the, tWl. 144, 'tit i"t forward to, Vhtlsft", with soriv tUl4r# of the Aot and the appoint -4 Towful MOM0400; for AIWJWS tho3r 21100 of -the OoMMIttee, Mt*tAedt- tl*. hail come from fte for -of cit.1 to the the c6hiMItte* hod divided the. count$, e home in the little ton for t e holi. Into five -districts with out member of 4 oia A KEMP d"N XW now there was no home -to the, committee in charge of eab,� 4 1P which to come'. which w4ka found absoluttly nogosv AuTONATIC 0 THE "It's wofto -for them than for vs. savyt #4 ". 10'spectors had been ap. s 11, vorite them at once"00 Porny do- glaw as was the egoar With the we need. othert, Allowktke Actw The dis. Xgthsr- Mt. Higgins in tharge of Exeter 64 little Dick, bleqs L,BURNER Mary *ad sob will have a good time. tvicts ore is -Jollowo the call fails L"ded- "They'" just what ire. And ther -0 WO AIWAY6 efiloY Pted and 1146tue, Stephen* UAY, aftsall wfla to tvay tettoban* T11119" at* thrte "opl# his lleAtt; * 'ehad is what WO Want to StshlOYA, Xv, �XellftodY irk chgtR6 of COIL 0 OW *ft of thtso makes a mistake ther Tcldvo.M6 Christmas tlphit,lp Tuokeramith, Sestorth, Itullett ali4 tall tails. It vay be the OPO4tor, it may bt tho. ARAM retity found herself within Mexilic Mr- Crkijic, in ObAtte of WILL SOLVE YOUR HEATING WORRI S A eftrint Of t e i0watrasio'chlats: "OVIO 'town, Go erieh Township; P0064, Ullh*, It alay bo the littoost called. h tt '1by to the worlV *as V111609 Clint^ 011yatne and A0118d. , Mr. Theft art Ovtt Ont M1111014 1401 Calls 10 OfitAft fftth as' she A toothed the d000rt- ivi tharge, Of MOM% East IlAt Q"bft *0WY 46Y *hkh tsill,-111,11neo Rosy" ftent store Oftler born and Xe$ —"So Aaswee-o�-1194,oll#*4 tho. ono a**, sie.-o But thero Was, twowd Away, t WaWanoSh, th Ito JUMP in hor throat Mattison. Mr. Hubbard in charo It costs less to use file Xemp Autolnatk oil Hurt, MN"" N*Ubw-. this -time 004 -her ty" Wtft ekarand or Gf�y, nowic*, Tutill*Vvy and or st4m. as. she gally hailtkned slorq, and.tbe flist costsl�len. , It has proven is Worill so ancomplotod - during can* url6la watet. 'Plaftfur forotheft Aid *fmftlor the winters of 1927, 1928 and 1929 fulfilling SOMI)l fteart tvm *41110W Iminsitts a aty wast4A berself A Merry ICM#tm The commiftee has mel*4 and etely C . _.!! doilt with 423 aprMeationo, nearly the ClaillIS W6 filake for it. don, of ftaft — constant Iftitatift bv6y one of *hich to ftfavedl- it Ica 01111 of To" t"ted. Of the 423 Vo committ" re. is entirely autonlatic..11lakes Constant tempera- *ith life v- .1 To the I*r#Oh out of tune olollit"aM "I, ki"d,of thoft rk turo possibI0. There Isno smok som of t1loto t~ be avoldod am ***,Of Christmas may r4o" a OM_ 0-110 dust—no soot— thom at* d" to ow Own *nvm 444 many of *,bAestowil WONVISOme melrA#dordy six were ftfu"A by the objecelonAble nolse. W Of 4ifto OR Ifidiffer. Central tuthoritt", 41A the", W thm mob do to hKk of towe"ution by tWother It. vottiv'"t * fetur*k thNVI 6r some Isek of re ft* two par" olden" for the, faCtOrY ill Hot'Air Fuillace as In flot", 0 uh8ultalwity for whkh ptirolst#4 -time. Of those granted, Water or S galls Plants, it to be by far tile 6 must we believe *14 at* tftfth* '104 tig ow **a ottots, "t" Of 'mitatt" M6 vtrt for 1011 ptlisiopol, ol- U0, 1110A efflClent burner for Hot ,kir FurilaC W4 we an w - 16-6 It suivh* to ttvt tl* *m MooM W for par hW ­%_� ___ 0111mift #A low f pengiong rang, rs wam front $120 to 41654 year, 4"*ral In London and Stratford there are allay sAtigfaatory "A 01A 00101086 Trft $art I hai� "Urn a ratip" I Zwaffz **,ate mow *to" upon their Anther %vsoureto. T)ie- 110040115 in hot Air Furnaces. Ask ally one of tile &_ average pol"Im stskow vat for towam 6*0 V..W-10WWTW __ _ , the bw. ThIly Put their 41P.0 *d SIVO 0014 ustts what WY they think Of 'th& burner—regardng that thm ow bil, � 5 1*1, M1611M, 06 that the 306 A" 0114ko" 110140ow"1111111 to see4ft C, A bw 4#0 !bowl, granted Will mtiye 4 tow, Aw4t, modA Its ftOwdVAt. -ecollomicat cost 11"Ify taki of $6jIT1.15 ywr nionth or $0 " VW am�4#fflk 1A frOM trouble and the 2ittomaVc mairlicilance of a cor. It to%* twoo rowlil to t*rowo con R ont ytarvand t* 1*ynw*t_of this will J* hill &VOUr. lant 4esirtt! towopetature, bom as' follovts� The Dominift of ye Caftila, W.630.50" the Provi" or WILT BY TIM kt*TIN S0.77030. the 06*0ty of It'll /0 Usr= , 040INUawt ^n tqft *J't to ~000 000"S#W to* vow #0 iWa 0 - a #*bo - a Aim we ;W"~ Ithat, tbes touls, vdll *VWOQIY les. *ftmk*4 OMM6 sen tmm veer k,6 y"r, as 4% vftt FOR SAM IN (A)DERIC11 and VICINITY h liuml*r of tho" how I* extoos of " GOLD Vo not. AWom#hoat W"mWei, y#�srx *ill xvgdl*lq",�� tv#po to I* y $Onol w6iisilty. r4oftwion tmrw-*, 01"4 Vloff plae" wilt low tak- n AKER fow. U*4 or w4t# fAr, tr the 1kilva%er of ft"llon@Aro VMI L E� —0 - I NxtTwo wtiph iorm! 4t 41,vu 110, JD^ AW -101141 IS At 0*4 (MM �Wr to 3roor by Ate You'll Ad", sftvk* is fm#. 01"C .-e illot rwNnp vv*#d oil Mw I Val ow flist It 10 r (IM110 to _%t the dccrttw" ift, -,venotble, to r,;ptr.t th,