HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-12-12, Page 5,ar -,,ell _ . TEURSDAY. Dire. tittle lfr '!8E O�DII CB air HURON COUNTY the premed year me k. Teen. tail aboelasely iaape.NW. hence the la- crimal et our emacs limy from Il to 7 tiriUs, and the Wass tfuagtit the ggyraered opinion prevailed that the introduction of the gayemows- . sys- tem amen he adopted to avoid the is - ewe of d beatu es. We are wry much encouraged in our attempt w try the pay -M -you -go system. sad ' 'budget each year, by ltat. Mr. Henry. Minister of HiKhwttye and others - At the recent Ontario Goad Ronda convention it was pointed out that the fay-ax-you=go system remitted in lees te►den+°y to extravagance, that at left 44 per cent. more money was required to build the imme mileage i under the long payment eyetem; that Ly the pa >u you=ga the -roads would be sully paid for when finish- ed and would not require to be re. - - case in long term payments. Another matter calling fear atten. tion was 'that, relating to our hoapitat pay menta for indigent patients. Now that we had four fully ------7----°'1"•-:'_. _ .— equipped up-to-date hospitals in our own county the Warden Thought surely these patients can be fully provided for an our own county, and -not materially les although this may y " sen the coat, we will be paying out of our county times to • our awn County institutions. The Warden strongly- recommended a change in the Aet of the trepre entstives under the •our nown taxpayer.. .Among mucic correspondence re- ported was a statement of Provincial wive: s 131 y t h,1, $90 schools la, $901.04; Wroxeter, $876.41; No. 17 Howick $883.38; Irensall, $896.77 ; No. 7 Ilay. $423.65. A statement of the county pay- ments to high and Continuation. schools last year showed the follow» ing: Clinton, $10,408.04; Goderieh, $8,374.93; Seaforth. $9,879.051 Wing - ham, $7,892.05; Exeter; $11,028:13; total,. $44,583.15.. Paid to adjacent rounty High gehoole: ITurriston,.- $611,38; Listowel, $12 , -75., Stxa-t=. ford.. $115,08: St. Marys, $480.98; County Owes Province i ,117 t oniiigitway z�ccounn Warden Commends Adoption of P ►y*As-You-Go Principle COUNTY PAYMENTS TO HIGH . ANIS CONTINUA. T1014 SCHOO $63,86.23 Old Age Pension Committee Maks Many Recommendations • • The Huron County council met for credit on the municipality of Exeter. their December sessions on Tuesday The Warden suggested that a wreath Dec. 3rd. Warden moles occupied be sent, and that as many as possible the chair. The roll Boll showed all of the ,council should attend the stn- embera-•-present ,except *dee era1. He was pleased tosee so many S Chas* B. Snell, of Exeter, whose cud-- 'prevent -i t'thirr-ineeting itid•'ne heed would 1 havea very .den death on Monday morning left a we w�' profatable ses- roue nt chair at the council board.. sion. The Warden addressed the council Since the June meeting we bad with reference to the work of the clos- .gathered a good harvest and, taking been session of the year. The Warden one year with another, we h !spoke very feelingly with reference to favored with good weather conditions, . the sudden passing of peeve Snell of and we had much to be thankful for Exeter and said that the late Reeve in this regard for conditions rd ' ••gSnell had,by his quiet, unassuming}ng in many parts of the Westa n al maner, and is diligent atteleft much hardship in many districtts. tion to business, made friends. of the During the recess we hard a smell ole council and his work at the fire at the jail caused by lightning. - 'r1 ' Tho insurance concerns bad made couneal board was :such as to reflect necessary adjustment ample to -meet . a11..danages,,.. The' Gild Atte Pensions iclie'tne liad • make it, a TREAT! MILDEW enjoy cod- liver od liver oil when you give _- it to them the ittotheanthe a _ pleasant, tasty y-,ff wayi Easier to . give. Easier to .11 take. The great food-tonicfor a!a`a . winter. Try it. SCOTTS EMULSION COD-Livait Ort, MADE VAST , cern.,,04. V441.410•4 Oat. mats • been introduced by the committee ap- pointed- at !iib .luno session :welshed been very thoroughly std' efficiently carried out. Some criticism had been indulged in regarding the great cost, but, considering the work necessary and . actually performed by the coin- mittee in carrying out the work, he thought this was not in order as in hisopinion the committee had been very diligent. The Warden referred to the final= eial conditions of the county and re - Intuited ;that our expenditures bad grown very much. during the past sevenyears and this increase had been 'Chiefly one to two causes, those relating to secondary education and pur Provincial Highways, ` These ex- penditures eenditures were entirely uncontrril- lable so far as the 'county council was concerned, The county had been try- ingto meet these expenditures and i.De at the sumo time pay Patriotic e- bentures, on a 6 -mill levy, but during Parkhill, $360.15;. London, $186.91-.•» total $2,880.59. County continuation schools: Blyth, $2,574.25; Brussels, $3,777.36; Fordwiele $2,037.10; 'Wrox- eter, $1,690.04; Zurich, $748.45; Hen - sell, e2,628.88—total, $13,456.08.. Ad- jacent county Continuation Wools: Lucknow, $1,.63.91; Clifford, $/62.50; *total, $2,226.41. These figures to- talled up to $63,146.23. • A statement of the county's debtedness to the Province re the Provincial Higliwaya construction on the- #•turon: a aad._.froin Goderich ,to Seaforth and two miles south of Clin- ton showed: • To construction, 1927 $ 47,638.50 To maintenance, 19271,761.86: • " • $ 49,399.86 Aug. 1, 1928, to July 31, 1929, in,nt. nt 5!i $ 2,469,95 - Construction, 1928 ti0,089.98 Maintenance, 1928 3,699.78 . $115,659.57 Aug. 1, 1929, to Oct. '31, int. at 5% 1,457.61 Total .... . ...$117,117.18 This was referred to the iinanca committee. The jailer reported for the past six months 73 prisoners committed, 10 at piesent in the jail; daily cost of ra- tions pec` prisoner, 13%c, The clerk furnished the following figures re the Mothers Allowance Act for the past year: Average number Total ameati�ly s Mat wham' ate esaale►bM� 11//4:Irsst -aa any ldWas ss i� lear wta�tsse Wilmer $K„ aveaw lis. int toted • areata to widows is the county. gases ger yye.r..1 which the county • 1110, 00, fir r►n average in 1,m et gsal.91 per year each. +tire ytaddeu death wf Reeve Snell was the reuse et the following am - tam: droved by Rob!., Higgins, ser- ►,nded by A. H. Noeb, that this coun- cil wishes to express its incaeare re- gret at the suduen mowing art our friend and colleague, the late t';iarles Snell, Reeve of Exeter. the new of whew death yeaterdiy morning was received with feelings of sincere ser- e -ow. and we wish to place on rccer3 our high appreciation of the ser:iees of Mr, Snell, whose quiet, unaseum< ing manner and diligence at ties council boar;! :nide friends of the whole council, and we all join in ex= pressing our sincere sympathy t:l Mre. Snell in this the hour of her great ahietion. Carried. A motion by Mr. 11111 and Mr. Wright covered the sending of a wreath and of a letter of condateueo and that the eounetl attend tale fun- eral. from His Ironnr Judge period hawses eeaw ss�aea too Jnese there was re tea answers. Title a 'a. a are ea Aeaaa.t SO*+erased i►y lightasat and s eeeiderahie damage Nae *Jas. �M ad)aet.roat hoes the insurance e'emipaay aa+vaawd tv Ilk* sad all *Amass by Are had been.; repaired at a toot of ISS . having a. surplus of 1,444 and everythtag wee now an good order. Everything' rAro the registry o was found an good order. 'the rag. t.trat needs more space tar ni:ng is vv , Ara papery, and the somnaimer. recommended that he get plans icor same and nubmit them to th, January meeting of the council. liveryti roil was in order at the court house and the niaagistrete e office was towel in gold rendition, The education committee reported the following as the levies and upper•n: tionents for each high, School in the county. for the year 1V28 payable now ; Levy CAI. Grant Total Goderich 7,0-17.16 1,712.16 $s;, 759.64 Chilton 10,956.35 699.3711,052.72 Seaforth 8,920.25 788.03 9,717.28 Meter 7.9O i.40 053.50 8,589 90 \t'inghani 6,551.42 ,-8O l.22 7,390.01 -:f1,. le of STATISTICAL SERVICE Our !ilei eilntain complete intormatson and ▪ statistic on tzety stxk lilted oil the t°� hangcs. This inft�mlatiott is ;char:! daily. These rites are always open to you---'ony enquiry " will be anc.,�ee.1 giz.By`. � KIPPEN, NEWTON & CO. 14E148ERS OF MONTREALSTOCI. EXCHANGE MEMBERS OF MONTREAL CI3R8 1'IARAF,T Telephones, Z`fesealf 34h1-1155-3456 372 RICHMOND STI&CRT LONDON.ONT. $10.606.18 The county centliteation school - ^— - - floor and foundation put in, the grin- has not been carried out �entirelo, date. 11 ter put of the work being done lay to the neceassity of confining the ex. Lewin wean 'read et the Wednesday levies are not all in yet and we re- the inmates under the direction of 11euditucea within the amount of rev. morning sessionurging the council to commend that these be paid with the MMS. Jaeoba, enuo provided. however, the expose It has also been suggested, end• ditures have been kept within thosei eliminating a better lot or better quarters te se- tain items of construction work, and keep the roads npen for winter travel school levies as soon as Possible. • limits by reason fel rn sr cera I,aid on the table for discussion later. The percentage of county pupils the committee favors the ideas that o Mr. O. Ginn was called on and gave attending .each county High School the putrhase of the Proposed gravel a very full account of his work during the past year is as follovvi : ,cured for the burial of the inmates Plant, to well as terser coats than s during the past ,year as torn Borer Goderieh, 10 per cent., Clinton, «0 who die, that is those who hive no inspector.. reporting a decided reduc- per cent,; 5eaferth, d6 per cent.; 1~axe- friend or relative willing to care for ticipgin for the t o ts. err brldgrr, tion in tbe corn borer peat the past ter, 19 per rents; Vi ingham, 19 per the body* end give it better burial in 4lrilgleeK and ether costa. c,,,-. .. , _ _ . __.., some cemetery. W"e believe the pen• :Our dragging i �UQO leas than 1,u X9:8. drt Mr. Ginn :answered many inquiries cent., ueponturo uebt of each High Mons committee end the douse fie and. the matter was further discussed School in the county is as follows : Refuge e,mmittee might with profit to the increased use of power gni- by Messrs. Hill. Kennedy and hicKib- t ouerseh, bait,000; t;linton, $1(0,000; devise canoe better method of eirovid era, Sind when more machines are in 'bon. A. vote of thanks WAS tendered Seaforth, nil; Exeter, ;7,000; Wing- ing for their burial than that at u tie, and the orltanizaowe improved, cnsl Mr. Ginn, moved by nxeasrs. Hill and flan►, ;i:t',9UU; total, t,i6a►.:00. present in vogue, and we suitgcstthat three costs should be lowezed conaald- Kenne `Iiia levies tor High Sebools in ad- a report on this be mode at the Jan. ereetel The two county -owned trucks haul - neer asked for information jaCena, oounties for the past vette for nary woun°1,l. 24 420of gravel n average regardiug the work of the traifle of- attendance of Huron Pupils* at these Advisory !Council Recommends Schen cd , . Yards g a u freer during the past season. Mr. schools: St. Marys, V9(8.1.., Handledistance of 4.1 miles at a cost of 1,'t,- Iiill, chairman of the Good Loads ton, $205.0x,• Parkhill, $2;5.N2; Str:tt- arship for Girls 987.63, including all costs of depre•- Commissione suidlid work had been toad,.. 103.6o;__.Londgn C. d., , • ! : * The advisory agricultural commit- elution* etc. aL this work heal been! 'Veryfavorably commented on and London Tech. High, $457.54; I+istow« c lendod--tl}a-ten-aeres tit done by Contract at ltd per yard tht lie had done very eillcient set. el, '$411'1.$4; . total, 42,547.06, the demonstytration farm , be set divided as a mile. it work have. eain would6. Toe vice: Messrs. Backer, Turner, . Iii4 adlucent county . eceibleation Jive sections plot, to be each idea to t$2 15 or b 1 team would have Neeb Higgins, Henderson schools: I,ueknow, $1,244.15; c 1,a- mo trace of two acres each to 1,mde- coat e Wroxeter •$17,10s*3G extra. Wright,h h► also spoke of the.. ford, $869.08• total, $2x,110.23, crop there rap rotation, fn form The SVroxean bridge was built for and tSrewaxt a P a , c�.op production,. crap rotation, fern- , work required of the traffic officer The re ort of the. Children s "Slielt- $°The kss thea• wag' est}mated. thethegeneral opinion prevailed er committee showed that the shelter tress, dheir use and value; and bet. The ca onditurea to data aro $18ti,. the tticer had done goodework had been visited regularly and that ter seed* sent fl, of tighieh about t1for rttrc- comrnended 19r the conditions were in first-class sba pe In view i n the fact that this -county cents atnounea refunded far r heal and should be p and the rvovinee Direr annual echol leis supplied:nd arork Bono for la,wit fearless way inwh}ch he had dischar-. and the home in good repair. At arships to young men in the formof municipalities, and by the end of the a;ed his dr tturni from -the funeral bpe seandhtwo girls, film oil tee a bili both short and longer courses at the year, the net expenditure shout. tier. After returning Y Ontario Agricultural College,• Guelph, about $17$,000, or a little less than of Reeve Snell of Exeter the council ren going to school, and all in very it is felt that young ladies in rascal the year's -revenue• held a session on Wednesday even- healthy condition. .districts in the county are receiving a 6 ing, when the Old Age Pension Com- In November the matron, Ivtrs. El iCnntinucd on page practically no assialong and eery lits / , _.�;... metre __reporteeeand, the ..report _was_.Butt,.was. . oxeed_tereaignsin.ascount tie xecograitiotr along *lie litxfis. of ill health and Mrs. .1. '1igert had This has been 'brought to the Wen- - eie Children's Shelterreport was been _appointed and the committee tion of the agricultural representa- adopted., assured she would lee able to fill tive ; by members of our junior 'nal - The following motion,. moved by the. position, tutes in the county+ and the edvisery Mr. McKibben and seconded by Mr: The report of the Huron County agricultural' eoueen recoxnmendel a o Craigie, .was carried: That we peri- Childress Aid•Society showed expeno_ thatscholarshipf $50 fora !Gree. tion the Education Department to ad- ditures from Jan. 1st to Sept. 30th of months course in home Economics just the public school grants so. as $3,834.71. About 160 wards were on at McDonald Institute, Guelphe be to place Goderich and Wingham on the visiting list, most of whom were offered to ynun ' ladies in Huron the same basis as other towns and making .!good, and foster parents County. A .scholarship of this kind villages in the county. At present were doing .good wok in trying to will be greatly annreeiated bit young they are the only two municipalities improve the children 'committed to women and: will also. be an incentive in the - county not participating in their care.. Tee Children had been for greater efforts. public school grants,• which we con- legally adopted and four applicatlepe A recommendation was panned on sides unfair to them.. were . under way. The number+ f lit; the Advisory Agricultural Council At the. Thursday morning session children in the shelter varied from 6 that members of Huron County Coun- Mr. 1,H. T. Edwards, inspector for the to 11, at present there were eight,, ill, either as a group or body, take a Children s Shelter, presented his re- Much credit was due to the matron. trip of two-day duration, some time port for the past Year. He answer• The unmarried parent branch . orduring the coming yea'. County. ed many, questions as to the matter the work was increasing :it an alarm- ,council tours have met with favor in of the care of the children and.cone ing rate, of only in our county but other counties, and it is believed that siderable discussion: took•' else re- in all othe counties. It eves becom very educational and interesting. /carding child welfare and the prove- ing a problem a how to handle some •of trip night be outlined. Ience of juvenile crime. Mr. Ed -..these cases, some of which were real- The .Advisory .Agrwultural' Council vote of ks o wards was given a v t than , n ly pitiful. Thin was a situation t at recommends that the county. clerk l"�} :,� motion. of Messrs. McKlbboit and vatted for parents to upend more ti a write all fall fair executives in the tUh /.+ Mole. with their own children,. Th re unty suggesting that juati`or sec Mr. Turner enquired as to the cost seemed to be it tendengy to use tions be included in their -regular fall of audit and`tho clerk, said that Lnoth-. shelter as, r► dumping ground, an S y brin it4utt,92 fighboy mss!f 5 Majestic. *Wed batik rheuan gar this jscohears M#I!l, swdtehex the soul a of the M4jettie kelp intiyour home the Spuril of Oiri1nias MUSIC is the very spirit' of Christmas and a Majestic Radio will bring musk into your home with a realism you never dreamed possible. Dark, to the high, clear melody of a Christmas carol ...listen to the deep, sonorous tones of an organ singers and organist are there before you So gloriously real is Majestic's+COLOR TONE that every-. note is . lifelike, vivid, true ... from highest treble to deepest bass. Here is the richest gift of all ...entertainment and education which costs $75,000 or more a day ... yours and your family's on Christmas day, on mg clay, with a Majestic Electric radio. Order Now/ for delivery C zstmas Make sure your home will have this gift on Christmas. Select the new Majestic model you want and pay a small deposit on it tow. On December the 24th, olrsooner if you prefer, we will deliver it to your home. The remaining payments •can be arranged to suit your convenience. • (flIC OTTO JO AN , Dealer, Goderich L. ZINN + STURDY, Salesmen at Gaderxch E VEST FITT, Salesman at Wingham adopted. hes county, aug n. = v s den fair> prize lista. Some of our fall. Da bo you are Otte of milliSltula iii had *been done but €hat. the tnfor- which the committee had tried dig- fairs in the county are quite success- : who have found prompt relief fro mation would be taappoile. when the caourage. fail: Others are'going behind. 11 that occasional headache in Bayer As- auditors are being appointed in Jan- Crippled children wdrk was a feat- junior sextions for our junior Lanni- pirin. But until you invoke its aid for oars?. by Mr. Backer, seconded . byore in the years work and. Mr. Ed- firs were included in which only jun- more serioun pain, you'll endure much wodetip ,referred to the action of the for 'farmers might compote, .between more needless sutra in, Try it for neural,- the eural; Mr-. Henderson, that, the Geed Roads Goderieh and'Seaforth ,Lions in tak- the ages of 18 and 25, our fall fairs Commission be requested to retain ing up this work.:should benefit greatly and !yourd also gin or neuritis.. Even fear rheumatixtn. the services of the present, traffic. of. • The finance committee's report be ons' a sounder basis. Classes in It comforts quickly, and harnticxrily« freer. leis salary to be arranged from dealt• with a large number of .ac- this junior section will be outlined by Doctors prescribe it; say it does net time to. time. -.Sent ,to Good Roads counts. the Agricultural Representative and nhect the heart. Genuine Aspirin hen 1 Commission. :.' Appreciat}on of Services of Air. and pall Pair Association. Bayer on each box and tablet.At the± afternoon session. several • 14tra. Jacob Traffic Officer and .County Engineer committee reports were dealt with The House of 'Refuge committee and after the report of.the Good reported having liter four times dux- Receive Praise Ronda Commission a .vote of thanks ing the year and passing the quarter- The Good Roads Commission reg L►SPIRIN was tendered to Mr. Patterson for ly accounts as follows: March, $2,- ported as follows : his efficient services rendered, the 457.15; June, $2,730.07; Sept.,. $4.- The program of work and expend'. St vast year, on ruction of Messrs. 207,3?; December, $2,437.97. On each tures, as outlined at the June seaslon,'31elna' 4An.tole.clte• kohl �cseks° .s l�ic711`� alCtaao Wright and Backer. • - of these meeting's the committee in- _ The letter from His honor Judge" spitted the Home and found every- l r Lewis was considered.The Warden thing in good order and very credit- r ` d '� i ° spoke of the necessity of keeping the .stile to Mr. and Mrs, Jacobs good _ . •111 roads open and other members of.the management. council spokeon tbe spine matter. There have been an average of 86 especially the.through .s'oads should inmates taken care, of : during . the *be kept open. Mr. McKenzie '.s oke year, 15 of them $einfg returns from in favor of keeping the 'Blue Water the Ontario Hospitals, Throe people Highway and other roads open up to were formerly admitted to the On- the first of the year. .And the opin tario hospitals and have often con- ion prevailed that the' matter should siderable terms been returned to. the be left to the Goad Rends Commis -;House of Refuge SS cured. The com- a Sion and that the Main •,lines of coni- mittee is of the opinion that, since jme nkation should . bar kept open as the county is relieving the Province well,as, in their'judgineitt is required. a of the coat of maintenance of thecae a` Warden then coiled on soma returned inmates, +he Province should i of t ,e visitors, the first of•whom was. °acknowledge this ervice by substan- Et-.Warden Hays, who invited the tial grantas. We had a few years ago ' anembers. down to the Dominion Road honor to represent a very generous grant from tae Pro - Machinery plant, which, he had the Refuge but of y t} ' has The following motions were car- eied Moved by Messrs. rlallantync and restored. Hill that the county •council recom- Durinhr the year'we had a small mend the return of Warden Inglis fire caused by one of the inmates ; for 1030, as we consider the warden lighting • some papers in his room. ,:of the previous year to be a benefit This happily was discovered in time to> the county council owing to hie and little damage was done, and the experience, and that a copy of this loss was promptly paid by the Inaur- .resolution be eat to the elerk of arc companies. • Hawick tp. I Recently by the Old Age Pension Moved by Meseva. Neeb and Hih• scheme those inmates over 70 years gins that the 1l1eithero' ,Allowance oL sine ore eligible for pettoions and . Board he wanted the usual allowance' eau of their own will leave the Home.. of $145, $66 to the chairman, $3O to • This we object to as it is safe to pay , the cecretaty and 15 to each of the Lover 80 per cent of those eligible by . other members. tape are mentally and physically unlit Moved by Meters. Tlreevartlla and to .leave the Home. Thin fact has Wright that the Good heads Com- been established by our medical of}1- mission be rmpswered to .purchase ccr, who reporto out of 45 only 6 are another carload of snow fence. eligible to be allowed to leave or Moved bye Messrs. Hubbard and. transact business of any cort. We McXibbon'that we consider it would `tire of the opinion that the num total be advisable, and. recommend, owing of these pensions should be remitted to the heavy traffic, to pave the main our treasurer and that the Peneions street through the hamlet of Gerrie committee be allowed to make • Gr- in the near future. rauigements these elaimanto carne At the closing cession of the eotsnb consideration in each cease. ell Thursday evening a number of 'During the year, owing to iso . t ill- • bylaws were pa! ed. after which Mr. Hess and lack of sufficient help in the ' ,'Trewartha was *ked to take the • liome, the matron, Mrs. Jacob, hag chair, and the chairman Balled the had very much extra care imposed en Warden, Mr. Neeh and Mr. Adalns her and while she makes no 'comp to the front.Mr. Nceb read a very' plaint, and this is not ; tbe time for complimentary address tis Warden recommendations for increase of sal. arks, yet the committee cannot re- frain from putting in a etrong picas for more generous consideration for vince for attendance at the house of recentears ut hese been discontinued, and we beg to re, upectfully submit that the grant be Inglis and Mr. Adams iiresented hien with s gold -headed cane on behalf of the council. no Warden made a very appro- the incoming eouneil both for Mr. rt udate address thaar_king the Council and` Mrs, Jntisib, whose ealariee aro lar their expreseione of kindness. and+verb, low when. the work,. card end re. a good number of the county ©illcer$,1'peneibility Inyolvtd to consideree • aanre d their sentiment., the toward Mr. and when the sante etrvacee Ai other HInglis, and at the•eoni.}nsion ai1 join- counties was are found nderCil. rd in the National Anthem and Auld it found mprsv'mr is in the Lang Syn;, year to make impravemCnts in the . 'Wane sod outside for, thorn asp in.),- a COMML'TT11 REPORTS ;cyan heeded repait The clritee eel Tice toviity prallertl' c©nitaaittr;o re• toms a-etbaule:l and a —Mi./ COteta siiwalaa�i�gir if Your furna.ce is Your Tyrant tt Let Us Free You IATafter day _ �, IlY slave day hinter try- throughout ner furnace to Com - for to force near home when a com- fortably heat your • two to three-inch layer of pity INSULUX placed between• the sjleti evill.--crit dovne attic flans -3ave .duel ---axed in - heat �ycaste glare a "xexmer, home?. 1iGrod. DRY 1NSIILU�' illa. prod- uct fire and vermin-proof cis a» Gypsum. that eg'ecti a barrier against heat loss the ceiling. tel ican be be through ly a lied by �' outkmuss or f ua9. See us to -day and Ar -fano to duce this VIinter'o fuel u ill and add to the comfort ofyour � �MIIIS Ltd. C,Op�,RlCN plA� �� �,�� $lie PONS; •' W. Or i `, P. O. I31a�tdu�s 160**If era Imagloww 41.111/4•44,,•.- 444,. +164. Alain;.,. mon. UMW. ►..vain a