HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-12-12, Page 4•
Vitale vs. Gadodeb'Tie Me Mead Next
Wislasedey Metaiag
His Honor JedgeViiR preeitied at
the Devout er seStiefai and county
court Olio week, starting .,n Tuesday.
rein: caves were im tiro LIIlist,
Dawson CR, Dawson et sil. too. Sri
action for Wage,, baht 15 John
IMvoi tigitinst Archibald Daiwa) )
and Margaret Motion, brether and
Miter, who tun a, farm et lifeberne.
I. plaintiff worked for the defend=
*ate tieing c'horier etc fr 1'
4th, 1938, to Mow 14th, 102% and
claimed wages at the rate of $2t)
weele chinning that there was on un.
derstanding and that be had I ft hi
• titre:way employmeet at the requiat or
the defendaote tio go and wore for
them, The defiance wee that the
plaintiff wee tumble to eentimee bie
railway wotit on *meat of * bad
•guide and had gene as a viaitor te
hie relativee and they had kept him
and paid ban certeitt summits, and
he bad done certain work for them,
1The plaintiff's claim wsi for 425,
!less the amount paid, *175. The
[jury found that there was no CD11,
l tiliCt between the Pleintiff and the
defentlett, but recommended that he
be paid at the rate ef *7 a week for
fifty weeks, or WO, Its;. the amount
calresay receiven, and judgment was
entered itecordingly. Is, ), Dewey
for plaintiff and J. G. Stanbury for
.117 ward.. 4.1.wri..
1 „ Sutcliffe , Struthers, was an are adieeraaseet sed SOW SktadS till the ,
1 Iron by *re. May Ellen Suteliffe .t abet court. kayo sad tiers tor tee 4,
rOoderich agataat J. lt, C, Sttuthers. plaintiff, *odd, Wigle. Wait -made
of London, a. real *Mina agent, toe iii ad Jaopereen for ilefenditata.
the return of t Ortaia MO nu ys of her Wigle we, the Town of Goderich, sin r
"own and an uncle's, Tim defence le/action to have theinterint injanction
!that the roomy Vial Wad Afr the PUP, 1 prohibiting the laying of the Welling-
lebaihr of an 4ptiGn Da certain Wind, !toe street sitiewelk outide the trete
I aim prePertee and the optiou was not made nernianerd, L, K Dewey for
up, and that the money wee *Mutat'. D Wines for defentlarit,
forfeited, This cage etands pending 'Thia case ie to vorae up ner,t Wednes,
seetletneut, L., E. Dancea for the ,- den morning.
plaintiff. Spencer and Hraund for i The theft die against Donald
fletendent. .. 1 McKinnon was adjourned till next
Johann. en, &Ileitis ct al, wast an I court,
action by Ott a Johann, of Wroxeter, t And the appeal nf David Nont
against a Windsor arm for the price Lae% of Sanford, *gent the 'aegis- '
of a carload of turnips ahipped tot trates conviction not June for epee.
thew the Oahu being for breach of otting a car while intoxicated ' %vas
contriot 'Ails case hoe already bad heard and judgment reserved,
and Ihmsdachait
litre. Murray Tablitat, Citatawortie
Oat, writtae-a"Torbo
1 kad w
maliaset i. baits,. tont Isaadaellet
ang email gad so it thee teeny
aesmal to relieve um W &gbb
teal ma about' Doeten Kidney Pete
‘41 hentated, for awhile, *bout tak-
ing them, bet filially 1 got a hoe aria
toted tie my ,great satiefaciloa that
beat the backaches *ad heedeet?* were
slowly but minty Iseering me., so 1 got
two mors boxer and before 1hae
aiiMd die Naomi one 1 wits feelin
way different.
otottmoutsmosommintottostmonmottoomonsutomvolstmommoolotot. ,adzyztritsPieutire
is Just Around the Corner
Just a few more days in which to prepareyour 1929
welcome for dear old Santa—then Christmas morn
will dawn iv, its rattle of Toys, carefree laufihter
d childish prattle around the family tree, borne down with oxany
is for ionng
. . •
Make out your Christmas gift list then read over carefully' these suggestions for • the
members of your family and friends :
Gift .SuggestionS
for Mother
Kenwood All Wool Blankets
*miller Fancy Blankets
Colored Rayon Bed Spreads
"Brown's" Irish Linen Damask Dinner
Set, white and colored
All Wool Hose
Silk and Wool Hose
"Kellwood" Bath Robes
Silk and Wool and MI Wool Sweaters
Lunch Cloths with colored borders
Linen Handkerchiefs, plain and initialed
Colored and white Bath Towels
"Lavender Line" Silk Lingerie, Vests,
Bloomers and Gowns
Cape Gloves *
Woollen Gloves
Linen Towels
A few lines at Clearing
54•Inch Dress Flannel
in a good range of shades. Reg. $1.26
orir ottierartn.
* ,Li• 1..f.ivrAokuis. rit-tev.* • 1! III • 1. lit "1". ‘Flik°
400.1noh All Wool Santoy
in dark fall and winter colors. Reg. no,
$1.25 a d.yCleari4g,,ptice......... tn.
36-lach Heavy Kimona Material
'IN 4 lel
suit -able wear. Regular in
95c a yard. Clearing at... ..... UC
IL Children's AllWool Vests Drawers
Regular up to $1.24 each. Clearing at en
••••••••••••••••• 1 • 1 1 ••••••••••••• 1 1 1 1 11 11
25% Discount off,
"Madeira" and "Venetian" Lace
Gift Suggestions for
Sister- and Lady-frien
French Kid Gloves - t
Georgette Crepe Scarfs
kancy Silk Scarfs •
"Orient" and "Supersile full 'fashioned
Silk Rose ••• •
"Brown's" Appliqued Guest Towels
Fancy Linen 'Madeira" and "Venetian
°Sbingsby". Woollen Blankets, two.tone
Umbrellas, black and colpred
Sweaters •
Linen Luncheon Sets
Fancy Bath Towels and :trice Cloths to
"Bmwiee; Linen nandkerehiers
embroidered and lace edged
:Purse and Belt Sets,
"Lavender Line" Silk Lingerie: Bloomers
Pyjamas, Gowns and Coolie Coats '
• \
Gilt Suggestions, for
Baby Brother and
All Wool Sweaters
All Wool Toques
Baby Bonnets •
Silk and Wool -Scarf and Toque'Sets
Woollen Mittens and Gloves
Woollen Overalls
Woollen Suit
Want Shawls
All Weal and Silk and Wool.Stockings
Woollen CM) Blankets
Silk Linger* size 4 to 16 years
Vests, Bloomers and Gowns
Dahtty Handkerchiefs
Chamoisette Gloves
Rayon Crib Covers
Bibs and Feeders
And many other useful articles for the
• Sylvia Pattern motovalmicolomsomaktictit!
We will box every article in dainty Christmas
Boxes Free.
perfect imaitlett
Pries, $0 mods slot
*t an druggist* and
daolars, or melted
dhaea receipt of
rise by VW T.
Coe Limited.
oriole, Ont.
Find Sung by Male Quartette o
North St. United Church
Sept. 22nd
41tather Is Calling UI Stir (word
and music by Mrs. Edith M. Vein
hiay, at., Goderichl.
u 11.1111
TatalealeAt. PLC itth. 19
assor nee name the loot riao. *a re Maw
People who went c reach dee coast asitchly
take Tice Chief as a meow of couiw, become
k is dui only tune fait—exult itair---eatra *we
train to Southern California.
it Simi see rind.
There k no latra fare on the fast Califonik
Limited and Grand Cattroa liaised or oft dee
IritelbTs"Leffi' 8c°14diningiuld hi mother. &dam
dee feature of this diedactive railway.
on the Spar-qA• Inivaregiseser owl
Could Caveat liatianal Auk
&porta all.expineite ofi carom*
dive Jonseary, &brow and 4116.4
r.z, Baehr. orte Agent. ram Dot. got* *Mix
eraneeetaitai TAW >Petroit,inati.-
148.01,1: Randolph 874.
their allocation before the end of the the loss of a loving hutiband end
y year. fatherbis widow and five children,
r (2) That the minister of eacb all at Immo. The funeral serineea
charge be requeoted to ascertain if Thursday afternoon were in charge
there are funds contributed for *Ida- of Rev. C. Ttivener, interment. bebne
skinny and maintenance purposes in made in Dungannon cemetery. Tile
$ the Iuinds of him tresourer, and, if so, pellbearers were Mews. Samuel,
- to request him to forward them to John and Will Cook, Eltnec Phillips,
Dr. Laird, the treasurer of the base criuston. and John Burger,
The privilegie of singing for th
e chianti, without waiting foe the end The sympathy of thie community
d ,o4.fptrAle year. •
✓ Presbytery adjourned to meet at livedreg iQn4thteiit".Laa
r sailherea%buYienanci ellit'
O the mill of the chair sometime In
W. IL ALP, Secretary. The pageant, "Bethlehem Dune will
ii: Bowuera ematots - . ' be presented in the town hail oa Fri»
a tete, A. Taylor; Falcons,
a The first gamee will be played at
_ eas to be arranged later. Sixty per
--A ten -team leelaitrene,,neeneeeeeeeThE .4"AL • allanYd evening,Suna4°1100. iWtothoblrarstheoft314Sil
e ed in connection with the Royal Andrew'. United L'iaftefreltireell" 11118 ;1411a
Bowling Alleys„ the following being a "eau to Sea*
L°captains:dPue.g ii ik yitill S; rt i iSIceWhizztiPv111 ,f,.:4B at Cmanj? :et Martin;
R. ,K-; I L.
o .1411 7oElliott;'Is114.1r9orwf!nieng.u144.5:'‘:Frfnete'v4edeenrs'Qinw'witsoreneNnPeairt4242,:ivia*m:T;:o.41793°t.c°1!
• W. Bisset; Spillers; J. Reid. .
7;20 and the second at 9 o'clock, pri.
'arse, Ganueks,_ C. fiellianus; Royale, sac', Niaiaa Beard; fin. Seal 'L'Ilua
the mimes of the teams and their The almaal meatirar'4nd aleatl" of
F. &tun, Galbraith; chaplain, A. Erwitit,...„; rec.
fammitte jenhmne
Wnt" illeDi"li'llm‘t:Gteare51,01.c_Cr7:sclibtkern*, eeferoxtn;
Featherstone; treas., Harold Stitt -
son; 1st het., Wm. Parker; 2nd lett,
✓ cent. of the games must be rolled by Caatle,
prize money. Only one „dummy _ea, areceinte _thawed the ledge in _ extra
each player in order to share in the' Irear41 and Jas. Lindear. Financial
0. lowed and team must take lowest Pad 8011°4* A. ' • v • .. - - - -
A progressive mare and aomat Aim
score op opttosing team for absent
0 plaTyhere.epening et the keg; e on men. vatrinerb'ethheniaduispaivoleseotnfwt 0. L. .0Nno.re24.,
Inviatdneasalaingattecar:tetvadtavms on hand to tiarTheevreenillagfaenr io27rtaha.t on •Weanes"
day, Dee, 2nd, was vety interest*
Ile Originals day evening 144 one of the 'oldest
* wihadad4nItidni.e2ans.haeiatin'rele(!acon'r°nwtoweanndsttes7tv..enrw7laii°ehinnteOthhanti'aiegsnnitdninatyg14.4: P,a4r4:61,111:eertdesSt3e6Yineeactjal:esildieacuatass a: had
been ailing the WO* four months.
village, in the person of Miss Sarah
Getters vs. Ceramics A. Taylorehad the was attended by a large "raper of
aangadulthee5 Zrevicfueir beidingtwkhePlillaciGn.°tillierrAldmenileaal
Royals hY W. Bisset,' 533. In the Go eharelibf theReve Mr. Paull, and
threeGblogilGeestttefra:ad gameseMan61.1. df47, the
frientistioanineANhrRs.-----00i .
the Canacks and the Go. Getters won:
two out of the three games. Miss Elaine Bamford. of the G.C.L,
lysrub:thitnecaexnas atnhdi this itisare envetryed etvbeant. eiteliintsstherAwnaraelt-e3ad nswittnh,n,b,.earpatinait a lilt so.
item ',competition, eeni, be . seen week -end at her home in uoilerich.
throughout the season. The Sundae 'school of Donnybrook•
The Drize for the month of Decent- church /I've begun practicising, for a
ber for the highest three coneecutite Christmas mitertainment. • '
genies will be a Christmas -turkey. lets. Joseph Chimney has returned
. ----- • from a visit with her daughter, Mrs.
SD,REPoreenPAhiRg,.netterin? Nwe.ed uti MeLaughlin: at Detroit, .'
Mr and fire. Howard Campbell arid -
for the winter. . son were Sunday visitors at the home
miss Belle Gr'-e-en;visiad,- her sil#4, of her parents, Mr. and litre. A. E.
Mrs. .leasie Kew, hist week-ende ,tal'asten*
..eaTheeciereeaetheeerneiw%IwezleaniloidntarneiatOttr ere3treneuInsalhvisChttelunnistelt and
tare off the road - ' z her daitehter, Mrs, Raymond Pinni-
IdturAlluilte;14, .i's°cfontfillneedlitordteditis 'belidurfeelle; ,14"Thm:tteCarliwere‘anfo pupils are iiietie-
a few weeks. We hope for a speedy tah a concert be held J11 'AMY-
rir74),VEestirYpPlieltectviorltriffniTtifUtist 'Sa4bfbaGge- brook)ee- ar"ii " "n(1°' evening.
Weed was received from ,cieveland 14114 and Mrs. WM. Thar;psea, 14
Gooffentithyr:(naseuneedamaeunrinia,InhloreTignosebnortzgflyeteca,n,gphMateretr- sAtthrounbirnat:d.a.nvsitaterel, lmr,.asta. SundaywithArm.
Albert. We hope for a speedy recovo Freedom
eriCart. non•laagla If so, come Pre- bisl:sneeunddf etnhefir°41;itstmtAaitaels-liat4:it"thpiltia--
pared for an evening of fun; to see longed in its agonies. Frequently
Itrubricenetdheasehiny:.a,hlaThr'dytern,viandhiwealrhtdovilletelligetbhirigle "maanmay ttahiniva are tried but nothing
trweetheart pale and metnories and to. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy is the
hope of relief. Dr. J.
the inevitable result of ? Come and one help which can be depended up -
800 for
br ttliieseelfe.piliThoi; Seeppacarrdttd evicIliholfutY:utlechers,edtrolednottitfba7tToemgeent ial
tshreheoea:al nten taabetniredityresneatntaittliaadt: of their once a package of this uniformly SaC-
anyeto cessful preparsition.
Peedicament," to be held in Shop-
nardt,on tebool house Friday, Dec. ' ' "".`116'1"*"'"
2(1th, cm/merging at 8 p.m. Ad.nde.
::ion, adults 25e. • i buy Hides, Poultry,
Goose . Feathers. Rte.
annual eoncert and Christmas tea. , G°jetich
Blake Sunday school. pupils and
teaehers are busy preparing foa their : phone ete ,
which will he held on Dec. 24th i
first time an anthem which will ID -
provincially adopted for use f�
"Mother's Day" came to the mai
quartett tit North street Unite
ehurett of Coned* on Sept. 22nd hist
Words and melody have beth bee
vomposed by Mrs. Edith M. Trent
• lay, of -woe-Wife-air W;IfeeTretti
' Mar and second daughter of the hit
Mr. and re. W. E. McConnell. Thi
beautiful anthem is the first front
.. Mroe'prmahley'e. pen,. and. Monty be
" tokens a einem* and peculiarly ley
Mir nature of the authoress,
Mrs. Tremblay received her educe
U04 at Port Albert eontinuatio
school and Goderwh Collegiates where
she always excelled in Literature
She did not complete her educatio
as she would have liked, ,owing.to a
!were and prolonged illness which
overtook her mother. However oh
still values many prizes Witten she
--retceived from -her teachers for good
eonduet and profieienee, and sine
• iter marriage she has taken three di
Plantes for tomes taken by Mail
'besides caring for and training her
five ehildren, one of whom has been
Promoted to his home above, being
the eldest son, whose bright boyish
• smiles will not soon be forgotten
' Tremblay, although of a den-
tateconstitution, has always been
very busy at other lines of 'work.
. She hasbeen representative for the
California Perfume Ca. of Canada
since k921. In 1024 the Company
offered her the position of travelling
supervisor with a sitlare, of $1200
yearly and expenses paid. She at
that time felt she could not accent,
as her children needed her care and
presence in the family. Of late
years she has devoted a great deal of
her energy and time to bortieulture,
the growing of Sweets and vegeta-
bles. She has also been 'a large ex-
hibitor•at many fairs. This year she
'attended and had wonderful euecees
at eight fairs, winning several oPe-
Wats at Wirughten, Lucknewe and
Mr. Douglas tantibell, organitentid
killoir master 'of North street United
ehtuth of Canada, has very efficient-
ly given Mrs. Trertiblay's anthem the
musical setting- The words are as
; •Motherinthasabnaronne; to the bright shin -
Finished her life -work as bent to her
Over the biliews of time she hue
• 1 aP ass: d - *
Safely she's anchored in heaven at
• A, haven of rest, 'of peace, of accord.
°ruslStill e is:talling and guiding ire
CallingfIsstill and seembig quite
Year; rateaavr: passed by elute her spirit
• bath fled,
Still she lives on in our hearts as of
Bitadel4rstieng' Messages from that
' blest shore.
Sending us wisdom in battles of life,
Wisdom, whichatrite rrm'
atus all malffee
Still le is calling and guiding us
eguettsilt told seeming quite
Over the old home a ehange has been
Time with its singer emelt corner has
emeelit, •
Over the old place a dreo.rineea bro d4
Mothethc not there to dug her daa
But bald She is tailing ua still and
teeming, quite mate
• Calling, still and guiding ire Imre.
CopyriglriitCintaa.natla, United Staten and
a • The Freelattern of Innen. the.
PlainLinen Handkerchiefs also initialed
Handkerchiefs for Men at Special Prices.
86 F. E. HI
ERTThe Gift
united Minh of Canada, met last
Tuesday, Dee. at 1929, in the United
enureh, 13luevale, with the Rev. Jae.
I Scale, of Iteigrave, in the 'hair.
Owing to the torldition of the roads
there was not a large attendanee.
The eeeretary read the resignation of
Rev. U. G. Whitfield, wha has aceept-
eil pastorate ID the Presbytery of
Detroit. The chairman reported that
the Rer. T. C. Wilkinson, forreerlY
ItgateWd muirinlq foi the 1;i1e7acei:
00d" bed bee+, red
ear. Owing to ill health Mr. Wilk>
had not been able to take a
.charg... The eonaretettiett of White.
ehrreh was given permiesion to sell
email piece of land in their pteitiee*
'Stall. Mr. George Wylie, of Gerrie,
items received as a etudent la training
for the minietry of the United then*.
Mr. Wylie is attending Queen's Val.
verelity. Kingston.
Rev. George Weir. of Attila pre,
tieltra the vePort of the Ittieutoosiry
tf end Maintettance Pond Cortinittee..
The report railed attention to the
• tlielitiid -work aoro by Rev. 11.•
'Santini. of haft* 144 add/VS*4 More
than fortyAve meetings in the Pre*,
litrtery. 'The two followitter ?teethe
'Doe* were paseen:
fit 'net every ehartte he anted -
by the Preeloyfery to put forth every
;lust alb! 1: 71: etzr r."°641414
_ to . re _ e anteent of '
(Christmas eve) in Bioko'.; church'
hall. There will be a short play, --we. •
t‘Christmaa on the Grassvilie Limit-
ed," given. besides a varied lirogreta
by the eltildren. recli year this eon. INSURANCE
cert has been jest a little better tban eee ,
tlut leek and this may be the hest yet -
Come and see.
On Tneaday, Dec. 5th, Mare peeled!
away at his home, Oth con Aabileld.
Mr. John Lacenby, an old and highly Muhl
a Life
esteemed resident of this -community. "*"
in whielt he had lived for some forty-
beert tiemble for a number of yeave. A. ssurance Company
five year. Mr. Lasenby hag had •
and for some ritonthe had ouffered of Canada •
groat nistrese, so death was not ua.
expected. Ile was three flutes mar-
ried. Peter taEaDDY'r of Lendon, son Deep Omer.' Ithereeetem, Ozer
by the first marriage, visited him
many times during hie last Wriest;
and he -with his wife end family tvere •
at the funeral. Margaret leneati 250
(thebit.' Mrs. 1..1440 Crimston) born
of th tweed marriage, predeceased Nolan Sit Genenten, Otir. •
itim,.....latht years. Ile teavee ro moire
wc bc ready lo take, care of your Chrisintas orders for
Cat Mowers. flowerhar Mats and Chid*** Wreaths. All
thoice stock. Please place your order just as soon as possible
sot that you can Pte netter served and avoid the rush that always
comes at the last minute.
We can also have Flowers delivered anywhere in Can.
ada, ;United States. Furore and other countries.
Phone Uri GODS