The Goderich Star, 1929-12-05, Page 10,
i'm..sw..,.q COCA 011.40 deliraeted abort ypeec -
i len iiitereetiie(t t'eaatiere «es the Let.
M. ~tired was prawn n at the on
Ilett fa affil is Slit Our Now
Iginat wedding tat Many, aittwugh b. Lino of
fonly three remeni'bers were little «boot it, bowie
months old; it was OS1M►. Gemini imported
oceaeion that lie wa* ckrist.twd•
During the evening MO ,Sairalt Good
sadOrieuteti Tapestries
E vat-,::ti_r..tit:r:.a3 l3al.anrt,7 will £a.^ c?cl:c°@f-aa3 is ° i F+le" �c+;i,.cc7}r,iea %and Mrie John Long also 'beak' of
y their ielienations for the haps sou 1:'taace'Your Claticttrras Orders
Dore c e 1''reei Eifel et .C.,.rao Reek ,. k of pie. Several songs were ynntt by eil,, ti Fatly to lneute 1''iuteapt
and Lawrence 1[ci zrky 'heti to re- E Delic�ew
RAISINS (bulk or gacliagel. CURRANTS, DATES.
SiEi_II NUTS. tI10(4)1.t a COCOA. i.lrl, spend t an encore acromptninent of
alran141hiaert-e- dOAeteb5ne3° I MISS
Thomas Webster.11
is coni
eSIRO TE;4ia1TG. ALMOND leiNG. EXTRACTS.� fills r3uer. 6311 Saiu i.h tit � - ,
dais meet~, the use et eleotor vara, mad•' the et-
THE,LEST OF EVERYTHING.loaf annual meeting, of the pans trmdaneca sarneczlaat smaller than it
1 , gaannon Beef Tong will to i1914on t:ne otheiitis' would have wren, bat, at, snot- i
t 1 eiday. I)ete'l en in the withstandinrr this, the door recoipta ti
_el rt) ek OI emits from a wand pant' kis enceeee le neer:eel, - ;null shave the weigh Geste% aft ,. amounted to est 1.o11orving tee ee. r
1 rox'lLoeckrnAnnneoarrwderrs toreeozrpect
leuteetheed Ch
e.Uscr.eaLtiryeVYtltlaurhsa eperrovgcral it
Vricee skin. Ev eeyboily welcome.
business �a# tlza year. 'which was presented by local talent,
Another Aalifielsl renes ,man liar was given iii the Auditorium above,
•rome to tgio front, 43 word has come and consisted of uoveral numbers by
• that Air. John F. Andrew, son of Alrc the choir ,..f the church, vocal nod via -
and Mrs. Isaiah Andrew, loth tomes- sin t!taets, ,aecoxdeaa lee, i -- -lfcad-;
:ion of Ashfield, Iaas been_ promoted i igs, 1:ak. C..C. Kala', pastor of tills
to the office . of Assistant Deputy ebueeli, presided. At the . bazaar in
x here 14GSPARR'S r+i p �U" Minister of Agriculture for the Pro- the afternoon el large number of 4 r
{R3.L�► 1 viuSQ of Alberta. Since leaving On- fancy and useful articles were sharvshoving.•
tprio Air. Andrew has been lecturer but all were not disposed of, owing, ,„
in animal husbandry and farm man- no doubt, ter- the fact that the ladies
'rile Store of Sattsatisfaction.We deliver in town. agement in the Agricultural College did not fear like facing the elements f
at Vermillion, Alberti!, and will sat and the snow streets. The articles i
Hamilton Street — Goderich sumo his new dutii;s yu t as soon as left unsold will again be offered for q
his place as lecturer can be filled.' sale on •Saturday^, Dee. 14th. ,T'ho ,'
Sonia two weeks ago the Lieutenant- ; Proe,eeds of the bazaar were in the ,
Governor of Alberta and the Minister neighborhood of:$'15.
of Agriculture visited Vermillion and Mr :George Smith, 6th concession
.:.�.. • outdo the official announcement of the of West Wawanosh, who bad been in
- trial order will convince you.
appointment, pending Mr. Andrew's (Scderich for it few weeks conducting
lister, 86; Maurice MCllwain, 82. Sr. aeeeptanee, which followed. The tip- the business in Mr. Fisher's harness
L. 61. L. No. 1052, Nile, held their 11X. -"Stanley Mdthvain, 02; *Willie ppointrncnt will, mean the removal of shot} during the owner's absence on e
anular meeting on Monday night, p°oitei 66; Gerald oOrr,pait; liraltatu ontaundrPtivtor to nd his goingmWest Mr, home,hunting trip, has returned to lira
aui::. wn[l, v/l h a good atter LutCe. • Johnston, 56. Sr. IL—Maurice Har -i Andrew. was District Representative j Reeve William Mole, of West We-
�,eb a'Alosvin* wtleb erected wood, 08, Ittaitland fuller, 74; ''Her- for Halton County and leter_eelentura...wanosh,-1i�ce+ a -John A,- eKunxiei-of
• ztnsii a i�?n .; I,r alis Johnston, iii nede
bent bowelt eOree erne Pewit, weed; I er in the Ontario Agricultural Col- Ashfield, and Deputy -Reeve Thomas
Brie McAllister �Sr le -Mildred lege at Guelph. Mrs, Andrew is also' Anderson, also of Ashfield, are at -
Wm. Poster. chaplain; Wm. McCann, Powell, Arnold °Peltier, I'r.--- lola a native of Ashfield township, being feeding the sessions of tint county*
ill. S.; Harvey ;siliib, F.S.; Iiobeit
111t17..e.1)4.`f a Det-', :;ti,, Peet)
• .a.r,......` —.-
in a variety of ple;:lying colors, large
double `l'e 1 size, 72 x 88, -whipped and
finished singly. - Each $5.95 p e r
pair.,.,.. ... $11.90
for bcd, couch or car, lark choice taf
- plaids and checks with fringed ends,
ire about 62 x 80. Priced each
$4.50, 56.00, $7.00 and $8.50.
Women's Vests and Drawers "9S", -'all
LL" sizes 34 rix 4n.
Combinations for Women and Child,
ren, every style in all grades, all sizes.
Men's fancy Cashmere English alt.woul
Socks, heavyweight and in very new
and pleasing designs sizes. 10, ton,
11, 11;4. Extra value,•, , .....75c.
BLANKETS (Shrunk). •-•
Size 72 x 88., whipped singly, I=fur yr
pink icor k r, 'weight allinit 7; ,.- llte
f-'er pair..... ... . •-. - $9.95
Whipped snaigrly and Poi-JeredOlt
sale per pair #5.00
Wonderful value and ileautifully enl-
broidcr+ed Linen,` Handkerchiefs, direct
from Ireland—a box with any number.
Priced each 5c, 10c, 15i, ' 25e, 50e,60c, 75c, and $1.00.
Men's and Women's lined and unlined
Kid and Cape Gloves, all sizes in
better qualities.
"VARIETY" isthe topic for the - week.
Remember the. dates,,, -DECEMBER
11th and 12th, . .
'overs in Dungannon and vicinity- on
Betty Fuller ll Lottie P the only daughter of Mrs Treleaven council in Oederich this week. • - pearl Caldwell, f Ki d' e
vett :en, treas.; Harold Johnston,
D.C.; a o e ow- e.. Miss ear we , o near .- ,
e e11. Highest number of perfect les- and the late Samuel Treleixven, of the School report for Senior -room for es holidaying at the home of 'her
Ix= est Segus,. lot lees, Joseph Aic lee.
Porter. .Number on Tell, seventh concession, %le extend hear- nttnth. of November: Form• II. --(a7 mother, Mrs. Geo. Caldwell.
�'tirnn, ,.nri k eL • Alex. Johnston, lst, '20. Averege Attendance, 12.4.. Those ty congratulations, • , Wilfred Pentland, 71;: (b) llelen An- Miss. Mabe Thompson : is visiting
c:e,a:,,. 1.loy6 11rii ixl Yenrmi d 11 0111 marked,thus "` were absent for one or. Miss Anna Russell, .a one-time rest. derson, 69; (c) Amy young, 64 friends and • former schoolmates at
£u al: Vroornan. more examinations, • dent of Cranford, who, for the • past Form I. --•Marjorie McWhinney, . 83 , Brantford.
r't." .rt..lth come John Foster, An MARGARET A. PENTL;AND, twenty-four years has resided in Wilma Treleaven, 78 Cora } innigan;
1 led Victoria St. W M. S. Elect pacers
drt3t7 liillian, • eicli Com. This lodge Teacher. Washington Territory, U.S.A., is 70; Claire Pentland, 66; Marjorie • • At the.annual Meeting of the
real had a eery suocesaful year and is .-----,--a--e--' .,w s';ionding the evinter at Elstow, Sask,s MacDonald; 64; •Anna Reed, 62;: Har. ee, M, .S, of the Victoria United
;and otherwise' and intend to reshingle
Mr. lien Vindsay has taken oven
Wood's Bowling Alleys for the winter
months. and is offering special prizes
to'players. The prize this weelc for
three' highest consecutive Seines will
be a.ten-pound rooster, to be awarded
Saturday night.
Christmas greeting cards in a won-
derfpl variety at Chsnpboll's Drug
nw,r n I •,1 1i T? being a sueet with elr. and Mrs, Geo, Vey Mole,.. 51. Sr.' IV.--efildr..i: An,: aura held on,Mondxy afternoon,the
p1b .1}all as soon as the weather per-Gi - - J bll wdd. l`i d Durniu of that place. demon, 65; Cora Staley, 62; Belle oilicere elected for the coming Year -
o en u ee e mg r• . an
. It e � x cele aced lift
1 buy Rides, Poultry,
Goose Feathers. ,Etc. ;
Phone 270
- -. - Mrs John i T,a tY r y Strayed from the Richardson; farm :Swan. 60. J'r. 1V.—Thornton Redy, are as follows: President, Mrs, H, 00 • �t e
year$°of tnAriied life on I%eciiibor^ $rd ,during who month of• November, two 11 David .Hive1is, 69; Agnes Young, Mew: first vice-president, Mrs. B. t.7 a %estions for rhrtstmas.-
•CAMBIUM `TOWNS1 ' red and white yearling: the property 61, Gertrude. Finnigan, Gal; Almit Doivii� 2n vice re id nt
by, entertaining a number. of relatives ,
Tae eery.'- will ire held as usual d friends to a'sumptuous feast and of Mr, Hugh Stewart. Anyone know Nivins, 57,• Carman Haile,, 47; Bert Wilsan� recording :acre 1 *Mrs
union church noxi Sunday at u v ha sec to even ng. In s its is , �, I Xoung correspondence 'secretary ,
a cry. weepy 1 g P
:gym..; Sunday school at 2 pen. Rev. of their advanced years, Mr. and Mrs. ly communicate with the owner. �7f; Verna lXnderson, 69; Lucille Eedy,. Mrst G. Baechler; treasurer, Mri., R'.
Practice is well under way for the "AieLart enjoy fair health eonsid. The teachers and pupils of the die -1.62; Melba k'owler, 61; rinsnde Mile_ Rivers' secretary of Christian. stew-.
- , an iri of the whereabouts of same :kind V heard 46 Sr.7",TT -Beth Palk ; -
NEW HATS --for the holiday season in velvet,
ribbon, felt with metallic trimmingsand clever-
ly blended materials..
Christhnas cantata to be given in irn- ins < the €rerious sicknesses y through triet adjoining Dungannon are busy' lion. 60: Myrtle Caldwell. 60: Jack'ardship, i►lre. It.
'T,. Phillips; finance
-i e rich on k ridgy evotiing, Dec, which there halm both passed. The nxeparing for the concert: to be given.I Park. 61 Willie 1'.eed, 43; Melville Committee, Mrs, R. T. Phillips, Mrs,
20. my the Sunday 15011001< ntemox�y of that. eventful day .. fifty by them in the parish hall, Dungan Culbert, 35. Number on roll 29. W. Rivers. Mrs. G. W. Butt,; Mrs. J.
Mr. Itiebard Porter . and. sons, Elgin . ears ago is still very vivid, and was non, on Fr1dsY evening; Dee, 13th, in PALMER KILI?ATIiiCK, 'Teacher, . Tabb; stranger a c,xetary, Mrs. A . O.
•_ maid motored to Tiverton on y e . t ea I x-: aid of the : nublie library. Not. only iIh telephone has been installed in Snnilev; tissodata helpers' secretary,
pleasantly recap d as .hat s Y Pe will elle evening's program provide' the foal ow3star homes: Godfrey Hall. Miss. �A. Haynt baby band secretary,
?Heyday,, Mr.: Llgin Porter having sod was lived over again. Following
Um transferred front the Canadian the supper a toast list was
lowed pleasing entertainment for the laroe,Wln. Jobe Hall,-: Chaste.Elliott,•-and Mfrs,.dD;y-
-Walley1 -secretar-inissibn
,l*n1- enie�oderichr-i.o-the- over bv-nev: ,R. B; `Cumming ---eel; u ce whicit''is expected,:but the,Wilbur Brown.,;.. .: are lnouthly, Mrs, G. Baechlor; enink et 'Tiverton. Mr. Porter and McLa t veryably responded to the occasion will provide a meeting -place The Noveinbereneeting of the Dun- tary of literature, Mrs. G. W. Hutt ;
cold returned borne on Tuesda . toast to the ride of ify yars ago, for the teachers and pupils of the ! !galloon branch of :the Beconen's . bale press secretary. Mrs. R. Postleth-
ell 1 the r e f tutu held Til d h
? . W. Butt, the Imam*, will Deem 1, thanking all for their kindness and -various s oo s, a onpoxtun t or', u e" .vvas a on.. urs ay- tit. t e wait'; pianist, Mrs: F:. Sea oke. -
The following is the report of S. S. sympathy, and for their very which is seldom provided.. All chit- borne of Mrs,. R. A. McKenzie, 'votive '- -- -
6, Godericlt township,, for the thoughtful gifts Lawrence lifeLarty
dren taking part. in the program will good: attendance of Members' present iri' t .i " t
:worths .of October and ovember : pro used a toast to the visitors, be admitted free, while.:. 4., emelt ad- in addition to some visitors. The UUL 1>rlliSlt ;i
it beh ed theadults, t t d thei and
IV—Clara Harmer, 80.1. Jr. IV. evli eh was replied to by John S. Thp mission
w o are a u s.,;seem ary repor e ireco pee. .` ,
—*John, flamer, 94; Mervin btcAl- Tong, Nelson laiaLaxtY axil .Albert a Proirraitt will concist o£diAla ties, • oxltenditi�res for. tlsC fowl 'supper Bold , tI tit el cane an
drills, choruses, readings, seldreeses, (ori November • leth; ,when u; :neat bat
u, !public sneaking etc etc Everybody t mice was made foP•the Institute fibs
welcome. secretary wait instructed to pay pk'8f1;r0�w for the eatertatrn
tOPeR 7"/ g.1:tarrs Fr•IRDI,'AfeE)
Weaa,�' re/ -
PHONE 239 -
'The pupils of Union School Section Lorne Melfenzie theasum of d90, being •
No. 8; Ashfield, intend presenting a the rental fpr the: street lights for• stir3y
who. • ensuing si months. ' The pro- 1i1en AR"ETA
eon to ...+,
o eh s
gram le of in rrrmntal •.
piano iesr;Na'wcy' Cleif and a tet -he given in `St. George's. Pariah
iruessinig contest in width this memo 11411 under. the auspices of thelnlaple
aoncert ht the parish hall on Veednee-
daa.Dec. 1 th. Petticulars- If hi
will be given next week.. . -
The annual bazaar aced fowl supper
of Dungannon United church washeld t hers were asked to ...guess °thn number . Leaf 1. O. D. R. on
Open Evenings nn Wednesday afternoon and even- of beans in a btr,.;i'T`Itis Was tvoti -by W ', . awl Thurs. Dec.. 11 lila 12
8y appointment only t:ng• The feet that a very
r,he. vy fol r3. R A. McKenzie, who' ernes: was Go to The ° Goderich French Dry
ef snow which came'during the day 230, the, Correct number beipg. 232. Cleaning Works. for `estiaf�Ctian in
and the : day previous and prevented There Vies also a flower contest, when
the menehera were asked to insert the 'Cleaning and Pressing.
. s
l r , . ` .sk k .o :
,Variety is the Spice of Life
Everybody is going to "Variety" at St. George's Trish Hall, Dec.
lath and 12th, the Maple Leaf L C. - D. -. Entertainment and
erybo y is Going to aechler's
Provision Store .
for the Spice of Life in the way of variety in. choice Fruits and Gro-
ceries. They have everything usually found in an up-to-date. gro.
store and each week offer a list of specials. For instance this
~week they offer -
Christie's Ice Wafers, special
at, per lb - 30c
Fresh Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs.t}
for . ......23c
Libby's Pork and Beans, large
tin 18e„ 2 for 33c
Small. tin, ea. a . V ..1.1,c
Maxwell Rouse Coffee, lb...69e
Peanuts, lb.... .............19c
Celery, r bunches for.... ....25c
Breakfast Bacon, lb.., ......35c
Sheriff's Marmalade, Ms for.
. , . 59e
'names of various, flowers 'In the'\
'1 • to Our Stock of
\40Attia.•�,, Fruits,,
.� Christmas ruitis,,
46,1- . Peels, Nuts, Extracts, I
Candies, etc., is here.
This is our first Christmas in business
and everything is fresh—just ins
Let us supply your wants for Christ.
Inas cooking. Come in and gett;r
� R
howl Atlr tlso to Moo* O oo. DELI' IES M 41 Iwosrs
1 1 ,,.hall 9.11-111,1 -n.1919 , 9 1
Blanks in a poem read; by one. of the s1�''i�ROt�1V�A#�
members. - Some extracts'were read . •
by Mrs. Davidson from "Interdepend.
the oflieital bulletin of who Zea-
rrue tie' Nations s.tudety' in Cahada..
Mrs. Eedy invited: the institute to hold
its next nreetirg-at.her hone on the
last Thursday of.January, as the
December meeting will be with drawn.
After this a dainty lunch was' serves`,
and the meeting eloped with the sing-
ing of the National Anthem. The
hostesses for the evening were Mee-
dannes .Eedy, 'liferlrbnald and. Trelea-
ven, Those for the next meeting are
to be Mise Elliott, Mrs. Davidson and'
The Dungannon public .libraryt
board held a meeting at the home of
Miss Dreany,. the librarian, on Thum -
day afternoon with a fair. number
present. trbe president gave a. syn-'
opsis of the moneys reeeived during
the year, also the expenditures, whieh
indicated that the past year has been
a very good one for the library. Thee.
following members of the board' were
named . a committee to choose books
to be putthased with the money now
on hand: Rev. C. C. Raine, Mrs. R.
A. McKenzie, Mrs.. Tirown and the
following naives of members were
suggested to assist: Mrs. G. M. Mee
Kenzie, Miss. E. Hicks and Palmer
Kilpatrick, in addition to the ;weal -
dent, Mi- . R. Davidson, and the sec-
retary, Mr. P. Ross.
'Wm. Orser re tly returned from
a **sent visit With relatives at Got.
den Valley end other northern points.
A ntitmber from this vicinity were
in attendance at the funeral of the
late Mrs. (Chas. A. Robertson, of Ca-
Mrs. jean Williams left on Tlturs-
day afternoon for Canton, Illinois,
where a ate will renew former ac-
(Itietintanees for a eating of ninths.
Mire. Alexander Sheppard, of Nile.
is a guest at the Home of Mrs. 'David
Parrkie Wiegins left on Fride+v
morning for Brantford, Where he will
1 a guest at the home of his broth-
err, itobert .J. Wiggins and• Mre. Wig.
• s Rev C. it McDonald a d Mrrame
Donald. of Lucknow, called on tigrish.
„ Pitoi'..122 West Street
Is Drawing Near
Our Store is well stoked with
lame variety
iietl• of useful Christ.
Sum a W'twirs a retest. K15 and Sethi
: Mope Ota t- erodes wear.
1 "re.° SNPreer ler alt, fmtit
the bey tete to the oldie
ttttolawit +,t ttis taadlyr.
wa have aloe meat riles le
Gloat i«t T tavelltit floras.
' 1.saltlt'rf'
ee, Orb
Pad.. Salt 1 , Trateb e.
borer Mom
I = lar are lttrite4 to *her at
Ileris Store
have now on • display all their
beetititul. Christmits Pictures,
Chiba, Haute Goods, Tapestries,
and no end of usefuldainty lite
tle gifts from 25c ue. Thin is
the shoo for you to select just
the right gift for everyone.
Come in and see all that pretty
Smith's Art and GiftShop
Thalia** of &::'Toilful Pi:tares
SCARFS -•:--fir the latest designs, Corsage Flowers,
:- Costume dewelery-=old••-Novelties.
You are cordially invited to inspectour stock.
We have a largestock' of Lamps of all styles, colors, etc.
Now is the time to make your selection, while the
choice is gppd. SHOP EARLY,
rurniture Dealer Funeral Director
Phone, 336:
»:7.,a fr`
Saggestions for
Metallic Hats in .gold' and silver,.
and felt' tnetitllie trimmed.
Buy a Het for the holiday
Lin eerie, Hosiery, Neckwetr,
Give Toys well made and dap.
bells fancy dreet,e4, very at-
hells, *
trtlrttrsit e.
ave pit**,
Baby Dolt all Area aitd Ikiby
'Worked amtl Sts*pe t Needles
week. Nsrrelti s of alt Wade.
Shop rarlyr whet the smart -
root ie rola snag iege•t agora
W, mr lay'aidate eetdtho 'lltsrdaParish
AWN. neierse MMS,
and Git Slop
MIN alb
NIA SU. NW* Sok"
Gift Suggestions
WE suggest the following as practical and
seasonable Gifts: - -
Wool Kimonos, good shades and patterns, plain
and satin -trimmed. Sizes 34 to. 46. Rea-
sonably priced, each $3.95 to $6.b 5
Alt Wool Blankets, in fancy covered checks and
plain shades. Large size, ea. $5.95 to $7.56
Flannelette Blankets, white or grey, with blue
or pink borders, best quality and large size.
A complete range of Children's Winter Wear,
including Sweaters, Sweater Coats and -
Knit Suits. There is real comfort in these
for the kiddies. ' •
Silk Hosiery in the season's newest shades. The
famous Kayser „lake. Pair $1.50 to $1.95
Penman's Silk Plated Hose in the 'new shades of
brown and grey. These are very smart
considering the weight. Per pair....$1.00
See our speeial displays of Lingerie, Gloves,
Handkerchiefs, Scarfs. Hose, Hand Rags, and
many Novelties specially boxed for Christmas.
the Maple leaf LO.D.E. Entertainment.
Storea 11 GOOQIlhtIft#A1I
Socesirser to The S. A. GRAY CO.
Theme 54