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The Goderich Star, 1929-12-05, Page 4
lII IPIIl 11111111111ml III III I, 111 01 Only Fifteen More Shopping Days Till Chistmas AND our store is filled to overflowing with gifts for the ladies and girls, men and boys ami the home, gifts that set a new example in value-giv« ing. When you go a shopping this Christmas you cannot do better elsevi here. Our stock is so complete that you eau obtain everything you want—from the simplest to the most elaborate gift—and there's something for every purse, however small or large. A great variety of .Christma`�s efts at our storeand be sure you see VARIETY at St. George's Parish Hall, under auspices of Maple Leaf LO.D.E., DEC, lith and 12th. St 4 Suggestions for the Lixdies : gfaerythling Milady Desires for a Christmas Present Slips, Vest end Bloomer Segs, Nightgowns, Creple'de Chins Nightgowns, Pyjamas, Kim. '..._Faure chic Bloomers in helm weight Silk. at4loadie'ti Rayon Lingerie, guaranteed not to. rum. Ladies' Hosiery in rail siaxes and the popular shades. In Kid Glove* we have Tre' kisses make, also the Cor. don line and others. Ladies' Handkerchiefs in Gift Ladies' Gloves hi Gift Boxes. Ladies' Sears in Gift Boxes. Ladies' Sweaters, Beads eine various .colors. Ladies' Coats and Dresses in. newest models, One of these would make a nice Christmas present. For the nen Iwo have SHIRTS, 'TES, GLOVES, SCARFS, NDK CflllFS, BELTS SETS OP' SUSPENDERS, GARTERS and ARM~ BANDS (i11 in Christmas Gift 'tioxesl SOCKS in Silk end Wool and all ?Wool. ' SWEATERS. BATA ROBES WOOPIAMIMOMIN Let as suggest Rayon Deft' ,Preach, Blankets itt ptatn and faro checks, Table Cloths, VR �. Pillow Case*, ate., etc. WEST SIDE OF SQUARE o "'SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITE) TO SHOP" Phone 418 4y11f n at'mill%id ly:a1y'i�'1 7ansa li�mna baitfyFltnT,g,'�Ibl�fitsonnalyafir.%.met al�tyiefi�fY�i'i',�Gimagafi inietaa eaienting autumn and 111 eau. and, ?.m. each Sunday. On r st, while ervwning .the open .of tial bodies. Ch ".hoc art the king of -glory,. td' winter with the aorresponding..eeles- 'Sunday next, pDec. 8th, Ven. Arch- Arch - »YC STAR thou of the seance ..f: then &eon- r tio.a wUt he oI great ,oteRre[. The is following article on what, that nevot t- tiwn mealy moose WW1 prwlwrd . by the r.ct w. Kea, J. Y. IL..itlilli, Vr.ui the ntalk,t merry all the• troy through to the' ;argot mural 'I ' painting, hat the de=eration of cur, aturi°1e there is as meaning earl pies, �*ifr., In order ihiit we may teak up - (con it intelligently, and eeecice the, full import of no saggestisn the fol lowing de►, iiptionl is given, in the hope Gott those who leek lapon it may da so in ewchi a ev..y that the; clay grasp some of its inspiration; in s..iemn devotion and n .___tont fervor. what can equal that great hymn, i°WYe fraise Tiiee, ii Geri, we acknowledge- riiee to he the Deal" (Te meant Isiudarnue). it is a call to ariaseean appeal -1 dowel tbreogh the centuries Gott triurnpiiant etrain liaa sounded and spread over the whole world. , t call to all that is t apkin!. devout and virile in us., what could he More fit- tine to be taken as the keynote for the mural decoration of a church dcd ieated to the soldier saint, it. George taf f'alipadoeia ? In the mostrominent educe, over the Cliental arch, a decorative treat- ment• of this great hymn is rendered. At the baso of the arch are two groups. One the loft -hand aide, ear you walk down the centro aisle td - award the chancel, is a group of the • Apostles, the first Soldiers of the -Cross, rendering- homage to their Master, "The glorious company of, the Apostles.- praise Thee." On the 1 I . THiCitem Y,. DEC. M, 420 OODERICH FOLKS II, 111 wO$ DE R W lteRE SANT CLAUS f '40 +�1 - By MAC HL''S kitMettg' A Lor of CFIRWrMAS KnOim pRewhir AT bRUu.5TOR Christmas it of all descriptions. Per. fumes, Candy,. Toilet Sets, Fountain Pens,. • ,chis—StaConers; Christmas Car of s; Cig,ars, Pipes, etc everything for every- liody.�--creat variety. Dgn't forget "VARIETY" at St. George's GODERICH Parish He%, Dee. litititod 12, N. c. DUNLOP THE REXALL DRUG STORE ONTARIO spective can be obtained. deanery will be present and taiice•part Fotheringhara, rector of tie„.c: The iiCnedicite Omnia opera jai h h Brantford a former rcotor of ' • its eel to All ye weals of the Lord, will sing the service, e oire of the St: Georgia's, will preach at both the bless ye the Lord; praise i1,m, and deanery will join with the choir of 1I. a.m. and 7 p,nn. services. magnify Him forever.” is I1erbaps Et.+Georg making in augmented' more fittingly set in the body of the than, of upward of 100 voices. Dean- church. Over the transept n gables cry Congregations will he represent - other side at the base of the arch th this Canticle is suggested. To ex. ed. Very Rev Arthur 'Carlisle Dean, e mese it the seasons of the year have of Montreal, and one of the zliast in- group represents "The holy church been , used. Ori the left transept, ns spiring preachers in the Canadian throughout all the world doth ae- you fact the . altar from the centre church, will be the .preacher. In ad - knowledge Thee;" This group is re- , aisle (the ecclesiastical north) is a dition to this, the train public sear presentative of divers people, prom- group; Spring and Stammer with the vice in connection with tl,o re -open - aunt among them being •the patron sun .as centre, revolve the sign of the fug, the services for three Suidays,' saint, St. George. Higher up among Zodiac pertaining to those seasons. Dec. 80, 15th and 22nd, will be of a the Gothic traceries which frame this on the transept on the opposite side 'special nature, with services et it and decoration are the angels praising : ore the arch is the figure of our 'Lord; The figure et Zacharias, the father. aen-t eas`of th a pees B.A., Ii iron. with seven stare' 40410 hili Stand- et John Abe--ihuptist, aver"'the-chapel ll be 4h hie h- s ere/meat an Archbishop of fume Arehdeacont v t• e specia'J Areae r -at fiat t1WR`- amid the sc weir gotdcFhilrla le= door, looks down toward the` "Natio- services, re resen ing his Grseo the: it'h that theme as the motif, the sty" over the baptistry p event which he foretold .in the Belie- Dobert is a sol mild, preacher, and. her canticles of .our prayer book dittos, :ix'hrough the feeder mercy of of everyone will a oy him, z, have been used to develop • h the scheme. our God; whereby the day -spring On Sunday, Deo. 15th, there will be In the chancel the walls have been from on high hath visited us." celebrations of Holy Communion at 8 panelled in Gothic style, providing . That great event, without which and 11 a.m., and the rector, Rev. Z. three subject -panels on each side. . there would be no eantieles, The No- N. H. Mills, will preach at both the St. Cecelia,. listening to the heaven., `.tivity,. is placed over the baptistry 11 aero. and 7 p.m. services. On ly strains, which inspired her, on the archway, just beyond which other Sunday, Dec. _22nd, Ven. Archdeacon `left side next the well as your enter babes "r enlisted ' St. regory imahtmuct The Infant Jesus hero' in ins fowl the chancel; and S Gregory are en hate In His Name, , in his choristers, in the same, post- surroundings receives. the heritage f tion directly opposite, two . of the the Magi, and faces the representa earliest figures iWineredmusic reero.-:tion of His glorification in,;the 'fie,. :sent...the V.snite °. EI:ultomus Dorcino, -mum , Lra udinatis over -The ewer . a that beautiful song of praise. archway. On the right gide of the Again on the; left side as you move window which is above the mural. toward the altar, YOU have in the painting of the Nativity over the bap - mural a meeting. of Mary and hliza- tistry arch, is a group of shepherds beth wyhen aftel` Ilio Annunciation: whit watched their flocks, and on the our lady went up"to'see her Cousin iii other side are herald: angels. the hill country, an inei�dent which in- A more simple but sufficient decor spired the Mixgnificat,.. My soul doth ation in the nave connects and cont. - magnify the' Lord," while` directly pletes the 'scheme.. St. George being opposite as shown *the group in the England's patron saint, her emblem, ` _ Temple with Simeonte devout • "Lord the Rose, . has been Largely tired in now letteat "thauw tiro 'servant deport the ornamental part . of the work,' in peace,,' the Mune Dimittis. while the militant symbols "of Faith, On the narrow panels next the win- .Justice, etc., have been used over the dote aver the altar, are two figures, : pairs of windows in the nave. that on the left as you face the altar . Tire general color tone is soft and. Morey, and that on the;right, Truth, -restful, definite color has been avoid- re:» r a s eating the Jubilate.—"his ea The mural paintiegs %harmonize: mercy is everlasting, 'and, his truth with the quiet tones, sit that the endureth from generation to genera- whole eneeneble is quietly rich, dig- tion." nified, and full of symbolic interest Planking each kI these subject The speeiai public re -opening ser- panels are figures Of angels in calor : vice will be.qn Monday next, Dec. in a gold ground, boating:serolls with nth From 7134 p.ni. to S um, Mr. the title of the snbjitctsr .Theewbole Gethin. B. Davies, A.L.C.M., ..R.C.M., treatment Here` ptayjrles� a distinctly :organist and choir master, will give: eeelesiostienl scttiug` or.the group of the following organrecital, while the. subjects,- whilcj;gothir traeerios ,and;:'conkregatron are assembling for the subdued tones• luring a11' into a digni-deanery united thanksgiving serv1ce; fled nod 'harmonious whole. The. Roman Mureli— Lefebvre Wely chancel ' detonation can be ' seen . to Andante Grazioso-- Frederick keener c'reater advantage intim the .nave of Elegyea C. kr. Lloyd , the churcli, front where a truer per- Allegretto pastorale• --W. John VICTORIA SCHOOL signifying that the •pupil took 'honors Chorus by the girls of the junior 1 - COMMECEMENT in his entrance examination; . Verna fourth and senior third, followed by I Barbour, Philip Carter (II),''Verna the presentation of. entrance prizes, Edward, Margaret Griniitb, Phyllis. de the honors being done by Mayor Mac. belie:nor Beacom Presentee Victor r pcudre (fi), Mona 13arrison, Betty Ewan. lite winners were si5 follows; Laur,'lon- s Gehl Meda a ..J'ennee, Kenneth .hock, Doris Kitten; Women's Institute prize awarded to Marc;[ and Other Prizes and : John Lave, Raymond Lawrence (Ill, Philip Carter . for second highest Diplonme Were Presented, Marjory Lum1y, Leonard McDonald, narks in Victoria school• Principal Willie MacKay, Burke McLu , Jos- Stonehouse's prize for the highest 'There egos a goad attenclence of `pis lltatteeson, . Grace Mason •tli), marks in the entrance from Victoria- perenta and friend:; of the papula at .lean Motto an,. Herbert palter, needechoedin arithmetic, awarded 'to the annual coctnrteiieeihent of Vittoria Row:, 1Vilda. Rutledge; .. MarjorielRatlxieen ‘Vliateiy; Ur. •hest .ii. R. Long's intnblP z ehooh last n'ri:i:ay ecectint;, � e (H), Kathleen 1t hately, Iclat i Prize , for orrn eciihe ool in the entrance, won by Kenneth Juck; Manor Mac- lhvan'a prize for the highest in writ - very prettily decorated for the veru- the parents, rand Lifter this carne then ing, won by Grace Mason; victoria. don. The openanl; chorta . tVrs "U tare entatten of the prizes awarded by Dome and &lion Club's prize for Canada"' end alter tide petrtot,e num.... tine teacher), the pre..c�ntations being highest at the entrance in spelling, her wars enl , Chairman J , (�utt of'; na�ade by Mr. W. II. Ifobert:am. The °won by Burke McLeod; The Star ri the 1iublia relearn board ,'.rho was (winners were an follows:' Rom 9,' prize donated by 1.Ir. Naftel for the chairman far the evening, gave. hip prizes donated by Misa . i�.. Atone, `Highest in literature at the entrance,. ol:eni:hi; a-enlarl,a and introduced a 'lobed Haydn and Alarien Lenaway won by Betty Jenner; Miss G. Hain. ikon's prize for highest in grammar, won by Marjorie Prowse; Maple Leaf Chapter's prizes for highest in Ills. tory, Grace Mason and 1 hw*llis. De. Peudry, equal; Ahmed; Chapter's ,prize for highest in reading, non. by Ray Lawrence; The ,signal's prize harenented by Mr. Rolvertsotl, for ighest in eomlonsitiun, won by Her- bert Palmer; 1dr. and Mrs. A. L. Colette prize. awarded to Fred Rosa for general proficiency during the ,ri ae in the entrance clots. general profitieney. Rooth No. tt, deportment. general proficiency rid Another phaco nuet was cleverly James Garrick and Betty Johnston, treading. ,i usanne Ilawden. aleport- rendered by Mn'. ..Teener and Mr. for general pi'of3cicnry in their room. °;ant. Ixettersl profl ieney' and boating t amttbell., after which Room 7, Catharine Marton and Betty in reading Room 4 Prize presented of Vittoria etreet united church nave l Naegcle, for general proficiene., .. by Mils 1.- Robinson and won by net. an address to the {traduating chow, Room 6, Mary Howard and Carl And. :by Whitten, for general proAcieney 1 full o �advice. A drill by the ` error. fetteral n erittierry. Room b, and deportment. Room 3, prize lire• bol':, followed and after this Mr. Bern Ia ruby and Carl Bleomttrld, for Ferried by Miss i), Statrdv and w'oe by Stoni ouse wee presented with a gold genu! Proficiency and rrftular at. E;dwarrl Wieland, for general profs- watch chain by the members of the tendance..Room 4, Roberta Johneten, eieney. Room 2, prize donated by ltrsduatia chime. Margaret Griffith fir.',t in ner►erat proficiency arta' deo Mies trace Hamilton toed ,ren by r adi a nicely worded aridrfrans and pnrimeiat. Ream y. Keith Cott, Ar.t'Jeatt Robertson for pa eleien ti' in Herb Rila►or making the Drrernta-' in general prolleitemy and deport- tpprlling. tMn. flnitaalne acknowledgment by tn'nt, Room 1, Joan Rait►tteen, for The ttreeentation of the old medal Nr• Slaaaeboun., feliewed and a (tas• prnfif henry and deportaerat, Ilnritog pteieeted by victor I,aurlet+n iia ua+ by the bey' and girls and the mime. the interval brtwe.n tar peewits. nnemnry of bis father, the late Hobart lair of _the National Anthem brought terns to tlw Jeanie and as al•r *Mere Park,. a former privies! of the Cin_, a 1rerY flee ttot,.rn to a r1n.e nicely. Beacom in apptninriate word+a. to the '11."11"1141 � lit' A i ry fine number was the pione winner, Grant Mamie. 17ac RSM �T. t;lloRt;R'li CHURCH Hl� ehaet by lrl*+. Ziemer sad $r. Cant• tmnls) flees to the noloteem the The ikrnratirn of the ftltMoe of S. bell and ihf,t was followed .by the puna- Goderich public a.laonls maiden the G,nsr,'aa chutcrh which 11., hreai s.tttaatiow of .ttrisaa sor to the gnats* higheet total tnirks'fn itt entrance= Icing ova far .on weakrs will b. rose' title claw i Prinrival Huse of the Tim valedictory .direr. ea.wp.t, 4 Omer, tele week really her the re. 4 ..l1r fief, wiew.rs were aau fol -,I,. Einer-. Magee tee methanol. won *a srr.lww aaa Siiidav and nave, the utter .11 after sonic nevem rein br Philip ca±tet' 'hen can,,. ao n 141hr ani at this thee a *eerie riew neattw�ith*standing; the cold wveatties. Ilev. Mr. Bunt. pantor of the Bap - Tee hallaand liindergarteu roan were blit church, made ,a fine address tri .very Intert';tltlg 1"r4r raanin. billy Jee, of the nlornfnsr and afternoon Ciassr3 Johnston was on the program for is a t eept•-tint ly, for general proficiency. couple of nunnbera oval not peer cnt no Room S, Prize donated by Mrs. Nor - the fathering load that disaepeint- tnan (Miss V. Watson), ,von by James Theo atreeentationt eat Home argil i Garrick, 6,1irizes tlotnntted by pMiss Yd t i .�,ehorn club prizes -wrns made lay thr 1111 iggiun and wvon by 'Worthy Ryan, ,a ,, su t of th© Club, Mo. P ➢suet . rc. .cna , hi highest Pfor a marls in h. s n S y s the e for elan and for the senior reotns by Mrs Red.' dutiiig the year, Ian tray for nigh - Hitt. The winners were ag follows ; e`st narks in 'anter vias demi* the Room t!, Marjorie Miller (morning. year, • Florence Price, for writing. eletel for general proieienc'y, raid' Room 5i, prizes preeented by Miss Pauline Johnston (outer cities) for Kato A. Watson, won by plane Butch, Jean- Robert ort mann a sok Kerb oat ,` elo warn evade by lafpectair Special Prices On. MEW LEATHER TOP UBBE Men's 0', 12' and 15" Leather top, Rubbers, made of extra quality. beige gum ribbed battµ tom with flexible high. grade all grain leather top and tongue,: made with blaek rubber bot. toms, with red soles, sizes 6 to 11. Special Prices fee This Week $3.45 $4.45 4.95 M. ROBINS Asext t'or Tip 'op•Tallors 1'1.onr3 c i Don't Forget "The Variety Play'' December 11 & 12 IAN An Go V to ' Reynolds Rondo-- Couperin Grand Choeur ,Alfred Whittingham At 8.00 pan. there will be Choral p venrone and. Sermon, .a deanery, united 'thanksgiving service,: Rene:. L,. toric of the Anglican churches of the FOR.'... Groceries Fruit and Vegetables GEQ. PRICE & SON _Cor,.-.heath-:St—aAil Square_ ... Specials in Tea . and Cofi'ce Goode delivered en short not when required icer' Satisfaction Guaranteed. PHONE 248 ey _Broso . LEADING HOUSE FOR Tigh-class Beds, Mattresses and ,Springs INSPECTION • INVITED Also see "Variety'', Dec. 11 ' and 12 Store Phone 120. Residence 217 EAMMeuritesigMt 4 tl u SANITARY • HEALTHFUL ',COURTEOUS. TREATMENT "Everyone LikesFowling" Bowing has a universal appeal for all ages, for both ladies and gentlemen Everyone: likes its action, its excitement, the contagious air of fi ien ly "ost- ling which is part of the game. And best for all. Bawling Is the Most Beneficial Exercise; It KeepsYo4, Fit week t � ' ver times VO 1 1 B, A few snappy games severala ., braces- persol, up physically and mentally , Arrange your own Bowling Party now fora session of sheer enjoyment. *AFTERNOON BOWLING (upper floor) 2 lines for 2lc AFTERNOON BOWLING (lower floor), llie per line. Parties of 10 or more, 10e per line—same as league games. ALLEYS RESER1'E» •UPON REQUEST. FREE INSTRUCTIONS Royal Bowling Alleys WESTS" l'REET v,��,y���lie(ODfilhi.;tRIGll . aril• ,I ,a 71Ii 7. a� e