HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-12-05, Page 2PAO* IVO
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ESN ik011ikeinaim
i n
.. fa 1li�i tGfl9, the hiathertincrease
rile t
owe i.Otid hltenntilt , f the incxea:xed Gupt,t>
srtuady' rdr.kltd., feta st+awsral sdrdilite ..•.••..•
raw a,Yits9u�r is lttiwtak liaore� y
s.a attbievealiei►t.. :::Sir ah.l . err, and There
+� , ta,pertant in utta, oi'. the
ar►brfawat acre o at4o -
le C taneetion with "erre Penes-
alioe Welk". obroreed titro�iaghaar
tenme.a mid tee Untied stater lite
tweesi tie:neer a gad tictober 13, .l
speclat telegraphic stseseage ties
been amt ever abs entire 4'anadien
Paelee Iteitwsy system by Grant
1Ia11. sear wire -president At the
i:oinpany. urging alt , ofrtcera and
employees of alis raiitralr to ca«
operate hat setting a goo 1 example.
of fires and the renewal of their
causes. Thia baa been followed up
by a,eirewatar letter setting forth let
detail bow theae objects may be sae*
"If tine English people were well
advised they would riot be. at all
loath to Invert is Canada," stated
Sir 1viliam Pleader. president oY
the' Institute of Chartered Aecouu•
tants of England and 1Vaies. a Pas-
senger on the Empress of Scotland.
;titer attending the international
Th* photographic records, made
from the plane, which *re of great,
Me�tinouites Go To Siberia 1laerio;l of test Year by nt record-6
hrcat of the soviet ,e�► tet since lea 'elevate absorbed ,5 t�
tarot to rem S 000,000 tong G era' dspoaittse are probably to be found
that when x11 oth in iti inountata K
Stiff joints raTh to meestratio a>
The ile►nattatratfon of the nature of
tete Country rli0ikin that wast mins
in Russia, to k i rrit, C'alnpased with the Previous threw
if they slid riot remove theineelvee ynanttar t. lied, this present figures
1'harmticists gay t a w e -- --
fNnl Russian soft etas come to pt►sg $h(lit, an es itzkxenseC3 output of 14 initlr3ri er . succeed.
d remedies fail dGfnty are nowt Employee's Wife Ill
iidiaalce:d in unheated freight rare, will a3uereed.
theme ttntoxtuneta people, more than .tang, Liquor Xing Asserted why fou Quid fiugm+aents it iardso eh ti R ,�d'�inoi �r 11a happy lime
h Bretton" internationally s 1#ouxawurk winging ala biking care
Tien hemi trReilr t known millionaire liquor baron, hate
�'rans'Sibexsan Railroad to'wward the 'beat arrested b3� the viii al CanadiAri .Joint is �ltaaa�itetrrAttng end quick �ndalomre v�i�ui: xht ass
a third of wham etre children, are ale
xted over the mare rGn man. painful, unnamed. rheumthe atic ,fain si. ,:f liar tittle tit o�ysair=ol& gclri. ou
b tl to dr99y
It a deals Comfit
saikalanoviri destination in the t)siral 1 ...ied Foltce in antreal and clean an pe 'wine that lR patnedi ler lenge cos•
ent tdistricticif Siberia, Where i the Pte.> transported to Regime. The charge resuita lire await d --Slaty cents it ; tinuaiiY. liar &art�anct wail anxtoue
cut Limo e thermometer bo t dtu lata pxexyrwhere, about her. but as Ittihad t g
tog th rt3' degrees � Ftan n ins a when sew. Durr
t� yaurneY toward whaC secilis;creel yeera when Madmen was
Ease seta in joint' sesta out actor eats rhe i,aadadt tht atreataai
days ego, and inteatexted fn Sittuor export hauxex quick taasrd, if She was to get well toilet. and
rrr, lice this scented am atter
additional ng despatched
of human mta rerommendatiane made ,by the Royal, ttnR9varthlittr.
Fri are being drepxteved toward lib. Ctteaoms Commission. The "Rronf« effectthat Sir Hai Singh, Maharajah . sheuwaaeadmitrtedwostLu Ludo dlynan
cent Saskatchewan ,eleetja in which
rho governmeat of iron, jams isardb according to a special despatch from ncressed 11°siel het om #ic pounds so
th s below
register. aux. of ung dig dating ba l: taaAlways rememlGer. J i ii to a big Hotel. be work inot .
f d belo;v s era id uur�r Iter oaw nhelp rere uauch. The
tertian death began ten y it 'katrhettvxtt and hie arrest toi1ows for
+carie from 1Vioseow every other other flay mn" ease waa<t an issue in the rex cif• Ikaihntir, intends to tliapoae of and skilful medlcnl attention 9f the
ter the t Secret I'olirf who are
t cove hi h athlete to 'the Bram government 'rorOuto lfoapaal for Csnaum ,dura at
ter out the orders of filo Soviet Gov«
eernn►entto clear Die summer colonies inerrvwaadefeated and the co -opera« lilelhl to the Sydney l xpreae• yam p9uada ;via? ek$plendidga�n
9n the rictntty of Moscow of their en., five aisi'nairiissltxxtttion under,1'render ,J.., ; •"11 'Sir Mari were to hell Kaslimtr Indeed, ani! anda a99n went home to a
habttenta, +who stick tternllsafan to mi«' j1' M Anderson elected. it would be the ;greatest and most - veru Heap» tittle f 9i1
grataeind join the Mennonite colonies Furida ute Heade$ by thta liospttal
in Canada. A special) request from
the German Government to the Prem-
ier of Saskaatchewen, that the Men-
nonites tie allowed to wino to Can.
oda, hits been refused,
MacAlpine Explorers Near
homeward«'bound. the MacAlpine
.party, lifter more then two months of
isolation in the barren lands of the
Arctic, has reached Stoney Rapids,
northern aerial base In Sasltatehew-
It is. presumed that the our rescue
tains Guy envier anchocommandatele flf ight
front Fort Reliance, on Great Slave
ireLto _Stoney Itaapide, but details
were not available.
Premier Liotiehes Industrialists
Premier Xeiiisay MacDonald of
Great Britain has Invited a number
of leading industrialists and econo-
mists, to meet him et luncheon at
410 Downing street, at the official re-
sidence. The purpose of this confers
.erice-luneheen; was ' sunounded in.
mystery. hut was, thought to bear on
picturesque empire deal since Lord tar ouch erose, and your aul,aceinttop
• .B01010644 bought the Suez cane,will be gratefully reeelVe4 by W.
el," says the Express". • Charlton and ll. Junes. apt 2 3 4'a1
The valley of Kashmir is the Eden lege tweet, Toronto a.
of Asia, a Band of beauty and rom=
ante, of natural fertility, 'and having Worms sap the strength and under -
splendid mineral possibilities. ' In Mine the vitality of children Stren-
such a temperate climate the British *then them by using Mother Gravett'
for to drive out the
health all. the year round, with ilia- parasites.
army' could billet in comfort and `'1'0 Eitierinina
duetan strategic#lex at net feet.
Have you heard the story of the
Byrd's Daring Flight
,9catxhman whose wife .asked hem for
The fruits '81 Commander. Berms a talking machine,. so he moved to a
recent flight over the South, Pole are hillside with an echo 2 '
just becoming ripe at the bands o
experienced scientists. The flight, A. flirt is a girl who makes up her
far from being only a daring,picture f, quicker than she makes up hex
e dash- into the unknown and iniiati,
fee hack...w311.feeult.-and-lik fact -has -at-
congress of accountants recently
held In New York. "One of the next
sourees of obtaining British eaapltat
• Is Canadian. ventutea in which Ca --
Aman capital lu Also invested and
the people. connected with them of
high repute and standing', he
The pTAirltw *r. tasiaalll iisoelate •
ed with wheat and cattle. but Wer
lira *lssti important sources of cont•
nlerolal fish. no thin, tersest
lees on the: continent iso to leant
total and grant bodlett of fresh
Water in Manitoba tecorstehewan
and A+th.•rtt 4,4nen «Yet fish of high
nust:ity in 'one day recently 40
r..«toad+ nt- *built„ h anti titrkarat
vv , ',humus- ,, (,,f. atone ,tivnidtt,.p..
•.nk:t1,U,;a. Chicago *ad Now
Select His Gift
a AT T U E
Christ as Men's Store
�>al� t - - f 7t111M�11
Mary and 1licn aro staters, 22 and.
a1 yeure 'ot age. Their parents are
tooth dead. And the girls must- need
Proelde for themselves, MarY had
wage when she was rttsekcurwith
consumption and had to go to the
tivakoka Hospital.
Mien. left to her own reaottrces,
having to work harder than ever.
aeon proved unequal to rho teak --
long exposure to tuts disease through
close contacts with her alrter. Coapisd
'With. overwork. brought the ineVLt-
abie result; a few months later oho.
too was compelled to give up end „oltt
Iter sister. in the hospital.
There both glelea aro doing well, and
their reatoratton to 1►ealth to con-
Would you not lice to 'help in such
work ss this? Your contributiotn will
he gratefuil3 acknowledged if sent to
College S strrlton and A. eet; Toreuto 2. fir, 224
Angier's is an effective remedy
for children's colds, coughs.,
bronchitis ... and
helps to build Alp
healthy es.
tawanttabodiraid- ��•
;it Helps MaNtko 40 .
the unemployment problem, which is Dr. A. T. Charon, Deputy Minister
the largest domestic issue facing the ofAgriculture in. the Federal House,
Labor government. who has been. honored by the French •
Titled Reacher 'Weds Government for his researches in
Lord, Cheylestnore, . who..eaine to agriculture. _ _ _.. .
-Alberto six years ago, woak ug 4,000 Demand for Free Land
acres of land at Alix, near Calgary,
and estalilislied the happy Valley . There Is an increasing demand for
Ranch, was married in Vancouver on free homestead lands in Western
July 26 last to Miss Margaret Pearl •,Canada. iIn• the first 10 months of
S andberg, daughter of Mr and Mrs:, this Year 14,686 entries :tar quarter-
A. L. Sundberg, of Alix, it has just sections of'.160 Acres of homestead
been disclosed, Lord Cheylesmore is lands were made in the four western
known in Alberta as Captain Francis provinces—Manitoba, Saskatchewan,
Henry Ormond !Eaton, Miss Send-, 'Alberta and British Columbia -can in -
berg went to Vane ouver early in 1927 crease of 3,066 over the corlreepiond-
to take up Nursing mid was graduate ing period last year. This year's enc
ed from the General flosuital. tries represent a total of ' 2,293,760
. New Minister Favors • Ripe:rations sores. The province of .Alberta leads
S!urprisiag even his friends by his in the number of entries with 8,126
ea esslivene's, Dr.: Mine Curtis, for this steer, Saskatchewan comes
G rmany's new foreign minieterr Cleat with 5,1117, . British Columbia-
threw the weight of the ; erntitta icon- i third with '122 grid Manitoba fourth
Zlfltliient Behind #lie new retaratJ ne witit 001. •
stag sine;o were: the late Gus..
plan i`i? his fleet speech to t o xeieh«) ° ,St.. Lawrence ()Pen in April?
t r. Providing he is supplied with the
4delnanll. 1 necessary funds, which would ' be fat
{pt:,'urtiub, off rininle that the new. 8100,000 less than. that required to 5,
Aim Was a great improvement .over operate government ices -breakers, Dr.
the Dawea plan, opposed on. +behalf of T. Howard Ranee, ice -engineering
the eabitlet the passatgo of the so«cal» expert of McGi l University, anrloun-
led law against the enslavement of eed he wwould:guerantetr an open
Vol peoiwc" which. Calve up til l nee from Montreal to Quebec by
foie its first reading last week. April d call Year, without ,the aid of
Dead Sna'a Great Treesure. ice -breakers.
The Dead Sea is ilroving a. trcaStuu 1; To Represent, Canada 'in Rngland
trove of valuable mineral deposits for
• the Anglo-Ppleatine1 Syndicate 'that At the }loyal Winter bail, recently
seemed conces men f er the atilt depos- held in 'Toronto, Clifford Balttwiele
its. Preliminary esxlsoriments ` have of Barrie, Ontario; .Cedes I irlipat- tri
almost been completed and nant ek aveCampbell, rick, of Wirral, New Brunsiwick,. and
'Gordon°GodCaell, of Sten -lake, Nova
elan Ss now beteg Planned'1?ro uc ..Scotia, members of junior live ,stock .
• tion teethe eastern market ie to be-• ;clubs iia the espective provinces,
gin in 1030. were chosen, as • representatives of
Great. Lakes Take Toll Canada at the International Joint
'Prom all Canadian' ports . came Live Stock Judging Competition, to
heartening new of the arrival of be held in England next year.
°'.e'verdue vessels and of the 'raillant France and Irish Free State Paley
and succestu1 Natio of various Negotiations between France and
steamers over the devastating "gales the Irish Free State for a commercial
which have swept the Great Lakes. treaty are preeving difficult. Such a
Nine of twelve reported overdue :treaty has now become necessary be-
vessels have either tied up safelyor eauee the Free State has acquired
are sheltering' in some neighboring Dominion status. Pending its con-
vert. elusion the Fennell :government
Official radio reports received front agreed to continue to the Free State
Grand Marais by the Great Lakes the tariff accorded to Britain. But;
I)ivisian of the Coast Guard head. the Irish government its now propos-
quarters e ingto impose higher uEie
quarters stated that six- Wren were 1 se big e d sl on many ,
lost -end eighteen rescued teem the French products, notably wipes, and
' steamer itiowa, which went aground the British government has served
In Lake .Superior, near Grand Mar- notice that it eannot continue to
a tis, Mich.. grant the Free State the benefit (if
The ,survivor., many of theali suf- the tariff applied to British goods.
feting from twenty-four hours in a A compromise is being sought.
Bale stud bltzavd, ,were rescued British Parliament Busy
Boat sank to the bottom in the shill- nose to the grindstone. From now to
low 'water. the Christmas recess—except during
British Trade Increases that exhilarating hour when . every -
lie spite the seasenal increase in body bombards the government with
° nnemidoyment British industry ent« estiolls- this house tviil be.chiefly
ere the winter months 'with iia vol- Ploughing its way through commit«
bilin of production steadily maintain- 'tee, rot„ sheering government legisla-
ed. The output of Baal in the third 'tion. tette Eg�yyptian treaty and tho
quarter of 1029 exseeded the tiara
ceaseless probloln India. will go
over to the New Year. And ae pro•
ceding become einem matter et.faet,
the danger of the government being
defeated on a eardinal question of
policy seems to be more remote titan
it was at the opening of the session.
The government will bay* its
nights of passing alarm with the ever
sail aut ytlttere an
i tt e
desire on the part oil, either of the two
opposition parties to pr°ecipitete an-
other election. Usually the Liberals,
while critical, support•' the govern.
anent. They voted with the Censer-
vatives against the government on
the amendment to tho I. ibor mina',
istry' bill to extend ttnentplee hent
Year's Business of Wheat Pool
Of the z 46,672.0f00 bushels of 1
tvlleat grown in Canada itt 192ti the ,1
`see Canadien Wheat Pool. handled
:' r3,t02,avS , bushels. It also'• handled ,1
eeeea» ,,6'9l,i►a'� bushels of tOlift a grains'. a
The .arrows monetary turnover of the 1
Pool for the crop year ended August
31, 192)), was 3: tl,097,071.0P. a re*
election from the previous year of :
learned bow promptly Bayer $35,100,000, largely accounted for by 1
:Aspirin breaks a cellae or relieves di the Barr cover of wheat, which nn
beadae'tte. lent emelt, never koo w its lt
A u, U t 3 last amounted to 4ta,eg5)t,a
fu11 el iencv until ,yon accept its ttiel«• Another Labor Victory
otitic relief from the stubborn pain Of
airuralg�a, or of neuritis; even of thee. The All tralien federet labor goy,
swim. lite times your cfvy bones eminent may ho followed by *netheri
ache, then ysu71 he tricot grateful for fait )ho ttotems erotrrip a�btiaat+ K heldin
grsiteiir !ltgaitati> It alwat't ire"ps, agave 'Vittoria. follortittit the defeat of the
hem the wrecked
Klowa y oast
+Guardiurienien ,liter the th a ween The British Parliament has its
neva limni►ar, Identify it by Bayer en ?vaaiienteist *averment tae sir, 'lisle-
ihr boa and on every tablet. Ham Mee Plteraen by four votes. t*
I±lrttth stere, The latrat return* lath• I
.•ate tabor will have SO siesta In the
cltatittlAlu'rh >y� Nat:ninlirtai tap. ,v,rw.
iiat;rd rwltlt � ttitisiE ip. raeiwtelet}valor« tlw
for Christmas
Wonderful designs -sentiments
that sell, with handsome En.
vetope linings.
5r, ' Oct 15C and 25c
Gift Dresssings
Plain and Holly
Beautiful Gifts from India and
the Orient. Handsome
Julian Sale
Leather .Goods
is always popular. We suggest
in the latest vogue, in black,
brown or fawn, also
What would: he Nicer for
Mother or Father than a
Pair of
for Christmas?
See A. L. COLE
16 More Shopping Days
Until Christmas
SKeaffer's Lifetime�
la.. OIIly �s , ..Puns and Pencils
To Clear at Remarkable Low Prices
2 Only 96.piece set, re;
$39.50. Sale price.;;
$99 G3 Only 97 piece setceS nr o
,► g
re , $39.50: Sale pri
3 Only 91.piece set, reg. ejo ems
$34.50. Sale
2 Only 96 -piece sets,„ryry.. r g . t
reg X32.50, to clear at�
i e seta regular . $31.50. Special top_ 50
Z Unly � p ec , S$26«�
cleaara.,.r... ■:..*viva �.i_.sr..ra.�,rad..watr...•
8 Only 94 -piece sets, regular price, $17.95. To clear at the
,�'pF',eI1IL p�+ice 0 a W,Y ':., , w x w r.r . R w w.w , t ► r w r,' .,. . ? '
A $5 Deposit will Reserves any Set. until Christmas
We cordially invite you to. vj*it our store and
see our Christmas Gift suggestions that make
Christmas shopping a real pleasure, and don't
miss seeing "VARIETY”, Dec. Pith and 12th
at St. ceeorge's Parish Hall, under auspices
of Maple Leaf Chapter 1.O.D.E.
Desk Sets therG1f t of
a Lifetime ---
Parker's 'Pens
Desk Sets and Pencils
in the pastel shades Priced,
$1.00 up
SpIendid Books
f9r Christmas Gifts
Suitable fpr all ages.
Latest Fiction, Annuals for the
Paint and Picture Boobs,
at all prices
all beautiful new boxes
1 Domestic and Imported Vet«
lums and Linens, tit white and
the latest colors and designs.
CoIe'sBookanaGiftShoppe DollandGaineDept.
"The Christmas Gift Store
for the Children
PI OptrJm tktat
.,a,;. ea.. nal sweet Sow. r...•..,,,* e! . SIM i ', i .('�'i' i . 6i .'i a I► M'C► 1 F1 0/i Ma i K �: �
111rBttr 11tai,rwtaadir
........t•.•M ese •+ ayes„• w t Ifni* in anise t*It Mev t,.ti< rumors in !h