HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-11-28, Page 8WAGE LIGIfT
• ,!
You OW ie iter to come in
raid hpc e steep. at our "Alicia.
wee diepley err gift'wa+ti. itu,
setae,:i., now complete,
Bootee far Everybody. Beau.
fatal 'Leather her Bound' Bootee
Statianc e;.,ht : wire •eitl+enettve
bale i nseush Vain?, Anna ,nrl
3i»*l sit Baa ' Goodrs. Show
freer e. i'+arket'a ei ,rV1 ederfesn's
teountain Dens, Desk Seto.
See Glee •our, new gift line
hirh sensesdaintily boxed.
L 'S
? Gift Store
iti Marvin Dentin, formerly o of the week. Owing to the dark nese and ppro,spetity in the newlife
.''Aungannan and now oi?+�or'iivrall, etas d disagreeable weather the upon Which you ha so recently oeix-
Mae, Thomas Wigaine Iii retean>i bird fur tete apple*
I eetres..
*Ai feset st eery ent•aerble for n�ight/A' The Rev.
W. isseet
vont, with he., :+cert, lt, J. Wbc W. stiid4Met Sunday prwedi les is Or owl.
Mrs, 'K mattes, et Stas feed { Mr. ,Ieivrauak Taylor took st MM
he,Mee, Kew n. W i�.) ieei,3(.trig.• r irt la *vv . ttt Mr�•t'.hh.v '�~i�
at -n, v e^d i ..l unoiiV far tile trocar' Of • t r sit Toronto attending the �r
i' el a wigging, „show.
tR1rt),.v. v x+ t fixe t<1llaite*: is TAe Ileo Mr. Shore preached
Ilsralkrrft with the aid of erutshes tAi ,Welt Denten in St. Marks eleii
these days ase the i uht of Wiliam Incl least Sunday. •
10„ his fe'Rr' tiYttired bee ;� bale of sty ; church heldd• ia swiss! eVenWerg laatf Moe• -
L tl,^i€; esti tl it e
P ck3 to 'c3 ttff g raJ,
uudaYa fol ayf t ,'lie Rev. -Mr tooeiwiil Wits itintl
a Ince i. e, vier a e
t► -r {
Plsace� _Yi.,o l�e�hsi►►tmasQrdarq'
re Ea�ly I 1n*�ae I"ror pt >� 1
peliea F . n
i. d " "t t th homes of their his Aubairn coltitreagattnn the rnir ARIT151•1 eGHAN k SLOC ee
respc. tis ed. parent. at, Illyth and A part of tho week ' ►
Oman l+ nn orient the #lvdelYeha attended the
e11t Lest Monday Air. William Waite, of
annwlr> funeralof his
1 AL. Gee, Mee -e. wee) it all
enevem and ante-era',with NI/ sister,' cousin, the late litre. Ifikingbottone ma>rM eseaona t'eeoleetiooe upon tot
a1►la ; i9o•.,:IuS;:ef '1.>.ungannan,.. is now' The evaporator will close tate ens days Yellen" you were `tong. with us" it;
Y.a.ting 1103 einter, Mr3. 11/111. Irwin, of thus week, This hail been 'an ex• all our aetivitlein 4 -It is in this great..
Ice A�latiolri. eai►tloual .encore. awinff to atrer;arge ful attitude that on behalf of the ,
Mr. and Mr . Robert A. atelee°iziea ',umber Y►f ,apples. young people we ask you tie aecsp
I their son. Lorna McKenzie, *ere bins. Moses IUoultzauer, of ',enact- this ,.mall token s a proof of the ! ,
rteent guests in London with Yee and. .horo, spent the former part of the esteem in wheat you are rte tee,
Mts. dames 3te'Eaeherre `They were week vieltinir friends in this iueality, everyone with whom you nave etimr
ceeampart' d b Mi Tele Plunkett Mea and Mrs. Wm. Wilson; of the in contact. We trust it will be of'':.
'iHURSDAY> NOV. girt. Inge
Mr. 1ienry Leishman. of West YTs. 7th eoncossiem of '1 est V awenoxb, some small use to qau and as you use
aanosie wan open a butcher shop in the Tatter part or the weer: called ni: it may it bring beck memories of your':
D1111 1111,0la tsto days of cacti week. friends in this neighborhoaa.
-past associations with us and plea ex -
during the winter, in the shop former. There 1iavo been services in the press qur grateful thanks eor alt yu
iv Med as a butcher ellen udlolning' presbytcrian church thick wee4c. The have dune for us. In clearins. ,nay ewe
the public librrary. evangelists who have been coming extend to you our very nest wiehee
Ur . i , of_ on this worlc intend leaving the end for many vontinued yearn of 1uspti:-
t t,
Ike h 'tail to the latter place, nights en i'si
i GA' i.ON v, attendencc was not as largo as e>K t r d. Sign d on behalf y .wal3
en ate Dept . e e • e h if of the Ye
nng• undergone an operatloln for Poeta. people Lnuretta McClure, Harvel,•
ell'; T; AND D 1.1a britt SA141,,, •�1p- apd elsewhere
itis. Itis man friends here - P tett,
eaa. ply t o llhitT Meagre ci un entwn. and elsewhere will be p eased to know ted th score had
ieii wpse called Alton. !t.Mnkerltthe oyoun lathed' oo fast
yrs. M.J.
Duro-ie Inas been cottoned thee he is progressing
bliss Flora ilurnin, daughter of Air.. away asst Saturday nnorreag in the their expressions of respect and
• lfaepd eluting the past week owing to and Ors. De J. Durnin, of Ashfield, person of Mrs. names IlakinitbattAm.
left this week for Ripley; Where she Deceased was born near Whitby ?i
Tlstr. Abner Cozens, of iness 3a , is tissistini in ,conducting a three. Years ago and altout sixty ;'`ears ago
•«cava +m Diingannain un business on
`llEnaU 3da• months' short eourse in domestic she came here with her parents and
3? wi i n of the , had since theft resided here. About
Mr and Mrs, Hobert Bean, of. Car. science render tho super s a
low, visited Mrs. Bead's mother, Mrs. Department of Aerletdturee
t b.
on an ay.
nd Mrs, Harvey Webster, of year by the Drtngannon public library
B Sunday. 'Those who attended the tamest last
of aerie: rl: h, were recent guests at tho. will to evening with pLeasure: the en
p° was ti nt 'n
0. woven. 9oyablo glad to which a .spent , _
rel et et hires, C. tail# irw' glad # u latow -than a ,sitmilez
heir wvfdso1' niece,
u guest oh entertainment is, to be presented tide
fi�isy with' his rifer¢, Airs. Harold 23t1t
!Wired, fit deo year on Friday evening, Dee ,
fp 11 h t in the psrlsll hall, The
t r rla *. with In and Mira: Tl d by by the pupils anel t¢aelere of the silt
` `rl�ri�tna She tuns accompanied by 1)'u tin
re , o . ie pax n. entertain.
i[re. Ard, o 't ing e$m, von guesta• molt to be presented,pas last year,
tions adjoiningtrga
schosti nee
.Wvi. Y. Phillips and song Robert, of All nitwit children participating
elkelepen mpani d' by dames lode,the regrew are to be admitted free
will be charged. t e grown --ups:
',:set etc at the home oof a ergo and a small admission fee
fifty years ago she wan 'married to
her late partner•in-life, who preclee
ceased het about eke :or seven veare
ergo. :She was a member of the Peea-
• byteiian church. •She is survived by
two ibotahh s, d pne *on..:_- They -
ere Abel and Ernest at home, ,and
Mrs, Johnston, '. of the Northwest.
Monday afternoon a laro;ee. number
followed her remains to Bell's teem
( From another, orrreepondent)
A bazaar end- .upper, undo- ties
apspieea of the Ladies Aid acid C. tr.
I. T. of the Presbyterian church, Aub-
teeeen gue• h The , will' be •hold u azternaor
,. •� "nd Durs. re Rosa. one b rho teach-Nev.0th from 4 to 8,in :sic ernOot-
hearty response given. Y fit ,
7laik a r a iCYI
le r;ait i'.yan, g£ G edea era; and -Putts last ;rear was greatly cm Hall,
l ptiate '.Inazti1i i Was a vv areend anpreeiated by the members of the "� �_
eine-tor #it thio llama of her parents, lihrsnr beard and all are anticipating B;A,', `VL
C 'zaate# Idris« J. J. Ryan. a eimilat^e treat this ,year.
Mr. George Eiltott _had ;..Amy: fur -
tri , pace installed in tris store and dwel-
RO ESAILL ' ling last weer*.
ef1'1's'+and Do' l'
OBear Forrester is spending a ems Mrs. John Frazer left last week for
days in iroronto with relatives.. Toronto • where eke intends •spending,
official board of the United church The neung people of t.
;apeo a ince S Andrew's
was tailed at the parsonage on Mane United• church are busy practising a
A special ting of the quarterly the winter months
.tad Reduced. '`rices
Vere4 all wood 16.oat. Fancy
cheeck �w
'Vol L►l�
knitted elastic bottoms,
lime 'breastt pockets. with
, daps, very .' warm a d
scr 1peable, sizes 34 to X 4.
teT •
one •quattty as above; sixes
fr ttr 30 - •
36 to` 4.
Ayrest.For ''iiip.T op*Tatilor's
•• :.Ticino 3131
esteem as well aa. for the beautiful
gift and welcomed them heartily tc
their home. Dainty refreshment;;
brought. the pleasant evening to it
close. • • _ :'
Miss Mabel .Walden spent a week
with, friends, in London recently..
Mrs.- Maitland Henry . intent ore;
week.eitd' With art nto fri Teti' s.
Mr. Te a. Taylor . visiting at the
home of hie son, rev Win. 'Taylor, of
Rockwood. •
• Mies Mabdl Rillaugh, of Dungan-
non; ' spent a few days with her site
tet. Mrs. • Wm: ° Kolbe. ' • '
Mr. and Mrs. Wan Graham, of
Stratford, were visitors at the home
of • Mr. and •Mne, et. ` E . Ellis. on Bun-
Rev. Wilkinson bad Charge of tile,.
s=ervice as -i;?'esrtf"relii~'oir--Sundriy* -sa
the pastor,.'Rev, ^ rV'. Vit. Alp, was
preaching 'At Oita,.. • • •.
Services in Knox PresbyterianVill Ira a}silly. r+ifss¢si. re sympathy 'DAVID BROWN
chore h at 11 a.itr, and ?peen. will be ',of the toinxntx:lay goes- out to her sor-
conducted by : the• tuiniete
ri : Morning .,rawin husband and two daughters,
subleet. 'tThep .Treasure i Plieene 270
n• a Field e'g t r
tsout'te iced. size, immaculately clean, all pure wool ,i1 Mvy grey Blankets, blue
borders, and they are whipped and finished snglz. Much under regular
value. $2.30 each or pier parr...... .... , . �..:: , .. , > ..' '
A very select and large choice in Nav-
aio Indian Rugs and Scotch alt wool
plaid Rugs with deep �_ fringe. Prices
range $3.75,, $5.0O, *6,75, WOO and
Children's, Woaneit's and Misses' round
or ''.neck, in line alt wool garments,
new styles, from the best makers itt
Irish; fine sheer, all pure Linen Hand-
kerchiefs, beautifully embroidered and
worked.. Thesd -goods were ordered
months ago and are now • tn. from one
of the best linen houses in Ireland.
Every former showing of such Band -
kerchiefs is here excelled. Boxed or
singly. Each... . .. 200 to $1.00
arrEx ERY
TI rho le silk int •. 4 tett, , so
J�pDutaii end 'w Oenoi�: ,p�'ata:t w
popular ' ades aril Back. Sizes
111 all pogt
83:i to 10. Pair $1.16
• 14011113 CASHMERE HCS
Finest botany yarn, alt wool English
socks for men, beautiful duality and la
novelty styles, eMbroidered and orna-
mental. Direct Importation, nicely
'boxed. to, .log, i t, i to/ . Regular
$t.00 and $i.23. Pair • •7Sa
PeWnargs "95" for Men ar Women, all
sizes in all styles.'
Every size made, new patterns. Prices
below out-of-town quotations.
We .heard ,wedding belts quietly .fox the winte:Ma;
; months. .
ringing on Saturday, Nov. 28xd, when ,(Intended for• Inst
week) n
Mr. Lawrence; Snyder, ysrungest son, Mr.. eClovo Myers, Lorne Cook and
of . and__ Mrs._ Levi Snyder and friend.. of Stratford, ',vent a few
Miss Margaret Altin, only daughter days at:the lake here.
of the late Chas. Allen and Mrs. AIR*. • Mr; and' Mrs. Hagedorn :and friends
were 'united in marriage. The. mar. of Kitchener, also spent the week -end
.riaigo took place quietly: ant tho l3an- here. _
xarillex. parsonage at• high . noon... They Mr. and Mrs. W m. Sealy, and, fam . _
returned to her mother's. for a wed- fly, also; Mr. and Mrs. ,Harry. Myer
ding dinner,.going letter ' to them home and daughter;, of Stratford, spent
en the . om's farm Rite tland eon, Sunday at their cottage here.
t l ons 'The
n u t
gra was .
. e axe.aoitiry^ to relate. the death of .;saurce of roans dovvnfa=
It very. dear friend and neighbor, Mrs. ' the apple source. Life. Qm-:
The man who says.he knows
Ct A,_ Rdbe$teptt, on Monday tririt: The funeral was held from her late en, is the kind -that women tion
borne on:Wednesday.. Mrs.. Robertson.
bad been in'poor khealth. cell' summer.
Aaoho:always took an-aetiive.part iitr., �je iitiy# mei, Poultry,
:both chureb and social. work; and was- . Goatee > F`eatethetar.,l tea. _
of a suniey eheerful disnosition. She
evening ••sub ect, Our Report or.
pageant to tae given some time near. Life," g Sabbath. School and Bible
day evening. Clas$es at 3 a: -- •
The meeting.of the Youiig°Peoplc.' Christmas. 'The autrnnn"th c-ofier`inire meeting
League of the United church will li' a recent heave-. winds made the oe the W. M. !� : tivjoxth' Stti.. United
In.0100. of Mrs 'Wilfred Jervis on fishermen brines their' nets 'ashore' for oliureit• .. mi iio''t i '' %n' the Sunday, '" Miss Ethel Mackenzie scent the
Mrs. Robert 1ticC'artney and Alta• boat fishing, • . set' 8 -. rip "' The en nicer will ,he
Misses Dorothy and Christina, also o
sistersand one b
her' inothek, two ai er A
Cher rand. other relatives. •
peed* evening. • safety. The season is about over for eliool "one "Gft`ed'iYeseney'ravi ztiug, •13ee, ;nasi week with Mr. nno bits.' Win.
Court Rose ai Sharon, • No. 65; . ' . Gray.
Dti's:.Greenwohd; `of • 1ti�cli�tl• presf- ; Mimeos lnav�e,,.'been making -their
G. 0 F.,. is putting on :a maeeluerede _dent of Perth "nr, yteee, ; : calls: Nota very' welcome visitor at
dance, with prizes for hest ladies and. . North: St.'Unitedfehi7rph..Bunday, this time of year.
gentry' character and condo eastumes, Dec. 1st. 10-:r.na.. "olden' •Club; the 1V[rs• tined Mrs::-itieeert'.': and Mr. ,
bird left Monday morning, for Toronto
where they will visit friends and
spend a day'. or two at the Eoyel \Vin-
ter Pair.
The Women's Missionary Society of
the United church will hold a social
evening in the.basement of the church
op Thursday evening. The •etltertain-
ment will take • the.form , of . a hard -
times soelal, Lunch will also be serv-
and Mrs. Harold Calbeck, •nf
Winona, accompanied by the formers
G ri h, ,
s -f o
¢ net li : C
in the• Bayileld tawxi, hall on W d, address' will be kr+;enr.' 'bye tr. and Mrs, Nett.- Sc rtnrna 4 d+a
day evening, Dec. llth. drncfby Mastiff. I'residentee,a..t Yvmour% visited, with relatives . bare ow•..Stu -
th,e Lake�efde, Orchestra. andng. Association of :triik, IA , on Confer- day. •
front 8 1.e . eo.. Mia on' B till .a ellowshi .. Obit, and Mrs.•.. agedoritr and Mise
roc si , .. , x� � .. lf.
The third public speaking contest, s:. a. •m.; '` h ho. 1. It Dorothy, of Ki better. spent. the
under the young people's societies of a.m. and 't petit4" iblic worship,. se' eels-ietld here fixing "'their
p their,enttage
Intron Presbytery ofs • the United . • Butcher �evhii.-.h . tx-ices tntidio., t "
huchCo�ono,;ovuet bec. letsmatoit v« i• :T`:. Bunt. t ,r ' I �ibli sadcr, ntnnMayenm
Bible school it
mother, Mrs. Daniel Colbeck/ motored and was again wan by Miss Margaret la•at ,1
lace* "Jenne
up and apent the week -end. at the McLeod, of Clinton, end Mr, Murray, tion oil r bar
home o!. Miss Suer.?i,. Tempe Mrs. Grainger. of Bey field. The final eon. ,The a raMint.
h sister. church ext Monday even the rid` g sierv3
Colbeck will spenthe winter with test VIII be held in Wesley Willis vviii a sldininite
`�Mra and Mrs. Pro`etor Palmer and ing, " . R Clinton,
, o in
a;n1, .'Gospel ger-
l •"T1 .AsrertiP;;.
rd Io id.' 4o .
`7. rfre Aper
:14t1%,0/ �eleSe of
Sog hm,.. s beet,
f'T h neli of g, r 7 t
„1.• t .
Thb ltrtbIic ig , ted . trend the'
•, Q
mother in Detroit. During. their *b- Mr. and Mrs. Spence Irwin spwI. united elturcltenee 'liI'ondrty eveninge
settee little. Billy .doe P"aalmer visited. Saturday in• Gdderwh with ,the latcer's 'Per. 2nd, when, Mee r'ree . M. ee'k. a stu-
his grandutother, Mrs, Wililam Proc- , &rpt• missionaftr it?l!.'r`oronto. will be
tor, of Goderieh. sister.
Mr.. Wilson Irwin spent latt.we+rl� with them.,L,sst"suiinmeit Mr. Meek
"""""'""" with his nephew, Mr. Melvin Irwin, was `further'• berth than .any, bthee
,t UB N 2nd con. Kinlose, installing new water nfssionsry -Anti did ?-en+'t Pioneer• -work
D'lr. Amos Andrews is going to tnvnis and litter Iaxrrierx. in his newtea ing is Atglik' e'riit'sicaL ogre;
London this • eweek> •
Mr. Barry Webster is visiting in Mr. and Mrs. 'George Lane and afro. hits been ai9sardc r.
• Johnstone t d d th tl Ie' - eaa''
Master Ronald have returned home •
after a short. visit with the formers;
Young People's:nt a ng ,gf orth .St.
Tarnnto'this weak. Frank a ten e ¢ .
Mrs. shave And Mitis see& are in W. O. and' the U. F. 0. meeting whim: • 6 Gamo
- Toronto this week. was held in Wingham on Thurs(layr Miss Leola 'Snyder. :left .again for
We etre sorry to say that'Mr, Johndtfternoon
W M S f h A hfi td <• . Toronto one Monday last.
• Manning is on the eek list.
Mr. Chas. Beadle and a lady friend
are visiting in Detroit this week.
Last 'week's frost proved rather
The o the 's e
edit met at the parsonage on Thur,••: Mies Ahcee Couch. •of•Putnain, visit -
day afternoon, Nov.2lst, with ."very
ed et the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Large attendanee, Rev. Mr, Tavaner Treble for .a few days.
tend/acted in the election o;. otiicer . Sorry to report that, butte. a rneet
Mrs. James'Cook was returned to the, Pfrimmer 3s conRned toe her' bed;' but
president's chair for another year hour she will soon be well again,
' Miss . Jean Morris returned from
• LAN' • . London bet tabus and sine!o Kaci
• bean nurainrr 'the Into Mrs. Robertson,
Miss Lena Hackett, of Waawanosh,Mr. and Mrs, Anderson, who brine
-spent the ^weeleand' set Iter home here, ierlyr worked for Mr. L. Maskelf, helve;
e1e1`tl:.Eb' 7',t'itnt'7'•2'",S fi' 1R`,rt, . Ifi,31 Mr. and Mrs Walter Alton anent a moved to Mr..Kennetit Arlin s house
Mr. mean e w friends Mr. Jowell, Dir. Elinor Alton land u sale of his Mt,, Will Ldint tilled hie new silo an"
stock and some implements on weft- Monday Isat: The silo is of eetnent .�
nalast. 14x36, with oa fine seven -foot steel
Mr. M'eri. Ilackett, who works in data
flank of tlommeree, Lueknow, spent roof, which will also make an int -
the week at hie ,home hews. provement to Mr. Lotrg'a fine home.
-Misses Myrtle Johnston, Melda and . r _ e 11 11
Winnie Lane and . Elsie Vint, all of
Lucknow high school, spent. the week.
end under the parental roofs.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Alton entertain-
ed a ni nber: of their .Dungannon.
friends. ono evening•• recently. Mrs.
Alton forntarly lived in Dungannon,
ward turfs gown veli by the l Dung folk
there, and ie,greatly missed by theme
Mr. and Mrs. James Culbert and
family, formerly of neer this vieinity,
have lnaaved to Lueltnaw, where they
will reside in the house formerly own -
cd by Mi: Melvin Reid. As they are
well known around here, they will be
greatly nafesed.
e Foie libokteriag `Renate tiO "'-'
• •• 'Refinishing ..
. * lstran, r'aagiis eait Sarnpie eLovs►t;
't. carrion'
, Nhlson :tie}R
this .Christina* •
A good Pieture is *ore appre.
doted and gives more lasting
pleasures , then any other gift.
Give et Pkture to the boy or girl
for their room. For the ntsr.
tied Couple, nothing -.could- be
lovelier for their home than a
Mood Picture. Make father and.
• Mother happyywitie a nice I;'ie-
tore for the tome walls. We
Pack free. #11: Pictures to mail
or express..
Smith's Art and iiftSkop
Tim Hesse el Era*tifelPirttsrees,
1G"crsl &reel l d tl Mrs.
f " d, in Lueknow. at McGaw, thee former working for -
MIME 239. Open Evenings
FOR APPOINTMENT By appointment elily
'tn*art Winter Millinery.
"rids' range consists of Pelts, . Pelt and Velvet, and 'Satin
inmitiinations, trtnime1 with ornaments, ribbon, felt cut-outs
:ad velvet insets. colors bract~, brown, monet blue, grey,
'.treed, navy and sand.
, $8,10 for $4.S0
• $7.5O for • . $3.50
$5.50 for $3.00
Yon die °cor liatly: invited toinspectour stock.
.lsava iwntaliad a Hat Waast Car Washer. Pmt xlatrte
car away clews. It wit pay you to ssuv.r pow' ilrsrk&
G•• 1ttsHaaa 0111 .rs t. fill yhwr ewer at ift4ladi
SPECIAL 11 Plate r►tta ries $7.50
Car, OW" Ara. oad Ykdearia 8t, "flirteo W
' 1I"
The Ashfield nomination Wanda,:
Was uniteually quiet. Apparently the
old council hove given gamy aerounu
of themselree as they, were all re.
turned by acclamation.
Mr. and Mts. R. Johnston and ram.
il)e• Mr. and Mrs. S. J Kilpatrick and
family and Mr: and Kee. M. Shackle Dells'
tan and can Menson, were gueete cot flt y ie ltefwClS, tidies �� Gentlemen
111� eve and Mrs. Will Clare Psiturday and Toys
N reverninsc.
fir. and Mrs. %kllace Taattne y and •
fatnil ort Laeknewe Mr. and ION' Lii>eet Handkerechitls
Ito __ hialae and Mors IN, or con. 't,
Ashfield. Mr. and Mrs. Will Alton and ' Single and Boxed
Irirs, ItoM. Hurt �a.of Mr."
nod Mrs. :ohs hie
Monday evening of Tart week in the
neistitberhood of slaty feengetwiton
yeast folk gatieetrlet st the home of
Mr, and f[ira. Will Alto* where a de-
itatlsttril amri*l tires wan spent. to
the fear*, of Ow evening Whs. Aiteaae
was preeritted with a ieiaadeovest ail-
vereplated easserolo with pyrex lirrtarx
teed as Mims rust forth►,.
Mrs.W..the pMpp1. of Tsingoist-
•nae sewed •iay'ta .alt t,1 ia^rspr ertrasftt
or enormieient is ,.ease wer ampere edost
of year *.R.hea la the oases arltp.
W. Uwe Imply sitcom retie p rsseir es..
at tsar inthetthite stat! toe# beck erlMtt
Sale : of
Continuing This Week
Neckwear, Hosiery and
A new assortment o1
Rubber. Footwear
Our Stock Is compleetee
In All Kinds -of Rubber
Prices Are Down This Year
-Let us supply your Rubber
Footwear LLfeeds.
W. Heel's Shoe n Store
In 14e
Gift Shap New Winter. Goat Yfor
Liners Towels
'rasp ed and Plain
al II
CrotVilll .10.;
.FOR s
rioter s
Fruit. and :
' IX
Ce.._ SO
:-•-Cor.•-Noit11'. St. - - lire-�•
S ecfals in;and Coffee.
•Goode -delivered on short.notieao-
a . w 1en.ro9uired.
Satisfaction Guaranteed..
Ptt, NE 248
C.aderrich 1 •
e3 0 �. 0
•Pod scetuu7d
.arrector 4
erw .:0041,0110
/hire company
A meet ezipatiorkdividend of 14 ceenta'per
share has r bbere added •ta .the rerutitt
preferred 'dividend orf time A shares
of International Proprietarie i Limited/ ,
making a tout return of 62.70 14 .share in .
4929; 'or • over 7°'a, yield et the weenie
pike. A total, retu o•of 33.10 Ohara
is possible :.uf der• the perticiptrion Oaf -
international Proprietaries Limited .Wass
J. C. Eno Limited and•Theroxeme
Limited, Its:ales off antes "Fruit a'
and `Tliertnogene'" show lugs annuee
inere .sea,. lenvestrnenta-ire .securities of
'established companies engaged in the ask
of .proprietary articles have proven very,
satisfactory over a period of years.
WW i ked Office: TORONTO: 26 Kens:St. E. %ANSA
Vaneeuv.r Hivaten tendon, Gitr.. , Kitdtwwr *solo Lsadsea ED s•
H. E. f10th,TER. RprMettatiw.:caoetitieH'r. deWM
We have a large stock of Lamps of all styles, colors, etc.
Now is the time to make your selection, while the
choke is good. . SHOP E•Y•
J. Rei.T >t .i+etELER
• GodeI^ieh
Furniture Dealerr Funeral Director
Phone 335
Your last season's ,coat 1
will look Brand New if
leaned and •ppr�essed it
Vrooman s. Have your
winter Suits and Coats
leaned and Pressed now
mph piy Vaals
ruse lift, West art*
Brophey Bros.
High-class Beds,.
and Springa,
Minos 120. Romitismat.217