The Goderich Star, 1929-11-28, Page 7THURSDAY, NOV. *Stk• 192• QUICK rmiers" 43d" Now, sow ems QUAKER OATS' 1 ala that hewer is asi a "wild which by weaned woe uaca a ,.p.ied, rad therefore wee deed upas to rodes the righteous sad be thetir real Mame Net so. It it a pion prepared for then* purpiutt,ie; sod, ther..-ire, per J ffectly adapted to make teem happy. h It is a great ae.idettce vaecu Laud has built as the eternal home of ilii llreat. fatuity= --a residence Sic the decennia. landwhich Cod lavished all hie wealth land employed all hie *tiro age, 1� , . rugatives and powers. There it brightnete in evet°y eye-haominess its every smile. The throng at Gad and i et tet' hent is in it, His servant,, shall serve Minn and lits Nanitt 1; wafter or their foreheat'n. the .Sermon Bible, Let us Blake our choice -while Christ i is still' saying '"Yet them as room" i and ever seek to serve Ban through 1 serving His needy ones. = 14)RI.LI. MISSIONS .coy and Satisfaction in the Worm The following; interesting note, have been taken from letters. recent- ly received' from the Rev. E. I3. Sharpe. the superintendent of one Iriirulia Leper 'Hume in Bilittete "It will dicer your Christmas to hear that fast Sunday (Advent Sun. day) I had the joy ane privilege of baptizing probably as large a number of men and women as have ever been admitted to the Christian •Church at one time here --seventy-nine Caen anti women and six children. One had been under instruction far six years and another for three, and the rest, with one exception, for over a yoke, and I have given much time to quest tions and teaching them individually recently -•aver twenty more were re- fused. The .serious manner and tag» er answers to the questions put to c them in face of the whole church were .a great teotnfort to me personal. ly. The service lasted over two hours. ,fust 'before the actual ban tllstns-w°.._all knelt and those_ to he baptised repented after mei,. '.lust as I am. without one plea, But that Thy blood was shed for me And that. Thou bids't me come to Thee, 0 Jesus 'Christ I come," s; (in Bengrali. of course). We thee. all sang the entire hymn. and it wae,. immediately followed by the 'bap- tisms. Well. may they "'continue: Christ's faithful soldiers and -servants unto their life's end," Exhausted from Asthma. :Asthma is on oftheo dis s` trou- bles, m st distressrn ro bles, sudden in its attacks and:pro- longed in its - .;monies.. Frequently Narked -« ehli isawaetjr" A1M�MA'��MII%gIMISNiWIA�r�YRi6G8s'r4dli!E�ai�N1 �1p���i�trit�•�tilprtMNi�Mr• THE GODERICH STAR lleadachos ;Were S• Sad trig Kept veer �1c! a +� • i ,w Sunday a a<' i; `By Isom, fld1 ILI'ON, Gaamicb, Ont. w 1umMusmllNMtMAttrw4tmtttttitttllsivallfpalnASMINmtlstetArsesraw„t'"aiimeenm rimMamwttttlliw And in their accents of distrait that we' have, in eonneetion with this Thy pleading voice is heard ; Passage in• Matthew, the most vivid fn them Thou mayest be clothed :end description of the last judgment to be fed found in the -Holy Bible. We learn And visited end cheered, from ft, though, good :works cannot Thy face with reverence and with merit heaven, tt lit a solemn fact that, ►the practice God1 s made r t e love , of ood works the condition o nn which ^` . ` We in: Thy neer would sea :. He will ultimately ' confer the re- , nd in minister to them, . wards of heaven. At the general And them. Lard. to Thee, - judgment men . are to be rewarded, .. k Iloddi dge.-�-nit according to their: faith, or ac- desi es cording to their feelings, or' w!eord- vet more and *gees moreo ii t mora, Mg to their professions, but accord. end more and do and to this .ins to works. end may all our homes be centres of Let it theirnot w said"than this doctrine bl`essi>ng to those who need our help. involves the idea that man, by the show us how to. live always to practice of good works. 'may mak Thy praise. Amen. God his debtor. Not $o. At the pre-- S. S. LESSONpicTopic-Helping DEC. 8th. 1929 ent salvation of a sinner depends up - Need eepfr--Helping Neighbors en,on his exercising faith in Jesus Christ Head.rtot because the exercise of f+eith in Lessen.Pess-ge--iticus 19: 2u;S1-40. Jesus Christ merits such a gift. but Bolden Ttrtit.-.I,svfticu1:ifi d i because God, in His .sovereignty; has ,Perhaps we are Justified in. saving `been pleased to appoint the exercise of faith in Jesus Christ as the condi Head. Off tion upon:. which the. gift' will. be giv, Coldsen so .- an e n e en- e - g , atm s � ward i heaven u odsuponb e a sow r •. P rilan n good works onghs, Bronchitis With This- Fine Old r• :_._.. Herbal Remedy right from the Heart Ward off ail the cold wemther ills. ''• Get yyaumelf a bottle of Gallagher's Indian Herbal Remedy. It will make and keep you healthy -heal, up inflamed tissues andgive your blood, and body new vigour. ' Keep thisood-nld herbal. remedy al- ways in the house. Take it after ex- posure to wind, rain, chili and crowded, germ-laden_�ptluses.You can get tliis and other Gallitidler'Iierbal iiouseliold Il medies nitw from mt James A. Campbell, Godericlt; iV on earth -not because the good works merit ' the reward, but because God .has been•pleased to make the practice of good works the condition on which the, reward shall be ultimately. grant- ed, Christ's very words, "(tome, ye blessed of My Father," imply that the righteous' are to be'wlerc, Christ their Saviour is. The two are to live for ever in;the glorious heaven. Do not overlook: the word•'"inherit.' Heaven is an inheritance. It belongs not to strangers and aliens, but children. God does not give.it arbi- trarily to whom,: in His divine despo- tism, lie likes, chooses, but only to sons and daughters-c:lt':6ren. It is God's great patrimony, gi eczlto none except to members of Gods� great family: "Conte. ye blessed of My Father, •inherit the kingdom prepared for you." lin these words Christ tells many things' are tried, but nothing seems to give.;hope of relief. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy is the one help which can be depended up, on. If you have tried other remedies . without success, do not fail to get at once a package of this. uniformly sue. t cessful preparation. NEWS AND INFORMATION (Continued.frront page 6) Farmers in 1ilnrhanl' County report increased egg production and splen- did markets for eggs, which are sel- to ling locally at 55e for extras, and 48e for _firsts. Essex Country's te• bacco has practically all been bought, and, although ernes are no higher than last year, the average is eonsid» ersbly higher. .Wheat is looking well in Huron, although drought has decreased the full output consider. ably. There hasbeen considerable demand in the County of il'aldimancl ' far cattle. Ameriean buyers have been quite active, nayintr as high as. S,. .0 5 O for some tyPe of Holsteins, s ns, Mid.» diesex County has been less fortun- ate, owing to drought, and large num- bers of live stock are still on pasture. Sheep are reported to be in good con- dition,. Temiskaming sheepmen being of the opinion that flocks were never in bettertter condition ntha they are this Yield of •Seed Crops A larger than usual aereagoof red EGZEM 1011INIililll ir PILES .4,444411111i$ aR Ha coy ' D SORES "rt4III11111111I1MQ RINGWORM ,,muiflumifilrl1►IIi 011II 1111111111111 1010101111111111110011011111liwomunip...ULCERS auiokly'soothing and healing Zam•Suk is splendid for skin troubles of all kinds. It heads ,With the aid of Natures herbs, in Nature% own way. Be Warm This Winter Al.itaiiitN everything is barren, cold silica frosty 1)e4i:2ro ,what a comfort there'll fes.. stun; w arm home. , Tilif•1 years insist upon two to . three inches of DRY IIih� XµE� t 4,�,, being,placed bet -�- k . floor lI Olsts. Anyone can do it, without mussing tip -. quickly and y�it 'tie house..It._will ._pay .:for itself many times over 1n fuel s0.:. al; and greater Comfort. • DRY MIMI= in nl product and olio Ali oof Gypsum that prevents a oessive beat Waste, thereby saving' many' tripe to thsi coal.bin. well tell Telephone tis to -day', yot1 what DRQ INS1,I I' X meant in other homes. OERIOI P111111116 MILLS Ltd. BUCHANAN S 11). O. 1) Await 16() Imola: 47 NV. or 385 sager :16 SHOULD HE suffer from rheumatism like this? 1` he would accept the ad- vice of thou/emit of thea, and wotnee, he would find. relief by taking Dr. Wil liars' Pink Pills. Rhenium thin le not a surface ailment that tun be banished by rub- bing with liniments or oils. Watery, poison -laden blood trust bo built up and puri- fied before there can be any progrst» toward permanent recovery. Time and again, sufferers have proved the value of Dr, Williams' link Pills in the treatment of rheumatism. "For some ° yams," write% 'hennas Martthe of Never, Ontario, 'iJ was re badly troubled with rheumatism 1 could hardly walk and suf. fend great pain. I had media tat treatment but did not gee much relief. After talo ism be, Williams': Pink Picas ter some date the trs uhae diwppeared and hot not aince shown the fiat gala of returning." Start today to relieve visor rheumatism, !!ny a box of Dr. Walla& Pink Pint et your nearest druggist's aro peeping, by mail et 30 nests a box front The 11r. Willimew Medici** Cot, Besdtvfle, Ontario, s.ta .rams :PIU „,a iftlIPOPHI'.Rtb Maid, 1St 04 ;ol3tStrttt:e+s'' llasJeekee area to be habitual with were pimple; setae ant widow, if ever, .trey true* them, euVerieg et,atieuaUy from the Galt tkrubbiase, the iutewt: tsiuo; sometime. is este part, saasetituea et soother, sad agsia utter the whole lead. Mete its only oat way to get relief from time penletestt headaches wacl that is by guispg direct to the seat of the trouble, for arias the" caw la removed the keadactsess will still eta• tine to mist, rued eke fact that keeps the stoomab, liver tad bowls tooted upis proof esouggli to show that it wi1L elimiattstet the sauna of the heed- a[rs, A. M. Arsenault, New Aberdeen N.PI.e writteet-. "For a period x had Imo troubl.d with keadeeber and they were so bad t t ae awake at night. 1i wast Weed 'by* a friend, air Whig ns ay dif sreat kbids of a to try Sunbelt Blood Bitters. After taltbeg three bottles T wave eo*- pletoly relieved, .eels *milt r.eoau e*d it to bet perfect *adient.." • Put up *tett by The T. Milburn Co.,: Una Toronto, Oat. happily for the waddles sled jest 1 the *natter 'before. Hcace Mse(r owes eepeare. trying 'tu r.°*aakea Dovetail l lore» but fere her awry former thiels Iis drol+n d by her overwhelnliitgt feed- ing for Joel, Wally dicier, a vtiurtn- ttesat old dereit:t. 4I.4' comic* styrols •.a 11* 1nlaii her. lake she yieles 1 ewe before her marsupia awl once i after, but the finally decides", for her Wil peace of mind, that site mutt tell Jertl, This has Been made incases. iinggiy difficult as they have been feel, lowing a "Stet t;axe" in the papers 1 'and Doug realizes front Jert;", atti. ted© toward that woman that he may be relentless in his judgment and their beautiful idyllic' life over. But i nee Ile nknown from un.onseieus A ns rcvelatians her position and his love' I has, been great enough to surmount i the harriers. One does not know until near the cost just what hold Oliver had over her, and Dought lieppigiess is rejoiced iii rather Breathlessly. fearinsr its sudden end. But as for happiness. no one deceives more. sir gets Mian ., _ than valiant little "honey tela:ed" book o£ which the r .ncl0i Observer Doug, says: "The book is a masterpiece The setting among the delightful worthy to rank with the grandest anti Penfield family is ,enjoyable and thio *Oddest inmtsterpieces of our dart" will-qlv sbably Provo one of 'Kathleen "•Vltlnla Thule," by (Muss) fIenry Narita most popular books. llantiet Rfchaxdson, is published by 'cited Silence," be Kathleen Noon's. Doubleday, Doran and Cutlet 'Toren- fs published by •Doubleday, Doran and to. It will surprise tetany readers toGundy, Toi oto, learn that the autlxor is a Cm -adieu The Meriveles stem/woman. In this beak another extraordinary "When Reverend Daniel Landrose family is depicted, but just as differ- was railed at night to the bedside o1 ent from the gay unfettered. Pen- a sick woman at the neighboring field's ova as i,ussible. ti heir great fart- summer hotel, he little knew that it fly l9wund them, but the Merl. ,was but the beginning of a series of vales were ilrobably, too numerous happenings which were to cause hint for the tame deep the of affection. both spiritual and mental unrest and 1 Old Ursula Merivale Shaine wits - to bring into that quiet community mother of • v (without c f mystery n of tweet. se en vv' ►t l y d 1 an intrigue. Prins $TVE d WW1& the mother of eleven Spafnes, grand. . the distur?bing elementssof 1 t ,unting in-laws), to say nothing of Not only is the kindly "Parson two gr ea t -g reat•grrantdaughters. Dan" persuaded to break a fixed rule 1•,- -, =, _� These last •bwiu girla..ere the start . of -=his- church-to--bring-comfort. to r d to assume clover has been cut for seed in On- iuoth r,acElia, . the e of their my stow,. descendant Their int ten guardianaliutof herhe is e iranddau l Serio the :yield per acre earring grout h h d d fi d3 towealthy ow - 120 t n10 'be from It isbe four milt ager, 'marries a youth of 19 and is The etorv, of the. readjustment of y promptly disowned by her father. many •of this elergyman s fixed va• lion pounds of seed, which will con. That fact (Ursula had no love for lues is as interesting as it is human, stitute the largest red clover 'seed this notions parent), together with He feels himself a stumbling shep- crop in Old Ontario for many years, tldntiration for the young man who herd, but by this "stumbling„ hp i$ The quality of the seed is reported had hurled defiance at her (at least brought into;.closer contact with his mood• Th crop in Northern 0ntaiio parishioners inentaa1 thaneityy. his h©aiscen nate laidin New Bransrviek and has • pito ty Sioaction and love interest. "The Stumbling Shepherd," by 11. A. Cody, is published by, McClelland and Stewart. Toronto...... _ :...... is practically a failure this year. Rhe was sincere) makes her open her Alsike acreage in Old Ontario was house to them. • The hold.: be id _ i e 1928 and yields per here have varied a e servants , also con* ns o y ,fpr' 'being general m the southern and or, and ae ry a Atm, paint. lake counties and high yields in the She is also the object of the affee estimated 20 pert ens. larger than its l bl The household. s is i nom 11 English, c u e f a fora the village dot g train. tlq tQ 500 pounds, .low yields _t •� t hI S Clay country Between Toronto; end tions of David France. David is Dher- Geo Georgian Bay.; n Northern Ontario, sula's grandson, althouctii no one now Tenn skaming; District, the total pro-. ^mows but God and. Ursula. He is duction of alsike•is not expected to specially favored by his mistress. exceed' 10,000 bushels, about half as He is like his father before him, her nuke as test yea'her Alfalfa seed production in Criteria vast estate.' was again light in 1929, The acre- "One could not be with Ursula age left for seed is not believed to Spaine for long without absorbing - have exceeded 10,000, which may yieldr nsailnilating--seine of the brusque front 60 to 120 pounds per acre, about herd. sardonic nature of the .woman, the same as in 1928. An abundanxe albeit she was graciousness personi- of sweet clover for seeding purposes lied." Is expected to be available next • With • the • match -making habit spring.. •Timothy seed production in strong upon her, -had she not +n7ar- Ontario is : reported ae. .normal, aced off innumerable daughters . large proportion , coming from the he .plans for David France to marry Navan ,district of -Russell County, Miriam Traffordson, a wealthy heir - Production of blue grass in South ess who has come to Merivale Spring western. Ontario is ;estimated at 50 every year, chiefly because it would per cent: of Normal. The seed is ay. annoy the Traffordsons, who were ported to be particularly heavy per aiming, very high for their daughter. bushel this year. . And Molly English was to be married ~-- to her son Edgar, who was becoming Persian halm creates lovely eom- restive:ait 42 and longing fora hone plexions. , !ietivety; . ptooth,... ,• Cools ,of ills own. and relic is the skiig. Makes it de•• = -A}urirgy.- DaAlthough Moll y loved David a nd id loved 1ially-4atJoast-thty 1adIi htf II softtoxtored- '.•agrant. , Delightful to use. - Swift- been quite sure of it),,;by clever man- ly. absorbed by the tissues, lmliarting; inulating Mrs. Spaine has things ar- range themselves as she desires ---a the dainty woman. Persian Balm few heartaches more or less means protects the delicate skin. Preserves nothing to her, although with her and enhances the loveliest complexion. uncanny judgment it really all. does Every discriminating woman should, turn out for the best. • use this silvery lotion. It is unrival'• "Tile Merivales," by George Barr led as a flawless aid to beauty. McCutcheon, is' nublished by the Dodd, Mead Co.,rToronto, Ont.. Ultima Thule Book Levers' Corner this volume henry Handel Richardson's trilogy of • Australian (By Jane Holtby) life, which. began with the period of g,i . "A Codd gook is the Best Compenion" , to the prosperitgold•fy,ever inand'The. brouWhttsay. lis reaches completion. Against • a kW- ' Rod Silrncr eidoseopie background of. colonial de- velopnient is .set a tragic fate such as Irr Bohemia, New •York, the story • overtook not n few of the finer .spirits opens. Doug Garrison; a young. act- of Victorian England who were unfit ress- who has had 'a certain amount of for the struggle in a new country." success, although', Seeon her luck,. Although the final stage .of this isdeeply in love with Brute Mie. colonial epic, it is n book.that can be ' Gowan. He is n playi.rtght with 'an read' and'apnreeiated on its own neer» independent income. but it wife who its.. Tne references ere such that the is confined to an. institution. This essential feet* • given in the other Doug accept. as • ineetiaolt,but she books ran be filled in by the reader. • cannot control her jealousy of Fer- Richard Mahone, medical roan. who. dita Patrick, one of their group who had given up a distinguished practice has returned from Europe and tem- as coon as financial success made it I porarily charmed Bruce. possible, is. forced by monomer et • \Vhen Doug's room -matte a nurse, verses to resume it. /Haimpracti • marries hat;ppile and snc;dente .end calness in his methods of so doing is .goes .to Europe, Doug, feeling; very, .almost unbelievable. lie vat,>uelr reit- desperate, takes on her job of escort- lires something of thin and his self- . ting a little boy to California, but on- analysis. while merciless and Itene- ly after a vain attempt to put things trating bears no fruit, "Why had he on their farmer footing with Bruce. ever left Melbourne'.' What spirit Porter, the little boy, haw lost his had entered him and driven hint mother in an accident in New York, firth? ' What wan that in him, over and is to be taken to live with his which he end no power. which proved aunt, Mrs. Penfield, In Palo Alto. incapable of adhesion to env soil or When they arrive I.Taus ft quickly f red abode? Wl„grin lav the gentandgenerously talcen 'to the heart of thedefect, that had made of him ' i this tearsomely frank' and unusual throughout .Itis life a Iitinted Witco'" family. Although frankness abounds in tea• erdiena nie'hts. when he ler, Pl!loda hies complain to' her mother* "nd snarehed his heart :5: never he. "just in..anae she lied an info"ted fore, he thought he read the answer ' mastoid when she was two, tines Julia to the riddle- himself he wn' tt,,, have to say everything that meleein - hunter and the. hunted." It it tr,.t to her head?" story of the torment of a human soul. Joni, the elde'at :ins half brother Mahony's ultimo, thule is repelled- to t':'- ; d -.to the rest, falls instantly in love ' but such .a one! It is not pleasing with Doug -end tut Doug, who bad • reading but it i:; absorbing a strew,.never realized that anyone could .H-.. c- -- _ - - - -• - mean as much in her life aw Jctcl , emmaanieweeereerosoteelemegtemeteng iloeserind who' had felt her" life ilniah- _- t d when repulsed by niacGowan, thio ' Alio in 'Wonderland." by Lewis Carroll, illustreted b;' Willy 1'oi;aay, is published by E. 1'. 1)lettsn anti Co.. Aft k aurth Avenge, Nosy York. au"STAR ADS GET RESULTS TO HELP 'SOURISH E34E3' Scott's [ uision 7ienFoocl R, Sours S " .. 4 Jm unite c , Fenrad .lashber, by Booth Tal'sc- ington. published by Doubleday, Doe - , )o: • Lots of folks )alio think they bare 811 and Gundy. Toronto. "iadsg�e'stion" htectt only air acid aonditlan Penrod and .his pain •take up tet which enuhl be corieeted, in llve or ten' detective business and lnva:ve then:, iiIr ave an cOitrttvo anti -acid like selves in a series of the ;nose Mier- 1►hillipps ylilk of'Magnesiar, soon reastores bus adventures that ever• reoolt the digestion.to normal. • Schofield neighborhood. l3. ,lashlaer; alias ePenrod, Thitiips4cices :array: whit all that sour• aided 'by Sam,'Herman and 'Vermin, ness anti „as tlg,ht afternicals. It pre• andslightly a er ere vents the distress so apt to Decor tests slightly impeded _ by site erne i Hours after eating. 'Bleat r� pleasant attitude of his girl, Marjorie, made preparation to tang And hoar good it is the eights hideous for the young mer. fdx clic s sterol finlike a lnirnin dost' attempting to salt on hie older vice• of soden•-which is but temp ranry relief ter. It is true that. fn this outburst at hest---Philli 11431. Milk at Tri tela. nein of .shadowing, one dangerous •looking traliacs many'rimae its volume in meld.. character, suspected of heaving- false • whiskers,. turned out is be Marjorie s •: Next time a hearty meal or too rich . respeetmble uncle, Manttromel:v, and a diet buts brottglht on tlee least ttiscvtiu• another man. thought to be a desner- fort, try ate°horse thief, was finally trailed t:, his hidden lair in the Y. M. C. A. But many mysterious things did happen. things that the frantic neighbors and the mystified pollee finally. traced to the machinations; rnations of the favorite faolto t boy of two genetations, Another Alice "Every artist has a favorite book, -- which he has always longed to decor- ate in exactly his own way. Willy Pottany has made an "Alice in Won- derland" that is the expression of all this gorgoousM alonsc'nsuedsbaalc has .. meant to him," Every child laves Alice hue that love will be greatly enhanced by the nnssossinn .,f this new editl.tn .with the: fascinating;• drawin 'p. IIILUPS of Magnesia CANADIAN NATIONAL DY TRAIN SERVICE to TORONTO DAILY. I,:�.i. r ri SUNDAY . lag. Goderieh 6.20 a.m. 2.20 P.m.' " Clinton 0.44 a.m. 2.50 pan. , " Seafarth° 6,59 a,i a 1.08 p.m. " Mitchell 7.21 am. 8.35 p.m. Arr. Stratford 7.45 a.m. 4.03 p.m, i Kitcbener 8.40 a.m. 5,20 .p.m, " Guelph • 9.04 a.m. Ii.50 p.m.' " Toronto 10.25 am. 7.30 p.m. Returning -Leave Toronto 7.55 am., 12.65 pan. and 6.05 p,m. • Parlor Cafe. Car Goderieh to Tor- I onto on morning train, and Toronto' to Goderieh on 6.05 pan. train. Ne attune of cars between Goderfch and Toronto. J. A. .LAWRENCE, 'Town Passenger and 4 stone R 'l'ielcet Aft PM new d'awnine • is almost unbelievable!' T SVNi I`iTS*- ifl he joy and wonder. And to Doug, • alta ani gorse Enter, who hate never had st family life 11 gorse AttG ,y ground, this delightful home life of the Penfield's f'3 a constant pleasut;e. Jerd has been badly wouncied in ijthe leg during the war and much suf. • Tering; is oboe! of hint as well as lie= bind and all his family rej.iice in hit e happineaq Iteeparatinns go forward: eggetee - W e rat irorm linsossAts DOD)D)S KIDNEY PILLS tak flack Stables, M. Montreal St sant fust off the Square eet,gr SEVERAL FIRST-CLASS AUTOS READY FOR SERVICE -GET YOU ANYWHERE AND WNEN YOU WANT TO GEi' TNERE 'Nurses Meet all Trillne and Passenger Boots Passengers coiled for In any, part of ,the tewft for all • trains of 0.T. R. or C.F. R. Depots. r Prompt Servile and Careful Attendance, Aebal°itm 1 Our ILlyery end bock Service will be found up'to'data in every eeepect 1 •ieD ter A kt, your Patronage Solicited Ta S>s1!AR!1S lIMMO 107 t4loetreal Street .!~d" I USE Hydro -Electric. - i rHE PEOPLE'S STORE Cook by Electricity Wash by Electricity Iron by Electricity CONVENIENT, CLEAN, QUICK Cheilper than Coal or Wood All electric . Vacuum Cleaner nnlil0VeS the deet; 'a broom, ;I just moves the dust. We guaraltoe all ft yd t'K. Lamps till' 1,500 hour. iM1 Walk ill 3ih act display at The Hydro Store w•• M Rheumatism Don't gaffer needless pain.. Warm come Minard'e 1,inirneat and rub well into the af- fected parte. 7i'ou'll. ergs rf- cnce :almost inatont rellaf. For Minard'rs and pain. (imply can'tgeto:itogether, ' .4 The Great White Liniment - 1, - t, y•4t1. I Pi inmEtrwormaa The West Street Electrical Shoo We tatty :t .g god eteek of Electrical AppIianceb Fixtures, etc. We Specialize in Wiring of All Xindtm I;oticnatee given en, npgirie titian All Work Guaranteed Frank McArthur Phone 82 West Street r INSURANCE ' The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Catictaa• tetaix aet1IsCo litho cn'; tee. ; ire ° D. D. MOO EY, ,Agent Nr,B.0r1 Fou', D