HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-11-28, Page 4•
, w
opoiMIcii STAR
— —
---..------aa. Omsk Oftilli UMW* il tM. Wipe aa
Ow is tarissr, arid buil& a won
hassaa, oast OW trifitril Wait Ts*
sear bands a ikaskie of totes 'the
Ira ake arkd if taxe4 twice so mach arid
Isms double this : frontage tasai; TeL
it •*1 the !WM Woo ill Pori414,41 in, i -OX,
Ati011 who 1111011 done, mt 40 inaprorc.
!the town which inkpoies the tkkat, The
&caul outfilestit that the errovioce
inight determine on 'a nxed rate of
income tirades so thet alt 'over the
Province this tax rate would he ex-
actly the aame. We ken% sect the
'merit 'of thio suggestion,,fat the
pie reason thet ono latunieipality ,
might hive much ,greater require. ' •
mato than another and to make as . •
i dead level of income taxation all owe
• i the Province would Mout that other
P 1 other form of taxation vamld have to.
take eskro of the variation* ond Inoue
dial Valaii in Ladies'
. .
New Coats and Milliner
r •
n order to, make more room for the display of Christmas =Om»
(16 we are offerirsg special values in Coats and Millinery as listed
below.; •
Fur -Trimmed Fur -Trimmed Fu'r-Trirnrned
• Coats for
Coats for
Coats for $27.50 .
$21.50 Avis; $34.5Orto 07,50)
in tris lot there are, excel). : $415.00, lo $�.50)
(Rogslarly $28 to $27,50) *manyde good VFrenchalbroa
ues. Tnedy
7. hese (Oats are' lthe ,very
• are maof ,
You will" aP,PreelAte -I me • cloth itt,the Se2S011'S' popular t, ntnbast • la aa,l,arttless' 'and
values offered hi this line of shades, Heed And interlined • - fht • .
COatS. TheY are Made of throughotit, shawl and. crush value;. 4nu„,
imported broadcloth with collars and Smartly and r;.linings 'are beautaul. This
fine quality fur trinuning..• differently,. styled; 4sn 0 • ' • '
Newest shades and smart various sizes up to 46. ii*•otte of out best lines. .
gyles, featuring both the
flare and the straight-line '
models. Large luxurious MILLINERY at Greatly Reduced Prices
collars and cuffs of such fur
FELT HATA, ani $3.50, for.
as FrenettAbaver,----a "- itli-metallie4rimming,44.$3..50-*and:$4.00i
edaHnInk• -Difie'rent-5140 - -for- . •
4 401. 44.*11,11 •04—•-• .44
MEN'S SUITS mid -OVERCOATS 101011 ara rn4„k-,1Atea?...,
• - ptres up:to.tne-oNtouto
THettliVAY. NOV. 28th, Ina
• - '
rt sitv*
oier 0461 R. P4.-rriati
. II ilifilat. 41111ET SAN' Midi
T RINat .
, a
' Bring the little boss he,re--tit's his drug store
plikce the levy on reel estate *night
I need to he *t maelt higher rate thaours
n A 1,3 as eu as?lib • 0
I •
• 4
• m another to eoiapeniate for the dead , • mein er e Jaunty better satisfied wItlx
•110X411, 41111 :111NLOPS
Ruo MR& I!
004 "BiArE:
ioR'N47 Arikli"I''
Name of aroxotion-Whieh we have -also. — • 4 , . I.,* P.
'4' .4 THE REXA11.0.141UP TOR
levet ot' %cattle taxatiOn.' 00/157 !WC. satiaied with •.• our priee$,
"k, I ever heard of which even eloima to -a.* •
4 .1. ire 71\ At, .
,i1v4,0:g.:r 7 szinnx...,,,,,,..ezeslaide : r:..,..... ,.1: ,./.:, ,. [ . . , . ,
il •whialt- the catinakinit,y 'bestows" and • ... .._______ .. Lk.wliaurray ThataegS.etvualfal.orbiNtalfrillohledP-hee. M;-.9tE*040"tgoN - \swirl"
. brok;WM. IturkhOlder,'of Tap.
, ortt,e,.and 'Rev. 4 E. Pettit,:a.oft.01*••• traBeThteet)31444-teshitA,oft,LeUrne.idir,1-„,e.appae:
al •- •
IrseomlareasunZt :,analTtik44'14sittntgbotth,:a:. goyim.
!want for the individurdt allahis (ken 201W BOOKS AT THE .1'1._ ", 1
,a' buya preperty in •a! grata** Centre salmon t )107101010/000,10021100- -
s. For iristange .. it a"Ralm 44._--7-1-• 1 UBLIC
... ploy make a fOrttate -Pat 0 W,' to;,.the teedel,' et Go4rtgonore W. Morrow
' StmehorkTiViit4ra-a-•teuise. j. Min'
p sod holds ,it for a 'term 'of'yearik he
'A estor Iorleo-.Wm. J. Locke .
ymble of Which lie toritOriteCriOtil. LORI,' of Lonesome Lake-allareld
; ing., Thi* is the ,sort of irolue which ".,,, Bintileicte, .. • .• -.. 6.• t ..
11,- .$3:::::oxthez ::::4140:::::::ii:utso n': Qpueskore070677-vhLis.ac:"Tors6114
the 'eommunity and ici.stuateil (talheI:nto;bitt)). "/a: Ingerue°4:010:.:a7-4:a.47.Baldwin „.
Personal earnings . , The Galmry-Pusort Etta ga' •t a ' •)'' .a.,.
et,,, ":. , :;-,, ‘i'',,aiiikil,0L•)i."i4V• '') :•• .,, -.: ,,, ,,
lent to himself, blit'Vre 11.9...tait*ItOttee7R%isek-Etorm-Thomas-Ce•Ifenkle
g will have to worry.oloag .with ave. Roden-- . M. Boer
imy great toot to adopt „the elagle- ailoir's Attle-& kloseph C.Freeman
tax system, and in the meantitne we .... k • elre i.'...a.. „4...- ),.,;,i,at.:.,*•-k"..,'
••• •
detail. ,
[ tern whieh ii. certain. oases can be The irtettnin
itTvilInPat-A. ' M.
' '
shown to he unfoir: and '' 4"- !?.'"J'i. ThellopoetleiPrinek4ICSabtitiiir
out extreme teams Tcki,„ . ; ' . Pl i . Another Par -Jeffrey Fermi
MaY"eVen•iook• rifictilous. " '"'. '", ' b The Listening Post --Grace Richmond• 1
k ora,..—_______.-:''' ' The Purple Robe -Joseph flocking ' •
I ,. KEEP THEM HAPPY SY . 'Ultima Irhirle--.41. If. Richardson .
I _. ' KEEPING.' 'MEN Intl Uoinsine Solstad--Peter Egge •
west. '
hl SIDEOP_ , . . • pers w-- amok Ye- .01. Deepg
.1 be A Wild Bird -Maid Diver ' •
SQUARE -at is natural for cn tit
• ,„; ... --- -- • • ••• ,•
• ‘•
Phone :41•8
ham, tketive and full oilunhildre. ren David March -J. Fletcher m
they are fretful, fussy and disinclined Teid. of Sannybank-Albert P. Ter.
tP Olay you may be snref something is hunt _ •
WI1Iij the ichgeative tract rletcher
_ :$1•.!(;?!).WP,PE ARE INVITD "146- $HOP'' •
4.10ITORIAL COMMENTS ti o iremisr confident of a greater the unfairness and injustice of mun
sundae in 1022 than ever before in opal Immo taxation and says it I
wrong. AlmostobfrariattlY :that some- 4 ?It'd(' and If°' lifilneY"744 b.
• '
isaro'linveoorrfethev'tereoell.clOhirm.haon childhood
PAyine Goests,:.:.E. nelson
"ston•--Edgar Wallace
Hien $ that ftaln$1 Own have Plain Sallog----liarald Begbie
Fi htirw Caravans...4one Grey
3• be •
DEVELOP CANADA the past 25 years. . - only becahse those who suffer from
• By CANADIANS Toning the pest ,year, $750,000 this injustice constitute a comparit
deelar- More than ever before had been spent tively small number of citiieris Oa
4ben we get into power.in New Ontario; he told there is not more said about it. W
ed Mr. Bennett, to the Conservative on bighwaYs
owe the Victory eonvention. ' Previontil re- have luta in Goderich addresses from
convention in Toronto last week.
shell fotelhat Parliament uses evera cordshad
pt!blie institutions by,.
een excee e a so in the men who chinned that •the Federal in
instrument in its hods to have Can- expenditures.o,0,n 1..,•,,,.. route tetic should be abolished and not
adios develep Catiadd. The develoP- el. "e
1 , I** e sam, and the met-.)" , the Kitchener De‘cord i I i i th
tont of Canada by Vanadians means a moues had grown by: $aoo,000 in $ e a M ng a
thu mut year the munieipal income taX is molest
atork for Canadians. ,. • 1 .
en• designed. ey. gently :oxalate g g
the stomach. aml, -,lekvfelit Intel thus ThT11:'coRuniTtnegt; REanigienih yG_Juilnousl'enit
- drive out conettnation and indigos-
• Rocking
f tion; break up colds arid.sini, We fevers
1, The Gmirloyferroym God'st '5fereie.--Nir•
0 and ellaY teethingailhier sconceriong
then Mrs,' ir.•.114. r,orrtithi!DoLer, .
- out llaby'a Own'Tableta, as I'ltneve of
N.13„ writes: --"I' would, net De with- Have You a,
V nothing . to 00411 tkie.ril , for . fretful, ,
t fussy babies Avhcit'are troubled with . ` Acid Stoinach?
..colds or sour Montt"- 1
A few rears ago, Rt. Hon. Kimsey Tartling ti.tprt Itydrct, We note that The Record)s not op
d h Posed to theamiriciple of ineirme taxa
likkertonald, after visiting Canada, gas011 $04 t at the commission m
erkitl in England that 'Canada's great totaled next year to bond 2,00 more .tion, in fact aPprovesof it in the fol
13abY's Own TA, Jets ere. lx:v When Ras, Pain and 'distress follow
medicine dealers by mail at 25 a, good meal, it is an almost surcf3ign
cents a box from The Dr.. illiams of "too much acid" in your - stomach. '
' :Medicine Co Brotkitille Ont; . Get rid of it raw for it IS dangerous.
e ! ,0BITuAlty , ... how, anyeh !acid is ia our stomach, '
„BDOWN.---ilfrs. Sarah AT. Biwa, you can enjoy and relish lent next
f 'rue°sday,, N0:14 thth, 1370. r"itienes roe have some Disurated Magnesia •
' 00010 Wag that it, wan losing Iii)Int4 miles of rural lines. 'This rear the lowing sentence "It is eulte prePer
bad be 1000 Milo and tb
• alationz,. ithe 'United Stotes,stild At. Patgrant a ea .
Bkorkett, was the magnet that watt 4a.^tr4 --hlld beelitliceXceeded .Tiel.---teeseVrjt 0 an°,--t-te-incore extac.estbselosi
I ire -
drawing away Canada's pere. "Year ufter year, we propose to in- .the avcrogo living wage) par a ape
'Ulcers are apt to fellow. No matter
othatil we can create in anada.the crease that program because it is -our
conditions that, will enable Canadians belief that we must make the cora- *ch•it% slino:suilltriontuthsilil: 7Auer earnings,
t prose t met o of collect int
- •wid w s Inuel pro meal without fear or after erects, if
• • yl handy to prevent the tr uble bef
to nod empleyment bete, we shall forts and advantages of our reopleah. . omit h lea"it .highly. in -
of hei "n* \Yawn Te-wat.$26 Itsw- •starta i45r it, Eat whatever
ktMer it
St, Ilanditado liked 70 years. like, in reason anti then talte,a II
rievertaegiteeet thia deraittiott'a great ' mianritter where they may be elm e • . „ ... ,
, _
eountryi" he deelared. ( or What ,calling they May ettgage in, •laloold loc" so unfair that. the ineon1C alm. Brown had beenin kill** health Risurated Magnesia to.neuttalize.the
as nearly equal as we can . possibly taxpayers in . some.' ciises . centribute for some tune. She had resided. acid, sweeten your stociach 'andPre-
HYDRO ANI) GOOD .• ' make thein"'? _ .feet the stomach lining. Doctors re-
• " • t• '';' " '''',' ' ' mere' than as_ much per $100 as Hemilton for thq past tWo our
ircitig there froinVotierich 'wherYe-ii:54
Roads, too, would be extended next these who pay* ttixes on real estate."' - id i• ..... ...- ' . ...• commend Disunited Magnesia -thou*
ha , Ivey xor about seven XearS. one • •• • • • • / *
sands Ilse A ibectiuse it positively pre-
year, said tile. 'prime minister. This • and, proceeds. to Illustrate 'what 'it
tapiot tho annual gathering of the On. year 42,500,000 had beett spent. on 111,atia by pointirig out that when the'
(s)oitservative Aasoeiation in Toads; next Year it would be f7t00Ort'proiserty asSessment 'is Iow rat4paY.,
ofH) and most of it in devote In the .
Tdroeto last week Prenifer Ferguson - t . , .. P tl- , ers paymg their' prtiportiOnate share
.7 side roans et the townsnips anu too
re rated the policy ho enunciated counties.. 1 of the *municipal eXpenees Pay a Mach
t° )'extend geed r°348 and bY the rest of -them are vital to the pros- i ieconte assessment, which. is at full
A11111 the reeea (11t!eth"-/ Vigil' "All these thinga.'llydro, roads and leas awn than tlanlo IV'be pay an an
email communitio. Thiti can poly be peaky elf the prijvinetr /%/r, perscuson .velue, and demands that something
done• at large expenditure but a Pol- excla Mekl. be done about it4 The remedy -would
icy; of bringing these, benefits to the . -aeon to be the observance iictlak law;
alillatoatts of the townships surely is littrAarroat AN IDEAL which requires that real estate as should hove general op- .,TAXATION SYSTEM sessments should' be at'100-per cent.
provoJ, rather, we should say, that
h nee ill atonany of value instead of, as`is' very often
didi have almost universal approval, ..111 te enet" 2 rariv the casein practice, at h'o per
ad an editorial It NV at It ca tri cent tn, even as ims, its 40 per cent.
,and yet witit increased expenditute$ last ° • " "
Coats 1/2Price
Usually an opportunity like Allis does not cotne until
February, hut we are offering you this in the hoot of
the season, giving you a full season of wear. With a few
exceptiolts this is the balance of our stock of Misses' and
Wornen's Winter Coats. New stock, good quality, fur
;trim, and well made. •
BATH TOWELS at 1/2 Price
• •
Plain white and white with •colored borders. slightly
• soiled.
We are sole agents for Goderic4 and
Vicinity for the famous
Kayser Line of Gloves nillosiery
This quality line of Merchandise is fully guaranteed to
•ive absoltit6 satisfaction . Kayser Silk Hose in all ihe
w shades for winter wear with the slipper heel, in ser-
• e weight, chiffon and heavy service weight in a full,
range of shades and lies.
Kayser ilamoisette fp*ves in the new shades and styles
• Ita,..onably priced. •
• 50c to Si.50 per pair
Yozip. it Schad
Sueosionelo hot A. A. MAY
*. • 'Phew SS •
Tile Record says obtains in Kitch-
tner, and in the consistent eked of
assessors to make it I
sessment. Certainly where one-t
a , nom° as -
was a member of grSkille.EresbYte., v- vents stomach trouble or stops the
ion church, ilaulliton." *4 le'ves, worst attack in less than five minutes,
one son., William. *Ith whom he re- Get a. trial package either powder or
sided, and one daughter_, 7W. .1, tablets, from your druggist, use as
Doyle, Los Angeles, L'a Pun- directed, and indigestion and stomaelk
eral services were neid at the hone of troubles will go like magie:
her son.at 4.80 tin Wednesday 'after- •
noon, Nov, 27th; and••:the remains ' ,
were - taken Thuttgi0 **maw to ,
cTatiZw*teirltatrhnieln!?erkt?-d° ‘1`a;
wife,. which occurred on ' Monday • '
ItOttk'rg4514.--4i4st;i.•:frieada . 44110Pfrtation.
sympathize deepta . with Mr. • C.• • -
Robertson, in -the death of his . aervice
morning at the family home in Col-.
borne Tp. She had .been in ill health HOGS A SPECIALTY
for several months, Shetavas born at
Kineardine, a daughter 'of• Mrs. An- Mort Profit for the tomer
drew Johnston rind tholate' Mt)
PHONE 6011.32 N. R, 1 GODERICH
her mother, ltts,
be Paying income tax than the man 4 Gud".iehi
-......ton, Smithsville, and for the pat
makes uat Income assessment at 'alb thirty years had been a resident o
and another tries to SISS003 an Colborne township. She leaves. to
rtss4ssilde income there is unfairnese, Mourn her loss her husband; two
and the num with the fixed easily., daughters, Dorothy and Christine
auto:tabled income is. mon likely
te who are -attending the Collegiate lit
Jolrnton, anli two sisters and one
'ailo° incont' can not be so easily brother, Mrs. G. W. Paterson, of Tor -
found out. All theinequities of tax- onto; Mrs. (Dr.) 11. On Weir, of Aub-
ation, however, are not irk connection urn, and A. Y. johnaton, of Vaneou-
with income *cation and the ineeme ver, D. O. The funeral took place
taxpayer.paya Daly the •tax rate , en front the family residence on Wed.
income ever a certain *meant a/La,: needay afternoon to Colborne cone -
the• real estate tax payer pays the tery and was very largely attended.
rate on tho v.itole amount, awl in his EIRKPATRICIC.-Irhe death or.-
ease the whole amount ienot the "In. Arred, sudnen13r at Cabrit Sask., on
ertuylkaellikvAietralkstt''olif #11.11.eeitu.g14..
Dough -
000n' but the "capital.1 Nor is it
altogether fair to divide the people Kirkpatrick. De'eeased was born in
into two classes, as though. some pco- Ashfield township, n daughter of Mrs,
plo paid only on %COMO and othera 'Dougherty, of Goderieh, and the late
only on real estate (by the way if Nixon pougherty. The late Mrs.
that were the ease by all means let's Kirkpatrick resided in Colborne town -
keep the income tax) because every„, eiliP until ber marriage about eight -
one has to live irk a house of some b'ril Yeara age' 'when she in"ed tl the
ca. Of a very kind and pleasant
sort. If he °was the house lie rayS dispoition, SIM was well beloved by
the tea estoto Mx. If he rents the , all who knew her and will bo grcatly
muse his rental is supposed to cover missed in her home. She was a mem-
the tax and The Record's own state...her of the United elturch. Surviving
meat is that the property.owner pas. ' to l'33mn her 1"rt are the behind
0,.. and six daughtetik and four sons; her
sea on the tax in inereased rental -
the tenant. 8211,144r the person .nnzliar6Mari.tlito8ugshi7.rty, olGoderiehi
voile is ellir hoarding (if he is Par-, 'Woodstock; 8 Mililrede8esof 70701'44:
ing in inard his full proportionate Florence of Goderieb. and `Evelyn, of
share of the upkeep of the borne in Clinton.' Tile funeral took Piece on
which he beards) should be paying Monday aftemoom a ktervice beim/
hitt there of the taXes, an that every. held in the Cad tiatitriVehurelk. •
ante may bo said to 1,e paying realjat'lltal0i,DER-.----After being ton.
have an Wow. to live, aolhat re. Mr. C. 8. Dorkholdeik who for, the
Watt taatin. And xoeveryone has to fined to the hospital for about a week,
ceivers of Wawa and direct or. in. Pest el4btyesra condueted I photo.
direct payers of real estate taxation VaraidlY il"/*" tut"' "38414 "111Y"
, on' Toesdoy of last week. Jfe WWI
'are the same people. lit is quite Pm' born in Otterville, Ont.,,,and the in.
Per that a man should have Si certain ferment was made there. in Minch&
batome free of taxotion and Ohs is,irentetery, the terikriiri4 being taken
p.nlded for. Sortie day we may thither an Thursday' raernintr last. a
vet tient,' one eerninX out Mad marine private aerviee haring been held the
t t s mon aliould ho *hie to hold, previous afternoon at dm hero. on
oat paying taxes. Itut the entertele.1-NOwitate street by Dor. IV. T. Runt,
ate thing is that taxes Intre tOr beitaPt:tr7h, °The the 4`ildevigintsh illifinP1/611,4
?abed freak sentewhert. "ro, Mitch' the late Mr. and Will. Wm. burkh° kl
moor Record .y that the owner of er, lie eine twee from Tor
property were oft the gals to the ten. where be had lived for conte time.
oat, but, on tar ratter NW, We bar Re is maladroit by aim Arid bar
tont twiser* preperti *mew OW. len. Kr. Wm. Illorlihrtider. of Toi.
had an 4011014 *ha kt thy pronto., eato, alai by two Asters met eh* bro.
•• tber, Mrs. iliev.) Pettit. of Ser.
eat takenceer hy a muoielpolity aind
reo for chs tem, ti that 40 east4 11'10Wia. 4044,111t.mtrIkr.krokbwitb.1,T64-irostw:
arlo Wei tie Milo row, Apatamw ia• twit**. now *dm wer,. bort.
relekkaaa vide.* where twe mew wit, frAlri *Mkt& iritit PO!" 'Ott Atrial*
the fame nitrate, and the 1.....tte Iacono, .frelteled Mr.o. .4. Gnat, of Bin.
New • Furniture
of any description
We Positively Save you
• Money
• -
Cleveland's Bread
18 a imitating romptemont ta -
airy nusal-delicieus in Wolf
and Tending at st to the rest of _
the menu.
Your - family will demi
twice an much of mar Bread no
any otlher. Encourage thent to
ale ao. ea it is the most lkaoltaa
• ful sad nourishing fend they _
• ran take.
chYACLE ,V1P.,,)
eNivi 'Curia6t:s, Fgs and. Dates,'
'Lemor4. Orange and Citrori Peel
Candiecr•Cherfiei.. PineaPPk and
'Glace fruits
Ahrionckl,Jcing, Extracts and
• •
turdy/s CashOrPcerY
MPNE 299 r„
• •
_ _ _
- Palmolive Soap, 6-caJcs 47c
Pure ,orange "Hryli's Floor .Wo*, No? 'I, size 43e .
Marmalade *wpsrlawn C.ke ri°44
40.,!z 29c
Pure Strawberry
40 -oz. 39c.
Kellogg's Toasted
Corn Hakes .
2 19c
• Fresh ti Milled
Rolled Oats
Silver Leaf
• Pure Lard
Per lb 18a
Cnadianeach ChoicePeaches, No.2.
59e. ,
Vi-ToneT—Servehot or cold, 8 ox.
330. 164coa • .. , . 55c
Canadian Cheico 'Peaches, ..No. 2
0. S.; Per tin..
Clark's Pork and Beans, No. 2,
Medium, 2 for... .25e
Clarles -Pork and Beans, Large
size, per tiro. -- , .. •— .23e
Promiutu Tea, 1 Ih4 with Cup and
• Saucer Free. . — „ .69c
Ve*u's Cough Syrup, per hot.35c
:• t
Always fresh at Superior Stores
for Your 'Christmas Require -
molts see SUperkw Stores
&PUY of
Cluster Raisins
Bleached Sultanas
[bash Is_
cirrurds :
Caotlied Pinto**
Glaos Chen*
%ors* Ilia•
ulk' Tasetes
Black Test special fv4t63,42Act*"
• 4
41440464•11kulirat‘ 4901
, •
i. i
.1. CALM COL Gia R. .1;
of 4